In this article, we will be discussing the upcoming fight between Rafael Fiziev and Mateusz Gamrot, as well as providing further analysis of the Valentina Shevchenko vs. Alexa Grasso fight. We will also touch on some other notable fights on the card and highlight a few fighters to watch out for. So let’s dive in!

Fiziev vs. Gamrot: Contrasting Styles

The fight between Rafael Fiziev and Mateusz Gamrot is an intriguing matchup due to the contrasting styles of the two fighters. Fiziev is known for his striking skills and will be looking to keep the fight on the feet, while Gamrot will be aiming to utilize his judo skills to take the fight to the ground and secure a quick submission.

Fiziev is an excellent boxer and will be looking to use his striking to keep Gamrot at bay. He will need to stay off the fence and avoid the clinch, allowing him to unleash his hands and potentially land a knockout blow. Fiziev’s tenacity and ability to come forward make him an exciting fighter to watch. Additionally, he has a strong submission game, particularly his Japanese necktie, which could come into play if the fight hits the ground.

On the other hand, Gamrot has shown significant improvement in his last few fights. He has become more well-rounded and explosive, dominating his opponents with his improved skills. Gamrot is a smart fighter who understands the importance of controlling the fight in his favor. If his opponent is strong on the feet, he will look to take the fight to the ground and dominate from there. If his opponent is skilled on the ground, he will keep the fight standing and utilize his explosive stand-up game.

Both Fiziev and Gamrot are known for their exciting fighting styles, making this matchup one to watch. Fiziev’s power in his hands and Gamrot’s well-rounded skills make for an intriguing clash of styles.

Other Notable Fights

In addition to the Fiziev vs. Gamrot fight, there are several other exciting matchups on the card. One fight to keep an eye on is the matchup between Sabina Mazo and Alexis Davis. Mazo is known for her power in her hands and will be looking to showcase her striking skills. Davis, on the other hand, is a veteran of the sport and will be looking to use her experience to secure a victory.

Another fight to watch is the matchup between JJ Wilson and Adam Borics. Both fighters are skilled on the ground, with Wilson having a strong submission game and Borics showcasing his clinch work and devastating elbows. This fight has the potential to be a back-and-forth battle, with both fighters looking to secure a finish.

Fighters to Watch

While there are many talented fighters on the card, there are a few that stand out as ones to watch. Cass Bell is an undefeated fighter who has shown incredible skill and potential. His explosive stand-up game and ground game make him a well-rounded fighter to keep an eye on.

Kenny Mokhonoana is another fighter to watch. He is known for his explosive striking and ground game, making him a dangerous opponent for anyone in his weight class.

Luke Trainer is a fighter who is constantly improving and getting better with each fight. He is dedicated to his craft and works with kids, showing his commitment to the sport and his community.

Lastly, Jonah Jackson is a fighter who has the potential to make waves in the sport. He is explosive and has incredible knockout power, making him a threat to anyone in his division.


In conclusion, the upcoming fight between Rafael Fiziev and Mateusz Gamrot promises to be an exciting clash of styles. Fiziev’s striking skills and Gamrot’s judo expertise make for an intriguing matchup. Additionally, there are several other notable fights on the card, including Sabina Mazo vs. Alexis Davis and JJ Wilson vs. Adam Borics. Lastly, there are a few fighters to watch out for, including Cass Bell, Kenny Mokhonoana, Luke Trainer, and Jonah Jackson. Be sure to tune in and catch all the action!

well hello to everyone yes it is the way again podcast with my man the punk just
what the hell are you drinking it you’ve got green crap in your water I’m trying
to slim down I told you I’m trying to sleep I’m getting back into that’s because you know what you know how you’re gonna slim down drinking that
throw it up I’m getting into fight shape baby I’m
getting into fight shame waiting for the holy some guy wait for those promotions
it’s always the guy the guy who is right at 45 years of age who thinks I can do
it again John what a mistake every one of those guys I’m not right at 45 John I’m almost 50.
I’m rounding up buddy can I just say something on that note I
got a lot I got a little something to see on that note go ahead
[Applause] it is a day away it’s a day away but on
the 21st it is my man’s birthday so I want to say happy birthday to you thank
you guys thank you thank you we actually thought I’d land early in the morning on my birthday in Ireland so I know we’re
gonna go out to dinner okay okay okay it’s not gonna be able to take one of
those steak dinners off what you owe me but it’s okay oh really
so let me tell you a story about this with the green stuff it’s cucumber but I also added a little bit of this I add a
little bit of lemon in there a little lemon juice in there um what happened was I was making this cucumber sushi with uh not sour cream
with the cream cheese some salmon and uh and some avocado and when you get down
to when you’re yeah when you’re shredding the the Cucumber because you just need the top layer maybe it’s like
two of the two once you get past that the rest of the Cucumber is worthless because you can’t use it for anything to
make the sushi because it gets too flimsy so you need the skin attached so anyway I took what was left and I
chopped it all up and put it in some water and I made some filtered water with some lemon juice in it so uh yeah
I’ve been drinking that for the last uh two days I didn’t want to waste it because there’s a lot you’re just trying
to get rid of it because it doesn’t taste and then what I did is I chopped up a bunch and I put some Italian dressing in it and you kind of just
nibble on that throughout the day a little bit here and there some uh balsamic vinaigrette will do well with
it yeah it’s uh it’s good I mean I’m like I’m trying to get I’m trying to get back in fight shape John come on come on John
come on baby man it actually dude it hurts from my neck to do that
oh I’m cramping I’m cramping oh man oh man I got a crib oh crap it’s I I know
you know you’ve had seven exercises horrible today today I’m doing brick all
day long and laying brick putting the outdoor barbecue together and just
and I swear to God you know about into the seventh hour of it all of a sudden my rib cage starts to cramp and I can
feel it and it’s like oh that damn it started you know how bad it is trying to hang
from one arm to stretch out to your rib cage when there’s no muscle there it’s a
rib cake I get it what the [ __ ] is cramping
oh man I get it there’s like moments where I like it doesn’t matter what it is I can all of a sudden just like turn
the body the wrong way and things kind of get a little locked up like yeah you know so I’ve been having
that like I said remember I was telling when we were talking about Tony Ferguson situation about you know um just moving
on in life and just getting up out of bed and I know what people talk about oh people talk about all the time I mean I’m almost 50 now so it’s like I feel
these things I feel all of them and so it’s as you’re so far away from 50. it’s
gonna be here sooner than we all realize but John it’s true though like I turn and I’m
like things just cramped in different positions that I I’ve never had these issues before I’ve always had the the hand cramping kind of thing I’ve always
had kind of the toes you know the toes and the arch your foot kind of cramp those kind of things I never had cramps like in my calves in my back and my neck
I never had any of those well I get them all the time now buddy I get them all
the time so you want to know what you want to know the worst look at you know people people don’t realize but my head
doesn’t go back no and I’ve had three neck surgeries and stuff but that’s as far as up as my head goes right it’s
locked there because I’m fused I got too many screws and plates and stuff but the
worst part is when I go to the barber and they’ll tell you put your head back you know and it’s like that’s it dude
[Music] you better lean this in the chair back be going John take a look I got I got
faded up today you saw me the other day it was I looked like a Chia Pet this [ __ ] was growing out everywhere dude it
was going different directions it’d been since the Japan the week of the Japan show how I got a haircut so it had been
what a month and a half maybe a six six eight weeks probably somewhere around there anyways been since the Japan show
the end of one was at the end of July so here we are three quarters of the way through September pretty much yeah
um yeah so he was trimming my eyebrows he was actually trimming my ear hair yeah at least someone you got some
issues buddy I pulled my hat my hat off and he’s like uh what do you want to do with this I’m like well we always do
he’s like man we might need more than an hour hold on wait what do you mean now you’ve been in Texas
for a couple months what do you mean what we always do why he’s cut how many times have you gone to this this is my
third time as soon as I got there as soon as I got I got a haircut before I left but about I had to find yeah you had to find a
barber right away you got to start looking right away yeah because I had to make sure once once um I started meeting
more parents or more people around my community I want to make sure I had a good fade and look good and look proper after I started meeting people I was
like all right then they’ll just take me for who I am it is what it is
um but y’all we got some big fights coming up uh this weekend we’ve got Bellator over in Dublin Ireland it’s
going to be a stat car 22 fight is it 21 I believe it’s 21 fights 21 21 now it
was 25. and um yeah oh my God they lost it they lost one yeah
stacked card and then you’ve also got um the UFC has a fight this weekend as
well you’ve got gamro versus faziv that should be a freaking explosive contrast
some Styles though standing oh yeah we’re going back to the basics yep so are we not I mean let’s be honest both
guys can do look at physique can grappling his his anti-wrestling is good
you know and gamra he can stand with guys but this is the old Striker versus Grappler one game you know you know that
if this fight stays standing you gotta go with physique man he’s just Dynamic
there man this fight hits the ground and can stay on the camera’s gonna take it John the 30 years of watching this sport
though you know that these type fights though have the tendency to be boring I’m not knocking I don’t believe that
this fight will be boring I believe that physique is going to have to get up off of his back and gamra is somebody that
doesn’t really settle from the top he will try to do damage from the top and I think gamra will struggle at times to
get the takedowns if he doesn’t set them up with his striking so before we even get into this Main Event though I want
you guys go to Wayne before we get into it make sure you guys go to Wayne and
also hit that subscribe button hit that subscribe button down below hit the little bell and notifications we dropping some uh extra shows coming up
we’ve got some guests coming up that we’re trying to get all nailed back nailed down for when we come back so um
also hit up weighing in And subscribe to us over there it is free we do not ask for money
we we are just simply saying cucumber cucumber yeah that’s your version of cucumber I got the Cucumber here
um but yeah so look there’s gonna be moments where get you know wait John weren’t we gonna talk about something
else first we were we talked for a second but we were going to get into the main event for the UFC but you know what
let’s I want to do a little Rec John on some of the on some of the
whining and crying I’ve been hearing lately about this judging and this scoring that happened uh over the last
weekend okay we’ve talked about it enough in terms of hey the fight was close
hands down the fight was close Okay and um how did you I want to know how did you
have it for gross or did you have it for shivchenko I had it for grossful you know look at you can go back and
you know there’s no way you don’t want to you know put anything out there that’s not true
Dave our our pot our producer podcast Dave texted me after the fourth round of the
fight says John who do you have ahead and I said I have it even 2-2 and that was because I had chefchenko winning the
first round grass so obviously easily won the second round comparatively to
the first the third round I had to show the fourth round seems to be one that a lot of people are having you know
the discussion about which way it went and everything like that I everything is about who is damaging who
more and you go back and you watch that fourth round shiftenko landed shots
but the damage wasn’t there while Grasso was Landing the heavier more damaging
shots she gets thrown and then the fifth round there’s no doubt who wins the round
all right look chefchenko was winning the round she was for about three and a half minutes
I had her ahead at that point because that’s when I’m judging it I go all the way and I can tell you exactly who’s
winning at what point and at about the three and a half minute Mark she was definitely winning that round and she
made the one mistake Grasso took advantage of the mistake and from that point Valentina had zero offense and she
was in trouble in certain areas she made her way through it but she lost the
round now the question is was it a 10-8 round not in my opinion no I think that
the judge who gave it a 10-8 forgot about all the action that happened in
those three and a half minutes that had Valentina ahead now what Alexa did absolutely gives her the
round but it doesn’t give it her the round 10-8 not in my mind and and look
the price here’s the biggest problem Josh ‘s referees
the commissions don’t want them to talk they don’t want them to say anything they don’t want anybody in any way
coming out and look at don’t talk to the Press don’t don’t put anything out on
social media and so all of a sudden you start getting people talking about this
fight and so right now Mike Bell is being picked apart if you go and look at Mike Bell’s you
know record as far as his judging criteria and the fights that he’s done he’s an outstanding judge
judging’s not easy you have sat there I’ve told you sit where the judge sits watch watch the round tell me what you
think is it the same fight no it’s not as easy to see sometimes based upon where the
fight takes place and where you’re sitting as the judge so there’s times when you’re going to see that that shot
land and land clean and there’s times when it could land and you don’t see it at all because just the positioning of
the fighters it’s not an easy job and everyone thinks oh you know I could do it anyone can do it when it’s an easy
goddamn fight and it’s difficult to get it right all the time when it’s a close fight because
there’s little things you know like I know Mike Bell very well he’s a great guy he’s absolutely dedicated to the
sport of MMA and I know that he would I I believe that he would
go back and I know he has gone back and watched that fight and I believe now he
would look and say I made a mistake in making an a 10-8 I believe Alexa grassro won the round
but I I truly believe he he went back and watched it and went now
I gave it too much credit as far as what happened in that last bit as far as
overtaking and adding on top of that as a dominant round yes you overtook that
round from Valentina who was winning it but you did not dominate in a fashion that would give
you a 10-8 round yeah I look at the first round first round was close I gave it to Valentina okay look if we were
just if we were to say it was a half Point judging system right 9.5 that’s how close that round was and the things
that’s funny because some of the things that Valentina complained about I’ve really kind of flipped the switch
I’ve always been a huge fan of hers it’s it is a little just kind of sour grapes and her post-fight interview some
of the media that she’s done afterwards she had a little bit of a negative con um like at not negative but a sour
grapes attitude after she lost to her by submission in the first fight I get it you’re a champion you don’t like to lose
none of us do sure but this is taking it to a new level of just kind of being like a sore loser
um but in the first round it was a close round and I gave it to Valentina as well I’ve been a big fan of Valentina for a
long time I thought she was pretty much unbeatable up until she fought I believe Santos where she
barely got biting up in that fight it barely got better I also understand she’s been a champion like Jon Jones
that’s what makes Jon Jones so spectacular he’s been able to be consistent against top level opponents
he gets himself motivated he’s able to get through now he’s had some fights that have done this Valentina is now starting to feel that after all these
years of being the champion in the first round it was closed Valentina pulls it
off 9.5 second round now people were complaining about the fifth round being on 10-8 you could arguably now I’m not
giving it a 10-8 the second round I’m not giving it a 10A but I’m you could arguably say that it was a 10-8 you
could now because she dropped her with the shot oh it was caught off balance no she was not caught off balance she was
caught flat-footed on her heels and he got knocked back on her heels and sat to her ass she wasn’t like she was like off
balance and throwing the combination she stepped in thinking she had the combination set she got hit and it
wasn’t she was on one yeah and she got sat back to her Hills boom that’s all it was the power of grassa was the was the
answer in some of the exchanges after that Grosso gets gets onto the top position they end up against the fence
she rocks her again against the fence so in that round she drops her and rocks
her again no doubt about the rest of the round what you see is Valentina what she complained about was later on was that
oh she just got a takedown that doesn’t submit that doesn’t mean a notch that doesn’t mean much but in this fight she
was the one getting the takedowns and not doing anything so when I look at what where who did the
most damage now you could say damage in terms of yeah you got cut you can’t look at fights just in terms of oh you got
cut the damage is like did I make you go backwards did I make you move did you
lose yourself exactly look damage can be look certain people like Nick Diaz he cuts all the
time Nate Diaz Cuts certain Fighters just seem to have sharper bones they tend to cut a little bit easier Alexa
got in some trouble you know in uh in the third round and so I give it I give the first round
to Valentina I give the second round ten nine to Alexa Grosso I give the third gonna be a 10 85 if there was that half
yes it could have been I I would that’s the difference it’s definitely not no it’s definitely not a 10-day but I would have probably given the 1085. the the
third round the third round I give to Valentina but it was a very close it was a close round but not really I’d give it
to Valentina had the back had the control all of these things you get everyone keeps talking about this fourth
round but in that in that fourth round John what were the most significant strikes of the round the knees to the
Head she lifted when she’s dragging her damn it tried to drag her hand on the ground and she’s getting need to the
head and it’s like you need to understand it and people need to understand herb did a good job of not
not doing the stop time you know and say oh that’s illegal
you must bear weight on that hand and she was not she’s trying to put her fingers down her hand down to make
herself a grounded fighter and Alex she’s actually picking her up yeah she’s moving her hand on good job continue on
March I thought it was brilliant she had she did that was like four to five of those until she got her to the fence
then she landed some good strikes I gave that round to Alexa Grosso she had she
had the most significant strikes in the round she landed some good shots there
were several shots in the fourth that she hit um Valentina and Valentina actually took a step back even like even
listening to some of the commentary the first time I didn’t listen to the commentary second time I did to see they kept saying oh valentina’s that jab
it’s just this that jab is that but Valentina are not valentine but Alexa Grosso never went backwards off the jab
she faded her head back never really got hit and when she did she covered really well and that was it like the shots from
the jab if you look at the Jabs from Alexa Grosso landing on Valentina those
shots mattered you had Valentina moving backwards it was very she also has a very nicely timed elbows in the clinch
yes exactly yeah you know don’t be wrong Valentina had a couple good moments in that round but there’s oh yeah I gave
the round the big the lift and the big slam and all that in round four by Alexa Grosso the knees were the most
significant strike all of those things potentially get in the back lost the back position got back to her feet all
of those things stuffing takedowns for me in my mind now I don’t know how they do this in terms of the judging if you
shoot a takedown and you don’t get it and I lift you back up I kind of score that as like I stuffed you you know it’s
it’s it’s even it’s even but it’s like I stopped I stopped what you were doing
that’s right and so um but you but you do not give any type of credit to
defensive actions and when you stuff my takedown attempt it stops me from taking you down but the
judge doesn’t give you credit for defense no he doesn’t you have to do you have to do something offensive off you
stuff my take down and as we’re getting up you bip you lanish ah now it becomes offensive and
then on top of that the way that Alexa Grosso finished around she went for broke she did the roll through tried to
attack the hill hook you finished the round the last thing in the judge’s mind last thing in my mind when I watched that round was she’s getting she’s
getting the hill hook she’s putting the hill hook on Valentina there’s no doubt in my mind she won the fourth round so I
I mean you have her now like we said 2-2 going into the fifth two there’s no way of there’s there’s no way I’m not
judging the fifth round for uh it’s gonna go to Alexa Grosso for sure I
don’t need the 10-8 round to win that’s the thing like she she no Valentina made a mistake you need to you you went for
it you didn’t it didn’t happen I I just I don’t see what the argument is there’s a lot of people making a big
stink out of this and I felt like we had to do a quick recap on this whole thing because this this isn’t this isn’t like go back
it’s because you have other people out there and you got guys that are commentators and you know doing part you
know Mike Bisping he believes that chefchenko won he thinks that it was you know she won
the fight and it’s like okay I’m glad you do but no I don’t believe she did I
think that Grasso if you watch the fight again and you give credit for Domination
of what we not domination but credit for damage in the fight things that were
effective and that’s what we’re looking for we’re looking for Effective actions that affect the fighter in a negative
fashion and I Gotta Give Grasso was the one that that won those those times she
had that effect on Valentina that Valentina didn’t have as much on Grasso
well with with Biz being right I mean what I don’t know what he’s talking about with damage if you go back
and you watch his fight with Dan Henderson we’re not obviously judging it based off facial features and what
happened in that fight so you can’t say because oh you had a cut that it worked oh that person did more damage I mean
that [ __ ] happens to to a lot of people I get I can tell you I look at that fight I was I was with Randy Couture we
were at Randy’s house watching that fight you know and uh you know obviously Randy is rooting for
Dan Henderson right and Dan wins the first two rounds and he has got Mike looking like he’s been run over by a
truck and Mike ends up just winning the rounds next round fourth round and fifth
round because Dan got tired you know and and Randy said there’s John look at his
face I go he won those rounds but then he he lost the next three and
that’s why Michael Bisping is still the champion it’s you can’t always go off of
sometimes you want to look but you know you look at both of them here you know she’s got one mark
Grasso’s got one mark under her eye okay valentina’s got you know not not a marsh
he got little lumps but those were blows that were counted by the judges and you
know you don’t sit there and go oh my God she’s got a bump you know you give give the credit for when the bump was
created she has a little cut I believe over the left eye and then she had the little bump underneath the same eye I
believe that’s it in five rounds 25 minutes of fighting that’s it yeah I’m sorry but
like Biz being looked like the Elephant Man when Dan Henderson got done and bisbing still won the fight so I don’t
know what the damage you’re talking about and I like Biz being man I actually think he does a great job behind the mic
and I think he does a great job with all the other stuff that he does for the UFC
um but in this case I think he’s wrong and not just him there’s been plenty of other people
that have come out and said stuff and I think there I think that when you go back and watch it now I think a lot of
where their gripe comes from is the 10-8 round in the fifth absolutely that’s the in the end when you look at it and I
could look at you know the scorecard throughout and go I don’t agree with the score card in this round either and that’s just my opinion just like you
have your opinion just like Mike has his opinion but I I could I could you know look at the scorecard and go I don’t
agree with that round either but that round went for Valentina and so I look and go hey look I believe that
you know judges care and this is where people get into this oh you know they’re just sitting there trust me they care
and they’re trying to do the very best job they can and sometimes you get caught up in the fight and I believe
that in this moment that the judge looked and gave more credit to that
minute and a half than it was you know then he should have based upon
the action that occurred that action absolutely evened out the round and then overtook Valentina in the round so that
the round should have gone to Alexa Grasso but not enough in my opinion to
make it a 10-8 Dave did did was it Dave Cormier that came out and said that she deserves an automatic rematch
did I see that somewhere I’ll check that Valentina should get the automatic
rematch I don’t think so well she’s not going to she broke her thumb she’s gonna have surgery on her
thumb shot it she pulled the Josh Thompson in there I thought there was something I had seen the DC had said that she deserves the automatic rematch
um but look I asked you that same thing the next day when we were filming our
post show on this does she get an automatic rematch I don’t think so you’ve lost to her once
by submission you lost a close decision on this one um well not lost it was the draw sorry
she’s in the title she lost um that’s that’s the way I’m sorry that’s the way I look at it so you know
honestly that’s the way everyone’s looking because you listen to people they they all say Alexa Grasso beat
chefchenko it’s like no no it was a draw you’re right but the person who walks away from the time with the title is the
one who pretty much won um oh she’s the queen yeah she’s she’s the queen right now
um but then there’s this there’s this tendency John um to think because you you were the
champion for one or two fight title defenses you deserve an automatic rematch now Valentina I thought in the first
fight she made a mistake she started she was kind of coming on in that fight kind of taking over the fight a little bit she made a mistake and uh and Grosso got
her back and choked her and says yeah see you right here Dan that’s he wants to see it he wants to see it no I do I
agree I want to see the trilogy fight also I don’t want to see it next though he says they’ve got to run it back we’ve
got to have these two women fight again I feel like every time they match them up we’re in for a tremendous fight between these two no absolutely I think
they do but not not as in terms of next I think I think it’s been pretty clear
she got the submission the first time everyone just thought in terms of oh because Alexa Grosso is is not the one
that’s been just running through people she’s had great performances she looks good she’s getting better you know all
the way around she’s obviously improved her game look what she’s done to Valentina in two fights
um I think there needs to be something else give it a break give it some time if you’re going to get a little bit of a
break because the thumb is broken but in this fight in this scenario like let’s not hold up the division we’ve seen it
twice let’s carry on let’s move forward you know um when Valentina comes back let’s see we’ll see where the dust
settles maybe a lot of scars was not even championed by then that might actually that might actually not even be
uh be there anymore I mean you may end up having someone like Santos or somebody like uh Pena or someone come
along and uh I’m not paying you sorry uh Santos or Lemos for someone coming you got Bland you got Blanche filled out
there you’ve got uh uh Pharaoh out there there’s there’s you know women that are
they’re waiting for their chance yeah it’s time to give one of them that that opportunity exactly
um there’s a lot to be said now look this automatic rematch look because there’s the let’s just jump on the algerman’s thrilling thing as well as
the Izzy thing right there’s times there’s times where it’s warranted John we thought with is he in
the the hours for her fight we thought it was warranted he’s been long-standing Champion he was winning that fight up
until he got caught in the fifth round if anyone deserved an automatic rematch Izzy did
yes wins one fight after he comes back and he beats Alex the second fight
no he doesn’t you know he went yeah he wins the title where’s the title back then but then in defending he’s
defending it against Sean Strickland he gets 50 45.
yeah but I mean he he lost almost every round yep I don’t I don’t think that warrants
an automatic rematch and not only that but you lost one one then like it’d be different if you would that was your
first loss okay look get it off night you could say that I guess but the way that Sean fought him it just
it made it more difficult for him to deal with any time you look and and look you got to be
careful because there’s differences in different levels and this is the highest but he’s one and two in his last three
fights yeah it’s not like when we’re saying that he deserves that
that shot at Alex after losing that title he was
one in what you know eight fights he had between blahovich maybe seven fights so
he was seven and one that’s there’s a difference there and it’s just showing
that you know this this is what happens in fighting is you know you can be that dominant guy and you know some guys are
completely dominant for so long Anderson Silva but there comes that point where
you know and I’m not saying that’s you know where Izzy’s at but you’re gonna get the reach that crest
and there’s only one direction once you’ve reached the crest and happens to
everyone you start to go downhill now that downhill can go very slow and you
maintain being the very best but you’re still not as good as you once were and
I’m not saying that Izzy’s there but that happens to everyone and it’s you know that’s just part of fighting you got to fight your way through those
things well look at what Izzy has done like with guys like Jon Jones have done they’ve been championed for they were
able to be championed for a long time and then when you get to that top like you said there’s one way to one way to
go and that’s down and I take I look at Izzy I’m like I tip my hat to you bro my
man because you came off The Knockout loss to Alex you came back and got it back
beautifully done but then now when you were able when you’re fighting somebody like Sean Strickland who most people
even even myself had said I just stylistically I think he’s a he’s a he’s
a easy matchup for Izzy well that prove he proved me wrong Sean Strickland proved me wrong and after talking with
Johnny Evelyn when we had him on our show uh last week or two weeks ago um he talked about all the things and
all the issues that he had sparring with them and training with him several times he’s like look these are things that
people just aren’t prepared for until you get in there with him so I gave Izzy a pass on the first one because he was
the long-standing champion and he was winning the fight and he got clipped in the fifth round after you know without
dominating but winning the the fight several rounds in the in the first fight then he comes back and wins my okay good
in this time around no he doesn’t deserve a title I don’t believe he deserves a title shot go out there fight
somebody not being the champion I bet you it’s a load off almost like how Kamara Usman said man it’s so nice out
that the train for five rounds you know I mean let me get a three round fight let me let me just be let me be
normal for once for after all everyone and you’ve been there everyone that is
top level wants to be the champ and that’s your goal and you’ve got that
you know Target and you’re you’re working towards that goal but when you when you attain that goal
it’s not as easy as people think and it’s a heavy load and there’s a lot of pressure that comes with it and there’s
things that are expected of you and it becomes you know when you have it for like Kamara Usman or Izzy Jon Jones is
remarkable and you know I said it you know for years it’s like the only person that I know that can beat Jon Jones is
Jon Jones and you know he’s come close let’s just be honest these companies but
yeah but uh he uh I mean he’s remarkable in the fact that he’s been able to
continue to to win you look at all of those championship fights in a row it’s
it is it is an accomplishment that is hard for a lot of people to understand but you know it’s not easy
holding that title and a lot of times when a guy loses it he doesn’t want to
lose it but when he does it’s like pressure’s off
okay that’s all right to feel that way do you want to get back to that pressure or are you going to just say ah I’m good
sometimes people are just good I look at tomorrow we just wanted nothing against him I think that like he said several
times it was like this weight off my shoulders just understand like man I’ve
been doing this I’ve been the Champ for so long I’ve had so many title defense I’ve gotten ready for fights that potentially didn’t happen or didn’t
happen that I was taught that my manager and I were talking about with the promotion that hey this is coming up
that happens all the time they jump into camps contracts aren’t signed yet and next you know boom someone got hurt damn
no fight okay we’re gonna push you to this fight now so it’s there’s a lot of tension that comes along with that not
to mention all the media obligations people just think that the fighters sit at home and just train and like they
don’t really do anything no no no when they’re when they’re not they do if they’re lucky yeah they’re they’re lucky
they’re training on the road if you’re not if you’re not out if you’re not training on the road you’re not getting any better you’re not able to
even stay on track of what you are and so to see what guys like Kamara Usman
did for so long what Izzy did for so long what Jon Jones has been doing forever it’s extremely impressive extremely
impressive um but then I saw the stuff that aljo came out and said like if Izzy gets a rematch then I get her I should get a
rematch also I wouldn’t disagree with those comments but I don’t think either I don’t think either one of you deserve
a rematch there’s nothing against aljo I actually really do enjoy watching aljo fight I
think he’s dangerous I think he’s come a long way since he since uh his last like not this last loss but the loss before
that he has developed so much better into a fighter um and just being more well-rounded more
patient the way he hits his attacks he’s all of those things he is phenomenal all
of those things but in this scenario I didn’t I didn’t think that I didn’t if
you get finished the way you got finished and you’ve you’ve only defended the title I think twice correct it was
uh against Peter against Peter yawn well he defended Peter after the the Disney
World TJ Dillashaw and uh Henry oh that’s right and then Henry fight okay
um so there’s three fights so I mean I get it that’s still against top level competition top top level pretty good
some of the best ever to do it pretty good um but it wasn’t it wasn’t I think just
given how Sean O’Malley was able to dispatch him you know I looked it just was it was a
bad look there seemed like there needs to be some stuff worked on if I’m a promoter I’m going okay look you didn’t
seem comfortable in there the speed the reach the range you need to go back to the drawing board I don’t want you to go
out there get an automatic loss and now you’re not coming back to the title for years I’m not giving you an automatic
title shot in years so you’re gonna have to work your way back maybe Sean loses by then who knows but I look at it a
couple different ways if I look from a promoter standpoint you didn’t look comfortable out there at all what did what you this is your game
it’s not like Al Joe is known just to be really Dynamic on the feet so he can
stand there and trade with him now he’s gonna have to go back to the drawing board and work on a couple different details to get this fight to the ground
against someone like Sean O’Malley Styles make matchups I’m not knocking aljo at all that is exactly what it is
just you you could go through you know the a Litany of incredible
talent and get win after win after win but there’s going to be that one guy his
style is tough for you just you know the way he fights the length of what you
know what he you know fights at the range and everything he just does things that are difficult for you to deal with
and that might be that way it might be that you know Sterling just had you know a bad night too this is true could be I
just don’t I guess to wrap this up is this automatic rematch thing is getting
a little out of hand it shouldn’t always be that way now because granted we’ve had people like Valentino who were
long-standing Champions and the way she lost she got caught she was kind of winning the fight Izzy first fight
long-standing Champion was winning the fight got caught in the fifth round those are those are the times when you
should start saying automatic rematch I disagreed with the rose Nama Eunice automatic rematch with Whaley with Wei
Lee I don’t believe that that’s yeah you got knocked out in the first round like I didn’t understand it I was like why
are you giving her she’s only that was her second title defense for first I believe it was I think it was her second
I didn’t I didn’t uh agree with it and then you know I don’t know so like those are the scenarios where we’re talking
about automatic rematches they don’t seem like they should they belong but uh
we’ll see what happens I don’t think Izzy’s gonna get the automatic rematch um I could see them maybe having him
fight comms that or have him fight um the winner of comes on and uh Paulo
Costa or have him fight uh uh du plessis but basically without a title that would
be crazy because that would be crazy um there’s a bunch of computer
conspiracy theories going around as well that the UFC wants to get Izzy back before UFC 300 because they really want
to try to make him because he has a big cell they want to try to put him as the as the main event or put him there at
the top of that of that thing I don’t know that there’s that people were talking about it I saw some news
articles um people talking about they’re really trying to make a push for Izzy because he has a big seller
he said well look he’s a big star for him and I understand why they want him as champion but right now you got a guy named Sean
Strickland and uh he had a dominant fight against Disney I don’t care what you say
as far as oh Izzy looks slow Izzy looked off all that stuff that was because there was a guy in there named Sean
Strickland that was making those things absolutely now I wouldn’t mind seeing uh uh duplexes fight versus Strickland
all right well hey you know what that’s going to wrap up our talk on that I know we just went off we were talking about
the main event the UFC Fight Night I hate struggling but you know that’s
true we just threw it all out the door man we just got we got going I wanted to talk about that fight I wanted to talk
about you know the rematch thing I want to get that thing off my chest it’s been bugging me all day um but before we get started make sure
you guys hit that subscribe button man hey hit us up right there hit the Subscribe button click the link down below that’ll take you to our Clips
Channel hit the Subscribe button there as well the little bell notification thank you guys for always supporting us
and uh following us thank you guys so much comment down below too if there’s anything else you guys want to start talking about any things that are kind
of on your guys’s mind give us some ideas on uh things that you guys would like on how you guys maybe would like us
to approach uh the show sometimes in different ways we’ve always seem to just jump right into the into the cards and
I’m thinking you know what happens if they don’t like it that way what if they want the news up front what if they want whatever the Hot Topic is right up front
so that’s what we did today tomorrow which we need to do it they’ll complain what’s that no matter which way you do
they’ll complain that it was there you go wrong way I think Dave’s got it down someone someone will go I really like that the next person that’s yeah yeah I
could see that thank you very much appreciate that I guess that’s why you guys don’t read the comment section like I do
oh man it’s funny it’s true though you can read one comment they’re like man okay you did this this is so oh great
the next one is here’s the re here’s the reason I don’t read the comment section because if
if you’re you know how do you say this without being a dipstick
if you’re in the position you don’t say it if you’re in the position that you know that we’re in you know we get a lot
of people saying stuff and and 99 of it is good I want to tell everyone thank
you for that but you could have someone say you could have a hundred people
say hey man you love what you’re doing you know thanks for this and it’s it’s awesome it’s like hey awesome they like
it good one dip [ __ ] says you freaking suck and that’s the one that you want to
reach through your internet line to get into the comment section grab him by the
nuts and choke him unconscious okay because we’re all in that or yes we all it’s
like [ __ ] you but not everyone’s gonna like you and so are you drinking Prime now
that’s because you’re a goddamn cucumber yeah no I ran out I want to drink it all already John I drank it
pour your Prime in there it’s all gone buddy I got a little bit no pour your Prime pour your Prime in that bottle
thanks man no thanks I I can’t I can’t drink uh yeah
ah I can’t drink it no I just I yeah it’s uh certain times that’s not the
truth to just kind of stay with the the water or like something doesn’t have a ton of sugar in it otherwise I’ll be like okay
um all right well hey let’s get in but is that not the truth it is the truth you’ll listen to the one and that just
wrecks your heart yeah you know you just want to jump through the thing and the computer and pop in the nose I mean
God by the [ __ ] sometimes come here see
John all right hey let’s get right into physique versus gam Rock like I said earlier Styles make matchups the the
potential of this fight being five rounds gamrock will tend to probably slow down as he gets tired from
trying to force the takedowns trying to get in on the takedowns but zeb’s gonna do what Fatima does he’s gonna get wild
crazy spinning back kicks spinning kicks like you know big knees big elbow all those things big hard shots every time
he throws he throws to take your head off whether it’s a kick whether it’s a punch he’s throwing with bad intentions
and that’s what makes him a fan favorite he’s fun to watch he doesn’t he doesn’t get all you know upset or butt hurt
afterwards if he loses he’s like hey whatever this is the fight game he’s been through it enough he’s 12-2 though
he’s fought a lot of good guys and he’s made a lot of them look average um he had a run of what like six wins
before the Justin gaichi launched yep and that was against good competition so
one two three four five thank you very much I was always wondering if you could count past five all right good job buddy
the thing that you look at though is I’m gonna say this about gam Rock compared to physive
if gamerat is able to not even get the takedowns at times Josh but make physiv
work in the clinch that’s a huge factor in this fight because physiv is a fast twitch muscle
fiber athlete he’s explosive he’s fast and you can tell in fights especially
you can even look at the Justin gaichi fight going into that he gets tired as the fight goes on he always seems to
slow down Bobby green he slowed down in the third round because and those are stand-up fights where he’s comfortable
the Thunder loud the windows are just giving a
little Shake here that’s a Texas storm baby but he’s
if you can get him into not being comfortable in the fight that’s gonna accelerate that you know getting tired
and that’s a big element in this fight for Gamera you don’t have to get the takedowns what you have to do is limit
the damage that he’s able to put on you in moments where you can get into the
clinch make him work slow him down and then take over in the fight yeah what you want to like I agree with you 100 I
think really what most wrestlers are able to do against good stand-up Fighters is you want to weigh on them
you want to make their arms fill up with blood you want to make it feel heavy when they’re out there throwing their combinations after you guys break in the
clinch so anytime I brush them on you I’m making you work in positions that you’re just you don’t do on a regular
basis or even if you do them on a regular basis you haven’t been doing them for 30 years or 20 years like I
have and so I can scramble out of these positions I can relax in these positions you you’re fighting for your life and so
you’re using your you’re not using your Leverage you’re not using your Technique you’re just trying to muscle me to get
me off of your legs that’s what which will work for which will work for a while exactly so if he can do that
against physiv and make physive work whether it’s in the clinch whether it’s defending the double leg trying to dig
under hooks I really believe in this type scenario if gamma can get it on the double even press into the fence don’t
hang your head too low so you can be elbowed but kind of hang on those legs so he’s always having to kind of pumble
in and try to lift me up carry my wig just use his biceps as he’s lifting you up just let him hold on to that way and
he’s trying to do a curl like this to try to come with under Hooks and I’m just hanging there I’m making him use
just his arms which is going to blow up his shoulders gonna blow up his biceps and as we get it after we break against
the fence those combinations are going to come out a little bit slower a little bit more predictable okay I’m gonna be
able to see they’re gonna be a little more telegraphed and there’s not going to be as much pace and as much power on him which means that it makes it easier
for me to get in deeper on the takedown next time but he’s got to pay those dividends early he’s gonna have to get
in there in that first round and make him work fast he’s gonna have to make him this is a five round exactly he’s
gonna have to try to weigh on him early now those first two rounds is gonna kind of predict how the rest of the fight
goes if he’s struggling to get takedowns or if he’s just struggling to hold him against the fence he may be in a lot of
trouble coming into that third fourth fifth round yeah so true but uh look as for as for physique he he does a lot of
wild and crazy stuff I’d avoid probably setting up those head kicks until later in the second of the third round I
wouldn’t be throwing them too often too early in the first two rounds start looking into that third round
start looking into the fourth round now start setting it up when he start when Gamera starts to look like he’s slowing
down a little bit and I think you’re gonna see a lot of body kicks out of our body shots from uh from faziv especially
after I think you’ll see body shots but you will see him going if he’s doing well in the fight the kicks are gonna
get higher and higher and as the the fight goes on those he’s got quick kicks
and they’re going to come up fast and and it’s always once if he can get gamra instead of trying to time the kicks and
come into him to either counter but try to move back away from him that’s going to set set himself in that position the
kicks are going to come up to the Head this this fight has to me it has the fact the makings of like it could be a
fantastic fight or it could be a snooze Fest it’s you’re we’re really playing or I think it’s gonna be yeah because the
thing is one person has to get the takedowns and one person has to keep it on the feet you know normally when you say two
wrestlers well you can end up with a really shitty stand-up fight but it could still be fun you know when you have two wrestlers kickboxers you end up
seeing two guys kind of Point fight could be boring as hell as well just basically a sparring match
um but in this scenario somebody needs to do their job they need to be able to implement their game plan or the or they
can get knocked the [ __ ] out and so that could get dangerous you know uh whether it’s on the ground getting ground
impounded or it’s on the feet not building the takedowns so we could make for a fun fight it can make also for a
boring fight too a one afraid to take chances on the feet because he doesn’t want to get taken down and the other one afraid to engage because he don’t want
to get his head kicked off so it could be that way as well so true we’re gonna find out though but I honestly I haven’t
seen a bad fight from either one of these guys so I’m not really going to say it’s gonna happen this time around both of them fantastic Fighters two
definitely two of the best lightweights in the world yes Bryce Mitchell taking on your man Dan
50K ige I don’t think I’ve seen Danny gay in a bad fight either no he’s being awesome
it’s fun to watch he goes out there he gives it everything he has Bryce Mitchell is explosive on the ground uh
ige is very good on the ground himself you know he is no slouch on the ground that is not going to be just a oh Bryce
Mitchell is going to pass through everything and move himself to a great position he could do that if he hurts IGA but on the feet Dan hege is damn
good and he’s very solid he’s not ex he’s not that a super flashy stand-up
guy he just uses good footwork to get himself into position to land shots and
he’s got power at featherweight he can he can bang and if we’ve seen one thing
you know the one loss we’ve seen with Bryce Mitchell that was against deporia to Korea basically beat him up on the
feet and then took him you know down and stuff and so you know this is a matter of how well does Bryce Mitchell do in
the stand-up against Danny well John when I look at uh to Pourri I look at danigay there’s some similarities there
both can wrestle really well both has a little bit more power a little bit more explosive more speed I get those I get
those but I’m saying the similarities are in terms of the way that they fight taporio walks forward Danny again walks
forward will push the pace he will get in your grill and make you fight a fight you’re uncomfortable with in that fight against
with Deborah and Bryce Mitchell he made Bryce Mitchell fight a fight he didn’t want he couldn’t get the takedowns and
when he did he was able to before he was able to get right back up and stuff and then throw shot Big Shots Danny will be
that guy Danny is somebody who I’ve trained with him he’s physically a lot stronger than he looks he’s got good
takedown defense he trains with a lot of the guys out of the ali uh what’s the name of their company dominant dominance
dominant all those guys there’s tons of them that can wrestle at a very high level
Bryce pistol’s got to get this fight to the ground and that will dictate on how much he can control Danny on the ground
because what we have seen from Bryce Mitchell is he got tired in that fight with deporia he got exhausted but he was
sick suppose supposedly okay we’re gonna find out we’re gonna find out yeah we’re gonna find out um because Dan’s gonna be
there in the third round oh no doubt about it did you hear that I heard that one I
heard that one that was a good one but Dan Dan is somebody that’s going to be there welcome to this yes Dan’s gonna be
somebody who’s he’s going to be there in the end of the second he’ll be pushing the pace in the third and he’s gonna be
letting the hands go he’s gonna be sprawling and brawling he’s gonna be pushing you around trying to trying to dictate where this fight goes he can
make you pay every time you make a mistake so as much as I love Dan ige this is the tough fight for him but it’s
very winnable very winnable from what I’ve seen from um Bryce Mitchell and his fight with deporia this is a good
comeback fight though for Bryce Mitchell if he’s able to get a finish I mean if he’s able just to Ink one out
that’ll let you know kind of where he’s at in this division well if you look at the standings right
now he’s ranked well above ige isn’t he I’m trying to dance
DJ’s down at 12. Mitchell really he’s a 10. yeah Bryce dropped a
lot when he fought um yeah yeah I thought I thought I thought Mitchell was somewhere around which is crazy because
if he was sick you would think people would take that into account but the media don’t give a [ __ ]
you had a bad performance and it looked bad that fight just made it made it look bad it made it look bad all right what else
we got oh it’s hard sorry sorry welcome to the
podcast buddy welcome to the podcast Marina Rodriguez taking on Michelle Waterson Gomez that’s
I’ll tell you what I love Michelle uh Watterson it’s hard for me to put the Gomez at the end so I apologize some the
same way but but uh you know I’ve known Michelle for a long time she’s just a phenomenal person phenomenal fighter uh
look this really comes down to Michelle is very good in her stand-up her ground
game is better than Marina Rodriguez’s and
I look at Marina as with the more dangerous fighter as far as power and the way that she you know uses her stand
up it’s going to be a tough tough fight for Michelle but I think if Michelle can get her down to the ground at times and
just use her ground game because she’s got a really good submission game you know she is the karate hottie and she
uses karate and she’s got great kicks super flexible you know brings the kicks from a lot of different directions and
stuff in the stand-up Marina is gonna be a tough person for her to be I think the size of Marina is going to be a problem
for Michelle Waterson I think she’s because Michelle’s started off man she was an atom weight she was a 105 pound
fighter well that’s what happens when you have kids right you put the weight on and then you just get it
fixed yeah she sticks she got some thick legs
man she’s got some thick legs all the kicking yeah look she’s she’s Dynamic
she’s explosive she’s all those things like uh Michelle Waterson is this I think what she’s gonna have to do though
if she wants to win this fight against uh I’m sorry about Michelle Marina Rodriguez she’s gonna have to hit her in
transition I think Marina’s good on the feet I think she’s a little bit bigger a little bit uh more a little stiff a
little stiff but a little bit more technical I think in terms of the way that she fights on the feet but she’s
gonna leave herself out there and I think Michelle Waterson been able to get in fast on the takedowns turn the corner
don’t just try to bulldoze her because you’re not if she sprawls you’re gonna end up on bottom flatten out you have to
turn the corner finish to take down that way maybe snatch the single pull it off redirect on a double leg she’s gonna
have to chain rest a little bit especially those first couple takedowns but the speed of Michelle waterson’s
gonna be a little bit of a factor she’s got to learn to throw and then shoot off of the throw and then if she can get
Marina to react then she can shoot underneath that as well those two things will be key factors on how she gets to
take down plus chain wrestling single leg double leg double leg to single leg tripping whatever it is she can do get
to the Back Drag her down if you can all of those things are going to be a factor in her trying to get this win she’s
gonna have to use her full toolbox to win this fight so um but what it is is with Michelle on
the feet she can stand with her a little bit she can but she’s gonna get it tends
to make you more tired the more Sidekicks you throw trying to push a bigger body away tends to make you
slower tends to make you more tired then next you know you’re standing stationary right in front of someone who’s that you
know who has a physically bigger body than you and now is able to start touching you you don’t want to take those big shots from Marina Rodriguez so
I’m leaning towards uh Michelle as well like I agree with you if she can get in and get the takedown early she can get
one or two takedowns in that first round I think that’s going to open up the second and third round and start making
a little bit easier for her to get it done but that’s a tough task he doesn’t get him John look we talked about kind
of picking some of the fights that we really wanted to talk about give me some of the fights on here that you really wanted to talk about
you know what I’m gonna I would go I will go to Tim Means because I love him as a fighter he’s just always always
look at Tim Means is he’s the dirty bird man this we’re talking about a guy who goes out and
just fights as hard as he can every time he goes out there win or lose and he’s going against a guy in Andre fiallo who
you’ve known for a long time super good in the stand up got a lot of
power he can wrestle but he doesn’t do that much and he needs to uh because if
he’s in a stand-up fight with Tim means it’s a it’s almost like a 50 50. his
wrestling I believe he can get Tim down but I really like both guys so that’s a
good fight to watch yeah I’m looking at that fight too and I really like Andre fiallo for this fight because Tim Means is hittable uh but on yes Andre’s gonna
be very careful inside those clinching the knees the elbows all those elbows he’s got to be cautious in that in that
in that clinch area there because those will tend to zap your energy those will make you more tired a lot faster than
you realize so if he takes too much damage in that fight early with an elbow or you know too many knees up the gut
it’ll start to zap under his uh conditioning his cardio getting in that second round now I also think that Andre
fiallo’s got the power man I don’t think that I know that he does I’m trying with him I’ve been hit by him I hated it but
he’s got an explosive double leg and I I’ve told people forever I’ve seen him take Daniel Cormier down I’ve seen him
take Luke Rockwell down I’ve seen him take real good wrestlers down and he’s and he was a lot smaller than them he’s
explosive he’s got one of the best double legs I’ve ever seen he just doesn’t utilize this as much I think a lot of it is in fear that he’s like hey
I’m he doesn’t feel as confident of his ground game he’s a purple belt he’s got good Jiu Jitsu it’s not great but it’s
good it’s definitely adequate to keep solid enough to solid enough to keep him safe and use good grounding exactly it’s
adequate enough to keep himself out of submission and then if it starts to get hairy down there buddy just back on out
and get it back up to your feet give he’s got to learn to give himself some time to rest in positions like that
because he tends to slow down towards the end of the second into the into the third a little bit but he still has that
power you got to be cautious with him at all times because he’ll load that thing up and he actually know you’re you’re
waking up looking up at the lights and the ref standing over you going buddy it’s over
um you know I really like Charles Jordan you know against Ricardo Ramos uh I like Charles Jordan he’s he’s explosive he’s
fun he’s he’s fun to watch everything he does is to please the fans he let then
he’s just good he’s good everywhere he’s got a lot better on the ground he’s not afraid to go to the ground um the black belt Jiu Jitsu yeah no I
didn’t know that I didn’t know that through through uh I believe it’s through TriStar
but his stand-up is he’s fun to watch he’s not afraid to take chances he’s not afraid to like do things that will make
the crowd get up on their feet I love watching those type of Fighters fight um you know uh what else is there
anybody else on here nope that’s about it all right well hey that’s gonna wrap up our UFC talk and uh
before we move on go to weighing in weighing in subscribe to us over there we’re gonna
drop some extra content on there we have been dropping I’ve been actually chatting with a bunch of people on there as well subscriber list is coming up on
there and John somebody in the can you click on that uh somebody in the message
center said that they were trying to get a hold of you because you apparently saved his mom
who was shot in the head like back in like 1987 or something or
maybe 97. I couldn’t see but it was in it was in the comment section uh sorry in the message session and
she’s like and the guy was saying I’m trying to get a hold of you I’m trying to get a hold of you I know it wasn’t me but he’s like you were there and you
saved my mom and I was like I think I want to say it was in like 87.
it was a long time ago it was at a gas station I guess she got shot in the head twice
so I’ve had quite a few of those yeah it could also be it could also be a scam
just try it now no but um I’m kidding no but it was somebody had said something
in the in the message hmm well I’m sorry that uh you haven’t
been able to get a hold of me but maybe maybe we’ll make it happen somewhere in there David maybe you can
try to find it all right I am the son of a victim you ate it on
bad girl there you go why is it bad girl and I am the son of a victim all right
right there it’s telling me everything yeah right it says Dear John what does it say
you want to read it out loud uh Dear John oh it’s got a got a phone number on there to get rid of that
well it’s not going to be visible on God okay go ahead read it out loud do it okay
Dear John I am trying to contact your regarding my mother a woman your friend in the gas station in the late 80s please let me know how we can get in
touch I am a son of a victim you waited on September 16 1987 earlier that morning you helped my mother at an a.m
p.m where she had collapsed after being shot but twice in the back of the head it’s also my understanding that you were
on the scene when Rey crashed the Porsche my mother passed away a number of years ago she left behind many
attempts to write a book I have spent past years to graduate part partially become a better rare to tell
her story um that’s a name right there that I recognize well
uh had helped me as many as others however you are one missing piece I
would really appreciate connecting with you there you go okay thank you I was just going through
it and I was uh messaging yeah I wasn’t I wasn’t always a bad guy
oh man where did that came through on only fans from someone called batgirl16.
I know that’s why I’m looking as a bad girl trying to find you any way you can
well he obviously isn’t lying because the the name of the one person is someone that I’ve known for a long time
all right well hey before before we move on I see like we’re using only fans to connect with everybody this is a good
thing we’re saving a lot uh if you guys if any Fighters are listening to this if you guys have interest in working with
only fans at all uh there’s a lot of Fighters that are out there doing AJ McKee right now um you got Chris cyborg uh she’s on
there as well you got Brent premise um Charles Oliveira is is working them
as well like there’s several people several Fighters out there that are working with them so if you have any interest hit us up and uh maybe we can
get you guys linked up short and final fight start trying to find ways to make money outside of just fighting so uh hit
us up all right and uh let’s go ahead and talk Bellator 299 Bellator 299
Johnny eblin versus Fabian Edwards Ian Dublin Ireland what do you think there
John I think it’s a hell of a fight I mean let’s be honest Fabian Edwards has
really started to he’s really started to turn the corner as far as he’s taking over in fights and
he’s I I watched you know his last fight against Gengar you know let’s be honest
you just there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t in control of the fight he’s going to have a different fight
with Johnny eblin though because Johnny is a pressure fighter who comes forward and makes you have to fight and that’s
what you have to do if you’re gonna try to beat a guy like Fabian Edwards fabian’s obviously the the brother of
Leon Edwards who’s the welterweight champion in the UFC they both fight very similar both are you know come from a
stand-up background and are outstanding with that both have gotten much better with their wrestling and that is what
has put Fabian Edwards into this position to have this title shot is his
ability now to stop a lot of guys from taking him down and utilize the power and speed he’s a good athlete that’s
just same as Leon he is a dynamite athlete and he is he’s a dangerous
fighter you know Johnny eblin undefeated and we’re gonna see if Fabian Edwards
can put that first mark on that record we’ve seen a change in Fabian I mean basically since his brother won the
title it just seems games like that when you bring a title into the gym you it lit a fire
under his ass yeah not just him it’s like all the guys out of their camp and that’s what happens when you bring a new
title in and everyone’s like wow whatever it is we’re doing in this gym is working that’s when we know okay look
it can be done this guy did it I tried with him every single day I know how I do against that guy and I know what I
can do that gives me an opportunity now to go out there and win my own belt that is a confidence builder for anyone in
that gym Fabian someone that definitely doesn’t lack the confidence so he comes in he knows what he’s good at he knows
what he’s capable of and he’s got one of the most vicious Knockouts I’ve ever seen man with the three Up Kicks to the face of uh fielco or uh what falconetto
um yeah just the Up Kicks and then he stands up when he’s all wobbled and hits him with a two-piece puts him to sleep I
mean just nasty one of the nastiest Knockouts I’ve ever seen and then Johnny Evelyn Johnny is so capable of taking
the fight wherever whenever he wants that’s why he said that’s yes so he
doesn’t he can’t stand with you he will stand with you he will he will trade with you
um when I look at when he fought gay guard I I didn’t count him out but I was like hey he’s got a good chance if you
get the takedown he didn’t need the takedowns it was actually on the feet that he was able to dismantle gay guard and I’m a huge guard fan I’ve known
Gengar forever back from the the dream days when he was fighting there back when we were in Strike Force together
then you know UFC again like we’ve been friends for a long time and I look at
how Johnny Evelyn picked him apart Johnny Abram Johnny eblin was able to he
cuts angles that’s what that’s where I think this is this fight’s gonna is gonna be a huge factor is Johnny’s gonna
get in on the Striking and what Johnny does is he dips out left and he dips out right whether it’s to wrestle or whether
it’s to throw more strikes he never stays directly in front of you to get hit with something
fabian’s very good at hitting his shots and then taking the steps to the right or taking a step to the left but he
stands he tends to be a little more of a stationary fighter and that’s what potentially will get him taken down
look the speed I didn’t want to give it the speed is going to go to Fabian but the combinations in which Johnny can
make him Miss and make him pay will let me determine who’s gonna win this fight probably in the first or second round
and it’s a five round fight so I’m looking at Johnny he’s got to avoid that very first one-two
combination if he’s able to slip his head offline and and he will counter before shooting the takedowns he won’t
always just shoot he doesn’t do that normally he normally makes you miss makes you pay and then as you go to
counter off of him making you pay then that’s when he takes you down he’s fabulous at just transitioning from one
thing to the next seamlessly does a great job of that fabian’s gotten a lot better and not just hanging out in the
clinch he’s making you pay now on the brakes as he did against Leota Machida when he knocked him out he’s making you
pay never giving you a moment to rest never giving you a moment to just think that okay you’re gonna we’re gonna break
and now you’re gonna get away from me I’m gonna make you pay and so those are the things that I look at with Fabian
Edwards he’s never never in this fight can he take a breath and go okay okay
I’m good I’m comfortable here you can’t do that with Johnny Edward I agree with you I think the winner of
this fight is the guy that controls the range let’s just be honest because it is about
this is very similar to their different styles Johnny eblin work you know trains with
Sean Strickland but different you know as far as Sean
Strickland’s not a wrestler Johnny Evelyn can out wrestle Sean Strickland any day of the week but both are pressure Fighters and the
same as you saw Sean Strickland putting pressure on Israel adasanya if Johnny Evelyn is able to control the range of
this fight and make Fabian uncomfortable with that range fabian’s gonna have problems if Fabian can control that
range and keep Johnny at that distance where he’s comfortable and comes in and lands his one two and steps off he’s
going to do well in the fight but you know these are those things that you know you never know until they get in well John I want people to if you’re at
home watching this fight take a look at what Kamara Usman and Leon Edwards in the first fight not the first fight
sorry the second fight as you see Leon starts almost like I don’t want to
say give up on himself but just almost succumb to going okay I’m okay I’m comfortable out here on the outside I’m
not taking any damage and then he gets it then then he gets The Knockout okay but Fabian Hills ah
that was the first fight no they fought before that remember when he lost oh yeah you’re right I thought you meant
the first no no you’re right so yes then then Fabian has a tendency sometimes to
just cruise on the outside you’re not touching me you’re not hurting me and you could potentially lose rounds
that way that’ll let me know if Fabian comes out with the fire you know lit under his ass he’s going to try to
pressure him keep his back off the fence and take the center of the cage and dictate the pace a little bit on how um
Leon did in this in the third fight in that final fight against Kamar Usman
in the second fight he didn’t do it as much he stayed on the outside he let kamaru Usman dictate the pace all those
things happened fabian’s got to make sure he takes the center he doesn’t allow Johnny Evelyn to
dictate where this fight got off of that kid the back off the fence and stay moving never never be a stationary
Target you’ve gotta move throw make him make him uh react and then move again
and then throw again so this this makes one of the things one of the things you’re going to have to watch for though is fabian’s going to
do the same thing that you saw Leon doing as far as Leon has kind of made popular within MMA right now is two on
one when someone comes in for the takedown of grabbing that wrist baseball grip on the wrist and controlling one
arm not worrying about the second arm just making sure that those hands cannot come together and I’m going to just
control one arm you’re gonna see Fabian doing the same thing to Johnny eblin or
trying to do the same thing when he comes in for a takeout I don’t think that Johnny’s going to be the pressure to the fence kind of wrestler Johnny’s
gonna be the I’m gonna take you down off transition I’m gonna take you down off transition in the open area that’s the
way he’s gonna do it he did it with gay guard there was a couple times I think against against defense he was able to get gayar down but he’s not that guy
he’s going to keep I started doing he did it against Tokyo oh that’s true yep you’re right all right hey next fight
Aaron Pico taking on Pedro carvalu you know Pedro carvalu from uh Portugal but
living in Ireland he trains at SBG uh well known for Conor McGregor Aaron
Pico coming off a very tough fight in Hawaii because he had a fight before
that with Jeremy Kennedy where he separated his shoulder went through the entire first round with a separated
shoulder they weren’t able to pop it back because it was a as nasty what they were trying to do to pop it back doctor
stopped the fight so he Aaron gets in these positions he’s winning fights and
then he has bad luck something happens you know popping your shoulder out you know he did it throwing a punch you know
and it can happen to anybody we saw TJ Dillashaw doing it with uh Al Jermaine Sterling happened but you’re looking at
this Pedro has fought for the title Aaron Pico is looking to get that shot at the title and possibly with a win
here he’s going to get that shot next fight is Sinead Kavanaugh versus Sarah Collins Sarah Collins this is Mr
contrast of styles you got Sinead Kavanaugh who’s going to be on the feet trying to box her head off and Colin’s
gonna be trying to use utilize her Judo to get this fight to the ground and try to get that quick submission so you made
she’s good she is she’s very good with it to go we’re gonna see if Shanae can keep her back off the fence stay out of the
clinch and let the hands go rip the body maybe a little bit to keep the hands underneath for under Hooks and Sarah
Collins trying to get in on that on that clinch trying to get the foot sweeps hip toss heading arm whatever it is to get
her down to the ground so she could try to utilize her submissions from there um Matt’s Burnell taking on Daniel
weisel that’s an outstanding fight vicely with so many damn fights this guy’s closing in on 60 fights for his
career has fought everyone Matt’s Burnell is as absolutely fun a fighter
to watch because he is tenacious in the stand up he will just continue to come forward he will take shots to give shots
and he’s got a fantastic submission game if the fight hits the ground yeah he loves that Japanese neckties to keep an
eye on that well you know it’s almost like setting up the DARS uh but he hits it with the Japanese necktie and um you
know he’s got that peekaboo that George Foreman peekaboo type style of his defense when he’s on the feet and he
counters really well off of it a little bit of backhand type stuff the Savannah almasi versus Lavon chocolate fight
Lavon chocolate is having he’s come a long way in his last three or four fights he’s got a lot better he’s become
more well-rounded he’s been explosive and dynamic he’s really kind of dominating some of these Fighters a lot
more comfortable in what he’s doing yes and he’s a smart fighter he understands if you’re good on the feet I’m going to
take you down and dominate the position if you’re good on the ground I’m Gonna Keep It on the feet sprawling brawl and let his stand up go he’s got explosive
stand up he’s a fun fighter to watch but so is Sabato masi you got power in the hands lets it fly look win or lose this
kid’s going out on his shield or he’s duck or he’s putting you out on your Shield he’s just he’s just fun he’s an
absolute stud you know but the fight that I’m most excited to see though is the J.J Wilson and monster Bono weave oh
you took my phone go go ahead don’t return me over my friend that’s right exactly both of these guys are
phenomenal on the ground Barn away is very good in the clinch I didn’t expect him to be as good as he was in the
clinch when he fought Brent Primus big elbows big knees mainly elbows he just clinches the head and gets after and the
elbows rocked and dropped um Brent Primus in that first in their fight with the with the clinch in the elbows he
actually it landed so much of that he tired himself out fatigued himself JJ Wilson is also not someone who’s been
extremely known for his cardio and conditioning he is good that was at 45 when he used to get tired he’s now at 55
he’s been at 55 for what three fights now two or three fights he’s been at 55.
um I want to see how that affects his condition his cardio going into the third round if this fight gets there but this fight should be fun both of them
tend to fight really crazy in the first round first two rounds you know until one of them kind of poops out but I
think they’re going to keep going that fight with barnabee versus premise fantastic fight all the way down to The
Bitter End in all five rounds and JJ Wilson is someone who is got big Power
on the on the feet and great submissions great grappling should be a fun fight not going to talk about the fights much
but people be sure to watch cassan manga Med sharapov that is the brother of
a guy that we used to really enjoy watching with a the Abe Lincoln look I
used to love love him but cassan is absolutely an incredible fighter and
undefeated at this point and then Brian Moore my Irish Canelo going up against Otto Rodriguez that should be a great
stand-up fight and you’re gonna be calling that well there’s a couple go back down go back down so the so stop right there that’s good so Roman feraldo
nine and one is it 901 no eight and one eight and one all of his wins by knockout okay a knockout or TKO he’s got
his Luca Pokemon yep and his one line there was two
chocolate right uh yep yeah chocolate so him and then also two I look at uh you
said uh Hassan magamad sharapov but I also go down there to Davey Davey gone
he is fun to watch He’s explosive he’s fun he’s he reminds me a little bit of
uh Jordan kind of a little bit like that he did a little bit different good that’s what
I’m saying but but we’ll but we’ll still standing with anybody and send some incredible Knockouts too so got it
scroll down a little bit more these are just Fighters that I want you guys to keep an eye on when you guys are watching them as huge that kid’s good he
is fun to watch Kenny mokahana kids good fun to watch explosive in the stand-ups
got a good ground game he will go after people Luke Trainor getting better all the time great person works with kids
all the time Big Time foster parent that dude is awesome good stuff well hey
that’s going to wrap up our Bellator talk but uh Dave I feel like you’ve got some news for us that we can maybe rap
on did we already talk about it all yeah really a show we did do it backwards but I do have one more
um and I’ve wanted to get your thoughts on Kevin Holland saying that he wants a new magnify after coming off the loss from this past weekend
the loser Cuts their hair might be a good thing for both yeah who
knows maybe that’ll put them on the win streak oh look you know what I love about Kevin Holland he’s a little bit
like a Conor McGregor right now and his he’s automatically promoting his next fight even off of a loss I’m already
getting my call out I’m already promoting my next fight I already know what I’m doing this is brilliant on his part I gotta be
honest but we’re I’m not in here talking about how I just lost I’m in here talking about who I’m gonna fight next
it’s smart it’s smart on his end um good job good job I just I hope you start I
want him to start developing a little bit more fight IQ because he’s so talented he’s got all the potential just
he really does he does just not it’s not happening it’s not coming through he’s obviously got the Talking part down
not only outside of the cage but in the cage because his last opponent Jack dailymotolina talked about
hey he he really got to me with the talk and it wasn’t like he was bad-mouthing me he was just having a conversation
with me and I’ve never had anybody I fought do that and it really kind of threw me off he’s he was even saying hey
you know we should work out together why don’t we get together and we’ll work out while we’re fighting he goes he’s I’ve never had someone kind of get in my head
the way he did and the way he did it so he’s got he’s got to get the Gap going
well Jonah you and I have talked about this a couple times on the show um I had a very similar situation with uh KJ
Nunes this dude’s being nice to me in there but he’s like talking to me in terms of oh that almost got me oh that was close
oh that was a good shot and it for some reason I was in phenomenal shape for
that fight but after the first round I was beat I couldn’t figure it out I
couldn’t get him to stop talking to me and it was driving me up the wall I even had to go out of my way for the for the
Nate Diaz fight because I had already experienced that with KJ I had someone
come in I had somebody come in and talk [ __ ] to me while I was trained so I had a guy named Rambo he fought out of he
was from Hawaii he’d come in he was my sparring partner he had he was tall long lanky good boxing good stand up you know
good takedown defense and I spar with him a lot for that fight talk [ __ ] to me but it was in Pigeon because he’s from
Hawaii and he would just and he was on it man he’d come in but you’re gonna come in fourth fifth round and point his
gloves at me come get it [ __ ] up you know just all this it’s like you know he like cracks brah just just come after me
so but he was it made a big difference when I got in there for the fight with Nate in the very first kick I threw with
Nate he’s talking [ __ ] what [ __ ] what what what you know and that automatically made me feel a little bit
more comfortable because I knew it was coming the KJ news fight I never experienced it before I threw you off I
mean the whole time he only got takedowns he’s whispering in my ear come on man let’s just this is what we’re gonna do we’re just gonna like lay down
here all day like you’re gonna hold me down I’m gonna I’m not gonna be able to get up is this is not what we’re doing we’re not here doing this aren’t we and
like it was a constant conversation and I’ve got I got fatigue from it I got exhausted from it so I can see exactly
um what uh Jack delaman matalana was thinking it gets tiring it gets exhaust it throws you off it really does make
you think more out there instead of just reacting so uh what else you got for us Dave
we’ll wrap up there that was that was everything no no that’s not it Dave that’s not it Dave I sent you something
in the news you got to pull it up Big John hasn’t seen it I need this is
the greatest thing ever hasn’t it’s an old video apparently Dave says it’s like 10 years old I’m like yeah I’ve never
seen it till now so it’s not that old okay so it’s about 10 minutes old for me I said I said it’s and it’s gonna be
fresh and new for John go ahead show it can you show it for us all right I just loaded it’s loading right now John I had
to send it today because I know there’s not a damn thing you and I could do to understand what the [ __ ] this guy was
saying but it’s a Scottish guy who’s on a roof oh if he’s got a goddess guy on the roof and I want to know if Dave can
just translate because I know when he goes to put the translator on the video for our for our YouTube uh thing it’s
not it’s gonna get lost Dave’s gonna have to actually translate this thing and type it out for the translator thing
that we have for our videos go ahead Dave because it’s ready it’s yeah here
it comes but John it’s hilarious I started thinking I’m like gosh man can
you imagine if Dave had that thick of an accent we no one we couldn’t let him read anything we couldn’t even let him
talk we couldn’t let him talk about anything there’s just no way this is hilarious let’s get this volume up
shut up
okay I just called him a white stain not a wankster okay oh wait no he called him
a wankster Winks they call him a wank sting like it’s in the [ __ ] shot like in the stain of the cup shot but what’s the
rest of what he’s saying I understood the f I understood the the wank yeah he’s stuck in the roof and they’re
telling him how to get down uh and he’s like I can’t put my foot on there because I’ll go through there and I can’t put my foot there because I’ll
slide down he’s like what the [ __ ] are you talking about how did you get foot the word foot how did he get that
oh say it again okay let me hear it one more time we’re gonna see if I can hear this here we go
all right let me see we on it
I can’t stop laughing can you imagine if Dave was stuck on a room so he started
talking about the thing to think about is this man actually speaks with supposedly the same language as you and
I and I can the only thing I can understand is the customers that’s like me in Spanish
so great oh hysterical oh man and it’s foot it’s not fit
good sorry guys I had to I had to get a break out of that it was [ __ ]
hilarious uh can you imagine though if Dave was stuck on a roof if that’s what he would
sound like like if he’s in a panic mode how do I get down how to do this I’ll be great
all right guys wait um we want to thank you guys so much at least I know that he would be calling someone a Wanksta a white stain right
you’re waiting you’re not a winkster you’re a wink stain you know when you get on a wingsters you’re a wankstane oh
thank you guys so much for tuning in and I hope you guys enjoy the show hit the Subscribe button before you guys click off of this video hit that subscribe
button also hit the Bell go to Wayne pick up some of our hoodies they’re available it is thunderstorms
outside so I’m gonna need one of those things here real soon and uh John go ahead and take us away bud
well you need to be very careful in those thunderstorms stay out of the electricity Mister for everyone out
there thank you for tuning in and we will see you

