BISPING: UFC 293: Adesanya vs Strickland – LIVE FIGHT COMPANION!

BISPING: UFC 293: Adesanya vs Strickland - LIVE FIGHT COMPANION!

ah I’ll be doing everybody I do believe we are now live with the
prelims Sean Strickland versus uh the champ Israel arasania let me know in the
comments section if you got me let me know if I’m loud and clear and then we are underway if so so how are we all how
are we all doing Connor price Kenny late as always I’m not bloody late I’m
alive I’m alive I think I’m live hey babe is it coming through on your
phone and there we go pee pee what’s going on
PP so loud and clear sounds good sounds good thank you Cole Stein there you go you never know it first
um always making the same stupid little mistakes um hey oh much love Mr best friend loud
and clear where are you all in the world where are you all coming from I always like to know that met you in Philly a
couple of weeks ago well thank you very much nice to meet you too buddy did you hear what that Rocky guy said I
did I did oh my God came up with hard F you’ll notice that they cut the interview pretty pretty quickly the
company man well shut up uh Bisbee what do you think of the fight today well the main card has even started yet has it so
um you know still too early to say but we’ve had a couple of quick wins Gabriel Miranda or Gabrielle Miranda took Shane
Young out there pretty quick radical defeated uh Blood Diamond Uh Kevin juicy
defeated Kiefer Crosby but still the main card as I say hasn’t even got started yet or the main prelims which
you are here to um to discuss have a little watch along have a little bit of fun answer your questions first one here
Kenny Au hey Mike did you ever throw a question mark kick UFC 4 has you
throwing them and um there’s my editor probably say Mike
you’re doing wrong uh do you know what funnily enough to answer your question I was in the garage this
morning I’ve been working out on the bag a lot again recently and I was practicing my question mark kicks I did
throw a lot of question mark cakes I’m not sure I mean I threw her probably a couple throughout the course of my UFC
career but um yeah yeah it wasn’t like one a thing
that I used a lot but yeah certainly now and again because I’m left footed so my lead leg left foot boom boom low high
low high oh one of the oldest tricks in the book but uh but yeah there we go am
I intoxicated no Francis you’ll be sad to hear I am not intoxicated however
though however give myself a little beverage why not I
love to Scotland I hope you’re well mate and Biz been looking like a safari guide I guess I do
you want to see the shorts on as well uh it’s a very very hot day here and this is a nice cool uh shirt but it is
slightly safari-esque so there we go rockhold question marks kicks are gross
they’re not they’re not Kenny Rocco’s question mark kicks him absolutely beautiful mate
um in you know a style kind of way uh my did you see the raggy fight contenders
for the worst fight of the year I don’t know about worst fight of the year on the contender last week we had one of
the worst fights of the year one of the worst fights ever in Dana White’s own words so uh I forget the names of them
now a South African dude and uh budka something like that but still no ice in
the beverage mate Kenny you don’t have ice in a beer come on man
the MMA guy Bisping answered me I did I I don’t know did I answer any
questions about time to do one of these Mikey well I’ve been traveling a lot where was I I was just in Singapore for
the fights there from Singapore I went straight over to Paris man what an event that was flew home got
back Sunday night and then straight to Vegas uh for Tuesday morning for the Tuesday night Contender Series so it’s
been quite a ridiculous schedule lately so I haven’t been able to do the lives I need to buy a better laptop so I could
do some on the road but um not complaining very very busy just the way I like it lots of other
stuff going on as well in my personal life and stuff so so there you go Shady although Andy hates his terrible looking
beer it is to be honest it’s a Coors Light not a Bud Light it’s a Coors Light
you know what I mean you’re gonna if you’re gonna have a you’re gonna make these smart choices you don’t want to drink too many calories do you you know
what I’m saying basement what do you expect tonight well let’s get right into it what do I expect tonight I mean I
expect Israel allowed to sign in to go out there and be Israel alasana which is one
of the best fighters the best strikers that we’ve got who wears Apollo in the house it’s not a polo it’s a shirt it’s a
short sleeve shirt look at that the chest is on display I expect it Izzy I
mean let’s just cut to the chase you man I saw my prediction video I expect it Izzy to get a finish if I’m honest Sean
Strickland um has done a good job of getting himself to this position he has he’s a good
fighter uh you know he’s got balls but he’s not the crazy guy that he makes
out makes himself out to be he is a good fighter if he gets in control and if he’s got the person’s number and he’s
basically just using them as a punch bag like he did against Jack marshman then he starts talking and all the rest of it
and having a bit of fun other than that he’s normally very locked in and very dialed the problem for sure tonight is that
he’s got a limited skill set when it comes to the Striking on the feet he fights behind a jab predominantly and
only then when he’s kind of got his opponent hurt as he started to follow up with their you know hooks uppercuts and
start to really get aggressive you know so if he’s going to go out there and fight behind a job against Israel
arasanya who’s got a longer jab who’s got a better job who’s got a snap at your job who’s also got beautiful
striking and lots of kicks and all the rest of it it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough for Strickland but hey
crazier things have happened crazier things have happened and that’s why we love MMA right expect the unexpected
Paul denino says Strickland pillow hands funnily enough they used to call me pillow hands back in the day and I won
the belt by knocking the guy out in the first round so as I say you can’t write him off you know he he’s he’s trying to
be here I guess in one way or another he deserves to be here you know it should have been drink is duplessy but um and
just because Izzy should win doesn’t doesn’t mean he will win so that’s my
channel manager Anthony Evans in the chat what is the main event pick in the poll is it easy is he after a bad fight
Sean scores the upset 42 percent of people thinks he gets the upset now let me ask you this is it because you truly
believe he scores the upset or is it just because well well is it his skill set is what I’m trying to say is it his
skill set that makes you think he’s going to score the upset or is it just because you like the character and he says a lot of things you like and you
know he’s kind of like a UFC’s version of Andrew Tate do you know what I mean or is it just because you dislike is it
because Izzy’s Got That Dog in him do you know what I mean uh Sean has done a
tremendous job at marketing this fight and by the way we got a little fight coming on here who we got here in the on
the prelims I’m assuming this is Nazareth Landon Quinones kicking off the prelims yeah
there’s nazrat should be a decent one that’s what’s always in fun fights so we’ll keep an eye on this one as I’m answering your questions
um yeah I mean listen is he doing a great sorry Strickland has done a great job this week of making this spicy of
gaining interest of turning the crowd against Israel even in Australia and
even though he’s from Nigeria slash New Zealand he’s kind of well he’s not kind of he’s an australasian you know he’s
from that part of the world and is he sorry Strickland is getting a lot of support a lot of support and he’s
managed to turn the fan base and you can see is it is absolutely fumid he is pissed
off at that press conference he just sat there storm-faced you know and a lot of the time you might think that that’s going to throw people off round one just
got out of the way underway this Quinones guy pushing forward being aggressive to start uh yeah so a lot of
the time if somebody’s really pissed off if they get overly emotional and things like that it can have a negative impact
on how they fight but I don’t think it will with his ear you know we saw him last time out against Alex Pereira if
there’s any attempt to be emotional you’ve been beaten by him three times knocked out twice he went out there knocked him out in the second round
anyway Leo Levy says huge fan man loved you doc was on a run today and thinking about your silver fight helped me push
through that last mile oh well good for you Leo Levitt it’s important everyone to get out there and exercise you know
what I mean I’ve been telling my wife that a lot recently because she like is very very proud almost to not work out
anyway she started running again started feeling better you know and that’s the main reason not because she’s fat or
needs to lose weight or anything like that it’s good for the mind it’s good for the body it’s good for the soul and it’s good for long-term Fitness now to
answer your question for the coal Main Event tied to Avast versus Alexander volkov I’ll get straight to the point I
think it’s gonna be tied to avasa tattoo of Assa is uh you know he’s a
slugger he’s a slugger butt he’s got a chin on him uh I don’t think he’s as technical as volkov balkov’s very very
tall six foot seven he’s got a longer reach and he’s got good straight shots but with two of us are being from Sydney man
that’s what happened swinging it fresh out of there uh with two of us have been from Sydney he’s gonna have a tremendous
amount of support in the building and they’re going to cheer him on like crazy that’s gonna hype him up right and he’s
going to eat a couple of shots he’s going to get on the inside if he’s takes that reach away from volkov and backs
him up against the fence he’s gonna swing with everything he has he’s got incredible punching power and I think he
gets The Knockout I think he gets the knockout
that sounded a bit like John Fury to be honest um Kenny says be careful you tell your
wife to go work out because we might result in a fight if done wrong
um she takes it well she takes it well volkov kicks his head off Old Uncle Bob says well you never know I mean that is
one of the problems that type two of us is going to have volkov uses those really good straight kicks to the the
front kicks to the stomach front kicks to the stomach they’re going to be an issue he’s got good straight shots good Jabs one twos if he moves around a lot
and keeps two of us on the end of his shots hey I could be completely wrong but I think at some point throughout 15
minutes two of us is going to get on the inside and he’s going to uh you know he’s gonna get the Finish fresh away
says generally are straight shots better no they’re not but they’re good at
maintaining the range if someone’s trying to come in because two of us is a shot of gas he’s gonna get on the inside
so when he gets on the inside he’s going to use those big Power shots the big hooks uppercuts left hooks right hooks
elbows as well like when he knocked out Derrick Lewis um but if he can’t get on the inside then the straight shots of volkov
they’re going to be money because as the crow flies he’s always the fastest way A to B in a straight line it’s faster and
more direct than a hook which has an orchid Arc to it so for that reason if you’re trying to keep your opponent at
Bay if you’re trying to keep them away straight shots Jabs straight rise front kicks to the midsection they’re very
very handy someone says I’m here in Bosnia where’d he go where’d he go I’m here in
Bosnia but we are watching UFC and seeing Sean get knocked out really
really the facts happening live buddy but good try good try Mike have a bumped into Conor McGregor lately I haven’t I
have not seen Conor McGregor in the flesh oh Jesus Christ I don’t I don’t know
when the last hour I think I think the last time I saw McGregor in person do you know what I can’t even
remember our paths don’t cross which is a bloody good job uh if you are picking
Strickland why legit thinks he win I just want him to win 75 and there it is
you just want him to win 75 and so am I if you’re going to will it into existence that’s why he picking him and
I do think that’s the case looking good here just connected with a nice little uppercut
nice little uppercut by the way thank you to everyone that subscribed to the channel appreciate you all uh that’s right let’s
have a look at this guy’s record I haven’t kept up to him just lately if you have a little oh no I’m having
some technical difficulties if I share something on the screen you won’t be able to hear me because I’m a bloody Boomer I’m an absolute bloody idiot I’m
useless with this Tech John Brannigan my uh my what’s it called editor I’ve got to get him on a call
gotta gotta get this set up there’s inputs audio inputs and all kinds of stuff all over the place
anyway Izzy dizzy by deviant right hand
oh God the Deviant right hand I mean what do we think right let’s be honest
let’s put a polyp I don’t even believe I’m gonna say this but it’s the narrative that Sean Strickland has put out there he’s out
there saying that Israel arasania and there’s a lot of people I’ve seen multiple videos people talking about it
kind of Grady shaved it Scotland um yeah Brock Grimaldi I do remember
when Dan Anderson knocked me out and what and what you think that’s touching
a nerve you’re pathetic Bro you know that was 14 years ago mate uh and
and it was a pivotal point in my career uh what was I saying
I was talking about Izzy yeah Sean’s put this whole narrative out there that he messes with his dogs there it is Daniel
Miranda says dog Bender you know what I mean I think it’s a bit out of order he is a puppy Bender oh God oh God oh God
that’s why is he so pissed off transbender what’s the what the dog
jerking oh God yeah see this is it I mean I mean like this follows you
around for a long time so is he better hope and pray that he goes out there and gets his job done
bro said the dog bed I didn’t say it Taylor Luna that’s what it said in the chat I’m reading out your comments
um Mike do I remember when I slept rock out for a for the belt I do and that guy that was a hater before I don’t recall
his name because he’s done nothing the last dog breeder oh God
my money’s on easy this is the Flying Pig United he’s got that dog in him I’ve heard that one a lot this week oh look
at these these guys are throwing down is looking good though backing up hack
for asked do some damage against defense hack press goes for a little hip throw Quinones says no little calf cake little
front cake anyway um it is out of order to do that to do what the dog stuff it is it is all right
look listen listen is he played with something you know he
played with his bloody uh little todger for a minute and he even came out I think he said in a tweet or something
listen he was young he was joking around it was a little he thought it was funny it was immature it was silly I don’t
think uh Izzy is out there molesting his dogs and putting it on camera okay it
was a little bit of a you know maybe a regrettable bit of a joke you know what I mean uh but this is what people do
they run off of it and now that he was on some radio interview and he was asked
about sex and he said he did say shout out the puppy so he did a good job of kind of like reinforcing The Narrative
which is just giving Strickland more and more ammunition you know and all sorts Strickland’s out there he’s got the
Australian massive on side because you know he’s talking about this pregnant woman in Australia when she got locked
up during colvid for whatever the hell the reason it was and things like that so he’s appealing to the masses he’s
appealing to the people the everyday Working Man and good for him good for him I’ll tell you what this Quinones guy
looking very very good here outstriking which is not an easy thing
to do hack brass big big Power Quinones is just staying just out of range using
the straight shots and then peeling back from the hooks of hack pressed what I was saying before there he is circling
jabbing circling away oh yeah hack press found the mark now
though backed him up against feds anyway DM says hey Mike can you tell my friend Tim Fogg to shed some pounds he’s
looking extra thick these days needs to pack in the Ken the KC’s immediately
Casey’s what’s that Kentucky’s Kentucky Fried Chicken Tim
fog what are you doing bro have a bit of self-respect do you want to live a long productive life do you want to inspire
your children do you want to feel good about yourself do you want to put clothes on and feel good do you want to live to a long old age and feel
fantastic about yourself if so put down the cases immediately get on the treadmill bro let’s go
anyway what’s up fam let’s go Brandon ordinary paint Andrew last thing I’ll
say is Michael was always a huge fan of yours well thank you Andrew that’s sweet
um so Main Event Israel arasania co-main event it will be Thai to avar so let’s
have a look at the rest of the fight card here um Manel cop manil Corp talk about a guy
stealing the press conference I mean now cop has never been in that position before he starts throwing water bottles
at kaikar France getting into a head-to-head Face-Off with Israel arasania I mean absolutely hilarious
good for him making the most out of this moment and the opportunity right people are talking about him that’s what you want to do
a high pressure point on the pressure now backing him up Landing shots looks like
Kenyon is getting a little bit tired to be fair both men look like they’re getting tired Bisping what are your favorite meals to eat while dieting
trying to lose some weight that’s Connor Crossland and thank you for being here guys uh all 1254 of you Rebecca will be
joining Charlie she just walked past in the background gotta have some gonna have some proper MMA fight talk you know
what I mean before she comes because then it just turns into me in her bickering and just being silly uh my
favorite thing to eat whilst dieting is the thing that I have for lunch every single day I call it the usual in this
house it’s chicken sausages bacon eggs it’s kind of like a fry up what we call
in England uh but yeah I have that for lunch every day it’s absolutely delicious chicken sausages bacon eggs
sometimes a bit of mushrooms or tomatoes and then a low carb wrap boom good to go
try not to eat until 12 o’clock so therefore you fast in a little bit you’re burning that internal fire you’re
getting that metabolism boosted much love Mike who do I have for Islam versus Charles II oh good question
say I loved to my wife Megan that is a thirsty bird hello Megan I hope you’re
well Islam versus Charles II I think Charles is gonna do better
or has hack per ass backed up Quinones now Landing some big big shots
and he’s got a lot of power as well there’s the end of the round uh Islam versus uh makachev two I think makachev
will probably take it he handled him with ease in the first one you know what
is chicken sausage well e-rev it’s a sausage made out of chicken it’s a mind-blowing
concept it is what it says on the tin Tyrone just break it down
um so yeah I completely forgot what I was talking about a couple of full breakfasts in it Mike it is exactly
can’t go wrong with the full English breakfast so we have a look at uh I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do I’m gonna do
this do you guys still hear me do you hear me let me know if you hear me when I switch
it and I put on the fight card let me know if you can hear me because I don’t think you can I don’t think you can when
I put the fight card on screen can you hear me sounds wrong yeah
is that our best we said Islam versus I did I did I meant Charles Oliveira will
do better I would assume but the way mahajev handled him the first time I can’t I can’t
I can make a case for olive oil to win of course I can’t of course I can the chicken is inside the sausage correct
chicken sausages much less calories correct better ingredients much much more healthier for you
um so yeah if I switch to the fight card you can’t hear me right hold on I’m talking I’m talking you can’t hear me oh
you can still hear me I’m a fantastic then because I can throw a few bits up on screen can you
all definitely hear me I can’t get left up Larry out my head about the main event anyway enough of that uh so
the fight card here tonight if you can hear me properly here so Tyson Pedro he’s going to get back to winning ways
Anton Turk are the pleasure man and then Justin tap at Austin Lane that’s going to be a good one I haven’t
lost sound at all perfect a lot of comments coming through where Jesus louises between your Legend love the byn
podcast Believe in Me podcast every Monday and Thursday if you haven’t subscribed to among the Bell what are you doing you used to go to Warsaw when
kazeka was there well done in all your achievements thank you Craig Hughes tell him a hot dog bispin crystal clear
you got me crystal clear but that is beautiful all right well I’ll stop going on about that and I won’t ask again uh
Pedro Taffer volkov Izzy olberg probably not a bad um parlay you got there brother
and just put out a poll what is Sean Strickland’s walkout music
going to be tonight monkeys gonna buy me a dog Johnny Cash dirty egg sucking dog
oh my God oh my God how much is that doggie in the window
Donny Osmond call it poppy love and aunt and this isn’t me it’s my
channel though so I’m responsible I guess Jesus Christ I’ll give it a break anyway
anyway Hey listen oh God I’m leaving this a lot I I’ve got a lot
of respect for Israel out of Sonya and this is disrespectful anyway Ryan says I hate my huge fan of the vids and even
more of the fights thank you would love your take on what you think makes John John so great and how would I go about
beating him well let’s just be honest I wouldn’t go about beating him would I you know what I mean he’s the greatest
of all time as a man if he was to attack me in the street 100 I would fight back but to sit here and say that I would
beat the heavyweight champion of the world the greatest light heavyweight champion we’ve ever seen you would all
just laugh at me and it probably wouldn’t be true you know what I mean uh it’ll be hard it’s hard for
everyone nobody’s beating him yet nobody’s beating him will Steve there beat him and Madison Square Garden hey
we don’t know about that we don’t know about that how do I feel about your polish roots and blahovich yeah
yeah jerking your papa is proper popper poppy is disrespectful bro yeah but he
didn’t jerk it did it it didn’t I’ve seen the little video I just got deleted it and he just shakes it for a second
just being silly and being immature by the way Call It Puppy Love by Donny
Osmond is coming in 42 going strong he didn’t jerk his dog off let’s just
have it right okay we’re all just running away with this it’s getting a little out of hand to be honest he never
did anything like that he did thank you bym is better than the MMA hour thank you chinzilla I agree I agree
um Snoop Doggy Dog oh it might be a Snoop Dogg it might be a Snoop Dogg record
struggling should be worse is he’s the underdog oh God there’s so many
references and then of course because Izzy’s Got the dog collar on and then he’s walked into a cage and he’s cocked
his leg and marked his territory he stroked that dog he did he stroked it he gave it a nice little stroke you know
there’s so there’s a lot of dog reference sis he’s probably been gone barking like a
lot of people do why do people do that there was a guy on the content the series last week walked out barking I remember when I fought for Sean Evans he
was barking away at me as well and I guess they’re referring to having that dog in then right
not the other way around Israel the red rocket adesanya don’t know what that one means basically doing a pantomime
flicking the dog’s really killed me we did he just gave it a little thingy bob there was nothing sexual in it let’s
just have it like that he was just being silly he’s being silly I know and then JC says here he’s full on a dog fetish
page I know I’ve seen it I’ve seen it that little prick the guru
but this part of video on it and I watched it because it was like I saw it exactly I get it
I get it I get it I get it I really do oh dear should we answer some questions
Mike Keelan says you’re a role model to me I have a daughter on the way in eight weeks any advice Rebecca any advice for
Kieran he’s got a daughter on the way in eight weeks I would say listen it’s not hard Rebecca
said it she said it on here once just love the child that’s all you’ve got to do people over complicate Parenthood I’m
having a child they make it all scary and oh we got to go to classes you’ll learn how to change nappies and
all this people have been having children since the dawn of man that’s why we’re here okay and they were in
caves and they didn’t have a Wi-Fi or heating or clean water or anything and
the human race still is here to this day okay it’s not that hard love your
daughter Congratulations by the way Kieran uh love her love her put her first you know now you’ve got a priority
it’s not all about you you know it’s about your little beautiful daughter that is on the way so congrats once
again All You Need Is Love homie correct All You Need Is Love can you shout out
my two daughters Ella Ann’s Abby Ellie and Abby Elliot and Abby hello you girls
hope you’re well just love them just love them nothing wrong with flicking a dog’s Bean
and that’s what someone said and let’s go to the poll yeah Call It Puppy Love That is the the that is the leading
choice for Sean Strickland’s walkout music I I thought who who let the dogs out
would have been in there uh but I never put that one in I can’t believe bym
didn’t get nominated for the MMA podcast of the year I know it’s we’re just gonna throw this out there
the MMA Awards number one I’ve won award an award at the world MMA Awards several
times I’ve got one of the trophies I think over there but I should have about five they never sent me the trophies because
I don’t go so that’s why they don’t nominate me it’s all about whose ass you gotta kiss it really is it really is now
they’ve nominated me as best analyst analyst analyst analyst let
Rebecca speed don’t worry zazi she’s coming back in a bit and then you got you know
at least put me in the bloody personality of the year I think I deserve a personality of the Year
nomination at this in the least modern combat’s gonna win again I know I know
but guess what no one’s crying themselves to sleep all right so we’ll go into a decision here now’s right and Quinones
I’ve been talking to you guys there it is Nazareth hack for us gets the job done congrats to him there
um John is sending me things I’m live on the internet John
what is he sending me John’s done a few ROMs that’s my channel
editor stop messaging when I’m live is all I’m saying when is he buys his
girl’s dinner it’s Kibbles and bit oh God you guys are Relentless man you just don’t stop you just don’t stop who’s
better at this me or chase on him I’d say me tell’s great love child it’s fantastic he’s all hilarious some of his
epic trash talk stuff I mean you know I see it now and again when he played should we see if we can find it see if
we can bring it up Charles Solomon is like the things I saw growing up
you know um sure we had a maid but she only came two or three times a week you know it is
absolutely hilarious absolutely hilarious but he makes up a lot of
he’ll just make stories up chel Sonnen explains why Sean Strickland is the most
unlikely title Challenger of all time huh it probably is he probably is if I’m
honest because if you look at Sean’s record which is which is good it’s good let’s just go back to it
um the old the highest ranked person that he’s beaten and this is not a disrespect uh is Jack Hermanson Abus
Mega Madoff that was a good win Mega made up there was undefeated if I’m not mistaken that’s already not an easy guy
to be either Jared Cannon here very very close Split Decision loss a guy that’s the backup fighter if either of them
can’t make it to the Octagon which isn’t going to happen uh so it shows how good Jared is it was a really really close
fight Alex Pereira and by the way canonia went to a decision with Izzy
before that though Jack o’manson you write a hall Jocko Brendan Allen stops
Brendan Allen in round two which is Big Brendan Allen’s no joke no joke Jack
marshman nordine celeb so yeah he’s accomplished he is I guess
he’s not the number one contender that will be Drake is duplessy what kind of beer I’m a drinking it’s a Coors
Light I’m gonna I’ve got to watch the waistline these days guys
Izzy hasn’t faced a wrestler that way but no hands up you’re right I don’t think he has the best wrestler I would
say well of course he faced your Romero what are we talking about
he fought your Romero who’s one of the most decorated wrestlers we’ve had in
the UFC what was your bronze medalist at the Olympics I think or silver wasn’t gold anyway
um and he beat him to be fair your Romero didn’t do anything he just stood weirdly
in the center of the octagon and it was one of those fights it was it was a crappy fight no one wants to go back and
watch that one I do my research but if I’ve got a workshop one I’m gonna give that one a Miss
um you know but that’s because of the greatness of is it he made him freeze you know and then Izzy wanted to be
careful because if he gets Reckless he’s going to get taken down but regardless he got the job done didn’t he so he
asked for a wrestler like that I do think the Driggers duplessy uh provides
a unique challenge for him just based on how hard he hits please get jail on I will do Kenny babe
we got a new member he’s got a little woo there Kenny uh Raul hasn’t wrestled since the 90s
well the fresh cocktail company you might not have wrestled competitively since the 90s when did I ever wrestle
competitively when does any of these guys right you wrestle as part of mixed martial arts training and in the
training camp and he’s wrestled in all of his UFC fights so just because he wasn’t competing since then
doesn’t mean he can’t wrestle do you know what I mean Mike
what current middleweight would you have liked to have fought in my Prime is he is he will be the one he is the man
isn’t it he’s the man of the moment he’s one of the biggest stars in the whole of the organization
wildly charismatic you know hold the dog stuff aside uh and uh I’m joking and
he’s the champ that’s the guy you always want to face so I would have loved to have faced him and I feel you know in my
Prime I would have given him a good fight but I’m not going to sit here I say this all the time I’m not going to say that I beat him because I’m retired
and it’s very very disrespectful so but I would have beat him where’s Rebecca she’s over there
shopping for antiques as we speak online have you found anything back
not not yet so I’m here you know working you know I’m working on the channel giving to the people you know she’s over
there just spending have you got a beer babe oh she’s got a glass of wine already
it’s quarter past five what is it it’s 5 37 oh but that’s fine
it’s 5 37 it’s a Saturday legendary well there is a lot to go out
you know hello do I think Sean can actually bring out his inner Bisping I
gotta say thank you to Charlotte Strickland that was a very complimentary thing that he said there um and he’s right and he even said you
know what how does he beat is it and even put it to my fight against Anderson Silva that is what you do that is what
you’ve got to do you’ve got to take away the the length you’ve got to pressure him you’re going to put him on the back foot you’re going to have non-stop
offense uh it’s not an easy thing to do though it’s not an easy thing to do that’s what I did against Anderson Silva
Strickland’s got to do that same thing um will he bring out his inner Bisping I
guess we’ll find out I guess we’ll find out I don’t know I don’t know a lot of the time
Sean is very she’s a little is a little timid
you know he just fights behind the jab fires behind the jab a lot of the fight until he starts to find his rhythm you
know so you know he talks about you know being a wild man and all the rest of you and he is a wild man some of the stuff
he says is utterly ridiculous he’s out of his mind he’s hilarious I think he’s very very entertaining he really is
um but he doesn’t fight like a wild man he fights behind the jab looks for openings
he’s been wrestling a lot of course you know is he’s not the best wrestler but he’s got brilliant takedown defense
your wife would let Leon Edwards plow well that’s disrespectful
thanks for doing the fire companion you’re quite all right Sean Anderson was robbed dodgy all right well I agree to
disagree I’m gonna sit here and talk about that because you’re wrong I have a
feeling that Strickland’s gonna wrestle well yeah he should wrestle he’s got a really really good ground game
when I used to train with Sean obviously I’ve been retired since 2017 so that’s six years ago in itself
so uh um Microsoft UFC 290 when was UFC 290 I
asked for a pick you must have been stressed out because you turned me down now I’m feeling still a big fan sorry mate if I did you know I I do stop and
give people pictures all the time but it comes to a point where you have to just say okay I’m a
human being my girlfriend’s with me my wife’s with me whatever it is you know what I mean uh my children are with me
whatever the case is the kids right there it’s a good excuse though but my bad get me next time bro I’m pretty good
at the old picture thing but at some point it gets it does get to be a lot what was UFC 290 was that in Vegas
it was Vegas volkanovsky right oh yeah no I was working for BT Sport I was
working mate you know see the thing is whenever I accommodate like just recently in Paris and in Singapore as
soon as the fights finish I’ve got to rush upstairs uh to the pulse fight shuttle desk and everyone’s like my
picture picture the show is literally going live in about three minutes and I’ve got to run off so people are like
what the hell mate you won’t stop for a picture but I can’t relay that to everyone there’s music playing in the
arena and then I run off and it looks like I’m being a prick you know but I’m not if I was to go over and sign
pictures with you all I wouldn’t be on the TV show hence therefore there would be a post fact show with no analyst and
I’d probably get fired and say where is he so he’s down there stroking his own ego right taking pictures with everyone
they’re like what’s he doing that anyway we’re gonna pull will Sean to quote him find his inner Bisping
no not his nature no is he too good yes he’s got that dog
in him can we stop with the dog stuff Rebecca
so Izzy’s Rebecca’s uh favorite fighter she’s not happy with all this dog talk
are you babe she thinks it’s stupid she thinks it’s immature
it’s pretty funny though if you’ve got a hyper fighter talk about a champ what a wild thing like when I went after
Anderson Silva I wouldn’t have to run this to Silver because he tested positive for steroids you know what I
mean that’s an obvious one it’s an easy one what a weird thing to be going after someone for my word indeed
oh dear all right so I’ll wait for the next fight to start next fight will be
it will be oh James Malarkey with Ross Pearson James Malarkey John mcdessie I
don’t mind saying this Jamie Malarkey let’s call Jamie malarkey
uh Jamie Vallarta trades with Ross Pearson old friend of mine great guy good fighter as well if we look at
Malarkey’s record let’s have a look at all malarkey it’s the same old Malachi uh we’ll go
down here yeah Muhammad name of didn’t get the job done there Francisco Prado Michael Johnson lost to jail in Turner
no shame jail Turner is unbelievable Devonte Smith Karma worthy so he’s got a
decent record 14-6 beat for asiam and Brad Bedell two good wins there as well
mcdessie yeah owes me money I’m just gonna throw it
out there he owes me fifty thousand dollars so you know what I made calling what you will I’ll keep it professional
if I’m calling his fights but he does owe me fifty thousand dollars so you know uh it is what it is Jamie’s part of
my parlay I need him to win well let’s go parlay um
you can’t hear me oh for flip sake can you not hear me didn’t you culture myself I did hear him
people just said they couldn’t hear me when I switched to the records or the uh or the page could you hear me
because now it’s giving me anxiety henzo says that your real name
if it is I’m jealous that’s a brilliant name my mom has a crush on you
what up Mom how are we doing all right Jamie Malarkey John mcdessie
this would be a good fight or player on the feet both men are good Strikers John mcdessie is a very very good kickboxer
Jamie Malarkey more of a boxer Ross Pearson in the corner I did Coach him on the ultimate fight season nine he had a
