Daniel Cormier REACTS to Sean Strickland defeating Israel Adesanya in HUGE upset at UFC 293!


We will discuss the incredible upset at UFC 293 where Sean Strickland defeated Israel Adesanya to become the new middleweight champion. Daniel Cormier, a former UFC champion himself, shares his thoughts on the fight and provides insights into Strickland’s journey and the impact of this victory. Additionally, Cormier suggests what might be next for both fighters. Let’s dive into the details!

Sean Strickland’s Unbelievable Journey

Daniel Cormier starts by reflecting on Sean Strickland’s remarkable journey. He mentions that he had the opportunity to speak with Strickland recently and gained a different perspective on who he is as a person. Cormier highlights that Strickland never experienced love until he found it in the gym. Despite facing hardships and making mistakes as a young kid, Strickland used those negatives to propel himself to become the UFC middleweight champion.

The Fight: Strickland vs. Adesanya

C ormier admits that he, like many others, didn’t believe Strickland had a chance against Adesanya. He expected Adesanya’s style and pressure to lead to Strickland falling into one of Adesanya’s traps. However, Strickland proved everyone wrong. He was on the gas the entire time, pressuring Adesanya and dropping him in round one. Despite losing round two, Strickland bounced back in round three and continued to pop Adesanya with jabs, visibly hurting him. Adesanya seemed confused and unable to execute his game plan, which Cormier attributes to Strickland’s relentless presence and refusal to let Adesanya dictate the fight.

The Impressive Victory

Cormier emphasizes that Strickland’s victory is one of the greatest upsets in UFC history. He commends Strickland for his resilience and determination, highlighting his previous losses and his ability to bounce back and seize this opportunity. Cormier also mentions the support Strickland received from the fans in Australia, despite some people not liking him. Overall, Cormier praises Strickland for fighting the perfect fight and achieving the seemingly impossible.

What’s Next for Adesanya and Strickland

Cormier suggests that Adesanya should take some time off and rest. He believes that constantly fighting at such a high level is too much and can affect performance. Adesanya has now lost two of his last three fights and needs a break to refresh and come back stronger. As for Strickland, Cormier believes he deserves a title shot. He mentions that Strickland was supposed to fight on this card but missed the opportunity. However, if Hamza Chamaev has an impressive performance and demands a title shot, that could change the situation. Cormier concludes by stating that the middleweight division starts anew with Strickland as the dangerous champion.


Daniel Cormier wraps up by expressing his gratitude for being able to witness and commentate on such incredible moments in the UFC. He acknowledges the passionate fans in Sydney and thanks them for their support. Cormier concludes by congratulating Sean Strickland on his victory and the achievement of something he never thought possible. He also acknowledges the importance of having a supportive team and a sense of family in achieving success.

Overall, UFC 293 was a memorable event with impressive performances. The upset victory by Sean Strickland over Israel Adesanya will go down in history as one of the greatest upsets in UFC. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for both fighters and how the middleweight division evolves with Strickland as the new champion.