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Bryce Mitchell: “It’s Time for Me To Level Up in Life” 

Bryce Mitchell: “It’s Time for Me To Level Up in Life”

In this article, we have the honor of interviewing Bryce Mitchell, the number 10th ranked UFC featherweight in the world. Bryce Mitchell, also known as Thug Nasty, is a multi-talented individual who excels in various fields such as fighting, farming, and rapping. We discuss his upcoming fight, his recovery methods, and his aspirations for the future. Bryce Mitchell is a true warrior who is determined to make history in the UFC.

Recovery Methods and the Future of Healing

Bryce Mitchell believes that recovery is crucial for fighters and predicts that future generations will view this era as the “Dark Ages” of fighting. He highlights five key recovery methods that he considers essential: hyperbaric chambers, cryotherapy, electric therapy, physical therapy, and massage. He explains that hyperbaric chambers provide a 4 PSI environment, which is beneficial for the brain and joints. Bryce believes that hyperbaric chambers have the potential to cure cancer and regenerate the body. He also mentions the importance of cryotherapy, but emphasizes that ice baths are superior for recovery. Bryce further discusses the benefits of electric therapy, which helps with muscle recovery, and physical therapy, which includes stretching and massage. He believes that these recovery methods will revolutionize the way fighters approach their training and healing processes.

Ice Baths vs. Cryotherapy Chambers

Bryce expresses his preference for ice baths over cryotherapy chambers. He humorously states that cryotherapy is for people who are afraid of sitting in ice water. While he acknowledges that cryotherapy is not necessarily bad for you, he believes that ice baths provide better results. He compares cryotherapy to grilling chicken on high heat, while ice baths are like slow cooking chicken to the bone. Bryce emphasizes the importance of fully cooking the chicken, or in this case, fully recovering the body.

Steam Room vs. Sauna

When asked about his preference between a steam room and a sauna, Bryce reveals that he doesn’t particularly like either. He explains that in steam rooms and saunas, it’s difficult to breathe in cool air, which can make the lungs and brain feel hot. Instead, he prefers hot tubs because they allow for breathing in cool air. Bryce also suggests placing a bag of ice on the head while in a sauna or steam room to keep the brain cool and prolong the benefits of the heat therapy.

The Importance of the Fight

Bryce discusses the significance of his upcoming fight against Dan Ige. He mentions that this fight is not only important for his ranking in the division but also for his own psyche. Bryce had to pull out of his last fight due to illness and has been dealing with back injuries. Additionally, he suffered his first professional loss to Andre Fili. This fight is an opportunity for Bryce to prove himself and overcome the challenges he has faced. He confidently states that something special will happen in this fight, without revealing any details.

Dealing with Adversity and Spiritual Battle

Bryce opens up about the challenges he has faced, including illness, back injuries, and his first professional loss. He acknowledges that the devil has been trying to tear him down and test his faith. However, Bryce remains steadfast in his belief that God will bless him and that his hard work will be rewarded. He compares his journey to that of Job from the Bible, stating that every time the devil strikes, his faith grows stronger. Bryce is determined to overcome these obstacles and make history in the UFC.

The Devil’s Influence

Bryce mentions that the devil has been working in various ways to try to hinder his progress. He even shares a personal experience where his ex-girlfriend caused trouble for him. Despite these challenges, Bryce remains focused on his spiritual battle and believes that God will ultimately bless him for his perseverance.

Motivation and Future Plans

Bryce finds motivation in the positive impact he can make for his family and his farm after this fight. He believes that this fight will change his life and allow him to pay off debts and progress in his personal life. Bryce mentions that he has built a house and plans to use the money from this fight to finish it. He looks forward to having a comfortable home and being able to provide for his loved ones.

Aspirations for the Championship

When asked about the current champion in his division, Alexander Volkanovski, Bryce expresses his desire to fight him for the title. He believes that a fight between Volkanovski and Ilia Topuria would be entertaining, but ultimately, he wants to win his upcoming fight and earn a shot at the championship. Bryce is confident in his abilities and believes that he can hang with the top fighters in the division. He is determined to prove himself and move up in the rankings.

Closing Remarks

Bryce expresses his gratitude to his fans and thanks them for their support. He acknowledges that he loves his fans with all his heart and appreciates their continued support. Bryce also mentions his disdain for TikTok dancing and encourages his fans to stay true to themselves. He signs off by thanking the interviewer and concludes the interview.


In this interview, we had the opportunity to gain insight into Bryce Mitchell’s recovery methods, his upcoming fight, and his aspirations for the future. Bryce’s dedication to his craft and his unwavering faith in the face of adversity are truly inspiring. As he prepares for his fight against Dan Ige, Bryce Mitchell is determined to make history and prove himself as one of the top fighters in the UFC featherweight division. We eagerly await his performance on September 23rd and wish him the best of luck in his endeavors.

this Theo with the pro he’s 15 in1 he’s
the fighter he’s the farmer he’s the
rapper he’s thug nasty he’s the number
10th ranked UFC featherweight in the
world Bryce Mitchell how we doing after
that introduction I’m wide awake dude
thank you for having me the honor is
mine and I’m just glad to be here
brother it’s good to be here on the
couch man this is where you’re staying
for fight week we got the hyper barck
chamber going on downtown TJ Brown he’s
getting in right now yeah so for y’all
who don’t know what the hyper barck
chamber is or does it basically puts you
in like a that’s a 4 PSI environment
they make them up to 15 psi and it’s
basically good for your brain your
joints and it cures cancer and it also
puts you on like a 99% or sometimes a
100% oxygen and you breathe in this pure
oxygen that’s what kills the cancer and
it pushes that that oxygen into your
brain brain more than regular
atmospheric pressure does and so it
literally regenerates the body it’s it’s
the future of healing the body and so
let me tell you the top five that I have
the big five for Recovery okay because
recovery is going to become a big deal
in the future um they’re going to look
at this as the Dark Ages the dummies who
just went and fought and didn’t do all
the recovery okay that’s going to be us
we’re the Lab Rats you know this
generation of Fighters is but the next
generation of Fighters they’re going to
have the hyper baric chamber the hot the
oh electric therapy electric
therapy that’s a big one nobody talks
about that that it shocks you you know
it’s good for your muscles and then
Physical Therapy somebody like
stretching you uh massage whatever you
want to call it raike whatever you know
but those are the big five brother but
for the cold therapy you’re more of the
type of guy that likes the ice bass over
the cryotherapy Chambers right
cryotherapy is for man it’s for
people who don’t want to sit in that ice
bath because they’re scared of the ice
water and I you know
there’s I’m obviously being a little bit
extreme just to make people laugh out
there but um I’m not saying the crow
therapy is bad for you but it’s not as
good as ice bath let me ask youmo how do
you cook your
chicken make sure it’s cooked all the
way through we don’t let it be pink over
there but also on the quick side note we
agree with you hyperbaric chambers are
great yes cryotherapy not so good
especially when they got the ice bath
that’s right because you cook your
chicken low and slow so what that the
ice bath is a low and slow cook it’s
going to get your bones cold when you
get into cryotherapy you’re cooking the
skin that’s like putting your chicken on
the grill hot as it gets and then taking
it off in 3 minutes well you cook the
skin but I want it cooked to the Bone
baby do you prefer a steam room or a
sauna shoot
um I don’t like either of them I like
the hot tubs because you can’t breathe
in in the sauna in the steam room you
can’t can’t breathe in cool air and so
my lungs get hot and then that makes
your brain hot but if you are in a sauna
or steam room I like uh bag of ice on
the head because it keeps the brain cold
and uh it just gives you a little bit
you can actually sit in there longer and
get get more benefit but if my head’s
getting hot and my brain is cooking your
brain don’t need to get up to those
temperatures um your body does you know
the benefit is for the body and you’re
not trying to cook your brain so I like
to go like neck deep in a in a warm tub
to be honest there it is man now let’s
talk about you during this fight we you
got 50k Dan e he’s the number 12th
guy this thing’s been brewing for years
hasn’t it yep it’s it’s been brewing the
pot’s been stirred brother we’re we’re
cooking up a uh something special on
Saturday something special yeah I can’t
ruin a surprise but um something special
is going to happen I hope everybody can
watch it on September 23rd this Saturday
because I’m going to make history
me and Dan are both going to make
history we’re going to do something that
has never been done in the UFC before
and I’m not going to ruin a surprise but
trust me it’s cooking well you already
had all the schmoes out there with that
twister over there in Washington DC
during that flight night the Schmo was
there for it that’s a rarity so we all
know that you can always do some special
things thug nasty I’m glad somebody
thinks so
brother yeah we certainly do man but how
important would you say is this fight
just for the own psyche we’re not
talking about just pecking order of
things in this division but because Theo
knows he had a pull out of the last
fight you’ve been dealing with the back
injuries and stuff like that and then
obviously you had the first professional
loss to ilot theoria how important is
this one for you thug nasty you know two
fights ago I was sick my last fight my
back locked up on me I couldn’t even
make it to the fight so I had to pull
out made me look like a coward and then
uh you know like the devil’s just been
throwing all these things at me the
devil’s been playing every card he’s got
but what the devil don’t know is right
now I’m sitting on a royal flush and
I’ve been putting all my chips in and
the devil’s trying to call my bluff but
I ain’t bluffing I’m telling you right
now I’m putting all my chips into this
fight and you’re going to see the true
warrior Bry Mitchell revealed was the
devil hanging around your ex-girlfriend
she was doing some crazy stuff to the
property the Schmo saw you making that
announcement on social media hey the
devil’s been working all sorts of ways
to try to tear me down and I know this
ain’t this ain’t FLH and blood of the
battle that’s going on in my life the
battle in my life has been spiritual and
the devil’s been throwing everything he
can at me to get me to turn away from
God and every time that the devil
strikes me I’m like job my faith gets
stronger and and God’s going to end up
blessing me I don’t know when and I’m
hoping that it’s this Saturday but I
know that it says in Proverbs a man’s a
man will be paid back for the work that
his hands do and and I know my hands
have put in the work and I know know
because of Proverbs I will be
recompensed okay and U I don’t know when
but I believe it’s coming and I do
believe it’ll be on the 23rd that I get
to take my highest form Co Main Event
all Theos can’t wait to see it but
what’s keeping you SCH motivated right
now Bryce in this fight game man because
there’s a lot of things a lot of talents
that you have outside of the cage work
uh just the good that I’m going to do
for my family and the farm after this
fight I know that it’s really going to
change my life after this fight I’m
going to pay some things off and uh be
able to progress my life I’ve also built
a house so it’s this money’s going to
help finish the house off um you know
the floors the walls the it needs a
washer a dryer a oven I’m going to buy
me a nice oven so my woman can cook
whatever the hell she wants you know
what I mean we’re going to have the nice
stuff right now we’re living in a 30ft
trailer you know I’ve been in it for
eight years so uh it’s time for me to
level up in life you know like like to
hear it speaking of leveling up the
champion in your division Alexander
volkanovski who do you think he’s
fighting next is it ilot theoria who do
you want to see the champ defend against
shoot you know I’m either
way I’m happy but yeah him and Elia
would probably be the most entertaining
fight um of course I want to fight the
champ that’s I’m biased I want to fight
the champ right after this win on
Saturday you know I go out there and get
a finish it’ll put me pretty close up
there depending how spectacular to
finish uh and if somebody else gets hurt
and they need somebody to fill in hey
man that’s me there it is right there
calling his own shots but do you think
ilot Toria he’s got what it takes to
Dethrone volkanovski or do you think
when you get the opportunity to
eventually fight for the gold strap it’s
going to be against Alexander
shoot um I don’t think that Ilia would
win but he could I mean he he hits hard
and fast he’s not quite as well-rounded
volkanovski and um but that would be a
great fight but yeah that’s that would
be that I want to win this fight and
then fight one of those people up top
man you know I don’t I’m tired of
sitting in the the back of the bus man
I’m trying to come up to the front and
you know it’s
like I feel that I know I can hang with
these guys and I just feel like I
haven’t got my shot yet and when I did
beat the my first top 10 guy instead of
moving me up they moved me back and I
went backwards in rank and uh you can
only do that for so long the truth will
be revealed you mark my words the truth
will be revealed I will get my chance I
will show what I’m capable of they can
me for a little bit but
eventually the truth comes to light the
cream Rises to the top you cannot stop
Destiny shout outo man Ring The Savage
now as a proud American citizen who
doesn’t believe in that Tik tock
dancing Y what would you like to say to
all the Bryce Mitchell fans out there
worldwide I love you guys with all my
heart thank you for watching when I
fight and um
shoot thank

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Grant Dawson: ‘Islam Makhachev Got a Title Shot Off Beating Bobby Green’ 

Grant Dawson: 'Islam Makhachev Got a Title Shot Off Beating Bobby Green'

In this article, we will be discussing some interesting stories about UFC fighter Bobby Green, as shared by Grant Dawson. Grant Dawson is a rising star in the UFC lightweight division and is set to face Bobby Green in an upcoming fight. Dawson shares his admiration for Green and talks about the impact he had on him as a young fan. He also discusses the UFC rankings and his aspirations to become a world champion.

Grant Dawson’s Story About Bobby Green

Grant Dawson recalls a time when he was in high school and his favorite show was “Bully Beatdown” with Jason Mayhem Miller. As a young aspiring UFC fighter, Dawson messaged every fighter on the show to find out if it was real or fake. The only fighter who responded to him was Bobby Green, confirming that the show was indeed real. Green also encouraged Dawson to follow his dreams of becoming a UFC fighter someday. This interaction made Dawson realize that Green is a good person and not just someone who talks to make money.

Daw son acknowledges that Green’s kind words were not personal to him, but rather a way to promote the show and make more money. However, he still appreciates the interaction and hopes that Green has been successful in his career.

Dawson also reflects on how much he enjoyed watching “Bully Beatdown” and the concept of UFC fighters taking on high school bullies. He admits that some of the fights may have seemed staged, but others genuinely needed a good ass-whooping. Overall, Dawson has fond memories of the show and wishes it was still around.

When asked about other fighters he messaged from the show, Dawson mentions Eddie Alvarez, Jason Mayhem Miller (the host), Tyrone Woodley, and Michelle Waterson. He also mentions one more big name that he messaged but can’t remember. Despite not receiving a response from all of them, Dawson appreciates the opportunity to reach out to his favorite fighters.

Another Story About Bobby Green

Dawson shares another story about Bobby Green, this time from a personal encounter. After Dawson’s fight with Jared Gordon, Green came into his hotel room and shared pizza with him. Green was super nice and respectful, leaving a positive impression on Dawson. While this story may not be as exciting as the previous one, Dawson emphasizes that he knows Green is a good guy and sees through any attempts to sell the fight or get in his head.

UFC Lightweight Rankings

Dawson is currently ranked number 10 in the UFC lightweight rankings. When asked if he agrees with his ranking, Dawson mentions that he was recently ranked number 6 by USA Today Sports. He believes that the rankings can be skewed and that there are fighters ranked higher than him who may not deserve it based on their records. Dawson mentions Michael Chandler as an example, who is 2-4 in the UFC but still ranked highly due to fighting top-level opponents.

Dawson expresses his belief that a win over Bobby Green will help boost his ranking and solidify his position in the lightweight division. He believes that Green’s veteran status and fan-favorite status will make a win over him more impressive than a win over someone like Damir Ismagulov. Dawson also agrees with the interviewer that he should be ranked higher than Dan Hooker, as he had a more dominant performance in his recent fight.

The Importance of Rankings

The conversation then shifts to the topic of rankings in the UFC. Dawson shares his passion for rankings and agrees that they can sometimes be confusing and subjective. He mentions an example where a fighter was ranked higher in the pound-for-pound list but lower in their own weight class, which he finds illogical. The interviewer explains that pound-for-pound rankings often take into account a fighter’s legacy and accomplishments across different weight classes.

Dawson agrees that quality wins and losses play a significant role in rankings. He believes that the top-level fighters tend to avoid fighting outside of their own pool, which can make it challenging for fighters like him to climb the rankings. However, he remains focused on staying active and fighting the right opponents to earn his way to a title shot.

Campaigning for a Title Shot

The interviewer encourages Dawson to start campaigning for a title shot if he beats Bobby Green. He believes that Dawson has a championship-worthy resume and should not fall into the trap of waiting too long for a title shot, as some fighters have experienced in the past. Dawson agrees that becoming a world champion is his ultimate goal and expresses his willingness to fight anyone to get there.

Dawson’s Prediction for the Future

Dawson confidently predicts that by the end of 2025, he will be the new UFC lightweight champion. He believes that as long as he keeps winning, it will be difficult for the UFC to deny him a title shot. He mentions fighters like Islam Makhachev, Charles Oliveira, Justin Gaethje, and Dustin Poirier as potential opponents in his journey to the title. Dawson is determined to stay active and fight the right opponents to continue climbing the rankings and prove that he deserves a shot at the championship.


Grant Dawson’s stories about Bobby Green highlight the impact that Green has had on him as a young fan and as a fellow UFC fighter. Dawson’s admiration for Green is evident, and he appreciates the interactions he has had with him. Dawson also shares his thoughts on the UFC rankings and his aspirations to become a world champion. He believes that a win over Bobby Green will help boost his ranking and solidify his position in the lightweight division. Dawson is determined to stay active and fight the right opponents to earn his way to a title shot. With his impressive record and determination, it’s clear that Grant Dawson is a rising star to watch in the UFC lightweight division.

what is going on junkie Nation Gorgeous
George our and goes are back with
another Superstar from the sport of
mixed martial arts UFC lightweight Grant
Dawson joins us here on the program he
is ranked number six in the USA Today
sports and MMA junkie rankings he’s
facing Bobby green at the fight night
coming up here October 7th welcome back
Grant how are you sir I’m good man
thanks for having me on all right uh
thank you for joining us so it’s the
Apex for you on the 7th and coming off
those big crowds in Paris
in Singapore
Australia even that T-Mobile was a fight
night here in Las Vegas for Noche UFC
back at the Apex you know how do you
feel about that you’re you’re at the top
you know you guys will get a lot of
shine but you know was part of you
watching fights recently kind of going
ah man a nice crowd would have been nice
big crowd
um I mean I would say I I go back and
forth on it honestly right now I’m just
considering considering myself this apex
predator because my last uh my last like
five have all been in the Apex I’ve Come
Away with wins in the Apex I’m very
comfortable in the Apex so uh it only
makes sense that my first main event is
going to be in the Apex but uh I I would
like to get in front of a crowd I’ll
tell you what though I was in Paris
with Thiago Moises when he fought uh
Benoit and that crowd was insane it was
so loud you you couldn’t coach you you
couldn’t yeah you couldn’t say we
couldn’t hear each other like it was it
was so crazy loud
it was absolutely insane and there was a
part of me that was like man I want to
feel this again in a fight but there’s
another part of me that was like man
this is crazy and I don’t know if I’d be
able to hear anything so I I go back and
forth on it
so what would you do if you were
presented with the choice would you
sacrifice to maybe hearing your coaches
but getting lifted by the crowd let’s
just say you had a choice and you had to
make it what would you do because you
had put in your time at the Apex
um it it really doesn’t matter to me if
we’re talking same opponent and I can
choose either you know it really doesn’t
matter to me if we’re going off of
purely just would I rather fight in the
Apex or in front of a crowd I’d rather
fight in the Apex
really wow yeah man yeah look look the
crowd is great I love it and and they
definitely have their place I’ll get
more followers fighting in front of a
crowd I’ll get more hyped up fighting in
front of a crowd but when you’re
fighting guys at this level being able
to hear your coach and being able to
have them coach you through things is
such a cheat code I I absolutely think
it’s a huge Advantage for me to fight in
the Apex
you’re 20 and one and one or something
like that like you kind of have this
dial down it’s not like you’re one one
and twenty
um what is it that you’re capturing from
the coaches because it looks like you’re
handling business perfectly
um I mean I think we go in with pretty
much the same game plan but each coach
brings something unique where you know
Mike has really been helping me not get
hit you know he’s helping me move my
feet set up my takedowns the way that I
need to set them up with with very
minimal risk to them and then and Alves
is just he’s getting my feet right he’s
getting my hands right he’s getting my
elbows right uh both coaches bring bring
absolute great stuff to my game and just
being able to hear them and and
reassuring me through the game plan and
um what should I say having them help me
adjust to the fly is such a big cheat
mm-hmm well you know what when you
explain it like that I side with you
because at the end of the day this is a
very difficult sport it’s very Cutthroat
one loss can send you tumbling down the
rankings and if you have something down
and it’s working then I suppose that is
uh that trumps the that great feeling
you might get from some sort of a
Coliseum type setting
um I wanted to ask you this grant Bobby
green he’s not ranked ahead of you but
he’s pretty damn popular he’s an OG he’s
been around for a long time is that kind
of like your type of match-up where
maybe you had to you had to uh go down
in the rankings but at the same time
this guy he like I say he brings a lot
to the table with his popularity his
style his name
yeah um rankings other than Champion
rankings are really just made up it it
really doesn’t matter uh we we just saw
at 125 a debut guy come in and fight the
top 10 in the world and and win so
rankings to me doesn’t make any
difference I’m not fighting backwards in
this fight I’m not fighting forward I’m
just fighting that’s what it is Islam
makashev uh got a title shot off of
beating Bobby green so anything can
happen in this sport Bobby green you
know if I’m not on my game and if I
don’t respect him like he deserves to be
respected I’m going to be looking up at
him off of my back getting woken up by
the by the referee I know how dangerous
he is I know how much experience he has
I know what a big following he has I am
ready for a very very competitive and a
very very strong fight I I don’t like it
when people are like oh you’re fighting
behind there is no fighting behind we’re
just fighting that’s it the only spot
that matters is who’s champion that is
really the only thing that matters
well I I guess I kind of partially
disagree I see a lot of Fighters really
take making their stance and digging
their heels that they only want to fight
up because they already fought back so I
don’t know if it has to do with just
getting getting them closer to the title
or if there’s something monetary about
um I mean you’re right it’s just a fight
and handling businesses the important
thing staying on win streaks but I do
see a lot of Fighters kind of taking
that stance and I guess that’s why I
asked but I’m even more curious about
something else who was the 125er that
just beat a ranked guy
I can’t remember his name
are you thinking about Felipe del Santos
who gave a hell of a fight to Manila cop
no no no no this one
L do you know who I’m talking about that
you know you know what I mean though
right he’s he looked like um
ursic is his last name and and he came
in on short notice and fought who did he
fight do you remember
sure maybe it was top 15 maybe it wasn’t
Steve ursic
number yeah that’s right Steve Steve
ursic fought David gorak or however you
say his name again Dvorak and won a
decision against him and now he’s in the
rankings right
and now he’s fighting Matt Chanel so
like that that’s what I mean where it’s
like if if Bobby beats me he’s number 10
in the world
you know that there’s there’s no there
is no fighting backwards in my opinion I
do see what you’re saying though where
guys are like I want to fight forward so
I can fight for the title
it’s just fighting to me well that’s a
good attitude to have because a lot of
them I think they dig their heels in
they take their stance and the next
thing you know they’re getting passed
over and the sword just moves on like
you you know I’m sure you know this and
sometimes you just have to take these
opportunities you’ll reach a point at
some point where you do have leverage
usually that comes when you’re like a
contender or a champion but heck you
even see the Champions going through
this aljo is begging for an immediate
rematch you know Israel he wants one too
but might he get it might he not I don’t
know it’s up to the brass and that part
can be very very frustrating I’m sure
for Fighters for fans
um another big thing about it too is
I’ve been in a situation before where I
fought Mark Madsen and then it was a
nine month layoff in between fights and
I was begging for a fight I was I was
asking right that was like last November
after you had gotten married right you
got to married a week after yeah yeah I
got I got married on the 20th I fought
him on the fifth and then on the 21st
literally on the plane I texted my
manager I was like look let’s let’s find
a fight man like let’s get this going I
want to win and then go on our honeymoon
and it was nine months later and so I
just fought damir they offered me a main
event spot for way more money like
there’s no way I’m turning down a fight
like this I don’t care if it’s in front
of me behind me left to me up to me like
I’m fighting I’m gonna take the fight
I’m gonna I’m gonna take this main event
take this opportunity I I absolutely
love the situation that I’m in right now
all right let me turn it over to goes
goes what do you have for Grant Dawson
who’s got that big fight coming up
against Bobby green on October 7th UFC
Fight Night here in Vegas Grant so a
fighter like Bobby green that can throw
from so many different angles still with
power how do you prepare for somebody
like that is that a thing where you
bring somebody in and try and mimic that
style I know you mentioned Mike Brown
and what he’s trying to do with you to
not get hit as much how do you approach
a guy that’s so unconventional
um I think we I think we have guys that
can mimic him uh I I do think it’s a
little bit more awkward and you’re never
gonna quite get the exact replica of
what you’re trying to get but I think we
have a couple of guys that that do a
really good job mimicking him mimicking
him uh one of my very close friends
Dakota bush has has been up here for
this whole Camp
um has been been helping me get ready
and he’s he’s a world-class training
partner because he’s somebody that can
go really really hard and you’re never
worried about him hurting you he can
mimic guys really well he’s fighting
with his hands down and and still not
getting hit well so I I think we got the
guys that can mimic him you’re never
gonna get it spot on and I think a big
part of it is just knowing who I am and
knowing what my game plan is going to be
and knowing that he can bring in as many
wrestlers as he wants they’re not the
same as me you know uh it’s really hard
to mimic what I’m doing on top because
until you feel what I’m doing on top
it’s so hard to understand what’s
actually going on
I’m gonna use a basketball analogy for
this next question when you would play
one-on-one with a buddy at first you’re
pretty technical
and then somehow you just kind of end up
playing off of what your other friend is
playing and sometimes it just becomes
fun just Hawking up threes driving to
the basket you know just just doing
um do you ever have any concern again
bringing up my brown and him trying to
dial things into if the if it’s not a
huge crowd but there are people there
people start cheering fight of the night
do you ever get concerned getting
wrapped up into the way Bobby green
fights and maybe giving back some of
what he’s given to you
no not really uh I know how I fight I
know what my game plan is and I’m very
very uh disciplined when it comes to the
game plan I’m very good at sticking to
the game plan I’m very good at adjusting
on the Fly while also making sure those
adjustments fit into the game plan now
if if Bobby can stuff every single one
of my takedowns I might have to bite
down on my mouthpiece put my hands up
and and start swinging leather because
at the end of the day I want to win I
don’t care if it’s by submission by
knockout or even by decision striking
the whole time I want to win and we do
have a fallback plan if I can’t get the
takedown but he’s got to show me first
that he’s going to be able to stuff a
hundred takedowns in the next 25 minutes
I know Bobby likes to talk in the middle
of the fight uh what do you think of
that does that pull out a different gear
out of you is it annoying what what do
you think how do you think you’ll react
to that
um I I was actually just talking about
this uh this morning I I really don’t
think it’s gonna bug me I really don’t
think that it’s gonna get under my skin
I know that Bobby is a nice guy I know
that Bobby’s a good dude
um I’ve got a couple of stories about me
and Bobby so I I know that he’s a good
guy I know he’s trying to get into my
head and sell the fight and that’s just
how he fights so I don’t really take it
personally I don’t think that he’s you
know malicious about the things he’s
saying I think he’s just trying to
he’s trying to create a strategy just
the same as if somebody’s trying to jab
me in the face I’m more worried about
him hitting me than hurting my feelings
can you share one of them stories
uh I’ve got two of them actually but uh
the first one and the the bigger one
that I know Bobby is a good guy
when I was in high school my favorite
thing to watch other than UFC was uh
Bully Beatdown with Jason Mayhem Miller
and I was this high school kid all I
wanted to be when I grew up was a was a
UFC fighter and I messaged every single
uh fighter on the uh on the show bully
beat down and asked them I just I had to
know is this show real or is it fake I
messaged every single one of them and
the only fighter that messaged me back
was Bobby green Bobby green messaged me
back told me that it was real I don’t
know if maybe he was lying but told me
it was real told me that it was a whole
lot of fun and he got to beat up some uh
some bully high schooler on on this show
and then said something along the lines
of of you know keep following your
dreams kid you’re gonna be you’re gonna
be a UFC fighter someday of course he
had no idea who I was he was just being
nice I know Bobby green is a good person
I know he’s a good guy all of that talk
is just to make more money and I’m all
for it make all the money you can man I
hope he made 10 million dollars in his
I’m glad I asked that question that’s a
cool story I totally forgot about that
show yeah
yeah I wish it was still around that
show was awesome man like to be able a
bunch of UFC fighters getting to go in
and beat up a bunch of high schooler
I remember some did look like they could
be fake but some look like they just
needed a good ass whooping but I really
like that show yeah I totally forgot
about it I can’t believe that as soon as
he said it I was like oh yeah that’s
right now who are some of the ones that
you wrote that didn’t answer that I just
because I can’t remember who was on
honestly uh Eddie Alvarez was on one of
them I messaged Jason uh Mayhem Miller
he was the host but he also did one of
the one of the shows uh I messaged uh
who who was the other one uh Tyrone
Woodley was on it
uh Michelle Waterson was on it although
I did not message her because I was in
high school and afraid of women so uh
there was one more big one that I I
absolutely loved and I said of the
Alvarez there’s one more big one that I
messaged and I was really hoping he
messaged me back but he didn’t
who was it
I can’t remember I can’t remember who
the other the other biggest name was but
uh yeah there was quite a few of them
and I messaged a lot of them this story
was so good I’m just gonna go for it can
you tell us the other story is this one
was a good one can you match it
oh it’s nothing like it’s nothing it’s
saying we have the same manager and
after my fight with I believe
I think it was Jared Gordon
I think it was Jared Gordon we were on
the same card I believe and and he came
in or maybe he was there he came into
the hotel room and had some pizza with
us and he was just super nice and and
very respectful so like not as nearly as
cool of a story I just I know the dude’s
a good guy I know he is I know he’s
going to try to sell the fight I know
he’s gonna try to get in my head but
and I know he’s a good guy
he ain’t fooling me
all right
um well you’re right the first story was
better no I’m just kidding um but it
also bought me some time because I’m a
multitasker Grand Dawson so check this
out I looked up Bully Me Down
they had John McCarthy
Jake Shields John Murphy Michael
Westbrook any of those ring Connor Hume
uh Andre Arlovski Quinn mulhern Ricky
legere Jeremy Horn
and Joe Riggs any of those Daniel
Jeremy Jeremy Horn okay
um I forgot Jeremy was on there
says Darren cruxshank as well that was
the last one all right
bunch of Divas there Alvarez and Woodley
and the rest of them they don’t answer
their fans but Bobby green did no yeah
he was such a big deal when I was a kid
um grant let me ask you one more and
then we’ll let you go here uh you’re
number 10 in the UFC lightweight
rankings that makes me sick to my
I just told you that at USA Today sports
you’re number six do you agree with six
does that sound about right you want me
to name off the other ones and then you
tell me if that makes sense or if I’m
crazy because I have something to do
with them you ready
yeah I mean I have I have it memorized
but yeah go ahead Islam Maca chef
Charles Oliveira no he
Justin gaichi
Dustin Poirier Daniel Darius and number
six is Grant Dawson behind you is Rafael
fizzieff at number seven does those
sound about right
yeah I mean I like I said dude I I think
that the the rankings are kind of a skew
you could say
um I I do think that there are some guy
like like Michael Chandler Michael
Chandler’s two and four in the UFC I
believe or maybe two and three mm-hmm uh
so but he’s fighting good guys like I I
understand it I understand it I fought
you know I fought good guys that don’t
have the hype that these other guys have
I actually think that I will get ranked
higher beating Bobby green than I will
for beating like damir is magulov
because he’s just he’s such a big fan
he’s a fan favorite he’s a veteran he’s
been in the top 15 for years I do think
a big impressive win over him might push
me to to nine maybe even eight
um after Bobby green obviously I’m only
focused on Bobby green but after Bobby
green we’re looking to fight against Dan
hooker assuming everything goes well and
I think that will be one of my breakout
and I don’t think you should be behind
hooker in the UFC rankings either I do I
do agree with that one because we both
we both fought in the same like 30 days
ish and he went to a split decision
against his guy and I went to a
unanimous 30-26 fight again the mayor so
I I do agree with you that I should be a
ranked above hooker your overall record
is very impressive your UFC record is
very impressive and you have a streak
going and that’s the other thing is you
don’t lose rounds too often you thump
people pretty damn good and and I would
honestly say that I don’t think physiov
gone wrong or sarukian should be ahead
of you all of them have taken an l in
the past couple years at some point
which you haven’t so I would even you
know like I say make an argument that
you should be ahead of them because your
record’s either just as impressive or
more impressive than theirs as well I
don’t understand what it is that they
may have on you honestly
um but I’m very passionate about
rankings and that’s why when I see it
and Fighters want to chat a little bit
about it I’ll bring it up
the rankings man you just you’re all
about the rankings what’s the worst
weight class what’s the worst weight
class rank wise do you think
like that just makes no sense why he’s
here they they’s there what’s the word
do you see yeah
uh I don’t let me see I don’t look at
them too often but uh just in looking at
them right now I would say what’s
glaring is
hmm I want to say Bobby green this might
have happened to him every now and again
in the UFC rankings they’ll have one guy
ranked back to back where the guy below
just beat the guy ahead of him which
makes no sense at all like I don’t know
how you can come to that conclusion you
want to know that one that doesn’t make
any sense to me is when some okay just
just for example this was a long time
ago uh Dustin b con or what was it
Connor beat somebody or lost to somebody
and was ranked higher than him in pound
for pound but lower than him in in uh
their actual weight class and the pound
for pound list makes zero sense to me I
can’t remember who he fought but he he
was lower than somebody in his own
weight class and then higher than him on
the pound for pound list made no sense
to me at all I think what it usually has
to do with that is in pound for pound
you are giving them a little bit more
credit if they’ve tested themselves at a
division higher or even if they’ve had a
successful run below and so you tend to
give them a little bit of credit for
um but yeah I mean it’s sometimes it can
be two different things uh all together
it all depends on you know who it is and
what kind of successes either one of
them have had in fact we just recently
had something like that um Strickland
you know a lot of people forget he was
actually a pretty damn good welterweight
like he had an impressive record as a
welterweight before moving up the
middleweight and then he technically won
one fight last year as a light
heavyweight because he took a light late
notice so he’s succeeding in three
different weight classes and so now he
takes away Israel out of Sonya and beats
him and I usually don’t like to
overreact uh granted he mauled him for
five for five rounds and he’s tested
himself in different divisions whereas
Israel kind of went up one time and was
unsuccessful against lahovich but
usually I don’t like to just if somebody
comes out of nowhere and you beat an
incumbent it doesn’t mean you have to
all you have to reflect them in the
pound per pound but definitely within
your weight class if Strickland’s a
champ he should be number one no matter
what right um but in pound for pounds
sometimes there’s a little bit of a
different type of leniency it all
depends on how busy pound for pound is
more like what your legacy is
Legacy then how good are you as a
fighter right now yep and those guys are
all they’re all fighting the top
fighters in the world so you know
there’s something to a quality win and a
quality loss who are you losing to you
know what I mean if you’re if you lost
to the number one and you’re the number
two it’s hard to really say you need to
Tumble down the rankings yeah no I agree
with that I agree with that pound for
pound though is the most like opinionary
uh uh rankings because like at least in
the same weight class I think this guy
will win and this is why I think he’ll
win because he does this this and this
and this guy struggles with this this
and this but then you go like you got
Henry sahuto just just for example Henry
sahuto’s number two pound per pound and
Francis sangano’s number five pound per
pound and it’s like dude Francis would
step on Henry sahuto and squish him like
a bug you know just that’s it’s all just
opinion uh in the pound for pound list
um another Dana White Contender series
uh fighter folks is making noise Grant
Dawson here who’s gonna be fighting
Bobby green and uh Grant I would just
say this I’ve loved everything I heard
today man this was really really cool
hearing you talk about your corner
connecting with them and everything but
I’m telling you I I think unless you
think you still need more work to do you
beat Bobby green I don’t see why you
shouldn’t be shouting the guys at the
top it sounded like you’re willing to
take Dan hooker and that’s a good fight
but I think you’ve already you know
you’re you’re at fight number three guy
number two guy or something something
right before the title or or whatever
but uh what I don’t want you to do is I
don’t want you to get Tony Ferguson he
won 12 in a row and didn’t get that
title didn’t get that title shot one was
his fault because he hurt himself but
Rafaela son so another American top team
guy an affiliate of you guys he won like
eight in a row you know vanille he won
like eight in a row and sometimes if you
get too caught up in that you know
um you know I I just I see I see a
championship resume here in front of me
so hopefully you’ll start campaigning
for that soon
yeah man that that is the goal the end
goal is to be a world champion
um my my only concern is the top level
guys they don’t really like fighting
outside of the outside of their their
own little pool uh my teammate Armand
sarukian is having trouble finding
finding a fight up in that in that area
too so I think staying active is the
most important thing and then this right
under that is fighting the right guys to
get me to that title shot but if it
comes down to waiting for a fight the
the right high level fight or staying
active I think staying active for me is
better okay yeah well like you said Maca
Chef is pretty much pretty much got to
where he’s at along the same ways of of
the route you’re taking if it’s green
and hooker next that’s what got under
the title shot and then he capitalized
when it was his time I I completely
agree as long as I keep winning I don’t
think that they’ll they’ll be able to
deny me much longer I think that by the
end of 2025 we will have a new champion
and his name will be Grant Austin
that’s what’s up thanks grant for the
thank you guys I can’t wait to get this
fight going I can’t wait to get this uh
this huge huge win for me and and and
shoot myself up to the top of the
rankings there you go all right take
care everybody thanks guys

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Dana White GOES OFF Over Noche UFC Judge

Dana White GOES OFF Over Noche UFC Judge

In a recent interview, Dana White, the president of the UFC, expressed his frustration over a controversial judging decision during the Noche UFC event. White also discussed the success of the event and his plans for future events in Mexico. Additionally, he addressed rule changes, upcoming fights, and the growth of the sport. Let’s dive into the details.