good career in the UFC so very very good coach um
obviously I mentioned before where I kind of want Malarkey to win I’ve got no hard feelings against mcdessie but you
know he talks a bit of about me I don’t know why he owes me money it’s not the other way around but anyway still uh
shout out to your mom again yeah you can hear me good good people are saying they can’t hear me all right thank you
brother Christy says we hear you all the time all right you can hear me all right guys you can stop telling me you can
hear me I got it you guys can hear me so Milwaukee staying on the outside
using the inside low kicks mcdess is a tricky guy though he does have some very very sharp striking
excellent care boxer some nice spinning cakes but like he’s got better hands though
anyway Mr bispy congrats on the channel in your career did you watch the Santos versus bro Doom last night and what was
my thoughts I didn’t watch it no but I did see uh
hold on I did see the state of the bridge of verdum’s eye
let’s have a look at some of the emojis can we see the eye there it is there’s one there
uh everyone said like the eye was so bad yeah I was so bad and it is dogging me
wrong it’s a bad cut it’s a very very bad cut I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have gloves on bare knuckle
MMA I mean it took so long for MMA to get sanctioned
it’s kind of wild now you can do it bare knuckle well done to Julian dos Santos and from it’s your very Doom neither man
or young men you know what I mean and they’re stepping in their their age fair play to a fair play to him takes a lot
of balls of Courage does Santos I always really like dos Santos used to be one of my favorite Fighters back in the day
um he’s just always obviously he was the heavyweight champ knocked out came Velasquez in like the opening seconds
Malarkey’s swinging wildly there um but he was always he’s always just so happy and just like and you know it’s
such a juxtaposition against someone that’s a heavyweight champ if you look at like Mike Tyson or like a real bad
boy if you will some mean angry son of a Junior does Santa’s always had a big smile on his face was always playful
you know so I always really respected that to be honest when I was my little cursor let’s have a look what are we
saying both on the Peds maybe probably you know
a lot of damage for not much different of a fight yeah anywho so let’s have a look at DES
mcdesses pressure in here Jamie malarkey he does have a very prominent brow
see that that was when my doctor claimed me to fight because of my eyes he said I had a very prominent brow he said I have
a very prominent browser it would protect my eyes um Jamie Malarkey and recessed Globes
much like a caveman Rebecca just added in there uh mcdashi does oh oh I’ve lost my feed
I’ve lost my feed I’ve lost my feeder and ESPN plus it’ll come back in a second
um but anyway let’s go to the questions bisbling versus Holloway who wins bro
hold on wouldn’t that be embarrassing for me to fight Max Holloway my God and
get the kicked out of me by a featherweight it ain’t gonna happen it ain’t gonna happen uh Brazilians on pets
no way yeah Brazilians love a bit of performance enhancing drugs I mean the Godfather of it all Vito Belfor
anyway here we go do you ever think Ryan says the everything how life could
have went if the Rashad decision went my way you could have fought Forest Chuck maybe fought Jon Jones
you know what Ryan I’ve never thought about that but you’re absolutely right because I think after Richard beat me
the next person he thought was Chuck Liddell and he knocked him out then he went on to fight Forrest become the
champion and he did in fact find Jon Jones as well yeah
I’m glad I didn’t beat him if that’s the case that you know what I mean there’s monsters at 185 that’s why I
dropped down to 205 to be honest to be honest to 185 part of me I should have stayed alive everywhere I
think in my opinion those cuts to 185 they were brutal and I was so weak by the end of the training camp I was so
skinny and weak and fragile Jesus Christ I’d start the camper very very strong
and feeling great and then by the end of it because you’re not having carbohydrates you’re not you’re not recovering from the training sessions
you’re losing so much muscle mass and yeah sure granted I looked amazing with my shirt off
you know sit 10 pack all over the place but I would feel weak I would feel weak I really would
yeah on 205 is less athletic than the fighters of 185 yeah you’re right well
these days it is these days back in the day the light heavyweight division was like the glamor division when you had
your Rampage Jackson your Chuck Liddell vandalous silver Randy Couture
yeah that’s right Sean they fear the fire stuff it is what it is it was a long time ago I shouldn’t have never
said anything it’s a long time ago uh does Rebecca being a Nazi have a grudge against new zealanders Rebecca no
she does now why would she what’s my pick oh here we go here’s a
good question Leon Edwards versus Colby Covington
[Music] um I’m assuming first of all that that do I legally assume the facts never told me
and besides these are on ESPN plus right now um Colby versus Leon I’m assuming that’s
going to be the core Main Event if you haven’t seen the interview that I did with Carl be comforted on this channel go check it out because he was
absolutely hilarious it was his use yourself explosive talking mad
about Jon Jones and that’s where he said John John’s requested to the UFC that Colby not be on the same card as him I
saw Dana get asked about that at a press conference and he said no that’s absolute nonsense absolute
um so I’m assuming Edwards versus Colby should be on the co-main of that card and I hope it is for Leon’s sake because
obviously John John steepe that’s going to do some big numbers pay-per-view wise so obviously Leon will do very well
financially out of it um but I do think Colby gives him a real test I I do I know when you look at it
on paper you might think they’re still having a good fight by the way Malarkey and mcdessie nice striking display for
both man um I know when you look at it on paper you could say well kamaru beat called me
twice okay so that and and Leon just be
Kamari twice or MMA math there Colby’s got no chance I don’t think that’s the
case I think I think uh Colby’s going to be more Relentless I think he’s going to chain together
take down attempt after take down attempt after take down attempt and it’s gonna it’s gonna be tricky it’s going to
be a tough fight for both men I’m leaning towards Leon because he’s just getting better and better so yeah I think Leon will do it but I
wouldn’t be shocked I wouldn’t be surprised put it this way put it this way if Sean
Strickland defeats Israel out of Sonya tonight I’ll be shocked if Colby Covington oh mcdessie just
dropped James Malarkey there nice left hand I think it was um if
MMA math doesn’t work it doesn’t I know I know but but if uh Colby beats Leon I
won’t be shocked I’ll be like all right well fair enough he’s a very very good fighter do I see gauge you beat in Islam
don’t know that’s a good question just engage it versus Islam we got to see that fight I’m assuming he’s next in
line he will be next in line look at this chat all for Sean let’s wrestle odds are going to end that pole
oh so I did a video recently who was the greatest middleweight of all time Anderson Silva or Israel arasania
and put a polyp on that please brother if you’re there if you’re floating about the house stick a little poll up who’s
the greatest middleware Anderson or Izzy uh you know when you look oh I’m starving babe what are we gonna do for
dinner tall lady d Mama but I just you know when you get that feeling in your stomach and just all of a sudden you’re
starving oh I’m starving can we order some doordash soon
not sure what we’re gonna go we had Thailand now we can’t have Thai again should we just say it and just like
God Fried Chicken shall we hold out Fried Chicken we’re on
a fried chicken vibe in our house is he over Anderson Well when you look at it Anderson Silva right now
he’s got more title defenses he’s got longer win streak he’s won more bonuses
so all the numbers are on the side of Anderson Silva but Izzy is closing that Gap all the
time there you go thanks Aunt um silver to be honest yeah correct
correct so John mcdess he seems to be pulling ahead I’m not watching it because I’m looking at the chat a lot obviously John
mcdess he seems to be pulling ahead so what’s the big thing in the world of MMA other than what’s going on right now
should we have a look what’s happening in the news let’s have a look
in the world of MMA first 20 Fighters and that’s for MMA fight Sports 1 million tournament
okay oh Dylan Dennis hold on let me move this over sorry guys Part of Me Part of Me Part of May
this whole Dylan Danish thing and Logan Paul let’s get it out of bloody hand isn’t it so now he’s getting
sued by his girlfriend or fiance I’m over it ultimate oh Francis ingano
versus uh Tyson Fury they had the press conference the other day they’re at the press conference by the way if you
haven’t seen that video with Anderson and is it go check it out who’s the greatest middleware of all time 73 has
Anderson Silva I agree that doesn’t mean that and uh Izzy can’t Eclipse him and I
know that when you look at it that seems like a weird thing to say because they did fight and Israel a lot of signing
beats Anderson Silva in a very very close fight but um
it was a much much older version of Anderson Silva so yeah so we’ll lend that one and put a
polyp about Francis inganu and Tyson Fury because right now Tyson Fury is saying that none of them the
heavyweights boxers are really doing it for him and he wants to fight Francis in ghanu in boxing wants to beat him in
boxing he wants to beat Francis and Ghana in a cage and then he wants to fight Jon Jones
um he’s out of his mind Jerome Jordan says what was my worst
loss to swallow the words one to swallow well
I don’t really have a hard time coming to grips with any of them to be honest it is what
it is you know you you know but there’s one fight and I’m going to get to it in a second I’m just setting
the stage I don’t really have any regrets if you lose a fight you go out there you try your best you maybe made a
big mistake or whatever it was blah blah blah blah blah right um but when I had the time off with my
eye and then I rushed back because what happened was I was told I couldn’t find I couldn’t fight I couldn’t even train I
couldn’t do anything to get my heart rate up or otherwise it could cause more injury to my eye so I sat on the couch
for nothing pretty much for a year and then one way or another I managed to get
cleared and then when the UFC heard that they offered me a fight six weeks later so I went from doing literally nothing
for a year so then all of a sudden six weeks later fighting Tim Kennedy and I
was adjusting to having one eye uh and he’s just a I mean you know
he’s just he’s just you know he’s just a little prank so that yeah that one that’s a long way of getting around to
that but there’s no hard feelings no hard feelings anyway who’s winning this fight you guys
got this on in the background do you think I beat jail I remember it was a real class fight I don’t know you
know the fight with Chelsea was one of those fights it really could have gone either way Chell got the job done God bless I’m not gonna uh I’m not gonna
take away from his victory I’m not gonna be that guy you know what I’m saying that was a long long time ago
um he got the job done it could have gone either way I really respect you Chelsea and that night because I asked
him in the Octagon before they raised our hands I said what do you think Chell who got it and he said honestly Mike he
said I think you won and that was like you know obviously a very very honest of him and very humble of him as well so
Jill’s a great dude he really is and and listen they raised his hand and all the
best because it was one of those fights it was really close could have gone either way do I regret not fighting film mccracking
I do I do film a kraken so good I I why aren’t I getting trolled more I
used to love it Chelsea bear Bell oh yeah that’s right yeah I said that in the press conference room round three
Jamie Malarkey coming on strong again nice one two straight down the pipe he’s taking some damage he’s busted up
there’s a nice low kick as well seems like Jamie will oh flying knee connects for Jamie Malarkey very very nice
he’s coming on strong game in round three seems like he’s fighting like he knows he’s behind
where’s the Sapporo baseball says Gabriel oh mate Ben do we have any sapporos no
support poles do you want to get your ass down to the store what movie is that you better get your
ass down to the stove I’ll give you 10 pounds to where whoever guesses that Gabriel says drinking a
Sapporo as we speak next one is on me thank you brother also should do a hand
wrap tutorial video there’s none from Pro Fighters we’ll get you nice views well thank you Gabriel I appreciate that
you know what I’m going to start doing some instructionals you know I’m going to start doing I just need to get a cameraman that’s local to me my editor
John Branigan who’s in Scotland does a remarkable job incredible editor and
obviously answers well um he’s an incredible editor but he’s all the way in Scotland if I had someone local to me I would do some
demonstrations so when I’m breaking down the fights I could do some demonstrations uh you know physical and
show stuff what I’m talking about and then give so many tutorials on how to get back to your feet and things like
that uh so I might try and find myself a local cameraman or I might get Rebecca
to do it the problem is if I get Rebecca like she’s already saying no she hates it because I do like
me she says I’m mean I’m not mean but it’s like to me things that are very self-explanatory I’ve got to explain it
I’m not obviously over here as you also she’ll film that and then I’ll walk over there and I’m like yeah you gotta follow I’m not in the shot I’m over here now
it’s just little things like that do you know what I mean daddy says I saw you at the book signing Trafford Center thank you very much for
coming that was a massive turnout question do you still drive with one eye and if so how well Danny you’re trying
to get me in trouble let me tell you this it’s legal to drive with one eye you are allowed to drive with one eye
Mike do you get hurt physically compromised Mike you get hurt physically compromised
when people are at their peak of their powers you’re retired from the sport you love why do you do it
I’m not sure what you mean hold on a minute mag you guys get hurt physically compromised and when people are at the
peak of their powers you’re retired from the sport that you love why do you do it well it’s a very simple answer
this is what I’m best at you know I do miss it someone said in the chat before do I miss fighting and I always
say I don’t because I compensate the fights and I do truly enjoy that and I love that
um but I do miss it of course I do I love that competitiveness I love I love being
able to get presented with the world-class opponent and say right I’m going to train for
this guy and I’m going to go to war and I’m going to beat him I feel like this is what I was born to do I was always a
fighter uh and then on top of that it’s been a fantastic career it’s been a
tremendous career and I’m living a life that I never thought I would have done you know um and then also yeah yes there you go
there you go mate all right we’ll Tyson Fury fight in MMA yeah everyone’s smart 87 of you say no way anyone why would he
why would he Bev get yourself down to the but get your ass down to the store
just been to the annual fair and Pub back in glistening in England Mike you
see you have yourself moving back here one day um he was brilliant best friend thank you Joe Reed appreciate that brother
um that’s why we love you Mike your heart is admirable that’s very kind um I miss England daily we just bought a
house out there and there’s something very very humble just so we can go back and like see my family and stuff so
um and yeah yeah we do we do we dream we dream you know what I mean in our
retirement days of buying a nice place there and floating back and forth the problem is that the kids this is a
really good fight by the oh my Desi just caught it with a beautiful right hand counter and then
Malarkey landed a head kick sorry I forgot his name now for a second um that looked like a really really good
who won who won Elon versus Zuck has a better chance of happening than Tyson Fury stepping into
the Octagon yeah I agree Danny what a bloody fight love it all right we’ve got some super chats here
when you drop your belt on the campus for Whittaker after his Romero fact was that your original belt or did UFC give
you a replica I don’t know what I was doing now okay just for the record you know what I mean I walked in and then no
it wasn’t my belt it wasn’t my belt let’s see if we can find the video uh because it just makes me look like a
tall this thing drops belt
we’ll take care videos
oh there we go ladies and gentlemen
and start off very nice in fact the whole way through it I was kind of I was kind of having some fun you know what I mean he’s standing there or on he’s
going to win this yep Jamie Malarkey gets the job done
nice one Jamie happy for you that looked like a really really fun fight there oh my God I was a bit of a when I came
back in my day anyway anyway it’s Willie time struggling to sell the K Fabi there man
Mike don’t know what that means um that has got to sue uh I don’t think
so um let’s have a listen to Jamie Malarkey real quick
he is a tough son of a gun that’s what he just said there anyway Gerald thomasey how do you all choose color
shorts you’re fighting or does the UFC choose for y’all well y’all so I’m gonna
give y’all a little bit of insight here right like normally I’m assuming you’re
from down south um no it depends if you’re the champion then you get gold
uh although I think is he’s wearing red tonight isn’t it the Chinese Champion that’s another one the Strickland has
been using very very well this whole Chinese thing and jerking off to anime and all the rest of it a lot of things are centered around jerking off uh and
then I think outside of that no I don’t think we get to choose and I think we get to choose I’m not too sure I do I do
miss the old days I mean I understand that I think the sport looks way more professional now that we all have like this the same kind of um
you know uniform if you will I do miss back in the day when we could wear our own shorts and all the rest of it you
know anyway so we’ve got some more Super chats here who is my all-time favorite fighter and why
Anderson Silva Anderson Silva I’d say that and that’s why it meant so much to me to beat him
and why look at the he used to do Anders and Silva was the absolute man it
was unbelievable he was uh how do you all choose the color shorts we just did that one and have a Sapporo on me New
Orleans all right well Gerald Thomas here uh boys in the hood there you go you got
it 10 pound coming your way gaming good and does you better get your ass to the stove I say that all the time to Rebecca
anytime there’s something in the fridge like a Coke Zero you know she hasn’t been buying Coke zeroes lately because
she says they’re not good for us talking of Rebecca should we get a run I always argue with people about how
Elite K1 striking doesn’t translate into MMA do you disagree um
it doesn’t it doesn’t I understand what you’re going to say but with the threat of the takedown it does change a lot of things uh so you’ve got to be more away
aware part of me I’ll lend that poll we all know Tyson’s not gonna fight
um yeah I mean it does to a certain degree you’ve just got to tweak it a little bit and you’ve got to work on your takedown
defense is he says his dog bowls was hot all
right okay what does it mean to channel your inner best thing to just be a badass to go for it to throw caution to
the wind to do whatever it takes to get the victory something like that I would I would get
your ass to the store there you go Kenny the truth will always come to light robbery absolute joke you know if John
anak is the host with you you know it’s fixed what are you talking about you
know if John anik is the host you know it’s fixed she’s right uh cold zero is
terrible yeah no you’re right you’re right it is terrible for you but just after a certain meal I’ll just crave a bit of Coke do you know what I mean just
a little something sweet now if anyone I’ll put a poll up on this put a polyp does anybody do you love Rebecca or do
you love Rebecca
um and put a polyp on this does anybody think this fixed fights happening in the
UFC in this day and age I mean number one there’s never been pigs fights but you really do you really think they’re
fixing fires do you think they’re really gonna um
affect their credibility do who in their right mind thinks that you have got to
be a special kind of stupid to think that KFC or Popeyes I’ll be honest KFC’s
a lot of out here in America in the in the UK I used to love her uh what was it a
Zinger Tower Burger you should love a good zinker Tower Burger uh and and I’ll I’ll just throw this out there Popeyes I
was very excited because I see everyone talking about it oh Popeyes is great Daniel Cormier loves Popeyes I went out
of my way it was quite a long drive in Vegas I went to go get a Popeyes very underwhelmed very underwhelmed
Clyde’s Fried Chicken if you’re in the Orange County area that’s the one you see some of them definitely fixed oh
here we go buzzards cry better come a member for 16 months missing DJ Mighty B
in the commentary booth tonight but subscriber thank you very much that’s very kind of you to say
um I’ll be honest I’m pretty happy that I’m at home don’t get me wrong it’s
it would be an honor and a privilege to call a Pay-Per-View event but I was just in Singapore and then I was in Paris
um so it’s good to be hard and I I would have liked to have called a fight in
Australia obviously Rebecca’s Australia she’s got a lot of family out there and friends so we could have piggybacked on
an opportunity to see some friends and family but the kids are back in school you know so the reality of that happening is very very low it’s a
minimal do you know what I mean so and senko’s got a pay-per-view commentary debuted and that’s a congratulations to
her Kelly says rampay said that the UFC is the only promotion that he was in that
did not rig fights yeah they don’t rig fights man they do not rig fights
Bobby Andrew says is there someone you always wanted to fight that you were able to I kind of always wanted to fight
Rich Franklin he was like the champ as well for a while when I was uh when I was watching the sport and coming up
rich Falcon was an amazing champion the consistently inconsistent judging
seems to be pretty sketch it was because I’m amazed it’s a hard sport to judge sometimes it is parties
fight rigged come on come on I know what you’re talking about the the uh Jared Gordon fight
I agree Gordon should have won that Jared Gordon should have got that fight but it wasn’t the worst decision we’ve
ever seen it was the wrong decision sure granted definitely the wrong decision but you can’t say now that um that uh
what’s it called you can’t say now that there’s rigged fights you know what I’m saying
anyway anyway so I’ve got a little text there from you boys in the background a fixed fight like Alex Pereira who gained
30 pound in two days see Tomahawk that’s not fixing a fight that is what Alex Pereira did is what a lot of people do a
lot of people the game in the system the the game the system right and they’re looking for a competitive advantage
that’s why they cut weight right so they go into a fight heavier it’s come at a
cost though right so we fight I for the 185 pounds so let’s just say is Ian Pereira okay so
you’re cutting weight right Izzy isn’t the biggest light heavyweight he’s a big big guy he’s very very tall
but uh it doesn’t cut from what I understand maybe it’s changed because I know he put a bit of weight on for this
fight uh don’t worry Rebecca’s joining soon everybody um but let’s just say it didn’t cut very
much away but Pereira caught a ton of weight right and he’s going to be heavier and therefore he hits harder but
that also comes out uh there is a you know a risk reward to that because the
day before the fight you’re pretty much killing yourself you push yourself to the brink of death to cut 20 pounds out
and trust me that affects you in the fight and trust me when I say this if
Alex Pereira hadn’t have done that weight cut to 185 pounds Izzy probably
wouldn’t have knocked him out that’s the reality and that’s the risk versus reward you are going to be heavier you
are going to be stronger hit harder but as the fight progresses you’re going to get more tired you your stamina will be
affected and you’re not going to be able to take a shot as well so there’s a give and there’s a take you know and it’s up
to those Fighters and if they want to push themselves and squeeze out every last ounce and gram of water well then
so be it as long as they make weight they make way they are the rules that are in place so it’s not
it’s not cheating and it’s not fixing a goddamn fire and I went off on a bloody tangent there anyway we’ve got another
fire in our hands guys we’ve got Jenkins where’s my bloody Wikipedia gone there we go it was it we got Jack
Jenkins and chepe mariscal Jenkins in the green manascal in the black and red
I’m judging needs to be X Fighters I agree I agree there’s a lot of these
judges and I don’t agree with it at all a lot of these judges they’re from the boxing world
they are from the boxing world it’s crazy it’s crazy man and they don’t know anything about mixed martial arts
granted I’m sure they’ve done a crash course I’m sure they’ve they’ve watched a lot of fights they’ve tried to ingest
as much as the product as possible you know they try and educate themselves
excuse me but they’re not mixed martial arts fans they’re not ex mixed martial
artists they’re not even hobbyists you know um what’s his name
Sean Strickland’s coach Eric nixik is it Eric sick or was it John Wood John Wood
the other Vegas coach pardon me Joanne called the woods Joanne Woodward her husband then who runs uh Syndicate or is
it extreme Couture it’s one I always get them mixed up number one Nick sick and John would look exactly like each other
and they both have the two biggest James extreme guitar and Syndicate they look like each other they’re both in Vegas
there you go anyway he said that a coach pardon me a judge an MMA judge came to
his gym uh to watch some of the grappling training to try and get a better understanding and he did not have a
single clue about what he was watching he just couldn’t comprehend it at all and then he left after about 20 minutes
because he was so bored and didn’t want to learn and if that is true you know you never know
did he exaggerate slightly I don’t think he did but even if he did it’s it’s pretty
he just shows you that the judging needs to change anyway love you to you and the farm thank you LS laboot
what are your least two favorite foods and what celebrity do you think could
beat me in a fight what are my least two favorite foods
Rebecca what do I like Chinese
I’m not a big fan of Chinese food it’s too greasy
cauliflower not a biggest fan of cauliflower what celebrity could beat me
no man alive no man alive no celebrity all right Fair
player Tyson Fury well no I’d probably take it down Jon Jones if we’re talking non-fighters no man alive
Gabriel says is that is the one to the most effective combination in mixed martial arts
I would say you know what it just might be Gabriel
it just might be the job is absolutely it’s the most basic fundamental it’s a
weapon that every fighter should have in their Arsenal a good job and a lot of MMA fighters still don’t have that it
blows my mind and of course the job is to set it up and then the right hand follows you can put people to sleep
um what else we got here there we go there we go all right Bradley Martin Bradley Martin this YouTuber
calling out everybody my God tell me where you are in the world everybody please
dealershal fighter with the Disco dislocated shoulder equals fixed well you could say that me fighting with one
eye is fixed you know a lot of Fighters go into fights injured compromised
because number one it’s just that cloth that we’re cut from you know we want to get paid we do the hard work and most of
the time most Fighters it’s very rare a fighter goes into a fight 100 without a
little niggling injury there’s always something there the infiltrator one-on-one says Michael
my all-time gold thank you and I just wanted to thank you for those bedroom tips you gave me and I’m an animal in
there now wife can’t stop see you ending the infiltrator let’s go
that was a bit of a weird one weren’t it Glasgow you’re in Glasgow nice Canada shout out Canada Michigan Liverpool all
right Lads Birmingham all right mate we’ve got the brummies Tampa Belfast
Ireland right so it has red Belfast Scotland
Ottawa you know Upland Canada is with Wells you know my Funway
let’s have a look TL oh Tijuana Mexico your mom’s house well that’s a bit
offensive isn’t it why do you leave my mom out of it my mum can’t walk for crying out loud
Newfoundland ever been to Tamworth do you know what I think I have
I have been to Tamworth Chester Cargill sauces are live in a cave
West York Halifax just up the street from me from clitheroe really not too far
Holly I used to DJ in Halifax what was that nightclub in Halifax Rebecca the
cube was it the cube I used to DJ in the Halifax yeah long
long long long time ago Venice Beach Morocco or shout out will not shout out
best wishes to everyone in Morocco that terrible earthquake they hit I think there’s
a lot of people a lot of people passed away it’s awful Montana Kansas city
Denmark said this is why I like doing this because I like to see the international flavor that we all have
here it’s amazing it really is do we think there’s really fixed fights in the UFC no 51 only 51 percent
that’s that’s a little disappointing guys Sarasota Florida Alabama Norfolk UK
shout out Brendan Allen Montreal I heard Brendan sharp said he would beat you in a game of touch but in the park
I am sure he would Brendan sharp would be better at me at
touching butts in the park he’s got me damn
oh dear right then what do you think about Alexa Grasso not fighting on pay-per-view I well I think
it’s a really really good opportunity for the people of Mexico to tune in and
grow that fan base I mean the Mexican fan base is doing huge I mean the Mexican fight is part of me the Mexican
UFC fighters I mean we got how many champions I mean obviously we have Brandon Moreno who’s not the champion anymore Alexa grassro’s the champ the
Mexicans are really starting to have a big impression on the UFC so I think with it being what is it is it a Mexican
Independence Day something like that forgive me ignorance uh I think it not being on pay-per-view opens the door to
a massive audience in Mexico that get to watch the Mexican champion fight for free so I think it’s actually a really
really smart move you know so so far this fight here I
haven’t really been paying attention to it Jenkins getting controlled up against the fence yeah that’s a good point it is Kenny I’m
full of him that is a good point now that is a good point I I think you know because
the pay-per-view is out here in the States you know what I mean the the one a month and the great you know the 75
dollars I I don’t know if the the demographic in Mexico you know this but
by all accounts it’s you know the uh the income it’s kind of a poorer country isn’t it let’s be honest you know so now
a lot of people get to tune in and watch your fight so yeah oh Mexico gets free
pay-per-views does it well it shows how much I know I’m not Mexican hammer
um same in the UK to be fair Mexico so the UK gets them for free most of them
most of them I think they’ve started charging a little bit now for the Conor McGregor fights uh and Bradley so
clay bought a beach kickboxing baseball Sancho Legend congley I did I did shout
out come lay you on Epstein’s Island are you all right
bit of I’m starving this is a good fight Jack Jenkins I like
watching this guy fight he just has a good tear up doesn’t it a lot of clinch work up against the
fence here if John if Jenkins can get off the fence and then have some separation I think
I’d favor him to win but mariscal doing a good job of just pressuring forward the whole time he’s trying to get those
takedowns Michael do I ever regret being a fighter after I lost my eye I don’t no
way no way do I hell do I hell no that’s one thing I definitely hand that heart
can say straight away I do not regret that one little bit I mean why would I I was able to
continue doing the sport that I love you know I guess a better question would be do I regret fighting because I lost an
eye and the answer would be no that I have no regrets I have a lot of injuries in my body but I still feel good I feel
good I mean obviously I’ve got you know two fake knees and I’ve got one fake eye uh you know I have neck pain and stuff
if you could hear what’s going on in my neck when I do that and I actually have a broken back in two places geez Louise
what a finish for mariscal wow
was it the end of the round he brought a stool in oh no yeah mariscal finished him
I’m looking at the comments there and I didn’t see it I got to see the replay of this he’s just dumping him on his head or
something wow I didn’t see the replay he’s in a
bad way he’s face down his conscience conscious part of me he’s awake he’s awake but he seems like he’s in a
lot of pain because if you face down on the Octagon but you but you’re awake
there’s a reason why you’re not going to roll to your back you know what I mean let’s have a look here so he goes for
the hip throw gets it oh head Splat boom
face first into the Octagon let’s have a look from this different angle here
oh and then he steps over he might have and then he might have done something to his arm
obviously I haven’t got the commentary on let’s have a little listen
I dislocated his elbow oh that’s a shame that’s a shame because now not only does he lose the fight of
course he’s going to be out for quite some time saying that if they handle it correctly the elbow is gone eye for an eye tooth
for a tooth Geez Louise can I take my out I can I mean people are bored of it at this point
we’ve all seen it we’ve all seen it a million times there we go boom there it is
you know um somebody just said do I get along with Dan Henderson I’ve got nothing against Dan Anderson nothing against
hendo at all um wishing the best
listening Anderson Silva that fight was the best thank you very much so let’s say we’ve got some super chats
up here is choosing favorable fights not the same as rigging no like how they gave gain and Pereira
mostly Strikers is there’s no guarantees and by the way
still gone who did he just fight last he fought Sergey Spivak Sergey Spivak is
not a striker Sergey Spivak is a very very accomplished specialist he’s
got very good wrestling very good takedowns good submissions but he sucks
on the feet you know and and Cyril was able to keep the fight on the feet and exploit that
weakness but it’s always you know the stylistic matchups you know
Pereira got mostly Strikers yeah look it’s given I I don’t think
they look at it like that you know they’re not you know and to answer your question no that’s not rigging
so here we go thank you one let’s get this back on the topic because we’ve got Israel out of Sonya competing for the
middleweight title tonight who do we want to see Israel fight next if he wins
Driggers duplessy and the winner of Hamza vs Costa it’s a very very close one 50 50 actually right now
almost 300 volts and it’s 49 50 50 again wow I don’t see
how you wouldn’t want Rick is duplessy to be the next person to fight Israel arasania surely he deserves it right
without question he deserves let’s just bring up his record
I just butchered spelling his name but with the power of Google it brought it
up let’s have a look let’s have a look here so pull that over here but boom I mean
Driggers duplessy well first of all just knocked out Robert Whittaker right Robert Whittaker was going to fight Izzy
for a third time if he’d won so he’s knocked out Whittaker Derek Brunson Darren till Brad Tavares
Trevor Giles Marcus Perez it says one two three four five six and
all in the UFC and only one decision
6-0 in the UFC with five finishes I mean that is impressive and then when you look at the names Brunson for for uh
Izzy Darren till for some of the best people Robert Whittaker for Izzy you know what I mean they’re they’re six
really really good wins but not more impressive than the final one when he stopped Robert Whittaker in round two