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he used those things uh to propel him into the UFC middleweight champion all those hardships allowed for Sean Strickland to do the unthinkable because people did not believe that he could win and I’m gonna be honest with you I didn’t I’m not allowed to pick the fight before but if you would have asked me if I thought John Strickland was going to win I thought there was no chance I thought that his style because he needs to pressure was ultimately going to lead to him falling into something one of the tribes that Edison said so masterfully and and Miles was dancing behind me as he breaks down the desk guys he never fell into a trap he was on the gas the entire time he was in Israel’s face he dropped them in round one Mark God had never even stepped in to think about stopping the fight and hats off to him because he could have stopped that fighting Edison was okay but even in that even after that Sean Strickland after round two he watched lost that round and the only reason he lost that round was because he didn’t do enough he didn’t do nothing so Edison won that one but from round three on Sean Strickland was right back in his face popping him with the jab and every time he landed it seemed like he was hurting Izzy I’ve never seen Izzy look so confused in one of his title fights he told Coach Eugene I can’t get to my jab and I think because he couldn’t get to his job it really did mess with his entire game he was drawn Strickland in and we have seen if he do that a number of times but we have never seen him have to do that the entirety of the fight Sean Strickland was unwilling to allow for Israel to sign you to dictate dictate to him at all over the course of this fight and I believe ultimately that is what led him to the victory he keep front of him it was the jab it was the right hand sometimes and it was really his presence his presence his ability to show Izzy I’m the man in here tonight and if I’m being completely honest I don’t feel like Edison look as much like himself as we’re used to and I believe that partly due to the intense schedule that he keeps I mean this guy is constantly fighting and while that is to be commended there comes a point where you can’t do that when you’re fighting the best guys in the world he did it time and time again and tonight he was in there with a guy that had nothing to lose heads up to Eric Nick he told me we have a game plan for this guy it’s gonna work and it’s gonna be effective and you always take what a coach says with a grain of soul but this dude when I walked into the Octagon said we did it we absolutely did it I told Dana Izzy better be hoping for a bad decision because there is no way that he wins this fight any other way and the judges got it right we are always on the judges for getting it wrong they got it right this time and I believe that Sean Strickland won four rounds to one uh over one of the greatest middleweights of all time before I get into what’s next for Israel out of Sonya and Sean Strickland we gotta pay some bills nice videos brought to you by the game time app the game time app is the worldwide leader in last minute ticket purchases so no matter what you’re doing the NFL season starting basketball football soccer comedy shows and concerts save money by using the game time app get those tickets last minute and save and if that ain’t enough use my promo code DCTV for 20 off of your first purchase download the game time app today and start to save money save more money by using my promo code DCTV for 20 off of your first purchase I mentioned Edison didn’t look as good I feel like he was tired I don’t think that Izzy should fight for the belt next I think Izzy should take some time he should rest let the division shake out a little bit and then come back because that constant desire to be up for these level of fights it’s too much and nobody can keep that you can’t fight the most dangerous best fighters in the world three times a year year after year after year he has now lost two of his last three fights granted their all title fights he had fought 11 of them in the row he needs to take a break from this thing Rest In The Spoils of his greatness and then come back when he’s refreshed because he looked a little bit behind the eight ball tonight and most of that was due to Sean Strickland just being an absolute dog tonight and there are a lot of people that don’t like Sean stricken but all week he receives some of the biggest Applause in all of the situations all week he was greeted With Love by all the fans in Australia I thought he looked a little nervous walking to the octagon I think that was just him being a man on a mission Sean Strickland just fought the perfect fight and I anticipated talking about other people from the fight card that wasn’t it was a great fight card but this video belongs to the new champion of the world this guy did The Impossible and this is one of the greatest upsets in UFC history because of not only the champion because of the person that did it Sean Strickland fought a Lex fajita as number four Ray guy when nobody else would do it he lost but he got right back on the horse then he fought Jared cannonir he lost but he never let it determ by a Marvel fights another guy finds himself in this opportunity with short time to prepare and gets the job done hey you all know who Sean Strickland is he doesn’t hide from his past but what you have to understand go back to the interview like I said earlier he’s much different today than he was before in terms of what’s next I think Drake is duplex C earns his title shot I think it deserves the opportunity to fight for the Bill he was supposed to be here tonight could you imagine Drake is right now kicking himself by not being here to fight Edison crazy I feel like he gets a title fight the only way he doesn’t get that title fight is if by some way Hamza chamaya just starches holocausted in the world he starts to go crazy begging for Paulo Costa are sorry for Hamza Jamaya to get an opportunity to fight for the belt this vision starts Anew every time one of these long reigning Champions loses their belt we get to start over that’s exactly what we get tonight and if you watch Sean Strickland fight you know that you have a very dangerous champion that middleweight now so to wrap things up Sean Strickland Drake is duplexy or comes out to my Android phone you take a step back rest and recover champ you have earned it but boy we have the greatest job in the world the UFC is an MMA it’s like nothing else in the world because every time you think you got it figured out something happens and then you’re sitting there with your jaw on the floor that’s why I’m so blessed to be able to come to you after these events to sit next to this octagon for these Great Moments unreal Sean Strickland his family is his team congratulations champ you earned it there are so many people right now that are celebrating your Victory and do you doing something that you never thought you could and nobody did the kid that was not expected to be he believed in himself and the people around him did also and tonight they achieve greatness guys UFC 293 was a great event there was a little bit of crazy going on with some of the the bad words these guys are used on the microphone I’m pulling microphones from them I’m telling dudes to chill I mean they’re putting me in a bad situation but outside of that we saw some tremendous performances across the board what a fun night from Sydney what a great fight Town wow people are crazy here about mixed martial arts I love each and every morning thank you for always supporting me until next time guys like subscribe and tell your friends tell one of their friends that DC’s got a YouTube channel see you next time peace Saturday’s coach how’d you do it uh I don’t know you guys just pulled off one of the greatest subsets of all time how’d you do it honestly DC it wasn’t really about X’s and O’s man it was about belief you know what I mean and he was a guy that if you know Sean over the years he didn’t have a team he didn’t have anybody around him and as well as you know at the highest competitor level sometimes you don’t believe in yourself and you need to have people around you that believe in you and help pick you up and I think just feed them the right information the right knowledge and just honestly God DC just give him a family man yeah because there’s a guy like I spoke to him on an interview the other day dude talk to me about his passing yeah it’s hard to feel loved in those situations yeah you fall in love with you guys man congratulations coach what a performance man great job my man great job