Controversial Judging Decision

White was visibly upset over a judging decision during the Noche UFC event. He believed that a round should have been scored 10-8, but the judges did not agree. White expressed his disappointment, stating, “There is no excuse for that 10-8. This guy should be investigated!” He emphasized that such decisions should not be made in professional fights.

Success of Noche UFC

Despite the judging controversy, White was pleased with the overall success of the Noche UFC event. He revealed that he had been planning this event since the day he bought the company. White expressed his satisfaction with the event, stating, “We did it, it was huge, and we’ll do it again every year regardless of whether boxing goes or doesn’t go. I will go head-to-head with them every year.”

White also highlighted the popularity of the event on social media. He mentioned that the Face-Off between Valentina and Alexa garnered 1.5 million views in less than 24 hours, while Raul Rosas Jr’s performance generated three million views in the same time frame. White praised Rosas Jr’s performance, stating, “He came out and absolutely dominated a real tough guy. He got the pop, and they love that kid.”

Future Events in Mexico

White confirmed that the UFC plans to return to Mexico in the future. He mentioned that they are already in the works for a Mexico Fight, although Rosas Jr won’t be headlining the event. White expressed his excitement about the upcoming events in Mexico, stating, “Watch what we do in the next three years down in Mexico.”

Rule Changes and Production

White acknowledged that the rules and production of the UFC are still evolving. He mentioned that they will continue to tweak rules and production and work with commissions all over the country. White also revealed that they had recently conducted drug tests, with only one failure. He compared the early days of the UFC to the current situation, stating, “It’s no different than the UFC in the early days. We had to clean up the sport.”

White also discussed the success of the UFC video game, which had 350 million downloads. He expressed his satisfaction with the game’s performance, stating, “It’s all good, and the commission’s been awesome. They’ve been great to work with.”

Future Fights and Contenders

White addressed the possibility of a rematch between Grasso and Shevchenko. He stated that they are comfortable with Shevchenko’s injury and recovery timeline and that they don’t plan to hold out for a rematch. White mentioned that Shevchenko will likely start striking again in three months or less.

Regarding upcoming fights, White confirmed that the UFC plans to return to Mexico in 2024. However, he clarified that it will be a separate event from the opening of the Performance Institute. He also mentioned that the odds of Shevchenko defending her belt in Mexico are very good, depending on the timing of her injury recovery.

White also discussed the process of bringing UFC events to Mexico. He emphasized that they are not trying to take dates from boxing and that both sports can coexist. He mentioned that as soon as he decided to bring the UFC to Mexico, they started working on building the card for the event.

Young Athletes in the UFC

White expressed his thoughts on young athletes making it to the big stage in the UFC at a young age. He mentioned that some athletes have a special talent and can adapt to the sport at a younger age. He cited examples like Vitor Belfort, who had his first fight in the UFC at 18 years old, and became a legend in the sport. White believes that some young athletes, like Igor Silva, have that special talent and will prove themselves in the UFC.


In this interview, Dana White discussed various topics related to the UFC, including a controversial judging decision, the success of the Noche UFC event, future events in Mexico, rule changes and production, upcoming fights, and the growth of the sport. Despite the judging controversy, White expressed his satisfaction with the event and his plans to continue hosting it every year. He also emphasized the potential of young athletes in the UFC and their ability to make an impact at a young age. With the UFC’s continued growth and evolution, fans can expect more exciting events and talented fighters in the future.

going on doing a little uh International
flavor tonight with the contract winners
I guess uh was the main event probably
the the easiest call of the night I mean
big undefeated heavyweight that gets uh
gets finished in the first round yeah I
mean uh Igor de Silva in my opinion was
oh Igor’s the best one yeah yeah I mean
when you look at
first of all like I said out there you
20 years old is way too young
guy’s been fighting for five years at 20
years all these first fight was when he
was 15. he’s 8-0 100 finish rate four
Knockouts four Subs went in there and
looked incredible and uh
yeah you know this this kid is also a
champion in Jungle fights so he’s had
five round experience too where do you
find a kid 20 years old that has all of
nowhere uh so he was my first choice for
the night and obviously yeah a big
heavyweight like that who’s now 11-0
undefeated obviously has big Power one
punch knockout power and at his age he’s
a guy you can you can throw that’s what
I liked about a couple of you know I got
a guy that’s too young and I got a
couple of guys that uh can be thrown
right into big fights right now I was
gonna ask you about that because you
mentioned Igor de Silva and Kanan 32
years old 20 years old is you know for
guys that are like the guys that are out
there that want to be here right is
there an ideal path is it like you know
young you know 20 years old you can kind
of maybe get a shot or is it hey would
you say get more seasoning get more
fights is there is everybody’s unique
everybody’s got a different story and a
different background and you know this
kid’s been fighting for five years he’s
20 years old some of these kids that we
find that are you know 24 25 haven’t
been fighting for five years so uh I I
think that every guy has unique
experience and and you know Kanan is
another one uh he’s got 16 fights with
13 finishes
so that’s a lot of experience and what
does that tell you with 13 finishes he
doesn’t [ __ ] around that guy goes in to
finish fights so he’s right up my alley
when guys come in young like that I mean
we just had Raul roses Jr competing you
know a teenager do you tell the
matchmakers anything like hey these
young guys let’s tell them nothing they
do these guys know what they’re doing
this is probably
other than like
the UFC and and you know guys that are
ranked and guys that have made it the
matchmaking on this show is incredible
incredible so I don’t question anything
I don’t know anything when I walk in I
have no rooting interest at all I just
walk in and whatever happens on Tuesday
night happens and I make a decision
based off what I see there and then once
I you know I’m watching them fight and
then as I start to dive into who they
are and
where they come from and what they’ve
it’s fun so walk us through the logic on
the draw right unique situation you got
a call so you don’t have a winner and
we’re sitting here thinking do you go
zero contracts do you go two contracts
you all know what a 10-8 round is now
right yes that was a 10-8 round right
would everybody agree that was a 10-8
round 100 complete domination looks like
it could be stopped uh you know the the
significant strikes were 50 something to
that’s a 10-8 round let’s just let’s
start there
um yes the first ever draw the minute
that girl Stephanie stepped into the
octagon it’s this weird [ __ ] thing
that happens to me I was like
huh interesting let’s see how she fights
she’s super young she’s 23 years old
she’s five and one
this other girl’s 32 she’s 4-0 this is
like both ends as a spectrum for me and
then as the fight started to play out
yeah I like Stephanie it’s gonna be I’m
interested to see her first fight in the
UFC she goes home and works on some
things what I really loved is when you
look at Toledo she’s a six-time
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world champion black
belt and she had a lot of ground control
her big thing is the rear naked choke
she had her back a few times she
couldn’t finish her so
it’s interesting it’s going to be
interesting to see what Stephanie can do
um I want to ask you would say
International flavor night you know we
had Dana White’s considered series
Brazil before is there any talk ever of
doing like National themed shows like
that again or do you feel like just the
one season each year is enough what’s
the question you know how you did like
uh consider series Brazil before like
tonight we had a lot of Brazilians that
was tonight tonight yeah Thunder series
Brazil I was wondering I mean do you
ever talk about doing like International
theme Seasons like that again we have
talked about it yeah we actually
recently within the last week we talked
about it
um I don’t know you know I was worried
about coming out of kovid that you know
we’d have a hard time with town it’s
actually been the opposite I mean
there’s there’s Talent popping up
everywhere so
I don’t know could be a couple outside
tonight you mentioned the 10-8 rounds I
think we all know what you’re
referencing there well we didn’t see you
on Saturday so I guess what were your
thoughts on the title fight and and how
it played out
so I was on vacation when this thing
happened and I’m sitting in my house
10 when I found out that one of the
judges scored 10-8 I’m like this guy
should be [ __ ] investigated for this
this is the craziest [ __ ] I’ve ever seen
in my life and as I started to talk to
people you know I guess there was a you
know there’s a seminar tomorrow with the
athletic Commission on 10 8. so
hopefully they can get this cleared up
especially in title there’s so much at
stake in a title fight more than just
um you know show and win and
pay-per-view and championships and and
Legacies and it’s just you have to have
the best of the best in title fights so
um they’ve assured me that this guy
isn’t a bad guy he just [ __ ] up and
made a mistake and it’s it’s unfortunate
and there’s no way in hell
that was a 10-8 round
Now you kind of wonder what you do next
right I mean it sounds like Valentina is
going to need surgery on her hands so I
don’t know if that impacts it but do you
feel like they need to fight a third
time not the rematch
you have to do the rematch we will
rematch them it’s it’s the right thing
to do it’s the it’s the fight that needs
to happen and uh
yeah so let me tell you guys this let me
tell you this text I got today
ah [ __ ] did it go
all right
hey Dana
your idea to go all in on Mexican
Independence Day paid off Noche UFC was
the most watched Fight Night of all time
on ESPN plus
1.1 million unique views
1.1 million people that had never been
to ESPN plus tuned in for that fight so
think about that it generated 167
million total minutes
and it was it did 3x the average
viewership minutes watched on the
Spanish feed
wow killed it wow it was an incredible
success you I mean uh do you think
you’ll make that an annual event I think
we weren’t really sure going into it I
mean it was super I will get that date
every year from now on yes very nice uh
and you did say that so you’ll match
them next chefchenko grass so we’ll have
to fight next you think yes great last
thing for me I just want to get a
follow-up have you had a chance to speak
to Israel adasanya yet we’re still kind
of waiting I have not I know he’s in LA
right now working on some stuff but no I
haven’t talked to him are you waiting to
hear from him before you decide what to
do at middleweight I don’t know listen
one of the things we were talking about
this this week too that we always love
about Israel
Israel was willing to fight anybody
anywhere anytime love to turn around
quickly and and fight again and when he
wants to fight
he’ll let us know
Dana going back to that 10-8
um obviously we can’t really make an
assumption but what do you think the
judge was thinking during that do you
think it was like Oh I thought like
Alexa won the fight but I’ve scored it
too far to Valentina so I can’t have to
make it up did he not see the choke
properly like what do you think could
have caused him to make that a 10A
unfortunately you’ll probably never have
the opportunity to have him sitting
somewhere like this and ask him that
question because only he knows the
answer to that question
Valentina gets dropped in like the
second or third round I remember that’s
not a 10-8 but the fifth round is a 10-8
especially when Valentina was winning
the first three minutes of the fifth
round it literally makes no sense
is that something you would like to see
I know you can’t make it happen but
would you like the judges to be able to
speak to the media after a controversial
decision or even the commission
themselves just come out and speak do
you think that’s something that could
benefit them or is it going to make them
a target of like crazy hate and [ __ ]
yeah unfortunately that is part of the
and and I get it why the athletic
commission wouldn’t want to put their
guys out in front of
you know the media and and and and deal
with the fans and all the [ __ ]
um but
you just don’t throw 10 8 around 10 8 or
third round tonight was a 10-8 when
there is an absolute ass whooping and
the fight could be stopped at any moment
and and one fighter absolutely dominates
from Bell to Bell
you can score to 10-8 this whole
what was it a domination control and all
this other [ __ ] that’s just the
biggest crock of [ __ ] of all time for a
10-8 a 10-8 is an absolute ass whooping
period if the judges aren’t going to
speak to the media or the fans do you
think they should at least be able to
speak to the fighters themselves like
Valentina should be able to go to that
judge and be like explain to me how you
gave that 10 8 to Alexa do you think
you’d like to see that no no no you’re
not gonna see that
um and and you have to understand too
and I’m not defending anything
these people are human they make
mistakes but
that’s this one’s total [ __ ] for
that to be a 10-8 round
there is no excuse for that there is no
excuse for that 10 8.
UFC Noche you want to have that on the
same date every year this year you
pushed Canelo off that date I know
sometimes you guys are Clash in the past
but it seemed like you got that and they
didn’t want to go against you you think
these numbers that you pulled this I I
will go that date every day I don’t care
if somebody here in town gets the date
at the arena I’ll go in an opposing
Arena and go head to head with them next
year I’m doing this for the rest of my
reign here
so they can go on the same night we can
go head to head
I’m going
this thing was a massive success for us
this was something that I’ve been
thinking about since the day we bought
this company so we’re finally in the
position I’m all all my chips are in on
Mexico we’re opening the pi which we’ve
spent you know millions and millions of
dollars on uh
I was in here talking to you guys it
might even have been you or somebody
else we were talking about why why
aren’t you doing I said you know what
you’re absolutely right why am I not
doing that we did it
it was huge and we’ll do it again every
year regardless of whether boxing goes
or doesn’t go I will go head-to-head
with them every year
hey Dana yep um I just have a quick
question about powerslap today there was
a new rule announced rule change
announced what went into that and what
was the decision behind doing that yeah
so the uh you know this thing is still
evolving and growing and uh
you know the commission was very uh
uh they’ve been great with us and and
and figuring this whole thing out and
making it as good as possible we just
had drug tests again like there was one
failure instead of you know it’s it’s no
different than the UFC in the early days
I mean we didn’t start spending millions
of dollars a year what you thought of
because we thought it was uh you know
just something we wanted to do it’s
something that we had to do to clean up
the sport and uh you know we’re going to
continue to tweak rules and production
and work with the commissions all over
the country you know as we lead into
next year
early next year we’ll be in five six new
States so then we’ll start traveling
around and and you know selling tickets
and doing things like that so
everything’s good man our video game I
don’t know if I told you guys this all
right but the video game did 350 million
downloads and
um kicking I mean just kicking ass so
it’s all good and the commission’s been
awesome they’ve been great to work with
I was wondering if you could also just
talk to me a little bit about Raul Rosas
Jr and his performance what did you
think of that um whose performance Raul
Rosas who
yeah yeah
I mean what what could you it was
incredible uh you know he came out and
you know absolutely dominated a real guy
tough guy
um and look good doing it he got the pop
so I don’t know what it was like for you
guys but on on my social
I’ll give you an example like like the
Face-Off between Valentina and uh Alexa
did 1.5 million views in less than 24
hours he did three
three million views in less than 24
hours he he doubled
what the main event did and destroyed
the rest of the card as far as views
um yeah they love that kid do you think
we could possibly see him maybe
headlining a fight night coming up soon
maybe we have a youngest well after what
happened on Saturday night we’re going
to Mexico so
yeah he’ll I don’t think he won’t be
headlining Mexico but he’ll be there so
we’re uh we’re already in the works on
on the Mexico Fight thank you you’re
welcome going back to the Noche UFC the
outdoor weigh-ins in that q a what did
you think about that did you like that
and is that something that’s part of it
going for well we’ve done it before
we’ve done that before
um many times in different cities but
yeah that’s always a winner when the
weather’s right yeah yeah and then last
thing just to clarify you talked about
how Grasso for sure we want to have that
rematch if the injury of chefchenko and
the surgery of the recovery is long are
you still going to hold out and make
that remake no we’re comfortable with
with where she’s at as far as her injury
is we’re comfortable with it that should
probably start striking again in uh
three months or a little less yeah
yep all good
Dana uh as as you mentioned you want to
go back to Mexico and it was announced
on the broadcast that the the plan is
for 2024. it could be like first quarter
or could it like yeah at the same time
as the PA opening no
no it’s gonna be separate events yeah
unfortunately I believe me I would love
to have it coincide with with the
opening of the pi but the timing’s not
going to work on that
and what are the odds for Alexa to be
we’re not right now do you still have a
champ now we realize that it could be
like a finite or another Noche UFC in
Mexico City is is what are the odds for
her to be like defending the belt in
Mexico this time very good
very good so it will depend on when
Valentina is is going to be is what it
will it will depend on the timing on
valentina’s injury to go back no I think
that Valentina can start striking in in
under three months or three months so
we’re good
we speak we spoke for the first time
about uh having this Mexican uh not
Independence because he was about Cinco
de Mayo in March so can you tell us
about the with the process of what
happened with your team when the first
time you told him I want to do this I
want to take this Mexican dates from
boxing we I think we can compete now we
have enough Talent can you tell us about
the process of what happened during this
year together I don’t want to take the
dates from boxing they can do whatever
they want to do you know what I mean
it’s not like oh I’m going to take this
date now you can’t have it you guys can
go the same time and do whatever you
want to do you know what I mean so um
but uh yeah I mean as soon as I
said yeah why are we not doing this we
should do this we went right back to the
office the next day and started working
on building the card and you know
um we built what was Saturday
there was a few like unique things for
you for Noche like the graphics and the
music during the cuts and everything and
even the Jersey have you seen the
jerseys are around 600 now I mean they
sold out like
early in the in the card and they’re
like people’s paying 600 700 yeah I
heard about that but I didn’t see him I
didn’t see that yeah on eBay around 700
today are they really oh [ __ ] all right
yeah so this was our first time out and
uh you know how we operate it’ll get
better every year we’ll make it bigger
and better every year that we do it
um we’re all in on this thing
obviously it was free this year do you
see that staying the same every year or
do you think eventually it’ll be so big
UFC no change do you think it’ll be stay
free or can you see it becoming a
yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean just like
everything that we do it will evolve and
get better and grow and get bigger and
with the opening of the pi and and just
I every time I say this to you guys
am I Am I Wrong watch what we do in the
next three years down in Mexico
March what we do in the next three years
um can you explain explain a little bit
more on why you passed on Daniel Allen
um was it just like was it his record
was his no his age listen make it a
finish yeah nope none of that I I look
at people and for example you know
um Stephanie right young does that but i
i s in that fight tonight she was
aggressive she tried to finish the whole
time stuffing shots and I think she was
on the ground for six minutes and 27
seconds with a six-time Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu world champion whose thing is the
rear naked show stayed out of it the
whole time she was dominant on the feet
aggressive and I just saw something in
that I liked and I think she can she can
be somebody now Daniel Allen so he goes
in you know if you you didn’t wrestle
tonight he had to stand up he was in
there with a damn good wrestler
um there were a lot of fouls in the
um he is 4-0 and he’s 31 years old and
he needs more time
um what I did like about him were all
the things that I said he’s undefeated
he’s 5-0 he’s a two to one dog
he proved the oddsmakers wrong tonight
and everybody who bet against him
tonight he proved them wrong
and uh he just needs some more time I
think with some time
I think we’ll see him again
did Daniel Cormier almost convince you
to sign him no no I was saying Cormier
and I were on a plane on the way home
from New York and uh
you know he was telling me the story
about how he watched UFC 100.
and he was like this is awesome he’d
seen it before but for some reason UFC
100 hit him different and he wanted to
go to 101. so he went to 101
he loved the show and he said I’m going
to do this and he fought like four days
later or something like that and that
was it I mean it was I think he was 31
or 32. and became one of the greatest of
all time so
listening to that story made me think
I’m looking at these guys that are in
their early 30s
and I don’t think that they they have
enough time to become
world champions or whatever
I’m wrong
so like even listening to that story
like did it kind of almost push you to
sign him no not even close I uh I think
this kid needs more time I think that I
would be doing him a huge disservice
bringing him in at the level he’s at now
into the UFC
he could fight in these smaller shows
and get more experience with guys that
are his level
and I believe we will see this guy some
of them again someday this is one of
those things where like I’m not
interested in this guy whatever
if this kid can keep it right after not
getting picked tonight get some more
experience I believe we’ll see him again
um with you saying that you know
crossovers chefchenko is probably next
is it safe to say uh Aaron blanchfield
versus probably going to be next for the
number one Contender it would make sense
um and then finally there’s been some
Rumblings China in December
um is it uh are you trying to do Wei Li
Zhang versus Yao xionon for the
throwaway title uh yeah that’s not true
that wouldn’t be China no
thank you yep
you know you know we’re we’re getting
thin on [ __ ] questions at the
contender series when you guys are
asking me about China fights this better
be good what do you got
all right I’m putting the focus back on
Contender um igoro Silva obviously won a
contract today and he’s only 20 years
old last year you signed Raul Russ’s
Junior who’s going to turn 19 next month
as someone who’s been around this game
for a long time what do you make of all
these young athletes making it to the
big stage at such a young age and what
do you make of this like in terms of the
evolution of the sport or we’re seeing
all these young guys make it to the UFC
at that age I think think that every
once in a while you will find these
these kids that are special that you
know at a younger age they can come in
here and they can adapt to it I mean
look at Vitor Belfort Vitor Belfort was
like 18 years old with his first fight
in the UFC and the guy became a legend
and stuck around forever and fought all
the best in the world
um some have it and some don’t I think
that Igor has it we’re going to find out
whether I’m right or wrong so
and uh you said you felt something
special when you saw Stephanie make the
walk tonight you mentioned like the It
Factor what are some other Fighters
you’ve seen that where you felt that
same feeling sugar Shawn O’Malley Conor
McGregor the first time I ever met him
Ronda Rousey the first time I ever met
um the list goes on Chuck Liddell when I
met Chuck Liddell the UFC didn’t want
Chuck Liddell they released them and
they didn’t want them in the UFC I mean
when I managed him I was fighting with
those guys for like over a year to try
to get them to sign Chuck Liddell they
didn’t want him oh wow and uh I wanted
to put the folks back on Noche UFC for a
second there was a prelim fight between
LA certa and chayres where referee Chris
tyony stopped the fight when he thought
Lucero went out I’m not sure if you saw
that after review they made the decision
and indeed he was not out and they
called it a no decision what’d you make
of all that yeah listen it’s unfortunate
it sucks when that stuff happens but
when you think about what instant replay
was meant to do why it was you know uh
why it was put in place
it did what it was supposed to do
and uh and I just kind of bashed on that
China stuff but there’s also Rumblings
about Ireland in December is that is
that true
you had to [ __ ] this whole thing up
didn’t you
or in [ __ ] Ireland
I have no idea if we’re going to Ireland
you blew it kid you blew it does anybody
else have any other stupid questions for
me tonight
thank you have a good night

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UFC Noche: Grasso-Shevchenko 2 Scoring

UFC Noche: Grasso-Shevchenko 2 Scoring


In this episode of Morning Kombat, Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell discuss various topics from the world of combat sports. They start by talking about Roy Jones Jr. and his cornerman, Tom Yankello, who is known for his boxing knowledge and high-quality training videos on social media. They also mention the power duo of Triple G and Shakhram Giyasov, who have both shown their heavy hands in the ring.

The conversation then shifts to Jake Paul’s presence at a Jets game, where Aaron Rodgers suffered an injury. While they don’t blame Jake for the injury, they do mention the questionable turf. They also share a heartwarming video of a smart dog who impresses them with his intelligence.

Moving on to regional MMA, they discuss a spinning back kick knockout by Devin Smith, who is Rashad Evans’ godson. They also mention the trend of karate fighters getting knocked out by opponents with strong hooking punches in karate combat. They highlight a head kick KO by Travis Miller in CFFC and a head kick KO in kickboxing. They then share a funny birthday invite from the 80s and 90s and discuss the struggles of lifting heavy bags on trains.

The hosts then talk about college football, including a sideline catch at the OU game and a sign at College GameDay. They also share a funny moment from an Iowa quarterback’s interview where he unintentionally uses a homoerotic phrase.

Next, they discuss unique football jerseys, including a Lions jersey with the number 69. They also share funny t-shirts spotted at Packers games and a boxing knockout of the week.

The hosts then discuss a video of Conor McGregor on a boat, speculating on whether he will fight in December. They also rate tattoos, including a blackout sleeve and a poorly done UFC-inspired tattoo.

Lastly, they share videos of a slick mover at a bar and a funny slip and fall incident. They wrap up the show by promoting their social media channels, merchandise, and upcoming interviews.

Overall, the episode covers a wide range of topics from combat sports and includes humorous commentary from the hosts.