that’s unbelievable all right next up we’ve got Carla Solberg I’m excited for this one I do enjoy watching Carlos
oldberg fight obviously teammate of Israel a lot of Sanya came to us through the contender Series where he looks Sensational and he’s done some big big
things I mean I think he lost his first UFC fight right who was it against uh
Kennedy and zachiku I think but other than that he has done some big
big things let’s have a look yeah let me see it there so he one of the content that beat Bruno Oliveira
lost the Kennedy then Fabio Sharron to fancy Nikolai Mariano and ihor
paterius on a three-fact knockout streak four fat win streak and he’s got a very very fan-friendly style so I am looking
forward to that one and Uzi fighting again forgive me oh down the iron Turtle I do believe
that’s it am I getting it right I do believe it’s the iron turtle is it the iron turtle
it’s the iron I think it’s the iron Turtle I can’t find it doesn’t say on Wikipedia do I miss Yorkshire Tea don’t
give a cat yeah yeah thank you
I don’t miss yeah I don’t drink much tea I drink a lot of uh coffee
what are my opinions on the Tate brothers I don’t I I don’t ingest much of their content to be
honest I don’t know much about them I really don’t um
I agree with some of the things that I’ve seen him say though I disagree with some stuff I agree with some of it you
know I I think there’s a lot of young men out there that are lost in this world that are looking for positive male
role models in their lives and they’re feeling that void they’re filling that Gap maybe something like that because
they’re very very popular Rebecca do you want to come and join for a minute
before we wrap this one up we got the final fight turn your mic up a little bit Mike Jesus
John I’ve only been on about three hours uh it’s not that simple Mike well it is
what it is best thing is in The Matrix all right we’d love to get yourself a chair get us chair
I bet there’s bigger here don’t worry about it
please keep it nice and respectful Rebecca will be joining in a minute what about bottom G
Michael why are you looking so slim am I am I looking slim it’s one of those I’m up and down like a bloody yo-yo with my
weight I really am it’s a pain in the ass do you know what happens when I come home I’m able to stick to my diet I’m able to
work out you know just keep my routine but then when I go traveling like to Vegas Singapore Paris or back to back
it’s hard Geez Louise
um yeah it’s hard to uh stay on the diet you know what I mean when you’re on the road so like you put a bit of weight on
yeah babe just look at it now I’m going to there you go she don’t need that though anywho so
pay-per-view starts soon so we will be watching that hey Matt there’s a guy adam22 who let a big black man
all right all right come on guys come on come on can we just keep it um eyes
he’s not a positive role model no I’m with you Harrison what I’m saying is that people are looking for positive
role models a role models a role model say hello to my friend hamdan Bellar
what up Mike would I do bare knuckle boxing no no
I don’t need you look at this who do we want to see next Drake is duplexy Paolo
Costa or Hamza it’s still a 50 50. I mean you guys are split down the line
what we got here what do we think about Tyson training in ghanu the size Stockbridge I think that
uh I think that’s fantastic I I think Mike Tyson can really help him
out a lot there but I don’t think that France is in ghanu is going to learn how to be able
to outbox Tyson Fury so he’s got to turn it into like a kind
of a brawl but uh thanks for the question and then what’s this one here is he hey streak is duplexy because he
can’t kiss his coach Eugene my DDP does with his coach trying to tell Eugene is a normal
wow I don’t understand you people are crazy come out with a lot of stuff
anyway I wouldn’t do Barnacle boxing no you’re one lucky man does Rebecca call me to count
call me the count tell them the story about the uh the birthday card
oh um when I was no no I don’t I’m not giving you she’s like she always looks at me like
you gotta look that way babe I know but I’m telling you because you’re looking at me sorry that’s all
okay when you talk to me you look at me anyway so when I was about six
um my best friend Tina I bought her know which she was turning six I bought her a card and it said
um happy birthday from Rebecca and the count because it was a Sesame Street
birthday card I was six and I have I have it somewhere yeah I should find it happy birthday to
Rebecca and the cow isn’t that crazy crazy was Rebecca the emotional type when I lost her got killed
do you know what Jimmy Jimmy here says I think Francis has a better chance than every cut any current boxer Furies
picked himself the toughest fight do you know do you know that might be an
interesting take that could be a very very interesting take because in Garner’s got ridiculous punch power he
really does and as you say most of the other heavyweights right now I think he’d I think Fury would smoke AJ if I’m
honest I think when we looked at uh usig versus Dubois I think if you look at
that I think a few would probably be usick as well so you might be right there you might be right Connor versus
cowboy was fixed oh come on bro what do you think about that bag I think silly
you guys think that there’s fights being fixed in MMA yeah yeah craziness Rebecca
what do you think about all these controversy surrounding Israel that’ll sign you with the dog stuff right let’s have it from a woman’s perspective
because we were talking about this yesterday everyone here if her aunt aunt put a polyp put a polyp
who and put this on do you do people really believe this you
know or are we all because I don’t know do you do you I don’t know no you don’t
know well you don’t no I don’t believe it okay I don’t comma no I don’t no
because you know listen he’s having a you know is he
was messing around it was very childish it was stupid it wasn’t even funny but he’s young and it was young it’s young
like men just being but but but are we all you know having fun is his expense
or do some of you actually believe this because I don’t know what you all think
I think they actually believe it someone said there’s a video of it a video of what
[Music] I saw the video I’ve seen the video you posted it on Instagram yeah yeah I think
so so I think I think at this point everybody’s seen the video it just grabs
it for a split second just does that it gives it a shake which is hey I’ve I’ve
had dogs right I’ve never grabbed my dog’s penis dogs pee pees are disgusting oh good dog’s
penises are different we’ve had German Shepherds they’re gross yeah yeah they’re disgusting of course you did you
know he was just being silly he was being silly it was a little bit immature bro it’s still weird maybe it’s weird
and he does follow the Bloody Dog fetish page and stuff yeah but if I feel like if you were
truly um into that type of thing you wouldn’t um follow that page as yourself you’d
have like an alias and you know what I mean you’d like have a Alias an alias
of an alias you’d like have a fake name or something oh dear dear Dairy May some
said Bisping give her a kiss cast up it
oh we’re not having pornography oh come on now let’s go I know it’s old
but Ken Shamrock versus Kim Moore slice was 100 faked
fixed um I don’t know what hey bye to bed uh who knows I don’t know
I’ll say that it wasn’t in the UFC right okay it wasn’t in the UFC yeah how hard is it not to custom
competition you know what I don’t find it hard at all actually when I’m on the comment I’m commentating I don’t you
know I’m not I’m all no you can’t so it’s just well I just know I can’t there has been a few issues where there’s
certain words you can get away with saying in England that you can’t say damn like damn what is wrong with the
word damn what is wrong with the word damn they don’t like that and they don’t like God damn
hell oh yeah hell did I mention how but the
thing is you guys say pissed off out here you gotta say pissed off but in England that’s kind of like a swear word
if you’re pissed off yeah yeah you can’t really say that if you say I piss off to someone like you’re meeting it as an
into our piss off mate that that’s that’s a swear word like at school you get in trouble for that or if you said that on TV you can piss off if it was
you know when I say on TV I mean if you’re a news reader or daytime TV you wouldn’t hear that so it’s just cultural
differences I guess
my God Tyson Fury has a ridiculous boxing IQ you’re right he does Josh
Bennett basically near the goal for doing what you did with one eye thank you P.S sure guys smashed Islam whilst going up for
weight class uh well I wouldn’t say that Morgan obviously smashed him he gave him a really really good fight though but
thank you buddy appreciate that I know it’s all about kench I’m right now there’s another one Zeke with the Super Chat thank you brother what do we think
about oh let’s go down here there we go uh
well that’s just weird I don’t know you’re not tired to I’ll give you a little story here I think I told it on the podcast uh tied to a vast is
fighting tonight and the last time I saw a Ty in person was when he fought Cyril gone in Paris a
year ago and at the uh back at the hotel you know tied to a boss who’s got his
whole crew with him you know a bunch of uh what are they maoris they’re not my
tattoo of Arthur and Samoans I don’t know what what whatever whatever they are you know what I mean
they’re all there I think they’re Simone Samoan Fiji the Pacific Islanders maybe
I don’t know whatever whatever ethnicity anyway they’re all there and they’re a rough crew they’re a rough
crew say that no I’m not talking about the ethnicity I’m talking about his boys
hey I’m a rough time right so so so they’re there and then you know they’re
a rough crew or whatever I want to try to have asked his friends is like Mike take your eye take your
eye out let’s have a look excuse his Australian accent everyone so
well that is my excuse mom take your eye out Mike so I take my eye out all right I’ll go ahead I’ll put it
back in and then like a few more drinks later the guy’s like give us a go on
your eye thank you I’m like you’re my heart is like give us a go in your eye
and he just kept saying put it in he wanted to try and put the a in or I
thought because he had a very very mischievous face I thought I’m gonna give him that eye and he’s gonna go
off and launch it I know I know I’m like give us a go on your eye I’m
like you’re not having to go in the eye okay no one’s touching the eye don’t take that eye out unless you’re in the
house I don’t take it out anyway Michael why are you not commentating we have to listen to DC’s ah stop it leave DC alone
good on commentary this is great and uh Laura’s doing a great job she’s doing a fantastic job is he the dog Fiddler I
shouldn’t say I just read things without reading we wanted to do a shoe yeah all right
that’s what I was gonna say yeah yeah yeah should we do a chewy out of the eyebab right now should we do it put a polyp who wants to
see there’s not much of a Shoei let’s be honest cheers from Pearl Puerto Rico you’re going on the job log on podcast
anytime soon no I’ve been on there twice he doesn’t want you anymore well it’s not nice you know he’s done me on twice
there’s not much else to say he’s going to plug it and sell it in
prison so anyway Carla Solberg babe when you look at Carlos oldberg he’s a handsome fellow uh the modern black
shorts yeah oh really he’s a model he was on The
Bachelor New Zealand you know he’s a handsome yeah yeah who’s
my favorite stand-up comic at the moment with the favorite stand-up of all time would be Ricky Gervais
we’re going to see what’s he called the Australian dude yeah Jim Jefferies Jim Jefferies I’m a fan of him we’re going
to see him soon carlsonburg and down jog it’s not the iron Turtle my apologies
babes I’m getting my jugs mixed up ah no but I tell you what
he’s big this guy he’s a little he’s a little he’s been knocked out a few times if I remember rather she’s gonna have to be
careful against oldberg oldberg is slick on the feet does Mike Perry knock out Logan if danis is a no show 100 100
percent going you know I was with Lucas at the
garage today we have two yeah so for Lucas I was
trading him in the garage today he’s still really really enjoying it thank you very much uh and then for Callum for
Halloween she get another eye with a nail in it or just do it for a day to day life
to freak people there’s a freak people out I think people are pretty freaked out anyway so Callum isn’t wrestling
anymore he started to in Jiu Jitsu was he really yeah oh good good I’m happy for him yeah
no no the wrestling he did great things with his wrestling career yeah Ricky Gervais and Bill Burr they’re too
they’re very good someone said Theo Von also hilarious yeah he’s great
go on we’re talking about Community we went on the tiger belly oh oh Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee Bobby Lee he’s funny he’s funny he’s very good uh the guy from Canada what do you think
the rumors of Israel being a furry come on guys guys what was I talking about a
second ago anyway I know it wasn’t yeah I’ve got a big list down here
whatever we went after well at Lee Evans Lee Evans his class Lee Evans is hilarious man you should love him back
in the day does he is he still touring and stuff like that I haven’t heard his name for a long time we haven’t watched
him for a long oh nice double jab right hand from Carla Solberg and this is it this could be the end I’ll tell you what
down John Works back to his feet with a single leg man I thought that was done that that was fast
right hand almost got the job done so Jung I mean I
know it’s not easy because he’s just been battered for a second there but Albert just had a big output of energy there so he’s going to be tired I could
have almost punched himself out Junction go for it Jimmy Carr do we like Jimmy or Jimmy
Carr oh I feel like he used to be it used to be funny I don’t find him funny
now he just does that stupid laugh well that’s just laugh though no but I feel like he plays him I feel like now he
does it on purpose on purpose I think that’s just his laugh but yeah it is annoying don’t worry
Jimmy Carr if you’re watching yeah yeah I’m a bit I am
yeah it’s a bit much
anyway you get the idea you get I started to
watch it he is funny though but this is a great fight continue
you seen Paul Smith yeah Paul Smith I haven’t seen him live obviously I’ve seen some of his uh Instagram stuff
he’s a a scouter uh comedian from Liverpool yeah very very funny I just have a lot
of good comedians nowadays there is babe yeah I think there’s always been I feel
like there’s more though I say I hate her thing Mr Bean is the goat he’s not a
comedian though is it stand up comedian Mr Bean’s great is Rebecca are you a Targaryen back
through and through she’s a Targaryen yep it’s obviously exaggerated thank you
Yousef almin it is exaggerated and that’s what I’m saying what is Love Oh Billy Connolly is the funniest man to
ever do it yeah he is Billy Connolly was classed back in the day Rebecca’s the
reason everyone thinks Aussie chicks because we all are that’s why but thank
you yeah might you ever heard the old Xfm shows with Ricky Gervais Stephen Merchant and
Carl Pilkington no but there it sounds yeah good we should give him a listen no we should we should put them all
together yeah that would be hilarious Stephen Merchant is just hilarious as well and Carl Pilkington remember what
was that show an idiot Idiot Abroad was good all right so round two is on the
way here Carlos oldberg without a doubt was very impressive in round one there so we’ve got a Super Chat by the way
Rebecca is the reason yeah we did that one actually and thank you very much who said that Sam K big up yourself
so junk here I mean he almost got finished in round one Mike you were talking about Lucas in the garage oh
sorry that’s right thank you Kenny yeah no I was talking about Caleb so Lucas I was training him in the garage this
morning he’s doing MMA now he loves it he loves it I don’t think he’ll be a fighter but you never know
um but Callum stopped wrestling recently you know the the impact on the body that
a wrestler goes through it’s ridiculous it really is and the poor guy what was it six would you say six surgeries no
but not too like sure maybe yeah but he’s got no meniscus left he tore his
tricep completely off the bone and he was just always hurting himself he was very very injury proud and uh his coach
and listen the wrestling career that he had
um I hope did great things for him you know he started wrestling as a freshman in high school if you don’t know much about wrestling it’s really impressive
what he did he qualified at State he got a college scholarship he made some great memories you know as I say got a college
scholarship um and then towards the end his coach said to him not listen you’re so injury
proud you know he’s you know his ACLS and all the rest of it it’s it’s bad so
his coach said look will allow you to stay on the scholarship but we advise you stop
wrestling he said even in the trading room when you wrestle we’re all like buying off fingernails we’re very very
scared because he’s just been so injury prone so he stopped wrestling it was a sad day for him but uh yeah there you go
but whoever asked about that thank you very much so they basically just got here I hear
what the next fight is so Darren John he’s putting on pressure here if you see any questions you want to jump in with babe
um cargo sauce what’s the worst injury you’ve seen in MMA
oh it’s pretty bad ones I mean the leg breaks are pretty hard to see the actual
leg go in the opposite direction that’s always please touch my camera through the fence uh Brenda Schaub exactly got
to give uh give Shelby a shout out do you need to turn up
to turn it up too much we’ll give it a little boost boost a little boost boost I do love a boost
I’m just watching this fight now this is a good good fight Jung is landing some shots here against olberg Goldberg with
a nice Snappy jab there it is whoever asked about the one twos before there it is good night says I look like a white
walker she is a white walker heartless hot cold-hearted
yeah Cold Cold Heart loose back in the back in the
mix Lee Murray having a movie soon where you guys watch it hey he’s lived a life is
he still in prison sorry I think I think he’s still in prison how is he doing a movie he’s lived a life worthy of a
movie can I just say that please before you keep interrupting Ben right now go ahead and ask your question I don’t know
isn’t he still in prison he is
putting the pressure on oldberg nice body kick for malberg here
who would you have play you in a movie well there’s a very very well-known person oh nice jobs for malberg sorry
babe I am listening to you Mike can you do a Europe
impression hello
all the time uh Chef shenko versus grasshole two I don’t know man I don’t
know see the thing is this is a really good fight by the way Jung is looking really good here but
olberg as always very impressive these two are throwing down
this is a really really good fight let’s have a look
I had on the numbers on the head he’s chopping down the legs though so bad go ahead I didn’t mention Joe Rogan
for stand up yeah no he’s very funny we saw him years ago in um Belfast Belfast
I was going to say Dublin he was hilarious oh he was hilarious yeah we saw him live in person he was fantastic yeah yeah you’re right um Netflix
specials were good too Netflix specials were very good Will Smith should play Mike exactly
Will Smith Get Jiggy With It um no yeah no there’s there’s
a couple of people trying to work on a film about my lifestyle but not to be a bit just hypothetically it’ll sound like
a right saying that it’ll probably never come off but I hope it does hypothetically if you want to play you
um in an idea I don’t know the guy that they’ve got the guy I’m not saying it
but that guy’s perfect I’m not saying it I’m not saying it I
don’t know if you notice I’m not saying you were going to I’m not going to that’s why you’re asking me who would play it I think that game yeah I don’t
want you to say that well that’s the guy so shut up so please
my hey Mike Wazowski just had my first shoulder
surgery got any tips on how to heal quickly and what exercises to do to stay
fit well mate I’m not Physio and I’m no doctor don’t know if you know this but make sure you just do what
everything the doctor says do everything the doctor says babe do you want to order some uh when we finish I’m
starving I know but it comes quick oh God you can manage what are we doing
Fried Chicken are we doing the Fried Chicken no I don’t want wine
[Music] yeah French Viking thank you for that when is den of Thieves two coming and
how was it working with Cyril oh it was brilliant let me tell you a story about civil guard I’ve told this recently it
was so funny so we’re on set and we did we’re doing uh weapons training okay
round three underway here third and final we’re doing weapons training and the guy the armorer that’s what they
call it on a movie set I don’t know if you’re aware of what happened on the movie Set called rust
somebody got killed with a gun very sad it’s happened a few times uh Bruce Lee’s son
what’s his name anyway Brendan Brandon Lee Brandon Lee yeah he died on the set anyway so yeah
they take it very seriously so this guy the armorer is giving us a lot of you know he’s talking to his like where
Cadets in the armies like if I see you point to God at anybody I’m asking you to get removed from the the set and he’s
just like you know to be fair it’s serious stuff so we’re doing it and I’m there with O’Shea Jackson uh Ice Cube’s son and you
know we’re taking out what he says seriously and we’re putting up with it and Cyril God was supposed to be there
but several was a little late uh just his flag got delayed or something like that so he came straight from the
airport uh to the weapons training and he walks up and me we’re both there
and me and Ashley Jackson and the guy’s like you know he’s been talking to us like a Cadet and giving it you don’t point that good at anyone and you do
this and you do that you have respect for the weapons and then comes along with his French
flag oh hello bonjour bonjour and he’s a big big dude and the guy’s like
do you have any weapons training uh do you know how to use a gun so cital takes the gun off him and says
and he’s like doesn’t roll four and he’s like like a kid playing with a gun doing the ultimate thing yeah yeah yeah and
then he walks up to the armor in his face Point Blank Range puts the gun to his
head against and pulls the trigger like four tasks right right and the guy’s face was just
I swear to God I wanted to laugh so bad but the thing is because he’s European
not American we don’t maybe he just didn’t get it like I wouldn’t if if someone handed me a gun whether it was
on a movie set I wouldn’t know that it’s not the done thing not to point at someone yeah well because you think
because you think well it’s clear it’s fake it’s on a movie set yeah and I’d be like don’t go for the takedown bad move
there nice sprawl um so obvious that
it’s like you know if you don’t know guns so there you go yep uh Pedro Lopez I’d
love to see retired Hall of Famers like yourself BJ doing Jiu Jitsu matched matches like GSP
would I like to see Nate Diaz fight again I would I would uh I’d like to see
it back in the UFC to be honest that’s where he belongs fighting real fights I mean I’ll be honest he didn’t look good
oh that’s a big takedown for Jung there right at the end but you know from what I’ve seen of this fight
I think it looks like Jung might need a stoppage am I right in saying this because we’ve been doing the live I’ve been keeping attention is is
ulberg up two rounds would you say what was I just talking about I forgotten guns guns Jack Howard says Ricky Gervais
would be perfect to play this Bing in like a parody version would be hilarious
I think Ricky Gervais follows me on Twitter yeah and that was like I don’t know
maybe he does it anymore he did do for a little bit he did do he did do oh God the moment he
doesn’t know that’d be so funny if he’s unfollowed the moment of truth dude what are some famous people that
follow you I don’t know there’s a few there’s a few famous okay I don’t know I can’t remember off top of
my head um there was someone recently yeah Gordon Ramsay does
who else I don’t know I don’t know I’m not trying to like bait you I actually no no I I don’t know oh yeah because
your face you follow each other I’m such a giant it’s cool that’s cool why are
you a child that’s really cool yeah yeah um Stephen Merchant please so now so now
Stephen Merchant with the the size is that Carlos alberg on top it is the
kickboxer with the grappling junk made a big mistake here Tom Hardy playing bespin to be fair
that’d be a good Shout I think that’s too obvious I honestly don’t think that’s a good call to be
honest he’s a bit he’s not edgy enough I reckon he could be an edgy he’s a very
very good actor yeah but you don’t know Statham to play biscuit yeah but he’s Cockney in
it bro yeah I mean uh
all right then oh here’s Harry will Harry yeah he does he always looks away
oh God it’s the dog Bender see I’ve never oh God what’s going on
here Carlos oldberg going for the submission in the final seconds three two one there we go and that’s it wow
good win for Carla Solberg
uh Ross cab David Hasselhoff David House of let’s go
I want some life is funny in a sick twisted way we don’t want to ride it to play best thing
I feel like that’s insulting oh I’m a dog Bender
[Laughter] uh Vin Diesel and Roy Hibbert
two good friends of mine uh all right is Michael a cat person
I’m not no right so we’re going to wrap this up in in about 10 more minutes we’re going to wrap this up and we’ll
talk about fights in a minute we’ll do the super chat here from ES350 is Michael a cat person if Rebecca gets
Mike a calm silky Persian cat for Christmas would I be thrilled no he’d be disgusted
he’s not a cat person because I’m not a cat person nah
I don’t know why I think it’s just because I’ve never had one they lick themselves I don’t like saliva and all
they do is like lick their own like fur to clean themselves and that grosses me
out if I’m honest yeah and you can’t let them out here in California no you don’t like it they get
eaten in England you can have your why have I got the flipping headphones in no one’s I’m not doing anything with
headphones in um and then you can let your dogs just go roaming around you dogs your cats and
then they come back Kenny goes is he entered chat is he entered the chat God’s sake Becca you should leave DJ
Mikey B for me you deserve to be looked at by two eyes two eyes
Fair Point his one eye does a good job it does it does
all right okay so the prelims are almost done the main card will be starting shortly I
can’t imagine a world where Carlos Hallberg didn’t win that fight it’s just a formality
uh purple like he got his Purple belt good about you an actor of sorts play
yourself of sorts play self no Lister
that’s never gonna happen no it’s not no well that’s not very supportive is it
what a movie I’m so hungry oh my God stop I’m starving Oliver tweets today is the
bacon sausage and eggs sausages like four rashes of bacon a wrap chocolate that’s it no not much chocolate yeah at
a time I had a few uh chocolate covered almonds that was it a few
yeah to be fair Lee Bruce says dog sniff bum holes and eat poo
well Harry doesn’t so there uh dip catch says a big fan of yours when I saw you
on Kill Toad and going back and forth yeah but when I was on kill Tony I was a tall let me tell you I remember
that I was a total on kill Tony because you know why I don’t really smoke weed right I don’t
you can’t handle it I can’t handle it I get all paranoid and stuff and I don’t and I he talks a lot I don’t shut up
right if you think I have verbal diarrhea now you want to see me if I’ve smoked some weed so we’re at The Comedy
Store and everyone’s backstage and we’re waiting to go out and they’re all smoking weed and of course they all do that and have smokes weed so I’m like
yeah they’re all Smoky but I’ll smoke a bit of weed and then I walk out on stage and I’m now with a bunch of like professional comedians you know and
they’re all starting they’re all professional weed smokers and they’re all professional weed smokers as well and they’re all start
this David Lucas is like trying to man and I’m like paranoid stoned out my head you know what I mean
I was not been chilled I was not in a good place well it’s not it’s not in my
Persona to be chill is it do you know what I mean especially when I’m high as
a cat on a stage in front of a crowd I’m like I wasn’t sure what am I doing here what am I doing why how maybe at that
point just lay low if that’s how you’re feeling not go the opposite way they kept begging on me you don’t pick it’s
called comedy yeah no I know they were roasting me they were talking he doesn’t he doesn’t take it very well no
I do take it well when I’m not high I’m paranoid do you know what I mean and it says who else takes a shot every time
Mike says I’m starving on a stream they’d be wasted yeah well 69 I am
starving another one guys I am starving and I’m not sure about the Fried Chicken if I’m honest
it’s a little limited I mean what else can we get we are limited around here though
maybe that’s the conversation we can have all right so finally so this is the main I’m going to give you my predictions real quick for the main
cardio guys if you’re interested get a pen get a pen this is the parlay that’s gonna the parlay that’s gotta pay Tyson
Pedro versus Anton terracal the pleasure man that will be Tyson Pedro Justin
Taffer versus Austin Lane Justin Taffer will get a knockout manil carp will
defeat Felipe dos Santos tied to avasa will win via knockout
against Alexander volkov and Israel arasania will beat Sean Strickland
he’ll stop him in round three so if I’m not mistaken that is all the Red Corner
all the Red Corner the second walk blue Corner walks first Red Corner second the
Red Corner will all get the job done today and I do believe that that would
pay does your wife know you’re doing live streams with Vera Farmiga verify me yeah
you’re saying that she looks like very far amiga she’s nice she is yeah she’s very nice an older lady
how come Rebecca didn’t cook um I cook a lot but I have to admit
lately I haven’t been cooking as much um just because sometimes it’s just me and Michael so kind of like what’s the
point when it’s just us too yeah that’s why we’re not cooking tonight like Thursday night we did a really nice State we did some chimichurri sauce we
did some mushrooms some potato wedges and a nice salad you know maybe we could like to cook but tonight Lucas is a
weekend I don’t normally cooking yeah Lucas is at a birthday party Ellie’s out callum’s up in San Francisco it’s just
the two of us the fights around we’re doing alive we’re gonna order some takeaway we’re gonna have a couple of glasses of wine and we’re gonna enjoy
the fights and they are starting right now oh what’s your best we need tonight we should get a pizza as well that would
be nice a burger we had Thai last night we had Thai last night we can’t have Thai tonight we did it last night Five
Guys pizza so Five Guys Burgers they’re incredible cool
listen I’m just gonna say are you gonna call me cheap they’re gonna call me cheap Auntie babe they are but
it’s the principle on you with this one so I like Five Guys Burgers they’re
incredible but sometimes it’s just for me Rebecca and Lucas there’s like a fly or something um there’s a mosquito oh
wow no it’s biting me little we are gonna eat it alive oh
you’ve got a hair oh it might be my hair where’s your hair oh look something keeps getting me uh uh what was I saying
yeah so we put we put it in the doordash car three burgers and it’s like 95 oh yeah it’s insane by
the time it comes it’s kind of soggy by the time it comes it’s soggy you know what I mean so I’m like nah I’m not
doing that I’m not paying that I’m not that I’m cheap I’m not but I’m not paying 100 bucks for three burgers that are soggy by the time they get here
Jason C says they do they do fries they do they do too many maybe a lot of fries too many I think we might do a double
doordash we’ll do that no we will we’ll do a pizza we’ll do the we’ll do the Mediterranean pizza with the parmesan
crust thin crust yeah uh I’m gonna do some fried chicken from Whole dark chicken as well that’s what we’re doing
we’re going on I’ve ordered two door like door dashes before and they both arrived at the same time
I’m still on the mix scene still loves the mix well there’s been a
lot of people here tonight 2800 of you right now 2 700. so thank you all for
being there I appreciate it we were I really really appreciate the support on the channel
um it’s great to interact uh with with the fan base with the community with
everyone that follows the channel and supports the channel So yeah thank you all very much
Bex and Mikey the duo is back yeah Mike’s face is going to be bloated sober
I know it does it blows up all I’ve got to do is look at a car
and I go far but then I go off the carbs and a little Dad I’m so skinny I look
emaciated do I think Sean right this is this we’re going to wrap it up shortly do I think
that short stricken can take Izzy down and keep him down right I used to train for Sean he was
never the best wrestler that was about seven years ago so of course he’s got better he’s in Las Vegas he’s training
for some of the best people apparently my old accounts he was doing very well with magaman and Goliath recently he’s a
very good wrestler at 215. but I don’t think he can if all the
people that is he’s fought up until now I don’t think Sean’s the guy to out
wrestle him but you never know what’s Izzy’s like he’s crap
but he’s got very very good takedown defense you don’t have to be a good wrestler to be able to stop a takedown
certainly against the fence yeah is he’s not a wrestler but he he’s learned the anti-wrestling game and he’s
very very good at it all right all right well guys does Izzy
have that doggy name he does let’s send it or not he does have that dog in him and that’s
why you will see if all this dog talks gonna go away after this fight he should do he should do it’s just it’s just
stupidness I mean listen you know I think a bit like rude disrespect Sean is
an Aldi version of me Mike and
it’s you know it’s like what do they call it it’s me on wish oh yeah is it wish yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah I’ve never ordered from there but I’ve never had enough wish but I’ll tell you what I did order the
other day oh yeah he does this a lot FYI I did There’s so like you know I’m using this
collaboration with Gucci and Adidas I like Adidas shoes Adidas Adidas I said anyway
um so uh yeah so I like Adidas shoes and I’m scrolling through and I’ve seen this collaboration between Gucci and Adidas
and uh you know they’re very very expensive and I don’t really go with I do have a couple of Gucci things shoes
that Rebecca’s bought me I don’t go in for that though I like just a nice pair of Adidas but these Gucci ones they are
sick they’re very cool and anyway I’m looking through I’m scrolling through Instagram they add them there on special
offer 180 I’m like oh I’ll buy a pair of them so I buy a pair of them 190
there and then it’s some 180 you think you’re gonna get pair of Gucci shoes for 180 well that’s why I bought them it’s
on Instagram it’s going to be official I got scammed at some like Chinese company he’s like did you get an email I’m like
yeah I got one to say from yeah that is very racist well that’s
what it said something like that did it yeah
oh visit mount druitt in Australia you’ve been to mount druitt no no uh
where is it I don’t know but anyway guys all 2550 of you
or everyone that watched appreciate you all uh there’s going to be an instant reaction video coming up straight after
the main event so uh keep an eye out for that one Steve said I’m correct on the Adidas
you know I lost to the governors the other day Mike well maybe scammed by Instagram Gucci shoes why does Michael
become the Gucci Adidas all right and the other reason I’ve got some Gucci boots Rebecca bought it for me my wife I
did buy them a present okay doesn’t even wear them adult oh thank you very much I don’t even wear them I’m not a bell end
okay just because you like Gucci Gucci’s good yeah but it’s just like you know
it’s just like every he had a few quid they want to wear Gucci you know I’ll make it a pair of
Adidas a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and I’ll look good a black belt t-shirt I agree I don’t
wear designer stuff yeah right guys boom much love thank you very much appreciate
you all I’m gonna close down the chat there enjoy the fights as I say instant reaction video coming your way soon big
thanks out so I shout out and a big thank you to John Branigan he’s the editor over in Scotland so I wouldn’t be
able to do without him and Anthony Evans as well the channel

MMA Community reacts to Sean Strickland

MMA Community reacts to Sean Strickland SHOCKING the world by destryoing Israel Adesanya,UFC 293


The UFC 293 event has left the MMA community buzzing with excitement and surprise. One of the most shocking moments of the night was Sean Strickland’s dominant performance against Israel Adesanya. In this article, we will dive into the reactions from the MMA community and explore the highlights of the event.

A Promising Start

The UFC 293 event kicked off with a bang, featuring several exciting fights and finishes. The New Zealander fighters were well-represented throughout the card, adding to the anticipation of the night. Fans were encouraged to tune in early to catch all the action.

Sean Strickland’s Dominant Performance

One of the standout moments of the night was Sean Strickland’s impressive victory over Israel Adesanya. Strickland showcased his skills and proved to be a force to be reckoned with in the octagon. In this article, we will explore the reactions from the MMA community to Sean Strickland’s shocking win over Israel Adesanya at UFC 293. The event started off with a lot of excitement, featuring several thrilling fights and finishes. The presence of New Zealander fighters throughout the card added to the anticipation of the night. Fans were encouraged to tune in early to catch all the action.

However, the highlight of the night was undoubtedly Sean Strickland’s dominant performance against Israel Adesanya. Strickland showcased his skills and proved to be a force to be reckoned with in the octagon. His victory came as a surprise to many, as Adesanya was considered one of the top fighters in the division.

Strickland’s win was met with a mix of shock and admiration from the MMA community. Many were impressed by his performance and saw it as a breakthrough moment in his career. The victory over a high-profile opponent like Adesanya solidified Strickland’s status as a top contender in the division.

The Importance of Experience

In a post-fight interview, Strickland acknowledged that the fight was not an easy one. He mentioned that Adesanya’s excitement and the unpredictable nature of fights in the octagon always make them challenging. Strickland also revealed that he was thrown off when Adesanya hurt his calf, which affected his footwork and power. However, his experience and the guidance of his coaches helped him make the necessary adjustments to secure the win.

The Reaction from Adesanya

Israel Adesanya, on the other hand, took the loss with grace and humility. In a post-fight interview, he congratulated Strickland on his victory and admitted that he was the better man that night. Adesanya expressed his desire to be with his team and the people who care about him during this time. He left the media in the capable hands of his coach, Eugene Bearman, who would handle the rest of the interview.

The MMA community praised Adesanya for his sportsmanship and class in defeat. Despite the loss, Adesanya remains one of the top fighters in the division and is expected to bounce back stronger in his future fights.

The Impact of UFC 293

The UFC 293 event had a significant impact on the MMA community. It showcased the talent and skill of fighters from around the world and provided fans with an unforgettable night of action. The shocking victory by Sean Strickland over Israel Adesanya added to the excitement and unpredictability of the sport.

Looking Ahead

As the dust settles from UFC 293, fans and fighters alike are already looking ahead to future matchups and events. The MMA community is eager to see what’s next for Sean Strickland and Israel Adesanya, as well as other fighters who made an impression at the event.


The UFC 293 event delivered on its promise of excitement and surprise. Sean Strickland’s dominant performance against Israel Adesanya shocked the MMA community and solidified his position as a top contender in the division. Adesanya’s graciousness in defeat was commendable, and fans are eagerly awaiting his return to the octagon. The impact of UFC 293 will be felt for weeks to come as the MMA community reflects on the thrilling fights and looks forward to future events.

what’s up guys here UFC 293 obviously a
lot of the the old New Zealander
Fighters uh uh all through the car so I
mean nice and early make sure you tune
in it’s already up to a crazy start a
few finishes I think that’s going to
roll along so enjoy hey guys down here
at the stadium early so if you’re here
come come say hi come say what’s up I’m
here to support the boys City keep
boxing ready for a clean sweep the boys
are going to get it done and um I can’t
wait to enjoy the fight so let’s go
let’s go
all right
I wanna fight anyone anywhere in the
time but Sao Paulo is my culture I fight
two times in French against the French
guy here against the the native guy so
give him the Gringo in Brazil let’s go
Charles how good did it feel to get your
first UFC Victory if so great and so
all you up in the
crowd come down here against all you
ladies and gentlemen give it up for
Charles Rocky 
I knew that it’s gonna be not the easy
fight because the guy is excited and the
fight is always 50 50 you know like Ken
Velasquez said once it doesn’t matter
how many fights you have and the Octagon
zero again like zero zero for everybody
you know and when he hurt my calf he
hurt my Nerf it really threw me off I
couldn’t like it took some power off my
legs my footwork I changed the fight but
I adjusted because I’m I have some
experience you know my great coaches
they really coached me great and my
corner we made some good adjustments
in front of my home country
doesn’t get much better than that boy
you are here you show up you piece of
Hey Hey listen and no one no one’s gonna
do anything you know why all your
teammates is a bunch of food
what crazy himself
thank you
oh oh
hey from getting your ass up to me
to open the gym hey I love you brother
keep doing that keep going let’s go
thank you
what is this
all right
I don’t know man I’m still waiting to
wake up but I might still be dreaming
who knows these things
I had a different plan for this
but again life throws curveballs at you
thank you
win or lose I wasn’t gonna say much
anyway but right now I lost tonight to
the better man on the night and
I just want to go with people be with
people who care about me my team and
they’re waiting for me so I’m gonna do
that but I will leave you in the capable
hands of a man who is much smarter than
me I’ll admit this on worldwide national
media I’ll leave it with Eugene bearman
he’ll handle this for the first time
I want to go chill have some breakfast
build my family and yeah until next time

Ripple Effect of Sean Strickland’s Upset

Ripple Effect of Sean Strickland's Upset, Fury vs. Ngannou First Faceoff, More | SBC LIVE


In this article, we will discuss the ripple effect of Sean Strickland’s upset, the first faceoff between Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou, and more. Let’s dive in!

Sean Strickland’s Upset

Sean Strickland’s recent upset victory has had a significant impact on the MMA community. Many people were surprised by his win, considering he was the underdog going into the fight. This victory has solidified Strickland’s position as a top contender in his weight class.

Fury vs. Ngannou Faceoff

Another exciting development in the world of combat sports is the first faceoff between Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou. This matchup has been highly anticipated, and fans are eager to see these two heavyweight powerhouses go head-to-head. The faceoff was intense, and it has only increased the excitement surrounding this potential fight.

Valentina Shevchenko vs. Alexa Grasso

One of the most intriguing fights coming up is the matchup between Valentina Shevchenko and Alexa Grasso. This fight is expected to be highly competitive, with both fighters bringing their A-game. Grasso has shown significant improvement in her recent fights and is coming off a impressive win. Shevchenko, on the other hand, is a dominant force in the division and has defended her title multiple times.

In this video, the panelists discuss their predictions for the fight. One of the panelists, Danny, believes that Grasso has what it takes to win. He points out that Grasso was able to piece up Shevchenko on the feet in their previous fight and made adjustments that changed the course of the fight. Danny also mentions that Grasso will have the support of the Mexican fan base, which adds to the fairy tale aspect of the fight. On the other hand, another panelist, George, is confident in Shevchenko’s abilities and predicts that she will come out on top. He mentions that Shevchenko is a scary opponent and is determined to not only win but make Grasso look bad in the process.

The panelists also discuss the potential outcome of the fight. While they agree that it will be a close fight, they have different opinions on whether Shevchenko will get the finish. Danny believes that Shevchenko might get the finish, while George thinks it will be a tough fight but Shevchenko will ultimately come out on top.

The discussion then shifts to the flyweight division as a whole. The panelists agree that the division is in a good spot and is becoming more competitive. They mention fighters like Miranda Maverick, Blanchfield, and Macy Barber, who are all making waves in the division. They believe that the division will continue to grow and become even more stacked in the coming years.

The conversation takes a lighthearted turn as the panelists discuss a bet they made regarding the fight. George and Danny jokingly agree to shave their heads if their predictions for the fight are wrong. They also discuss the possibility of growing mustaches or getting mohawks as part of the bet. It’s all in good fun and shows the camaraderie between the panelists.

The topic then shifts to a debate about who is the greatest middleweight of all time. The panelists compare Anderson Silva and Israel Adesanya, two fighters who have had impressive careers in the division. While they acknowledge Adesanya’s skills and accomplishments, they ultimately lean towards Anderson Silva as the greatest middleweight of all time. They mention Silva’s long winning streak and his record for the most title defenses in the division.

The conversation wraps up with a discussion about Conor McGregor and his potential as the featherweight GOAT. While McGregor has notable wins over fighters like Jose Aldo and Max Holloway, the panelists agree that longevity and consistency are important factors in determining the GOAT status. They believe that McGregor would need to stick around in the featherweight division and rack up more wins before being considered the GOAT.

In conclusion, this video provides an interesting discussion on various topics in the world of combat sports. From Sean Strickland’s upset victory to the upcoming fight between Valentina Shevchenko and Alexa Grasso, the panelists share their insights and predictions. They also engage in lighthearted banter and debate the GOAT status of fighters like Anderson Silva and Conor McGregor. Overall, it’s an entertaining and informative discussion for MMA fans.