have one more win because I don’t have the new one dagger okay okay uh you know they didn’t tell they told me math
wasn’t a part of this Luke but I believe that I am one win higher than you and then you have like three more ties than
I do that might be right that might be right I don’t know what’s on dude it’s on it’s on I let you worm your way back
in like the Unworthy piece of that you are and here now I’ve created problems for myself now you know you let
me in the house Luke you let me in the house and suddenly There Was You Know coins missing off the dresser and you
know there’s uh all these buns but no dogs you know what I mean like nothing ratches up anymore Luke it’s gonna turn
bad for you so hey oh teal get up in the bullpen with that bass brother you know what I’m saying let’s get this guy let’s
see Gore guts with me that’s still gonna happen uh so so I guess I’m still no no BC’s in the lead
because he’s got one more win although you do have an upside down record so I’m 65-65 and four literally no better than
flipping a coin BC is 66 but then 67 and one so he’s got two more losses one more
win and then one draw so technically who’s in the lead at the moment I don’t know I I don’t yeah I remember how this
would work I would think yeah I have a 500 record but can we phone a friend how
mad would your brother be if we put him on speaker right now just to use his Doctorate in math to to figure this out
Luke oh so BC he has the higher win percentage because I have more draws even though you have one more loss than
you do a win so it really would depend by how we measure it but I’d be fine with that if that’s how you want to do it can you call your brother to get
accurate he would he would hang up immediately he would hang up all right all right with that in mind though we have a lot we have a lot to get to so
let’s set the table here let’s get to topic number one so over the weekend you can check it out if you haven’t seen it
already morningcombat for my Noche UFC post fight show that is
available to watch but of course that means we did not get BC’s opinion on something the main event goes to a split
draw so Alexa Grosso retains her title because she didn’t get it taken from her
but she did not win the fight nor did she lose and no one won or lost as I mentioned no she said she won I don’t
know if you heard her after she said I heard her I heard her but I mean there’s no official record that she wanted to draw okay but the scores are kind of
interesting BC before I throw it to you I want to put them up on the screen I sent the graphic to uh Gaff before the
show I believe we have it it’s just a picture of the scores here we go we’ll talk about all of them in just a minute
judge Mike Bell had it 47-47 that’s the one that sent the internet Ablaze saldio motto had it 48.47 for chefchenko giving
her rounds one three and four and then junichiro comigo had it for 48.47 for
grassa which is of course how I had it as well thank you guys I appreciate that all right BC let me ask you the question
I know it’s a draw but who won that fight it should have been Valentina shipchenko
and it does in a lot of ways come down to that swing fourth round Luke did you just say you scored it three to two for
Grosso yes but I do recognize three to two Chev is completely understandable so
I think that’s what it is it comes down to that fourth round obviously it’s the 10-8 fifth round that made this a draw
which look who got done wrong in the end I think it was Valentina not a robbery although
not certainly not the correct score if you had it three to two Grosso I got no problem with that I scored a three
rounds to two chefchenko I gave her the very close fourth round based on the damage of Landing the elbow that led to
that cut and I think her jab was just more consistent to try to offset those knees to the not nearly grounded
opponent and the takedown that Grosso did early but Luke while I said sort of
like damn the stats in the first fight here’s what my eyes saw Grosso was the better fighter I think that was actually
flipped over this time around this rematch was so hotly contested just a beautiful fight in so many ways to see
the adjustments from both and obviously Grosso for the second straight fight was able to capitalize on I’m not an error
or mistake from from shivchenko but was able to sort of turn that trip take down defense into taking her back and having
the grounds for a 10-8 that again just doesn’t feel right at all but chefchenko closed the gaps in my
opinion in the key areas in which I felt she was overwhelmed on the feet with the boxing particularly when Grasso went to
the Southpaw stance in their first fight this time around chefchenko was busier her counter left hand across the uh
right over the top was perfect accurate throughout she mixed in the good body kicks and she leaned on that wrestling
to win rounds without pouring out the gas tank in the end like the first time not you know not an egregious pour out
but I think that was the difference in that first fight Grosso was fresh or late I thought the opening of round four chefchenko might have looked like she
was slowing down a bit like maybe the taxing nature of rounds two and three and all that ground action uh caught up
to her but it didn’t look she fought fantastic yes Grosso peaked late yes she had a beautiful finish to steal around
that was probably going to go chefchenko’s way and that’s ultimately the art the argument against that 10-8
everyone’s gonna go well there wasn’t enough damage for a 10-8 and I do think you’re right but I think what makes that
10 8 so much more egregious is the fact that she was winning a a close and not
that exciting round leading up to that change which meant that should have been enough for 10-9 and nothing more you
know and then you again you can certainly add in the key glaring factor that there just wasn’t enough damage being done uh beautiful fight
sucks that the 108 had a cost it but even if that 10-8 didn’t happen Luke is there an argument for Grosso 3-2 yes
there certainly is round four you really I do believe could go either way but I think snapshot as a whole shechenko was
the better fighter Grosso was not able to figure out the takedown issue she was able to work out of some bad positions
and stay alive and allow room for that fifth round rally and you got to give her so much credit that’s the big thing
she brings to this matchup against this Legend is the fact that Grosso is sturdy strong never gives up in so many ways
she was the perfect fighter to be in the main event in this Noche close-up reaching out so aggressively the Mexican
fan base but did she win the fight that’s the key question no and I think unlike the first I don’t even think she
won the story of the fight this is a 35 year old all-time great in chefchenko who went back to the lab got in even
better shape got even more focused and made the right adjustments to I think as
a whole perform good enough to get her hand raised um unfortunately this Mike Bell situation Luke we’re not even coming
down really to that debate of who won the fourth round because that scorecard from him kind of ruined it kind of
ruined it you know hate it hated it
bounced back cleanly in round two like in uh similar to the first fight on the
first one chefchenko came right back to take it but I think round three was it chefchenko round and then Luke comes
down to that round four so you scored round four for Grasso again I have no issue with that but Dan does it suck that this one Rogue 10 8 scorecard
literally was the decider I hate that I want to talk more about you of chenco’s performance because I dug
deeper into the numbers and they were actually very surprising at first they were not on my first glance at them when
I was doing the post fight show because you know I’m trying to host and look at numbers at the same time I didn’t catch this detail but I caught some other ones
but first let’s talk about that 10 8. now I have another graphic that I sent to Mikey this comes from Eric mcgrack in
combat sports lawyer or just a lawyer but Combat Sports law I think is his website this is the Nevada criteria for
10-8 and I can’t go through all of it we kind of know what we’re looking for but
they say a result is referred to as 10 8 when it uh meets the following principles Iran has to be scored the
winning unarmed combatant must have dominated the action of the round had duration of the dominance and impacted
his or her opponent with effective strikes effective grappling Maneuvers or both that diminish their abilities of their opponent a score of 10-8 round is
not the most common score for round but essential of course then they go on a little bit they say a score of 10-8 does
not require an unarmed combatant to dominate or impact his opponent for the entire round which we knew and of course
the judge can use it in certain cases flip to the other one there’s a second page to this very quickly if we can
uh let’s see here there we go and with respect to what dominance and effective aggressiveness and effective
grappling means you know I I we can’t go into reading all of this folks can take a screenshot or they can go and look up
this these bylaws for themselves BC I I did read them and I encourage other
folks to do the same I don’t know what someone could see in there and then look
at what happened in round five as as a 10-8 round I mean to your point chevchenko was basically winning a close
but you know I thought relatively clear round in the fifth until about 90 seconds left now that the tide turned
dramatically after that so that’s why I gave it to Grosso I thought she did the more impactful work when it mattered but
there was at least some debate some debate about who even won that round the
the notion just on that it could be 10 8 sort of is inherently contradictory and
more to the point like Chris Bell apparently excuse me Mike Bell what am I saying Mike Bell scored a few of the
rounds that he judged over the course of the evening 10 8 many of them very good I’m actually glad he’s willing to use
one when he feels it’s appropriate I would just say this is a simply a clear-cut case of a good efficient and
Mike Bell actually is a pretty good judge but I don’t I I literally don’t even know what it could be like if he if
she got the back BC and held it for the duration which she did mostly but not entirely but also really landed heavy
blows that were causing her to constantly thrash and ride in agony or cut her or like did some you know
substantial damage combined with submission or just getting absolutely chicken winged out with a half Nelson or
something you know some kind of really aggressive mean level of control that’d
be one thing and it was good but it wasn’t even close to that honestly it’s one more baffling 10 8 I think I’ve ever
seen so I think he got caught up unfortunately so the after Grosso took the back took advantage of what
chefchenko was trying to do countered it so quickly so beautifully full level of urgency you have to love everything
about that had a submission threat then she Tran I’m sorry right before the submission threat this is what set up
her being able to lay chefchenko back and try the choke it was a flurry of ground upon that was the best stuff you
know uh Grosso landed all fight outside of that beautiful three-punch combination that drop Chef jenko around
two and I think Belle got locked up in this part Luke for about five seconds those are the type of sequences of
strikes that leads to stoppage I was holding my breath even though when I re-watched it I knew the outcome already
because I’m like oh crap like she’s on the verge of getting stopped yes in that moment that you know Val had a bite down
she had to move quickly to get out of that into her credit she did I just think that Bell took the image of that
how close it did appear that she looked to getting stopped combined it with the legitimate submission attempt which
followed but didn’t go anywhere but what he forgot about unfortunately Luke was not only the entire round before that as
we just talked about but you got to give Chef tanko this credit understanding the situation knowing how to win those
fights or put herself in that spot in that final minute after fighting off the choke attempt she was busier from the
bottom with with Grasso on her back I’m not saying these are great strikes I’m not saying these strikes are landing or
even hurting but she’s showing the judges I’m fighting this entire time to
get out of this I’m almost going even with her throwing punches over my head at the very least Luke that’s grounds
for fighting off any form of a 10-8 that shouldn’t have been there to begin with I just think he got caught up in that
you mentioned his history John Morgan had done the research uh Mike Bell did five cards uh five ten eight rounds over
the entire evening uh one was that first round of Lupe godinos his win over Reed
rewatched it seemed perfectly fine he gave three 10-8 rounds and the Knudsen
victory over man and those scorecards were like 30 to 24 30 to 25 so yeah that
that makes a ton of sense there so he’s not a judge with a bad reputation who had a horrible night
he just scored the most important sequence in round of the fight completely incorrectly in a way that you
know I mean obviously let’s be honest here he doesn’t know what everybody else is scoring he doesn’t know the temperature
around this this is a real pressure on this job but how many more times in the
big moments are we just going to go hey man that’s because MMA uses the boxing 10 9 system or hey man that’s because
the rules are the rule set is so vaguely written and some people are you
know using the word damage which isn’t even in there I know Big John wanted it to be but it’s not other people are
taking the loose definition of impact and yes you can impact somebody with with grappling control but no this was
not a 10-8 round and it’s it’s we’re past the point of hey Luke what’s your this week’s rant on how MMA uh judging
should be changed we’re using a completely wrong system which is setting these people up to fail and it’s not a
shock that they’re failing because not like all these guys have great reputations from commissions with great reputations this kind of feels like a
show but it plays into the idea of what Dana always says and what the company message is take it into your own
hands finish your opponent don’t take that chance well that’s not modern day MMA we’re going to go to the cards a lot
in modern day MMA and uh Luke it’s like unless the commissions are going to put their heads together and make a change
this is what you’re gonna get okay this right here and this wasn’t a could have gone either way that 10 8 was an error
of a score but it affected the entire r work potentially of where these two fighters are going and it’s like if
you’re fine with that UFC and state commissions then we’ll just sit here and keep explaining it to the people but
that’s where it’s at I mean I just have to accept basically that the entire
commission structure in North America other places too but certainly in North America US and Canada
um and I guess Mexico now too and at least as far as MMA is concerned but in any case the commission structure has
basically decided that they have a a judging system that for the vast majority of any pro MMA bouts which can
include UFC and everything else underneath it as a pro contest for the vast majority of those bouts this this
judging system is pretty good it actually is like for the vast majority of abouts that exist and take place in a
calendar year it’s fine the problem is it’s uniquely shitty for adjudicating close fights it’s just so bad at it it’s
so not it’s so not designed to give you the actual Nuance that you need to get
these right and so we’ve given these guys Tools in a retrofitted structure
that don’t really work all that well and so you get like this but you know what can you do BC let’s if we can focus
in on that chefchenko performance because in real time up until that fifth round rally and again you can still make
a very clear case for shivchenko I did notice she had more offensive urgency I kind of felt like you did anecdotally
that like she did more to kind of hustle her way through this fight and that should have maybe been a bit of a again
with that if she hadn’t done that had an arm throw which was just so ill-advised but neither here nor there
that she kind of looked much improved but you know what was funny about this so I went back and I looked at the
numbers and I love that here’s one thing I love about this rivalry we didn’t get a full five rounds the last time we got
three plus nearly four and then this one we did get five so we’ve got a lot of different data to to you know that
mirrors itself across two different fights here is what shows up in the data for this one
chefchenko um pushed close to what I’ve seen her
Max numbers be in five round decision contests but came up short just a little
bit everywhere she landed a little bit less per round than she normally does she actually attempted fewer than she
normally does at her high water mark She’s normally attempting 50 strikes around she never reached that Mark once
in this fight she got close she got like 48-49 one time but she never actually reached over the 50 threshold it was a
lot of control time round three was on the ground the entire round I mean for sure for sure she had control time in
the first five too for two rounds so like you know I mean there’s there’s something to be said for that too again if someone had a fifth round the last
one did not have a fifth round so there’s something you know mentioned there as well but even then we see like
in terms of the amount of strikes she had there were significant strikes over her total that decline nearly 20 in this
fight if you look at what she was able to land to the head that was pretty similar but there was a drop off in a
lot of the other categories in other words and by the way she got the same amount of takedowns but she had to get it with one more attempt so she was
actually less efficient with the take down with the takedowns as long as you can tell she was attacking my point being is
I I think you can make an argument that she was trying so many different things that it kind of muddled her numbers a
little bit relative to the first one however what I think you can also say is if you look at the proportions of what
she was doing right in terms of her targeting in terms of the output the basic Contours stay the same so my
takeaway from this is that was the best you were going to get from chefchenko that was the best you were gonna get she
was trying at maximum ability uh in terms of you know volume output mixing
of things really trying to make a steady attack when it was reasonable while taking away the more Dynamic features of
her game that got her in trouble like for example the spinning attacks I honestly if they make another one and
we’ll get to this in a minute I honestly don’t know what more adjustments she has to go to whereas I feel like Grosso
actually has still some things that she could lean on that could make a difference like I I guess I’m trying to
point out what makes it if you’re a chefchenko fan who score for the fight for her to me what makes it extra kind
of awful aside from the fact that the judging was bad was that was a great performance by her and I actually don’t
think it can get better I really don’t I know like the story of this fight the reality is regardless of how God scored
the story of this fight was that the great aging Champion went back to the lab and came out even more efficient and
like I said an even better shape I mean you could see it and then obviously the way she was dialed in but it was a lot
of leaning on whatever strengths were there I mean for your Grosso is good enough on the ground where she’s not you
know I know she had there was that sequence in the first fight in in the second round or the third round uh wherever where were chefchenko you know
looked like she was close to finishing had a lot of dominant ground pound you don’t really get a lot of a lot of uh
top time ground and pound on Grosso but just leaning on that control time and those strengths and that she had in that
area and leaning on I thought she did such a good job to take away the advantages that Grosso had in South Paul
in that first fight with that box action stance where she darts in and out and she did that with the timing of catching
her with those left crosses and really making that that jab work that all got taken away that is the story now you do
have an interesting argument on if they go forward in the series can she do better that’s going to always be a problem when you’re more or less a
finished product and you have a young Riser who just keeps getting better and Grosso does look like she keeps getting
better even if this performance in my vision was a little bit less effective than it was the first time around but
that’s also because of exactly that the adjustments that chefchenko the great Champion made I mean look she told even
though she didn’t win this fight probably should have or could have right because I had it three to two so could
have she should have won by only losing a 10-9 round which means she could have but or should have in that case but
despite that um the younger fighters gonna gonna have more chances or more opportunities to
make those adjustments in Rise but doesn’t this speak to chefchenko’s Greatness and she basically telling that
stat you know of the 35 and over to gfy I mean this was you don’t often see the
Aging like with the hit you know what I mean history tells you that more often than not the Aging Champion loses the rematch again sometimes even easier and
look I thought she had a better performance and maybe the the strike totals don’t compare to what she’s used to I don’t think she’s fought an
opponent in this division who has the combination of clean striking and great striking defense as Grosso does but look
at how shivchenko adjusted to that and still found a path to Victory she still might be the best fighter in this
division Luke right now she still might be the best overall yeah but I think she is the the Sans and the hour glass are
starting to move I mean let me tell let me ask you about this because it’s something I brought up on Saturday night I would love to get your response and
this to me remains eternally surprising what I said on Saturday night was there is not always a clean connection between
someone being much stronger as a physical athlete and then also having more punching power there often is a
correlation but they’re not totally tied together and why I bring that up is BC you know where I’m going with this when
they lock up physically Valentina is simply much stronger she just is like there’s just no denying it on the other
hand dude the punching power of Grosso really set her on fire in this fight now
she was so much better about rolling with it when she had to she had some good defenses I’m just saying when it
did land wow dropping her taking her off of her feet in the second round is it
that we just didn’t realize that Grosso is such a dynamic puncher or is Father
time starting to dwindle the the punch resilience of someone like Valentina shevchenko no I I think it’s more in
category a and more to the full physical and mental Evolution I mean she has got
from she has gone from you know pretty good to very good to like great in such a swift progression where it I think
it’s a combination of all the factors finding the right division that doesn’t diminish some of her potential greatness
because of how taxing that weight cut was and then the evolution of not just her body filling out so maybe putting
more weight down on the shots but Luke she has evolved she used to be a you know especially at strogan she was a
good boxer I had some of the best pure skills but that didn’t always equate to Danger now her ability to sit down on
punches and throw perfect technical three-punch combos that the great
Valentino would pull the sword of 30 years of experience and 17 kickboxing championships just both times she got
dropped right first fight and second they were on beautiful combinations that she just didn’t see coming Luke
show me on your on one hand how many Elite female MMA fighters at this point
in the sports Evolution have that striking ability I’m not talking about a big right hand off the jab like Amanda
Nunes has and and you know she’s got great technique she also’s Next Level power so did cyborg cyborg is a very
technical fighter she’s evolved but I mean Grosso is like she’s like a boxer in there Luke so in that regard I don’t
think it comes down to chefchenko’s punch resistance changing she hasn’t gotten beaten up a lot in her career or
put in precarious situations right the fight she’s lost have been to newness in the UFC on that level and a lot of times
it comes down to just a mistake or strategy change or maybe she was physically outgunned just a bit at 135
or maybe the judges got it wrong and the shift in the newness rematch I don’t know but no she that I mean Luke well I
mean 135 this is at 125 there might be something to be said for what the weight cut does at age 35 to her absolutely but
let me ask you this question did chefchenko show you anything in this rematch that suggests she’s going in the
either direction at all in terms of going you know getting old I didn’t see anything dude I mean I
thought she came back and was better than ever she’s just fighting a great fighter this is a lot about the fact
that Alexa Grosso was a great freaking fighter and a and a worthy Champion despite that 10-8 round 100 I do I the
broad Strokes of that I fully agree with and again I’m not declaring what you know what state she’s in she looked to be in tremendous physical condition
maybe Grosso is just a really you know incredible puncher um but I just I feel I go back to it uh
one more time and we’ll go but we’ll spin this forward in a minute I want to make one last point on the fight but I do just feel like when you look at this
effort it was so comprehensively well done from chefchenko where she was a lot
of times check hooking her way around that one two that was so valuable the first time from uh Grosso she had you
know she was threatening off of her back at times when she needed to she did make that tragic mistake for herself in round
five but you know in general I thought had a very sharp like what do we need to get rid of what do we need to focus on
where does this fight need to be contested and again she get dropped in the second and got in her back taken in the fifth but other than that really put
on a very I guess a tough opponent a great performance I just go back to like I really don’t know what else she could
I got two questions for you then we can close on these beautiful ladies in this in this part of the conversation who won
who would have won this fight Pride rules I think that decides it I know you had it three two Grosso without the 10 round but who would have won this fight
Pride rules who was the better fighter on This Night Luke I probably would have well that’s tough
chefchenko might have gotten it I agree with you I agree with you that’s better she was better for longer stretches
which is again not how it scored it scored based on different ways but I can see why that that might favor
her but again it would be close because there are people who’d be like oh well you know what when it mattered Grasso was better I could I can see that case
too all right there’s one other thing uh Ethan Chan was an MK donk who jumped in my DMs and a couple other people had
something similar to this but I want to get your question maybe I overplayed the idea that it was a huge chefchenko
mistake on the spinning back strike that led to her getting submitted in the first fight but again I think there were
other factors in there I thought chefchenko was fading just a bit but what these people are saying Luke
Ethan in particular is okay however you want to frame that that’s still a mistake that was countered and led to
her defeat she also had a mistake on this trip takedown effect that led to her defeat and he’s claiming in the
second Nunes fight that chefchenko had a similar mistake on a trip takedown attempt in round five which led to her
being on her back which may have played into the visual of the judges down the stretch is there any truth to the idea
that has absolutely brilliant and historic and amazing as uh bulla is
that maybe a couple times you know there’s a fumble or two in the in the biggest key Drive of the game you know in the playoffs here a couple times you
know there’s more than a few fumbles she’s done this on a number of occasions um I don’t think it’s in any way unfair
to bring up that I mean first of all like the head and arm throw is such a scourge of women’s MMA now the
great news about it is you got fighters who by the way I mean some of the men do it too of course but like you know for
example like one of the guys who does it is uh he didn’t win his last contest but uh Sergey Spivak when he does score with
the head and arm throw and he lands in scarf hold he’s actually pretty good from it like there can be Ronda Rousey
stopped Alexis Davis from there from scarfhold like you can do good things there but what ends up happening is they
don’t have good enough wrestling typically although she does but she just has bad habits and she just goes for
this like you know throw which is kind of like you know it’s just Amateur hour for somebody who’s trying to wrestle back a UFC title it’s not a very
effective throw you have to have the sequence after the throw really well understood you have to have that positioning locked up up there’s just
better ways to go about fighting this contest and she has fumbled this a few times yeah it’s you can absolutely
question not her I guess her overall fight IQ was quite good and her Talent is obviously very very high but in some
of these like presence of Mind moments she does make categorical errors and
there are there are people online I don’t really share the shot in freuda but people online being like yeah if you’re gonna go for head and arm throws
in round five you know you deserve to lose I don’t think that’s quite true but I understand why they look at this and they’re like dude stop doing
these techniques that are from 2009 and don’t you know women’s MMA should be in
terms of the wrestling much more advanced and again the better fighters in general much are they’re so much better in terms of wrestling than they
once were it’s just this weird anachronistic kind of bug that stuck around in the women’s game a little bit
do we explain the chefchenko loss in the first Nunes fight at 196 is kind of just running out of time or or figuring it
out too late figuring it out too late because also Nunes I think really faded down the
stretch in that one a little bit if memory serves so um and also three round versus five but she definitely she definitely and she
got whooped late as early in that fight too but she stormed later on in the contest anyway there’s a few different
things but um she has made that mistake uh many times all right before we go to number two last thing I just wanted to say dude
what a wonderful rivalry for this division yeah this is not one I ever expected to get to maybe three fights
from I think you share my appreciation for this this is well matched uh it’s fun to debate these results I mean I
feel bad for both of them in the sense that there wasn’t any Clarity but dude what a great way to lift and magnify
this division to the masses and we’ll talk about UFC Noche or Noche UFC later but do share my enthusiasm for what this
kind of fight and this whatever we can do I mean this is the best division and female MMA and that was one of the best
title fights in terms of ability countering you know stamina I mean it
was just beautiful to watch and and to see these two now kind of oddly linked together yeah we didn’t see this coming
and it kind of fuels the the key question here entering into topic two Luke all right so let’s do it topic
number two this is very easy I’m gonna spin it right back to you BC very simple question we stay with the fight but we
do in fact move it forward so my question to you is BC what makes the
most sense now at Women’s flyweight should they run it back and do a Trilogy fight between these two back to back to
back or should Grosso defend against a fresh contender I want to have a knee-jerk hot take this
is the way right let’s do it Mandalorian but Luke I really think the arguments on both sides are are are very compelling
okay this matchup rules Valentina was winning the first fight but cleanly lost
it right and then I feel like she won the second one do you show respect to this great champion and do you try to
maximize the momentum built here on Noche UFC of this great fight and not
only go another time because it’s sort of like it is unfinished business between them I mean this this does
change it I thought I actually was on that side for the Holloway vulcanovsky
argument of let’s do a third one there because I recognize that these are two great Fighters and I felt that Max won
the second one you know maybe over time that argument feels less and less passionate but I was kind of okay with
that I think there’s some level of that argument in here for Valentina and then what’s your worst case scenario if you
went that way even though there is a bottleneck on top of this division of potentially marketable and breakout
Fighters would it be awful if you had to do Manon for all versus Aaron blanchfield in a true number one
Contender fight not the end of the world Luke but you would be taking the two of them and putting them against each other
and you know one go one way one go the other you can I think you can argue just the same due to the popularity
particularly in Pharrell and then obviously the fact that blade Shield does look tight already right now in saying okay let’s not do it next but
let’s do it soon like you know two fights from now would it hurt would it kill
I don’t know I think you might just look at this and if you’re the UFC and go we love the rub that Grasso is getting from
matching herself against this all-time great fighter and it’s a little bit unfinished and it just busted through
the roof of Noche UFC and this Main Event fight delivered look what would it
kill them to go to Mexico City with this trilogy that’s the thing when you have an
opportunity to do something big and crazy like that I don’t want to see Blanche shield and
fro have to fight each other necessarily you know what I mean there’s a lot of contenders right around there that I want to see the future the same argument
we just had at middleweight I don’t want to see Izzy next right now and then another immediate rematch there’s different circumstances with that but I
do think in this case I mean Chef Chat not a raw deal not a robbery well but yeah kind of a raw deal
Luke shepchenko might deserve the respect to run this back another time and just the fact that these two put on
two really really good fights that are like the best representation of of this Division and in this sport on the female
side sometimes you do have to capitalize on timing Luke what would be a bigger fight
this in Mexico or anything else I mean that’s the argument right anything else
you like anything else but this in Mexico I don’t think folks understand the economics of what it would be in Mexico
first of all like our producers bringing this up but of course we all heard when Valentina was asked I went back and I
was like how quickly did she go to oh it was because it was a Mexican Independence Day thing how quickly did
she go to that to blame that on the judge’s decision and it was almost immediate it was very very that’s a fair
point so it was in the post-fight interview and then again in the press conference yeah she doubled down on it
and I was like okay all right that’s one way okay all right so that’s one part but it would just be basic economics
like again if you’re trying like the the predominant pay-per-view buying audience is the U.S followed by Canada right if
you’re trying to sell pay-per-views to those people who are going to buy the pay-per-view I’m assuming it would be on Pay-per-view if not that does change
economics a little bit but if you’re going to put it on pay-per-view um you know you have to sell in an arena
which can afford it the ticket prices in Mexico are going to be significantly lower because the dollar is so strong
and then you wouldn’t be able to really Marshal the kind of media attention from indigenous media that would be us-based
media for that for the pay-per-view buying audience to Mexico to let them know about it so it would have to be another fight night card which again you
could do but then it goes back to the other side of things like it just it doesn’t I would I would love to see it
in Mexico I’m not gonna hold my breath I think is the way I would put that but also I would just say this and this is
why I made that point as explicitly I did in the first topic BC I think you can really make a case that
chefchenko was the better fighter overall on Saturday night again I saw I thought Grosso won but I can see this bigger argument that you have made
and others as well and that you know the draw is unfair and then also maybe you can look at this and
say right but that was her window that was it that was the window right there to get it because now you’re only
going to get older there’s not many more adjustments she can really go to to like I mean what what meaningfully else she
could tighten up certain things right but now you’re again you’re stripping away pieces of her offense as she does is having to get rid of the spinning
backwards everything get rid of the spinning kick having to like really change some of your offense to minimize any potential counters if you do even
more of that you’re really dieting out your offense at that point I don’t know what else she could reasonably do except
for a couple of small adjustments meanwhile I do think Russell has a chance to add even more to the repertoire and this is my other point BC
you don’t just have number one a number one Contender right now at Women’s flyweight you got two of them you got
two of them sitting there waiting it’d be one thing if there was like Oh Aaron blanchfield is waiting for this you could say well maybe hold on dude they
haven’t even figured that out I know what folks are going to say well have them fight but then you’re just cannibalizing one Contender for the
other no oh I think if chefchenko wanted to sit out and let Grasso defend winner
of that gets shivchenko I’ll be totally okay with that I think a fresh matchup is exactly what this division needs I
don’t really care about they need to move this along that’s an easy decision insane would you admit it’s not an easy
decision now the Mexico factor with chefchenko’s comments does change that and what I also forgot about was what we
talked about last week Luke we have no movement on this bantamweight title and if you do want to maximize your time
left and try to make some you know a big historical move then yeah Valentina going up to 35 and fighting you know
Juliana Pena or Holly for the vacant belt or whatever Pennington whatever they want to do there that would give
her a chance right now after such a strong performance to potentially win a title in a second weight class and then
you’re always going to have the window open could Grosso and chefchenko meet a third time you know a little bit down
the road before chefchenko is done that’s why I said off the top Luke it’s a really hard decision
um it is a really hard decision right now so the and let me ask you this if the way you lean is correct
that we do we do move the division forward and what’s what’s to support that argument the fact that the Mexican
Champion is still the champion yeah that supports it very well by the way um who next then do you take do you try
to capitalize on the on the commercial promise in France of what Pharaoh is or
do you go right to Blanche field knowing that Bell could change hands for all we know you know what I’m saying especially
with the with the wrestling troubles Grosso has had with Valentina blanchfield blanchfield uh her case for
being number one Contender to me is stronger than furos by I think it’s very close Luke because I was doing this in
my power for pound rankings of who should be higher well I have uh I have blanchfield and Pharrell at four and
five and I’m like who should be the one that’s in front if I think if you look at who they beat in the timing it’s pretty damn close
yeah I mean they’re both number one contenders but to me I think what blancheville has done has been a little bit more hard-nosed than in your face
and therefore not merely more intriguing but somewhat more respectable
um so I think they should go with her and people might say well then you lose the fight between the third fight between
shivchenko and Grasso no you don’t you can just do it again you can make it for five rounds you don’t like you don’t yes you would
lose the impact of the potential title but guys there’s a division that has to be taken care of we can’t I mean
I I will admit this there are certain times like for example after UFC 293 people being like Oh immediate you know
immediate that would be the rematch between Sean and Izzy and I’m like dude there’s not much of a case like the guy
lost cleanly here you do have that case you do have the ability to have a
conversation like is this the kind of fight that qualifies for another do-over
immediately again it is that kind of fight I recognize that however I just
feel like we’re doing a massive disservice to the rest of the division in order to indulge a rivalry that we
don’t need to see necessarily indulged on the terms that would be more ideal but hardly necessary move the division
along it was a draw she’s 35 years old she had two shots to retain her title she couldn’t do it move it along have
Aaron field fight and let’s see what happens all right yeah again you make a great compelling case
but then let me ask you this if it’s not 30 or let me ask you this what what should be next for Valentina what should
be should it be 35 should it be rematched with Tyler Santos should it be
her and manolfaro how about I mean there’s a couple different how about you want I mean not you wanna how about Rose
in Valentina two former Champions that’d be a heck of a main event somewhere on a fight night I mean what do you do Luke
if I’m her I’m taking whatever path is closest to the title so if that’s 135 against Holly Holm who you know they’ve
got history obviously that went chefchenko’s way I would take that if it’s hey sit out you’ll get the next one
after there’s a defense I would take that you know she is a you know a decorated champion in this organization
and again if she had lost cleanly I would say to what I would have I said about Izzy last week which was you know
you do need to fight another one again I can understand if they wanted to have him sit out and then wait but fight another one would be great I don’t think
she has to fight anybody else I I mean to get back into the title queue I don’t I don’t think that but I do believe that
they got to start rotating this through a little bit because you know there’s just they’re going to make the Log Jam
even more difficult and then they’re going to create sub-optimal matchmaking Behind These two by forcing people into
competitions that don’t do them any favors down the road the time to move the division forward is right now you
can always revisit this fight for a third time that’s what I think I heard you say that yeah I heard it I
heard it a few times yeah well here’s a better question what do you think the UFC is going to do
um unless they’re folding that 35 division this opens up a a a life raft
for them um if they did the best matchup you can do for I think the combination of
Commercial Appeal also with we’re not really sure what it’s going to look like or who’s going to win in my opinion is
Valentina and Juliana Pena because you know Pena hasn’t fought since losing the title to newness in the rematch and I
think it’s yeah comical that Yahoo sports would have her number one pound for pound but I do think in the two
fights with nunesh she showed that she’s star ready that she wants to smoke all of that so she actually would be the
perfect foil to sing Valentina if this is you know an option if this is what she wants in the UFC wants to go do that
above even a Holly Holm rematch or or bringing Rocky Pennington and I think that’s suddenly a big fight he got the
historical nature of the two Division champion possibility Pena could be in the you know can be a star again could
talk trash can do all that stuff um I think that’s the direction Luke and uh look even with that division being uh
Baron is is all hell right now uh you can’t discount what that means to a to a
resume right you know she walks away okay you never beat newness but two Division champion have a big argument in
in the newness rivalry um that’s not nothing even with a shitty division Luke that’s something big right that’s big
you could still you could still fight Grosso a third time to Echo Luke Thomas’s point you could and also like I
mean here’s the top five right now at Women’s 135 let’s just go through it five is Holly Holm who she already beat four is Caitlin Vieira that would be a
fresh matchup three is my RO Bueno Silva I think she has a modest suspension related to
um some kind of anti-doping violation two would be Raquel Pennington and then one would be Juliana Pena guys I gotta
tell you I mean you know if you’re a shivchenko fan which one of those is like the the death
matchup I can see a couple of difficult ones but I don’t see anyone where I would clearly pick them over her that’s
the entire top five so like there’s a Chicago she has options dude she did she did not in any way perform poorly except
for the end of that fifth round which I thought was just you know awful but okay they’re not gonna make her fight for row
right that’s not happening then if I were her I would just be like what are you doing I no I would not take that
fight I would not throw what what are you gonna get out of you’re gonna beat someone you probably can’t
already beat to hold your spot I mean you know I just don’t even it no no Luke
Mikey believes she would smoke manal so let’s assume he’s right that would make
it even worse yeah but if she goes there just blows the doors off of her now you’ve ruined the contenders chances to
have a fresh fight and also she just keeps replaced by by a fight that didn’t
need to happen it’s like why the would you do that okay what if I told you that over the next year this would become the third best division in the
entire sport what if I told you that what would you say would you be telling me that with your pants around your
ankle that’s so unfair there’s no documented hits there’s no paper trail would you tell me that on a date with
Lauren bobert at a Beetlejuice showing in Colorado and she’s touching you
I don’t I don’t understand this reference Luke it’s insulting to me because of that I mean you know yeah
there you go you don’t you don’t you don’t follow the news cycle at all do you like yourself I live in the news
cycle of my own mind Luke which is always taking me back to 1970s okay I made such a good joke about public
groping that I thought you would really get behind and you just hung me high and dry because you have the reading stamina
of a five-year-old really is the I’m gonna get to the end of Dune don’t worry I got a five year plan here set up okay
I’m gonna read all 800 Pages believe me we’ll get your your pla your pledge to read Dune is like on par with like your
home mortgage amortization schedule it’s like you know two pages every month for
the next 30 Years is really the way you’re doing this um all right let’s go to topic number three if we can move the chains on this
uh show here how about the co-main of NPC Jack Dylan made Elena defeats uh uh Kevin Holland
Uh Kevin Holland and you know there’s a sort of few different takes on by the
way some people thought Holland won but this is the way I’d like to ask the question for UBC did Jack de la medalena prove with this
win that he’s ready for the top ten I think he did I think he did not all you know not in an overwhelming exciting
way but I I don’t call this fight boring I think he was basically like setting up shop on the outside having success
winning this the technical battle although let’s give Holland credit he made some adjustments there were some times he landed some big shots I think
if anything I’m like Hey Kevin Holland where were the takedown attempts to do something I mean obviously he I guess he
could have been confident enough that he had it I you know I gave rounds one and three to Jack I admit that two of these
three rounds are pretty damn close but I I do feel like Holland winning cleanly wasn’t the fight that I saw I would have
liked to have seen what happened if Holland had shot that the wrestling has been a big part of his reinvention at welterweight but in the Striking battle
which was competitive Jack set the terms and Kevin went along with the dance and the better technical fighter won and I
thought he landed a couple big shots he had the threaded kicks as you see in that picture right there uh but overall
did he regress it all coming off of a weird sort of close fight in the last minute replacement last time no I think
he’s still showed you that skills-wide I mean look what are we seeing again from Strickland to the you know Grosso upset
in the first of chenko fight to Jack in this fight striking defense is it a new thing Luke Jack is is fighting under
some legitimately responsible and effective striking defense that allowed him to get off his shots and and for the
most part land the better strikes in Holland no there was no exclamation point on this but Holly we talked about
it coming in Holland was it was a real wild car for the top end of this Division and maybe this was close yet
but it should be close against somebody of Holland’s ability outside of the lack of a ground attempt at all from Kevin
Holland Jack Jack took another step forward and I was impressed by it so I definitely feel like he looked top
10 ready with this one and you mentioned striking defense I had a whole rant on this on Saturday night dude I got to
tell you for the better Strikers in MMA you’re starting to see significantly better defense and it’s comprehensive
it’s partly the way which they are manipulating range it’s partly the way in which they Implement their guard and
then strategically how they use that garden and what circumstances also there’s starting to be better footwork
and guys using lateral movement and then you know getting in on strikes exiting that kind of stuff they’re just putting
themselves in the right positions at the right time then exiting defensively at the right time as well Kyle Nelson also
on this card had a strong performance related to that not quite as good as um not quite as sharp as JDM with the
higher end Talent he’s facing but nevertheless like very commendable and it’s something that is noteworthy for
folks who’ve never trained like offense is always the first thing that people go to and learn and it’s actually defense
that kind of catches up later with some exceptions here or there but um it’s good to see the defense is
making its way more responsibly and more thoroughly into MMA striking now the fight itself I disagree with your
recitation of it first round I thought was good segment I thought was okay third one I thought was just sparring it
didn’t look to me like either guy I’m not saying they weren’t stepping on the gas but they were a little bit out
of ideas and then just didn’t change a whole lot in the end now it was more on
Kevin Holland 2 change and I did think he took the third as a consequence but it was a little bit too little too late
and the fight kind of stalled out a little bit by the end of that and that’s not their responsibility they’re not you
know people think they’re entertainers they’re not explicitly in that way but you know they were getting booed by the
audience which I didn’t agree with but I understand relative to the promise of what that fight represented it kind of
stalled out and was boring by the end of the third all right but in terms of how Jack De La Madeleine looked dude he
looked good he had you know what the difference was between him and and Kevin Holland BC
he was just way more focused and disciplined with how he was fighting he
was not going to strike on Kevin Holland’s terms if he could avoid it he was maintaining Stout defensive uh you
know guard structure and choices about when to go he was clever with his setups he would throw multi-punch combinations
he had an answer to at least some extent for that kind of Philly shell that leaning Philly shell that Kevin Holland
was using that that also did pretty well for Kevin in terms of you know blocking some shots but even then JDM was able to
get through and it looked to me like he was definitely ready for a step up in competition however it also just kind of
you know the thing about Kevin Holland it’s like he’s got all the ability in the world
and he has been very explicit that like he’s not hunting the title and so
I I don’t you can’t begrudge a guy like that like Nate Diaz is the exact same way like they have figured out a lane where they feel like they can probably
maximize wealth with the time that they have and an opportunity just by staying active and then kind of being that
Gunslinger hero and that’s better than trying to literally be the guy who can beat everybody else and I I understand
that um at the same time though I just didn’t feel like I got the best out of Kevin
Holland in this fight which is partly credit to JDM of course but I don’t know it’s like
how specific was the training around JDM in this fight because it looked like once he was able to get going with more
volume in the third he was able to do a little bit more but again it was too little I don’t know I agree that the
fight got worse as it progressed uh I didn’t I wasn’t bored per se but I disagree on your scoring of the third
round all three judges and myself gave the third round to Jack Della made Elena all three judges gave the second round
to Holland which I did and then two of the three gave round one to Jack the third judge who scored it for Holland
2-1 Holland yeah but uh yeah I mean look the onus was on Holland to change his
Fortunes in the fight and he never stepped on the gas to do that now again did he feel like he was leading in in
the fight or felt like if he took more chances Jack was going to be there to counter it’s hard to say but I do agree
overall for all those questions we’ve kind of had about Holland’s true focus and direction through this walk this was
not the fight where I wanted this performance meaning he left a little bit too much in the gun sling you know and
didn’t bring it all Luke and the holster um because he was just coming off a victory that really kind of opened her eyes to is this guy a title Contender
here is this guy moving in that direction you want to see him leave no doubt and I don’t even with the split
decision finish I think there there wasn’t doubt to me who was the better fighter in this case and that turned out to be Jack so credit to jack for
bouncing back from an up and down performance last time but yeah Luke if you’re not in it to win it all
I don’t know what I mean I know you can be in it to to entertain you can be in it for money Derek Lewis has laid out
that plan a lot but come on Kevin Holland get after it dude you’re really freaking good I mean Luke he’s long as
he was split in the guard of Jax very tight defense and key moments particularly in that second round which
I thought he won um I don’t know you know he might have had success on the ground if he would have
if he would not not spam the takedowns but make it a credible threat in there you know what it’s here’s the thing to
me again I I I don’t know about the takedowns I feel like dealer Madeleine’s takedown defense is pretty good so I don’t know about that but maybe from the
clinch that would be a little bit but you gotta find out don’t you have to find out Luke yeah I also feel like if Kevin Hollins
got these long ass arms he should be using them for like body lock stuff a little bit more regularly to like mix things up but the thing that gets me on
with the Kevin Holland stuff is it’s you’re right it’s like I again I’m gonna say one more time I don’t mind the guys
who are like I just don’t think it’s worth my time to be like I’m gonna be able to beat everybody but that isn’t a
get out of like jail free card that isn’t you know you don’t have to you know maximally try every single time
that’s not quite what they what it means it means you gotta like Target how you take fights and begins to and then you
know what kind of frequency and everything else and I just felt like I don’t begrudge him being like I don’t
want to chase something that you know it just doesn’t interest me I want to keep this competition schedule fine but then
in a case like this I still don’t think I got everything Kevin Holland could have brought to the table I think he’s more
talented than what he showed credit to JDM for taking a lot of that away but I don’t think he’s the sole reason a lot
of that was gone I thought there were some other things that could you think about the talk in between them Luke a couple times it got a little spicy in
there hated it hated it apparently he was saying stuff to him like hey we should train together it’s like dude that’s just the I mean you
know look I’m just an sitting in my desk chair in my office like what do I know but I just know that the
ones who are like the most insanely competitive don’t do that that’s what I know no my guy Anthony Smith does you’re
stealing from my children remember he told Johnny Walker that business that was wrong I was like what the you know yeah he’s like did I wait did I
sleep with your wife in Scotland I’m not sure wait wait who are you again yeah that was the only that was the yeah yeah
okay in any case um well I guess we’ll see what happens I don’t think by the way I don’t think Kevin Holland’s stock
dropped you know some significant amount or anything like that and I don’t think jdm’s like exploded but I do think this
was a meaningful step up and I’m excited to see him against the top ten I think it’ll be oh by the way of Vicente Luke
fight Count Me In yeah that’d be magic I’d be into it let’s do it okay all right topic number uh four BC let’s
let’s quickly touch on the Raul Rosas phenomenon so we both thought he was gonna get a win and he did turned out to
be by KO versus via sub but he got it just the same inside of a minute in the first round now this was a fight he was
widely expected to lose to excuse me to win BC and he does the job so I’m trying to figure out what’s a fair way to give
a guy a grade for winning a fight in the UFC that he was expected to win but of course it still has everyone is very
quick to remind us just 18 years old give me a fair and appropriate grade for his performance how about an a because I
mean when when you finish somebody so quickly which can happen when you have a you know a bow nickel level hyped young
Prospect and Rosas has his own lane in terms of hype because of the age you’re not gonna always learn a ton who knows
right until this guy’s in there against legitimately someone with a with a pulse even beyond the guy that he fought last
time which created all this doubt but he went in there and showed us explicitly that he’s adding to his game I know he
made all the comments of you know I fixed the holes I figured it out and yes young fighters of any kind 18 years old
or not tend to need the wake-up call that an early loss gives you I know his situation is different with the age and
level of hype but he responded to that perfectly he went in there and didn’t just take the guy down submit him in a
second be like well this is what I do better than anybody else he showed offensive intention to come in there
with a high pace and land big shots that was an absolutely beautiful looping bomb that scored the knockdown that led to
the finish it was really good ground and pound really good intention confidence ferociousness it helps of course it’s
Mexican Independence Day weekend it’s Noche and you know it comes out in the sombrero dude what else would you have
wanted from him here uh this was an absolute perfect comeback to restore the confidence again doesn’t answer all the
questions but it never does unless unless you keep beating one bigger name after another and all different kind of
fights he he has a long time to get there for what we’re trying now with the 18 year old version of him I feel like
this this sealed the hole remember on on Full House when uh Michelle and DJ accidentally and Stephanie they’re
playing around with the dads like closet thing and they put the thing through the hole and they had to You Know cover it up quick with a really poorly done
plaster job Luke this is better than that I never saw that I never saw that
all right I think you’ll remember they had that song Dad Dad Dad you remember
that I don’t that’d be okay okay but uh in all seriousness I I think I’d
give him probably I’d give him maybe an A minus I don’t think A’s a little stronger because you’re a hater admit it
you’re a Rosa I mean I might be a Rosas hater because I’ve been saying his name wrong all day but yeah I mean at least I
know his name you’re a row sauce hater from the day one of um
hype skeptic big difference I don’t have anything personal against I don’t know the kid how the everything the
only person you hate worse than Rose Rojas Luke is every white person all right which would include me which would
include me but in all seriousness again I think it’s an A minus because let’s talk about the good part which what you
identified you know he had less than one significant strike per minute Randy didn’t have a lot of minutes but dude
you know how many uh um strikes he landed not in this fight but the one previous over the course of three rounds
do you know how many how many did he actually land two two punches in in 15 minutes he
landed two so then he does this performance and you can’t give him an a dude he was tremendous a minus a minus
no dude you got to learn to read between the lines here a little bit or teach me here Professor salt and pepper okay I
will I will I ask you questions about boxing all the time I don’t pretend to know everything I don’t know everything about MMA but I do know what I’m about
to say which is so look him opening up and going for the like the Striking on the ground is
obviously just a much better choice and it’s good to see that that I consider meaningful progress that’s one two he
dropped the guy on the feet which was uh he had to kind of punch across his body to do it because his positioning was a little bit off but again we’re you know
we’re talking about UFC striking so I on that level I think I give him two thumbs up as well so those are great things
that I think you should take from it I just think that you need to stop there right like people like here’s the
problem people can’t just say uh he’s a good Prospect who made a couple of meaningful changes that will
set him up for the future that is to me the appropriate takeaway that’s not what they do what they do is they go oh here
we go he’s back he’s the future of MMA blah blah blah guys let me ask you a
question do you think he’s the only 18 year old in America right now who could
have beaten Terence Mitchell on Saturday and done it inside of a minute because I don’t think that I don’t think that at
all I think there’s there’s probably several that could have done it here is the problem that I have he had made
better decisions with his offensive weapons all good all good but he’s
raging in fights still he is swinging wildly as and he overwhelmed the
guy who just you know didn’t have much ability to be there which was fine that was his job but my Pro my point is you
can’t look at that and then declare this is an elite Prospect who is destined for great things what you can say is he’s a
obviously Green Fighter who is starting to Round the Corner little bit on some of his more known deficiencies but he is
very green how do people not see this he is so clearly I don’t think people are fighting this battle that you’re
creating I think the loss last time you’re me took all of that like a lot of that air out of this why is it
now popular why is he popular no he put He put a lot of the air back in the balloon with the performance but I don’t
think people are saying this guy should be fighting a top 10 guy or fight for the title next I mean the kid’s 18. no
no nor am I said that where did I say people said that I didn’t say that that definitely stop against right now the
people that definitely saw multiple people saying oh my God he’s the future of the sport on Saturday night I
absolutely saw that numerous times that’s that’s insane to say and it’s not me for me to declare that that’s not
true but my point is like how on Earth could you declare that based on everything we have well I don’t think
I’m trying to Define what they’re saying I don’t think they’re saying he’s going to win a championship in a year I think they’re saying at 18 He looks this good
he is the future this war dude if he doesn’t fail he will be the future of this war look who’s doing nothing about
what he is doing tells you he’s gonna win in the future
people but you got to give it a chance here you know dude okay you have to give it a chance I understand what I’m trying
to get everyone to wrap their head around is he’s green like like really green not
like a little green majorly green like where he has to be in a year we’re not
even like bordering on the idea of anyone in the top 15. that’s only fair to his development I’m trying I’m just
trying to get like people they want to heat Praise on him and say look how good he is at 18. you could find someone else
in the United States at 18 to win that fight as quickly as he did on in the United States you could do that that’s not some like re this is not Bo nickel a
three or four time Division One champion pulled into MMA and they just literally can’t find a guy to stand in front of
him long enough Rojas t-shirt Luke you’re making me want to buy one now wear it on the show
everything yeah because everyone wants to just buy into the hype and not the actual tape and what it says and then
when I come along I’m like well the tape doesn’t say that oh you’re a hater no no no he’s he’s the man you are
being a hater right now I mean he already had the humbling moment of it’s not going to be perfect you’re not going to win a championship
what do we do in grading people like this it’s the UFC when Jon Jones came around we only noticed his age after he
started beating the out of people that’s what I’m talking about you beat the out of the good people first and then we’ll note your age it doesn’t
work the other way around and as long as people keep inverting that relationship they’re going to keep getting the
analysis of this totally fine for these people okay real question are these people educated or are these the same people that you tell me their opinion
doesn’t matter generally I don’t know how pervasive the views are
about him um relative to his actual upside I I am
obviously speaking somewhat anecdotally but I just want folks to be like be happy for what it was he has his back
taking ability is great like it’s legitimately very good right he is very very good at that um he’s strong he’s physical right
that’s these are all good signs but the way you’ll know he’s really turned a corner is not by raging through a guy
who he’s overmatched against it’s by methodically beating someone who can offer intelligent resistance
that’s what I’m talking about look I don’t think they’re trying to match
him to get him a championship in a year I think they’re just like this gets really good he can connect
hold on hold on I’m trying to get to a point here before you cut me off then you can have it my point is him in
motion at every level will be a reality show because it’s like oh that’s not really young kid let’s see what he does I saw him lose one time I don’t believe
him always getting better he’s getting better that’s what this is going to be it’s going to be incremental updates no one’s talking about him Bo nickel is
different he’s 27 he’s married it’s different please stop pretending please stop pretending that this is not partly
a conversation oh God my Siri showed up on my screen God damn it
um hold on one second please tell me that this is you you understand that what’s partly Happening Here is like
it’s the same it’s not quite the same thing this is not quite true in in any kind of style of promotion the
promoter when they have a prospect that is interesting sometimes they will end up turning into somebody really special
that does happen time to time it’s pretty rare but it can happen pick your favorite example of such but what they
want to do in the interim before it’s clear is lean on the suggestive side that it will happen I’m merely trying to
motion that’s promotion you have to get people to so why am I obligated to indulge that because nobody’s fighting
the argument that you’re fighting against unless it’s you’re so wrong dude they’re obviously some nerds that have
that are trying to like rile you up Luke but nobody’s trying to say like he’s not saying in the post fit interview I got
this many days left before I beat Jon Jones’s record he wants to be the youngest Champion he still said that
wasn’t but he’s also 18 like it’s going to be each fight is going to be a its own chapter in this reality show you
think he can be let me ask you seriously you think he’s good enough now that in within two years it is at least
conceivable that he could challenge for a title I mean if he if he turns out that he’s great and he starts climbing
it really fast but I think we learned from the last fight that’s going to take some time and I think the UFC got enough
of a a scare there that they’re going to realize let’s just keep raising the bar a little bit fight by fight and they can
see he could still be a constant growing brand for them you know I mean they lowered the bar from the last one pretty substantially yeah they had to they had
to make sure that this isn’t a train wreck and he could pass that test with an a Luke so don’t be an a-hole a minus
a minus a minor making me want to pronounce his name right every time I’m telling you that Luke well listen if that’s what it takes to get you to do it
then I’m here to help but I just want you know you’re just sitting here like trying to be like oh we should feel good about the promotion of how he this guy
is being marketed and then sort of like talked about in The Wider community and then I’m like well that’s not really based in reality and like oh you’re a
hater guys I’m not a hater for not indulging promotional fictions that’s not that I mean you’re a hater when you
have something personally against a kid he’s good for 18. let’s see what happens I wish you had the same passion in our
building seven debates Luke I really wish you how was that like a crime I don’t understand that’s a crime all right neither here nor there he’s he
looked he’s gonna he’s gonna get another good fight and he should win the next one we’ll see what happens all right last but not least BC it does bring us
overall to the event at large the Noche UFC event NBC I don’t know if you were
able to watch the entire broadcast but dude they were doing all kinds of fun stuff where they were playing different music of like you know Mexican origin
for the tale of the tape graphic and then they had the weight classes all in Spanish and then they had all these
different graphic packages and of course the Mexican-American fans or even the Mexican fans more generally showed up
big time at the T-Mobile this felt really big it was aided as we discussed by a fantastic main event but I just
want to get your thoughts did you feel like Noche UFC was a success as a branded and marketed event yeah I felt
it was huge I felt they hit perfect I love that there was this badass title fight not on free TV but you know as
close as you can I mean is it did it air on regular ESPN or just the plus I think it I watched it on plus but I do believe
it did it on ESPN so I mean it got such Prime placement look here’s the deal I love all fight fans of all race Creed or
whatever but I really love Mexican fight fans they make the boxing amazing and fun and they showed out to this this
worked this was huge the Mexican champion won even though it was a draw
great Moment by the way between her and DC you know I won the football you didn’t actually win but no they won the
whole thing I felt yeah look is there a little like a little hard cheesy lean into some degree and it’s
certainly strategic don’t ever Overlook that it’s a financially strategic move but I felt they did it very well and if
and look I’ve always loved the idea of majors of of feeling like certain pay-per-views are different from the
others that it just means more Madison Square Garden means more right the December one means more they were
already talking on the broadcast almost like it was matter of fact like man we should do this every year yeah you should I don’t care what it’s on
Pay-per-view free TV or not um it’s a great way to continue to grow that fan base and look at how look at
the dividends and how quickly how quickly we’re getting Mexican complete Fighters that are coming out of there in
this first generation of of ones that have grown up and said okay we can go either way here boxing or MMA and
um I really had nothing negative about it Luke even though it was very aggressive and and purposeful in that regard that crowd was amazing if we’re
gonna play up how incredible the London and Paris crowds feel on the TV this was
right up there this was a pay-per-view feel and it was the right fight the right match up the right face of Grosso
who is a a warrior who’s constantly getting better who has star power she’s fought her ass off in an incredible
fight that you could do an immediate rematch if that’s the decision that the company wants everything won on this
night and that’s why I I lobbed in the the Rosas comeback win because I mean his his embracing the crowd and to see
they’re like you know I mean look that’s what it’s more about the Rosas thing than anything else every fight for this
guy is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger because man I mean if you want what else could you want if you’re the UFC to have a core of elite Mexican
Stars which you have in a in in the ex-champion Moreno and we just saw Donna fight regardless of that big egg Luke
and now you’ve got Grosso who’s a decorated battle tested champion and then he got this 18 year old Prospect
Mexican-American like this could be this this is this is everything hit everything freaking hit on Saturday and
it was fun to see uh I would say not not everything hit but like I I the broad
Strokes of that I very much agree with I mean dude don’t you feel like two things sort of really occurred to me MMA fans got a taste of what it’s like
for like the Mexican-American fans to be here and what it’s like to watch Boxing
didn’t you feel that way it was like yes dude this is what you get when you watch Boxing you get this kind of it’s
like the Mexican the Mexican and Mexican-American fan base I just folks they’re as Rock ribbed fight fans as
you’re ever gonna see oh dude it’s I was I was in San Antonio for Showbox on the highway they’re every Regional show
that’s coming up has its own like billboard not video screen billboard but like full billboard this guy versus this
guy Saturday night Santa I mean like the the appetite in general is just amazing right it’s so it’s so great so we got a
chance to see that but also I just feel like BC UFC fans in particular they’re
looking for something to feel a little bit different they’re looking for something to be remixed for the UFC to try something new and again they’re kind
of just borrowing what boxing does they had a mariachi band playing outside the T-Mobile uh we’re gonna be seeing the
Canelo fight probably in a couple of weeks so you’re going to see something like that there for that event I mean it’s a very it’s a staple of what you
know a big Canelo fighter a Mexican-American or Mexican fight is in Las Vegas so you know they didn’t reinvent the wheel but they’re bringing
some of these like really important workable elements from boxing and then just applying it to MMA at a time where
now it makes so much more sense because again it is the full package it was Alexa Grosso it was all the other
Mexicans on the prelim card it was I certainly agree Raul Rosas Jr it was all of these different things coming
together adding a little festivity adding a little Pomp and Circumstance to it promoting and I think it turned out
great I would say they you know done everything they tried was a home run I don’t know if you heard like they had uh
Brenda Moreno in English joining the Dominic Cruz DC and John in a commentary table
I don’t know how much that worked poor Brenda didn’t work that didn’t work but but I don’t hate the effort I don’t know
100 I’m glad that they tried it it was a great attempt and again he does commentary in Spanish it must be very
difficult to do commentary in a second language so I certainly applaud his effort but I don’t know how well it worked for English-speaking audiences
but short of a couple of things like that two thumbs up for me I thought this was a home run event it’s just crazy BC
that a 10-8 round five from Mike Bell almost ended that whole Mexican
Revolution where they all had the belts it almost undid all of it okay what do
you say though in response to valentina’s comments that we referenced earlier in the double down and the whole idea that I would have won this fight if
it was you know she’s basically looping Mike Bell’s 10-8 score card into he got he fell into the romance of of of uh UFC
Noche is that is that bitter competitor is there any value there what what do we do
with that that seems pretty salty to me I mean listen on the one hand could it be true that
um the spirit and festivities of the moment had some kind of subconscious effect on
the judging to make it go in the direction that it did that is certainly plausible but a there’s no way to prove
that or to really understand that we don’t have any way of knowing and more to the point a Grosso scorecard is
totally fair so I understand why she doesn’t like the 10 8 you don’t like the 10 8 I don’t
like the 10-8 I get that part but then attributing it to like Mexican fan enthusiasm not just reeks of saltiness
to me it doesn’t it doesn’t strike me as a very compelling argument yeah yeah I get it I get it there was a you know
Bell had shown himself earlier in the night with enough 10 8 that weren’t wrong so I get it um closing with this I
I shared my fears and fears in previous episodes about the TKO www let’s not WWE
fi this UFC too much but I I wouldn’t hate if Raul Rosas Jr took on the The
Legend killer gimmick that was probably best done in the WWE by Randy Orton where it’s just like you got this young
guy who could be something special so what they do one after another is call out the old former Champions and just
mercilessly beat them if they started a Legends tour where like hen and Burrell could get back in the bullpen for
another fight and then they got a fight you know you gotta fight Faber you gotta fight crew Dom Cruz you gotta fight TJ
Cody I mean would you be down for that Luke come on that’s actually you know what I tell you what if you can go there and do that uh and he can win yeah
I’d be down but you know let’s let’s let’s let’s get him to the winning part and then we’ll have those conversations all right there you go that’s our top
five here uh before we get to the DMS let’s quickly tell everyone about you know our next partner ag1 the daily
foundational nutrition supplement that supports whole body Health right BC yeah I mean I just poured a glass and drank
it during the show you were watching me and I do this every morning one scoop of that green magic powder it’s kind of got
a lot of what I’m missing in my own breakdown of my own diet my daily walk it’s got the vitamin vitamins it’s got
all that stuff Luke that cleans me up makes me feel good and you know what the thing I love about it most of that
tropical you know just perfect subtle clean taste yeah no doubt about
it listen I drink it every day ag1 I love it sometimes in the morning sometimes at night if I want to make sure that before I go to bed I’ve got
all of the nutrients that I need and like you this the the mild tropical taste it makes it super easy to do so
yeah put it in my shakes uh you know a little little I mean look they say how you start your day is how you’re going
to end it right you eat cake for breakfast it’s going to be a long day for you I start my day with ag1 and Luke
Look at me now okay maybe you know what I had Luca dinner the other night out out in San Antonio I had wagyu lasagna I
mean that’s a that’ll change your life dude that’ll that’ll add some of this that’ll change your life in a lot of ways but you know what I did the next
morning I drank me some Meiji one okay so 35 first 75 high quality uh
ingredients uh daily nutrients of course that support energy focus and Clarity it’s a micro habit BC that delivers
macro benefits and it helps everyone take care of their health every day okay BC if a comprehensive solution is what
you need from your supplement routine then try ag1 and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D and 5 free ag1
travel packs with your first purchase yep the vitamin D is in in drop form I add that to my ag1 every day just a
little bit extra and those travel packs come in clutch on the road when it’s hard to eat clean it’s hard to feel
clean jet lagged hey ag-1’s a nice help a nice little boost in that regard so why don’t you go to
slash morning combat and get that extra for your first order let’s do it join
the team here of ag-1 Amanda Guerra ag2 and the two of us Luke and then of course one more time there’s another
website you can go to drink ag1 that’s AG then the number one drink morning combat morning combat all right with that in
mind BC it’s time for the viewers to ask uh us questions it’s time for DMS from
dogs all right here we have it uh from
uh uh Oso aldaco I’m not sure how this is supposed to be pronounced or written
who’s who is the they put who okay yeah who is the female fighter of the Year
Grosso blanchfield uh izawa psycha I’m not sure who izawa
saika is but okay I don’t I don’t know I don’t have this information are we being set up or is this legit Luke probably I
probably just said some kind of racial slur in another language that I don’t know so all right all right I’ll I’ll have you back on that Luke they’re
asking right now who’s on Pace to be the fighter of the year
well if Grosso had one cleanly it would be her but because it’s a draw I don’t
know I really don’t know I mean just that upset alone and then to
come back in the rematch and not lose maybe I mean I mean for for all we can joke about her saying I won and DC
correcting her she did Win Luke you’re the champion you draw you hold the title now we’re talking about it yeah yeah
what should be next I mean that’s the Champions Advantage right there do you like the idea of ever giving
fighter of the year to a non-champion I always feel like they’ve got to do something huge to be in that in that
conversation has this been enough from blanchfield to to be in this convo in here again they want us to give a fight
of the year it’s September like there’s time left so let’s see what happens but I’ll say this even if she
has to fight Manon Fiero and she wins I think she would be a top candidate I really yeah it’s coming on dude she’s
coming on all right from the double they have an explanation on izawa here Luke it was the rise in Adam way Champion I
know but I haven’t paid attention to rise and I apologize so that’s on me uh why don’t you just karate chop your hand
in the air Luke can get us in trouble I mean you know that’s that’s your favorite maneuver guy that’s your
favorite maneuver all right the doubled of official or of vivial they spell it
weird uh okay what are the best fights booked between now and the end of the year outside of the main event dude it’s
got to be Hamza versus Paulo Costa right UFC 294. that’s a great one um whoever over Paddy fights especially if it’s our
boy frivola who you can check out the room service Diaries episode that we did last week with him that went live um
that would be a big one I mean there’s a lot of this weekend this weekend gamrod and Rafael physiv that’s a sick yeah
that’s that’s a that’s a good one that’s a good ass one yeah it’s a great question
trying to think of who’s the problem is here’s the problem BC we got a couple of big ones but like I don’t give a like we’re gonna cover and have fun with
Tyson Fury and Francis but like you know it’s just uh it’s a it’s a
fight to get money it’s not every morning yeah I really care about blades Almeida and heavyweight look I recall
great call Great call I love that fight yeah so there’s a few good ones although that might be a main event so this is
non-main event Edition um but okay what I’m saying like even those big fights they’re just kind of
kind of weird yeah so I guess we’ll see all right from Campbell Parish
in honor of what country oh Country Fair season what is
your favorite fair food now this motherfucker’s just writing gibberish yeah he is he is uh okay so look there’s
a great question and we’ve all you know we’ve all gorged ourselves at the fall fairs just going from corn dogs are for
Animals I’m sorry they are but you know you know in my old days Luke I’d get down with that I think the best thing at
especially in New England fairs is the Thanksgiving um
burrito I get or no Thanksgiving like so it’s it’s a rap Luke that has all the
Thanksgiving Fixins in it including cranberry sauce so it’s basically a hot turkey
but it’s got gravy mashed potato it’s got everything in it dude that thing is tremendous you know that I mean because
there’s no better meal in life than the Thanksgiving meal and you can get that in a in a One-Stop shop in my hand type
of like just Beauty yeah no whatever County Fair is selling Thanksgiving in a wrap is selling you the Boston Market
version of that absolute feces loaded to the gills in that rap no
chance dude how was the answer not funnel cake funnel cake with powdered sugar on top how was that about yeah
dude no don’t get powdered sugar if you have a chance to do the the funnel cake with the marinara on top you got to go
there and the cheese I’m sorry I’m sorry what it’s called fried dough are you kidding
me but you wait the funnel cake but instead of sugar you put
tomato sauce on you cover that in Parmesan cheese and you have yourself
sex in your hands I mean are you kidding me right now you’re just an ape that’s not a classic that’s some remix to guy fear to get fat no no that’s how we get
down in Connecticut Luke on the regular okay by the way I meant to tell you this is true like some place opened up in DC
next time you come which will be never but next time you do oh yeah it’s a place here and it’s like I forget the name but it’s got like Connecticut Pizza
in the title it’s already everyone I know who’s been has been like dude it’s the best pizza in the city I have to go
you missed a lot on Connecticut because I get you haven’t seen great views of it I mean you’re at the you’re at like a
motel I’ve seen most of Connecticut and it uh it looks like I mean you’ve seen the emergency room in Norwich yeah
you’ve seen some awful spots but you you were wrong we got great food including Pizza we got great schools Luke we got
extremely high taxes and um and you have the rudest service workers ever so no I
will not be checking that place out look um once again BC try the BC Comedy Hour on the servers here and because they
rebuffed his comedy they’re now bad servers that’s a very interesting way of looking at it well the price is also
insane for anything the price is insane yes you are right about that all right from house 12 Damien
don’t know who the that is what was the most Carney moment in MMA history oh
Jesus so I saw this tweet that from this fella I don’t know is that Damian the Donk I don’t know is he
still is he incarcerated I don’t yeah he’s tweeting from prison I can’t tell but I saw somebody respond with the
answer Dada 5000 versus gimbo a heart attack
man paid side for that Kate side that’s I mean okay the other moment and the
most of the moments in my opinion would come in the first couple years like joseon getting punched in the balls by
uh by what’s his name until until he attacked me it was TKO via ball punch
like that’s literally the fight that sparked my fandom because I was at a family get-together in like the middle
of nowhere in Pennsylvania and my grandfather would not stop talking about this and laughing until he was crying
that I was just like oh this new UFC thing everybody’s talking about no I gotta watch it after that that’s as corny as it gets Luke
but the DOTA the dot a heart attack was yeah I mean that’s that’s Peak uh
yeah so I was there for that if you guys want to go check it out I think it’s probably still on the MMA fighting
YouTube page I did a post fight show with Sean El shoddy we were there for that and our post fight show was we were
me and him looking at each other being like what the are we supposed to say about what was the main event was that hoist versus Shamrock 3 I believe
that’s right yeah I believe that boy dude in hindsight Shamrock like that
fight was real weird right what did hoist hit him with the need of the stomach and he knocked him out that was weird I don’t even remember that detail
but I still I always tell folks this Kimbo is still the most popular fighter in Bellator history no doubt and not by
a little bit but like a lot but like it’s like the number two is not even in the same Stratosphere as him
um yeah I did a big feature for ESPN that week about the slop of that fight card and uh you retweeted it Luke you
wrote essential reading oh there you go I’ve always known you were full of
yeah yeah yeah all right last but by the way uh for folks who didn’t see it the
um moosen was a show that had all kinds of weird on it and then uh the
the one with the lip on it like the weird lip on the cage what the was the name of that the Yama pit Yama pit
fighting oh yeah that was weird do we put Justine kish’s moment in this at all look was that no that’s like gross but
not Carney but the just bleed guy that’s pretty corny yeah that’s his Guardian that’s as Carney as it gets do you know
that Todd Grisham was in the crowd for one of the early ufcs that was in like Alabama I wonder if it was the just
bleed guy crowd I got to talk to him about this he would like he went when he was like 16 or something I imagine going I had a friend Luke who saw Andrew Dice
Clay in his prime run when he was like like 10 years old his parents let him go imagine that coming of age in that
moment maybe Todd came of age next to the just bleed guy or that guy behind him that was smoking that joint you see it so the guy whose parents let him see
Andrew Dice Clay at 10 years old what does he do in prison now oh wow wow I
think he’s a landscaper I love that guy that’s my guy by the way Bobby Bruce yeah but uh no there you go Luke is that
it we got to get to this oh we got one more we actually got one more and this one’s pretty interesting and we verified this what I’m about to read to you is
true from Platinum Mike Perry what are your thoughts on media Mike Perry and is
there podcast protocol so Mike Perry I think he instagrammed us today he
responded to our accounts uh DM question yes BC I don’t know how you feel about it uh I’m I’m ready for Mike Perry to be
on that RSD couch yeah Mike can our people call your people can we make the travel work and make this work
and figure this out and because what is the protocol what are the rules first of all on that couch where many a hooker
has perished Mike there are no rules but when it’s involving Mike Perry my favorite fighter right uh Ocean’s daddy
if you will yeah I mean look well it goes without saying that that would be our highest rated room service Diaries
couch episode but by far right like that would he do drugs with us I think the
answer is yes maybe maybe but the stories that he’s
going to be able to pull dude I mean Mike is an incredible Storyteller to begin with but you know remember in that
bar when he took that old guy out look I mean Mike’s been through the Wars Luke you know Dylan Dan is tapped all right
he tapped to that security guard you know what’s funny I I always check the trending videos on YouTube that one but
the Face-Off between he and Logan Paul has been trending for like days and I don’t know where it’s at now but last I
checked was like Friday it was at four million views I mean that thing took off like a rocket well they sell
pay-per-views because that double header’s not it doesn’t stop so by the way on my live chat she’ll bring us up to you because you were requested and I
think they made a good point actually we talked about it but we should really have like a moment here we need to do a fight companion for Dennis versus Paul
dude we do yeah we need to like have fun with that so if the producers are watching or whatever and you’re like hey what’s something we could do and I think
that fights in October we need to have a fight companion that would be pretty corny our fight companion for that
Kearney card that’d be great yeah I’m into it but also Mike if you’re watching this we’d love to get you on the RSD couch uh I don’t know he lives in North
Florida right not South Florida Greater Miami I think does he he moved
down to Miami no we’re being told it’s possibly the Orlando Orlando
next yeah we have a home office only in Fort
Lauderdale that’s uh what’s that two hours away from Orlando um uh oh
oh they say we were in contact with his Mandarin last trip okay yeah yeah dude we’ll figure something out with Mike Perry we’ll get him we’ll get him we’ll
figure something out all right and that’s it for DMS from donks BC I want to see your feces all right I scoured
the globe for the highs and lows The Good the Bad the Ugly the in between Combat Sports Beyond there’s going to be some elder abuse too so get ready buckle
up big species faces coming at you [Applause] [Music]
I mean that’s just the greatest intro that man tremendous and we’ve definitely got male viewers Luke let’s go to Noche
UFC Las Vegas Lupita gordines slam slam Luke Analise Reed let the boys
be boys on this one yeah it’s godinez because there’s no Enya over the end but to your point look at this you teeing
off on her High amplitude throw she beat the dude we didn’t even talk about the
arm bar sequence in the first round yes yes that’s like a that’s like
a WWE Spike slam maybe this TKO influence is rubbing off Luke she puts
her flat on her back but just the strength to do something like that God damn dang all right uh let’s listen in
on lightweight Charlie Campbell as he does his best Dwayne The Rock Johnson impression did you think about my boxing
it doesn’t matter what you think it doesn’t matter what you think
shout out to Dwayne Johnson The Rock I’m a huge fan put me in a movie or something you know I love a good WWE
reference so I’m gonna let you live in the Octagon tonight oh that felt a little a little like hey
TKO group recognize me brother I can speak pro wrestling bits fail in public
uh it makes me horny I just it’s just I don’t think if yeah it failed pretty miserably are you kidding DC was like
I’m gonna let you live it failed miserably yeah it did all right all right well we met you in Raul Rosas Jr
bounced back with a bang here’s just a little here’s a little look at that finish just sliced right through the
mount and this is so much better keeping them out turning the guy over and then just going to work yeah poor guy just
had to get saved yeah it was good work once he got to that position it was toast all right now you’re coming around
on him here we go he’s the future I give him fair coverage not promotional fiction
[Music] Tracy Cortez and Jasmine Jazz divisius Luke had probably the the fight we were
most focused on the prelim card with Cortez by the way continuing her unbeat and run that’s a that’s a nice Victory
but did you see the it got a little hairy in there let’s listen in on this
one in your hair right watch this [Applause]
talking that ish Luke that get you fired up or what yeah well they showed the replay she did grab a fistful there it’s
hard to know how intentional it was people think it looks that way but it can be reactive and just kind of instinct but she got she grabs them no
doubt about it yeah did you see Cortez dedicated the win to uh Henry sahuto’s
sister who just passed away after a long illness I know which is really quite terrible I’m sorry to hear about all of that um but yeah and I will say this
here’s the interesting part about this BC Cortez looked amazing in the first round definitely faded in the second so
now it’s 1-1 heading into the third and I was like it was gut check time she still has issues fading but she answered
the call this time and was defensively sounded enough and still like put out enough offense to take the third it was
a great performance by her still some things to work on but she looks quick hands was an accurate puncher especially in that first round where she did look
the best of the three yeah I I agree with you there it was a really nice win to show that she’s ready for the next
level Luke Sean Strickland’s been Champion for like a two days and he’s I think he’s already broke in the title
let’s let’s check back in at the home of Strickland here I don’t think he has enough guns
yeah that that wow that’s a that’s just a bonus to them what else is going on in
this by the way the ammunitions on the wall in case you want to break in and uh arm yourself yeah that’s a deterrent uh
but there we go duct tape on the title you know he’s he’s playing the blue collar or every man role except for all
the artillery behind him uh he’s playing it well Luke playing it well there people seem to be buying it that’s not
uh the UFC wasn’t one of the best fight of the week took place Luke the truck stop was though don’t mess UF around
with some 18 wheelers you’re about to find out Luke okay let’s see let’s see he’s chirping he’s chirping backing up
oh balls my man came out with like a like a
what like a croquet club or something okay what is it like a like a like a kid’s cricket bat what the is this
guy doing looks like he’s being electrocuted thank you
uh the gift the audio on that was great the guy in the truck who filmed this was going sick but yeah I mean you know you
you messed with the mess with the bull look you’re gonna get the the bat there’s no question play stupid games Win stupid prizes uh I mentioned I was
in Showbox Luke San Antonio Hometown boy Ramon Cardenas in the main event
although he’s the underdog improved to 10-0 in his home City with this second
round stoppage of Raphael Pedroza who was unbeaten coming in let’s let’s listen in on the action that finished it
off okay what he’s doing right now
[Applause] now that’s a wake-up call
wake up call I am so excited about 9 11.
we’ll see you in September yes I can’t wait
there’s a karate job in the air for all of us Asian viewers what do you think of
uh rat tail I gotta say boxing is tremendous the
haircuts I’m sorry excuse me
this guy had nothing no answer for it at all again what a shot
something about Cardenas in San Antonio 10-0 as a professional in his home
yeah Luke I had a mcgregor-sized uh you know rope there from the Mayweather
weigh-in was just loving live boxing frozen steak in your dungarees it was great I was also happy to see you
there’s no question about it all right we move on from there uh it’s time for real recognizing real which we can get
behind we can respect how about Jamal Charlo do you know that he moved I don’t
know if this is full-time or temporary from Texas to Pensacola and he’s now working on the regular with Roy Jones Jr
preparing for an eventual return from this two-month two-year absence excuse me um what do you think about this this
pairing of Roy Jones and Jamal I don’t know about the pairing I don’t
know I mean I guess we’ll have to see I don’t know I don’t know what Roy’s um
training skills and record look like you could probably tell me better but what I will say is this I think getting out of
Texas is probably a good idea right I think separating himself you know being
around just a training environment other people who care about him in that way and just living there like that a little
bit I think can only benefit them so I’m actually really glad to see that I don’t know if he’s cut if he’s broken up with
Ronnie Shields I think they might be still together but I think this is more of just like a one-on-one mentorship with Roy that I mean Roy’s become a
trainer it’s been hit or miss he tends to try to go with athletes that he can teach uh you know certain tricks too and
better themselves it I mean sometimes I don’t know it’s tough It’s it’s tough when you’re that great in such a natural
sense that Roy was I mean I mean obviously Roy put in the work but he was just the quickest
Chief Corner um Roy’s Chief Corner Tom youngello I don’t know that name I
follow Tom youngello on Instagram dude this guy is a Encyclopedia of boxing knowledge and he you know he’s
been taking some of these fights lately um Tom trains a bunch of guys but he has been like training and cornering I guess
Roy in this late stage or whatever this version of his career is Tom’s the man have you ever seen any of his stuff on YouTube or install on social media like
it’s all high quality I will definitely look out for it let’s keep the real real Trend here Kazakhstan forever my guy
Triple G and your guy shot Rockman off Luke right is that or what I’m sorry what’s his last name I just got
rachmanov yeah Rockman off there you go I would love to see it this is a power Duo if ever there was one they’ve beaten
the out of a lot of guys between those two yeah yeah heavy hands indeed across the board love love me some
Triple G even though I mean he’s washed Luke it’s I mean he had a great run but uh it’s it’s you know yeah so are we so
are we uh also real recognizing real this was moments before Aaron Rodgers found out they’d never walk again Luke
but at the Jets home opener there it’s Jake Paul hey hey what is Jake Paul doing there did we
blame Jake for the uh for the ensuing injury or no I’d probably blame the turf but Jake probably doesn’t help you know
what I’m saying probably not and uh your wholesome video of the week uh this gives new meaning to the term dog
sledding does this dog dumb as or something no he’s a genius watch this
yo this dog is like way smarter than Tookie is right now yeah yeah he’s awesome look at this guy yeah this dog
rules yeah I started off so negative and now I’m like no this dog is this is the Leonardo da Vinci of dogs I mean yes all
right time for your Regional your Regional Roundup Luke remember Regional MMA anything can happen here is Rashad
Evans his godson Devin Smith in his comeback fight getting the spinning back
kick KO damn watch if they can show it again watch him step out he’s gonna he’s gonna maneuver the guy to his own left
and then he’s going to watch him step across boom um great shot really well set up
well-timed congratulations young man that was extremely impressive I believe that was LFA the promotion there Luke
let’s keep it going to karate combat we all remember Sam Alvey right he beat Rashad Evans he also just knocked this
guy straight out here in karate combat dude Jack slack talks about this all the
time and I didn’t pay attention to it because I just you know don’t have bandwidth for karate combat but apparently one of the big things that
they’re seeing in karate combat is someone will just go in there be like a karate master and a karate champion and
get viciously knocked out by anyone who can throw a a good hooking punch yeah usually it’s the left hook here it was
show it one more time uh Luke nozita here there are just watch it’s just a right hook and it’s not a big one hands
down just pops them with it um apparently hooking punches beat karate you know how like Jiu Jitsu is
not real apparently karate isn’t either if you can throw a hooking punch yep uh let’s go to cffc here’s Travis Miller
with your head kick KO of the week
right to the mouth right I thought it was gonna go to the body and when I mean look at their difference in physiques
whenever you see that you’re like dude some promoter just uh the promoter just tricked this guy we
got one more head kick it comes in the world of kickboxing hell whoa whoa actually that
might be the best head kick kale of the week damn I gotta tell you dude head kick Kos from heavyweights when they
land like the Gonzaga did to Crow cop and then his foot went backwards and they are I mean hey kkkos are
devastating but at heavyweight they feel like extra lethal indeed I always tell my kids Luke that
everything in the 80s was just so much weirder they wouldn’t believe it check out this birthday invite
actual birthday invite from the 80s and 90s chicks dig guys that eat out [Music]
oh that is awesome that is awesome I mean they’re not wrong but
yeah that’s so true so it turns out yeah hey rough week for women and tables
here’s the younger version First oh no okay okay happy birthday to you
there you go and no and let’s bring on abuela for an older version of this tragedy
okay oh no she’s just oh here we go in the yoga pants this is gonna go so bad it’s gonna go so bad maybe not all right
dude this is the exact same kind of lady who when she gets on Amtrak is looking
at me being like can you help me put my bag overhead and I’m like no lady eat that table off I’m telling you bro
here is the dude I want to say this is all of America the world watching if you
can’t take your bag the kind you would ordinarily check in at a flight if you
can’t lift that overhead you’re a piece of I want you to know oh come on I
mean you know there’s a lot of people that can’t you’re saying they should check it that’s what you’re saying check the damn bag right I’m saying people
don’t realize because so what’s the what’s the limit on flights like you can’t be more than 50 pounds a little something like that right that’s how
much a bag can be before like though it’s true yeah the ones that you check yeah unless you’re a first class and so what I’m saying is when you take a train
they don’t have a place for you to put bags like that at least not very much so you might have to take that same kind of
bag and put it overhead and they’ll always come to me on the train car and they’re like yo can you help me out and
I’m like lady if you’re like 65 I’ll help you you’re 45 you’re just weak well okay but I mean you’re a large
man Luke with big muscles okay it’s not their fault no I’m a man who needs his privacy that’s what I am I’m a man who
respect I have here here’s me on the train ready here’s me on the train
okay BC this is international sign for leave me the alone that’s also you
during our our meetings by the way just so the public gets a little a little a little Intel on that yeah there you go
hey college football is back in full gear Luke I’m not talking about Colorado in 3-0 with Coach Prime how about this
sideline catch at the OU game watch this
oh he did the Alfred poopinoo remember that guy the Chargers that is that’s so great
yes yes by the way I’m a big coach uh Prime fan are you oh hell well he was like my favorite player of all time in
the pros so in the NFL so yeah yeah I still have an old sign somewhere I’d have to find it when I went to go see
him at Fulton County Stadium which was two Brave stadiums ago when they handed out signs that said neon Dion for when
he was playing oh you still have that that’s badass yeah I kept it I kept it so it’s somewhere I have to dig it up but um got my toe spacers yeah yeah
right toe spacers uh let’s go to college game day look over Stanford Steve’s shoulder here Luke you’ll see your sign
of the week chicks get rammed by our by our Gamecocks apparently yes that’s
right yes why Gamecocks yes yes yeah there it is right there okay and uh Luke let’s listen in on this Iowa Iowa
quarterback uh Johnny come lately I’ll call him you know really everyone just being on
the same page because we know these guys are gonna come uh a lot I mean there’s
[Laughter] but uh I mean we have to be on key with
our Hots we got to be on key with our protection so um
yeah we’ll be well well Luke I mean football is
homoerotic there’s really no two ways guys are just talking about coming on each other not that there’s anything wrong with that Luke no no it’s fine but
it is what it is but speaking of football uh time for your football jersey of the week I don’t think you’ve seen this one out at the commanders game
I mean it’s kind of direct it’s direct it’s it’s in your face what team is that
is that like uh is that like a Seahawks jersey like what is it I don’t know is
Detroit so it’s a lions Jersey uh I don’t know that’s that’s that’s team e Jack but yeah there he is number 69 in
your score there’s team LoJack for your car and team ejac for your for your uh yeah let’s go to the Packers game here’s
your T-shirt of the week in the NFL I’m not saying I like it I mean this lady
I I honestly would rather get castrated than fulfill the message of this shirt
and here’s your runner-up for t-shirt of the week you could probably catch this guy at any gas station in the uh
dude look at this toothless Smith oh come on he bought that at the
Minnesota State Fair Luke he probably had this guy will wear this to a court date that’s what makes him awesome yeah
you know what I’m saying sir how do you flee to using meth on public school elementary school grounds lady I do
pedicures on camel toes all right I gotta get out of here look
let’s go to the next one here’s your uh boxing knockout of the week yes indeed
this was a pretty good KO it’s a great KO but people were acting like it’s an amazing Chao I don’t think it’s an
amazing one no I mean he was you know he was dead out on his feet and he got he ate two more shots yeah that’s what it
is all right uh Luke um this is a couple weeks old but I never got your reaction
to uh coked up Creepy Connor in the banana hammock on the exercise bike I
mean look are we doing this again
no this is not from the Mayweather weigh-in but uh this guy is so in love
with his own uh uh bulge with his own bump Luke he takes
many many bumps actually he’s into it it appears but uh he’s on a boat huh I mean
is he gonna fight in December Luke no no doesn’t look like it doesn’t look like it all right uh let’s go to your best
bumper sticker we’ve got this week you ever see one of these tell your rides Luke I can tell you ride dick
got him yeah yeah time to rate that tat Luke what do
you think about full sleeves like full black sleeves so uh I don’t they’re called it’s called
blackout I believe um they’re actually harder to do than you might imagine this is not that this is like some combination of geometric
and mendalia whatever the word is um but it’s not they’re actually they’re in reality they’re actually really hard
to do but um this is not it’s not a poorly done tattoo but it’s not my favorite okay uh
what about this one this UFC inspired tattoo next it’s probably bad why UFC fans No Good Inc yeah I mean
this is wait is that Ray Flores disarm Luke
uh yeah I mean this is a not a very good one um you know the the look look at the
line work on the Belt it’s kind of all over the place so yeah it’s not that great all right all right um let’s see what we
got to close here uh you ever see a guy like this in a bar Luke a a a slick
mover oh yeah oh yeah
my man yeah that’s pretty good he probably got like
a half a beer in there yeah slick moves right there X Lex and our final one Luke I promised elder abuse listen in where
is it I just hey watch out
it’s slippery yeah man
Trail look at this
what’s this I just hey watch out slippery
all right it’s slippery
yeah man oh that’s so nonchalant like the other
guy just completely broke his back and he’s like yeah man it really is slick out here you know all right look I gotta
go I gotta I got an interview I gotta do so why don’t you just take it home it’s been great doing this show with you okay thanks yeah welcome back nice to see you
glad you because as you make it back from San Antonio in one piece all right nice to see you let’s let’s set this up
for everybody here if we can very quickly uh of course thumbs up subscribe all that fun stuff if you haven’t
already there’s our socials you can follow us there very quickly one more time for all of the
merch that’s available for you you can go check that out uh let’s see Showtime is the label that pays get
a 30 day free trial if you like it you can keep it if not feel free to bounce morningcombat back on
Wednesday interviews in between lots of stuff going on this week keep it locked thank you for watching the show today we
greatly appreciate it we’re out of here and until next time may all of your gains be loyal
for the first time ever waiting Undisputed Kings fight on boxing’s biggest stage
Mexican icon and hunt for pound all-time breaks Canelo Alvarez takes all the
elite Superstar set on making history Jermel Charlo two kings one Road
[Applause] Canelo vs Charlo for the Undisputed
World title Saturday September 30th live on pay-per-view it’s about dry it’s
about Legacy that’s why I’m here
when you want to win something this big you gotta risk it all but I’m ready and I prepare myself for a
different kind of fight my whole career has been about Jason Canelo
on this Beauty