welcome to spinning back click where each week here at MMA junkie we take a spin through the biggest stories in MMA
on this week’s docket we have a new champion in the middleweight division in the UFC Oceana goes 443 at UFC 293 and
what do UFC one and UFC 293 have in common well we’ll tell you all this and
much much more hello everyone I’m your host Gorgeous George and with me as always some of the sharpest MMA Minds In
The Biz joining me this week goes from MMA junkie radio the creator of SBC
Danny Segura he’s out in the 305 he’s the host of uplemos MMA on YouTube and
Nolan King nominated for journalists of the Year this year at the world MMA Awards Kamikaze is on the ones and twos
let’s get to it all right guys so this past Saturday night Sean Strickland put
on a masterful performance on his way to winning the UFC Midway title 49-46 were
the scores across the board and a nasty uh knock down in round one you’ve all had about 36 hours to let it
sink in put it into words this performance by the American out in Sydney Australia what impressed you the
most about Strickland’s tactics all right we go to the first take this week from Nolan
what stuck out to me the most well first of all just an absolutely incredible performance I think really just one of
those moments that makes our sport so if you want to call it a sport our activities so much different than
everything else right I mean the last thing that you expect to happen happens and sure it’s not every time
that we get some sort of Rarity like that but for me the fact that he was able to put that on that sort of
performance on for 25 minutes is incredible right we’ve seen some pretty amazing title fight upsets
um you know throughout history but it’s always kind of a finish or uh you know maybe a slip up from the favorite or
something goes wrong for the favorite but for him to go in there and really drive home who the better fighter was on
that night to walk down Israel adesanya for 25 minutes to not show any fear but
to also fight smart and also do exactly what he said he wasn’t going to do which
was to not use his wrestling which he didn’t use at all so for me it was an absolutely incredible incredible
performance regardless of if you like Strickland if you don’t like them if you don’t have an opinion about him as a
person I think you really have to give him a lot of credit you got to give Eric mixick a lot of credit the guys at extreme Couture for just really putting
together a one of the most well-rounded surprising performances upsets of all time in a
title fight so I was absolutely Blown Away um I mean the people in Australia were even blown away from their reaction at
the end there giving him a massive Ovation on the final Bell a massive Ovation when they announced and new it
was felt like Sean Strickland was fighting at home in Australia there so just a really special night for him a
really intriguing night for us on the outside and this division is certainly in a very strange place now going
forward all right Mr Segura transport yourself back 36 hours man what were you thinking
is this thing was unfolding the way it did all 25 minutes or maybe 24 minutes
and 50 seconds was basically on the feet and most of it out in open space
yeah insane I’m still in disbelief I’m still in shock I’m kind of waiting to see when this kind of becomes a prank or
maybe when I wake up it kind of seems unreal I kind of had the same reaction that Sean Strickland had after his fight
where he’s like this even is this real can somebody punch me right now like is this really happening
um I don’t think anybody saw this coming uh there’s maybe some people on Twitter
that will swear that they did but and and how dare you discount Strickland but honestly if you’re uh somebody that
knows about mixed martial arts and on your full senses you had all the right reasons to pick arasanya to win this
fight win it quite comfortably and even go uh A Step Beyond and say that he was gonna finish strickling with ease I mean
um I was pretty dismissive of his chances on the MMA junkie previous show with pharah and not that anything
against Strickland is just it just seemed like such a tough matchup for him
out of all the fighters that you could put in there Strickland just seemed to have the the the worst path to Victory
out of all of them and the funny thing is that leading up to the event we’re all asking is he gonna wrestle is he
just gonna empty out his entire gas tank and try to knock him out in the first round like basically is he gonna be what
is he gonna do that’s not strickling like because strickling like things are not gonna work another Sonya what what
are some of the things that he’s gonna do to beat him and he was exactly Sean Strickland in that cage he did not
change it at all he didn’t shoot for a single takedown he didn’t attempt that submission he didn’t do anything he was Sean Strickland he stayed at that weird
range marched him down stayed a square that you know iCarly stands that people make fun of him for and he beat one of
the greatest middleweight Champions that the UFC has ever had it was a new an incredible performance that till this
day I’m still in in in awe in shock so congrats to Sean Strickland and the guys at extreme Couture because they pulled
it off they did it and I’m dying to chime in here man I know it goes this term but I just want
to add a few things he let’s not forget ARA Sonia is a
former World kickboxing champion he didn’t attempt to take down he didn’t
you know the fight never found itself on the ground where other than the knockdown so of the two Strickland
knocked him down we kept saying the one hitter quitter belonged to ottesanya Strickland’s the one that landed it the
only thing I will say Danny is yeah he kind of was Strickland like but in a way he wasn’t because he’s more of the
volume guy and he kind of held back it’s almost like he let Izzy kind of run out of gasoline because towards the end he
was not only he was damaged and exhausted all right but this is about you guys you guys are the stars goes
your thoughts man man I think it was a pretty tremendous performance for many reasons but
honestly I thought Nolan hit it it’s like it felt more like it was a team effort on Sean Strickland’s side because
how long for how long have we been sitting here saying this guy’s uncoachable right we’ve heard that from
many people and I think we’re going to finally yeah what we finally saw on Saturday was Sean Strickland and his
coaching staff finding some sort of middle ground right Sean won that fight by being patient by not giving Israel
artists on your anything to work with right he hit the gas when he needed to when he saw the opportunity strep but
when he didn’t have it he was patient he was very defensive if you look at his face he didn’t really have much damage
now after round two it got a little scary because you weren’t really seeing
that volume that you normally get from Sean you weren’t getting too many things and I think that’s where you give Eric nics his props I think he kind of woke
him up he got in his face and I think it was the reminder we’ve all heard Sean Strickland talked so many times about
that Jared Kennedy are fighting the decision and how he felt he won um and later on he kind of admitted that
he understood it a little bit more I think that I think Eric Nixa getting in his head and screaming at him kind of
woke him up and told him you can’t do that coming out in round three and Sean started to put his foot on the gas a
little bit more and I think you have to kind of give the whole team props in trying to find that middle ground which
is what maybe pulls out the best version of Sean Strickland in this fight but uh
man I mean nobody was really expecting this type of fight like you said George them going toe-to-toe for five rounds
had Israel adesanya written all over it but that didn’t work out that way right so you have to give props to Sean
Strickland and you have to give props to his team because I think they came together and that’s what got him that
victory yeah you know I thought round three was close because Izzy I thought was
replicating what he did in round two but Strickland did have some damaging shots in there he didn’t have the significant
strike Advantage but he he was a little more damaging although not much but it really could have been 2-1 arasania
going into round four even though arasanya had suffered the knockdown and was probably the more damage to the two
but it this judge’s scorecards told us otherwise we have no doubt who won
rounds four and five but I mean this was just simply amazing I would have never
in a thousand years thought it would go down this way you know and I don’t think there’s anyone Danny I don’t think
there’s anyone on Twitter that predicted it would go down like this anybody that said Strickland including goes and I
chatted with Johnny Evelyn who is the Bellator middleweight champion he’s trained with Strickland but he kept it
real man it has to involve wrestling and he did give credit to strickling says when Strickland gets on top of you he’s
his grappling is underrated he’s heavy you know but none of that none of that happened I don’t I I haven’t found one
person I don’t mind if he took Strickland I would have called you crazy free fight but
um I haven’t found anyone that says he can out kick box them for 25 minutes and of the two he’ll get the knockdown which
obviously that’s you know you’re not gonna break the whole thing right minute by minute but still yeah just simply
amazing and the communication between the code you heard Eugene Barrowman say
that Izzy was flat or he was he just had in some Universe I guess a poor
performance and the coaches and the and the athlete
didn’t seem to be on the same page and the opposite was happening on the other corner all right guys let me follow up
here with a couple things did this about have a bad night or was just Strickland on a little bit of both
known yeah it’s it’s one of those debates you’ll always have and I think part of
it is tied into the fact that we’re used to seeing Israel look so good and even even when he doesn’t look necessarily
the most exciting he looks pretty dominant so I I think it’s tough to kind of weed or just kind of filter that out
of your brain right knowing what he’s capable capable of but at the same time I think the fact that we saw it for so
long we have to credit Sean Strickland um you know we haven’t heard much from Israel out of Sonya after the fight he
kind of was a bit cryptic so quick with his media in the back didn’t really want to answer questions posted a quick thing
on social media had Eugene answer some questions to the media and that was it so we don’t really know exactly what
what his take on the whole thing was that he just have an off night was he hurt uh you know what was it but for me
I think a lot of the energy just with what we saw and the way it was done and the longevity that it was done
um you have to give Sean Strickland that amount of credit I feel like I see it from a lot of people but there’s a lot
of people that are kind of saying like oh you know I knew we heard Dana White say it right Israel looked slow he looks stiff
um maybe that’s been the case in other fights where the champion loses that that you’re like man they really put up a stinker there Amanda Nunes gassed
against Juliana Payne she just didn’t look right but I think that this has to be more of a 50 50 split um I think Sean
Strickland in his coaching staff deserves a tremendous amount of credit I can’t just tack it up to Israel not having a good night
and I alluded to what Berryman had said about Izzy and the alternate universe in
that same post-fight interview he said fight week went well training count went well we had the right Partners in there
he really didn’t offer any excuses the only thing he said was if we fight him tomorrow or in a week we feel like we
can make the adjustments to win but on that particular night he was four he didn’t he didn’t say anything about an injury or anything like that Danny let
me ask you this aside from the knockdown in round one what do you think was a turning point in this tactical stance uh
striking Affair we’ll call it what did you think might have made a difference for Strickland uh along the way
an adjustment or a tactic or technique I think what gave lasagna the the
biggest problem was the range because Strickland operates at a very weird range he doesn’t really stay at a
distance but he also doesn’t do clinch work and dirty boxing it’s like this weird in-between that a lot of people
are not used to fight at and you know he keeps that same Pace the entire time
he’s constantly on your face um and he just kind of keeps that that range constant and I think that’s what
gave Israel to Sanya issues because at distance he did have some success with leg kicks
um but once you know Strickland close the distance those lead kicks weren’t really there and the looping punches
Strickland has this weird shell where like he kind of keeps his hands up in like a weird space and is able to see
everything coming um and I just think that arasania wasn’t able to figure it out he got instruction from his Corner in order to get past
that but the instructions just ended right there right when the bell rang and he would just default to his normal self
so that’s that’s what I think is the biggest thing the range I think the person who managed the range best in
that fight was Sean Strickland and that gave him the victory um but yeah a fantastic performance by
by Sean Strickland great stuff by the guys at extreme Couture and Eric nixik
like really um if you saw this coming few saw this coming I mean it was just a a crazy
crazy fight in fact when when the knockdown happened in the first round and the bell rang in Israel to Sonia got
to see the second I I went okay this this was it like Strickland kind of blew it this was his chance to put them away
and then adesanya does win the second round at least in my eye so I kind of go okay you know things are returning to
normal per se but uh but no clearly it was Sean Strickland’s uh night and he looked great
goes one for you did Izzy break in that fight in your opinion
that’s a I mean that’s a really strong word it is very possible because if you look at what happened at the towards the
end of round one it might have taken them to a place that you know caused a lot of embarrassment for him and that
was when he got knocked out by Pereira maybe it brought him back there and maybe he just never recovered from that
um it was a very very puzzling performance from him because he’s not a guy that you ever really look at as an
unmotivated fighter but in those last few rounds he really just looked like he he just didn’t want to be there and I
think Sean Strickland was just as puzzled and he took advantage of it it makes things interesting man like I
think that’s something that we really need to figure out on his East Side one foot out the door in the chat and I
recommend if you want a question or comment put it in the chat leave it a couple times if I don’t see it don’t spam us obviously but the the
better the question more likely it is to be included in the show which one he wants to take this one he says Izzy was
outclassed by the basics that’s actually an interesting take in a way because Sean wasn’t too fancy he didn’t unleash
an Arsenal right we’ve already talked about no wrestling no jiu jitsu no Greco
against the cage or anything uh is that is that true in your guys designs
anybody want to chime in on that one yeah I think I think it’s very true that
there’s just when he says the basics I mean there was no bait right like he would throw bait out there but Sean
wouldn’t take it and he didn’t know how to adjust to that and I think it really really frustrated him and that is
something that you know that’s why like I think somebody even mentioned it in the chat earlier Sean Strickland was
supposed to wrestle but they have plan A’s and plan B’s and I felt like Strickland had a plan A and A Plan B but
Israel arasania just didn’t have that plan B and so when Sean Strickland wasn’t taking that bait he just looked
really puzzled out there and that’s something that uh I don’t I don’t think should happen at this high level
Ryan Park says go ahead George if you don’t mind me uh um inserting a couple things here uh
there’s two takeaways that I regarding adesanya that I kind of leave with from UFC 293 one uh how seriously did he take
this fight we know that he had that like movie premiere of the week of I mean that’s that’s a big thing to deal with
he was talking about Rick is yes he gave uh Strickland uh his respects in talk in
interview but another thing is in training and in action and I did write on the slack channel right before the
fight started with an assanya step in the cage that I thought he looked a little soft I thought he looked
um not as ripped as he normally looks I don’t know if maybe uh you know I’m
looking too much into it but um and then we we know we get Eugene bearman’s comments but we know that
they’re always going to be classy and give you know Sean his respects I wonder how seriously adasanya took this fight
keep in mind that on paper it probably looked like one of the easiest matchups he had gotten in his entire UFC career
so I I don’t know if you guys kind of share that sentiment we did mention that because if you watch
embedded there was a ceremony at the park I’m not disrespecting that at all but it seemed like every day there was
those duties of media the um when they have open workouts they had
a the Press fight conference with the the Deus and then you know you’re
signing gloves and posters and then I’ll throw in the movie premiere and and I will give Izzy this I saw him at the um
the Expo he is all in when he meets people he’s one of the best if you ever
get a chance to meet him shakes your hand asks your name looks in the eye however you want to do it man you want
to pose let’s do it he’ll even follow up with a question where are you from and put his arm around you you want to do a
selfie this way or that I mean I’m telling you he’s all in and he was doing that at the premiere but again you know
look some people will tell you they don’t leave the hotel at all it’s just intense intense intense I don’t like
interviews nothing and then others actually relax that way but I was thinking the same thing Danny Ryan Park
in the chat says everyone’s performance is a team member G’s give Strickland is due you guys are coping harder than Dana
I don’t think we’ve been disrespectful about Strickland I think a lot of what we’ve been talking about and our doubts
probably were pre-fight but I think a lot of people shared it it really had to be a perfect performance from Strickland
who again has and his own words he’s deterred from game plans he hasn’t
listened to coaches you know what I mean he’s made mistakes in there he got viciously knocked out by the guy that
Israel just beat you know luckily I think that training session the week he was out there with him
you know paid off for them as well but I I don’t think we’re being I disagree with Ryan Park in the chat but
keep them coming we have uh more stuff to get to and again I’ll scroll you guys are bringing some great great comments
and questions and listen while you’re doing that we ask you this leave a like or hit the like button and subscribe to
the channel I think you’ll get a lot of stuff there but that really really helps out the channel it really helps out us and we do this every week so you can
count on it all right but give us some help us get some more visibility out there hit that like button
I want to wait two seconds hit the like and we’re going to continue all right so the next topic obviously you know we’re
talking about what went wrong for Israel out of Sanji I already talked about what his coach said he lost four rounds the one most of this was on the feet open
space right however in spite of all that Dana White is leaning towards an immediate rematch versus Strickland are
you on board yay or nay Danny no
part of immediate rematches um I’m not for this is coming off just an immediate rematch
against poetan I think an immediate rematch is warranted if you have a long long
um track record of title defenses and then you lose the belt okay you get a little get out of jail free card to skip
the line and get back into a a championship fight and he already used that card against pothan and he
recovered his belt props to him but he he just can’t get him limited just because you’re the champion that means
you’re gonna have to you lose twice in order for you to like legitimate lose your position as a championship fighter
so um I think it’s time to move on um I don’t think that asanya has to go all the way to the back of the line and
then amount a crazy win streak in order to get back into a title fight but at least give us one at least give us one
we saw Whitaker lose his belt towardsanya he didn’t get that privilege and he had to fight some tough dudes on his way back to the title so
um give it to sanyas somebody else um maybe do that drink his duplicity fight I don’t know and then give uh
hamsa shimaiv if he beats Palo Costa uh Strickland or vice versa
um but yeah no I think it’s time that we we get this division rolling and we get some uh other names out there outside of
arasanya fighting for a championship belt all right we got an A how about you guys how do you feel about this like I say
that’s what Dana White is leaning on of course he’ll always fall back on don’t
ask me on Fight Night Tuesday we’ll discuss it in the Matchmaker meeting but I ask you yay or
nay I mean if they did it I wouldn’t flip tables over but I agree with Danny
I I think right now it’s a good opportunity that can kind of benefit both sides like let’s let’s freshen up
the division right we’ve been seeing Israel arasani on these fights and then a rematch I don’t know that we want to
do that again we can freshen up the division put somebody else in there and I think it might actually be a good
thing for Israel to Sanyo right like he seemed very puzzled at the end of the fight his Corner seemed puzzled we kind
of didn’t really have an idea what was going on so maybe what he needs is just a little bit of time off and maybe
seeing other people fight for this belt will kind of uh reinvigorate that hunger and get him back to where he needs to be
because the Israel adesanya that showed up on Saturday night he’s not going to be able to get it done he needs to dig deep and figure this all out I like the
dreikas diplucy angle I think it makes sense because you know you look at the UFC and obviously dreikas is kind of in
their doghouse right now um we know how they handle things and this is probably their way of maybe
punishing him right guess what we’re still going to give you the fight but now it’s not for a title
make that happen because it’s a fight that I don’t think the fans want to lose out on if you give Drake us another opponent it’s possible that we never see
this fight again right let’s give the fans what they want give Israel and drink us what they want I think that
could kind of make sense but um I think this is a perfect time to just freshen things up in that division
all right we got two days is it unanimous Nolan king or do you see some positivity and saying let’s run it back
no it’s it’s unanimous for me I mean looking at title fights I kind of think
there are three things that should warrant a rematch one of them would be some sort of controversy or some sort of
question mark or some sort of did he get caught or she get caught then there’s oh
this Champion’s been dominant for so long that this loss was an outlier within itself
we saw as you lose recently so that’s out the window then the third thing would be that there’s nobody in the in
the wings there’s you know the divisions in a weird place maybe uh you know a lot of the top contenders are coming off
losses but we have a guy we have drink as duplicity waiting in the wings uh we have fresh matchups there are people
that haven’t fought Sean Strickland I mean Hamza chamayev if he goes out there and beats Palo Acosta a month from now
we could be mentioning him as potentially the guy that should get the next shot so for me I I don’t think that
that meets the criteria but I will say I don’t think that the UFC necessarily always goes by that sort of criteria so
they don’t always go by the Merit base they don’t always necessarily do uh what I would do
um so for me I think Dana the fact that he is um you know the guy that doesn’t make
fights on Fight Night making a Fight On The Fight Night makes me think that that fight is going to happen so uh yeah I
think it shouldn’t happen but I think it probably will I think Al Jermaine Sterling is kind of
privately hoping he does that way he can follow a suit but this is the most inconsistent company when it comes to
these types of decisions which kind of keeps us on our heels I guess um but we may have gotten a little bit
ahead of ourselves going into topic three so let me settle things down again a bit here let me ask you guys this
regardless of his next opponent does Izzy need time off in your guys’s eyes we’ll go around the horn one more time
back to Danny it’s impossible to know I mean he he didn’t look great but it’s impossible to
know was it a factor of Sean Strickland just being vastly Superior um or was it a factor of him being maybe
injured and we don’t know any and it’s undisclosed or was it a factor of him not taking him seriously or was it even
a factor of age keep in mind israelosanya is 34 years of age and he’s been fighting in the sport for quite
some time so maybe maybe we’re starting to see the beginning of a decline we we don’t know so it’s hard for me to say
that time is the answer here what I do think is we we do got to see him back and it’s not like he’s been fighting
he’s been extremely active and he’s been fighting back to back back to back and you go like aljamin Sterling okay take
some time off because clearly your body needs it he fought on April in Miami that’s a decent amount of time in
between fights uh we saw poetan who’s the guy that got knocked out that night fight much sooner than out of Sonya so I
I don’t want to just slap time is in it’s like uh a remedy for everything I
quite frankly don’t know what went wrong for arasanya so um maybe it’s time maybe it’s not uh but
I guess just fight again fight again a top Contender see where we’re at see if
he’s still one of the best in the world if not the best and then we take it from there but um I’m hesitant to recommend
time off uh given that I don’t know what went wrong with them all right how about you girls what do
you think man time off or no I think a little bit yeah I don’t see how it can hurt
um really just kind of get your mind right it’s tough you know holding on holding that that belt is everybody’s
after you everybody’s criticizing you everybody’s comparing you to other people right to Anderson Silva It’s a
lot of pressure and I think uh maybe take a little bit time off mentally figure things out and then go back with
your coaches and figure out what the hell happened in the fight tactically physically
um figure out what went wrong in that fight for you I think that’s going to take a little bit of time and of course
you got to let the body heal so I think that could benefit him and there’s so many other people behind him right now
or not well in that division let that kind of play out a little bit too so I don’t see how it can hurt them Ryan
thibaut in the chat says no rematch adasanya needs time off from his very active schedule he did look soft and
sluggish during the fight profound dreamer says audasana versus DDP and kepsa says was the card a pay-per-view
worthy I’ll answer that one on paper no but coming out of it was a damn great
night of fights Nolan you have any uh thoughts on Izzy and what do you think man could this guy benefit from some
time off or is what got under the dance that activity maybe just the recipe for aresanya yeah I think it wouldn’t hurt
like ghost said for me it’s just the the activity level of Izzy I mean he’s fought um you know looking at his record here
since February 2020 which was um just doing the math in my head I think 19 months ago he’s fought five
times so for me that’s pretty active that’s very active for a champion one of the more active Champions I think we’ve seen so I don’t think time off would
necessarily hurt unless you know he’s just so motivated that this has really lit the fire under him that he needs to
get really capitalized on and get back in there now but only he knows man I think a lot of these things we’re
talking about right now are a bit speculatory in that we haven’t heard from him we don’t have any idea what’s going on so
um a lot of this is guesswork for me but I certainly think is a guy that’s you know fought essentially every four
months for about uh you know a year and a half or or a little longer I think uh I think
you know that that’s a little bit of time would benefit him all right guys question three topic
three is very similar to what we’ve been discussing Rick so we’re gonna unpack it a little bit better here this middleweight division is crazy so let me
lay out some facts for you and then you guys can chime in weigh in tell me what you think is the best for
the uh the division you know as a fan which we all are as medium members maybe
from the UFC side whatever so you got who is kind of a contender at light
heavyweight right now right he could be fighting for a title although it’s not locked in just yet but he’s the guy that
started the whole downfall for Sean Strickland last year when he knocked them out then they became buddies
Strickland train with them for a week looks like he gave him some pointers who knows and uh and like Nolan was talking
to us well pre-show it could even be that fajita doesn’t want to go down there because of maybe that possible
relationship okay we got hanzad versus Costa at UFC 294 next month in October
both guys are highly regarded a one-time title Challenger in Costa ooh we’re
popular is hanza shimai although he hasn’t fought in middleweight in a while in a minute it can’t count the catch weight it was supposed to be at
welterweight you can’t count the hall and fight but it’s been a year since we’ve seen them then you got Cannon here who weighed in and oftentimes Dana will
tell us of course he’s next he weighed in he was the alternate which was what he said about Colby Covington although I
remember pavlovich weighing in a few times and nothing’s been automatic with him so there’s some inconsistent
inconsistency there we already talked about Street Easy rematch and let’s not forget dracus was the number one
Contender but like girl said he could be in a possible dog house right now because he didn’t take the fight
although according to him and his Camp there was an injury involved I threw a lot at you guys and I didn’t even
mention Bobby Knuckles who was I think 12-0 against anyone but adesanya prior
to taking the loss to drika stupid C but recency bias would probably maybe ask
him out of the way all right so a lot to unpack goes your first
I think you got to figure out what it is you want to do with with Drake’s diplucy right like where does he stand with the
company figure that out you got to figure out Jared Cannon here he weighed in right um you would think that he’s the guy
that probably makes the most sense he’s got to win over the current champion but if I’m the UFC I’m probably thinking
that that may not be the most sexiest matchup for you so then you look at Costa and Hamza the
numbers don’t really back them up however Hamza shamayab you know the UFC
they just want to promote the hell out of them and his road is probably a lot shorter than everyone else’s you imagine
the fireworks between Sean Strickland and hamzat shamaya like I don’t even know if that makes it to the actual
fight it’ll probably be a Trilogy before they even step foot in the Octagon so there’s so much to do I remember one
time Dana White did almost like an unofficial tournament right at light heavyweight where he told like Shogun
Bader um Machida it was something along the lines he said something like show me
something you know whoever stands out that’s who’s going to be next and I think he might be in one of those situations where he can do that where he
could just tell these guys look show me something and whoever comes out of this gets that shot but there’s a lot of
decisions that need to be made first though Drake how does he stand with the company Israel asania does he even want
to fight right now and then Jared Cannon here right I mean just the other day wasn’t he kind of scolding people saying hey he filled in
as a backup that usually means you’re the automatic guy it’s not always like that but we’ll have to see how it plays
out but I think this might be one of them show me opportunities it was actually UFC on FOX goes that
you’re referring to Shogun versus Vera in the comment event Leota machito is going to fight Ryan Bader and he did and
he knocked them out and Marie says Shogun who was going to fight Brandon Vera and he finished him as well and
yeah that was basically the little unofficial Foreman tournament to get a
title shot so good reference there all right Nolan unpack this man make some sense out of this pretend you’re in that
war room and it’s Tuesday right now yeah it’s it’s it’s great that for matchmaking purposes I think that
Sean Strickland’s Champion there’s some interesting matchups that you can make with him there’s uh you know there’s the rematch there’s all the stuff we just
talked about there’s times out there’s drinkas um but kind of those Contender abouts those title eliminators are a little bit
more messy when you look at it I mean you have Robert Whittaker there you have Marvin vittori there you have Jared
Cannon here there but it’s kind of like a round robin of people that have already kind of fought like you know so
really the only guy that that kind of makes this interesting is drinkas I mean
he has a lot of besides his fight against Rob I mean there’s some fresh matchups for him there so you know is he gonna have to fight avatory is he going
to have to fight a Jared cannonier uh next kind of as that I don’t want to call it punishment but that sort of hey
you should have you had your shot and now you gotta earn it again sort of opportunity so um I think Hamza again big circle on on
his fight coming up I think he’s a real X Factor here in terms of if he goes out there and just runs through Paulo Costa
would the UFC you know look at it as hey look it Hamza versus Strickland I mean
certainly there’s a route to Victory there for Hamza like maybe this would be the time maybe he’s just so uh such a
hot commodity that they would they would Backtrack on the Izzy fighter or you know Izzy Waits out a little bit and
Hamza fights Strickland so it’s kind of a really weird time at middleweight um it’s broken my brain multiple times in
recent months as as my least favorite division usually in terms of from top to bottom
um it’s been very exciting and interesting I think uh particularly with those top Contender fights I’m intrigued
there’s a lot a lot of a lot of it’s a big puzzle that needs to be figured out right now Nolan I’m with you
man it’s a division where starting with Anderson for so long and then Izzy maybe not as long of a rain as Anderson but
pretty dominant it was just clearly like someone getting fed to a lion you know and now it does seem fresh and that’s
why maybe I’m a little anti-rematch no disrespect to Izzy but he kind of had one before I don’t want to go down that
road again Danny your thoughts man you’re in the war room now yeah so I always not always but ninety
percent of the time I like going with the sporting side of things so in this
case I would give the title shot to Drake’s duplicity because he is the most deserving Contender at the moment no I
don’t want to see an immediate rematch duplicity beat Robert Whittaker and look if you beat Robert Whittaker I don’t
care how how you get it done in this case very convincingly you’re fighting for
the belt next but we know that he is likely in the dark house as you guys mentioned because he did not take this
fight with arasanya so um being realistic I think hamsa Shimara
is gonna end up fighting for the belt um he is an international star that is a guy that can uh fight multiple times a
year he’s very active rarely gets injured outside of the covet thing at 185 you don’t really have to worry about
the weight misses uh fans absolutely adore him uh he’s aggressive he can talk
trash he also has that Muslim background so he uh captures that audience as well
um I mean if you just look at hamzat the UFC I’m sure they’re just savoring at the opportunity to put a belt on him
just so they can promote him even further plus he’s young so he just looks like he’s gonna be uh fighting for the
UFC in big fights for for quite some time so um I think that’s what they’re waiting for I think they’re gonna wait to see if
he beats by and if he does which is a tough fight um I think he’s getting the title shot but in my opinion if I were in the War
Room I’d vouch for jerka’s duplicity I think he deserves the shot yeah he beat Whitaker and he should be next
hmm so you think they might wait for October and if they do do you match up
busy with DDP you think that’s too hot of a fight with well you know it’s got heat is what I mean that they shouldn’t
that they should make it happen even though it’s not for a title anybody want to take that they should yeah I mean ghosts kind of talked about it a little bit uh that
fight may never come if you you know uh match them up with with other Fighters
whether it’s a decline from Izzy or drugs duplicity loses and then the timelines just don’t line up I think
that fight if available you have to make it it’s a big fight I would go DDP versus adesanya DDP is a
little injured so you are getting better autosonya needs a little bit of time off early January let’s get that one going
I think I’d reward Cannon here because he’s looked good since his title shot he
did his job he is getting a little older but he showed up and he was the alternate which look I know he got paid
and he probably got treated well but it seems to kind of follow some sort of a suit I think I would do that one now
granted we just saw canineer versus Strickland maybe the promotion doesn’t want that or the fans don’t want it and
I’m also not going to pretend like I don’t think he’s the biggest draw out of a lot of the names we just mentioned I
get that but sometimes it’s not all about that you know and look I’m wearing a jersey a Niners jersey last year in
the NFC Championship we lost to the Philadelphia Eagles you do not think that if I was the president of the NFL
or the commissioner of the NFL I would have said nah let’s just go with the Niners against KC you know I mean I can’t the NFL doesn’t
do that it’s whoever wins keeps going you know there’s got to be something to that so I agree with you Danny there in
you know the sporting aspect um but the UFC thinks numbers you know it’s a business it’s a it’s a business
that does very well who knows all right shout out to the Niners who crushed Pittsburgh by the way that was an easy
game topic four Tyson Fury versus Francis and gone who had a press conference this
past week they spoke first then they squared off what did you think of their interactions and Fury’s
statement where I believe he took it too far he said he could also be in ganu in an MMA match Nolan your thoughts
yeah it’s cool man you know I don’t think anybody expected this whole thing to be the spectacle of like a Mayweather
McGregor or anything but it’s it’s cool on little thing um or big thing I guess two big guys that had two heavyweights
and champions of the world in their respective Sports um I’m intrigued I’m always somebody if you guys have heard me speak before I
like things that are a little outside the box obviously Francis has uh carved his own unique path throughout his
career and this is a very uh is it opening the door for for more fighters to test the market when the right
opportunities arise potentially um I thought the press conference was good obviously Tyson’s personality
carried it um which is I think what we expect I was a little surprised at just how
um how much weight he’s carrying I’m not sure what his plan is in terms of what kind of weight he wants to come into
this fight weighing in at but he certainly looked a lot heavier than I was expecting I think he even kind of
made fun of himself for being uh kind of a little maybe overweight there um as you can see in the the video but
um yeah it’s kind of crazy this thing’s only you know a month and a half away I’ll be very intrigued see how much of
the audience in the mainstream that this will capture I mean McGregor and Mayweather were such big stars that they
not only transcended their own sport uh but their own combat sport was just kind of all a combat sport so I’m not
necessarily sure um maybe Tyson Fury does to a certain degree I’m not necessarily sure Francis has that sort of appeal but I still
think obviously it’s going to draw a lot of eyeballs we’ve seen this recipe before with the influencers versus MMA fighters there’s uh specifically on the
MMA side there seems to be a lot of interest that can be generated from our fan base so
um fun you know good for them I hope they both get obviously they’re both going to get paid a good amount of money and
um I don’t I don’t think it’s necessarily a uh it’s as close as of a fight as Tyson
Fury was even making it sound like but it’s heavyweights and anything can happen and I think that that’s kind of that Intrigue for me is
um it has that one punch factor that maybe uh some of the other crossover fights wouldn’t have just because of the
division Nolan what’s more likely Francis to beat Fury unboxing or Fury to beat Francis in
MMA oh I mean Francis probably beating Fury in boxing would be more likely I think
uh there’s a reason we don’t see the jump you know we talk about this all the time I just think uh at least Francis
you know has to box an MMA you know Fury doesn’t have to do anything else in in boxing so I think that’s an easy easy
answer for me yeah and I think both of them are highly doubtful by the way but I think I agree with you exactly uh I
can’t believe he actually said it uh Danny how about you man what’d you think of the press conference their
interaction the Face-Off holy cow Fury is a big dude man Francis is all of
six four yeah uh that that whole thing was kind of weird
um I’m I’m with Nolan in the sense that I don’t know how well this is gonna do
because the McGregor Mayweather thing was interesting because both were so uh such
big stars I mean they still are obviously that they captivated a level of or or a reach that I don’t think
Tyson Fury and enganu do now in ganu and fury obviously very widely popular but I
don’t think they’re nearly as big as Mayweather and McGregor at least for the time
um and also another thing was that McGregor would just was an amazing trash talker and that kind of caused a lot of
interest because obviously it lend itself for a lot of Clips a lot of highlights reels whatever quote cards uh
headlines but in ganu in this scenario he’s very quiet um he’s not really a natural trash
talker he kind of tried to engage a little bit but um he’s not really steering the pot as
far as the whole thing looking very intense I feel like most of the promotional side of things is kind of uh
falling on the shoulders of Tyson Fury and his whole angle has been to cast
some some doubt on the result of the fight actually saying that he may lose that friend zengan who actually has a
better shot than usig or even Joshua and even Bob arum’s out there saying like
look at the power I mean you just gotta analyze these UFC tapes uh you know I’m
not sure he’s aware of this thing called UFC Fight Pass and streaming but you know he keeps talking about these UFC
tapes and all this and that and and I don’t really know if that’s going through I think a lot of people kind of see it as what it is right
um which is it’s a big payday for Francis and Gano and people are happy that he’s getting it which is another whole weird aspect I think MMA is the
only sport where fans actually actively root for certain fights to be made because their favorite Fighters are
getting paid I don’t see that in the NFL I don’t see people going oh thank God Cristiano Ronaldo went to Saudi Arabia he’s making so much money good for him
and if you go over any other sport I don’t really see like the same level of of happiness for these athletes making
money I think this is what it is it’s a Payday um it’s pretty clear that in God who’s gonna enter compromise given that
boxing’s not his thing um it’s gonna be weird and interesting to watch
two huge dudes going at it but um outside of that um I do wonder how how much success this
paper is going to have all right goes finish up and don’t shy away from what you told me yesterday
about the part where Fury thinks he he can beat in ganu in an MMA match yeah no
I’ll definitely get to that part look I’m not too bitter about giving these guys my money it has a different feel uh
to it than than what Mayweather and McGregor had with with that they had so much smack talk that you’re kind of just
tuning in to see somebody get served up versus does he have a chance like I mean you’d be a fool if he thought he had a
chance against Floyd Mayweather Floyd mailer just doesn’t get touched by some of the most elite athletes in the world
how is Conor McGregor going to do it right so in this particular case though they get my money because they’re
presenting something that we just haven’t seen and that’s the best guy in boxing against the best guy in MMA right
the the monster that Francis and Ghana is that’s what kind of makes it interesting now
Tyson Fury is scaring me a little bit he doesn’t really come in ripped if it’s a
boxing match but he doesn’t look the way he looked at the press conference is he not taking it serious I think he needs
to you know Francis and ganu does pack a punch let’s be honest here he’s not gonna go out there Francis and gun is
not going to outbox Tyson Fury that’s just not gonna happen but Power punches we’ve seen Tyson Fury get hit with some
good ones that’s what scares me on the young ganu side is we saw Deontay Wilder hit him with a shot that just completely
annihilated him he wasn’t even moving and then he just sat up like The Undertaker and continued to fight so
even if Francis and ganu does hit him with his best shot Tyson Fury has been hit with some pretty hard shots right so
I I think it’s gonna it’s gonna be enough to keep us all interesting on the night of now what Tyson Fury said about
coming to MMA I think you have to take him a little bit like I don’t think that fight will ever happen by the way I don’t think he’ll ever come that with me
but him saying he thinks he can win of course he’s gonna say that he wants us talking about that’s what we’re doing right now right but look when you look
at Francis and gun who is a mixed martial artist it’s not like he’s got this crazy wrestling game or the
submission game we know him for knocking people silly right in mixed martial arts
I don’t know that it’s that crazy to think that Tyson Fury if Francis and ganu chose to stand with him in mixed
martial arts that Tyson Fury can’t find that chin with MMA gloves it’s possible it’s not the it’s not the craziest thing
right we saw Ray Mercer do it he came in he did it really quick what you need to do is you have to have
a game plan if you’re a mixed martial artist the way Randy Couture had and that’s I’m not messing around this is my
world and it’s mixed martial arts and I’m diving for a leg and I’m going to take this guy down and make him look silly Francis and ganu would need to do
something like that but if he even stands with him for a little bit of course every second that you’re standing there with a guy that packs a punch like
Tyson Fury it is possible I don’t know the way the shape that Fury
looked in I don’t even think he could get through an MMA Camp although I don’t even know if he would do an MMA Camp to tell you the truth
because it does all this does just seem so comical I just want to get it done
with but I will be cheering for the MMA guy I always stand for the MMA guy he packs a punch heavyweight’s different
from what was the Mayweather fight contested at I think Junior middleweight at one 54 with uh McGregor so the
one-hitter quitters you know that might offset things a little bit and and to be fair France is trained boxing before he
trained MMA so there’s probably some rusty skills in there somewhere who knows
um but I don’t give Fury I give him a .001 chance whatever the opposite of
99.99 is I give him that chance to win uh in MMA
anyhow uh good stuff guys let’s move on here so this Saturday is Noche UFC Alexa
Grosso will defend her flyweight title versus Valentina shashenko this is an immediate rematch for shashenko who lost
her title earlier this year via submission can bullet regain her strap or does the Mexican hold serve and add
to the celebrations of September 16th Danny Segura
I I’m I was looking at the odds Alexa is a slight Underdog I wonder if that’s
going to shift as we get closer to the fight but basically it’s it’s pretty even and I think that’s remarkable
because let’s not forget back in March Alex was a huge Underdog and people gave
her very little chance and dismissed her ability of of becoming champion and here she is defending her belt on September
16th Mexican Independence Day and all of a sudden she is pretty much a pickum with one of the greatest of all time
certainly the greatest female flyweight of all time in Valentino shevchenko so
um I I’m kind of agreeing with the odds I think this fight’s super super close if you watch the first one on the feet
Alexa Grasso was beating Valentina had a resort to the wrestling which made the fight competitive and even pushed the
decision at least on the scoring towards her until the Finish obviously um so I think this is a very interesting
fight um I’m actually going with Alexa grazo here I I think it’s her time it’s her moment she’s in her prime Chef shenko
has been around for quite some time um in you know Father Time catches everyone I still think she’s very elite
I think it’s going to be a very competitive fight but I feel like the adjustments that shoshenko needs to do
are much bigger and harder than the ones that Alexa needs to do because on the feet again she was piecing up shevchenko
and once she was able to lower her stance in in the later rounds then we saw a different fight
um so I’m going with Alex agraso here plus she’s gonna have you know the Mexican fan base behind her I think just
everything about this moment just kind of lends itself for uh kind of like a
fairy tale so um I’m picking Alex so I think she’ll get it done and I think it’s gonna be a big night for for Mexican MMA
is going with Valentina he says all day and I’m going with Valentina and as you
were talking Danny I thought man should I bet him I’ll shave my head versus your mustache but I don’t know if
I’m ready because I’m losing hair every day I’m guy there’s less and less at the top of this Dome am I ready to just take
it all off versus that I mean you got to do it now right yeah it’s got to be done now
all right [ __ ] it let’s do it nice I like it I hate it uh all right yeah I
hate it too man I might have to call Jimmy scissors and say take it all off let’s see what it looks like I’m gonna shave off like well if I lose yeah my
birthday’s coming up too I’d be almost bald for my birthday holy cow I gotta rethink this did we
already shake [ __ ] come on man come through I feel terrible too because I’m part Mexican and I’m all about the
16th in the celebrations but I’m also part Peruvian and Valentina does Peru as
well and I’m also part I love my hairyan whatever that is oh man what did I just walk into what
did we just do Danny I don’t know um who’s next here I’ve lost my train of thought goes your thoughts here man who
who does she regain the strap or does the Mexican hang on to her belt okay this is too yeah I think my analysis has
changed now that I know that George could potently lose his hair and Danny as a mustache wait look
with Alexa Grosso you go back to that last fight it was so amazing you know it’s an upset but she didn’t just get
the win she got the finish and I don’t know I I feel like she has improved as a fighter and I don’t know
that she gets that credit from people I think she’ll do fairly well in this fight but you know I feel like Valentina
she’s one of the scariest gals to be just staring right in front of her you look at a resume everything she’s done
uh her strengths she’s scary just normal Valentina but
she’s pissed off Valentina right now and that is not a fun Valentina to be around
I I just feel like she is dead set on not just getting this Victory back but
really making Alexa Grosso look bad in the process it’s going to be a close fight because I don’t feel like people
respect Alexa Grosso as much as they should and I don’t think it’ll be that easy for Valentina but I think she will
get it done and I think she she might actually even get the finish in this one it’s gonna be a great fight though with this on the line I am all in
I’m scared hi Danny can I shave it after my birthday
when’s your birthday 26th of September mine’s the 17th
okay as long as we go post birthday yeah the BET’s on how about moves
Grosso win was a fluke very questionable and I’m high-fiving him right and then he says but valentina’s looking old now
oh the high five back all right Nolan King what says you man or the enchiladas
both yeah seriously man like I’m never gonna say no to either one of those but yeah I mean you guys kind of hit a lot
of the the nose on the head here it’s it’s an intriguing fight it’s close I think when we talked about the
Strickland win earlier I kind of was saying that there was no doubt um you know went with his win and that’s
why they didn’t want to that they didn’t need a rematch and I get the opposite Vibe for this one like there was a
little bit of Doubt for me that that was the most likely outcome now it could be I mean I felt the same way going into
the rematch between kamaru and Leon Edwards so I’m kind of also getting that sort of vibe which is telling me like
maybe you’re being too biased to the past to what we’ve seen from Valentino you’re not giving enough credit to Alexa
Grasso but I think by any sort of angle that we look at this fight it is very difficult to predict on paper
um so for me I’m leaning towards shipchenko just because I think the bodies will work I I still would lean
towards her but that’s not always the best way to pick a fight there’s just so many intangibles when it comes to this one
um but yeah it will be interesting to see Valentina coming off a loss and that crowd uh like Danny said with with the
Mexican fans behind Alexa what kind of push that gives her um it’s good man I’m I’m happy with this uh this main event and
um very intrigued by it in the division let’s talk about the plywood division too right now I mean this is a very a division it’s in a really good spot I
think I think in the next year or so we’re going to start to see a get even kind of more packed up there at the top we got blanchfield we got Manuel Farrow
we got Macy Barber who’s coming off of an injury he had surgery so there’s a lot of fights there that are not only
just like now I mean there’s the one step away fights and then there’s kind of these two step away fights that are
even happening so flyweight’s in a good spot and I think a lot kind of just everybody’s sitting around waiting to
see this next chip how it falls before uh before everything else gets figured
out the question yeah Miranda Maverick there’s a lot of good good fly weights
man out there oh go ahead girls George how much do you respect the audience the
chat room the people that come and support us on this program I respect them a lot but I really would appreciate
if you guys would give us a like as ghost talks come on hit that like button folks go ahead guys and while you do that since you respect them so much
shouldn’t they be the ones that decide what happens in a draw I feel like they kind of both have to shave right oh my
God no we both get out of it I don’t know I’m in a drawing a dragon rid of this and a loss I’ll take the
yellow oh no no that’s a step too far
goes in Nolan show up with mohawks how’s that he it’s not likely join the party rock
goes this is your fault with mohawks should have come to your mouth shut we were playing with house draw us on draws
are unlikely so you guys should really go [ __ ] it I’m into yeah a mohawk is Extreme though Danny can grow back a
mustache in probably like four days right let’s be honest here the George you could wear a hat we gotta run around
with a mohawk that seems extreme I will do this and and George you know how much I am you’re a beanie oh I I’ll grow a
mustache for one spinning back click but that’s it and I’ll shave it off but I’m not gonna come on Mohawk
all right Nolan what about you yeah we’ll do that that seems like a fair bet
with with November coming these guys are really taking one for the team all right let’s continue here uh it’s been a lot
of fun you had an impressive career so far guys he’s won the title three times one was the interim and defended it five
times I’m not gonna count the interim title defense his record stands at 24-3 many regard them as the greatest lightweight sorry middleweight in the
history of MMA others have maintained that it’s Anderson Silva what say you I’m kind of rushing through it goes because I need quick answers goes that’s
a tough one man um there are times where you look at Anderson Silva’s fights and you think uh
what are we doing here right like this doesn’t really feel like a competitive matchup as well with Izzy you feel like
it’s killer after killer after killer that being said izzy and his prime kind
of got his lights put out right and I feel like it’s Anderson Silva by a hair still
Nolan yeah it’s it’s for me at this point in time if the if the world ended
tomorrow I would still be and I was asked right before it ended who’s the best middleweight of all time I would lean with Anderson
wow that’d be some timing wouldn’t it all right yeah it’s still Anderson Silva I mean
he’s got the longest uh winning streak in UFC history um he’s got I believe the most title
defenses uh at middle uh middleweight um I mean the numbers still back them up
plus again Anderson Silva once he stopped being dominant he stopped being dominant but during his Reign I mean nobody could touch him Israel lasagna
has had some close calls like remember that Joel Romero fight was hard to judge um you know some of the fights uh the
second fight with Whitaker as well he lost the fight against operator they now lost to Strickland so
um yeah I think out of Sonya I mean sorry uh Silva still has that spot for sure okay and we’re not [ __ ] on easy I
know it’s been a bad weekend for him and we know Evita Anderson Silva as well but I think still resumes
you know Anderson Silva was pretty impressive but I think Izzy’s got time to catch him all right next one Nolan
I’m sorry Conor McGregor once again very active on Fight Night on social media he always is especially after paper
views he was heaping Praise on UFC 293 Laura sanco shout out to her and the UFC
as a promotion but at some point he engaged by Alexander volkanovski and somehow a possible fight at UFC 300 came
up but I got it got me thinking guys if McGregor were to beat mokonovsky and I know this is some far out stuff because
cutting the 145 scene is almost impossible for the guy I think he’s 245 right now but if he did and he beat him
would that make him the featherweight goat may I remind you he’s also beating Aldo and Halloween the other guys that
get discussed in this topic Nolan I think my brain just kind of melted but not in that universe but uh now uh no I
think longevity is a big part of it you know we’ve seen so many fighters come in and kind of beat the goats in the division like Chris Weidman beat
Anderson Silva it doesn’t necessarily make him the goat you know so for me it would have to be uh him sticking around
at a weight class racking up some wins and some consistency and some longevity before any sort of uh goat conversation
comes up so you would also say Matt Sarah’s not the Goku’s he’d be GSP you know it’s this is where we we really
spit some fire takes here and I know that’s maybe controversial but yeah yeah I agree by you Danny
I agree with Nolan yep it wouldn’t make him the goat no
he did beat the other two though in their Prime well maybe not Holloway but for sure all
though goes he’d be the goat at the press conference because they kind of wouldn’t be able to say much but yeah if
we look at statistics and just the way things lay out overall I agree with Danny and Nolan McGregor over here
folks thank you so much for tuning in we do this every Monday and for the next few weeks it’ll be 11 A.M Eastern 8 A.M
Pacific uh uh do you know my Contender series The Wayans are right after us once that
series is done in about a month and a half we’ll go back to our normal start time of noon Eastern 9am Pacific I’m not begging you
but I’m kindly asking you to really hit the like And subscribe the channel is full of incredible content like this
weekly show uh like the interviews that we all do as part of the staff pre and post fight coverage of every event
junkie’s always present it would really mean a lot to us Nolan King’s up for journalists of the year at the world MMA
Awards go to world MMA give them a vote and MMA junkies up for best media Source on a separate stream right
now check out the Dana White Contender series we’re out of here go out and be a champion
thank you ain’t that right people
Abby you awake topic number six
we shall continue I suppose so
it’s strictly enough for the leading candidate for fighter of the Year guys quick

Chael Sonnen Talks UFC 293

Chael Sonnen Talks UFC 293, Shocking UFC Upsets, More | The MMA Hour


Chael Sonnen, former UFC fighter and current ESPN analyst, recently appeared on The MMA Hour to discuss various topics, including the upcoming UFC 293 event, shocking upsets in UFC history, and more. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the highlights from Sonnen’s interview.

Sean Strickland’s Surprising Victory

Sonnen started off by discussing Sean Strickland’s recent victory and how it was a surprise to see him perform so well. Sonnen described Strickland as a “gentleman” and a great performer. However, he noted that Strickland’s brand-building efforts and his behavior on the microphone were not what Sonnen expected from the person he knew.

Sonnen also mentioned that he had stayed in touch with Strickland and was proud of his accomplishments. He shared an incident where Strickland participated in a submission underground event and faced off against Andy Varela, a highly skilled grappler. Despite Strickland’s lack of experience in grappling, he managed to hold his own against Varela. However, in a surprising turn of events, Strickland turned his back on Varela, who then swiftly locked in a body triangle and a choke, leading to Strickland tapping out.

Sonnen acknowledged that while this upset was significant, he didn’t consider it the biggest upset in UFC or MMA history. He compared it to other notable upsets, such as Holly Holm knocking out Ronda Rousey and Matt Serra defeating Georges St-Pierre. Sonnen believed that the manner in which Strickland won, through a long drawn-out battle, made it a remarkable upset.

Valentina Shevchenko’s Rematch

Sonnen also discussed the upcoming rematch between Alexa Grasso and Valentina Shevchenko. He expressed his belief that Grasso had a chance to defeat Shevchenko, especially after her submission victory in their first fight. Sonnen noted that Shevchenko’s previous performances had shown signs of decline, making the rematch an intriguing matchup.

Sonnen further highlighted the depth of the women’s flyweight division, mentioning the upcoming fights between Erin Blanchfield and Manon Fiorot. He expressed his excitement for the division and its potential for compelling matchups.

Sonnen’s Return and Missed Opportunities

Towards the end of the interview, Sonnen touched on his return to ESPN and the missed opportunity to include a mention of his return in the press release. He jokingly mentioned that he still receives inquiries about “Harold the bad guy,” a character he played in the past. Sonnen also addressed the immediate rematch debate, agreeing with the notion that a rematch could overshadow the initial victory and make it seem as though the first win never happened.

In conclusion, Chael Sonnen’s interview on The MMA Hour covered a range of topics, from surprising upsets to upcoming fights. Sonnen provided his insights and opinions on these subjects, offering readers a glimpse into his perspective as a former fighter and current analyst. His analysis of Sean Strickland’s victory and the upcoming rematch between Alexa Grasso and Valentina Shevchenko adds depth to the discussion of these fights. Sonnen’s return to ESPN and the missed opportunity to mention it in the press release also provides a lighthearted moment in the interview. Overall, Sonnen’s interview offers valuable insights and opinions for MMA fans to consider.

my old friend he’s your pal and mine one half of Ariel and the bad guy
jlp there he is hey chill how are you a little tardy you know poor Curtis Curtis came in here
he’s doing his little segment you’re doing the best he can he knows he’s got to follow Uncle chill you rushed him Errol you basically said here’s your hat
what’s your hurry and you know what you did the right thing Curtis when I show up your mouth goes silent glad to be
here partner can I it’s because there’s a few things that we need to address off the top I’m going to blow by the uh the
tardiness because it’s very unlike you but you know it’s Monday and you probably were busy let’s go I mean chill
I’m on vacation I’m trying to enjoy my time with my family and then I see like her I was gonna report your Twitter
because I thought it was an impersonator just harassing me on Twitter it’s like I don’t know where we stand are we friends
are we not friends are we like you know it’s just like a lot of yeah yeah I am aware that it is very hard to make
money and to get business discussing MMA right now I’m aware that the leadership in certain positions have gone ahead and
done everything they could do to make this one of the importance to discuss and it’s been like a five-year plan but they’re
really getting there however as I watch you hedge your bet and try to pretend that you watch basketball which there’s
no way that you do you even extended Us in the darks now there’s five people in the world that know anything about darts or want to watch so it’s not like the
world’s biggest scam but now you’re getting into soccer as though you possibly care it’s not true when you’re
on vacation to your own point you were right there on Twitter you weren’t over there watching a football game I just
called you out on it I mean it’s just it’s a it’s a tough thing you’re welcome in our community you’re loved by our community you’re 15 times I said 15 time
journalist of the year you’re going to win it a 16th time again because the people love you the darts people don’t
care and neither do the soccer people or the football people or the basketball player quit the ACT you’re our guy just
be our guy it’s not and by the way don’t be afraid to go heal the fact that there is no promoter in any promotion that has
anything of interest to discuss with us like that’s really not you and I’s fault I think that we should do a whole topic
on that MMA is around me I’m looking for other things to do I went through a Taco Bell drive through with my entire
production team filmed my order put that up and beat anything that I did MMA related by twofold okay well that is a
fascinating take are your feelings the same after Saturday
well no not from my perspective I love it I think there’s two stories coming out of Saturday number one of course is
the Sean Strickland’s the champion of the world but the number two story it Rivals at heart fabricus duplicity is
not the number one Contender will not be next for the belt and missed a massive opportunity I think that those two hand
in hand are equally a Fascination okay let’s start with Sean I actually had a
bit of deja vu watching that fight I was I was back in 2010 Oakland California UFC 117 this felt a
lot like Chael Sonnen versus Anderson Silva the fight was different right like the the actual action was different
there was a lot of wrestling and takedowns and ground upon your fight but it was like holy you just watched this thing round by round by round
unfortunately at the very last second everything it didn’t happen but I was wondering in the back of my head like are we gonna see the same thing did that
thought ever cross your mind as you were watching the fight on Saturday I had a little bit of a different experience Ariel I was at the Roseland
Theater I had just I just married I I was the I or the minister I had just married Brittany’s brother so my
brother-in-law and Miss Kimmy got married I leave that and I try to put in an appropriate amount of time you know
there’s dancing a little after Affair a race across town I got the whole family with me so I got to stop at Joe’s drive-thru I gotta get burgers and fries
for the kids I I raced them to the Roseland Theater for an amateur event of which I’m taking in and I’m hosting and
I’m also sitting there with my phone open trying to watch Sean Strickland and Izzy but the reason I give you all that
background is I really do think this is a fascinating way to go about it because Daryl I saw the knockdown in the first round I saw Sean try to swarm him there
was a rule in fighting if you go for the Finish you will not win a decision and I really did think that that was Sean is
using all of his energy and Sean is not going to be able to continue if this fight doesn’t get stopped instead he recomposed himself now I’m looking down
I got five other things going on but I’m looking down at my phone over the course of the next uh 20 minutes which constitutes four rounds they were on the
feet the whole time they never were anywhere but defeat so in my mind okay Izzy must be beating him Izzy must have
beat him four rounds to to the one I got to give him the one because he had the knockdown that’s what I thought from not watching it closely I had no idea that
Sean Not only was whipping him he was beating him at his own game that’s amazing Arrow that’s what dreams are made of right Sean would have not had
this experience he would not have had this approach he would not have this confidence had he not taken that ass
kicking from Alex Pierre as tough as that was for him to swallow in that moment it looked like a number one Contender ship lost the things that he
learned that I need to respect against the superior Striker it’s that match is what led him to be able to do that to
harassany on Saturday night can you elaborate on that what do you mean by that well Sean goes out there and you know
when I talk about Sean I talk from a very personal standpoint because I spotted this guy every single day
he keeps his hands down not where you want him he does this with his hands now you’ll see this stance a lot in boxing
you’ve only seen it twice in MMA that’s gone well Chuck Liddell and Sean Strickland guys are not supposed to hold
their hands like this unless you have a 16 ounce glove on that changes uh all the opportunities so he then puts
himself right in the fire at all times he’ll throw kicks at you at all times instead if you throw a kick you got to get offline more importantly you throw
something the kick is the last thing to go as a distraction Sean makes these little tiny mistakes because he likes it
he likes to DARE the opponent the whole time I dare you to hit me I dare you to take me down he really learned and he
fought a lot smarter fight he gained confidence as that Izzy fight went on the strategy that his coach had laid out
for him right and Coach Nixon even made this public but it was to make it dirty and that means get your get your hands
on the guy old school Randy Couture dirty boxing have your hands on him non-stop pushing him chasing him down
Sean let all of that go and even as I’m watching it I’m going back doing my life and I’m watching them come back to my
regular life I knew that Sean was getting away from the game plan I knew that somewhere in there he put him down
he liked that feeling so much he wanted to put him down one more time and I thought that he was getting careless now it turns out that I had all of that
wrong there’s a reason that you need to watch the fight or really pay close attention if you want to give an analysis since I have gone back and
rewatched the fight I gotta stick with that though Sean did throw the game plan out the window which makes it all the
more impressive right okay so let me ask you your thoughts going into the fight how did you actually think this fight would play out
well I’m gonna go back and quote Eric Nixon who was the coach and he just said this matchup is a effing nightmare for
Sean and there’s so much truth to that era like I could really brag to you about what a good wrestler that Sean is but I’d have to finish the thought which
is defensively from a wrestling standpoint he is so incredibly difficult to get down he’s so
incredibly difficult to hold down that’s what Jose Aldo did just by example Jose was an excellent wrestler but he never
used it for offense this is what uh Sean has and now you got
to look at is there a lot of sun you see that professional kickboxing wrestler record what was it it was like 29 and two it’s off the top of my head but it
was just beautiful and it was decorated he does things on his feet he does things in the stand-up which is where Sean is going to be forced to face him
it was an awful match-up it was one that when DraftKings said it was a six to one spread on Sonia’s favor I saw it the
same way okay so you thought it was a horrible match you thought Izzy would win now that the fight actually plays
out the way in which it did in your opinion was that all Sean Strickland on Saturday or I think
there’s four things that you could say I’m not saying I’m subscribing I’m still not even quite sure what the make of all of it to be honest but number one do you
subscribe to the notion that Izzy has been fighting too much fourth fight since you know July of 2022 when he
fought Jared kennedyar did he take him lightly did he just kind of look past Sean with the big fights against the
likes of Hamza Rodriguez coming up next uh did he perhaps yeah I don’t know was he distracted all week there was a lot
going on he’s tweeting a storm he’s you know he’s battling all kinds of different factors or maybe it was just the punch in the first round that
changed the course of the fight are any of those things at play here or was it just Sean and Eric nixik and the team
showing up and fighting better well all
far going to need to be built story if we’re going
like we didn’t need a six round we didn’t need a tenth round there was nothing about what you saw that screams rematch other than one of the biggest
draws in the sport just took the biggest upset of 2023. and the reason I say that
Ariel if what you said is true and it very well may be that’s all mental and you’ll
always get some jerk every 10 years that writes a mental side book think this way and retrieve your achieve your dreams
it’ll put on Amazon for 20 bucks there’s nothing about the sport that is mental if you told me this physically
physically Izzy had a bad Shin so he couldn’t throw that kick and that kick is what sets up the uppercut if it had
anything to do with physicality I would listen but the sport is all physical the judges will never look to see how did
you feel there’s no criteria for did this guy get enough sleep last night that no judges are going to sit down and
and barter back and forth on did he tweet too often this is his fourth fight since July it’s this guy’s fifth fight
since July but we’re going to leave that detail out like the whole thing gets really weird if it has anything to do with the mental game it’s fake if it has
to do with the physical game which is what the guy really should be writing a book to put on Amazon for I’ll listen I
mean everybody I take the time to make that point because history says we’re going into an immediate rematch I mean the last time somebody took a belt away
from Montesano we get them right back in there even though it meant that Izzy had lost three times uh consistently to this
guy two of them by finish whatever it took to get the belt back around Izzy so I think that we’re gonna do the rematch with Sean but you do have to be able to
answer one question what’s going to be different why are we rematching them and based on what I saw I mean Sean came out
of that ring and said I don’t think he was trying this is Sean’s quote he said I don’t even think he tried he was worse
than my bad training partners and those are the kind of things that are going to fire Israel a lot of Sonya up Izzy is
going to want this rematch he’s going to be ready to go he’s not going to use any of those excuses that other people are trying to give him but guys like you and
I if we’re going to do a rematch do have to wonder what’s going to be different this time I mean Sean fought him with the wrong game plan not the game plan
that his coach gave him fought him in his realm and beat him four rounds to one if you were Dana White Hunter
Campbell you were the decision maker are you doing the immediate rematch are you going in a different direction
I’m doing an immediate rematch for sure because hey the bigger thing lost there like getting these two back together I’m
sure they did a fine piece of business and I’m sure next time will be even better right the sequel generally does better than the original
but none of them will do what duplicity and Izzy had building I mean they had
this entire nation to the point that you were having to review interviews have you got to review interviews your fight
is going to be very hot and it just seems like that was the one to try to preserve I don’t think we have a smart
85 powder out there if you have a smart 85 pounder he’d be calling out two policies with everything that he’s got right Bo nickel is not going to get an
opportunity to fight Strickland or Izzy for the title next but he could do everything he’s got and he could get
that duplicity fight in duplicity is obviously next even if it’s next from the next it’s still got next next to it
they should all be going after him they should all see what has been lost and what opportunity there is I predict for
you they don’t do any of those things but I think in 105 is very interesting right now and no matter what happens I
mean if they go into a rematch as you buy yourself a little bit of time to Exhale and get the plans together
shamaya versus Paulo Costa just became the number one contenders match it wasn’t originally it was the number one
contenders match Fortune if Jeremiah wins and they were gonna that rug and reveal that to us right after the fight
in case Paulo Costa won but now because you got a new champion at top Strickland versus Paula works all day long
Strickland versus chimaya plus they’ve trained together it works all day long that’s going to be the number one contenders match and do polices is going
to get forgot yet again oh my God he I mean he he is truly getting screwed here do you think in retrospect and uh I may
have a chance to talk to him later in the week he’s watching that fight on Saturday and says like I screwed up do you think he will regret that decision
I think I think so that isn’t what he’s saying so far he’s saying hey you’re lucky it wasn’t me in there right he
hasn’t actually called for the fight I mean if the police he really wanted to do the smart move he calls for AutoZone
he’s not going to get out of Sonya but he calls for audacity as a way of letting the world know this is personal
between he and I all that Africa stuff that’s real no it’s not it’s all about
the belt participation points becoming a millionaire he needs to convince the world otherwise and right now is his
opportunity to do it interesting okay so if I’m if I’m reading this correctly you’re saying UFC should do Sean versus
Izzy too immediately Paulo versus Hamza winner gets the winner of that fight and then what
happens to trick is because I actually disagree with you but I just I’m curious what happens to dracus is he just
out of luck like what is he doing you curse over here are you curse over here curse up a storm you don’t like
that eh you’re not a big kid yeah that disappoints me why you I just think that you’re above it
no not anymore you’re an intelligent guy you dress nice you know you’re down there in your little your little cave
independent hilwani is no I’ve actually heard people say that
about you that you guys somebody said you’ll say the f word sometimes I said there’s no way that’s true but here I am now I’m confronted with it wow how do
you feel it we can move on well I’ll tell you this I’ll tell you this Arrow by the way one
thing I only got the I only got the curse words from watching you in the Mojo desert dropping f-bombs Galore
non-stop right it was unbelievable I was blushing half diamond is what that was called yeah well what is uh what what is
Miss Brittany and the kids say about that I mean I can’t even imagine what they said they must have been embarrassed but it actually it actually
bothered the kids they didn’t understand that and then there was a scene where I was supposed to kiss a woman I refused to do it but they read it in the screen
so in the script they thought it was coming the whole time they didn’t know that I refute and did not do it until we
watched it so that was they were relieved about that well done well done back to me enough about enough about
that and back to me Ariel sure sure I do not want my tone to sound as though I am taking a joy in uh removing duplicity
I’m just sharing the history of the sport and sometimes we need reminders I mean Sean strickler gave us one the history of the sport tells us anything
can happen in there absolutely anything everybody’s got a shot nobody is
Invincible but we need reminded of it Sean gave us that reminder but another reminder is it’s not a great idea to sit
around and wait and duplicate just need a little bit more time whatever it was that hap happened he just needed one he
knew that that one match I don’t know that he’s the number one Contender I do think that’s a beautiful fight but I’m
just sharing for you if we go and do the rematch which I’m sure that we’re going to do so we do Strickland and Izzy well
let’s say that they get it right the oddsmakers get it right and Izzy beats him are you telling me we’re not going
to go to the trilogy we’re we’re going to make it so known that we don’t want Sean as our champion we’re not even
going to hide it we’re gonna get the belt and we’re just not give an opportunity I know that I believe that so then if you do do a Trilogy I just I
just ate up the next 12 months but even if I don’t eat up those 12 months while
Jeremiah and Paula Costa is only to the hardcores likely an elimination about I
think as that fight gets closer that’s going to be revealed to the world I think we’re all going to know that’s an elimination bout and so now you really
have to quite what do you do with duplicity why are you interrupting me I feel like I’m stuttering over here
because you keep on making faces at me I don’t know what to do with duplicity I think that that’s a really hard spot I’m
not saying duplicity who once had this great attitude right he’s got the great attitude don’t put me on the undercard I’ll find anybody
Whitaker and then he did I mean do policies is awesome but he’s got to know what time it is he’s got to be looking
around he’s got to be aware he’s got to know he’s got to go after somebody else I’m being a little Coy here when I say
this but like can you explain to me the the thought process behind immediate
rematches or not like why does Izzy get the immediate rematch but algeman doesn’t
it’s draw power for sure it seems to only happen when it’s the Starlight and
as much as aljo is a good one aljo did not call for it I think that really hurt him I think history was on his side I
did the post show I remember John anik and I both were kind of trying to team up and and repair what Al Joe had not
said because historically speaking he would get the rematch but when you don’t ask for it and then you allow uh sugar
Sean to call it a guy who happens to be in the building that night named Trudeau right it’s one of those spots it’s very hard to unfry an egg I will share this
with you I mean you want to talk about bad rematches when Thug Rose stop Joanna there was nothing
competitive about that there was nothing that said we should do a rematch but we did do one it was a totally different fight but Rose won anyway when Thug rose
beat Wei Lee way Lee had not touched her the ref didn’t even bring them in and say if you if you like to shake hands
now she they never touched in the Octagon she wasn’t touching slipping chasing her down grab her nothing Rose
knocked her out there is nothing about that match that says rematch there’s no
history behind it this wasn’t a huge draw the buildings weren’t packed but there was nothing about the competition
they rematched it and Rose went out and beat her again anyway and I I just share that with you like there are times where
you get rematched and you and I can be coy but we don’t have to lie about it right when the top guy comes down he gets replaced by somebody who is not the
top guy or shows potential to match that kind of fire you do the best you can to
correct the deck and I realized that people can’t say aren’t going to come out and say that candidly but you and I know that to be true and that is the
situation here okay but let’s be honest the Babyface on Saturday was Sean
Strickland the baby face all week was Sean Strickland like he is Beloved the pop when Bruce Buffer said and new the
reaction online why do you think he is so popular and are you surprised that he is so popular all of a sudden
well it’s very hard to over bully a bully and I don’t accuse how to sign you that but but autosign is the 800 pound
elephant in the room I mean he is the greatest of all time for for uh middleweight he’s not afraid to leave
middleweight he’s not afraid to go get himself into Jon Jones’s business he doesn’t say sorry to anybody he makes no
apologies whatsoever I’m just saying when you have a guy like that it’s very hard to be the bad guy against that when
you have a guy that pops into an interview uses the n-word repeatedly to the point that Dana White that’s the
number one thing Danny gets asked about the press conference it has nothing to do with the fight it had to be words that were used I’m just sharing it’s very hard to outdo that anybody that is
willing to step to him particularly as a six to one dog is going to be looked at a baby face then anybody that can shake
the world or Inspire the world I found Sean Strickland to be inspiring now and there’s not bigger words that I think
you can put on to a guy but that of course is going to give you a little bit of shine now Sean’s going to keep on
doing Sean and he might go and he might put a little rust on those nice shiny Wheels we’ll we’ll see what happens but
as far as who you’re going to cheer for and are you going to your hat acknowledge the winner I mean Izzy himself did it is he lost with
tremendous Grace so you just said something that uh stuck with me there Izzy’s the greatest middleweight
champion of all time Not Your your long time before I understand something you put Izzy above Anderson
well you have like respect factors for a lot of reasons that I would put Anderson or that other people did but you can
never get around the fact that they fought and I think the bigger thing that frustrates me that whole thing is they
fought but then people attempt to say Anderson wasn’t in his prime neither was Izzy I mean not for another you got two
guys at the same time they fight you got to live with the result or you’re just being silly if you’re not willing to
live with the result you’ve got to start bringing in Prime and judges and this happened in a nice sleep uh you know
prior to the event like you just start to get weird they fought Head to Head here’s who won the end yeah but what
about title defenses longevity things like that like comparing the residents yeah career is very different than than
being ghost and I hear your point on that I mean whoever the greatest is in my opinion is whoever made the most money but there is something when you’re
talking about skill we’re talking about Dynamic we’re talking about who can deal with what and hey don’t forget and I really my days of putting Anderson are
long behind me that’s not what this is but don’t don’t forget Arrow there was a big piece of the Anderson story it was pulling teeth to get him in that ring I
mean it was so much back and forth I had a flight of Brazil just so Dana could meet with him the only reason I was on
that airplane and did that press conference is Dana was going to Brazil to meet with them trying to get him to do the fight thought if we were face to
face he would agree I’m just sharing when you’re somebody like honest Sonia now we’re having an argument that he’s fought too many times there’s no such
thing as too many times you have that willingness that spirit that attitude those things need to make sure you get
credit for wow so that Infamous press conference in Brazil he had yet to agree when you got on the plane
he had not agreed that fight was not happening when we got on that plane no wow and then and then how did he agree
like were you there in the room when he said yes no no we were separate and I I
asked Dan about it and he Dana did not say much he he said uh I said some nice things to him and then I said some not
so nice things to him that was all that he said that was that was it and then yeah that agreement done
and then we went to the Prescott the Press cards were still going to happen but Dana did not know if he was going to announce the fight or if he was going to
get there and say I can’t get the fight because of this guy I don’t know I don’t know what would have happened after that did you have a lot of security with you
that time yeah we had four guys but they were they were like the right looking guys you
know your private security there’s a look you know one guy’s got this scar they don’t smile much even when you make jokes I mean you could tell they were on
the clock this was serious the way you’re in traffic and their their head is never sitting still their eyes are
always looking they’re looking at the rear view mirror they’re looking who came behind them they’re looking at the speeds of people passing them they were
they were four intense individuals no
Not For a Moment I wasn’t nervous I had you know I had Miss Brittany with me so now I’ve I’ve got a job they’re there to
protect me but I’m my She’s mine I I’m there to protect her but you know we were in a bulletproof car I’ve never
been in one of those before and they gave us a breakdown before we got in you can’t really even pop the tires and talk
to us about the metal in the glass like how it became bulletproof I didn’t know any of those things I thought that was only in the movies but it did make us
feel secure they didn’t want us in traffic jams and there’s a lot of traffic in Brazil so they took us to a different place we ran out jumped in a
helicopter just so we didn’t weren’t sitting seeing Ducks as they put it in traffic yeah it was intense wow it was
it’s actually a fun story for me to tell was it was very intense and then and this is a different one but when I did
Ultimate Fighter there so that was the press conference but fast forward to when I did Ultimate Fighter there’s some kind of a move like the move’s actually
got a name where somebody pulls in front of you hits your brakes and now you have to stop and they’ve got somebody behind you it’s called like the the the
swooping the the swishing swoop or anyway we were that was happening
somebody had done all the things of this move where they then box you in run up to your car and Rob you and so our two
guys start speaking to Portuguese and uh Rodrigo pulls his gun what and Brittany
was in the back sleeping her her head’s in my lap I’m like you know rubbing her face and brushing the hair out of her
way as a way of soothing her and uh so I don’t wake her but I’m paying attention to what’s happening and whatever bravado
you think you have or that you would have in that situation when the gun comes out and two guys are now speaking
in Portuguese like things are different you will find out just how Brave you
actually are in a moment like that wow and and how are you feeling
at that time oh it was very intensive but but more I don’t have a piece like if I would add a piece and I understood
what was going on I think it would have been a little bit different cover level but my I am completely depending on them
and you know my father trained me with guns everything I mean from a 22 to Smith and Wesson revolvers all the way
up to Uzis we’ve even got the gun the preferred gun of the Russian military which knows an AK-47 we have the
preferred gun of the United States military which is known as an M16 so I am pretty good with these things but I
don’t know who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys I don’t fully understand because of the language Bearer and I’m just hoping Miss Brittany doesn’t wake
up and fortunately she never did turn down those guys were just bad drivers they weren’t they weren’t setting in us
at all oh wow what a turn of event but then they were lost the whole reason that he had to slam the brakes on a weight so another car could pass this he
had to slip over to get to the exit oh my God why would you bring Miss Brittany I don’t think you were married at the
time but why would you bring her into the eye of the storm for that press conference what was the point of that so we were gonna go out to Atlanta for
UFC it was Rashad versus Jon Jones but then there was three days there was three days and we’re already at this
part there was three days and so Dana said we’re just gonna do a vacation so I had never been anywhere with Dana he
still thought my name was kale kale sonen but I know that I’m about to get a Billionaire’s vacation and I told my
wife I’m like hey we got to do this because we were engaged we’re getting married we didn’t have a honeymoon plan I told her whatever I do on the honeymoon it won’t be as cool as this so
if I get you in on this it counts do you agree and she’s like absolutely pack my bags tonight oh my God that is
incredible by the way uh did she pack your bags for that trip too because I know she likes to do that yeah you don’t
pack your own bags right she laid this outfit out to when she saw
error like a simple show me your she ironed it or what not she she wanted to show respect to the in an hour uh does
she look at your calendar and say okay you have this going on today let me pick out the right outfit is that how it goes yes wow yes and if she doesn’t know
she’ll make a call like she’ll call Leah or she’ll she’ll send a text to Glenn or Cheyenne like yeah try to figure out
specifically what you’re supposed to do I am colorblind I mean that is why I’m also very spoiled husband but um it’s
it’s really helpful when you gotta match ties or something like this or I don’t know what they call this the Curt Chief I don’t know what they call it the
pocket square yeah yeah shoes and belts are supposed to be the same color socks can’t throw you off
like there’s rules to attire that nobody ever taught me for one and two I would have a hard time seeing anyway but yeah
she does do that back to the fight how does a rematch go in your opinion well so what do you think Hmm
what a fascinating question right because in an absolute worst case scenario this
is according to Eric Nixon but you and I know it we don’t have to be the Insiders there we have to be the head coach you
and I know Izzy’s team though everybody knows a worst possible case for Sean
Strickland is that he can’t take him down or he gets frustrated and doesn’t try either way leads you to the same
conclusion which is a 25 minute kickboxing match Sean Strickland versus Israel out of son that is the worst case
scenario there is nothing you could lay out that would be worse of a strategy or Worse design for Sean and that’s what
happened he went and did it that’s what happened he had him four rounds to one and he almost finished him in the first it seems like one of these scenarios you
know there was a boxer his last name’s Ruiz he goes over and he beats up that good looking guy guy can’t box but he’s
real handsome over in England Anthony Joshua he beats him up and so they go to
a rematch and Ruiz shows up I mean I don’t know how much more he weighed but just just seeing the picture and you’re
stunned your jaw drops look at my goodness how could he not take this opportunity seriously
Sean is a human being and I know it’s being heavily predicted that he will never fall into that but there’s going
to be a lot of people coming out he’s had a lot of vultures coming at him that look like vultures off the street now
he’s gonna have vultures coming at him wearing three-piece suits the old vultures used to drop off McDonald’s at
his door these vultures are going to take him to a five-course meal they’re all the same scumbag they just dress
differently if he falls into something like that and we all have seen that Izzy will not that is really the only thing
that could change the trajectory of this match I mean there was nothing close about it on a son you got walked down
for 25 straight minutes I think he can fix that I think that Izzy could come and stand his ground back him up do some
lateral movement give you some of those X’s and O’s but it’s it’s very tough to imagine what’s going to be different and
with that said partner it’s very tough to imagine that Sean Strickland smooshes
Israel out of Sonya twice in a row right right like they’re both very fascinating things I would love to see what the odds
of DraftKings when they come out I remember the night that Chris Weidman Pete Anderson Silva it was not competitive but the Envy was a little
goofy and Anderson had his hands down there was seven and a half minutes done but the ending was Goofy Weidman was a
two and a half to 100 they rematched it Whiteman was a two and a half to one Underdog and so you kind of tipped your
head and go what are you talking about well this time there was a six point spread with Izzy and Sean I’ll be
curious if they rematch him I think is he still gonna be a favorite maybe not that big but I’m very confident in
telling you he will be the favorite regardless of what you just saw well uh you’re actually right DraftKings didn’t
come out with the uh with the odds but I did get an email while the show was going on that as of
right now Izzy according to one sports book here is a minus 120 in Strickland’s a plus 100 so close way closer but Izzy
is the favorite for the way I talk that’s damn near even money yeah no 100 uh by the way uh when did you first meet
Sean Strickland I met Sean Strickland the year would have been 2014. I moved out to
California uh well I went training camp moved out of California to go to the Rain training center and it was the side
of the mat Sean had a very sweet young lady with him and you know there’s a lot to do to get your gear get your shin
pads and you got to wrap your hands and you gotta put your hands in a glove and there’s several minutes and this is what uh this is what time would be allotted
for conversation so I happen to be getting dressed right next to this guy Sean Strickland and we’re visiting and
he’s telling me these Whoppers of stories and the only reason I let him go is he’s got this girl with him he
obviously told her so now I need to play along but he told me that he was 21
years old he was the king of the cake champion and he had a record of 17-0 the
highest he had ever fought for was 1500 bucks and he doesn’t do any of this braggadocious by the way like it
actually came up organically the problem with telling me this I am such a fan I
am such a historian on the sport we’re the same weight class I know anybody that has ever sneezed and made it sound
like MMA I mean I watched it and I don’t know who this is not to mention you can’t get a pro license in the state of
California until you’re 18 years old he’s 21. so now he’s saying he’s had six fights a year it is so difficult to get
a fight if you don’t have a trainer or a manager but you can’t have a trainer or a manager when your biggest payday is 1500 bucks so we had to go do all of
this on his own I mean this is a Whopper then we go out and we work out together and I remember coming off the mat and
telling Miss Brittany that dude claims he’s 17-0 he might be 17-0 and she goes
yeah he looks really good well he just he just was you know when I met him at Trader mayor he just was really good he
could wrestle like a son of a gun but never offensively you didn’t have to worry that he was gonna come and try to take you down but getting him to the
ground is going to use a ton of energy and he also was a gentleman about being
a training partner he would bring it down if he saw that you were tired or something we did shark bait and in there that’s where one guy stays in and fresh
guys rotate on it’s a very hard thing to do but you’re vulnerable if the guy is coming in aren’t trustworthy or they
want to go make a clip for their Instagram like this is the time to do it he would always take care I mean I just remember he would always say hey you’re
good you can do one more come on I got you and he would push it we would work so hard but he was such a nice person I
put him in the categories gentlemen there’s not a lot of times you get a call we all want to be gentlemen he
actually was a gentleman and so then when he got a microphone on his hand he started building that brand he went in a
direction that that wasn’t the guy that I knew that was just a great performer and maybe there was a little bit of
counseling session maybe he did have some stuff in to release the pain he wanted to get it public but it was a
surprise to see and uh yeah I could tell you man he’s a world champion now I’m
not sure back in 2014 there was anybody that could beat him if he was given the opportunity I’m not sure there was
anybody that could beat him have you stayed in touch with him yeah Sean Strickland came out and did a
submission underground he do you know about this um I don’t think so he’s doing a submission underground with
Andy Varela and Sean was talking to Varela but don’t forget this is in coma
times there is nobody in the building or the floor the cameras themselves were ran on remote control so you just got
the referee there is a doctor but then you just have the two athletes so Sean’s pushing and pulling he’s doing whatever
he does he’s pushing and pulling he came out to do this whole thing because he thought he was going to fight Jack Hermanson and he wanted to work on his
grappling at some point in daring Andy Varela who is as good as they come for
like Varela is a threat for an Abu Dhabi medal Sean turns his back to him turns
his back and then he yells something to him will you just attack me you you know
he he calls him he heckles him Andy Barella jumped through the air like a
spider jumped through the air locked on locked on a body triangle and a choke all in one motion and all you see is
Shawn Stricker
he he had never done grappling before like this he must not have known who
Andy Varela was Andy Barella done all sorts of it and has been in overtime with the best of the best at any rate
and he jumped there must have been 10 feet behind between him and Andy just jumps and latches on in one motion his
legs go and his arms go and you just watch you just watch Sean like a trip
and he Tapped Out see
well I mean if he’s your friend you shouldn’t be so happy for him I mean yeah but you went you you might talk to Sean a lot like yeah Sean did that just
as a favor of me like he he didn’t he didn’t have any business with Andy or whatever he did that just as a favor to
me yes I talked to Sean and I’m very proud of Sean was that the biggest upset in UFC or MMA history
well not officially uh again it was a six to one spread this is off the top of my head but I know when Holly knocked
out Rhonda that was seven to one like you know like I’m talking about the eye test here like what you were feeling the
shock who the you know what I mean like those odds are are nonsense was that the biggest I like that I like that you said
that right we don’t have to be literal we know what we’re talking I like that you just cut me off there um Matt Sarah beating Saint Pierre was
still for me the biggest uh jaw-dropping moment it’s I think it’s very helpful to
Sean that it went to a decision if Sean would have put him down in the first round we know oh he got lucky it was a fluke right the conversation would be
very different to have a long drawn-out battle give another guy 25 minutes to get even with you and he can’t do it I
think that he won the right way and it would be the biggest upset in a decade but ever
I gotta I gotta say no I actually feel like it is and I’m I’m I’m like Mr Sarah GSP I mean I think GSP
is the greatest of all time that to me is the motion but like because it was five rounds of dominance
because of Izzy having a longer run as champion and more title defenses remember GSP was a new champion at that
time so we did we think of GSP now but he wasn’t the GSP of today or the guy who retired in 2017. he was the GSP of
2006. um it’s a different guy and Sarah had
been around the block right he had been a veteran of the sport I just think this is way more shocking no one saw this
coming Sean Strickland in a striking battle without a single takedown defense beating is yet his own
game five rounds essentially four to one you could give the first round to 10-8 he drops him with a one-two defends the
whole time I mean not a scratch on his face man I think the fact that he won five rounds
Channel makes it a bigger upset than Sarah’s stoppage of GSP I’m listening too I’m listening to
everything you’re saying you’re you’re convincing me it’s one of those hard things to know right because it’s just your own internal how did you feel how
did I feel In This Moment versus how did I feel in that moment I knew going into this that Sean could beat him I thought
he’d have to be ugly steal those words from coach Nick’s like I know we’d have to get on top really clinch him and and
do something maybe poke him in the eye a time or two but I did know that he could do it and I did not think Sarah could
beat George St-Pierre so maybe for me it was just more of that odd moment but I love what you’re saying as far as upsets
go you don’t usually see him like this where it’s a long drawn out battle where you give the guy every single
opportunity you ever could including home field advantage you give him everything and you still take his belt
away I like what you’re saying partner you’re winning me over yeah the last time I felt that way honestly was UFC
117 where I was like oh my God two rounds left one round left um it just felt like this this this
inevitability and you just couldn’t believe it as it was uh trans
transpiring and unfold One Last Thing Before I Let You Go speaking of crazy upsets we thought why
you’re you’re having fun I mean well I was enjoying myself a little bit I mean oh and you started
this whole thing by saying mean tweets that I sent to you you didn’t give any praise for the ones I don’t like for example when you misdiagnosed Rose and
told the world that she had a broken finger and I tried to correct and say it looks dislocated to me I never gave you a hard time about it in fact I never
even mentioned it well I don’t know if I said did I say broken I just said this was her hand to be honest
it might have been other people what do you think I don’t have better things to do than sit around and remember what your captions on Twitter were for I
don’t know this is I love the visual uh of this of you who who still doesn’t follow me after all these years going
searching I know how you do it you search you search for the dirt sheets and then you search for me you search and you you’re looking for the news and
all you’re getting is a steady stream of Canada basketball tweets soccer team I actually I don’t know if you’ve noticed
but I’ve now started I’ve now started to tag you just to ensure that you’re getting the tweets and the I just want
to let you know in fact someone wrote an article about this I was tagging you to get your thoughts but you’ve now decided to ignore me I’ve noticed since I’ve
done this why well I didn’t want to hurt your feelings they were not they were done in like the spirit of Hell fell well Matt like I
wasn’t really trying to put you down but also I am being serious that I know you don’t watch that crap I mean like you’re
not that boring of a guy could you imagine you go over to guys what either watching darts pro wrestling or or you know is baseball what I mean you’re like
come on man there is no way your wife would leave you your kids would would Revolt like you that would be that the
world’s nerdiest guy I’m worldly I have many layers many layers I do like this
messy character though this thing came out on mess he said that he met his wife when he was like seven years old and he
has never touched another girl won’t even do pictures with him I like that guy I didn’t realize all that that was that’s pretty cool story I thought you
were saying like you like that I’m messy because like I I swear sometimes now you mean Lionel Messi the soccer player
the soccer player I don’t know what his first name is but yes the soccer player yes the interview came out my son was
reading it my son told my wife and he was in the back of the car and he read it on his iPad says that when he when he does pictures with girls he doesn’t
touch it like makes a fist or something like this he won’t he won’t actually touch anyone but his wife respect respect uh Grasso rematch
more the same or do we get chefchenko I just I did first fight I
kill free TV free title free TV this Saturday how about that it was co-main event of Jon Jones surreal gun you
didn’t watch that or you just watched the main event these days no I did I mean I I know all about that night but
it it flip past me it kind of just slipped past me uh yeah and a rematch I mean
Valentina I don’t know that she’s ever made invented she’s she’s off of what she could have made a minister Champion
but she can’t offer the loss and I’m not doing I’m not doing my put down thing here I’m sharing with you like one thing that she could do is like get the word
out I should know there’s a world title fight oh by the way it’s on ESPN oh by the way I work for ESPN I should know
when she’s fighting I wasn’t trying to be funny to you right there no I’m clarifying I’m trying I’m trying to be a good company man and help so there is a
world title fight on free TV this Saturday Grosso versus shipshaco is that an accurate statement yes
boom now that now they’ve told at least somebody by the way I got the press release that you were back so happy to
see that uh I would say I was one of the few who supported you in your time of need I was waiting for the line in the
press release where it was like oh and the return of Aaron on the back I didn’t get like I don’t know if it didn’t make
page one I was way I saw the big but I didn’t see that line so I I wasn’t sure
if there was like a you know like a footnote or something or a page two do
you have anybody that is one of the most one of the great missed programs I think that was a missed opportunity not by you
and I either I think that was a missed opportunity I still get people that ask me about Arrow the bad guy there’s searches that are done online for Harold
the bad guy they’re still looking for they’re still hoping for they still got their fingers crossed by the way King Grosso beater you know you had made
a really great Point here and I backed I started backing it up but it’s a point that I got for me and I know you’re in a hurry by the way I will get out right
after this but Daryl you made a point and said don’t do the immediate rematch and you said don’t do the immediate rematch because if the bullet wins it
will essentially act like history will look back and it will kind you won’t see the Gap and it’ll be as though Grosso
never got it done in the first place and I really liked that argument a lack of 125 powers that are compelling a lack of
125 patterns that are willing has always kind of seemed like a problem but here we are and I mean what do you think
congresso Congress will beater I think she could do it yeah I really do um and this is a much different fight
right like she wasn’t winning the entire fight it was a submission it wasn’t a knockout usually when it’s a knockout the person who got knocked out doesn’t
win uh in the rematch uh I think it’s going to be a close fight but I think she could do it I think that that
unlocked something in Alexa Grosso confidence wise that she could beatenko and I think that there was there was
evidence to suggest yes that chefchenko was you know declining a little bit right some of her previous performances
man 125 is going to be fascinated with blanchfield coming up in manofiero I mean it’s it’s now the best division in
women’s MMA so I’m looking forward to it I’m glad you are as well you working the card for ESPN
no I no I just do the pay-per-view Mr pay-per-view well that did sound
arrogant the way I said it but there’s no other way to say it that’s the only time I get to participate is is
I’ll put in a call maybe if you want to be a part of it I’ll put in a call I appreciate it I feel like you have another guest you have something to do
you know whatever it is I want it I appreciate you thank you for having me on in other news bull cop beat tied to
Impossible but you’re you’re in a hurry you’re busy you don’t have time to talk about co-main events I understand
goodbye there he is Chill sun and everyone thanks for watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like
this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get many more of these videos on the channel so please
do that we would love you forever if you did so