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Noche UFC Reactions & Sean Brady with Ray Longo

Noche UFC Reactions, Sean Brady, and Ray Longo | Anik & Florian EP. 438


In this episode of the Anik & Florian podcast, hosts John Anik and Kenny Florian discuss the recent UFC fights and share their reactions. They are joined by guest Sean Brady, a UFC welterweight fighter, and Ray Longo, a renowned MMA coach. The topics covered include the upcoming fights, the performance of certain fighters, and the role of referees and judges in MMA. Let’s dive into the highlights of this episode.

Sean Brady’s Upcoming Fight

Sean Brady, a UFC welterweight fighter, is set to face off against Kevin Lee in an upcoming fight. Brady discusses his preparation for the fight and his confidence in his abilities. He believes that he has what it takes to defeat Lee and is excited about the opportunity.

Ray Longo on Referees and Judges

Ray Longo, a respected MMA coach, shares his thoughts on the role of referees and judges in MMA. He expresses his frustration with some of the decisions made by referees and judges and believes that there needs to be more consistency and accountability in their actions. Longo emphasizes the importance of fair judging and refereeing in ensuring a level playing field for fighters.

Analysis of Recent Fights

Anik and Florian analyze the recent fights in the UFC. They discuss the performance of fighters such as Bryce Mitchell and Dan Ige. Florian highlights Mitchell’s rap album and his impressive skills in the octagon. He also praises Ige’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and his ability to hold his own on the ground.

Predictions for Upcoming Fights

The hosts and guests share their predictions for the upcoming fights. They discuss the matchup between Raphael Fiziev and Mateusz Gamrot. Florian expresses his disappointment in Gamrot’s performance since his fight against Guram Kutateladze. He believes that Fiziev’s striking skills and improved cardio will give him the edge in the fight.


In this episode of the Anik & Florian podcast, the hosts and guests provide insights and analysis on the recent UFC fights. They discuss upcoming fights, the role of referees and judges, and share their predictions. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of the podcast.