Every Fight To Make After UFC 293 Adesanya vs Strickland

Every Fight To Make After UFC 293 Adesanya vs Strickland


In this article, we will discuss the potential next fights for the fighters after UFC 293, particularly focusing on Sean Strickland. While the rematch between Adesanya and Strickland may be a bit controversial, it is important to consider the fights that make sense for the fighters in terms of title implications and marketability. Let’s dive into the potential matchups for the fighters.

Potential Fights for Sean Strickland

  1. Strickland vs. Duplessis: Strickland’s next fight could be against Dricus Duplessis. Both fighters have been performing well and a matchup between them would be highly competitive.
  2. Strickland vs. Adesanya: If Israel Adesanya decides to take some time off, a matchup between Strickland and Adesanya could be a possibility. This fight would be a great addition to the UFC 300 card and would generate significant interest.

Potential Fights for Israel Adesanya ———————————— 1. Adesanya vs. Chimaev or Costa: If Chimaev or Costa win their upcoming fight, a matchup between them and Adesanya would be intriguing. It would add a quarter million pay-per-view buyers to a card without a title on the line. 2. Adesanya vs. Winner of Chimaev vs. Costa: If Chimaev wins his fight against Costa, a matchup between him and Adesanya would be a no-brainer. It would be a highly anticipated matchup with great build-up and trash-talking. 3. Adesanya vs. Winner of Chimaev vs. Costa: If Costa wins his fight against Chimaev, a matchup between him and Adesanya would also be a great choice. It has been a while since their last fight, and Costa’s win would show that he has improved and is back on track.

Potential Fights for Alexander Volkov

After his win over Tafa Ivasa, Volkov will need some time off to recover from the damage he took in the fight. A perfect scheduled matchup for him would be against the loser of Jairzinho Rozenstruik vs. Curtis Blaydes. If Blaydes loses, he could make a quick turnaround and face Volkov in November, possibly as the prelim headliner of UFC 300.

Potential Fights for Tafa Ivasa

After his loss to Volkov, Ivasa will also need some time off to recover. A logical matchup for him would be against someone who recently got finished and is also in need of time off. A matchup against Marcin Tybura would make sense. Both fighters are coming off losses and would be in similar positions in the rankings.

Potential Fights for Manel Kape

Kape’s win over Ode Osbourne was not a great performance, but he is looking for a matchup against Kai Kara-France. The bad blood between them makes this matchup highly anticipated. The UFC has hinted at a possible fight between Kape and Kara-France in early 2024, possibly in New Zealand. This would be a perfect opportunity to capitalize on the bad blood and make it a co-main event of a fight night card.

Potential Fights for Tyson Pedro

Pedro’s win over Antonio Carlos Junior was impressive, and he deserves a matchup against someone coming off a win. A fight against the winner of Felipe Lins vs. Ion Cutelaba would be a great choice. If Cutelaba loses to Lins, it would be an interesting test for Pedro, as Lins is a tough and powerful fighter.

Potential Fights for Carlos Ulberg

Ulberg has been matched up against fighters coming off losses, and it’s time for him to face a test. He called out Dominick Reyes, but a more suitable matchup would be against Volkan Oezdemir. Oezdemir has had some trouble with low kicks, which is one of Ulberg’s strengths. This fight would determine if Ulberg is truly a top 10 or even top 5 level fighter.

Potential Fights for Jamie Mullarkey

Mullarkey’s controversial win over John Makdessi may have raised some eyebrows, but he will need some time off to recover from the damage he took in the fight. A matchup against Nasrat Haqparast, who was also supposed to fight Mullarkey before, would make sense. Both fighters are willing to fight each other, and it would be a good matchup for both of them.

Potential Fights for Charles Jourdain

Jourdain’s post-fight speech was memorable, and it’s time for him to face a test. A matchup against Jeff Molina would be a money fight and generate a lot of interest. The bad blood between them would make it a highly anticipated grudge match. This fight would be a perfect addition to a pay-per-view card and would draw attention from fans.


In conclusion, there are several potential matchups for the fighters after UFC 293. These matchups not only make sense in terms of rankings and title implications but also generate interest and excitement among fans. From Strickland vs. Duplessis to Adesanya vs. Chimaev or Costa, there are plenty of exciting fights to look forward to. It will be interesting to see how the UFC matches up these fighters in their next bouts.

this is every single fight to make after
UFC 293 out of Sanya versus Strickland
dive all of the key fighters from that
card on the screen right now some
winners some losers and you may notice
there is an empty box next to all of
them and that’s where their next
opponent’s gonna go who I have hidden
around the perimeter of the screen I’ll
slowly reveal those opponents one by one
as the video goes on and place them
where they belong on the screen let’s
start straight away with the main event
Sean Strickland walks down Israel to
Sanya for five rounds out strikes him
makes him look a fool doesn’t shoot a
single takedown and beats him with a jab
cross and a tip that’s all he needed to
be Israel to Sanya I love this reality
that we’re in it’s the Sean era and Sean
Strickland as you can tell by the way
I’ve laid out this video is not going to
be fighting Israel de Sanya next I don’t
care what Dana White says I don’t care
what anyone says Israel is one and two
in his last three fights he does not get
infinite title rematches just because he
brings pay-per-views to the table
because he doesn’t even bring crazy
pay-per-views to the table Sean
Strickland should be taking on
dracus duplessy
simple as that it’s not difficult the
man trick is duplessier slept Whitaker
not slept in but TK owed him just a
couple of weeks ago literally just over
six weeks ago drikas duplessing walked
into the octagon with Robert Whittaker
One round one against him and then
finished him in round two
he needs a title shot you have been
making the middleweight division
go through hoops for so long and we’re
even looking down the rankins to get
Strickland to get a title shot and
there’s been other moments where
Victoria has been ranked like number
seven and somehow got himself a title
trick history Plessy beats Whitaker that
was the problem that that’s like someone
beating Holloway at featherway and then
the UFC going hmm I’m not sure I feel
like we can’t give him a title shot
right now I don’t care on the
circumstances drinkers du plessis made
Whitaker look easier that’s crazy to say
out loud but it’s true drink is
duplessier has undoubtedly earned his
title shot in the midweight division and
Sean Strickland versus trick is dupless
she should be next I’m gonna make a
whole other video about this rematch
situation for Israel to Sanya because
it’s absolutely crazy he’s one and two
in his last three fights you know what
he earned his immediate rematch after he
lost to Alex Pereira he was doing good
in that fight he hurt Herrera in the
first round he was on his way to winning
on the scorecards before Pereira landed
that shot in the fifth round and
finished him I get it and he was a
dominant Champion so give him an
immediate rematch I don’t mind that you
don’t just get immediate rematches no
matter what because you’re a champ
aljo’s not getting one
so neither should Israel to Sanya and
it’s not even like that aljo should have
arguably got one regardless of the
result of the O’Malley fight he was on
his way to Breaking the bantamweight
so Israel de Sanya does not deserve an
immediate rematch Strickland versus
duplessier simple mate you can make it
happen in December you know Sean
Strickland’s not going to be the type of
guy to sit out and wait he’s ready to go
he took no damage he took no damage in
that fight against Israel de Sanya he’s
ready to get right back in there I’m
sure January December whenever you want
to do it we need to see Sean Strickland
versus Rick as duplessing because it’s
the most deserving fight to make right
now in the middleweight division Israel
de Sanyo got schooled by Sean Strickland
it wasn’t close and I’ll tell you this
right now before I get into who’s next
for Israel lasagna
if Israel lasagna wanted to earn an
immediate rematch for losing that fire
he should have shown that in the fifth
round but guess what happened guess what
happened in the fifth round Sean
Strickland gave him a chance to say come
on make it competitive with me for a
second earn your immediate rematch if
you so badly won it walked him down with
his arms by his waist screaming in his
face trash talking him and Israel de
Sanya backed up and did nothing and
cowered away he don’t even want it
so don’t give him that immediate rematch
that is the most absolute ludicrous
nonsense I’ve ever heard in my entire
life no Israel de Sanya
I think he needs to take on the winner
of chimea versus Costa which I think
might be Ham’s actually made of
and the funny thing is do I despise
Israel to Sanya I do he’s a disgraceful
human I don’t like him
I’m not even trying to be mean or Evil
by making this match up this is the most
rightful matchup to make in the
middleweight division
simple as that this is the most rightful
matchup to make in the middleweight
division Strickland versus duplessier
Israel de Sanya versus the winner of
chimea versus Paulo Costa you’re not
going to do adesanya versus Canon here
again you’re not going to do adesanya
versus Whitaker again as contenders no
way that’s just dull adesanya beat
Canada easily it was a boring fight no
one wants to see it again he’s beaten
Whitaker twice even though the rematch
was a bit dodgy they’re only really
going to make that if it has to be done
when a title’s on the line chimea versus
Costa is the winner they should do
Whittaker versus canonier 2 the first
five of that was very competitive and
they’ve had enough time between that
fight and now to make that rematch
Strickland duplessier and adasanya
versus chimeev so if Israel to Sanya uh
Waits out take some time off we’ve got
tremea versus Costa taking place in a
month from now at UFC 294 in October in
Abu Dhabi the winner of that has got to
be looking for a quick turnaround if
they don’t take too much damage so I
think Israel lasagna shouldn’t be
looking to come back this year put him
on the UFC 300 card you know what I’m
saying I think it’s going to take place
maybe March April maybe not that late
maybe we can do him at UFC uh 299 or
something like in March or maybe 298 in
February who knows Israel de Sanya vs
Hamza chimeev is a massive matchup and
for the UFC hear me out UFC Dana White
you absolute you’ve got your new little
I don’t even want to you’ve got your new
little gift here in Israel to Sanya
haven’t you infinite immediate rematches
if you beat Strickland then loses again
to like chimeev or du plessis does he
get another immediate rematch this is
Israel de Sanya hear me out UFC
no pay-per-view share yet he probably
still brings a solid amount of
pay-per-view buyers so if logic and just
meritocracy is not going to get into
Dana White’s thick roided skull
then think about the money here you can
make pay-per-view buyers out of Israel
de Sanya without having to allocate in
pay-per-view shares
so do it Israel lasagna versus the
winner of chimea versus Costa if it’s
Costa it’s been a while since that fight
as well you know what I’m saying it has
been a little a bit of time since that
fight we are quite far removed and if
Costa beats chimeev that’s a huge win
and it will show that he’s improved and
showed that he’s now back on track and
that would be a great matchup and a
great build up with him to trash talking
each other a bit of tremev wins this is
a no-brainer match up that genuinely
would add in my opinion
I reckon adds a quarter million
pay-per-view buyers to a card without a
title on the line adasanya chimeev make
it happen especially if she may have
Beats Costa in dominant fashion good
Lord February make that match up we move
on to the co-main event let me move on
now I’ve spent seven minutes on the main
um Alexander volkov got a big win over
tattoo ivassa gonna need a little bit of
time off you know he took some damage he
checked a lot of kicks so his leg is
going to be sore and he took a lot of
leg kicks as well but he checked the
majority of him I was watching back the
fight today I don’t see how people
thought that was competitive
um but he did use a lot of energy in
that fight and he was exhausted by the
end so he’s gonna need a little bit of
time off so I think a perfect scheduled
matchup would be you can’t do him versus
gun you can’t do him versus Aspen out
again he got dominated
you kind of have to do him versus the
loser of jail tonight versus Curtis
blades and I at the moment I’m not sure
if I’m set on this prediction yet I
think the loser’s gonna be Curtis blades
so and I also think if Curtis blades
does lose it will likely be in the first
round and he’ll likely not take a crazy
amount of damage I don’t see him getting
Flatline ko’d by jail to now maida if he
loses I see him getting positionally
dominated maybe renaked choked or maybe
tko’d before unanswered strikes you know
what I’m saying and not improving this
position so I think he can make a decent
decently quick turnaround if he loses in
November we could be looking at April
maybe it’s like the prelim headliner of
ubfc 300 Alexander volkov Curtis blades
2 the first fight was very competitive
three two to Curtis blades I think
volkov has only improved since then and
I think it’d be a good look for Curtis
blades to fight a guy that he went to a
close decision with quite some time ago
to see if he actually has made
improvements since then because we’ve
always had the assumption that whenever
Curtis blades look good looks good in a
fire we go so oh you know he’s made
improvements in this fight but then when
he loses it’s like oh Curtis played same
old Curtis blade so if he wants to prove
him improvements he needs to fight
volkov in a rematch and make it more
clear than it was the first time we move
on to the co-main event tied to evasa
he lost really bad loss needs a little
bit of time off I think you should be
looking to face someone who got finished
recently that’s also going to need a
little bit of time off
marching tibura I think this is a
logical matchup to make it’s a nice
matchup for Thai to be vasra as well
it’s someone that he hasn’t fought
um and I think this is just a no-brainer
you know I’m saying both guys coming off
losses both going to be now in similar
positions in the rankings haven’t fought
each other before fresh matchup margin
Thai Bora is like a a respectable
opponent like you don’t beat him and
everyone goes oh you beat some absolute
can he’s like a decent top 15 level
heavyweight um so I think the titubaster
versus March and tibura makes all the
sense in the world also I want to go
back to volkov blades here as well I
think that they could also do if let’s
say blades beats jail to now maida you
won’t then do volkov jail to now maida
and you might not want to do blades
versus volkov because then there’s no
one for Cyril gone right so hear me out
if blades does beat Alexander volkov
I know it’s not right logically for the
rankings but Derek Lewis did beat volkov
and I think that does sell a little bit
that’s like a decently good addition to
the opener of a main card of a
pay-per-view Alexander volkov versus
Derek Lewis who is also an option but
I’d rather this one first we move on
down the card manil cap based Chef cap
got a huge win not a great performance
for himself I’m sure he’ll admit that as
um but he’s looking for the he’s look
how much of that did I say all right I
think I’m all right he’s looking for the
match-up that we know he’s looking for
and that’s against kayakara France
that’s the match-up menel cap kaikara
France make it happen the bad blood is
there and the UFC said Dan hooker let us
know known in an interview made this
known in an interview I think it was Pub
talk someone was telling me about this
on igdm’s uh manilcap versus kakara
France allegedly they’re going to New
Zealand again early 2024.
so that seems like a good timeline to do
this whether it be January February who
knows I’m assuming Dan Hook is going to
be back for that card and I think manil
cap kaikara France is a perfect Bad
Blood match up to make us like a co-main
event of that fight night card huge
matchup a lot of Bad Blood on the line I
think I don’t think people were really
interested in the first place but now
after the press conference from nelcap
and the post fight call out everyone’s
invested in that matchup at FlyAway one
of the biggest non-title fight FlyAway
matchups we’ve had in a very long time
so Manel cap kaikara France making it
happen we move on Tyson Pedro got a win
over Antonio couch so here’s what I want
to do with Tyson Pedro
how about someone coming off a win you
know what I’m saying how about someone
coming off a win dude him versus Felipe
Lins now I know what you’re gonna say
Guru Felipe Linz is fighting against
Leon kutilaba in October I’m very aware
of this okay it’s on a flight night card
very aware good matchup give him the
winner I personally think that ion
kutilabo is so tired that he’ll probably
lose to Felipe Lins because Linz is
quite hard to finish and he’s a big
powerful dude he stays composed and he’s
good across the distance of a fight so I
think if it does leave the first round
against kutilaba we could see Felipe
Lins get a win now
um but I could change my mind on that
we’ll see but either way I want Tyson
Pedro versus the winner of Felipe Linz
versus ion kutilaba because then it’d be
someone on a win streak and actually
somewhat of a test for Tyson Pedro
although Tyson Pedro’s call promotable
seems like a nice guy he’s one of the
most babied fighters in the UFC I’ve
ever seen Ek Villain waiver then he got
given that Harry hansaka then he he got
given some Asian dude on a regional
scene who was not UFC level anyway uh
then he got madessa’s pakowskus on short
notice because that dude pulled out lost
that one and now he gets Anton tercali
who’s on a two fight losing streak so
give him someone coming off a win please
for the love of God speaking of babied
and coddled contenders that the UFC’s
taking a like into Carlos alberg
enough of these matchups against people
coming off losses it’s time for a test
for Carlos alberg he’s built himself
back up he superseded Kennedy nazarchuk
who in the lost that he had to canadine
as a chick so I think it’s time for a
test he called out Dominic Reyes I’m
going to be honest with you most
pathetic call out I’ve ever heard in my
entire life you are a coward for calling
out Dominic Reyes you’re not getting
Dominic Reyes you’re getting a ranked
like heavyweight Contender by the way I
don’t mind if Albert gets ranked number
15 after this just saying
you are getting a ranked light
heavyweight Contender coming off a win
and one of them that’s coming off a win
recently by quick quick finish that’s
ready to make a turnaround possibly for
New Zealand in February and five months
is no time Vulcan owes Demir I think
that’s a great matchup I know I’ve
matched him out with another guy just a
week ago but I do like this matchup for
Carlos alberg I think this is a great
one it’s actually a test for once Carlos
ulberg vulcanoesdemere we saw that doubt
and Jung was giving him some problems
with low kicks ozdami’s got really nasty
low kicks and he’s got good takedown
defense and I think this would be a good
test if Albert can finish osdamir you
put yourself like oh this guy’s actually
top 10 level top five level so I think
Carlos alberg vulcanoes damir is the
match up to make and I think it is time
for a test for all Berg but I don’t mind
giving him some time first having him on
that New Zealand card because I’m
already seeing that New Zealand card in
my head Dan hooker versus a big name at
lightweight up the top in the Main Event
co-main Event manil cap kaikara France
big matchup feature fight Carlos orberg
versus vulcanoes Demir it’s a no-brainer
card we move on Jamie Malarkey got
gifted a decision against
um John mcdessie I didn’t like the
decision I didn’t think it was a good
decision whatsoever
um yeah not a good one but he won gonna
need some time off because he took a bit
of damage and he’s fought a lot recently
after being ko’d in his last fight
um someone else who’s gonna need a
little bit of time off that was supposed
to fight Jaime Malarkey in Australia so
again maybe we’re looking at that New
Zealand card here as well
got a big win over John Landon Quinones
and almost said John Quinones what would
you do either way Jamie malarkey
versus nasra hack prast a fight that was
supposed to happen before so we both
know they both know they’re willing to
fight each other and for the UFC as a
Matchmaker that’s like Oh Heaven these
guys want to fight each other they’re
down to fight each other let’s make that
matchup happen Jaime Malarkey Nazareth
put him against each other get it done
in New Zealand now
Charles ratkin
I had to really think about this matchup
because I wanted it to make sense
because of course that post fight
interview was crazy you know what I’m
saying so we’re gonna need to plan out
this guy’s career accordingly I want it
to make sense I wanted to draw attention
I want it to make pay-per-view Manor I
think the money fight for Charles Radke
right now not the most logical of fights
okay it might not even be in his
the most logical of fights for Charles
Radke after that post-fight speech that
he gave
I think the grudge matches him versus
Jeff Molina that’s what I think it is
okay I think this is the money fight
this is the one that people want this is
for the culture Charles Radke Jeff
Molina Bad Blood you’ve never seen
anything like it you thought Strickland
the nadasanya had blood Bad Blood you
thought that ezrael to Sanya would have
had bad blood against Rickers dupless
here not close this is the Bad Blood
Grudge Match that the UFC has been
looking for for the last decade Charles
Radke versus Jeff Molina pure animosity
like And subscribe thank you for
watching no rematch for Israel de Sanya
Hound after Dana White in his Instagram
comment section for that as well do not
give Israel to send you that rematch he
does not deserve it whatsoever like And
subscribe see you later

Noche UFC Predictions: Grasso vs Schevchenko 2 Full Card Betting Breakdown

Noche UFC Predictions: Grasso vs Schevchenko 2 Full Card Betting Breakdown


We will be providing a full card betting breakdown for the upcoming Noche UFC event headlined by Alexa Grasso vs Valentina Schevchenko 2. We will analyze each fight on the card and provide our predictions for the winners. Let’s dive in!

Daniel Zel Huber vs Christos Yagos

I believe Daniel Zel Huber will come out on top in this fight. Yagos doesn’t have the wrestling skills to control Zel Huber on the ground, and I think Zel Huber will outstrike him to win a decision. The betting lines also favor Zel Huber, with him being the favorite at -230 and Yagos at +195.

Raul Rosas Jr vs Terence Mitchell

Raul Rosas Jr is a promising 18-year-old prospect, and I expect him to win this fight against Terence Mitchell. Rosas Jr will likely use his strong grappling game to control Mitchell on the ground and eventually find a submission finish. Mitchell has some experience in the Alaskan MMA scene, but I don’t think he’s at the same level as Rosas Jr. I predict Rosas Jr to win by rear naked choke submission. The odds heavily favor Rosas Jr at -600, so it’s not a bet I would recommend.

Kevin Holland vs Jack Della Madalena

I’m picking Kevin Holland to win this fight. Holland has the reach advantage and knockout power, and I think he will be able to land significant strikes on Della Madalena from the outside. Holland also has a strong submission game, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he finishes the fight with a submission. The odds are in favor of Della Madalena at -130, but I believe Holland will pull off the upset.

Alexa Grasso vs Valentina Schevchenko 2

In the main event, I’m predicting Alexa Grasso to defeat Valentina Schevchenko for the second time. Grasso pulled off an epic win in their first fight, and I believe she will do it again. While Schevchenko had some success in the grappling exchanges, Grasso showed her striking skills and ability to get back to her feet. I think Grasso will win this fight by decision in a hard-fought battle. The odds are in favor of Schevchenko at -160, but I’m going with the underdog in Grasso.


Overall, I believe Daniel Zel Huber, Raul Rosas Jr, Kevin Holland, and Alexa Grasso will come out victorious in their respective fights. These are my predictions based on the analysis of each fighter’s skills and the betting lines. However, in MMA, anything can happen, so it will be interesting to see how the fights play out. Enjoy the Noche UFC event and may the best fighters win!