Kenny Florian podcast John annik and Kenny Florian I [ __ ]
love them I can’t get enough of them let’s hear that Boston next big job
oh my goodness I believe there are a couple of absolutely self-involved here are your hosts John anik and Kenny
Florian I’m the winner but it was a draw
it was a John if my if I’m Mike Bell I’m skipping this week’s episode of the Anarchy flooring podcast great to be
with you Monday September 18 2023 back in the home studio for episode
438 of the end confirm podcast presented by DraftKings on the DraftKings Network
YouTube channel we appreciate you checking out the show wherever you are finding us Clips on the Anakin flooring
podcasts YouTube channel we don’t discriminate on that as well oh so much to get into kenflo’s got his Nirvana
shirt he is uh nourished he just ate his breakfast was which probably means he was pushing uh heavy weight this morning
uh how we doing kid how we doing oh my goodness uh I’m feeling okay but I I
just how many weeks in a row John do I need to get poked in behind the behind by
these judges I mean it’s just one thing after another something’s coming up I can’t catch a break
oh I mean I just I I there’s some days I I just I I I want to stop giving pics
John I’m just getting murdered over here so oftentimes when we’re on the road my
twin brother was there we were with our friend Ronnie Pellegrino this weekend and we talked about the Anakin Florian podcast remember we’re always trying to
make this show better always trying to make the show better and make the main event challenge better and
my brother always bemoans the fact that you don’t like having to pick fights nor do a lot of these analysts right it is a
Cornerstone of the program and now we are on the DraftKings Network and you’ve been making picks though on this show in
the main event challenge since this Show’s Inception essentially so it is nothing new but we are trying to come up
with creative ways I think for 2024 so that a it’s a better reflection of how you
would do it the actual window and be so it’s not so uh just pick heavy for Ken
flow because it is difficult it is a very difficult thing and uh I do think mathematically there’s a way to come up
with something that uh you know is scoring close fight there’s a lot of different things we can do abstaining uh
multiple unit plays proposition bets but uh our listenership we always value your input as well but yes can flow was on
Valentina shipchenko and uh was unable to cash that ticket a lot to get into today of course we will recap the UFC’s
first Noche UFC I have a lot of respect for the Mexican Combat Sports Fan because well for
Myriad reasons but I started my career as a Combat Sports journalist as a boxing radio guy and I had the absolute
privilege to cover so many HBO pay-per-views with the mouthpiece boxing
radio show and so I got to go to so many fights involving Juan Manuel Marquez and Eric Morales and Marco Antonio Pereira
my personal favorite and you know just uh you really sort of get a sense for who Mexicans are and the way
they nationally support their athletes and certainly As Americans at times we bemoan the fact that we don’t have more
of that patriotism uh and instead it’s you know Boston versus New York and everything else but um man it was a
festive atmosphere for Noche UFC and it was Capstone by an outstanding Championship contest between Alexa Grosso and Valentina shevchenko and uh
you know I guess we can talk about the martial arts first and then maybe if we could uh talk about Mike Bell no I’m
just kidding hey I share [ __ ] shuttles with these guys right so uh you know I do consider Mike Bell an
acquaintance and a good man and uh but yes a lot to get into Ken flow what did you think about what was a really
entertaining high level mental and physical chess match between Alexia Grosso and Valentina shevchenko that
ultimately ends in a split draw I think this is a good approach start let’s start with the fight itself the fight itself was tremendous I think that both
ladies had awesome moments in that fight I thought it was highly technical I think it was very interesting to see the
adjustments that Valentina shevchenko made heading into that fight clearly her
boxing was way more on point than it was in the first time around against Grasso and I think Grosso made some really nice
improvements of her own as well perhaps not as consistently and thoroughly as
Valentina shevchenko but um I I thought that when they had their moments they really tried to capitalize
so as far as you know bringing that energy bringing that high level of
technical skill I think it delivered on all fronts and of course we had a lot of
drama as well a lot of drama within the martial arts within rounds round three
seemed to be the tightest submission of the fight despite this public narrative
about round five and certainly in the final minute of the fight when Valentina shevchenko makes a mistake surprisingly
a again and allows Alexa Grosso to get a submission attempt late in the fight it
wasn’t nearly as tight or so it appeared than the guillotine in round three that chefchenko had Grosso in and if you
listen to the commentary Dominic Cruz doesn’t Trot out there that’s tight two or three times unless he really believes
without a shadow of a doubt that it’s tied and Daniel Cormier the same thing and in round five you could hear DC
saying you can’t see the lock I also watched some content from Demetrius Johnson in that third round Kenny and
you know he thought that fight was going to be over right there at that point in time so I don’t even know what question
I’m asking you but uh what did you make of round three and how close the fight was to ending there how it compares to
round five when maybe because of the nature of when that happened everybody thought uh Valentina chefchenko maybe
was fighting for her life when she wasn’t necessarily I don’t know yeah I think it’s an astute observation and Not
only was it a guillotine it was a guillotine from the mount position in which is totally totally different than
say hey guillotined from guard or half guard right so you’re talking about a very dominant position with the mount
and that Guillotine from Mount now I thought that the squeeze uh meaning the
grip around the neck was very tight there’s a slight positioning something
that I learned very recently actually from Mr Ryan Hall where the position wasn’t quite where it needed to be
meaning the head and neck position in relation to the body of Valentina superchenko however you don’t always
have to be there to finish that joke because of that squeeze the squeeze was tight make no mistake about it it was
constricting the blood vessels of Alexa Grosso now um I think that absolutely was a much
tighter submission than the submission that we saw Grasso have chefchenko in which she had her back the angle again
was not all the way there The Squeeze wasn’t all the way there it was kind of on the jaw a little bit and of course we
saw that submission the first time around that where you don’t have to have it around the neck but we’re talking a
completely different thing this was not a locked in rear naked choke so I think
that’s extremely important and it highlights how much worse that 10 8 call was by Mr
Bill so zhangwei Lee versus Joanna yonjech this was not but gosh if I’m not just
overflowing with buckets of respect for this fight and these two fighters right
you just knew going into this rematch and this Valentina shevchenko was going to have one of those [ __ ] you training
camps at Tiger Muay Thai in Thailand for three months and come back an improved version and as focused as humanly
possible I mean she was absolutely Ready for War and Alexa Grosso I mean gosh if
she wasn’t ready to compete just cardiovascularly and mentally and otherwise like so locked in so confident
in our fighter meeting that she was gonna find a submission or find a finish over these 25 minutes and uh you know I
do believe when you watch back the fight in totality for me that Valentina shevchenko won the fight and won three
rounds of it I did go back through round four and took notes as I watched the fight which obviously when I’m calling
the fight Kenny is not an opportunity that I’m afforded and uh I think round four is where where this fight should
have swung and unfortunately because of this 10-8 in round five this is not the
uh The Round In which this fight swamp so round four for you Kenny I know you
didn’t have the benefit of watching it back but you know a few of my notes chefchenko won the first two minutes striking in her Jab Grosso lands these
big knees to the Head she gets a takedown didn’t really do necessarily much with it there was a mistake there
uh Valentina did end up on top there then chefchenko with an elbow opens up a
cut at the 140 Mark and these are just some of these awful notes in front of me
uh chefchenko take down zero really with it but she does land a big right hook in combination late in the round and for me
uh it was round four Valentina chefchenko DC and I kind of not argued about it off the air respectfully I
looked at him I was like really you know and and he was right yes there is an argument to be made for Alexa Grosso in
that fourth round but I didn’t see it that way and Sean Sheehan actually made an argument for chefchenko 10-9 in round
five Kenny right never mind a 10-8 so uh what do you have for us on that on all
that champ yeah I I would disagree with DC on that as well um there’s always an
argument to be made is it a good argument is a different question but uh yeah I listen I think that this was a
great demonstration of who these two women are meaning we saw exactly who they are now chefchenko very
well-rounded she’s good everywhere right but when it goes bad it can kind of go
bad and then you have someone like Grasso who is not as well-rounded as far as not as complete however she is more
potent of a fighter than chefchenko in my opinion she’s more of a finisher that she’s a she’s a she has that Killer
Instinct I think a little bit more than chefchenko in some ways so when she has her opportunities to submit or knock you
out it seems like she goes for it a little bit more than chefchenko so we saw those aspects of their game of their
personality of their game in that fight um And in regards to the scoring I I had
it three rounds to two for chefchenko I did not have any Tate 10-8 rounds anywhere
um and Cody just put a note in in the chat out of four about fourteen hundred cards 1.4 percent have a 10-8 uh
scorecard I don’t know if I’m I’m interpreting that correctly but not to say that just because that is the case
that there should be a 10-8 in some fight but they are rare right they’re rare for a reason because you don’t see
that kind of a mismatch over the course of around too too often and again if
you’re let’s say let’s go back to the Israel to Sanya fight I would have had a much easier time if someone said hey
Strickland won that first round 10-8 than I would with round five even that was be a little bit of a stretch in some
ways but the fact that they had a 10-8 round in round five
it’s just it’s just very uh very confusing very frustrating for me so
the scoring criteria we know it to be flawed we know the judges don’t have nearly as many tools as as referees and
commentators but because we don’t have half points judges have to be more liberal handing out these 10 8 to
differentiate between 10 9 rounds now that doesn’t mean they do things that fly in the face of the criteria to do so
right it’s very simple when you’re trying to determine a 10-8 round its
dominance duration damage and if you start with dominance Kenny in round five it was not a dominant round for Alexa
Grosso so I’m not even going to get to duration and damage is that okay oh 100 no 100 I think that’s accurate and even
the shots that she was throwing get really excited even the shots that Grosso was throwing from Mount largely
were being deflected by the arms of shevchenko in those if you go back and look a lot of those shots are are
skimming off the arm of sovchenko so these aren’t heavy shots that are landing that are rocking Chef check
going almost putting her out like if that was the case and she’s like her head’s bouncing off the canvas you know
eyes kind of going in and out looks like she’s not responding well I would say maybe but not even that John and I think
you you put it beautifully and simply yeah absolutely there’s there is no you know High duration of dominance uh or
any of that so I don’t know it’s confusing I love Alexa Grosso I really do I have no problem with her still
being the champion in a close fight I I hope they run this one back Francisco Grasso is my coach of the year I’ve determined that on September 18th uh but
I do think that Valentina shevchenko got a [ __ ] done in this fight that she is not being given credit for even in that
fifth round and I’m not going to waste too much of our time here today arguing a 10-9 chefchenko in round five because
I certainly had round five four Alexa Grosso but everything was heightened by
everything that was going on in that building and that that was the fifth minute of the fight and Mike Bell got way will lean way too much into all of
that I mean Valentina chefchenko landed some very significant shots of her own
in this fifth round including a big right hook late chief caused further damage to a cut that she opened up in
the fourth round that maybe some people don’t want to give her credit for so I’m certainly not going to waste my breath arguing on either side of round four it
was close I thought watching it live that it was a clear shevchenko round I understand if people want to be on the
Grosso side there but this 10-8 can flow right yeah even in a close fight is is
indefensible and for those people out there that argue that John McCarthy and others right that there were only eight
to ten Elite judges in the world and Mike Bell is one of them well give me some not only judges page and all the
[ __ ] not Elite judges out there give me all the pretty good judges and let’s go five wide for the judges put them in
a back room without any [ __ ] noise right give me five wide on the judges and I honestly think UFC president Dana
White and Hunter Campbell are about the only people then that can affect change when it comes to this and I’m not you
know publicly asking for my bosses to uh to make this happen as much as maybe I am doing exactly that but Kenny at this
point right short of half points which is just seems like such an impossibility to get long-term effect uh long-term
change with the rules I just think that there’s just got to be a way to just uh
to just get more judges and to oh to try to figure out a way to to lessen the
margin for error and just go five wide as as soon as humanly possible for the sake of the fighters yeah you know I I I
would hope that that would help solve some issues but as we know sometimes introducing these
um these factors can sometimes make it more complicated I don’t know hopefully that that is a solution I think more
than anything else though you know it’s when I’m looking at this fight and I see rounds one three and four pretty clearly
for chef chenko and rounds two and five pretty clearly for Grasso uh you know
but those are all 10-9 rounds you know you look at the consistency of how it is so to me the 10-8 round almost seemed
like a makeup call in some ways you know I don’t I don’t know if that’s the case I’m not I’m not trying to Levy anything
against Mr Bell here but I don’t know it was just odd it was odd because it was
completely unwarranted there there’s no consistency and I guess my other question John is when when you guys are
talking about how judges are encouraged to look for 10-8 rounds
I guess um more liberally is is that is that is that
and we talked to Sean Sheen about this there was a time probably two years ago
where you saw 10h being handed out more liberally and then for whatever reason
there was a pullback on that unfortunately right this wouldn’t even
qualify though in that time right two years ago when we were handing 10 8 out
liberally this is this is a really historically awful singular round card
and I I don’t even know I’m I’m really
speechless right I’m really truly speechless because yeah I got nothing yeah no John and this
is kind of what what bugs me you know I think about you know certain bad luck or
certain things that happened to me before a fight during a fight whatever and but this one this one if I’m
Valentina chefchenko this one hurts man I mean they were there were a few fights
where I literally did not sleep and I just kind of replay the fight in my head over and over again and just try to
figure out what the heck happened or just I I don’t know um that’s got to be one of the ones for
chefchenko where I I I just I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a long time over that one because
she did everything right you know yeah there were a couple mistakes here and there and and Kudos goes out to Grasso
for fighting her ass off and fighting an amazing fight on her own but I don’t
know man and then I hear some fans like well you need to you know the old you need to take it you need to Beat the
Champ convincingly shut up that is not the way that works stop repeating some
old boxing thing that commentator said from 30 40 years ago okay that is not
the way it works if you win more rounds than the other person that’s it they win over
can you actually believe that there was a time in boxing when I was like a close round I guess I’ll just give it to the
champ yeah that is insane you know
let’s just call it a draw let’s just say the other guy did really well because it was super close and you know like the
other person was the champ so I don’t know it it’s so silly so earlier in the night Josephine Knutson beat marnick man
badly Mike Bell gave every round a 10-8 right so he is one of the more
liberal 10 8 users out there and that to me is a positive thing because this
scoring system doesn’t give you a great point of differentiation when it comes to the 10 9 rounds so I like that
historically he’s doing that but in a title fight right you can’t have a makeup call here I’ve even oftentimes
said man it kind of would be nice if they could score the fight in totality right you don’t want them bailing
themselves out with a draw in this situation but yeah maybe in retrospect he thought oh man I don’t know I don’t
know I gave chefchenko that fourth round but he kept waffling on that and then for some reason I don’t know if it was
the crowd or what but and I will say too Dominic Cruz really is right I you know
I don’t I feel like if you’re a referee or a judge man you gotta you really gotta know the grappling you really have
to know the grappling yes no question about it man and I think that sometimes we see certain positions and we go well
she took her back the other one was mounted or it’s the same thing right no it’s not no it’s not not all submission
attempts are created equal not even close and and I think that is a very
important distinction there John absolutely Cody just wrote they also have to know the Striking the difference
of a hard head shot and a blocked headshot yes but for commentators I can attest with the Striking it goes so
quickly you try to watch both Fighters you try to pay off strikes on both sides you know sometimes that even can be
inexact whereas the choke is more definable that ah it’s not tight or it
is and you got all this nonsense you got 19 000 Mexicans who believe that Alexa Grosso is about to choke out Valentina
and then DC aptly says you can’t see the lock right nor can 18 5 of those 19 000.
right and it’s interesting because if you are in a uh highly biased crowd
right and you have almost submission which isn’t very tight and The Crowd Goes Nuts and you have chefchenko with a
very tight submission and the crowd is completely silent that could absolutely
influence things yeah do you think there’s something more going on than there actually is now again there’s a
ton of factors involved and this is not an easy job don’t get me wrong right but
as far as consistency of how we’ve been looking at 10 8 rounds have they been scored traditionally and and even over
the course of this actual fight it’s just not a 10-8 round yeah what’s that
so oftentimes I think that the most qualified guys and women to judge these
fights are are scorers right the guys at 30 to 27 that have worked so hard for so
many years watching this stuff with such a fine eye and when you hear those individuals make the argument as to what
is a submission attempt and what isn’t right obviously if they were in a room with Ryan Hall they would defer to him
but right they’re pretty stingy right and I think largely with good reason because there’s guys out there like kenfold like yeah it’s not even a
submission sense okay but that’s why I always say I prefer to have a jiu jitsu analyst to my right Joe Rogan Laura sanco right Dominic Cruz I
mean we have a ton of great ones obviously kenflo used to be to my right oh but yeah it uh it is a really hard
thing right I hope this doesn’t Inspire everybody in the comments to say you know who needs to go back to jiu jitsu
class John annik because uh I’m not going you know but no I mean I do think there’s you know we have monitors right
there’s so many different arguments you can be made as to what we can do to effect change when it comes to judging
uh and again it isn’t so much a huge issue with a split draw it’s that we
arrive there with one of the worst singular round scores that I’ve ever
seen and it came in a championship fight and uh I have some yeah so I was listening to Sean Sheen’s severe MMA
podcast Graham has co-hosted a great job sorry I don’t know your surname but he said this was a direct quote he
said something to the effect of you know a judge being this incompetent in a title fight is a problem
and we all need to do whatever we can to figure out a solution right and
I I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what we do about all that but uh I guess we have a rematch that’s what we have a
third fight that’s what we do right uh yes but yes they don’t always come
McDonald Graham McDonald they already have they don’t always come to fruition right it’s because this one person gets
injured then another person gets injured it’s like you know Tony Ferguson and Habib Maga
metaphors are supposed to fight for a while too you know it’s like sometimes these things I hope I hope that’s what
happens and I hope that both ladies stay healthy and we’re able to see that trilogy because it is absolutely
warranted um you know it was just unfortunate all the way around but um yeah we’ll see
we’ll see what happens man but that is the solution it’s just have these ladies fight for a third time I just as I said
so much respect for both athletes and the way they approach this now rivalry
and uh yeah you can argue if you’re Aaron blanchfield and Manuel fjor this is a little bit annoying this is the one
result that maybe you would not want to have is something indecisive like this maybe you would have preferred Grosso
finality or even a chefchenko finish one thing that I did want to go back to before we move along so you said Alexa
Alexa grazo is more of a finisher and then you sort of went on to talk about her Killer Instinct yeah and I find it
interesting because when I was handicapping this fight beforehand one of the things that we were talking about up in this beautiful
penthouse suite shout out to Big Ron just rolling out the goddamn red carpet I was at virgin hotels the UFC put me up
there and he upgraded me to uh this pretty small Suite right below him and then I was just you know up and down all
weekend just but I will say as somebody who spent 1200 nights a year on the road over the last 12 years to have that type
of square footage to prepare to prepare a dining room table right overlooking the strip uh it was very liberating and
a great setting in which to complete that back to back for me at least professionally speaking so but Alexa
Grosso more of a finisher and then you went on to talk about the Killer Instinct and we know historically that
Alexa Grosso is not more of a finisher on paper than Valentina hang up hang on
I’m I got I’m going somewhere however cloudy headed I’m going somewhere here so
Alexa Grosso has never had a knockout in the UFC but two of her last three wins have come by submission against Joanne
wood and Valentina chefchenko and you can’t judge Alexia Grosso as finisher based upon the body of work because this
version right now is [ __ ] lethal even if you want to say the knockdown was partially a byproduct in round two of
Valentina shevchenko being off balance right she was athletically able to flip and immediately recovered right but
that’s a knockdown and Alexa Grosso has developed her power and is the best Striker she’s ever been and as a
Grappler I’m sure even you and your buddy Ryan Hall would attest she’s a real [ __ ] in that realm right now defensively offensively Diego Lopez
a real problem as well so Alexa Grosso right now is probably the more potent
finisher right at this stage of their careers which may be the crazy saying but you know Valentina in my mind won
this fight largely with her Jab absolutely dude I think that’s spot on it and that’s kind of what I’m alluding
to it’s you know I I statistics don’t always Define what’s going on right and I think that if you
look at the way that they fight chevchenko is going out there to out point you if she gets you hurt then
absolutely she’s going to try to take you out whereas Grasso is trying to hurt you almost all the time and when she
does she’s trying to take you out right there so as far as their approach right it’s just a different style as for for
both of those ladies but uh it was an awesome fight and um just unfortunate with that controversy at the end both
women essentially went right back into training camp Alexa Grosso took two weeks off and uh I think for Alexa
Grosso to be able to retain this is nice because maybe she can catch a little bit more of a respite
for chefchenko this is tough right because she has to continue to live her life as the former champion and put in
another training camp not unlike the one she just put in and uh it is hard to do that but
bouncing a shipchenko at 34 years of age I believe I have my notes right here talks
35 years of age she talks like a fighter who’s going to be around for some time so um congratulations to both women on
uh a fight they’ll be talking about uh deep into uh the weeks to come
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get to uh the star of the program a recovering from hip surgery Raymond
Peter Longo
Florian podcast great to see you how’s your hip
how are we doing yeah John let’s get there we but we put your Physicians it’s a
boring existence what was that your physician is we booked your physician on the show Thursday
who’s that to talk about we booked ah yeah he’s like I don’t have a primary care physician so no how are we doing
how’s the hip going you had the surgery in late August you’re about three weeks in when I was in Australia and all the
noise I sort of buried the lead but I’m really curious how you’re doing and uh when we can expect to see you back in a
UFC or mixed martial arts corn oh man I tell you what definitely longer
than I thought so it’s three weeks I mean you know I went to the gym yesterday but I just can’t do much so
yeah I just did it to uh go watch some people work out and that was it yeah
John yeah thanks I know I feel same thing I feel good I just you know I’m
limited to what I could do I still have a lot of restrictions you know you can’t bend past 90 degrees so you can’t pick
something up off the floor you can’t get your socks on you know yeah it’s one of those things
that I’m telling you the things you never hear from the people that have hip surgery I I thought I’d be running
around Kenny in two weeks once that got shot down I had to take a different approach so I’m in for the longer I’m in
for the long game now I’m with you man I’m impatient so yeah
yeah if you’re a patient this is the worst thing trust me yeah because yeah you know whatever
let’s talk about a brighter now let’s talk about that Kenny yeah no we’re going to there is uh there is a light at the end
of the tunnel though and we wish you all the best as you continue on the men there is a little bit of a delay now I
only bring it up in the context of the ray Longo Minute Men Who perpetually
think that I am cutting you off when it’s just a delay on your connection or
your phone and these people are coming at me so I’m gonna pause deliberately
today pregnancy to make sure that you have the floor wow okay that’s good but I think I’m
interrupting you though because you know I can’t hold it oh Kenny I can’t hold a thought for more than two seconds
something just goes into a black hole somewhere so what do we got we got Charlie
Campbell coming out guns blazing another guy in the UFC we got too many guys in the UFC now I don’t like it I like the
old days three three four now we got like 10. so so before you and can flow go back
and forth on the 10-8 let us talk about Charlie the cannibal Campbell you talk
about being ready to make a UFC debut he told us in the fighter meeting that the UFC contract slipped through his fingers
essentially when he fought Chris Duncan the kid from Scotland and started well and and then got unceremoniously knocked
out but man Charlie look ready to go Ray and uh congratulations got the bonus and everything else yeah nice I mean look
he’s uh he loves to fight that’s for one thing a kid really does love to fight so I think he’s in the right spot he’ll be
a good fit for the UFC too because I think he’ll be jumping in and just fighting you know one of us so uh sounds
good so how about him cutting that promo too and Cody I just saw your note that would
have been great Cody suggested Ray that I ask you about Charlie Campbell and say what’d you think of Charlie Campbell doesn’t matter what you think of Charlie
Campbell right yes but the kid can cut a promo too and he’s so it really does speak to who he is Kenny that he’ll just
cut a promo on DC like that and uh these things should have dumped him right on his head he kind of alluded to it too
like oh look this is your first time in the Octagon I’ll let you live I think that’s what he said yeah but uh yeah you
know you know that [ __ ] I could all do without that that I couldn’t give a [ __ ] well thank god DC didn’t dump him on his
head because that would have been very wwe-esque and thankfully it wasn’t me doing the interview because that
reference would have been lost on me oh wow yeah I had I have no idea what it was either to be honest he he told us
though it was the rock yeah all right 10-8 Alexa Grosso in round five and then
the judge handed that in on a piece of paper effectively changing the live forever
I gotta tell you absolutely horrendous and horrendous more for the for men
I I tell you it’s hard not to think conspiracy with this no Kenny I mean a
10-8 you know in a fight that really was close and what a competitive great fight
loved I I I actually look it was a good fight it could have went either way but
that there should have been a winner in that fight it shouldn’t have came down to that because uh and I and I did think
Valentina won the fight but I wasn’t really judging it but I think Grosso had the big those moments like everything
would be going good for Valentina then one slip up and she’s in bad shape but I thought for the most part Valentina came
out a different person like you could talk about it you know I was like she said no destruction you could see she
was focused she honestly thought she won and I think that’s the real tragedy of this I thought I did think she won the
fight a great fight on both people absolutely great fight but man uh the
10-8 at that Junction to change it just man that is
that just smells rotten to me man I don’t I don’t know what else to say there’s something yeah go ahead Kenny
how do you feel as a coach seeing a 10-8 like that you know heading into Corner a
guy you know whenever you’re gonna be ready so how does that make you feel as a coach number one seeing a 10-8 score
like that and then what do you tell a fighter that did everything possible to win that fight won the fight and then
still didn’t get the win ah don’t man those are the Injustice listen it go it
always is going to go back to you can only control how you react to it right I mean we come down to the same thing all
the time so valentina’s now got to react to What they’ve given us you can’t control it and uh that’s all you could
say man I mean I that was you know that’s not because it was such a competitive fight it’s
kind of getting overlooked but that that’s a that’s a travesty man I mean he took that one away from that girl
with something that is bullsey as [ __ ] to do and there’s no way you could have
thought that was a 10-8 round I don’t know I think he’s gonna have to issue a statement yeah I mean I think he’s going
to have to issue a statement see the problem is there’s enough wiggle room in there where you could do that [ __ ] and
come out with something and somebody’s gonna go ah maybe yeah okay you know like even if it was a 10A round it would
have been balls either to give her a 10-day right yeah right right now that’s right it’s like at that point and that
freaking fight yeah I mean there’s nothing to I mean I don’t
know uh Valentina Rome she had to kill it mounted Guillotine at one point
too that looked pretty freaking tight why is that you know why is that not a 10-8 like Kenny you’re right it’s bad
it’s actually bad really bad for a lot of reasons even if this was a borderline 10-8 rap yeah that’s like a pull out
your testicle situation yeah it’s like you know what I might
come well you could come home my girlfriend’s gonna be like Mike what have we done yeah we’ve done tonight the
only thing that could have saved Bells if the other two judges had it for Valentina exactly
yeah I mean where but Wayne I tell you I that’s a tough one
man these are my text messages from Ray
Longo on uh Saturday night I got three of them first one Insanity wow I don’t know what that’s in relation to the next
one said damn Dom Cruz is Relentless LOL and the next one says 10 8 insane yeah
so yeah cruisy was on one as usual what a [ __ ] stuff you’re never gonna stop him it’s
impossible by the way this will never end Kenny never ever end by the way this
is kind of unrelated but uh my daughter was watching a little bit of the fights with me and the Toyo Tires commercial
came on and she was blown away by the fact that John annik and Dominic Cruz who were at our house like they knew she
knew that you guys did TV stuff but when she saw you do a commercial she’s like oh my gosh I had no idea that they do
commercials you know like she is she you’ve earned her respect by the way
let’s go trip but yeah Kenny isn’t it isn’t that awesome though they have those moments where they I did I think
that’s what it’s all about man he was blown away it’s like oh my gosh they do commercials yeah
you actually have to love them no you have to you yeah you actually yeah it’s
gone it’s gone so far over to the other side it’s the the stick is unbelievable at this point even even DC tries to back
out of there with some Grace he doesn’t let him off the hook he just keeps pounding them but uh I think we first
off in in defense of uh the referee toe I the way his arm I I know wasn’t a
choker can I just set up the context yeah let me just start the contents up real quickly for yeah so no you’re good
so there was a preliminary fight at flyweight Edgar chiras Daniel lucera
there was a submission up against the fence and the referee got involved premature
stoppage overturned to a no contest go ahead yeah no it was just the way that guy dropped his arm was kind of the way
somebody when they go out just it just goes from like a one position to just going limp so not that that means
anything but if that guy’s in there to protect people and he doesn’t want to see anybody get choked for too long
whatever it was running through was said I I think I think that’s a lesser offense than the
10-8 that’s all I’m saying I do too can I ask you about that he reacted to
something you know Kenny I don’t know if you saw this did you see this I did not
all right so Chris tanyoni was the referee and one of my broadcast Partners who shall remain nameless texted me
that perhaps lacerto played the game and faked it he was getting limp when the ref pulled him off I agree let him sleep
but he was doing stupid [ __ ] now that is the minority opinion most people believe
that you have to stay calm in that situation you can’t be worried about
giving the referee a thumbs up you’re trying to you know stay present defensively uh I do think they got it
right over turning it Ray but uh I do think it speaks to something we
were talking about earlier is that especially when it comes to the blood chokes the the referees really need to be put in those at the very least
put in those chokes yeah yeah and I think it’s a very
different thing than being in a joint lock where you could do permanent damage to a joint as opposed to the neck where
again we’re not we’re not trying to hold that for long periods of time to put it up put them out and create any kind of
brain damage but you know a choke and this is the big misconception a choke is way safer way safer of a control
mechanism than say a joint lock for a lot of different reasons so I think that’s one of those things where you can
kind of Let It Go but I agree again I haven’t seen it but if you are looking
like you’re out or looking like you’re limp then you kind of don’t give too many options to to the ref at hand right
uh yeah I think that one was a little I think Dom is really on point I’m not
disagreeing but I I could you could at least understand why the ref did what he did and and John
whoever texted you that I wouldn’t put that past that kid I wouldn’t put it
past them you don’t know what’s running through these guys Minds you just don’t know and uh they’ll they’ll game the
system any way they can you know uh yeah look I thought even uh and that and it
wasn’t even closer I don’t think I thought Grosso got needing ahead illegally not not garage so uh Valentina
once she had a hand on the floor but I guess it wasn’t weight bearing that’s a tough call to make but you know
certainly Valentina I think she could get neat and then she had to deal with that so you know
uh yeah it’s it look it’s It’s Tricky as long as you have something to react off or whether you’re right or wrong I think
at least you’re trying to do your job you know that that’ll definitely swung down who the hell knows maybe something
else happens you don’t know but so you can’t choke a guy like that but maybe something else happens with him and his arm goes limp I don’t know but the way
that arm went down it looked like it looked like he was was out you know what I mean but Dominic Cruz is 100 right but
you’re starting to ask for a lot you know but yeah you can put the refs in those chokes all you want they’ll just
properly stop to fight quicker Kenny and now Edgar it’s like the yeah now
Edgar Chira is probably gonna have to go to Sao Paulo in November to fight Daniel lucerte in Brazil uh it is too bad at
times that they can’t like restart that fight but they certainly can’t because they can’t put the dude back in the submission I guess they could but you’re
not gonna do that all right Raul Rosas Jr Ray Longo I’ve been dying to ask you about the 18 year old Raul Rosas Jr now
you can be a minus 700 favorite against Terence Mitchell but it’s another thing to go out and do it at 18 years of age
and I say to this audience all the time like I was such an idiot when I was 27. now in many respects my kids would tell
you I’m a lunatic at 45. I’m completely unhinged right like I really am a
psychopath in a lot of ways but 18 years of age to be competing in this setting with an entire nation
behind you on this night in particular you still got to go out and do it and then as a submission guy to go knock a
[ __ ] out like that what do you have for us and coming back after a
devastating loss you know there’s a lot I like what I saw right of that kid I really do he came out guns
blazing he put that other loss behind him uh again I think they matched him up
really well uh which is a big part of everything a lot of guys don’t get that opportunity but he got the opportunity
and he did exactly what he was supposed to do he got rid of that guy so uh you
know Kenny it’s a tricky thing you could match guys up to where they’re never going to make it you know what I mean they know but they gave them they gave
they they like you you could tell the guys they like you know the pen Blitz yeah they always get like a favorable
matchup so um yeah I like what I saw though man he came out guns blazing his his stand-up
look better he definitely was more confident on his feet he was going forward uh I think he did exactly what a
young kid in his position had to do I I I really liked it in the last fight I
really didn’t like you could see God he got exposed and that that could happen again but you know if you if you’re
learning every time you’re losing like they’ve always say I mean and I think he’s in a good spot because uh you know
he’s not taking damage and yeah what I mean 18 years old that that’s that’s crazy that’s crazy can’t
handle all that pressure I think the kid are giving me I give him an A plus on that gets his mom out of his Corner Kenny and
he’s ready to kill a man but it does hearken me back to the high school all-star photograph of Kenny foreign
versus Raul Rosas Jr like give me Raul Rosas Jr well I tell you I don’t know
let me tell you that Kenny Florian right there where the folded like fresh laundry right I’ll tell you there’s 18
years old he wasn’t ready he wasn’t ready he was immature
do you know what that is Ray have we not told you what that is that Flatbush reference went way over my head what is
that what is that it was I think it was Stallone’s first movie you know one of
those old 50s movies it was great with the Flatbush no but nothing I saw
it Oh see that’s good you geez you got I’m a chem flow born 1976 long ago
significantly before that let longer you born early 60s or what are you born in the 50s 50s
so who are we talking to today right I mean I’m not the pop culture police they show celebrities on TV all the time on
the UFC telecast I have no idea who these people are but gosh man I’m sure all your Minutemen will defend that
reference every day I’m basically basically talking to myself that’s what I’m doing I do think for Raul Rosas Jr
it’s Instagram Instagram it’s interesting because I was on his Instagram after the fight and he’s got
all these live shots all these women you know like just they’re scared with the
you know the Entourage maybe isn’t quite all the time like 20 deep or whatever but Cody just writes in the chat you
know his biggest obstacle is going to be what goes on between the ears and I do think that the Christian Rodriguez fight
was huge for him in terms of the mental because he just doesn’t want to experience that feeling again but my
goodness like you know women right yeah between two obstacles right between the
ears and like probably the opposite sex will be something that he’s gonna have to navigate because if the world this is
oyster as far as that is concerned at 18 years of age as professional athlete you know just gotta be careful that’s all I
don’t know maybe yeah I think you’re women women will take you down they
could they could be you know they could be good for you or they could be bad for you so he’ll he’s going to learn that
lesson real quick maybe you guys should go on his Instagram later and check out some of those uh Raul Rose house Junior
lives all right let’s talk about the co-main event can we do that can we do that yeah Jack Della madalena over Kevin Holland
by Split Decision Ken flow I’ll uh I’ll have you lead us off kid gosh I I nailed another Kevin Holland uh prediction
didn’t I uh no I did not I can’t get one correct I I jinxed myself before the
last pick because I said it I I don’t know which Kevin Holland is going to show up there’s certain nights where he
looks absolutely phenomenal he’s maximizing his use of range and length and he’s mixing up his strikes and then
this one he just wasn’t as active as I had hoped he would be and I also think
you know I thought it was a very close fight but I do think he allowed madalena de la matalana to really lead the dance
a little bit too much and some of those shots weren’t Landing but it doesn’t look good if you’re just shelling up you
know going backwards letting someone throw shots on you even if they’re not Landing or if it’s skimming off the
forearms or whatever you have judges that may not be seeing those certain angles and don’t know what’s what and
looks like you’re moving and you’re actually getting hit with shots now he also so got hit with shots too which
which doesn’t help but I think that he he just allowed Jack de la matalana to
get a little bit too aggressive to back him up a little bit too much um he he certainly had his moments at
Kevin Holland but I don’t think he did enough to sway the judges to go I
absolutely won that round he kept it close and it looked like he was fighting to preserve rounds as opposed to win
rounds and I think that’s where he may have gone wrong there and this was a huge fight for both these men I mean you
you beat someone like Kevin Hall and you beat someone like JDM those are big wins
and I just felt like Kevin Holland kind of fell short here and in a pretty big and important spot
yeah it’s pretty well put I mean that that that’s the key is like who shows up
for the fight like you could here’s the problem he’s almost too talented where he’s so he gets so comfortable
he’s kind of having you know like fun instead of looking for a w where madelina wanted the W so he’s pressing
forward and not that it was even doing anything that’s how I think how talented Kevin Holland is but the will the desire
that burning desire to win at any cost you’re just not seeing you know what I
mean he’s and it could be because he’s he’s never even in danger because he’s
super talented I don’t know but you’re not getting into that other gear for some reason and that’s what he’s got to
address I mean I think he’s like again super talented guy that could
have won that fight there’s no question about that but you know I think Jack Della you know JDM was the more you know
consistent guy in that fight and that’s why he got the wow absolutely and I wonder how much it has
to do with these guys that you know perceived or or not real whatever where
they say you know I have to be fighting four fights a year or I I have to fight every two months and they have that in
their head well you know we’ve already established this for years it is extremely difficult to fight at a high
level and be consistent with your performances if you’re expecting to fight four fights a year period you get
one shot so you got to make sure you’re fresh You’re motivated you’re putting in
a training camp you’re evolving throughout that process because you know it’s a way different thing than say you
know in NFL Sunday where you have other guys that need to rely on you know I’m injured listen the quarterback’s gonna
have to stand up you know uh step up or the wide receiver or the o-line or whatever like it’s just one person in
there and if you don’t have a great day out there you’re screwed um and I think that sometimes that busy
schedule can hurt certain Fighters and I think that may have I’m not trying to build in any excuses for anybody but
that may may have played a factor and not a Sonya like who’s been more busy than adesanya even aljo aljo
didn’t want to fight at that time he wanted more time to prepare why because he’s smart you know it it helps you out
to kind of be able to have that time in between fights to recover think things out don’t get burnt out what whatever it
is for that fighter and um I think that uh could definitely play a factor in guys like Kevin Holland who
keep such a busy schedule yeah I agree 100 the algo reference
early is good because you know you could have even first round wins it’s the camp
that kills you it’s it’s pretty grueling I mean guys are dropping 30 pounds it’s it’s look it’s not good for you losing
that weight like that that is not you’re not going to get a doctor around that tells you this is a good thing to do so
the more you keep doing it and it depending on where your weight goes after the fight you know which I don’t
know what a lot of the guys but you know to lose 25 30 pounds not you know
and then you’re going to put it right back on again not not the best thing for you how many times a year can you do
that it’s like yo-yo dieting four times a year where you starve yourself and you know I mean like it’s never gonna the
end result is never gonna be good but you know everybody everybody’s individual everybody knows their body
aljo’s been very outspoken about it you know like again I think you know aljo
sometimes says to things most people want to say but they don’t and that and this is one of them where he says look
it’s not easy for me to make the weight I need another month but nobody get nobody cares that fell on deaf ears no
matter what anybody says you know and then you know then they’ll entice you with more money and you know everything is money
money tangle money in front of somebody they’ll do anything you know sometimes I’m not saying that was the case but
that’s the only way you could rectify it you know is try to sweeten the pot a
little bit because most guys don’t want to do it you know and then and then there’s the guys that you know maybe you aren’t taking off
that much weight where they don’t have to go through and it’s easier for them
but even for Kevin Holland and Israel a lot of Sonya who seemed to make the wake up look easy you’re still having to
perform at that weight and I know for Kevin Holland in particular uh it is a hard cut even though he does it
masterfully with Charles at the ufcpi and everything else a couple things on what you guys were talking about yes for
Holland balancing activity with contention is a very difficult thing and always will be in terms of him being
detached from a singular result a lot of our fighter meetings centered on this dominant Cruz was sort of pressing him
on it being a strength that he doesn’t perseverate on the result but in this
case he had one two in a row right he won five fights in 2020 Capstone by that
upkick against Jaco desos or whatever he won the fight off his back whatever he did right right now he’s four five and
one since that time but in this fight had he wanted it would be three in a row and given the way he performed against
kiessi it kind of felt like he would bring that sort of Killer Instinct back wasn’t flapping the gums as much in this
fight can flow until late was like hey we should train together and then it’s like oh there’s that you know Alter Ego
rearing its ugly head again I believe that this kid has the skills and the finishing instincts to really Excel and
contend but yeah sometimes he’s almost too detached from the result where he’ll
put himself in position to perform great training camp cuts the weight well but winning isn’t something he prioritized
as much as uh you know maybe going to get tacos afterwards I I think that’s beautifully said you know I think
there’s that balance right and I’ve talked to other Fighters about this of having that balance of not caring too
much you don’t want to care so much that you become neurotic and you’re so kind
of fighting to protect that win right and then you’d kind of just go play yourself and then you don’t wanna not
care at all where now you don’t give a [ __ ] if you win lose whatever right so it’s like it’s really about finding that
balance and that’s not an easy thing for a lot of guys man um but yeah it’s a balancing act
yeah and the other thing too is that you know what I love about the UFC I don’t care what fight you are on that card to
me they’re all championship fights they do a great job at really you know uh
highlighting that to me anyway so if you keep fighting it’s almost like you’re sparring then you you lose that the
excitement of this is a huge fight you know what I mean just going in there to fight and then it becomes more like a
sparring session which that’s what it looked like to me with Kevin Hart looked like he was sparring Jack Delaware you
know JDM he didn’t wanna you know push it to the next point but you know like again only he knows those those
questions and he might say we’re completely wrong on that but something’s something’s definitely going on there
well I I think there’s a point there and I was talking to this about my you know talking to this with my wife and I was
just pointing out some things that Kevin Holland does and you know there’s a lot of things that he does to make himself
comfortable in a fight and I think that uh cowboy Cerrone used to do this a lot you know the hugs before the fist
it’s almost like a thing for him he does throw you off in the process right she’s
like Hey we’re buddy we’re just kind of sparring we’re just this is a normal thing that we’re doing right now hey isn’t this fun and it kind of allows him
to kind of go to a different place yes he can get his opponents to go there as
well and then he just takes advantage of them right so yeah you kind of saw that a little bit even before the fight I
thought it was really smart if you guys notice this JDM before the fight he goes over and tells uh he goes yeah tell
Stephen Holland we’re not fist bumping before don’t shake my hand I’m coming out to fight because he didn’t want to
play by Kevin Hollins rules right right during the fight he kind of dragged him back into it so anyways I thought that
was an interesting point which kind of ties in with which I think what what Ray is talking about yeah we’re not touching
gloves I love that yeah yeah I you know what’s funny even the commercial he does
uh with the Wonder Boy I think it sums up both of those guys you know what I mean I think that commercial is kind of
kind of perfect right where they got the drink and they put it on there you know they’re just two nice guys but
yeah you know you gotta you gotta be able to switch gears somewhere I think he’s looks like a nice kid I really
don’t know but you know I think he’s he might be having too much fun or
something happened but he’s got a he’s got to switch his mindset to just you know I got to go in and start finishing
fights and that’s my only objective all right so very long commented every week on the Anakin flooring podcast that
will get you out of here on this 19 74. the Lords of Flatbush was released
Sylvester Stallone Henry Winkler set in 1958 the coming-of-age story follows four lower middle class Brooklyn
teenagers known as the Lords of Flatbush the Lord’s chase girls steal cars shoot
pool get into street fights and hang out at a local Malt Shop you guys both have seen that motion picture
oh excuse me man I mean I was born in the 70s Jesus [ __ ] go back go back and watch it’s a great it’s a great
period piece the good old days where you could Rob cars get laid steal it steal
some [ __ ] off the street have some ravioli yeah I’m gonna start
calling Raul Rosas Jr the Lord of Clovis New Mexico
oh the Lord of Clovis his nickname is El Nino problema but I
think the Lord of Clovis has a good ring to it let’s get that going print the shirts Raul Rosas Jr 18 years of age the
Lord of Clovis because Longo’s quote 1950s movies that’s right baby all right
guys take it easy and John I expect a full report on the Lords of Flatbush by
next week I will watch the movie and I’ll call you later buddy
I’m actually not gonna call him oh I pop it on the way out nice little
kicking I’m not gonna call him that was just for effect all right we’re gonna bounce it right back to the guest line much younger gentleman gonna join us
right now and look at this guy handsome man right there one of the UFC’s top welterweight contenders fresh out the
gym or so it appears I mean I’m in the gym I’m still in the gym right now what’s going on guys well if you don’t
know that voice or that face he is the number nine ranked UFC welterweight out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Sean Brady
we appreciate your time sir how you doing all right I’m good man I just got done training with one of uh one of your
boys Paul Felder oh yeah back in the gym we just had a hard session I’m in the
back room right now so he told me to tell you guys what’s up that’s amazing the iron lung potentially coming back so
I was reading about you this morning and uh I actually should have gone into my Sean Brady notes in my fighter card
library but so you went to school to be an auto mechanic in Northeast Philadelphia is that right yeah and uh I didn’t like my teacher and
then I’m like I gotta do something else and this is kind of how where where I uh ended up at kind of crazy do you
remember when you sort of and I’m asking you to be a little bit maybe conceited
here but do you remember when you felt like in your mind like not only could I be a good fighter but I can be a great
fighter I mean I’ve heard Paulie talk about you superlatively strongest guy he’s ever filmed when did it click in
your mind that you know not only could I be a good fighter but I might really be able to be one of the better ones out there yeah I mean going back to Paul I
was training with Paul uh Jonathan Webb was in the UFC at the time we had a bunch of guys just like coming up and
before they were even in the UFC they were fighting for cffc they were getting belts and I was an amateur and all of
some of these guys main training Partners you know and I didn’t I was 20 21 years old and they’re like listen if
you keep your head on right you keep doing what you’re doing you can end up where I’m at now and uh you I just I
always just stayed consistent like I’ve seen so many groups of guys come in and out of the gyms and one thing I never
did is whether we always get hurt we always have injuries but I always stay consistent whenever I can be in the gym
I’d always be in the gym so um yeah I had to be speaking of Paul he’s right
here uh these guys telling me that I could make it happen and yeah and that’s
what it was popping you right here
what a trace they were they were just asking me when I thought uh I could make
it as a fighter and I was telling them when I was an amateur and you guys were fighting for cffc and then you guys were
going to the UFC I was still young
17 yeah yeah
[ __ ] I mean how long have I been telling you
that he truly has the potential
yeah part of the reason Paulie uh started doing triathlons get away from that Sean Brady now I’m in shape John
I’m telling you that’s all I’ll say listen to it
thanks for popping on there for a second ah you’re the man so uh before I let
Camp flow jump in here if you haven’t been tracking Sean Brady’s every move uh pretty significant Health scare that
started with a small blister on your left elbow and uh Kenny comes from a medical family I’m not going to read all
of these medical terms but um I’m glad you’re out the other side of it but ultimately your summer was built towards
this big fight with a guy that now I think you believe without a shadow of a doubt you’re gonna [ __ ] murder and then obviously you have to deal with
this health issue so can you walk us through that if you’d be so kind man so even like kind of before that obviously
everybody knows I lost the law I lost my first fight and then after that I was trying to come back super fast I got
home from Abu Dhabi I started right back in the training running doing all kinds of stuff and I went up tearing my groin
and um I I was taking a flight I was supposed to fight Pereira Michelle Pereira we were booked a tour of my
groin we’ve rebooked a fight I tore my groin again so I tore my Brewing twice
um my I tour my eye doctor and um my adductor I had a whole bunch of stuff going on rehabbed it got back
scheduled my fight with Jack I had my my I had my wedding on a Friday I started
my training camp on Monday like eight weeks out started my camp like locked in for Jack two weeks out from Jack I wake
up Monday I go to train I go to sleep I wake up and my wife’s a nurse and um she was like I was like I
showed her my arm and she was like yeah like you gotta go to the hospital because I had back when I was supposed to fight Kevin Lee I had almost the same
thing in my ankle only two times I’ve ever had infections in my life they both put me in the hospital and um yeah it
turned out it wasn’t MRSA it was actually uh some type of strep and it could have turned into a flesh eating
bacteria but I was in the hospital for a week and unfortunately obviously that pulled me out of the fight with uh with
Jack and honestly like my elbow didn’t get better for at least a month like I still like my I have a hoodie on but my
elbows just formed from it like uh my elbow sticks out further than it should so it’s been a rough year but uh it it
happens you know it it it it stinks but I’m keeping my head up I’m hoping to fight by the end of the year
so yeah that’s where I’m at now I’m healthy and I’m just ready to get back to it you know every fighter has like
can you know every fighter has a a bad year or a bad moment in their in their career in their life but um I’m ready to
get back to it and I’m ready to get back to my winning ways Sean yeah it can be really frustrating man injuries
infections all those things what do you rely on during those times where you I know you want to just kind of get in
there and compete and come back and and prove prove yourself as a great fighter that you are just my family my family
and my team and just uh believing in myself and knowing how good I am and that’s what sucks I really want to get
out because everyone like my team and all the guys are trained with they know how good I am but I want to get back out there and show the world and prove it to
the UFC and prove it to all these people that I belong in the top ten and I’m going to be a UFC champion uh it’s hard
to do that when you can’t get back in there and and fight you know because of infections and injuries but those things
are out of my control so I just focus on the things I can control and um just believing in myself and my team and
knowing that it’s going to work out and where I’m supposed to be I’m going to get there whether it takes a little bit longer I’m only 30 years old I I feel
like I can do I feel like I’m just getting better and every year I get older I beat up the younger version of
myself so I’m getting better every year and even if I’m not fighting I’m training my ass off and I’m always
getting better so yeah I’m focused on just getting back in there and um luckily I have a great support system my
wife my family everyone loves me and they just want to see me get back in there and do what I do
and we just need this division to keep moving along
so I thought you had a great quote when the fight with Jack Della maddalena went
away uh it was sort of a mix of class but competitiveness and acknowledgment of what was probably a surprising
comment from him you said I’m sorry we won’t be able to get to share the cage together I know you worked just as hard as me but as for saying Brady [ __ ] the
bed I expect that from an Internet troll not a fellow fighter himself so shame on you and I hope you slash none of your
teammates have to go through this in the future uh we’ll see each other someday soon so he just fought Kevin Holland
what did you think of that contest I do I’m not in like the like Fighters
come on here or any other and they [ __ ] on each other you know every time you get in there it’s not going to be your best night I didn’t think it was the
best performance from either one of them but it was a good fight uh yeah like I I
don’t know like uh I expected a little bit more from each one of them and then like when I took the Jack fight people
they get on these hype trains and then they everyone was like you’re gonna get knocked out this and then they seem Jack
like basil and they’re like oh [ __ ] this guy kind of got exposed and I’m like I’ve known this I’ve known his takedown
defense wasn’t the best I’m not out here just taking fights that I don’t think I can win like I know I can beat the best guys in the world so I’ve already seen
those things I think Jack’s a great fighter but do I think I can beat him 100 do I think I can beat Kevin Holland
100 but um yeah it was a good fight but this division like I really don’t know what’s going on because me and uh
Vicente Luke we’ve been dming back and forth trying like we both agreed to fight um I went to fight in November at
the MSG card he said listen give me a little bit more time I just bought RDA would you want to fight in December
super respectful we both said yeah and uh so I have no idea what’s going on I’m just at this point I’m just training and
whatever they bring to me I’ll be ready it is good I guess in some way that
the division is where it’s at because I think you’re coming back at a really good time but hopefully it present day
Luke or Jack Della madalena the one thing about Jack you at least know that he’s wanting to fight all the goddamn
time you know yeah that him is always wanting to fight and uh there’s so many good matchups and like the divisions the
best it’s ever been we just got to get uh we gotta get some points books you know and like me me and Vicente I’m nine
he’s ten we’re right next to each other I know there’s a December second card they haven’t announced where it’s at yet
and then I know there’s one at the end of the month in Vegas so there’s there’s options out there but um I’m sure I’ll
be hearing something soon I think they were waiting for that Jack Dello fight to happen to see kind of how things
shake out so we’ll see UFC welterweight Contender Sean Brady with us here on the Anakin Florian podcast at Sean Brady MMA
on Instagram if you are so inclined uh to what extent are you a Philadelphia sports fan I mean the iron lung Paul
Felder couldn’t name 10 Philadelphia athletes to save his life uh I’m not the
best but I’m so late obviously uh Lane Johnson plays for the Eagles Jalen hurts
we have the same uh strength and conditioning coach so I’m actually getting I’m getting ready to go to Lane’s house after this uh my strength
coach does all of his work out of his house I’m I’m pretty cool with those guys so I’m a huge Eagles fan we’re 2-0
yeah Rocky star Rocky start but we’re still 2-0 so we gotta we got the
Phillies so I’m getting more into the sports but yeah I’m so locked in with MMA and there’s so much going I try to
watch UFC pfl Bellator it’s it’s so much contact it’s so hard to keep up but uh
I’m a I’m a die-hard martial arts fan so it’s a great that’s a great answer I ask it and really because it’s a great time
to be a Philadelphia School yeah I feel like the Eagles have a great chance to get back to the Super Bowl and the Phillies
have a great chance to make a run in the playoffs but I have a few more minutes with Sean Brady so I’ll table that stuff for now so uh a couple quick ones for
you on the way out buy or sell Leon Edwards makes his first title defense before 2024.
I hope so I know I I think so I and
listen Kobe Kobe might beat him Colby’s you can [ __ ] on Kobe all you want I know
a lot of people do um I’m not the biggest fan of them but um he’s got a style that could beat Leon so yeah it
just has it just has to happen though so yeah I think it’ll happen I I think
that’ll happen I do too on December 16th so if um to save a dog’s life who wins that
fight Leon Edwards Colby Covington Colby I’m not going to kill a dog if Leon wins but that’s interesting and then I guess
if you could hand pick a fight right I know Vicente Luce is next right but Colby Covington would be a huge fight
for you right up allow Muhammad rematch obviously would be a big fight so maybe it’s the future that’s the future is
maybe internally for you like the Bilal rematch if he could become even an interim Champion that’d be big for you
and yeah 100 like what’s the dream fight for you like in terms of the big name that you’d like to go pluck or is it the
Bilal rematch what is the the big fight for you I mean the law is obviously the one obviously I want to get back and I
respect the law I think he’s just obviously he beat me super good fighter but um I think that was just he had the
best night of his life I had the worst night of my life and um I know eventually we’ll get back to it but I
would like I I really want Vicente like I really like that’s like I think we’re right next to each other I think that’s
what would get me to next the next level you know I need to I need to get a top 10 win and that’s what I would I was
honestly hoping RDA won that fight because right I have so much respect for RDA and he’s such a legend like I want I
want my Legend fight you know so um right like if Damian Maya was still ranked I was trying to get a Grappler
match with Damian recently but uh and it’s out of just pure respect for these guys you know like I just want everyone
gets their Legends fight and I’m like I wish you would have pulled it out but uh Gilbert burns like Gilbert’s a [ __ ]
Legend all these guys so yeah Gilbert would be awesome there’s just so many guys well I think we might be staring at
a budding Legend Sean Brady number nine in the world right now and uh Poise for what I believe is a big 2024 we
certainly hope to see you later this year my man and uh we appreciate you hopping on with us we’ll let you get back to it and uh stay healthy my man
we’ll see you down the road okay thank you Kenny and thank you I appreciate you guys have a good one thank you thank you brother there it is UFC welterweight
Contender out of Philadelphia PA Sean Brady with us today here on the Anakin Florian podcast
really good dude and uh health is wealth obviously and he mentioned the groin thing that’s a nasty injury and you see
how mentally strong an individual he is I can just say as the terrible maybe High School athlete that I was dude I
dealt with a nagging groin my high school basketball junior year at just brutal man like it just absolutely one
of the worst injuries my my understanding it’s one of the worst ones I remember George St Pierre was dealing
with an adductor issue and it’s so easy to re-injure and then you think you’re
totally fine and then it tears again so that is very common uh because you think
you’re okay so that’s unfortunate he sounds like he’s good spirits he’s healthy can’t wait to see him back then
it seems like a really good dude one thing that I do think is different about Boston and Philadelphia in a broad sense as Sports towns and I’m not banging on
Philadelphia whatsoever Kenny wasn’t the biggest Boston sports fan in the world at every moment of his life and
certainly there were times during your career where you couldn’t have cared less about the Boston Celtics but you
are unmistakably a Boston sports fan now and completely locked into the Patriots and it is interesting for me a lot of
these guys from Philly uh I thought Sean and he was a little bit of a step up than Felder you know but like you Paul
felder’s brother Tommy is [ __ ] locked in you can be sure it’s interesting for me a lot of these guys in a rabid
Philadelphia sports town like Philly they don’t really give a rip right yeah well yeah I think it’s that and I also
think that you know to Sean Brady’s credit you know it’s like he’s so locked into the MMA game and he’s such a
student of the game he’s trying to consume everything and I love that too but yeah it it’s hard man but Boston
dude Boston’s a different level as far as sports fan and you know anyways yeah
um all right we’re gonna get to Brian Petrie in about 60 seconds but I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have anything else on the 18 year old Raul
Rosas Jr because this is a phenomenon to me he walks into our fighter meeting
room and there is something undeniably special about it I’m not saying I get Star Struck around an 18 year old boy
right but to come back from this Christian Rodriguez loss in this manner
against any man right hand-picked matchup or otherwise I know Longo reference Patty pimlet but you know
there there you get all you do easier than Terence Mitchell if you’re really trying to get a guy a win I know he’s a
massive favorite um but you still got to go out there and do it and to do it with style points like that and I don’t know man I’m here
for it I’m here for the Raul Russ Jr show I don’t think he’ll be still fighting the UFC when he’s 36 but I’m
here for it bro here’s the thing like I kept growing until I was like 19 20. I
do everything late I do everything late so the fact that this kid is 18 years
old in a man’s sport this isn’t like tennis okay this isn’t soccer where you
know we see this common place where physicality you can kind of get around this is a big deal that an 18 year old
is fighting at a professional level and it’s also one of those situations where it’s
um it’s sink or swim too right because you can get into the UFC too early things get mismanaged and now you’re out
of there you’re in the lower leagues and then people remember oh that there was some Rosso Sky who was in there so you know the fact that he’s in there and
he’s doing well and it seems like he’s you know staying focused the question is can he stay focused right with all
that’s going on in his life that’s going to be critical and not an easy thing to manage and I go back to you know Mike
Tyson when he was champion of the world you know at such a young age trying to manage all of that the youth you know
the hormones the the fame the money the women all those things it is not an easy
thing uh and the fact that he’s competing at the highest level right now in the UFC with all those eyeballs
watching I wouldn’t be able to do it at least I I pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it at 18. so uh yeah it it is very
remarkable that he’s able to pull it all together well the good news is he really is a true martial artist talking about
choke variations and a lot of drills and making submission adjustments and I
think the nature of his training camp for c-rod was so bad that he can feed off of
that right that I know what I didn’t do during a training camp that resulted in a loss and even at 18 I’d find that to
be hugely valuable for him the other thing is that you know he’s got a mean streak and he’s
a little bit of a dick right which I think is good everybody I think in
like the public sees that he’ll willingly get on a microphone and
say things like oh I’m just here to take out the trash for Dana White right like yeah this dude doesn’t care about your
feelings and he’s true to who he is and that side of him you see it in his post-fight interviews so uh I don’t know
man I just think he has an edge maybe that’s a better way to put it like he definitely has an edge to him even though he’s only 18. so uh very excited
to see the future for Raul Rosas Jr all right we got another UFC Fight Night coming up this weekend so we’re gonna
call on the able mind of Brian Petr handicapper from the MMA takes podcast to help us with our main event Challenge
and our pronunciation of the week and uh it’s good to see you I uh are you and kenflo excited for uh for a dark week
you guys have been making a lot of predictions we get through Raphael FaZe and Metallica you guys get a week off I mean right now it sounds nice but then
by like Tuesday Wednesday like man I want you know I like it exactly I’ll miss some fights you know what I mean
but no we’re uh we’ve been we’ve been lights out Ken flow and I so uh yeah it’s good yeah see here’s the thing BP
is on kind of a on a roll right now I need a reset so I might need this dark week to kind of reset refresh you know
what I mean so make sense yeah we’re giving you the whole week off the Anakin Florian podcast is going to be dark it’s
one of I think two scheduled dark weeks the entire year I’m going on vacation we’re shutting it down
and we’ll be back the first week of October but we have work to attend to until we get there we have a pronunciation of the week it involves
our main event athlete it is not Rafael fazeb this man is a Polish Mauler this
is my favorite division in the UFC not because kenflo fought for the lightweight title three times I tried on
my one more RAM cam flow t-shirt before the show today I looked a little tight so I didn’t wear it but I love this Division and I love this
Main Event so much and I really love hearing Brian Petrie attempt to pronounce names like this so polish
fighter polish Fighters suggest to us that we can’t even as Americans say these names so what do you have for us
on physiv’s opponent Brian you know so funny is the hardest fight for me to pick so I did a ton of tape study and
completely ignored how they pronounced it so I didn’t mute or anything I just my dumb brain was like ah so I’m gonna
go mentus gamrat well you got the last name right and ultimately for your
purposes in the main event challenge all you need to master is the last name sure camera first name uh uh was butchered
like the local guy cutting up red meat uh Cody do you have the file for us my name is
one more time my name is gamrod my nickname is gaimer
Kenny yes he says his first name so clearly that
every time I hear anyone else say Mateus or he says matauge clearly twice yeah it
feels like it’s pretty easy to mimic that sound no right yeah
fighting Raphael fuziv we’ll get into the odds for UFC Fight Night here at a moment first want to update the
standings positive week for Brian Petrie plus 292 dollars takes you to minus 1306
on the year that included a four unit whack on Jack delamat Elena Ken flow one and three a
three unit Loser on Kevin Holland minus 5 16 for the week put yet minus 43.79
is going to have to take some chances if he’s going to avoid cracking a beer bottle over his head reminder if you put
rocks in the beer bottle first it’ll soften up up the glass before you and Cody smash those over your head I also
thought if you guys wanted to um just like staple your head instead that
might work too I don’t know if that’s you know there are options just know that uh yeah you want to not get a
haircut for a few weeks before you pay just not for me and Petrie it’s rough all right first election of
featherweight Charles Air Jordan minus 148 taking on hikardo Hamas Plus 124.
Jordan has been very active Bry fought three times in 2021 three times in 2022
and coming off what I thought Brad was a real clean win over chrome Gracie UFC 288 back in May and now he draws hamos
uh who’s also coming off a win but his was all the way back in June of 2022 over Danny Chavez bonus winning knockout
at that what do you have for us on this one BP yeah I like this fight this is a really good matchup unfortunately Charles
Hernandez not going to get credit uh enough credit for his win over chrome Gracie because everyone’s gonna be like what the [ __ ] was Chrome Gracie doing in
that fight what is it 1995 but uh I think Jordan’s still a young fighter he’s talented he is a black belt I know
there’s levels that his wrestling is the one thing that I think he really needs to work on wrestling defense that is and
Ricardo hamos ohamos here explosive spinning attacks he likes to Grapple a
little bit nowadays too he took the audio down eight times I think Bill Algiers long for the division Charles
Rodan not quite as long but very similar body types I like Jordan striking I think he’s more precise I think he’s
more technical almost is more explosive I do think homos has the X Factor on taking this fight to the ground
everything’s leading me to take the dog but I can’t pick against Charles Jordan uh I like this guy I think he I think
he’s talented I think this could be a close fight not gonna put a lot of money on it probably goes the decision and
we’re gonna see what kind of Judges show up but uh I like George him campho Charles ordain hicardo hamos who do you
like yeah you know in regards to Jordan’s last fight against Crone I think that the positive was was that he
was disciplined and he was clearly the better fighter no question about that but I think in past fights he doesn’t
always stay disciplined it’s almost like I want to be more exciting that trumps everything else so I’m going to be that
dude uh and the fact that he was disciplined he was focused he didn’t get out of his game plan I thought was a
really solid sign now he’s going against a guy in hummus who I think could really pose some problems they are very similar
in their approach and how they fight a little bit I think they’re they’re similar in skill and because of that I’m
just kind of gonna lean on the underdog a little bit here in hamos um I could see either of these guys
winning this fight but when I see this fight that’s very closely contested I’m going to lean towards the dog here
Thomas got injured late 2022 then he missed weight for a scheduled fight with Austin lingo earlier this year so his
first start of the year we’ll see how it goes against Charles ordain that brings us to Brian battle -180 against AJ
Fletcher plus 150 in the welterweight division so battle coming off that Monumental 14-second knockout of Gabe
Green in front of Kenny Florian in Charlotte North Carolina now he spins It
Forward takes on Lafayette Louisiana’s AJ Fletcher who was built like the side of a backyard shed there he is cancel is
going to lead us off here who do you love Brian battle minus 180 AJ Fletcher plus 150. yeah this is interesting man
yeah AJ Fletcher is uh jacked I think he can go into bodybuilding if this whole fighting thing doesn’t work out but um
yeah you know I like Brian battle here I think he’s the favorite for a reason um you know repping repping the
Carolinas and um I think that uh he’s turned into a very Dynamic and dangerous Fighter
um I think that as as long as he’s leading the dance it’s staying aggressive I think he wins this fight so
give me battle Fletcher I mentioned what a bull bride you gotta like this AJ Fletcher I mean
he’s one and two in the UFC thus far try to make it two wins in a row here against Brian battle Yeah I just wish he
had longer arms you know he’s got those alligator arms which it hinders them because he likes to stand up you know
you think this guy’s built like a wrestler you know he he takes a couple people down but he’s not primarily wrestler he’s explosive and gases
himself out all that but all those Beach muscles they need oxygen right and Brian battle I think has gotten leaps better
since the ultimate fighter I think this guy is is clean on the feet he’s got a nasty head kick you know he fought we’re
not uh we’re not [ __ ] her Dean off and got bully balled in that fight but that dude’s a special special guy and Brian
battle came back mentally strong said I’m gonna go out there I’m gonna do my thing I think he has AJ Fletcher here
could be a finish possibly uh Fletcher is tough um but I do think battle maybe
maybe late round uh second third round Fletcher slows down battle doesn’t slow down give me Brian gotta change that
nickname I mean has there ever been a nickname that ends in that ends in uh um you know like Brian battle test it
you know what I mean like that’s a good nickname so what is his nickname Pooh Bear
yeah no good so yeah Brian battle tests that I like I’ve talked about this too
if Johnny Walker right Johnny Walker’s on the cusp of contention legitimately just grab blue or black and put it on
the end of your name and have George buffer announces Johnny Walker Blue you know and people be like what Johnny
Walker Blue everybody be talking and the fact that you’re dropping a renat [ __ ] or dinov just speaks to your elevated
confidence when it comes to the pronunciation game so I’m getting better boys I’m getting better the marbles are starting to slowly fall out of the mouth
starting to get a little better boys all right rematch alert straw weight
division like why is he screaming why is he screaming people who don’t listen to this podcast and then do for the first
time are like what is this guy’s problem like on TV uh straw weight rematch guys Marina
Rodriguez minus 310 Michelle Waterson Gomez plus 250 first fight
was a main event at flyweight at the UFC Apex that was in Enterprise Nevada by the way Rodriguez won that fight rather
dominantly I thought now they run it back down 10 pounds so Rodriguez went from winning four in a row by to now
being in danger of losing three in a row big spot for her but a huge price I tend
to see some value on that Waterson Gomez side at plus 250. how do you see it bro
yeah I think I think you’re 100 right I’m gonna go with mahina Rodriguez because I love saying her name and I
crashed it um she’s she’s Owen two in her last two
which is you know ran into a right hand with limos and then dropped the decision uh she’s getting up there in age a
little bit but I still think she’s really clean on the feet she’s so polished on the feet in uh with the karate hottie you know with that with
that Boston accent you can drop really good uh Michelle Gomez or Waterson Gomez excuse me she’s starting to get really
just Nails in there right before it was like this pretty striking throw some cool kicks didn’t like the fire fight
now she lives in the fire fights she’s proven to be extremely durable has some problems on the ground with some
submission don’t think that’s gonna be a problem here Michelle Waterson also likes to take the fight to the ground herself laying it won’t take down the
first fight she’s uh doing that more hopefully it’s not the head and arm throw because you know that’s going to
get countered you know what I mean we gotta we gotta clean those up yeah but um I think there’s tremendous value on
Waterson for sure but I’m gonna go me and Rodriguez um because I just think she’s cleaner more polished has the win over go uh
um Watterson as well and um yeah I just I don’t know I got a feeling it is it is a high price I think this is a parlay
piece there’s two other female fights in this card I think you can throw it in a you know I know chicks parlay if you
want to go all chicks um something like that uh we we can do that but uh give me give me honey yes
that’s yes yes the the way you said Marina
Rodriguez that first time bro yeah I can’t even listen to the analysis that follows I’m just so mesmerized you gave
Cody another sound bite right there second time he’s got a two closing out the selection yeah you could probably
[ __ ] cut that one up too uh but we got to move on Ken Flo Waterson Gomez has not won since a split decision not
it came against Angela Hill back in 2020 but very competitive competitive she was in a split decision lost to Luana Panero
in Miami back in April and uh I really have leaned into a lot of what Brian was
just saying she she lives in the fire fight now that has been a switch flip
for Waterson Gomez she’s always been tough but she just seems to really enjoy the taste of her own blood these days
and uh I think some might see value on her plus 250 the line continues to climb towards Marina Rodriguez which way you
go in here absolutely and I agree and I think she kind of needs to do that here in this fight against Marina Rodriguez
and um I do think it’s going to be a difficult fight for her I don’t love the numbers on Rodriguez here but um
Michelle Waterson Gomez does have does have a path to Victory I just feel like
her game plan is going to have to be absolutely perfect here and I do think
she has some advantages of she able to put Rodriguez on her back I just don’t think she’s gonna be able to do it enough and consistently enough to win
this fight I think Rodriguez is gonna it is kind of the more well-rounded Striker she’s a little bit more versatile on the
feet um and I think that you have to believe that she’s been working on her takedown defense in the last couple fights both
these women on a losing streak here very very important fight but I like Rodriguez here all right that brings us
to the co-main event back to you Petri at featherweight 10th ranked Bryce Mitchell minus 205 we have seen this
price steadily climb on DraftKings Sportsbook towards Mitchell 12th ranked Danny gay plus 170 was plus 140 24 hours
ago now he can be had plus 170. he’s won two in a row and that team’s got a lot
of momentum right now Sean Strickland Daniel Zell Huber among others Mitchell on the other side has dealt with some
injuries surveillments but he returns here does so with much fanfare Bry he’s 15-1 lone career loss of course came
against Ilia topuria he was far less than 100 percent I’m not trying to take away from the Spaniard but his health
was an issue for that fight and then he had to pull out of a fight against monster I have Loya due to a back injury
famously replaced of course by Diego Lopez but now thug nasty is back Brian and uh he’s a 2-1 favorite here against
Danny gay your thoughts I I feel like I’m getting punked I feel like John is
going to take off a mask and it’s going to be legendary coach Diego Sanchez coach Joshua Fayetteville I feel like
I’m getting punked here why is Danny against the underdog I mean are we seriously right now I’ve already loaded
up at 140. I’m loading up again at 170. nothing taken away from Bryce Mitchell
he’s great but if you look at his wins Bobby Moffett one and three in didn’t
make in the UFC Tyler Diamond uh Charles Rosen not long worth of promotion Andre Philly was a great performance Edson
Barbara was a great performance you can make the argument he’s getting better but now he’s got some all outside the cage stuff he’s got some ex-girlfriend
stuff that’s going on social media with the fruit trees and everything I don’t know have you seen it he’s distracted
and I don’t know if he’s really excelling and getting better like I think he should Dan ige is a Savage we
all saw what daniga did against Nate lanwear those stance switches those switching up the stances hurt and Nate
left and right I think Nate’s a better fighter than than Bryce Metro I think Bryce Mitchell is an entertaining guy
he’s fun seems like a good guy to root for I like root for him he obviously was
sick fell ill or was sick and looked looked sick against depory I was there live he was getting tossed all over that
cage which is surprising because he says Arkansas strong farm boy that takes you down lays on top you and beats you up
right hit a twister early on his UFC career against Matt sales who again one or three in the promotion no longer
there so his wins aren’t stacking up for me and Daniel’s been in there with everyone he’s hard to take down he’s
only at fifty percent 56 take down the fence but nine of those came for against most are you love I mean I mean that guy
that guy’s a different level so Danny get Underdog money here I’m putting three units on it I’ve already got real
money on it so let’s go three units on daniga here I think there’s a lock of the century I couldn’t believe it I
thought I was getting punked for a minute but uh yeah give me Danny yeah I don’t know if he’s gonna get a stoppage but I like him and we’ve been seeing
this thing too where Grapplers tend to win fights but then you got sugar shot on Molly with the footwork taken out
algel you got Cyril gone taking out Thursday spit box so the tides are turning a little bit Strikers are
finding out a way to use their footwork and slow down some Grapplers and I think Daniel is going to do that here not to
mention his cardios through the roof uh teams on fire give me Danny and defensively Danny gay is a Brazilian Jiu
Jitsu black belt of course there are levels to that game but uh I can understand why people see value on Danny gay and increasingly so now plus 170.
can flow before you make your selection there is a reason why money has been pouring in on Bryce Mitchell the rap
album the country rap album is called pasture fire and uh nice got a little taste for you folks here today here we
go Bryce Mitchell thugness
yeah just wait can’t fall just [ __ ] wait
dude that’s 70 seconds of your life I feel like a DJ trying to fill this music bed before president
he’s got bars
phone I’ll keep it on that habit I learned out in Cabot
I’ll go get a pound and put it in the Attic if I need to find anything I’ma go grab it fight good but that [ __ ] is
sporadic I ain’t gonna lie lighting is good but that [ __ ] is sporadic
Ally Mississippi
I mean you prefer I’ll just so dumb or this at an accordion pod
s for me thank you very much man the darkened saw let me ask you a
question Jay I know you used to spit a little bit back in the day he’s better take it you better than your heart I
didn’t know if you were taking it if you could get a hot 16 and better and Bryce he’s better than me so but that’s not
freestyle but I’m sure he’s a better freestyle rapper than I uh and uh he probably can write hip-hop lyrics better
than I can that was pretty good now I gotta figure out a way to drop a dark inside though if this guy wins the fight
bringing out the dark and saw tonight uh kenflo we need a selection here
who do you have I could do that for you um listen I think that uh Bryce Mitchell
does have a lot of things going on outside the cage you know obviously there’s you know the relationship thing
but there’s the injuries too like how healthy is he right now I know about back injuries and they stay with you and
they can come back to haunt you at very odd times especially punch that yeah
yeah especially when you’re cutting weight and you’re at the end of a training camp where you’ve been building
up a lot of volume of trading of training so yeah I’m a little bit
worried about that but I’m worried about Dan ige and the power that he has in his hands the fact that he is a Brazilian
Jutsu black belt he’s not going to be lost on the ground I do think Bryce Mitchell moves very fast on the ground
he’s going to be very aggressive there and you have to worry about a lot of different things submissions positions
against Bryce Mitchell but I think Dan ige can do way more than just survive on the ground but I also think that his
takedown defense is getting better he’s not a perfect takedown uh defense guy but I don’t think he needs to be against
Bryce Mitchell necessarily I think he needs to be good enough to stop a lot of those takedowns
um frustrate Bryce Mitchell and land a big shot when he can and I think if you could do that not only can he win rounds
he could perhaps win by finish here I think Mitchell can as well
um but I just have too many question marks for me and I think there’s a lot of value on Dan Eagle I was hoping that
Brian Petrie was going to go the other way with Brian with Bryce Mitchell but come on this guy’s too sharp come on
we’ll see if that plus 170 sticks around I find that very interesting both of you landed on that side 30 Cent price move
in the last 24 hours and uh Peter we’re gonna need you to come in on Sunday food oh I made a vet 155 pounds the
division all the others are chasing Raphael fuzzy minus 162 metage Gamera
plus 136. so physiv is coming off that absolute war against Justin gaichi he
had been 7-0 in the UFC going in and gamrod another chest absolute Warrior
repping American top team in Poland coming off a split win over Jalen Turner UFC 285 in March outstanding main event
I can’t wait to watch it and not talk during it and it’s at the ufca Apex coming up here Saturday night 25-foot
octagon can’t flow Nowhere to Run nowhere to hide for zebra gamer on the main event for you yes sir this is such
a great fight man um I I think that early on especially when when gamrod had that absolute nasty
fight against sarukion I was super high on camera but I’m not sure I’ve seen him
take it to that same level since that fight um I think that you know there was you
know some good performances here and there no question about it but I I think that maybe I overestimated his abilities
a little bit too much I think submission wise I expect a little bit more a
striking wise he hasn’t made the adjustments or the evolution like I had hoped uh not to say he’s bad there not
to say he’s a bad fighter he’s a very good fighter don’t get me wrong but I thought that coming off of that sarukion
fight that we would see his game really Elevate I just haven’t seen that as much
as I had hoped uh and you’re going against a guy in physive who is an absolute killer he’s extremely difficult
to take down I think that when you fight a guy like gaichi you are going to learn
so much about yourself about your heart about your Technique about your vulnerabilities all of that the pressure
that he had to deal with so I think we’re going to see a physique that is gonna come in pretty damn hot and I
think that he’s gonna frustrate gamron a lot and I think that if he’s able to Tire him out and if he’s able to find
those spots to take advantage of gamron on the feet I think he will and I think there’s great value on physique here you
know what uh minus 160 I don’t think we’re going to see that too often out of
physiv against match-ups that are similar like this so I’ll I gotta go for it man I’m in big trouble I need to give
me five units yeah five unit whacker on Raphael fazie
for Ken flow that is an 810 dollar wager to win 500. Brian Petrie the flow is
yours who do you like in the minute love that pick love that breakdown from chem flow this fight was really intriguing
when I first got announced I really Dove deep into it I love when a main event like stumps me right uh I gotta dive in
I gotta look at the tape you know I gotta go over the stats and gamrod is a guy who’s super durable and tough but in
the Benny Darius fight would impressed me was he got rocked and Benny could crack and he got up but he rushed so
many takedowns instead of letting his hands go he doe Forte takedowns and it warms off out and Benny was ready for it
and that just shut him down it’s you know he’s a very aggressive and good fighter and he rushes takedowns too much
when I think his stand up it’s coming along pretty well he’s obviously good on the ground they didn’t get physique well this guy debuting UFC gets knocked out
I’m like oh you know this world-class Striker gets knocked out runs off some amazing performances had a little
stutter against Bobby Green in my opinion some people thought Bobby green lost he just slowed down I thought for Z1 but then he gets Justin gate to his
majority decision lost he won the first round lost the final two in my opinion in the third round he just got you got
chopped up a little bit got bloodied up a little bit but this guy’s stand up is so shiny it’s a shiny little polished
tool I love it I love it my only critique with him and this is coming from a fat head kid from Cincinnati my
only critique from him is he kind of gets in this rhythm of like the Muay Thai kickboxing rhythm with his striking
and gaichi read that by the third round I wish he would be just a little bit more flowy but that’s the smallest
critique ever I think his stand-up is phenomenal he looks to be in insane shape we haven’t really seen anybody really test his grappling I’ve heard
worlds reviews about it in the gym how hard he is to get down he’ll toss you on your [ __ ] head so this is going to
prove it here and he answered the question over the cardio that’s another thing he’s improving got knocked out debut hasn’t been knocked out since
stuttered a little bit cardio wise against Bobby green goes out there and finishes Jaffe do send us in the first round he’s proving himself constantly
taking this seriously this is a guy that’s lights out I agree with Kenny price is low um I’m gonna go ahead and put two units
on it as well uh for my remaining five uh I love his Eve here I think he is this is gonna be a banger of a fight I
love there’s some questions that need to be answered and uh I think we might have one here at 55 boys I really do all
right nicely done any uh other preliminary selections or otherwise before we let you go uh I do not I think
Jacob malcoon is really overpriced but I do think he’s gonna absolutely steamroll um but I don’t want to give that out
because I mean any any trained gorilla can give out of minus 410 so uh not not right now boys all right well I will
leave you with this your Cincinnati Bengals are 0-2 as are our New England Patriots if I were you I don’t even know
who Cincinnati has in week three straight wage or money line on their opponent right yeah you gotta try to get
the dude you’re right yeah they’re playing the Rams who haven’t looked super bad so we’ll see
Super Bowl rematch we’ll see what’s going on all right buddy appreciate you man have a good week all right Brian Petrie with us here and
uh I know he’s dealing with some some family stuff health issues uh with his mom so we wish
Brian Peacher the best MMA takes podcast at Brian Petrie MMA on social media all right I’m going to leave you with this
Cody if you could send this video invoice to Bruce Buffer via Instagram that would be great so here’s the
invoice from iPhone wizard so uh we had a nice steak dinner Katie at my uh my friend big Ron sweet at the Virgin this
past Thursday night I invited my dear friend Bruce Buffer who went on to drop Ronnie Pellegrino’s iPad on the floor
and he apologized I don’t think he knew the nature of the foul and really at the
time I think for all of us it was no harm no foul until Ron opened up his iPad the next morning and the thing was
completely [ __ ] shattered so we have an invoice here 216.74 cents perhaps uh Bruce Buffer
and the uh the it’s time Empire maybe can pay for the iPad repair uh perhaps not but it’s iPhone Wizards and uh they
did a great job fixing the thing so uh but buffer yeah man buffer dropping iPads he was sober too I think oh man
what’s he doing juggling it was did he think it was like one of his cue cards yeah he was doing a cameo I think all
right we got to get on out of here don’t forget Annex Square my NFL podcast with my twin brother can be viewed on the
DraftKings YouTube channel remember the show with blah Mohammed and Jason anik is on the Anakin Florian
podcast Channel live every Thursday night Anna has everything you need when it comes to the
show and uh want more sleep merchandise is yours at Millions dot Co Kenny is live Argus
integrated defense is outstanding on Instagram kenflo just doing all sorts of [ __ ] [ __ ] taking guns off of people
and protecting people creating space and uh they’re all wearing pajamas sometimes yes sometimes no it’s amazing
we gotta get on out of here shout out to Big Ron Pellegrino for all the hospitality Paradise Cantina open 24 7
365 Paradise Road Paradise Nevada I think it’s actually Paradise might be Las Vegas but thanks
to everybody Our Guest The Great Sean Brady Ray Longo Brian Petrie thanks to our unbelievable listenership and
viewership we absolutely love you guys we are resetting next week as the UFC is dark on the last Saturday in September
but we will be back guns plays in first Monday in October and uh can’t wait to be back in your lives then for our
executive producer Cody mail for Kenny Florian I’m John N thank you all for listening for watching we’ll talk to you in less than two weeks until then
God because
you got

NBA player thinks he beat Jon Jones?

NBA player thinks he beat Jon Jones?


In a recent interview, NBA basketball player James Johnson claimed that he could defeat Jon Jones, the greatest mixed martial artist of all time, in a fight. As a former UFC champion and current MMA analyst, I can confidently say that Johnson’s claim is nothing short of absurd. Let’s take a closer look at why this matchup would be a complete mismatch.

A Basketballer’s Delusion

Johnson, standing at an impressive six foot eight, is undoubtedly a big man on the basketball court. However, his belief that he can take on Jon Jones, a highly skilled and experienced fighter, is simply unfounded. In the interview, Johnson mentions that with a year of training in ground defense, he believes he could defeat Jones. But let’s be real here, learning the intricacies of wrestling and jiu-jitsu in just a year is a tall order, especially when going up against someone like Jon Jones who has been training in martial arts since a young age.

The Reality of MMA

While Johnson may have some experience in amateur martial arts and even claims to have a second-degree black belt, his fights cannot be found anywhere outside of his interviews. This raises questions about the legitimacy of his martial arts background. Even if he is undefeated in kickboxing, it’s important to note that the level of competition in his fights may not be on par with professional MMA.

Wrestling Takes Time

One of the key aspects of MMA is wrestling, and Johnson admits that it is not his forte. Learning wrestling takes years of dedicated training and practice. Even seasoned fighters who have been training in MMA for years struggle with wrestling. Johnson’s claim that he can learn wrestling in just a year is highly unlikely.

Jon Jones: The Greatest of All Time

Jon Jones is widely regarded as one of the greatest fighters in MMA history. He has an impressive record and has defeated some of the toughest opponents in the sport. His skill set, which includes collegiate wrestling, makes him a formidable opponent in the octagon. Johnson’s belief that he can defeat Jones is simply unrealistic.

Stick to Your Court

While Johnson may be a talented basketball player, the world of MMA is a completely different ballgame. It’s important to recognize one’s strengths and limitations. Johnson’s claim to be able to defeat Jon Jones is akin to someone claiming they can learn basketball in a year and beat professional players. It’s simply not realistic.


In conclusion, James Johnson’s claim that he can defeat Jon Jones in a fight is nothing more than a delusion. While Johnson may be a skilled basketball player, the world of MMA requires a different set of skills and years of dedicated training. Jon Jones, on the other hand, is a proven champion and one of the greatest fighters of all time. It’s important to separate fantasy from reality and recognize the skill and dedication it takes to succeed in the world of mixed martial arts. Johnson’s claim is nothing more than wishful thinking. So, let’s leave the fighting to the professionals and let Johnson stick to what he does best on the basketball court.

a basketballer called James Johnson in
the NBA a basketball star says that he
can defeat Jon Jones The Greatest mixed
martial artist that ever lived in a
fight that is correct a basketballer
granted six foot eight he’s a very big
man very big man he dribbles balls he
puts them in baskets I need to defeats
the greatest mixed martial artist that
ever lived hold on if you want to know
what I’m talking about take a look at
this I think I could beat him for real
but like I said with a year of training
defense I just need ground defense I
think the scary thing because we’re big
athletes it’s like okay JJ can move how
you move and he six eight that’s the
scary part like where okay he can do
everything you do and he’s six eight
like that’s where the the big difference
comes in yeah and the opposite is he
started learning how to use your hands
and your feet what after college like
I’ve been punching and kicking since I
was five six years old so like the same
thing for me though is the opposite for
him because he’s been rap especially for
that long you know his wrestling moves
and things like that for that long for
me you know what I mean I started
learning the wrestling game and all that
Middle School the Jujitsu you know he
has a big Advantage there because no one
wants to get on the floor but as long as
I can keep him from going on the floor I
win as long as he can keep him from
going on the floor he wins the fight
listen it’s different I’m six foot eight
bro I’m a badass I’ve done a little bit
of amateur martial arts all I gotta do
is learn how to stop a takedown I’ve
just got to learn wrestling it’s that
easy give me a year give me a [ __ ]
break that’s what we really need right
here because listen this James Johnson
I’m sure he’s a lovely guy I really am
but this is hilarious you know we’ve all
done it we’ve all watched a martial arts
film and at the end we’re all hyped up
we want to go we’re looking at it we
watch Rocky we start Shadow Boxing we
think we’re a badass you go down the pub
you have a few beers you think you can
take this guy on
the list goes on right okay he’s a big
man his sixth fight he’s an athlete he’s
got competitive drive and I’m sure right
from what he says he can fire and I’m
sure according to what I’ve read online
apparently the man’s got a second degree
black belt in martial arts he said he
had his first MMA fight at the age of 18
and reportedly finished his opponent in
97 seconds he earned the moniker of
little Ali because of his notably fancy
footwork during fights that resembled
the late Muhammad Ali he goes on to say
I’ve been fighting my whole life that’s
my first love that’s my first Passion I
would love to fight in the UFC after my
NBA career the fighter mentality the
fighter heart it never goes I still see
the guys right now trying to kick away
like Chuck Liddell Anderson Silva you
got guys that just can’t get away from
the game right
listen he goes on to say listen I’ve
rocked with Jon Jones but he says I
would just need a year my stand-up is
great but we all know about Jon Jones
he’s a Collegiate wrestler really really
good on the ground and that is not my
forte now this makes martial arts bro
listen if you look at Sports Illustrated
they’re talking about this guy Now
Sports Illustrated have done an article
on this and they say that the six foot
eight 36 year old Johnson wants to try
his hands at beating Jon Jones he’ll
first have to fight professionally in
mixed martial arts despite being a
bloodbot in karate and already being
undefeated and kickboxing 20-0
apparently and mixed martial arts seven
and oh but Johnson’s bouts mysteriously
aren’t credited anywhere outside of his
interviews well guess what I had a
little look on topology topology
registers all fights okay you don’t have
to be an NBA player you don’t have to be
someone famous you can be anybody and
one fight you will be on topology you’ll
be in the showdog database but when I go
to topology yeah there’s lots of James
Johnson’s James Johnson Las Vegas James
Johnson two and one James Johnson 3-0
amateur James Johnson one and five does
not that’s seven and oh there are none
that are six for eight there’s none that
a basketball players right this guy’s
having a laugh he’s out of his goddamn
mind but hey God bless him God bless him
God loves to try it okay now all right
all jokes aside as I said I don’t know
this guy I’m sure he’s a lovely lovely
guy got nothing against him but it is so
hilarious that is like me saying granted
if I was a foot taller oh no no not a
foot taller four inches taller that’s
like me saying listen give me a year I
will learn how to play basketball even
though I’ve only got one I have known
depth perception whatsoever I’ve got
defeat I’ve got the skills I’ve got the
cardio I’ve got the will to win it’s
nonsense it’s stupid okay this guy’s
fights can’t be found anywhere even if
he is 20-0 in kickboxing we all know we
all know someone that’s a British
kickboxing champion or a regional
kickboxing championship and when you
look at the the fights there were seven
people in a Sports Hall you know what I
mean and the opponent was well out of
shape and never trained in his life and
to get given a big shiny medal and a
belt and all of a sudden they’re a
champion right we see it all the time
and this started probably because of
that YouTuber Bradley Martin would you
be a Ministry fight huh you think you
beat me in the street fight you on the
street fighter yeah you’re caught in
your podcaster brother
okay he’s like 265 pounds he’s jacked
out of his mind he’s never trained to
date in his goddamn life he thinks he
can beat Demetrius Johnson he thinks he
can beat Diaz and that guy is out of his
goddamn mind as well look listen
we’ve seen this a little bit we saw with
James Tony right we’re in the UFC I want
to show them what real punches real
fighting is all about the boxing Legend
the heavyweight champion came over to
the UFC fought around the guitar got
taken down ankle picked and choked out
within seconds realistically even if
he’s been training nine months that’s
that’s real short order to pick up
everything you need to know from mixed
martial arts and that was an actual
fighter okay
yeah listen it’s great the sport of
mixed martial arts is getting so popular
but Jon Jones is the greatest of all
time Jon Jones is undefeated John Jones
will be fighting Steve
John Jones will be fighting Stephen
Madison Square Garden against the
greatest heavyweight of all time okay so
listen I mean I don’t need to tell you
about Jon Jones and on top of that Jon
Jones is Round the Bend it’s a little
bit crazy he’s got that nasty streak in
him and whether or not you want to
criticize him for it and of course he’s
done some things that are very very bad
he’s put on some amazing Vibes and that
meanness that [ __ ] craziness that he
has that helps you in a fight and I’m
sure this basketball is flipped out on
the tennis court on the basketball court
should I say I’m sure he’s got a real
reputation right but you ain’t going up
against Jon Jones no way the you’re the
baddest man on the planet Tyson Fury he
said that he would take Jon Jones heard
him say that Jon Jones could [ __ ] me up
if we went in the room together I don’t
think so not a man born for him mother
can [ __ ] me up in a room on our own
whatever happens in that room I’d be
walking out not a [ __ ] problem and
everybody laughed at that and that’s a
guy that is six foot nine that’s legit
the best boxer in the heavyweight
division the best heavyweight of his
generation Amanda has incredible speed
incredible cardio that is way heavier
than this Johnson guy and is actually a
fighter Jon Jones will take it down
pretty quick Jon Jones would have a
field day he would submit him he would
kick him to death he would literally
just do whatever he wanted apart from
box okay you don’t want a box with Tyson
Fury simple as that the man’s ridiculous
okay and again if the table’s returned
we’ve got that coming up soon Francis
nanganu John Jones listen Tyson Fury is
going to have a field day with him so
it’s not a knock on Tyson Fury but
horses for courses stick to your courts
the basketball courts right no one’s
bouncing balls in octagons the only
thing that’s getting bounced is your
head all over the place via vicious
elbows from Jon Jones when he takes you
down with relative ease now let me tell
you apparently he’s done a bit of Jiu
Jitsu and that’s all well and good
competitive Jujitsu is very different
from the flowery Parish stuff you’re
doing the dojo if you hit someone hard
enough with key which I will certainly
not do today you can stop the heartbeat
doing it in the Octagon doing it in a
mixed martial arts contest where people
can punch you in the face elbow you in
the face that is very very different
okay but let’s just assume that he can
do that he can’t wrestle okay and a year
he said give me a year no chance
wrestling takes years and years to
master I started doing Japanese Jujitsu
when I was eight years old I didn’t
start doing any wrestling until I was
training professionally as a mixed
martial artist you know Japanese Jiu
Jitsu utilizes a lot of Judo hip throws
or gosh he’s all sorts of guys I know
the Japanese terminology because you
gotta do I’m a black belt in Japanese
Jiu Jitsu but even though I’ve done all
that learning to wrestle was very very
hard even though my mind and my brain
was already formatted to learn grappling
learning wrestling making it work in a
competitive environment is really hard
and I’ll just say this right now
learning Jujitsu is easier than learning
to wrestle wrestlings are much harder
hard to learn simple as that we can all
lineup I could do it onboarding five
seconds there’s no way you can single
leg someone and put them down on the
ground it takes a long time and it seems
like a weird language that they’re
speaking I remember challenging My First
Single Leg I’m thinking this doesn’t
work this is [ __ ] but it does but it
takes a while certainly takes longer
than a year certainly when you’re going
up against the greatest of all time the
best buyer that we’ve ever seen in the
30-year history of this beautiful
magnificent sport anyway God bless this
guy right fair play I’m sure he’s the
type of guy you wouldn’t want to meet
down a dark alley he’s 648 he’s a badass
and he’s had 25s that I can’t find
anywhere they’re not on topology but go
on with your bad self bro have yourself
some fun take it easy subscribe ring the
bell and I’ll see you soon

Adesanya STILL Ranked #1 AFTER Strickland Loss?

Adesanya STILL Ranked #1 AFTER Strickland Loss?


In a recent episode of his podcast, former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping discussed the ESPN rankings and expressed his disbelief at Israel Adesanya still being ranked number one after his loss to Sean Strickland. Bisping questioned the reasoning behind this decision and called for transparency regarding the panel of analysts who made these rankings.

The ESPN rankings are updated every two weeks, with MMA analysts coming together to vote on the rankings. Last week, the middleweight rankings drew a lot of criticism, particularly with Adesanya retaining the top spot despite his loss to Strickland. Bisping was shocked to see Strickland ranked at number five instead of number two, considering his dominant performance against Adesanya.

Bisping expressed his desire to know the identities of the analysts on the panel who made these rankings. He mentioned Megan Anderson and Brett Okamoto as two individuals he knew were part of the panel. He even considered reaching out to Okamoto for an explanation of the rankings.

The article Bis ping referred to stated that despite Strickland’s victory over Adesanya, Adesanya remained at the top of the middleweight division rankings. Bisping disagreed with this decision, stating that rankings should be based on a fighter’s ability to win fights, not on style points or technique. He argued that Strickland clearly outperformed Adesanya in their fight, winning four rounds to one.

Bisping acknowledged that some people may argue that Adesanya is a better martial artist based on his skills and techniques, but emphasized that the rankings should reflect a fighter’s effectiveness in a fight. He believed that Strickland deserved to be ranked number one after defeating Adesanya.

Bisping expressed his frustration with the lack of transparency regarding the panel of analysts who made these rankings. He mentioned that he knew Megan Anderson and Brett Okamoto were part of the panel, but wanted to know the identities of the other analysts as well. He believed it would be helpful to understand their reasoning behind the rankings before disagreeing with them.

Bisping also questioned the decision to rank Jared Cannonier above Strickland, despite their close fight. He found it strange that Cannonier, who lost to Strickland, would be ranked higher than the champion. He believed that Strickland should be ranked above Adesanya and Cannonier based on his recent performance.

In conclusion, Bisping expressed his disagreement with the ESPN rankings, particularly with Adesanya retaining the top spot after his loss to Strickland. He called for transparency regarding the panel of analysts who made these rankings and emphasized the importance of rankings reflecting a fighter’s ability to win fights. Bisping believed that Strickland deserved to be ranked number one in the middleweight division.

tell me about the ESPN ranking you
should have brought that up see what I’m
doing now I’m I’m handing it to you I’m
just Moon feeding you the topics open
wide open wide say ah is there an
um all right so ESPN released their
rankings last week uh they give updated
rankings uh I think every two weeks they
have their their MMA analysts come
together and they they vote on it uh
their middleweight rankings drew a lot
of ire uh last week so uh number one
after that fight uh was still Israel out
of Sonya where do you think Sean
Strickland ended up on the list because
as you can see it’s not number two
yeah well I know what it is because I
it’s no way and we do it but number five
what is all that about
how would you just jump back on just
just before we uh break this down I want
to know so when you say there’s a bunch
of analysts at ESPN uh who are those
analysts so who are the people because
obviously there’s a panel that made
these decisions you know what I mean so
so who who are these people it would be
handy to know so I know for sure one is
Megan Anderson I will look up uh Brett
okamoto is the staff writer who wrote
the article so he must be on there give
me one second I will look up the phone
yeah okay no problem I’m just looking at
the article Brett Sakamoto of course
shouts out Brad I’ll come out so great
guy really I feel like I want to text
him and see if we can get a response
from him by the end of the show and say
how did that happen no please text him
now well I’ll just give a little bit of
the story you text and take a second to
do that because it would be great to
have because I I would actually like to
know their reasoning before we disagree
with it because it does that doesn’t
make any sense to me but on the article
here it says despite Strickland now on
in the middleware adesanya remains top
of the 185 pound Heap in the latest ESPN
division or rankings rankings Strickland
moves up in the top ten but it remains
far from the top among the other
divisions that’s awesome upheaval
Israel’s not mean it’s okay nothing to
do with that it is kind of crazy because
look listen I can understand why some
people may say
I think Israel lasagna is a better
martial artist because maybe he can do
some moves and maybe his reflexes are
faster and and he’s got some amazing
kicks and all the rest of it but what it
comes down to is being effective in a
fight being able to beat the other
person in a fight this isn’t a ranking
for style points this isn’t a technique
uh standpoint this is the Fighter’s
clearly showed four rounds to one almost
finished him in the first it’s crazy he
was clearly the better fighter than that
who knows maybe the rematch is different
maybe but as of right now the facts are
the facts and Sean’s Strickland without
a question without a shadow of a doubt
should be sitting nice and comfortable
at the top of that Purge on his lofty
perch wearing the crown as the number
when it’s not even okay
so okay so maybe you feel like Izzy had
a bad night maybe you you feel like he
had the worst night of his life in
Breton why are we talking sorry I did I
was gonna google it just look look it up
Harrington if you can Google who did
panelists sorry sorry Anthony no you’re
fine but even if you believe that okay
whatever arasani had a had a really bad
night Strickland had the night of his
I’m still gonna put Izzy at the top
you still should put him at uh two
like he said he’s a champion of the
world like how do you put him in front
of dupless e or or I do understand the
argument though for the Cannon air thing
because you can say
Cannon here beat him
unless you watched it and then that then
that’s a different story but I Oh I
thought Canada won that fight but or I
thought yeah Sean Strickland won that
fight against Cannon here but yeah
either way it’s really close so I’m sure
some people will say well Kanye has a
win over him
doesn’t matter Sean Strickland has the
and that’s not the conversation we’re
having because the reality is you’re
only as good as your last fight right
Izzy’s last fight
was garbage it was garbage it was never
shortly ranked not like
Cannon here beat him a year ago like the
current rankings mean that that means
the champion
is number one
morganheim Megan Anderson Ian Parker I
know Ian Reed comb you will know Ian as
well Andres water was Andrew Feldman and
Eddie Maisonette
well someone needs to take care
bassinet to the head of these people
they’re out of the mines how the hell
can you have Israel out of Sonya still
at the top of the pile
that’s wild the champion has one name
and that is Sean stricken right now and
whether you like it or not whether how
much of a fanboy you are a visit and you
respect the body of work that’s all well
and good but his last fight he got beat
four rounds to one right and you’ve got
to give Sean Strickland these Jews
deserves that you know I was really
hoping Brad akamoto was going to answer
because I guarantee he’s got he’s gotta
agree with it or disagree with it he’s I
bet he has a fantastic answer
yeah I’m gonna text someone right now
you just talk a second please yeah I
just don’t uh it’s just the whole thing
is weird it’s what like I think the best
way of saying is you’re only as good as
your last fight like it’s not
I don’t even know it’s I don’t know how
you win the CH you win the title and
you’re not ranked number one in your
it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense to
me at all Brian Brian get the con get
the tin foil it’s a conspiracy broth it
is a conspiracy
Sean’s too popular they’re coming for
him they’re trying to silence him okay
they’re coming after him the mainstream
media are coming for Sean Strickland I’m
just sitting here social brand please
there’s also like there’s is just
something suspect about the way the
rankings broke out because Jared Cannon
here is above Sean Strickland so it’s
like if you’re telling me you can’t base
these rankings off of one night’s
performance you’re still gonna put Jared
cannonier a contender over the champion
when those two fought and it was razor
close like a lot of people think Sean
Strickland should have won a split
decision there even though Jared
cannonier did get the win so it’s crazy
to give Cannon near that bump and not
Strickland over at us on you yeah no
you’re absolutely right I guess if we’re
looking at it perspective if that’s the
criteria and I’m assuming you’ve got
Brett we would have yeah uh Jared at one
Sean to
I don’t know it’s a fair it
this is why I like bread akamoto and why
he is the person that he is in the
position that he has because he makes
things make sense he doesn’t just do
things willy-nilly I don’t necessarily
agree with it but I understand his con
the concept
it’s one of the most unique ranking
situations we’ve ever had basically Sean
beat Izzy but that is his only top five
win ever he just lost to Jared so if
you’re arguing Sean is above Izzy it’s
the same to argue that Jared should be
over Sean uh yeah we said that yeah and
Izzy beat Jared Jared lost to Rob Izzy
beat Rob twice in a nutshell is his
record in a recent years still is better
than Sean’s even considering the loss
it’d be favored if they fought again
it’s like if Oklahoma beat Georgia in
football this week would they get all
the first place votes in the following
week he doesn’t think they would and
he’s probably correct so and and there
is definitely some Sound Logic to that
argument that’s a good word to use logic
he used logic in the explanation and
there’s definitely Sound Logic there
that is kind of hard to argue again it’s
hard to argue however
all I can say is I disagree but I can’t
tell you why well no because because you
I do feel that being the champion of the
look listen we were talking rankings
Charles de champ
it’s impossible to get any higher
everyone’s vying to be in that position
I understand the logic I do and when you
break it down logically like that oh
great right but this sport isn’t about
you know your history what have you done
for me lately you’re only as good as
your last fight right and yeah we can we
can we can hypothesize and come with a
uh an explanation uh is he still the top
guy but the reality is he just got EV
they always say to become the man you’ve
got to beat the man
will Sean just be the man and he took
his belt off him and he took his title
and he’s the world champion and he gets
to call the shots he’s the number one
guy if I was Champion the reason I’m
saying this and listen I’m not I’m
nothing against dizzy and in fact the
opposite for some reason people seem to
have this narrative that all I do is
kisses his ass which is not the case at
um I’ve got nothing against is it but
if I was the champion of the world
and they still had my opponent that I
just be ranked at number one I would be
pissed off oh I’d be throwing a fit
I’d be and and then I wouldn’t care
about the logical response like I
wouldn’t care like no way I’d just be
losing my mind

Grasso vs. Shevchenko Rematch Reaction

Grasso vs. Shevchenko Rematch Reaction, UFC/WWE Merger Official


In this article, we will discuss the latest news and reports on the weekly shows for both WWE and AEW. We will also talk about the UFC/WWE merger and the reaction to the Grasso vs. Shevchenko rematch. Additionally, we will touch on the topic of immediate rematches in the UFC and give our thoughts on the situation.


Last year, we launched a platform that aims to provide a different perspective on pro wrestling. We offer news, reports, and informed speculation on why things are happening the way they are. We also have the “Under the Ring” podcast hosted by Phil Strum, who has been covering wrestling for over a decade and has connections with top stars from WWE, AEW, and the independent circuit. We believe that our platform offers a unique and fun way to look at pro wrestling.

UFC/WWE Merger Official

We are proud to announce that the UFC and WWE have officially merged, which has created a lot of excitement among pro wrestling fans. This merger has led to the creation of Wrestling Junkie, a platform that covers both MMA and pro wrestling. The crossover between MMA and pro wrestling fans has been evident, and we are thrilled to provide content that caters to both fan bases.

Immediate Rematches in the UFC

One of the topics that has been discussed recently is the idea of immediate rematches in the UFC. After Sean O’Malley defeated Aljamain Sterling at UFC 292, Sterling expressed his desire for an immediate rematch. He argued that if Israel Adesanya, who recently lost his title, is being considered for a rematch, then he should also be given the same opportunity.

While Sterling’s argument may have some merit, there are clear-cut number one contenders in both the bantamweight and middleweight divisions. Rico Street Plessis and Merab Dvalishvili have proven themselves as worthy contenders and deserve their shots at the titles. Therefore, it may not be fair to grant immediate rematches to Sterling and Adesanya when there are other deserving fighters waiting in the wings.

Opinions on the Funk Master’s Position

Opinions on Sterling’s position vary. Some believe that he has a fair point, considering his accomplishments as the bantamweight champion and the circumstances surrounding his loss to O’Malley. Others feel that Sterling’s constant flip-flopping on whether he wants to step aside for Dvalishvili or pursue a rematch has made his case less compelling.

From a business perspective, it is understandable why the UFC might consider a rematch for Adesanya, given his marketability and star power. However, his lopsided loss to Sean Strickland raises questions about whether he truly deserves an immediate rematch.

Ultimately, the decision on immediate rematches lies with the UFC, and they have shown that they make decisions on a case-by-case basis. There is no consistency in their approach, and it often depends on the fighter and the circumstances surrounding their situation at the time.


In conclusion, the topic of immediate rematches in the UFC is a complex one. While fighters like Aljamain Sterling and Israel Adesanya may argue for a rematch based on their previous reigns as champions, there are clear-cut number one contenders in their respective divisions who deserve their shots at the titles. The UFC’s decision on immediate rematches is often influenced by marketability and star power, as well as the circumstances surrounding the fighter’s loss. Ultimately, it is up to the UFC to determine whether an immediate rematch is warranted or if other contenders should be given the opportunity.

welcome to spinning back click where each week here at MMA junkie we take a spin through the biggest stories in MMA
I’m your host Gorgeous George and with me as always some of the sharpest Minds In The Biz the MMA Titan is back from
his world travels Mike Bond joins us here on today’s program how about our
International Superstar reporter fatah she joins us from overseas and of course
goes the creator of SVC and my MMA junkie radio co-host he’s here with us
as well wait till you hear about the mustache he’s got a girl I haven’t forgot folks and uh Kamikaze is going to
handle the ones and twos let’s get to it all right this past Saturday night at
Noche UFC we were treated to an epic Main Event between Alexa Grasso and Valentina shashenko the fight of the
Year candidate in my opinion win all five rounds and the fate of both combatants was left in the hands of the
judges judges Saul diamatto junichiro comigo and Mike Bell respectively turned
in scores of 48-47 cheshenko 48-47 Grasso and 47
it pains me to say this 47 and with that the split draw
announcement Grosso retained their title panel let’s hear your reaction to this amazing title fight and tell us how you
scored it uh we go to Mike for the First Take yeah this was a excellent fight like
these two more than delivered in every way you could possibly imagine uh it was
a step up from the first fight you know minus the Finish but extremely competitive you could tell they were
both very prepared for this and yeah I agree with you George definitely one of the best fights of the Year definitely
one of the best female fights of the year for sure and as far as how I scored it in the end I did think we were gonna
have a winner like one where or the other whether it was going to be shepchenko or Grosso 3-2 I could see it
really going either way but I did not really factor in the potential of a draw
there and that’s what we got because of that blatantly egregious 10-8 scorecard by Mike Bell which I just can’t wrap my
head around I’ve watched that fifth round back again and it makes no sense to me I mean there was of course a big
moment there for Grosso she had you know obviously the the biggest most definitive points in that round but is
it enough damage is it enough prolonged uh sustained control that stuff to
Warrant to 10 8 I just I can’t see it at all and I know there was a lot of rounds that were close round four seems to be
very pivotal as well as far as how it went but to me I had chefchenko one
three and four and you could even make a case for her getting round five if you wanted to I know Michael Bisping got a
lot of backlash and being like the first saying that I think chefchenko won and I think John annik kind of doubled down on
that too and re-watching and he said he thought chefchenko getting round five was more realistic than giving it 10-8
Grosso so I just don’t really see how we ended up with the draw here I personally
had it three two forchenko if you want to go 3-2 Grosso I would have been able
to stomach that just fine but the draw scorecard the 10-8 really just doesn’t make sense to me so it’s unfortunate
given what these two women did in there the effort they put forth that the neither of us neither of them got to be
the winner and that’s kind just the disappointment here I know we’ll discuss everything it spins into going forward
but I think right now it’s just uh kind of disappointing that we didn’t get a definitive result here
Big Time disappointing and not just the work they did that night those camps
that lead to these fights all the promotion to just kind of have this nothing Burger it sucks man all right
father your thoughts here your reaction what did you think when all this unfolded on Saturday night and then we
were treated to a split draw so like I always say I watch these
fights after pulling an all-nighter in the middle of the night so I’m not gonna ever be the best judge when I’m watching in the middle of the night but I think
regardless of how awake any of us were this was a pretty tough fight to score the way I look at it overall because I
just rewatched the fight is Valentina won most of the fight and I think Rosso
edged her out in in terms of more impactful moments when I look at the knockdown the way she finished the fight
it all came down to round four just like the majority think Tenney is insane
because Valentino was on her way to winning that round until that mistake so this is it’s the same theme from the
first two fights Valentina mistakes and it’s a fight credit to Alexa Grosso for capitalizing on those mistakes but I
think uh in the first fight it seemed to be that spinning uh back kick and then in this fight towards the end I feel
like if Valentino doesn’t make that mistake she wins the fight so overall when you look at each minute of the fight I think Valentino won more of the
fight I just think Russell capitalized and had more impactful moments throughout the fight round four super
close watching it back I gave it uh I think I’m being in Grosso so overall I
did score the fight three to two to Grasso but again totally fine if somebody goes uh Valentina three two uh
round five ten eight is insane uh Grasso did finish that fight strong body
language is everything and her having that full Mount pack position raining down punches on Valentina but she did
that in the final what minute minute and a half for the fight not four minutes and a half for the majority of the round
which is why 10 8 is insane so yes a great visual for Grosso the way she ended the fight not so good for
Valentina though Valentino was winning that round so yes round five is Grosso in my opinion but 10A is crazy and if
Grosso doesn’t get that 10A judges were gonna give it to Valentino so I feel for Valentina totally get her bitterness as
people are are saying she’s a sword loser and whatnot she’s just competitive and I think she made some great adjustments in the rematch just
unfortunate little things that happened in the fight and mistakes that Alexa was able to capitalize and overall my
opinion had the more impactful moments all right so we kind of have what was panning out that night a 48-47 for
shashenko 48-47 for Grasso how about you guys your reaction what was your score
well the fight itself was amazing I think considering the fact that a lot of people felt going in that maybe the
first fight might have been a little bit of a fluke right people were saying that these two proved that I mean these two Rivals were much closer in skills than I
think we we all anticipated and I think a little bit of it was Valentina shashenko coming out a little angry in
this fight you know she was a little bit more aggressive and you look at uh Alexa Grosso I think again she did she had
another Improvement in her game like when do we ever see people taken down Valentina uh the way she did knocking
her down the way she did you know if your name’s not Amanda Nunes we don’t really get to see that too often so there were improvements on both sides
um but you know to me the scoring was just crazy I I I had I had it for Grasso
at the end of the day but it was very very close and I’m okay if you were to score it for chefchenko but really it
comes down to round four for me that one was the really close one and um it’s so
close that honestly I don’t have a problem if you say Valentine but I knew
at round two that it was a fight that I wanted to see again and that was a great feeling you know I didn’t want to see
Valentina come in and steamroll her or anything like that I actually do think these these two Rivals are a lot closer
in skill set now and I’m excited to see what can come next from all this but it’s just unfortunate that we have to
have this conversation surrounding such a big fight surrounding such a big event you know these types of things really
really affect careers and it’s unfortunate that we’re in this situation yeah Mike I want to go back to you you
mentioned that this thing and anik lean more towards a Valentina 10-9 than a uh
Grosso 10-8 similar to that I think Valentina is
more capable of Landing a 10-8 in round three then Grosso is landing a 10-8 in round five and I’ll explain because
father kind of touched on this in round five Grosso did have some dominant moments
I think she blocked a lot honestly and there was some strikes to the back of the head but Optics right like Eric
nick6 likes to say it does look like she was uh not intelligently defending herself but then all of a sudden she
exploded and kind of almost wound up on top of her and then I think uh there was a uh was that with the leg lock attempt
I can’t remember but there was something towards the end that didn’t that wasn’t that didn’t really matter too much but regardless she did kind of look like she
was sinking in a choke that choke was only held on for about 10 to 12 seconds guys and Valentina was already out of it
the inverted trying uh Guillotine was held on to about a minute I’d say about the first 30 seconds was well I had the
feeling that it could end so did the announcers so did the crowd and then obviously you could tell she was gonna be okay and it was just a matter of
Valentina pulling out of it making sure that she was okay but Valentina started all that with 3 30 left in that round
and basically after that Guillotine was unsuccessful it was still two and a half minutes of the body triangle taking your
back uh before I think with like 10 seconds like Alexa kind of Escape turned into her but not fully in Valentina hung
on to her that I thought had dominance and duration time and the fact that she
was in a dominant position not damaged that’s the key word sometimes I feel like if that’s one of the 3DS that leads
the 10-8 uh Alexa might have been having that damage or at least what many people
may have thought was I respectfully disagree I didn’t think it was that damaging um she didn’t have uh duration and she
didn’t have I mean I guess she did abdominus but not not as long I don’t know what do you think Mike I I sorry
for taking up so much time here but 10 8 in round three for round Tina versus ten eight for Grosso what’d you think of
that I mean I don’t think any of the rounds in this fight were 10-8 at the end of the day right I think that’s what
it comes down to all of them were close enough competitive enough and I know that kind of in the modern uh era of the
unified rules and how these fights are supposed to be scored they want the judges to be more liberal with their
10mates than maybe they were five ten years ago things like that but there’s still a fine line there and I think they
kind of crossed it a little bit with going into the 10-8 realm here I know that the way you just broke down those
rounds George was was very nice and as a judge maybe you want to distinguish
around like you calling all these rounds ten nines and something more significant
happens in a another round and you want to say hey this is a 10-8 because it wasn’t the same and that’s where people
will start making the argument for like a half point system and things like that so there is more tools at the judge’s
disposal but given the criteria they have to go off now the tools they have you know at their disposal I don’t think
any of those rounds should have gone into 10 8 territory and I think when you Circle back to that point that this
being an anik were making I don’t think it was necessarily that they truly believe that Valentina won that fifth
round 10-9 I think they’re just saying it’s so egregious to call it a 10-8 for Grosso that like if you’re wanting to
make a case for one or the other they felt there was a stronger case for a
10-9 for Valentino than the other side and uh just want to address a comment from zero respect in the chat here
saying you have to take the belt if you’re the Challenger Valentina didn’t do that no you don’t have to take the
belt every fight should be scored the same in terms of the Optics of it you shouldn’t say hey this because it’s a
championship fight I’m gonna give the person who’s the champion the 10-9 the benefit of the doubt just because
they’re the champion and the Challenger didn’t do something Mr fit of the belts and stakes and things like that should
not be coming into a judge’s mind or anyone else’s when judging if I I should judge the first prelim of the night
under the same criteria that you judge the final Main Event championship fight so that’s my take on that comment as
well all right uh goes let me give you this one because I think you’ve talked about this in the past when we’ve
addressed open Score you’ve been Benny in the chat says Hey guys do you think that if the judges feel like they made a
mistake in scoring one of the previous rounds do they then try to correct it in the later rounds in this case the 10-8
Progresso in the fifth you know how we’ve talked about open scoring if it flashed and the other two went one way
and everyone’s Moon you might feel inclined to go the other way so can you address Benny’s question here in the
chat yeah I mean it’s kind of like in basketball right the makeup call we see that all the time we see it in soccer
but I don’t think that that really happened in this particular instance and and that’s kind of like the most frustrating thing about this whole
situation guys is we always talk about accountability and that definition I think is different for a lot of people
when a lot of people say accountability I think some people think that means you gotta fire a person or get rid of of
them it’s not always like that a lot of it just comes down to tell us what you saw why is it that you were watching the
same fight as everyone else but came up with something else can you explain that to everybody and we don’t really have
any of that and that’s what I think is the most frustrating part of all this is it almost feels like sometimes they’re a
little too protected these judges um but I could see something like that
happening just not in this particular fight and in this situation it really is mind-boggling
folks as you can see we take questions from the chat Mike took one I took one I’m gonna send this one to fada uh the
the better the question you know lay it out for me uh the easier I can get to it if you want to sit there and be a
jokester or whatever hey at least be funny and maybe we can include you in the show this comes from purple Aki
there needs to be a total revamp of the scoring system and judges have combat experience but I believe you said you
think over the course of the fight Valentina was the better fighter was that you that said that yeah I just felt
like she was winning more of the fight is what I said like when you look at every single minute of the fight which
is not the way we necessarily Dodge things but if you do she was winning in my opinion the majority of the fight is
just Alexa would capitalize on specific moments and steal uh those rounds off of her which credit to her right because
Optics like you guys keep uh quoting Eric nixic like that’s what it’s about and that’s what round five for me was
her ending that’s why for me I couldn’t give Valentina round five I would definitely not give at 10 8 but that’s
why I couldn’t give Valentina around five because just ending the fight in that compromised position where the Alex
was very close to finishing her uh for me that’s difficult to give her the round now Valentino is doing good work
in that round up till that moment but just that visual of Alexa getting that
full Mountain bringing down punches and almost cinching in the rear naked joke switching it to a neck crank right before time wind down there’s no way in
my eyes you could give Valentina that round it’s just for me 10 8 are being thrown around way too easily I was just
I want to look back at some of the old fights I think that’s what I’m gonna have to do sometime and look at some of these dominant performances like I think
for example gay DS and Kane Velasquez now I don’t know what the scorecards looked like for that trilogy about where
Velazquez ended up finishing him but if we’re talking about that and what was that at 10-6 did they but they probably
didn’t give that right so now we’re seeing a lot more of these like 10A 10 7 10 6 and it doesn’t really warrant that
so I think how lenient they are with the criteria is kind of what’s ruining things right now and terms of scorecards
is that we’re so like we jumped to give a 10 8 or 10-7 so quickly when we’ve
seen rounds that are actually been absolutely dominant so when I look back at those fights like they were I know
for a fact they were not scored 10 4 or 10-5 right they’re probably scored 10A or maybe even 10-7 at best and if you
look at the 10A that we just saw compared to for example what Velazquez did with dos Santos then this is my
issue with it basically and I know it’s subjective guys but you know I in the MMA decisions website
um I went and checked out the other results right you know in the Knutson fight Bell the judge in question here for the
split draw he had a 30-24 for Knutson Derek Minor I
know Brian Miner believes his name he had 30 27. so both judges said oh yeah
Knutson gets the round but one judge said 10 8 10 8 10 8 while the other one
said 10 9 10 9 10 9. that is I mean I guess I can appreciate at least I’m
getting the right fighter compared to a 30-27 this way and 30 27 that way but the fact that maybe they’re not all on
board on what the the uh barrier is or the bar is for a 10 8 10 9 that’s a
little concerning you know we’re here in Nevada we always brag about kind of having the most experienced judges and
Saturday night was a little different for sure let’s move on um all right topic two as stated earlier
the UFC took over September 16th from the sport of boxing here in Las Vegas in
the past Mexican Independence Day has drawn many boxing fans to Sin City over the years but this time it was the UFC
that put on the show Noche UFC the event delivered in the eyes of many that were live in attendance and those that watch
from home with the UFC now supporting a healthy roster of Mexicans and Mexican Americans should this become an annual
event in Las Vegas which as most of you know is also the home base of the MMA leader father we go to you for the first
take care yeah I love it I I don’t see why not continue to do that stuff it’s it’s a
great opportunity for a lot of these fighters to get to to show off their culture to get get to have an event
that’s all about them especially that this card had some of the younger fighters that either came out of the
contender series or obviously phenomenons like Raul roses Jr but just an event that’s dedicated all about them
and them showing off their culture uh Gathering the crowd it’s just it it look
as you can see here in the crowd they were in stereo mask and or sorry the Luchador mask like all that stuff like just making uh these guys get an
opportunity to represent themselves something that we don’t often see in the UFC obviously things have been restricted we’re not their Fighters
aren’t allowed Flags anymore but now you know the Mariachi about all that stuff it’s just fun it gets it gives the
fighters an opportunity to show off some of their personality so yeah I’m all for it
all right how about you girls are you all for it I thought I thought it was a home run I
mean look the closest Sport that we have to compare with is boxing right and you see the impact that the Mexican Fighters
have had in in the boxing world and some of the big events that have that we’ve had here in Las Vegas even in Mexico
City there’s been some pretty amazing fights but it’s a huge impact that the Latino Market has overall and so for the
UFC to do this I thought it was kind of cool because it let them get out of their shell a little bit right we’re always talking about how every event
looks the same and this one kind of stood out I thought it was a great idea they they promoted it really well and
the the thing that I liked about it the most was it wasn’t a pay-per-view we didn’t have to go out of our pocket to pay again uh no pay-per-view however it
had a pay-per-view feel to it and that was a good feeling you know if you were in the arena the chance that the people
bring together the flags all that was insane great mixture of Fighters but if
you’re at home you know the vignettes that they ran even bringing Brandon Reno into the booth these are all things that
they don’t normally do and I like that they thought out side of the box so overall I thought Noche was a home run
and Mike you strike me as the type of guy that’s put down some modelos Coronas tequila in the past
um you have to be feeling it as well man my Canadian brother yeah yeah it was fun I mean anything the UFC can do to
differentiate their product when you’re doing you know 43 fight cards a year and make something feel special and unique
is more than welcome at this point I mean we watch all these shows and whether it’s happening uh you know at a
stadium in Brazil or Sweden or whatever the case may be ufca Apex anything like
that obviously the big distinction between these shows currently is like a UFC Apex Show with no crowd or a couple
hundred people or like an arena show and then to have this arena show with this extra layer on it was a lot of fun and
they did a great job you see the b-roll uh Kamikaze just dropped there with you know the mariachi band and the crowd and
just all the stuff that brought a unique element to it goes broke down the the list of things there really nicely so
yeah I would love this to see be like a yearly thing if they could do it maybe try to put some other things in their
schedule that are along the same vein but it’s really dependent on the roster right like this was circumstantial in
the sense that you have Alexa Grosso from Mexico able to carry this event as the headliner and the people are willing
to come out I mean for them to have over 18 000 people in T-Mobile Arena and nearly three million dollar gate for a
fight night in Las Vegas is beyond a home run for them I mean it is just
astronomical how on fire the UFC is right now to draw a crowd like this in a gate like that for a fight night not a
pay-per-view in Las Vegas where they get lots of shows and you know it’s hard to get people out there and sometimes of
the year so this was great all around more of it please as many of these types of things as you could possibly get
because it’s a lot of fun it makes just the viewing experience when these shows can be very monotonous at times a lot
more fun the UFC used to have more themed events on an annual basis basis like the Super
Bowl Saturday card the day before the Super Bowl the New Year’s Eve card which
was basically as close as they could get to the 31st but basically you know they’ve moved that up a little bit Memorial Day Labor Day uh now it’s
really more about International fight week versus Fourth of July but they kind of go hand in hand you guys want to see
more of that now that we’re all kind of buzzing and gushing over what they did with noshi Noche UFC and if so any
specific ideas in which what they could do fada yeah I mean we were talking about this
off camera like bestie day uh July 14th I know the issue is I don’t know if it would land on a Saturday which is
probably what the issue would be with a lot of these uh uh holidays national holidays but it would just be cool I
mean after being in Paris and seeing that type of environment now would there be that many French friends if it was in
Las Vegas or something like that no but they could make it themed and just when they go to London when they go to Paris
just Target the dates but again so many uh footballer soccer games and all that
stuff that then concerts they have to weave around so it’s it’s fun it’s it’s it’s it’s fun it’s a good idea it’s just
going to be a little bit hard to manage but just the idea of a theme I think I enjoyed a lot how about you
guys themes you like them yeah I love themes um you know even if you go back to the pride eras right they
had their themes here and there I think you could sprinkle in some of that stuff um for as good as as Noche was I do
think there are things that we can improve upon and to start off with I think the name the name is just a little
Bland you know if you speak Spanish it just translates into night and I think there’s something a little better maybe
we can we could add to that I also think you know I love Bruce Buffer and I don’t want to get rid of them I think he
should be there but how about Joe Martinez what if we brought them both in have one announce one guy I have the
other one do the the Latino names I think that would be fun and then here’s another thing we have to consider guys
is we were lucky that you know we had three Mexican Champions we’re down to one
is it going to carry the same weight if we don’t have a belt on the line when we don’t do that when we don’t have a
Mexican Champion uh you know we got the BMF felt belt right why not create something for this noce right
they’ve already made the belt it’s already got it’s already got the the cool coloring and all that what if we
did that when we didn’t have a champion something you know there’s so many things that you could do that would make this fun but yeah like good on you UFC
for for figuring this out and and giving the fans something to you know turn on your TV and just not feel like you’re
watching the same product all the time this was awesome who would put on the first El maschingon
belt around the winner like the rock did the masadol can you think of someone off the top of your head you better be
someone pretty chingon It’s gotta be Julio Cesar Chavez I think that’s the dude you bring in he he does that uh
please don’t bring it not nothing against Danny Trejo or any of those guys but like bring in some of these guys that are known for this passion that’s
create that’s kind of crossed over from boxing right uh a Juan Manuel Marquez bring him in there you know there’s so
many guys that you could bring in uh Barrera he’d be great but uh I think
bringing somebody in like that would just be so cool Amanda to really pack onto that night I’ll tell you what Vince
Ortiz doesn’t want you to bring Mario Lopez to do it he didn’t even like the way Mario Lopez was rolling his ass he
said he was reading the ad and it was embarrassing I didn’t think he did that bad but I wasn’t paying that close of attention all right Mike I think we got
a kind of a feel for how you felt about it you gave a nice throw answer so we’re gonna move on here to topic three during
one of the prelims of the Noche UFC card referee Church Chris tyony put on uh put
a halt to the fight I should say and he thought Edgar shares had stopped Daniel lucerta via a standing Guillotine choke
though the choke did look tight the third appeared fine and did not actually tap to the submission however after
seeing lucerta’s arm grow limp that’s when tiony had stepped in to stop the fight and he immediately saw and heard
the disapproval of laserta and the crowd and probably the commentator Booth uh
Dom Cruz more specifically was not in any way fired up about this decision now
cave side officials they gathered afterwards they used the video replay to overturn the result and declare it a no
contest no one got the dub no one got the L and no one got the win bonus panel
in your opinion minus the stoppage was this handled correctly all I do
man this situation is so difficult you know because it’s hard to okay if you put them back
together you can’t really do it without giving somebody an advantage and if you do that at the end of the fight however
it ends somebody’s gonna have something to complain about right you can’t can’t put them back in the choke and just say all right make sure he’s in the choke
but don’t press too hard don’t choke them too hard like you can’t get you can’t replicate where they were at so I
think if you put them back together there’s just going to be somebody complaining about an advantage so at
this point not knowing uh the situation very well look we got out of it let’s figure out
what we can do going forward because this situation a lot of people have come down on Chris tioni and I get it it
ruined the fight but if you’re in a fight party and say there’s 20 people there when that arm goes limp like that
I guarantee you have that room is screaming he’s out we’ve seen broadcasters do that before right it’s
just unfortunate that he wasn’t and maybe there was a little bit more that could have been done but instead of
really coming down on this guy I think going forward let’s figure the situation out how do we how do we make it so that this doesn’t fight this doesn’t happen
again because this is a these are two fighters that are affected in the pocketbook because of it their standings are affected all the training camp that
went into it luckily they didn’t look too bad I think we can reschedule it but I would say moving forward you still do
the Hulkamania arm right if it drops if you’re the referee scream as loud as you
can you know give me a thumbs up do it a couple times because here’s what’s gonna happen if you only do it once people are
gonna say I couldn’t hear you the crowd was too loud so really make sure I don’t see the there’s too much damage if
somebody’s out from one to two seconds right and that’s all it takes to to scream that out but moving forward I
think we do have to address this all right how about you Mike what did you think of this whole unfortunate
sequence yeah it was obviously not ideal from uh Chris tanyoni there but I’m glad that
they at least got it right the ability to do replay review in Nevada and quickly Rectify it uh I wish though that
there was a path to being able to just restart a fight like this I know there is some complications there uh mainly in
my opinion like you know Edgar was celebrating and jumping on the cage and being lifted up from his team to go back
to a guy like that and be like hey you have to restart the fight now when he’s probably had an adrenaline dump of sorts
from the celebration that he’s thought he’s won and have to go back and restart the fight I know there’s some
complications there but I don’t think it’s like a timing thing they got all the stun this replay review and all that
through in about five minutes or less that’s no longer than a break you’re giving someone for a low blow for an eye
poke so I don’t think the side of it of being like Oh it might be too long until the fight is restarted I
don’t think that’s really an issue I think they can go through this really quick so I would have liked to see that I know that’s in a big adjustment and an
amendment to the rules that would have to be made but given the circumstances we are dealing with humans in there
there’s human error from judging or refereeing as we’ve talked about on this program from the beginning uh so you’re
going to have errors it’s not going to be perfect every single time in there but there’s things you can do to
alleviate it potentially and this was one of them and go into the replay review giving the fight the correct no
contests it deserved and then maybe you get a rematch in there but it was certainly interesting I think it made it
worse the fact that Dominic Cruz on commentary was like he’s gonna stop it too early he knew he had a perfect beat
on that whole situation and then the ref stopped it early and we had the whole
WTF face from lucera being like what is going on here and then the whole aftermath of it so it’s just It’s Tricky
especially Chris tanyoni has a bit of a track record of some of the stuff going on in the past couple of years so just
not a great look for him again but clearly the Nevada commission didn’t have too big of an issue with it or put
too much blame because he was back in there as a referee three fights later yeah and you know what’s funny is we’ve
all seen enough fights where when someone does drop their arm if the ref doesn’t get there in time the
commentators start shouting that he’s out there he’s out that he’s out and I’m not saying Dom’s on both sides of that
because we obviously have a ton of commentators so some might do this some might do that or whatever
um I’m with ghosts tioni did make a mistake I thought Dom buried him pretty well he pretty much said everything that
except that he stunk like what cigarettes and booze or something like that but you know he went in on him well
but he backed up this point because like Mike said he stated prior to the uh to
the stoppage that that’s exactly what was going to happen so I I do give him credit there for doing his homework uh
and and you know at least backing up his strong stance all right father what did you think of all this madness
yeah I think two things like just restart the fight and I think it would have kind of solved everything they
didn’t have to go back with half their paycheck both of them and also um
to give Chris Tony a little bit of benefit of the doubt La serta’s hand did kind of go limp but he just should have
checked one more time that’s all he needed to do because then I think nobody would have argued that if he kind of
shook his hand twice and didn’t get a reaction and stopped it I think people would have been okay with that but
that’s all he kind of needed to do just one more little nudge in the arm and that’s when that was the opportunity for
Alaska to go like no I’m good or put a thumbs up if you’ve seen the visual here like he kind of shakes his hand and it
kind of goes to him he doesn’t um move at all and then the second he breaks up the flight that third is
looking at him like what on Earth and the third is oh and four he’s essentially fighting for his job he just should have checked one more time is all
he kind of needed to do I think he was just quick uh to jump I think refs sometimes are probably a little worried
about the whole uh you’re letting him take too much damage we’ve seen refs get a lot of crap for that as well so I
think he should have just nudged them one more time and if they have the ability to review which they did just
let them continue put them back in that position maybe not in that gay team Joker because then uh would be a little
bit harder for him to fight it off but just put give try res the advantageous position and continue the fight I don’t
see why not um better than us having this whole discussion right yeah but you’re right the second time I
think would quiet probably the other 90 of complainers for sure that he went two times we don’t need WWE we don’t need
the Hulk Hogan third time um but yeah a second time I think definitely would help and I did want to
say this and I know Mike wants to chime in so maybe Mike you can take this but in the law learned asking fight didn’t we have something similar where
aspirin’s body language was one of um you know amount I think it was that we call it a school dog choke
um and um we had kind of a similar controversy but it didn’t blow up like
this one Mike yeah it was Lawler on the other side but yeah um I know that one
was obviously tricky and again these things are gonna happen it’s it’s hard sometimes you’re In the Heat of the Moment
um you think maybe someone’s unconscious for a second but when you’re talking about like it’s one thing
um when you’re talking about like a joint submission a knee an elbow something like that like how quickly it
can go from super dangerous uh you know long-term damage we’re talking about blood chokes it’s not quite the same
thing right like you can a guy can be out for an extra second or two of course you don’t want something you know
horrific like you’ve seen on like pre uh Regional scene Clips where guys are out
for 30 seconds before the referee acknowledges that you don’t want that but when you’re talking about a blood
choke I think it’s it’s better if you let the guy go out and he doesn’t tap and he wants to go out or girl uh that’s
their choice and then you kind of let it go from there and it’s it’s much easier to not have so much concern about the
prolonged damage there so yeah there’s plenty of instances of situations like this obviously aspirin versus Lawler was
one of those as well and uh just kind of is what is unfortunately you would hope that the referees at this highest level
of the sport would be able to have a little more assurance and have these situations minimalized but it’s going to
happen here and there I think far laid out the great point that you should have checked the arm you know again and again
to be super positive especially given the angle he was at Up Against the Cage standing those type of things but um I
also why I was putting my hand up there George was kind of to address this comment from Ryan Tomasetti in the chat
saying you can’t openly fight the refs in the commentary Booth Dan Hardy found this out the hard way well Dominic a
completely different situations Dan Hardy literally got in herb Dean’s face and started screaming at him from the
commentary Booth cage side for about a foot away Dominic just gave his opinion on the broadcast he wasn’t yelling at
the ref he didn’t make it a personal things so this is very different and that’s just you know one of the many
layers why Dan Hardy’s relationship ended with the UFC that was more of a slap on the wrist situation there was
another situation in Abu Dhabi with Dan Hardy and a UFC employee that happened that was ultimately kind of the the
backbreaker for his parting ways with the company and Dana White has talked about that openly and interviews and press conferences so if you want to kind
of know the UFC stance you can go look that up mm-hmm good stuff all right yeah and
Thomas Eddie and uh molatu Vanguard letting me have it as well I kind of
mixed like a DJ sometimes they call it a schoolyard and yes Bulldog choke you guys are correct I’ll take that L on
that one uh but I encourage more participation from the chat I’ll try to get to as many as we can so keep
bringing it now for this next segment I want to bring in uh Nick tilwalk he’s
the managing editor at wrestling junkie so that’s right pro wrestling fans wrestling junkie is the spot for you
hardcores that enjoy WWE aw aew excuse me and New Japan welcome Nick how are
you sir I’m good thank you for having me all right well thank you for uh being
part of this panel when we get to this topic here which was a little bit earlier in the week but still it was
Major news our worlds kind of came together as the UFC and WWE merged under TKO group Holdings Inc which is owned by
the Endeavor group Endeavor head Ari Emmanuel along with Dana White and Paul Levesque that’s Triple H they rang the
opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange and the new era began both sides have expressed excitement about
the union my question to you lot is which company has more to gain from the other in your view Nick why don’t you go
first I honestly think that WWE has more to gain from being merged with the UFC than
vice versa although I’m definitely open to your guys expert’s opinion on the other direction uh I just really think
that uh from the business standpoint uh analysts have said for a long time that WWE has a lot of corporate sponsorship
potential that they haven’t tapped into and obviously being under the Endeavor umbrella and what Endeavor has helped
UFC kind of unlock in that area uh can now be done for for WWE one of the
things that we talked about on the wrestling junkie slack over the past week was if you look at the Octagon uh
it’s it’s filled with advertisements obviously UFC is an expert on getting corporate sponsors to buy into their
product and WWE is just really kind of scratching the surface of what they can do they’ve had some big uh in event
sponsorships over the past year with things like Slim Jim and Mountain Dew and cinnamon toast crunch but those are
those are really they they’re they’re not the experts at that yet and one of the things that everybody involved in
this has said is hey in-depth can help WWE unlock this potential that it has
now is every corporate sponsor that sponsors UFC going to want to sponsor WWE no of course not so it could be some
overlap and some new sponsors but that’s something that that WWE can certainly learn from UFC and I think uh something
that we’ll see very soon all right well we’ll definitely come back to you good stuff there to start things off uh let’s go to a cinnamon
toast expert like goes uh who can maybe chime in do you agree with Nick are are
they going to benefit more from us or are we going to get them easy George Don’t make me snap you like
a slim jim um look I think when you look at World Wrestling Entertainment you have to
focus on one word in there and that’s Entertainment that’s something that the UFC has lost a lot of over the last
couple years with the Reebok deal now Venom coming along every fighter looks the same nobody really stands out a few
a few are able to do that but not all of them and I think what WWE does a really good job of uh behind the scenes with
their athletes is the pr side you know they really work with them really well whenever uh sometimes I help out here
with pro wrestling junkie and the way they approach their interviews they you
could just tell they have that training they really know how to get their messages across I think something like that can benefit the UFC fighters I know
they’ve had their Summits before and kind of talked about that a little bit I think that’s one thing that could benefit the UFC fighters and on the
other side you know you look at what is WWE known for right those big events SummerSlam Survivor series Royal Rumble
WrestleMania we’ve already seen the UFC kind of do something similar in this noce card maybe we could add to
something like that maybe on those cards you can jump out of your shell a little bit more maybe that’s where you bring
out the ramp you bring out you know all the theatrics the the fireworks that’s something that I think uh can cross over
right in the right situation and if you look at the other side of the coin WWE
where they could benefit is you know not every UFC fighter wins a belt a lot of them do but a lot of them don’t make it
that far and some of them just get tired of it and I think they could benefit from giving these athletes somewhere to
go afterwards or if their career just doesn’t pan out they could have life in pro wrestling we’ve seen Shayna Basler
Ronda Rousey Matt riddle all very successful over in WWE and that’s just a few of them I think that’s a way that
WWE can maybe benefit from this yeah good stuff goes all right next up
here on our panel is fada what are your thoughts here about this merger who can benefit more from the other or is it
maybe even just you know even Steven thing yeah I mean I think they both can benefit to add on to goes as points and
we were talking about notche UFC just this Saturday and how maybe Julio Cesar Chavez could have wrapped the the belt
around uh well Alexa retained her about so yeah wrapped around the belt around Alexa maybe it could have gotten Rey
Mysterio or something like that if we’re talking about Crossovers and stuff like that we have the rock to it for the BMF
boat so it’s just in in that regard in terms of the entertainment aspect that goes was talking about uh just having
them cross over and yeah there are a lot of MMA fighters that don’t necessarily become Champions but benefit from the
entertainment aspect I can think of like a Mike Perry who’s thrived in in bare knuckle and all of a sudden he’s winging
as a backup for influencer boxing I could imagine him going over uh if he was still under contract um to the WWE
just there’s benefit for both parties in in that regard where you can just incorporate it to just uh the
entertainment aspect uh like ghost said and also WWE can benefit from some of these popular uh MMA fighters that may
not be in the title picture anymore but still want to be part of are marketable enough to be part of big events and have
big stages and that’s where they could uh you know go on to appear even don’t even have to compete
just appear in the WWE so yeah I think both ways although Dana did seem to shoot down the the notion that the the
the crowds the fans the fan bases while Maxi shot that down very aggressively
but I I don’t see why not because then if you’ve got USC Fighters that appear in WWE shows and vice versa it kind of
will cross over the fan base in a way especially the die hard ones all right Mike how about you man what
are your thoughts on who benefits more let me put one more on your plate because I was just thinking as father and girls were thinking you know the WWE
does these stadium shows right Sophie stadium for Wrestlemania that was impressive and Dana White has always
said the production the rigging you know getting something together it seems to be resistant to it all I’ve always
thought that once we got this new stadium here in Las Vegas we could knock one out of the park so what are your
thoughts yeah I guess I can answer that first one or a lot yeah last one first and that’s
more so just I think it’s just kind of a difference in philosophy like Dana White has always really embraced the arena
Style Show he thinks it’s the best viewing experience where his like massive stadium shows have kind of been
an institution of WWE since like its Inception very early on with the wrestlemanias and stuff so they’ve kind
of accustomed their fans to that maybe knowing that you might get in the door for like the furthest away seat and you
might look like you’re watching two ants wrestle on a matchbox from far away but it’s still all about the environment and
the atmosphere and being part of those walkouts and big moments and stuff so I think the WWE fan is more conditioned
but I think it all kind of ties together right like the biggest thing to me with
this whole thing is just like the brand Synergy behind the scenes and how the
Endeavor is going to try to sell this TKO group uh you know combined to
whether it’s television rights coming up in the next few years when there’s going to be similar alignment to when UFC’s
ESPN deal is up and when the WWE rights are up and they might try to package them together to a network to a
streaming service maybe go into the Venture on their own type of platform that combines both there’s a lot of
possibilities here and they’ve talked a little bit about too like selling uh you know on the road events you go to xcity
in whatever country and say hey we have a full weekend of Live Events here we
can do a snack down on Friday night a UFC show on Saturday night and maybe a WWE pay-per-view on Sunday you give us
the site fee for the whole weekend a huge Dollar in the UFC’s pocket and or in diverse pocket rather and they bring
this whole weekend of show the elevates the economy of your city and brings people in staying in hotels restaurants
all that stuff so to me it’s more like behind the scenes stuff I know someone asked here in the chat like could we see
hybrid events I don’t think we’re gonna see hybrid events where it’s you know an MMA fight one minute in a wrestling
match the next minute but I think you might see hybrid weekend that I kind of just explain there so there’s a lot of
layers to this but I think most of all it’s going to be like Aria Manuel showing what he is really best at
historically and not being able to package certain things like this and being able to sell them to whether it’s
sponsors Live Events television all these different things that um maybe the the Casual fan doesn’t
necessarily care about because they’re not seeing it in front of their eyes as much it’s more the business side
all right Nick you brought up names like Shayna Basler and or sorry they were
brought up like Shayna business Basler and Ronda Rousey Matt riddle a few others um
how big were they you know we kind of observed from a distance and see maybe one of them get their hand raised and
you’re not the answer on Rhonda’s behalf because even though she was a star but how about some of the other ones like they can’t all be slam dunks on the
Superstar level right no I don’t I don’t think that being a star in UFC is automatically going to
make you a star in WWE I’d actually argue that Ronda Rousey has been overall
maybe a little bit of a disappointment in that respect I I think that that WWE expected uh and certainly when she was
first brought over she was a big deal crowds reacted to her very strongly but I think as time went on uh that kind of
wore off a little bit and and I don’t think that she might have been as big a draw as uh WWE is expecting of course
the gold standard is kind of like Brock Lesnar right because Brock was a huge star in both and I don’t think everybody
can get to that level that being said I do think that there is a certain amount of notoriety that any successful UFC
fighter is going to bring to WWE get some extra eyeballs on them that that
might not care about them if they were just brought up through pro wrestling so I think it’s always worthwhile and I and
I definitely think now that the merger is in place uh those kind of things are going to be easier going going forward
Nick I got a question from the chat uh from Ryan Tomasetti I think it’s a good
one back in the day when I was growing up the TBS channel was launched and they
would have I think it was either NWA or WCW can’t remember but it’d be kind of in a small Arena he was saying could you
see the UFC maybe doing stuff at the Apex have they gone that route or are they mostly Arenas and stadiums
no I think for WWE they’re they’re going to be all in arenas and stadiums and actually they’ve been making a push
toward more stadium shows that SummerSlam is now exclusively in football and baseball stadiums um some
of their other pay-per-views are going that way uh sorry they call them premium Live Events now but but they’ll always
be pay-per-views for those of us who have been around for a long time and uh I don’t think I don’t think I can see
WWE doing things small they’re they’re always going to be pushing to go bigger from now on Nick tell us a little bit more about
wrestling junkie before we let you go you know I mentioned you guys covered WWE New Japan wrestling aew what else
does the site have to offer a pro wrestling fan I think that along with like news and
and reports on the the latest weekly shows for both WWE and aw one of the things that I think that we’re very
proud of having just launched last year is that we helped put things in perspective we tell you why things are
important why things are happening that the way that they are uh some informed speculation on things we also offer the
under the ring podcast with Phil strum as host Phil’s been covering wrestling for over a decade has a lot of good
connections talks to top stars from WWE and aew and the independent circuit all the time so we kind of try to provide uh
we’re a small team but we’re trying to provide a lot of different ways of looking at pro wrestling and and we
think uh a lot of people will uh have fun checking it out well I know I have and again thank you
very much for what you guys are doing over there there’s I think a lot of crossover I think at first maybe there
was more of a dividing line same thing happened with boxing but I’ve seen a lot of pro wrestling fans merged over to our
site and I know a lot of our sites are a lot of our fans uh the MMA junkie fans have been excited about wrestling junkie
I want to thank you for stopping by Today’s Show hopefully we can do this more often because I anticipate more of
this crossover type of news happening in the future yeah thank you very much thank you UFC and WWE for merging and
letting us have a reason to do this legitimately oh by the way hey who do you think is
the next superstar in our sport Nick
I walked right into that that’s right thanks Nick see you man all right thank you all right and folks we
continue here with topic five man Nick’s gonna hate me all right it’s been a few weeks since
UFC 292 in Boston where Sean O’Malley defeated algeman Sterling to become the
dance on Weight Champion Sterling has continued expressing his desire for an immediate rematch in the Stacked
bantamweight division however recently saddled up to former uh former champion in the middleweight division Israel a
lot of Sonya his similar status you know lost his title at UFC 293 a few weeks
ago but he’s kind of received support from Dana White in terms of the possibility of running it back what do
you guys think of the funk Masters position fair or foul fada it’s up to
you I get where he’s coming from when saying that if arasania if the UFC give
arasania an immediate rematch why not him because if you look at it in terms of credentials I mean people were
talking about Aldo potentially being the bantamweight goat he’s got most title defenses in the division’s history
um he did get caught I think it was a good performance from Sean O’Malley it wasn’t like aljo was like dominating
then he got caught I think overall we can’t take anything away from Toronto Valley’s performance arasani on the
other hand it was a pretty lopsided loss to Sean Strickland I think from a business perspective I get why the UFC
would say uh at a sign of potential rematch even though Dana seemed to walk that back a little bit he said I didn’t
say that necessarily I said there were options blah blah blah but in my opinion respectfully I don’t think either uh
should get an immediate rematch just because we’ve got a clear cut number one contender in both divisions in Rico
Street plessis and in murab developes really so when you’ve got a situation like that where these fights were not
talking about Grasso and Chef Shinko because then we’ve got manofio and Aaron blanchfield who are clear contenders
that have to potentially await I don’t hate the idea of a trilogy there because there’s a lot of controversy there’s no
controversy in these fights and we’ve got two guys uh potentially more contenders even waiting in the wings for their shots so I get where aljo’s coming
from and saying well if you give it to arasania he just did recently get his immediate rematch in his pajera why not
give it to me but respectfully I don’t think either necessarily warrant an immediate rematch I think the divisions
both of them need to move on okay girls how about you fair or foul
I think what he wants is fair I think the way he went about it is foul um you
know we say this week after week here on the show it’s consistency we want that across the board in all situations for
me that post-fight interview is so important and I wish you just would have started to lay the foundation for that a
little bit sooner I think he would have had a stronger case and we wouldn’t have been jumping around to everything else that kind of makes sense at this moment
like I get it you can’t discredit aljo what he did was amazing and probably one
of if not the toughest divisions in all of mixed martial arts so I get where
he’s coming from but the way he went about it is just wrong and he’s confusing people you know one moment
it’s it’s morale but the next moment it’s him and and so when Dana White says he’s kind of a little difficult to deal
with I kind of get that a little bit I think it’s just the way he States things sometimes he’s just not clear enough but
you already know that Dana White’s probably not his favorite fighter the whole murab and Al Jones situation
probably doesn’t help at all and then you just have these built-in story lines you know you have Cheeto Vera waiting in
the wing that that just seems like something that can happen and I think Sean O’Malley probably has a little bit more power than we all think and he’s
done a good job of playing his card so right now all signs point that it’s going to move away from Alger main
Sterling but I don’t hate him for trying that’s what you have to do all right Mike Bond what are your
thoughts on this one yeah I mean his request in a vacuum is fair right like
you look at he in this current Reign uh was a more long-term dominant successful
Champion than Israel adesanya was in this current reign of course this was Izzy’s second one and he never defended
the title after reading it for Perez so if you look at him and be like hey why does he get a rematch with zero title
defenses uh after losing very lopsided fight aljo can make the case I just got
caught with a punch and hurt we know he thinks it was a bit of an early stoppage things like that
um but in terms of like one to one obviously the situations are different I mean goes laid it out pretty well there
aljo’s constant flip-flopping on I’m gonna step aside and let marab Divas Philly have the title shot to I want the
rematch it’s like a daily thing right and he says a different thing has a different take on it and it’s just
become tiresome to the fan that when he comes out and makes maybe a fair and astute Point like this they’re just like
ah give me a break another Al Joe comment where he’s not sticking to one lane here so I think he needs to pick
what he wants to do at the benefit or harm of his relationship with morob and
try to pursue it that way because it’s going to be a lot more palatable in terms of seeing but yeah the most successful bantamweight champion the
most wins in divisional history could rally off all of algeman Sterling’s accomplishments of why he does deserve a
rematch but it just depends as the UFC want him as Champion do they want to put him in that
position I’m sure there’s other people at bantamboyant they prefer Sean O’Malley obviously probably being the
top of the list but then there’s a Cheeto Vera and you know Umar and mega Madoff Corey sanhagen these names that
I’m sure they see is more marketable so I don’t think they’re going to be rushing aljo back into another title
fight uh until he maybe gets a win whereas Izzy we clearly know how they feel about him he has documentaries
coming out he’s on the cover of the video game deluxe edition and is clearly one of the UFC’s Marquee stars and a
pay-per-view draw for him so for him to get shoehorned into a rematch where for the reasons far I explained he probably
doesn’t deserve right now given the length of his Reign and how expandably
he was beaten by Sean Strickland it just doesn’t add up so two completely different situations I know aljo sees an
easy opportunity to make the connection here but we know the UFC if you’ve been
watching the sport long enough if you’ve been following the decisions they make they are Case by case there’s no
consistency and it just completely depends on who you are and the circumstances around you at the given
time the UFC is definitely inconsistently consistent for sure uh Ryan Katic in the
chat says Izzy needs a break Arturo Mt he brought up a good point he says Anderson is making history that’s the
difference and like Mike pointed out so Dojo aljo had a historic run but Izzy’s
making history I think when you package in the whole brand of that fighter good
stuff there if I can get to some more I will I do ask one thing of you though those in the chat those are the listening those that catch this on a
replay hit the like And subscribe button it triggers the algorithm which gets us in the eyes in front of more eyes and uh
allows us to continue blowing up this show so please hit the like And subscribe because it’s an awesome
Channel with a lot of content and by the way in about in less than five minutes as we end this show on a separate stream
you will catch the Dana White Contender series weigh-ins for uh this week let’s Hammer some quick ones here guys this is
like a speed round pfl in Bellator both had big announcements this week the return of Kayla Harrison who faces Julia
Budd in their uh their their final that they have here coming up in November versus bellator’s return to the window
Windy City with two title fights and I believe that lightweight Grand Prix continues who caused the biggest wave
goes uh don’t get me wrong it’s great to see Kayla harrisoning back in Action anytime
you hear that it’s great news it’s just the opponent you know just kind of Falls a little flat uh with Bellator titles
Grand Prix I think that just carries more weight I think they won that announcement all right uh Michael what
do you think I don’t know if either of them cause waves to be honest I think maybe you’re in a lake and you just got a little
splash on the shore oh all right how about you father I mean if I had to pick one just because
I think the Apache mix in Sergio perisphere is going to be a really good one so I’m excited about that one so I’m gonna go Bellator yeah I like that one
that one too all right Kevin Holland he stated he would have fought in Australia the week prior at UFC 293 if the UFC
paid his taxes and after seeing John mcdessie’s post uh regarding his financial statement pertaining to UFC
293 was Holland Wright Mike what’d you think man I think maybe that and now I’m
back Holland yeah I mean this is a much more complicated topic but uh people
were criticizing that card in Australia for being a little bit thin on the name value You Now understand why it is uh
not a desirable location for any of these fighters to travel to Kevin Hall May say one thing
um yeah I don’t know but I think if he really wanted to fight there and was open to it he would have fought there I
think I could have sworn I seen like a 45 deduction man yeah and I mean there’s different tastes I saw you know Ali
Abdel Aziz For Better or Worse what you think of him as a manager he did respond saying you do this correct or you fill
out this stuff uh you should be able to get a lot of that reimbursed so maybe it was the UFC failing to communicate
exactly what John mcdessie had to do maybe it was him his management team failing on how they need to work things
out hopefully he can reimburse some of that money because that is a devastating tax all right we’re up against the clock so
I’m just gonna give this last one Nevada the reaction to Sean Strickland his win it just kept rolling all week Ben Askin
had an interesting take though he said Holly Holmes up said Ronda Rousey is the bigger upset than Strickland over
adesanya do you agree fada yes I do because just for the simple reason that Rhonda had that aura of
anything disability at that time and we just never saw that outcome coming whereas arasani had already lost
multiple times so I’m not going to act like I wasn’t surprised by that outcome I was very surprised but I just think
the idea that Rhonda what were they talking about her beating Floyd Mayweather that’s right the correct answer is still
GSP and Matt Sarah yes yes I agree I agree well good stuff there all right
you guys knocked it out of the park as always and again thank you to Nick to
walk from uh wrestling junkie folks on a separate stream you got the Dana White
Contender series starting right up here in about five seconds so we bid you a do and don’t forget you can catch us every
week here at 11 A.M Eastern 8 A.M Pacific for spinning back click please hit that like And subscribe see ya




In this article, I will be providing my quick picks and predictions for the full card of UFC Vegas 79. I will analyze each matchup and give my thoughts on the fighters and their chances of winning. Let’s dive right in!

AJ Fletcher vs Brian Battle

AJ Fletcher is a fighter who may not look like a knockout artist, but he has proven time and time again that he can take a punch and keep going. He has a durable chin and is a capable striker and wrestler. On the other hand, Brian Battle is a relatively unknown fighter, with flashy knockouts but limited experience at the welterweight division. There are too many question marks surrounding Battle, and I believe Fletcher’s wrestling and power will be the deciding factors in this matchup. I predict a win for AJ Fletcher.

Marina Rodriguez vs Michelle Waterson

Marina Rodriguez and Michelle Waterson will be facing off in a rematch. While Waterson may show improvement in this fight and mix in some t akedowns, Rodriguez’s striking skills make her the superior fighter. Rodriguez has proven to be a better striker and has the ability to win fights even when she’s being taken down. I expect this fight to primarily be a striking matchup, and I believe Rodriguez will come out on top once again. If you’re looking to place a bet, consider taking Rodriguez by points for better value.

Bryce Mitchell vs Dan Ige

Bryce Mitchell is known for his wrestling skills, and Ige has been outwrestled in the past. Mitchell has shown his toughness in previous fights, and while he does get hit, he has the ability to take opponents down and control the fight. However, Ige possesses power in his hands and could potentially catch Mitchell with a well-timed shot. This fight will be a test for Mitchell to prove if he’s the real deal. I believe Mitchell’s wrestling will be the key to victory, and I predict a win for him.


In this article, I provided my quick picks and predictions for the UFC Vegas 79 card. I analyzed each matchup and gave my thoughts on the fighters and their chances of winning. While these predictions are based on my analysis, anything can happen in MMA, and upsets are always possible. Make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel for more content. If you’re interested in seeing all of my plays and predictions, consider becoming a premium member on I have had a successful track record in recent weeks and have been consistently up in units. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the fights!

what’s going on guys welcome back to wee
one pigs my name is Jacob aka the
freckled salamander here to bring you my
Quick Pick video for you FC Vegas 79 but
before we get into this week’s video we
have to reflect back on my perfect car I
went perfect last week for you as
actually for Noche UFC excuse me the
absolute perfect car by the way Alexa
Grosso won round two she won round four
she won round five she won that fight
the 10-8 round wasn’t even the worst
round that guy scored it was the fourth
round she won the fight and still let’s
get right into the action UFC Vegas 79.
first up we’ve got Montserrat Rendon
versus tamiris V doll and I’m telling
you right now it doesn’t make sense to
me these odds do not I’m sitting here
just scraping clawing trying to figure
out what am I missing in this fight I
understand the toughness of Rendon I
understand the the durability the cardio
of random but she is a very a basic
fighter there’s nothing wrong with that
she’s very tactical nice and tight with
her shots but everything is just ones
and twos one one two one one two two two
I mean it is just all very basic not a
lot of kicks she excels or she’s
supposed to Excel on the ground but she
can’t get out grappled and even if she
wants to get to the fight to the ground
she will she will close the distance
with her strikes get to those body lock
positions get double under Hooks and she
still struggles to get people to the
ground of adult is a is a different
person in that right she’s not going to
be the more technical Striker but she
will throw kicks she will throw hands
everything is heavy I think she can
easily beat up the front leg of random
Rendon is very I mean heavy on that
front leg to throw those ones and twos
Videl has a very good leg kick I think
she can beat up the front leg if it gets
into a clinch position she’s gonna be
stronger if it goes to the ground she’s
gonna be better there the only thing
that I guess I’m worried about a little
bit is maybe Rendon can weather the
early storm get to the second round do a
you know kind of enough to win the
second round and then of adult maybe
fades in the third round I just don’t
get this man I think Vidal comes in and
smokes her maybe a first round finish I
know Brennan is tough I just don’t think
she has anything to offer for a Girl
Like Vidal so I am very high of a doll
you can go to become a
premium member 20 10 a month to see all
the units it’s one of my heaviest bets
that I’ve made in a long time we’ll see
how it plays out maybe I’m missing
something the odds are like minus two I
think I want a minus 200 I don’t get it
I don’t get it uh whatever let’s move on
to the next one Hannah Goldie versus
Mizuki in Noe
Mizuki I think it’s Mizuki I’m gonna say
Mizuki if it’s not I apologize let’s
just get right down to the Brass tax
right Hannah Goldie the biggest question
mark for me in this fight is not her
skills because she’s not a great fighter
right she’s she’s strong she’s you know
powerful but she’s just like ah just
nice and tight with all those strikes
she can’t get out grappled she can’t get
out strike now we’ve seen she can get
finished one of the best things she had
going for was her durability now we have
Molly McCann finishing her the spinning
elbow and then the on the ground
coming down to 115th you know it’s been
a while for her to get to 115. she’s a
big physical girl I know I’ve been on
the Instagram and look at the internet
not the only fans I’m not the only fans
guy by the way I’ve been on the
Instagram though and it looks like she
is getting a little bit Slimmer but I
think that 115 cut is going to be pretty
bad for and this girl Mizuki
come on off the layoff I get it knee
injury what a year or two ago first
fight back after three years but her
last fight against Amanda lamo she
really showed not only toughness she got
dropped but handled it fine not only
toughness and resolve but I love the
pressure of fighting that she brings she
really excels on the ground but she
showed off some really nice striking
against Amanda lamos kicks punches it
was kind of bullying Lemos against the
fence that entire fight so I don’t think
Hannah Goldie is going to come in and
bully a girl like uh Mizuki in this
fight and
to get ready for this Camp she has been
with the former champ the former champ
the the chant that lost last Saturday
night Valentin to chefchenko she has
been in Thailand with Chef shanko
mizuki’s been doing her thing getting
the getting the Striking sharp but if
Hannah goalie wants to come in and
wrestle she’s probably gonna get swept
she’s probably gonna get submitted
Hannah Goldie’s a girl that is just not
this level she really is just not UFC
level she just really is not she was
getting demolished by a four and five
fighter getting balled on the ground fan
of Hail Mary armbar that’s our only UFC
win I think Mizuki comes in really lays
the pace the pressure Hannah tries to
wrestle and Mizuki handles her on the
ground so that’s my prediction I’m
pretty high Mizuki as well in this
matchup love you Hannah but
hey Collier versus Muhammad uzman and
this one is uh gonna be sloppy I mean
this one is going to be sloppy and
luckily for Muhammad uzman Jake Collier
yes he is a veteran but he’s not one of
these veterans that can weather the
early storm and then he can come on in
the second round in the third round and
win this fight he’s a guy that comes out
doesn’t really give a [ __ ] throws heavy
shots will get tired himself and
unfortunately in this matchup I think
he’s gonna get bullied a little bit
Jacob former 185er and Mohammed Usman
couldn’t make 185 if he lost both his
arms and both his legs that dude is a
big thick dude I think he comes in
throws the heavy shots gets him against
the cage and when both these guys are
tired I believe I feel like I can trust
Muhammad uzman a little bit more we saw
that in the top of a fight right both
those guys got tired but it was uzman at
least being on top in those positions
but you know I don’t trust Usman as far
as I can throw him as far as an MMA
fight he’s still just so sloppy in
everything he does with he’s gonna have
the power he’s got the strength Jake
doesn’t even have the cardio Advantage
they both basically have the same amount
of cardio so I am going to go Usman here
but as far as like betting him and stuff
I don’t know I I I haven’t decided yet
maybe when the live stream comes on
Saturday we’ll probably play the user
inside something Jake can be a tough guy
in the first round then start to fade so
maybe we had a lot of success with these
second round finishes we might do
something like that but uzman is my pick
in this matchup but it’s going to be
sloppy and if Jake Collier comes in lays
some crazy pace and pressure and get to
TKO I’m not gonna be crazy crazy this
prize so I’m going to Usman here but
let’s move on to the next one Jacob
malcol versus Cody Brundage Jacob
Malcolm wins let’s move on to the next
one I’m just I’ll just kidding but he is
probably gonna win right we’ve seen Cody
Brundage in that last fight I mean fight
IQ looked like he was quitting in that
fight versus SD the only thing that
really worries me here because Jacob
should come in and control the Striking
control the wrestling for sure because
bro Brundage is supposed to be like this
Grappler this wrestler but Jacob should
be able to handle that I mean all Jacobs
are just like a notch above everyone
else especially people named Angelo I
mean just a notch above everywhere just
a step ahead you think you’re doing
something I know what you’re doing I’m
gonna get ahead of you what does worry
me little bit is Cody Brundage let’s say
he’s a little bit embarrassed right
fighting for his UFC life he comes in
heavy-handed we have seen Jacob get hit
we have seen Jacob get dropped so there
is something in the back of my mind
that’s like you know someone sometimes
these guys coming off these bad
embarrassing losses just come in super
aggressive Jacob isn’t like the the best
striker in the world he can’t get hit he
can’t get dropped and maybe something
weird happens there but Cody if he comes
in aggressive that should be even better
for a wrestler like Jacob you know level
change be there top control all that
stuff so I am gonna go Jake up here I
don’t want to seem too worried about it
you know us Jacobs we don’t we don’t
[ __ ] [ __ ] up you know what I mean so
Jacob is the pick that’s all it needs to
be said let’s move on to the next one
The Dirty Bird Tim Means versus Andre
fiallo and uh I’m going dog here I’m
going dog here and this is simply
because of what have you done for me
lately I will admit last year The Dirty
Bird Tim Means against
um uh
uh uh
Max Griffin I have no notes I I mean
Angelo reads a script I had nothing in
front of me so against Max Griffin you
saw him get dropped early handled it
just fine but even in that fight you
thought to yourself watching that fight
okay Tim means it’s getting old right
he’s 39 years old I don’t know if he was
39 or 38 at the time of that fight but
you’re like okay he’s starting to slow
down this is the end of time means you
know these guys are gonna up and coming
guys are just gonna be a little bit too
fast for him a little bit too powerful
and then he comes in against Alex morono
this spring look fantastic I mean he
looked like a completely different
person getting some nice takedown some
nice grappling winning the Striking
exchanges Landing laying in some nice
power he was beating up Alex Morrow
completely controlling that fight until
Alex Moreno find that Hail Mary
submission by the way Alex morono is
like one of the best Grapplers in the
UFC you’ve probably never heard of it
guys like a triple black belt really
really high level so getting caught a
guillotine by him is like it is what it
is type of situation Andre fiallo we’ve
seen knockout after knockout after
knockout even in the fights he’s winning
he’s still getting clipped and I can’t
trust a guy like that I just can’t
especially against a guy like dirty bird
who has shown he has a chin he can eat
the shots and even if he is getting
touched up even if he’s getting hurt
he’s not getting put out and the best
thing that I love about the Dirty Bird
10 means is he’s got that wrestling in
his back pocket if things start going
South if yallo is touching him early if
yellow comes out and is aggressive again
because his last fight he wasn’t really
that aggressive maybe he comes out he’s
just getting his fight and getting his
face and trying to knock out the 39 year
old Tim Means can level change now fialo
can get taken down he’s really good
about getting back to his feet but at
least it kind of changes the pace of the
fight at least it kind of stifles him
and fialo as the fight goes on will lose
that power more and more so I’m going
with the veteran here the Dirty Bird I
think he comes in wins a few striking
exchanges maybe mixes in some wrestling
I like his cardio I like his endurance
and I like his durability in this fight
so a gold 30 bird here don’t let me down
baby let’s move on to the next one miles
Johns versus Dan Argueta and Miles Johns
is a guy that it seems like he just
can’t figure out what he wants to be
very talented powerful guy good wrestler
but he came into the UFC and he started
hitting this streak of just knocking
people out and he decided it seems like
he decided I’m just gonna knock everyone
out I’m I’m a powerful guy at 135 if I
land this right hand on people they’re
gonna go to sleep so I’m just gonna over
swing and knock people out and he ran
into a [ __ ] buzzsaw against John
castaneda’s sexy Mexi which was my luck
of the week that week by the way because
I knew that sexy Mexican weather the
storm and wear this guy down it seems
like miles John’s after that fight was
like okay I can’t keep doing what I’m
doing I’m gonna come in against Vince
and I’m gonna start getting takedowns
I’m gonna go back to my wrestling roots
he’s a good wrestler go back to my
wrestling roots get some takedowns and
start winning the fight start being a
little bit more smart about the way I
fight the issue was they couldn’t get
the takedown so now you have a guy that
has I don’t see he’s abandoned the power
but has realized he can’t knock everyone
out try to go back to his wrestling and
couldn’t out-rest Vince and he’s
definitely not going to be able to
outrest a guy like Dan Argo especially
early that’s what I thought was going to
happen against Ronnie Lawrence I thought
Dan argueto was going to come in and get
stable by Ronnie Lawrence and that exact
same thing or that exact
that thing that I thought was going to
happen the exact opposite thing is what
happened I’m great at the English
language so yeah Dane Argueta came in
and just smoked Ronnie Lawrence I know
that the the submission there was you
know he wasn’t really out that was so
weird I mean that was Keith Peterson
like literally grabbed his arm it’s like
you’re tapping now [ __ ] it was a very
weird situation but you saw the
intensity that Dan Argueta brings it was
just non-stop wrestling and that is a
great recipe for a guy like miles Johns
because he does slow down he slows down
he slows down and if he doesn’t have
that power early if he doesn’t hurt Dan
Argueta early which I do worry a little
bit about the entries of Dan Argueta
because he can get a little bit too
desperate he can’t get a little bit too
telegraphed with those shots you know
exactly what he wants to do if miles
Jones is in there with an uppercut or
something really nice down the pipe
maybe a knee something like that he’s a
powerful guy he’s been around he’s gonna
be ready but I think Dan arguet is just
gonna be just a little bit too
Relentless you’re gonna start seeing him
fade him being miles Jones in the second
in the third round and Dana Aguada
should be able to take this fight over
so I know what I’m getting with Dan
Argueta I know that he’s going to come
forward push the pace miles John’s is
still like it’s like he’s still trying
to figure out who he wants to be and
against Dan Argueta that’s not a good
matchup to try to figure out who you
want to be because I they had no see who
he wants to be and he wants to be he
wants to be on your back he wants to be
on top you just I want to be on top of a
lot of these women Charles Jordan versus
Ricardo hamos and I I honestly when I
first started breaking this fight down
because I I know who Charles Jordan is
right I know I think most of us know who
Charles jourdain is good Striker Super
durable really tough guy good on the
ground as well as far as like the Jiu
Jitsu his biggest red flag is it is his
ability to be taken down he can be taken
down he stays safe you know obviously
he’s been submitted before but a lot of
times it’s just the constantly being
taken down it’s like the biggest red
flag on a guy like Charles Jordan and
obviously that fight versus Chrome date
Crone Gracie was you know a weird fight
but Krone did get into some body like
positions and why I bring that up is
when I first started breaking down this
fight I watched the fight with Bill
algio and Ricardo Ramos hakano Ramos
however you want to say it and I saw the
eight takedowns and I started watching
that fight I’m like okay Ramos is going
to beat Charles Jordan because he can
take him down but that was a lot of body
lock takedowns against Bill Al Geo and
Charles ordain seemed pretty strong and
pretty ready for that stuff against
Chrome Gracie and the biggest red flag
was Ricardo Ramos yeah he got I think he
got like eight takedowns something crazy
in that fight but he was getting tired
and a lot of those takedowns were
because him and Bill were both tired and
he didn’t really keep position that well
he tried to climb on the back a few
times but that offensive rusting from
hakaro Ricardo really really wore him
down so if he comes in and is trying to
take Charles down I believe Charles can
stay safe he’s a black belt in his own
right he’s gonna be able to stay safe
and if I can trust somebody in the
second round in the third round after a
high level high Pace first round between
these two gentlemen it’s gonna be
Charles Air Jordan 10 and out of 10
times I know he’s going to be around I
know he’s going to be there I know he
can out tough the crazy striking of
Ricardo in the first round this crazy
spinning stuff Charleston could eat
those shots he can make a Miss he can
respond and he’s a durable guy and he’s
going to be there for the second and
third round so I flipped completely I
was like okay Ricardo’s gonna come in
use his wrestling control Charles maybe
get his back the control and just do
that but he gets too tired man so I
completely flip I am going Charles
Jordan in this matchup because I think
he can really start hurting and laying
pace and pressure on Ricardo in the
second in the third rounds even if he is
getting taken down or getting hit in
that first round so give me Charles Air
Jordan in this matchup let’s move on to
the next one Brian battle versus AJ
Fletcher you aren’t gonna like this I’ll
tell you right now you’re not gonna like
this breakdown let’s start with AJ
Fletcher I know a lot of people be like
oh this T-Rex arm short guy one of the
biggest turn-offs for me for AJ
Fletcher’s you guys hear me talk about
it all the time is he looks like a guy
that gets knocked out I say it all the
time I I think I’ve even said it on his
breakdown before he looks like a guy
that just absolutely he just got a knock
out look face but he doesn’t get knocked
out the only way that this guy really
loses is because he’s getting out
grappled late in fights semi the Jedi he
is steamrolling him in the first round
Angelos are having really really good
success in the first round in the
Striking starts losing some striking
changes end in the first round but then
comes through in the second round and
should have put angelosa out of that
fight comes in third round he’s tired
because he tried to finish that fight
now he’s getting out grappled comes in
against Temple garimbo smokes I’m taking
them down he’s got the mounted
Guillotine but he’s keeping the position
I know he’s kind of a guillotine guy but
he doesn’t he’s very smart about it and
the ability is to get to full Mount from
AJ Fletcher is really really incredible
his takedowns are explosive and he just
slides so well from guard to half guard
to fall mount in a full Mount he does
such a good job of keeping position but
also threatening everything he does he
makes people work on the bottom and he
saw that against semi against anji even
hurt him with the hands he’s a really
really good boxer and this guy can eat a
shot watch the shots that on that AJ
Fletcher was eating against Angeles in
like the last minute 30 last two minutes
of that first round when andra’s fresh
like it’s a really clean leather on him
the guy just eats shot he does get hit
but he just eats shots right so that’s
that’s my breakdown AJ Fletcher he’s a
capable Striker very very durable very
good wrestler and really makes people he
really punishes people once he gets on
top especially in that mount position
now Brian battle
we really don’t know I’m telling you
guys right now I I know that you see the
flashy knockout today the 30-second head
kick he had the in the 14 second
he was getting out grappled and kind of
mauled by renat in those Knockouts I
know he’s kind of found this power
because he was really never a powerful
guy and people were gonna be like oh
he’s a if he he’s Gonna Knock Out AJ
Fletcher he’s knocked out this guy he’s
knocked out this guy but we haven’t
really seen
Brian battle at 170 since his Contender
series fight in an actual fight we just
really haven’t seen it so there’s just
too many question marks in my mind to
trust a guy like Brian battle especially
at the minus 170 price point you just
don’t know what’s going to happen if he
comes in against another wrestler again
against a guy that not only can wrestle
but also has power in his hands that
seems like a durable guy and people are
going to be questioning the gas tank of
AJ Fletcher AJ Fletcher gassed once he
starts getting offensive wrestler once
he’s on his back that’s when he starts
gassing Brian battle in my mind I don’t
think is ever going to be in a top
position against this guy AJ Fletcher is
going to come in he’s going to get a
takedown he will get a takedown in the
first round he probably will slide
through to half guard maybe even a full
Mount position what’s going to happen to
Brian battle there I know he’s defensive
off his back he’s staying safe against
or not he did it he did get dropped by
Renault 2 in the third round of that
fight and we saw AJ drop and almost
finish Angelos hand so this is one of
those things where it’s like I get all
the love for Brian battle because he’s
done this flashy stuff but there’s just
too many question marks for me I still
don’t know what he’s gonna be like in an
actual fight I’ve seen him get mauled
I’ve seen him get early Knockouts put in
an actual back and forth fight I just do
not know and I know that AJ Fletcher is
going to come in he’s going to be
durable that’s probably going to jinx it
but he’s gonna be durable he’s gonna
wrestle he’s going to get top positions
and he’s got power as well so I’m going
with the dog here AJ Fletcher I know a
lot of people are giving me [ __ ] for it
but we’ll see how it plays out I fully
respect Brian battle and everything by
the way he missed weight his last fight
as well so another little factor in the
little thing to keep in the back of your
mind we don’t know how you would have
looked extended in the fight
we’ll see if he cleaned that up but I am
going AJ Fletcher in this matchup let’s
move on to the next Marina Rodriguez
versus the karate hottie Michelle
Waterson Gomez
yeah this one’s probably pretty cut and
dry watch that first fight back I know
the Michelle Michelle is going to look
better than the first fight I have no
doubt in my mind that the karate hottie
is going to come in and look better
maybe mix in the takedown or two that’s
how you beat Marina you mix in takedowns
you wrestle her but even when she’s
getting wrestled and she’s getting taken
down she still wins a lot of those
fights or she loses very very closely so
even if the karate hottie is coming in
with a heavy Wrestle game plan she still
could lose this fight and if you watch
the first fight if you watch them lately
I mean Marina’s just a better Striker
this should be a mostly striking matchup
and Marina just is a better Striker
Michelle karate hottie is cable she’s
tough as [ __ ] if you’re gonna play this
I wouldn’t even play the moneyline
Marine I just take Marina by points
that’s good that’s going to get you
better value I don’t think this is going
to finish a girl like karate hottie but
unfortunately this is just is what it is
Marina is a better Striker I’ll be
rooting for karate hottie you know I
won’t be there front row cheering not
actually front rope I’ll be front row
right here I mean so but Marina just I
mean she’s the better Striker that’s why
she won the first matchup and that’s why
she’s going to win this one so I hope
that she comes through karate hottie
does maybe gets a take down maybe get
jumps her back something weird like that
but there should be a marina play all
the way get her by points let’s move on
to the next Bryce Mitchell versus Dan
ige and I am going Bryce Mitchell in
this matchup and obviously it’s because
the wrestling we’ve seen Dan ige getting
out Russell before and I did worry a
little bit right Bryce Mitchell is now
ballooning up to like minus 200 minus
220 something to that effect he does get
hit now he showed his toughness against
Ilya right he took Ilia down by the way
a lot of people forget that he did take
Ilia down in the at the end of that
first round so if he’s taking a guy down
like Ilya he should be able to get Dan
ige to the ground but then ige by the
way I like Danny 50k Dan Eagan that used
to be my dude he’s got some power in his
hands and if he’s sitting there ready
and Bryce takes a bad shot at the bad
time or the catches you know catches the
wrong shot obviously Dan ige is gonna
have a puncher’s chance in the this
matchup and not just a puncher’s chance
let’s say he starts defending the
takedowns let’s say Bryce is starting to
Gass a little bit because he saw in that
fight he was getting touched up against
Ilya and when he’s getting touched up
and then he’s like desperate wrestling
you saw him start to fade now he says he
was sick and all this stuff this is
going to be one of those things where
we’re gonna find out in this fight if
Bryce Mitchell is real or not because
Danny is very capable he’s a good
Grappler got some holes in his takedown
defense but he knows how to stay safe on
the ground and he’s got real power in
his hands but this should be a an
obvious step down you’re fighting Ilya
you take him down you eat some shots but
you get finished this is like a pocket
Ilia in Dan IGA he doesn’t have the
wrestling doesn’t quite have the
grappling it definitely doesn’t have the
speed as uh Ilia on it with the hands so
you know I am going Bryce Mitchell here
he’s got to get the takedowns but don’t
forget Bryce has got some weird power in
his hands as well so if he comes in and
gets smoked you know that’s that’s kind
of the end of Bryce Mitchell if he is
who he’s supposed to be honestly he
should smoke Danny gay 30-27 30-26
complete control so we’ll see how it
plays out I am going Bryce Mitchell here
let’s move on to the next one is that
yeah versus gamron damn man both these
guys are my dudes if you guys have heard
me on this channel for a couple years I
I love I’ve been saying game Runners
like a future champ he’s a future I had
it versus Harmony smokes arm and a lot
of people didn’t think he smoked Army
but I hadn’t been I mean I love these
guys fizzy had the exact same way I was
like oh my God he’s gonna smoke gagey he
was winning that fight then he started
[ __ ] around he started brawling with
Justin Gage which was never a good idea
five round fight I know a lot of people
are gonna be like five rounds game runs
gonna wear them down fizzy F gets tired
he gets tired and gamrod’s gonna wear
him down get the takedowns blah blah
blah gamer gets tired too gamra gets
tired too especially when he’s getting
hit and you saw that versus Jalen
Jalen Turner was starting to touch him
up a little bit in the second round and
yeah Gamera was still able to get those
takedowns but you saw him looking at the
clock you saw him gas and you saw the
the takedowns get a little bit more
desperate and against a game a guy I
like Jayla again
against a guy like Jalen Turner who also
started fading in that fight he was able
to get the takedown so he was able to
keep control Fizz I have both these guys
by the way I believe both these guys are
going to get tired if it extends if it
gets past the second round both he’s got
here entire neither one of these guys is
a quitter camera’s not a quit fizzy Ave
is not gonna quit you saw that against
RDA people keep saying that he’s gonna
guess but forget against the fight
against RDA defended what 14 takedown
something like that got a fifth round
finish this guy has been there and done
that before his striking is absolutely
Elite and that’s what it comes down to
in this fight gamrat is not even close
to the same striking as physio but gamra
will strike he has to strike to set up
his shots and when he is doing that he
gets hit and he gets dropped a lot it is
a lot a lot and even when he’s not
getting dropped he is still getting hit
and you do not want to get hit by this
guy fizziev especially early and fizzy
Ave has shown through his UFC career he
is constantly getting better and better
and better at defending not only
defending takedowns but using his own
wrestling using his own you know Judo
when somebody tries to take him down so
yeah I understand the wrestling prowess
that gamro brings into this fight if he
gets a takedown or two I’m not gonna be
super surprised but gamer doesn’t isn’t
the best at keeping control he gets a
lot of takedowns but on Tony right now
that the Vegas judges more and more
hates that [ __ ] they hate the
holding they hate the holding against
the fence they hate the control they
want to see damage done they want to see
striking they don’t want see see people
crotch sniffing for [ __ ] five rounds
we’ve just seen them start to Lean by
the way they judge fight so long story
short Fizz AF is the way better Striker
I believe that most of this fight is
going to be striking so therefore I’m
all over physiov in this matchup not
only am I all over fizzy I’ve in this
matchup I think that he’s really gonna
hurt gamrat and hurt him early the guy
just gets hit way too much I don’t think
his takedowns are going to be as
effective as he thinks he is physiav is
super explosive super strong gets out of
those positions and immediately starts
laying Pace pressure speed and Power on
you so I think physio can finish this
dude first second round I know gamer has
never really been finished but if there
was ever a guy to finish when you’ve
been dropped you’ve been dropped you’ve
been dropped but you instantly pop back
up Fizz has a different breed man he has
a different breed not only do I think he
wins this fight but I think he wins it
handily easily sets a statement getting
a knockout in the first or second round
of this fight I love gamron he’s my dude
but this matchup is just not it for him
I’m telling you my dual physio is going
to get it done this has been my Quick
Pick video for you FC Vegas 70 my make
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plays I had a perfect card last week
I’ve been up Unit Seven of last eight
weeks the only week that I was down I
was only down a half unit I think now
I’m up over like 20 units the last eight
weeks something like that go to become a premium member
today my name is Jacob AKA The Freckle
salamander and I am out