UFC these are the full card predictions and the betting breakdown Main Event
Alexa Grosso versus Valentina shevchenko two really looking forward to talking
about each of the matchups on the card so make sure you guys smash that like button if you’re new to the channel
subscribe turn the post notifications on and make sure to share the video as well and also note I will be live for the
entire Noche UFC fight card Saturday 7 P.M eastern time do not miss the fight
companion and let’s get into the fights starting the card off ladies going after
it Josephine Knutson versus marnick man I like Josephine Knutson to win this
fight a lot here now she is a Victor on Dana White’s Contender series but was
not awarded the contract after that performance now she has a very good
mixed martial arts game her striking is solid but she also has very good control
and she’s able to out muscle and outwork her opponents in the grappling positions as well so the win here against Isis
verbeck it was a battle of two girls with solid striking backgrounds and I
feel like Knutson even though she didn’t get rewarded a contract in that fight there was positive things to take away
her hurting her opponent in the first round badly she does have dangerous kicks that I think could be a factor in
this match up here on the side of marnick man I feel like she’s got a good pressure
grappling game has some good top control I just feel like in the Striking she’s
outworked and Knutson I think stops the takedown onslaught of man note that man
was brutally knocked out by a high kick by Bruno Brazil on last season of Dana
White’s Contender series I think that Knutson could catch her with a high kick here too I know that Knutson didn’t get
that highlight reel finish over Isis virbik but there was an exciting moment in the first round I feel like her
control time in that fight was very good and I think she can get a win here I
I think KO I’m going KO even though Knutson didn’t show uh you know great finishing
ability on Contender series I feel like she’ll be jumping into this fight with a point to prove and I feel like marnick
man’s stand-up is not great I feel like at times she’s quite Square I’d say she has okay kicking skills with a rather
lackluster boxing game she is a southpaw and like I said she has good clinch
pressure and takedowns where she can control her opponents but I think that Knudsen is way more athletic more
technically sound in all areas of the game and Knutson should get the win in the first fight of the night wide
favorite minus 440 for Knutson to marnick man plus 340. I think it’s a fun
matchup I’m glad that knutson’s getting this shot inside of the UFC and I think
she’s gonna deliver here against marnick man and show that she deserves to be on the roster and she should have got a
contract straight off Contender Series so Josephine Knutson for the win in the
first fight of the night and uh one more note about that fight she was supposed to fight lucindo which she took to fight
on short notice now marnick man jumping in for lucindo who was pulled out of the fight yeah knutson’s gonna style on her
here I think exciting debut on the way for the All-Stars team member let’s jump
to the second fight Charlie Campbell versus Alex Reyes if you don’t know who Alex Reyes is he’s
the brother of Dominic Reyes and he hasn’t fought in nearly six years had a
spinal infection some injuries that have kept him out of the fight game he’s fighting Charlie Campbell who you know
has uh been fairly active as of late Charlie Campbell’s a good Prospect and I
think he’s going to win the fight here Reyes has been out from high level mixed martial arts for so long in his sole UFC
fight he was badly knocked out with a knee by Mike Perry granted it was up a weight class at 170 pounds whereas Reyes
is normally so you know as strong as that 155 but this is a long time ago I mean his last
win about six years ago it’s been a damn long time
since he’s been fighting since he’s been active and I look at Charlie Campbell training at the longo Weidman team you
know that he’s going to be capable on the floor on the feet is where he shines the dude is a powerful kickboxer that
definitely can swing hard and was on his way to winning by knockout on Dana White’s Contender Series against Chris
Duncan he was dominating that fight drop Duncan with some uppercuts multiple drops and then he gets clipped with a
beautiful straight shot and gets his lights put out I feel like in this matchup
he’s going to be able to stay striking he’s going to be able to shine I can’t pick an Alex Reyes who has not fought in
years who had a brutal knockout loss who’s been battling injuries I don’t even know the level Reyes is gonna come
back in at we really have no idea I’m gonna say Charlie Campbell wins Reyes
his best way to win this fight is going to get it to the floor that’s where he shines got a good arm triangle overall his strangle game is good with arm
triangles and rear naked chokes in the Arsenal that’s where he’ll shine I just feel as though he’s not gonna get past
the Striking onslaught of Charlie Campbell so I’m gonna ride with Campbell to win the UFC debut but we have to note
that Charlie Campbell is taking this fight on short notice with Alex Reyes initially booked to fight against Natan
Levy how does Campbell look coming in on short notice is Alex Reyes a hundred and
ten percent the lines are minus 400 for Campbell to plus 300 Reyes I’m gonna
cost you guys to be very careful with the Charlie Campbell side not that I don’t think he’s winning I do think he’s
gonna get a knockout but the fact that he’s on short notice the fact that Reyes has been out for a while there are some
intangibles and unknowns about Reyes who’s a very big Underdog against Campbell who ultimately doesn’t have you
know the highest level win like yeah cff sees a decent level yeah he’s fighting fighting on the Bellator prelims right
Alex Reyes is a wild card so we’re going Campbell for the win but he shouldn’t be a minus 400 favorite here I think
something like minus 200 would be more fair I’m expecting Campbell to start fast the ring rust being obviously
evident for Reyes and I do think Campbell’s gonna end up knocking him out so we’ll go Campbell for the win but uh
Alex Reyes is a wild card on this card next fight
ladies going after it Tracy Cortez versus Jasmine Jazz davicius I’m going
to be picking Jasmine Jazz divisius to win I think she’s clearly better than Tracy Cortez she’s going to be the
stronger Grappler and wrestler between the two and I also think she has a striking Advantage being uh you know the
slightly taller and longer girl ultimately jazz divisius is gonna chain takedowns here Cortez has relatively
good wrestling in her own right and take down defense I like her double leg specifically doesn’t have great finishing ability has
had moments on the ground where opponents have gotten to her and you know put her in bottom position I think
jazz divisius is going to be prepared to outwork her for the three rounds I don’t think this is an easy fight but Jaz
divisius definitely has the bigger win the Miranda Maverick win and then obviously you see the loss there to
Natalia Silva that ain’t looking that bad because she’s solid now gato Victory quiche Split Decision egg or win Vanessa
mellow win then obviously beat agapova on Contender Series so Jazz divisius
higher tier win I feel like a streaking Prospect coming in with a lot of
momentum because Miranda Maverick is a pretty decent fighter and I think Jazz divisius getting that win more proven I
guess at the higher level of the game I feel as though her wrestling is better I feel as though her striking can Showcase
in this matchup too so I’m gonna go with Jasmine Jazz divisius to win a decision over Tracy Cortez and out doger and Jazz
division is is an underdog she gets slept on by The Bookies a lot here open that plus 145 currently sitting at plus
105 to Tracy Cortez at -125 the favorite give me Jazz divisius give me decision
win and I do believe it’s gonna go over two and a half which sits at minus 350 just worth noting Jazz divisius W in
this matchup I’m going for the underdog in this one next fight on the card Edgar chaidez
versus Daniel lacerda let’s say there’s on a four-fight losing streak in the UFC
he’s Owen four inside of the octagon and he is a guy that really has a round
round and a half in him as at best whereas chariz on the other side does have some losses note that he’s never
been finished in under a round and a half he got finished late in the second round once I’m going with charez for the
win I do think that lacer does early storm is always scary for fighters to deal with I mean he was able to you know
get to um Carlos Vergara in the last one and nearly knock him out in the first round
Victor altamariano there was moments for Lucero where he heard him on the feet his striking game is really dangerous
early on he’s an explosive guy his fight IQ though being Daniel lucer that is on the lower end obviously 014 for the in
the UFC for a reason they’re giving him another chance here which is not normal for an 0-4 guy who you know Owen Ford no
wins started it off as a prospect and really hasn’t looked great but because it’s always entertaining fights unless
Sarah throws caution to the wind and bangs I’d say he’s a damn good Street Fighter but inside of the cage you have
to be prepared for fights going long whereas I know Cyrus is prepared for that and I also think that he does have
a pretty good defensive striking guard with a bit of a you know somewhat boxing
High guard but at times he’ll be sniper-like but more so boxing High guard using the lead hand range finder
also feel like with shot as we have to bring up he does have a submission threat that he brings here and a tired
lacerda could definitely be the victim of a submission loss I’m thinking second round finish for shaides potentially a
TKO lacerto really lets it go in the first round but I don’t think he’s going to be able to hurt chaidez like he was
able to with CJ Agora in his last fight a child is threatening on the feet a bit
with the boxing with some kicks punches and it all the Sarah they’re kind of letting the kitchen sink go trying to
look for the stoppage and it all falls apart as we get into the second round where shirez takes over I have written
down sub or KO I could see a grounding pound TKO but I could also see lacerda
getting stunned a bit on the feet after fatiguing and shot as jumping towards the submission so inside of the distant
shirez and I’m feeling like it’s going to be in the second round now for shirez to win he’s minus 205 the favorite and
then La serada sitting at plus 175 as the underdog you can see under one and a
half is minus 180. it’s a lesser that fight that’s normally how it is with the books man they normally think it’s going
to end early because that’s his style he comes out like a madman in the first round does it go on the one and a half I
think you’re in like coin flip territory because I could see it heading towards the end of the second round and try it
as finishing there as well could also be early it’s not impossible that Shiraz gets him
out of there in the late stages of the first round I’m saying that lacerda four fights down
as much as I like him I actually enjoy lacera’s fights I’m gonna be disappointed when he gets released off
the roster because he’s got a real fun style and he’s got an emphatic knockout ability but dude the fight IQ is so
suspect man five months ago CJ vergar almost had the fight ultimariano Francisco figuero Jeff Molina all
finishes too I’m gonna go shy res to get him because shires looks like an absolute pit bull given tatsuru Taira
hell in their fight and finish and obviously super strong there throwing the submission attempts up and I feel like with lacerda I don’t
have that same type of Faith outside of the first round needs to knock out a bus and Charis is not a guy going down easy
here so unless Sarah catches him with the absolute perfect shot to put the lights out I think shaira scrambles gets
back up to his feet brings the heat to lacera and hurts him it’s very hard to out dog a shirez and I mean it helps
that he’s also nicknamed Pitbull and I think for a reason we’re going with Edgar shy it is for the stoppage win
next fight on the card we got Roman copylov and Josh froomed
I think that Roman copy love is going to knock Josh out man I picked Josh last time out against Jamie Pickett he was
able to use that physical strength and presence Back Him Up Against the Cage control him there but now he’s taking on
a copy love who note is a master of sport in hand-to-hand combat over in
Russia which sounds badass and he’s a badass guy I think copy love is getting better as his career is going on
in the UFC with three straight wins all Knockouts he’s also a southpaw I’d call him a pretty crisp and Poise Striker who
has a nice technical game and is willing to take his time but when he does attack he’s really precise he has scary kicks
man and I think that’s a factor in this fight body kicks potentially his punches I think could be on display too I know
Josh friend is going to be a bit taller than him six four to six feet but the reach is only one inch favoring Josh and
note that friend is much slower on his feet than copy love and his striking game is not nearly as technical I see
copy love sniping him putting his lights out knockout win for Roman copylov he’ll
fend off to potential grappling attacks by the big Josh friend and I think we’re getting a knockout win man the
submission threat I don’t think is a factor here copy Love’s Gonna Stay on his feet and out kickbox don’t beat him up
minus 270 for copy love to Josh frem that plus 230. I got copy law for the
win I’m confident that he’s gonna get it done look at these wins for a second Claudio hibero which is like a scary puncher coming in and easy work head
kick knockout epic KO for copy love Soriano who was a heavy-handed prospect
he whooped him and then also dick taking a digital out the Italian stallion you gotta like what you’re
seeing for copy love in the last three this traitian Gore lost 10 months ago I don’t want to say it was a fluke but the
performance is after that are making it seem more like it was speeding Jamie Pickett’s not you know a bad thing and
uh Cedric was Dumas and note that the picket fight right what is it a week ago two weeks ago by the time we get to the
fight it’ll be like uh you know two-ish weeks two-ish weeks out he was fighting
and copy love style it takes a while to prepare for he’s a big step up in competition compared to Jamie Pickett
he’s way more dangerous and I don’t think Josh friend is ready for it I think he’s getting knocked out we’re going copy love with the KO win from was
knocked out on the regional scene by Gregory Rodriguez as well and I think that the kickboxing of copy loves gonna
be on display copy love the master of sport for the w featured prelim of the night it’s Lupita
godinez versus Elise Reed some scrambles of matchups have put these two together
I like to fight for Lupi godinez I think she gets her decision over Elise Reed uh
you know this side of Elise Reed is actually not bad though she’s a light-footed striker who’s got a pretty
well-rounded game I’d say she has a pretty nice kickboxing onslaught she rips to the legs well she punches
fairly well and strings combinations together with decent speed where I feel like I have no faith in Reed is in
punching power and in this matchup specifically the grappling entanglements the wrestling to me far favors Lupita
godinez being godinez her stand up has actually improved a good amount and I
think her boxing in her last fight looked better than before she does have some crisp hands and she’s got a bit of
pop on her strikes she’s also the more athletic girl and a wrestling Advantage too which we’ll see if she decides to
bring that out and use it I think she will I suspect that she does I’m gonna pick lupito godinez to win a decision in
the featured prelim here over Elise read now the odds for this fight have Lupia minus 375 a bit wide for my liking
looking at the matchup as it is I think that how I would really write
the lines down is more like a two to one because at least read is still a decent
practitioner like she’s a decent fighter Lupi should win by decision so then we look at the over minus 200 for the over
I do anticipate this fight going long godina is I don’t want to say she’s got no finishing ability but you look at the
UFC wins we got decisions Galore over here uh Elise Reed on the other side getting some decisions she does have
some stoppage losses though it’s just godina hasn’t gotten that that stoppage capability in my mind just yet
now I’m not saying it’s impossible for her to stop read seeing that you know Sam Hughes stopped there with some
ground and pound and then noting that you know um freaking Thai Prospect what’s her name
Loma Luke boom was able to beat her up using some grappling Loopy’s definitely live for a finish too so the over two
and a half I think I don’t know could hit could hit his or probably he’s not gonna be the word I’ll use could hit but
Elise Reed’s been finished before loopy not a great finisher I’ll pick loopy godinez to win the fight by a
unanimous decision as the official call but yeah the betting odds are too widely favoring loopy they shouldn’t look like
this in my opinion next fight on the card brings us to the main make sure you guys smash that like
button and if you’re new to the channel subscribe it’s Fernando Padilla versus Kyle Nelson I’m going to be picking
Fernando Padilla to beat Kyle Nelson not an easy fight because Kyle Nelson is a
game Canadian coming off of a nice upset win over Blake Builder who is supposed
to be a pretty good Prospect and Kyle Nelson’s Muay Thai game from the outside is really good he’s experienced inside
of the UFC at this point he does walk his opponents down fairly well and holds his ground well too physically strong
guy that obviously has a nice Thai boxing uh you know striking style his
kickboxing game I would say is pretty solid man I like his movement I like his punches even though he doesn’t have a
ton of thought in him they’re decent shots and he’s got kicking skills as well quite mobile I’d say he’s got a
good overhand right that opponent should watch for now note that on the opposite side though Padilla is going to be
bringing in a five inch reach Advantage alongside of a two inch height advantage in just being the better Striker from
the outside Padilla has very good straight shots and he also has a pretty solid Jiu Jitsu game now both guys I’d
say are capable on the floor but note that Padilla has you know some 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu under his belt
I think that he’s also got a sneaky uppercut to watch for on the inside that he could catch Kyle Nelson with he does
have being Padilla a bit of an upright kickboxing style but he uses the lead
hand well he’ll throw straights down the line he’s got a nice kicking game he’ll attack the legs on the feet he does a
lot of things right and I like Padilla’s win in his debut taking out Julian Arosa that was an awesome debut for him and I
feel like Kyle Nelson is going to struggle with the range difference could Padilla stop him Kyle’s durability is
pretty dangerous man I know Padilla’s got some stoppages right but it’s not like he hasn’t gone distance before
and we haven’t seen a stoppage loss for a while I guess Billy Q caught him like three years ago Jai Herbert there the
decision over giant Herbert does Aid to my confidence for padillo the decision for Jai you know being a tall guy in Jai
Herbert and Padilla being a tall guy with length Padilla by a knockout is live here it’s
Noche UFC I’m going for violence bro let’s call a knockout let’s go knock out I was thinking decision initially but
I’m kind of thinking a third round Knockouts possible here we’ll go Padilla I think he can get the finish I
definitely think he can get the win minus 241 for Padilla Kyle Nelson Plus
206. a little wide for Padilla being you know a bit of an underdog against Julian
Arosa I thought he would win there I picked him as a dog there and Kyle Nelson here in this spot obviously
coming through uh you know as a dog if you played him last time out with Blake Builder so we got two live Savages
facing off I think Nelson will put up a good fight but Patia gets him I called knockout for now but decision or
knockout is the truth I want violence so maybe I’m leaning towards the side of knockout in hopes that Padilla can put
it together and knock Kyle Nelson out in a fight of the night type performance I think he’s getting it done Padilla for
the victory next fight on the card we got Daniel
zellhuber versus Christos yagos I like zel Huber here the kickboxing
from the outside is where I expect him to shine but damn bro this Trey Ogden
loss is like uh a stain in my mouth that’s just sitting there because I don’t love that L granted the way he
came back in the next one and really put it on Lando vanata I was like all right Daniel zohuber’s still a good Prospect
he’s got some abilities yagos is a guy that he does have some pretty decent hooks he’s coming off of a knockout win
over Rick Glenn I’d say he’s got a you know pretty fair punching power but he’s gonna be at a disadvantage of reach by
five and a half inches with a three inch height Advantage favoring zel Huber I’d say zohuber’s the quicker Striker the
more mobile Striker the more athletic individual here and I don’t think yagos has the wrestling game to get a hold of
zel Huber and Bully him in the ground position so I’m gonna pick zel Uber to win I think decision I know yagos has
been finished a couple of times as of recent but when you dig into the opposition Armon who’s a blue chip
Contender really I was going to say Prospect but top tier as far as the top 10 of lightweight goes Thiago Moises
who’s a very good Jujitsu practitioner so Hoover should win this fight but I think yagos is going to be tough to get
away so I’m gonna go Daniel Zell Huber on the judge’s scorecards to beat Christos yagos in this fight right here
now as far as the betting lines for this one so Uber’s minus 230 thiago’s at Plus
195. listen he’s got the statistical advantages being the height and the reach and then you got the age Advantage
which adds uh you know to the statistical Advantage for zel Uber there’s a lot of things in his favor add
into the fact that at just 24 his rate of improvement fight to fight is going to be something that is potentially vast
note that he fought four months ago against Lando vanata I thought that was a pretty impressive win to take out an
experienced guy like Lando and style on him in the kickboxing realm and I think that Zoe Hoover is going to style on
yago’s here it would be epic to see him get the KO but you know through the lower level scene he’s getting Knockouts
when the shift in competition’s gone upward we got three straight decisions obviously one being a loss I’ll pick zel
Huber to out strike Christos yagos and win a unanimous decision on the judge’s
scorecards in front of the fans on uh you know a very special day for the
Mexican people so we’re going Zell Huber for the w next fight on the card brings us to our
featured bout of the night it’s Raul Rosas Jr versus Terence Mitchell note
exactly what the UFC is doing there using Terence Mitchell as an opponent for their Noche UFC card to build up an
18 year old prospect that has good height behind them listen this is the Mexican Prospect to
watch he’s a young kid he’s about to be 19 now so you’re not going to be a baby anymore in the game here soon I’m gonna
go Rosas to win this fight I do think he’ll stick to Terence Mitchell Like Glue and use his strong grappling game
uh you know to outwork Mitchell on the ground then eventually find the submission finish I’m gonna give you
guys some notes about Mitchell right he is an Alaskan MMA veteran so he’s fighting on that Alaskan scene we can
dig into the competition four in one fighter four months ago with a win there four and two fighter before that and
then we’re digging back five years beating a three and three guy and then taking out uh you know a guy that’s
record doesn’t even show up here in Travis zenk he comes back and Simon him up that was only two months
ago and I think that rosas’s grappling game is gonna give Mitchell fits here I
know that in Mitchell’s own right he’s known for good submission skills with eight submission wins and he’s got long
legs with Aid into his grappling he’s got a tricky frame but I do think rose sauce can beat him I don’t feel like
Mitchell looked all that UFC level I don’t believe it I’m gonna say that Rosas finds a submission here he’s
coming off a loss over Christian Rodriguez who’s a real good Prospect and before that he ran through Jay Perrin
who was in high level Mitchell to me is not high level and I think rosehaus is going to be able to strangle him I’ll go
rear naked choke submission as like the Mystic Max submission call now real sauce is a minus 600 favorite
listen guys I won’t be throwing 800 bucks on Rosas I made that mistake once before betting like a
degenerate and that was a dark time but uh We’ve definitely improved ourselves since then I look at Rojas at Rojas
Rosas at minus 600 and this is what my brain says yes he should win the fight the odds are way too wide for a kid
that’s not even legally able to drink alcohol in America yet so your best bet is probably not betting it not
locking the parlay down with it we’ll see what the sub prop line is and maybe it’s a Sprinkle right now obviously we
don’t have those we just have an over under the over is actually Plus 215. I
kind of think that rose sauce is live for a first round sub though rose sauce is six to one minus 600 Terence Mitchell
plus 425 listen Rosas Jr is a
disgustingly wide favorite take away the betting odds let’s not look at the betting side I do confidently feel as
though he will beat Terence Mitchell it’s just about does it actually happen he’s a young dude I believe it does odds
are though way too wide way too wide rose sauce he submits Terence
Mitchell Mitchell also fought on Ultimate Fighter and got brutally knocked out by kaikar France during that flyweight season then obviously took a
long Hiatus before coming back and now he’s in the UFC I think Rosas is going to beat him here
next fight on the card is the co-main event Kevin Holland versus Jack Della madalena
guys I love me some jack Della fighting it’s fun to watch but I think Kevin Holland
is the Kryptonite I am picking Kevin Holland to win this fight how does he win it I’m kind of thinking club and sub
Jack Della madalena I think on the feet having a disadvantage in reach of eight
inches is gonna be getting stung from the outside that nose is going to be busted up and Kevin Holland is going to
find some precise shots potentially jump on a guillotine a DARS or a rear naked
choke I’m going club and sub Kevin Hall and Club in sub win I think Jack Dell is a great Prospect I love this fight I
think we’re in store for an absolute banger but Kevin Holland is dangerous as hell on the feet he gave hell to
Wonderboy on the feet and hurt him in that fight and that was a five round main event where Kevin Holland maybe if
he decided to Grapple a bit who knows the fight’s going in a different direction respect to the gentleman’s agreement those guys just throwing down
in the Striking realm I expect striking here for Kevin Holland to be on display but when the time has to come that he’s
got to lock up a sub that’s what he’s gonna go for look at this submission darstroke over Michael kiesso who’s a
really good Grappler in his own right that was a month ago didn’t take any damage there taking on Jack Della
madalena bazel have Fez I don’t want to say he exposed him completely but I think it really pumped the brakes on the
hype train of Jack Della at least for me basil came in and gave him hell in that fight Kevin Holland’s reach Advantage is
a substantial factor in this matchup and I think when you look at them striking Kevin Holland from range is going to be
landing a lot on Jack Della madalena it’s gonna be hard for him to close that Gap over the lengthy Kevin Holland
without getting stung with big shots and Holland is not a peppering puncher he has legitimate knockout power and a
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt to go alongside of it Kevin Holland for the win club and sub here looking at the
odds Kevin Hall and Underdog plus 110. I’m going with Holland as the dog here I think he pulls this off Jack Della
madalena minus 130 as the favorite I think Kevin Holland does this thing under two and a half very likely at
minus 165-2 not really recommended throwing down on it but just an idea you
know just looking at it plus 110 for Kevin Holland the official pick I think he’s submitting Jack Della it’s gonna be
a club and sub hauling right now I think it’s peaking I think he’s hitting his prime right now he’s looking better than
ever before and we give him a match up that I think is very favorable towards him being a striker in Jack Della
madalena I think Holland is going to style on him love me some jack Della I still think
he’s an awesome Prospect but I pumped the brakes on him right now and you can compare one opponent Randy Brown had a
similar frame to Kevin Holland Randy Brown could not hold the jock strap of Kevin Hall and if they faced off
Kevin Hall would run over Randy Brown yeah they got similar frames but Brown doesn’t have the power Kevin Holland has
the length the power and the submission threat and strength and besides all of those things the mental game he’s an
extremely confident fighter and I think that’s going to get him to win over Jack Della we’re going Kevin Holland for the
win upset he strangles Jack Della Club in sub man I’m going clubbing sub now could he end up getting a knockout of
decision sure Kevin Hollins is the pick here money line plus money main event of
the evening make sure you guys smash that like button if you’re new to the channel subscribe it’s Alexa Grosso
versus Valentina chefchenko two I’m damn excited for this rematch and I feel like
this is a crazy fight be because Grosso pulled off an epic win in the last one
where chefchenko throws a spinning back kick to the body Grosso capitalizes gets
the back gets the rear naked choke I’m gonna pick Alexa Grosso to beat her once again but this time it’s going to be
cleaner than last time if you know chefchenko did have success on getting to the top position beating up Grosso a
bit from that top position specifically side controls your tranquil’s strong from that position on the ground Grasso
did have striking moments on the feet and was able to get back up to her feet on multiple occasions in that first
fight I think that Alexa Grosso can win this one better than the last one before
note this after you’re 35 now losing the belt getting it back the odds of that
diminish just statistically when you look I mean Kamara uzman lost his belt in a fight where he was winning against
Leon Edwards and then you look at the rematch how clean Leon beat him on the judge scorecards I think Alexa Grosso is
going to win here against chefchenko again gonna be hard to repeat that epic finish with the Mexican fans behind her
this card I think she’s bringing the fire out I’m gonna say Grosso takes it on the judge’s scorecards and an
action-packed war between these ladies where Grosso touches up chefchenko a bit on the feet is still threatened in the
grappling positions and taken down she finds ways up faster than before and does defend more of the takedowns and I
could even see her stinging up chefchenko with punches hard-fought five rounds one of those women’s Wars they
both put it all on the line and I’m going to say Alexa Grosso beat chefchenko more cleanly this time not
just you know a submission where people will say oh it’s a mistake and that’s why it happened no it’s Alexa Grosso
getting it done by a decision putting a stamp on it that she is the champion I’m
riding with the underdog no Alexa Grosso Underdog Chan happy and I’m saying and still last weekend Sean Strickland
Underdog beat out of Sonya the last paper of you before that Sean O’Malley takes out Al Jermaine Sterling now this
is an and still Underdog but it’s still plus money and I think Alexa grazo is going to prove to everybody that first
fight was no fluke and she’s beaten Valentina shevchenko once again now looking at the betting odds plus 140 for
Grosso shevchenko minus 160. and one for the main event on the dog I’m going for
Guadalajara Mexico I’m riding with Alexa Graz so to pull it off over Valentina
chefchenko she’s going to win this thing man I think she’s getting it here this card is going to be epic Noche UFC
Mexican Independence Day card you couldn’t ask for a better way to cap it off with Grosso getting the win in a
back and forth War getting presented that a special belt for the Mexican
Champions and still Alexa Grosso as in Underdog takes out Valentina chefchenko
and proves that she’s uh really the baddest girl at 125. she’s got some
scary contenders coming up like man of furo Aaron blanchfield and I promise you soon we’ll be talking about those
matchups after this Saturday Grosso for the w beat chefchenko a second time and
proves that she is the real champion no fluke in that first one guys I hope you enjoyed the breakdown make sure you
smash that like button if you haven’t and if you’re new to the channel make sure to subscribe let me know what you
thought of the pics in the comments down below and you have nothing to say in those comments but just enjoy the content as always drop a w in the chat
to boost the algorithm for your boy I appreciate you all so much for tuning in to the show and I’m looking forward to a
week’s worth of content so make sure you got those post notifications turned on don’t just leave them on personalized put them on all so you don’t miss a
video because there’s daily content here on the MMA experts Channel much love everybody see you all in the next one
peace guys [

Aljamain Sterling’s Reaction To Sean Strickland OUTCLASSING Izzy Adesanya

Aljamain Sterling's Reaction To Sean Strickland OUTCLASSING Izzy Adesanya


In a recent video, Aljamain Sterling congratulated Sean Strickland on his impressive performance against Izzy Adesanya. Sterling praised Strickland’s constant pressure and perfect execution in the fight. He also drew comparisons between Strickland and other strikers like Israel Adesanya and Sean O’Malley, highlighting their similar styles.

Sterling discussed the strategy of “playing the game” in fighting, where fighters use feints and point fighting to frustrate their opponents and capitalize on their mistakes. He pointed out that Adesanya used to be more aggressive in his fights but has since adjusted his style to be more calculated. Sterling also mentioned that Strickland’s 52-block Jail block defense is unconventional but effective.

Sterling acknowledged that Adesanya is one of the greatest middleweights of all time, but he believes that Strickland’s performance against him solidifies his own status as one of the GOATs in modern-day MMA. He commended Strickland for his shutout performance and his ability to track down his opponents with constant pressure. Sterling also noted that Strickland’s willingness to take risks and stay in his opponent’s face makes him a tough fighter to deal with.

Sterling emphasized the importance of defense in Strickland’s style, highlighting his ability to deflect and break the rhythm of his opponents. He praised Strickland’s awareness and his ability to read his opponent’s movements and faints. Sterling also mentioned the moment in the fight where Adesanya exhaled and a large amount of blood came out of his nose, indicating that Strickland’s pressure was taking a toll on him.

Sterling discussed the significance of Strickland’s victory and how it could potentially change the landscape of the middleweight division. He mentioned that fighters may start mimicking Strickland’s style and analyzing his defense and offensive attacks. Sterling also expressed curiosity about how the UFC will market Strickland and whether a rematch with Adesanya will be arranged.

In conclusion, Sterling congratulated Strickland on his victory and praised his dedication, perseverance, and determination. He encouraged everyone at Extreme Couture to be proud of Strickland’s accomplishment and highlighted the importance of hard work in achieving success in the fight game. Sterling also mentioned his own upcoming competition against Nathaniel Wood and invited fans to tune in and watch. He ended the video by promoting his Funk Harbor product and encouraging viewers to sign up for updates.

what’s up guys welcome back to the weekly scraps UFC 293 is in the books out here in beautiful Sydney Australia right now the weather is it’s been a little bit up and down but today has been pretty nice so far at night gets a little bit too cold but we’re not gonna get into that we’re gonna talk right about the main event obviously the changing of the guards another Sean it’s a UFC champion I don’t know the MMA Gods This Is Why We Fight people always talk about this person has no chance there’s no way the odds this the odds that yeah that’s kind of a thing but guys it is a fist fight anything can happen especially when you have an opportunity to prepare for one said individual that’s why I never count anybody out I always talk about their skills their strengths their weaknesses and uh that’s pretty much it the rest is up to them whatever they decide to go up in there with the willpower the heart and obviously the brains and tactical approach the most barn burner fight but it had its moments where the crowd kind of got up on their feet because they thought something crazy was about to happen especially after the ending of round one the way Sean Strickland ended at just very dominantly um I would even say maybe maybe was that even a 10A maybe not enough for a 10A but it looked like it was about to get stopped and I think you can even make the argument that that fight could have been stopped there was a couple guys that were riding in the bus with back to the hotel and they said if that was any other fight it would have been a TKO and I kind of I kind of agree with that you know and it kind of it also reminds me of my fight um with O’Malley just in that situation like you could have Let It Go on just a little bit more to see what would have actually had happened we let that go a little bit more and if it hadn’t been stopped I don’t think there would have been too many people that have been up in arms about it other than saying come on it’s a title fight Let Them Fight so with that being said I’m glad Mark Goddard let the fight go gave Izzy his chance to defend his belt and uh at the end of the day obviously Sean won he showed that he was the better man tonight in Sydney Australia and he gets it done man in a dominant fashion losing one round I don’t even know what round he lost maybe round two other than that it was pretty much Off to the Races for Sean Strickland we’re sitting next to kind of like his whole team like Izzy had his whole team near us so it was like weird and then uh Sean Strickland’s girlfriend and her I don’t say family but her people were sitting right in front of us and I’m kind of like we’re with you guys but we wouldn’t want to be super obvious because we respect these guys and we don’t want nobody to kind of yell at us and be mad at us because they’re sitting right behind us um but I you know I I try to be very impartial like obviously I know Izzy respect Izzy definitely top tier Talent um the things he’s been able to do and accomplish beautiful very hard to do hard to achieve but obviously training at extreme Couture with Sean Strickland meeting him at Syndicate MMA um and just seeing the energy that he brings to the room and being around that team that atmosphere of course I’m pulling for the guy that I’m more with you know that’s that’s who I’m with I’m with this gym um even though it might not be the most oh man I’m here every single day but you know that’s the gym that I’m with when I’m training back home in uh in Vegas so it was a very unique situation to be in whenever they sit in you next to family and stuff like that but man congrats to sh to to Sean Strickland like the way he fought lights out he had to be perfect and he fought perfect man constant pressure and this is what I was saying about the similarities between Strikers like Israel Sonia Striker is like Sean O’Malley Strikers like um I don’t want to say Ian Gary but uh because Ian Gary can also be offensive and I think that’s the difference with with those guys so I don’t want to say that um the guys who tend to play the game and I and I say I say playing a game uh in in a way where I don’t want to come off the wrong way but when I say playing the game is almost like I’m gonna Point fight until you get frustrated until you make a mistake and then I’m gonna clap you when you come in and get in those cheeks Israel look at all his past few fights where he used to be a lot more aggressive going forward and then as he kind of ran into like that gas and play and it kind of was that five round War I think something switch was like you’re dude I don’t need to fight like this all the time and I’m not saying he doesn’t go for it anymore obviously the Robert Whittaker fight but what did Whitaker do that allowed Izzy to knock him out Whitaker ran in same way I ran in and that’s the way the game goes sometimes you Zig when you shoot a zag and sometimes you make miscalculations thinking that you can do something that’s there that’s not always going to be there and that’s that’s the fight game you just never know what the person is thinking in that moment in time compared to the things that you’ve done in the training room against multiple different training Partners or whoever you’re training with and uh it’s a game of inches so with that being said I I tweeted that I want to talk about this style Izzy is very good at using utilizing those faints where he’ll look down he’ll look up and he’s got that mean mug on and he’s fainting he’s fainting hip twitch it was kind of sent almost like the way that Henry does it but Henry does it very well it looks like he’s humping the air um but but Izzy would do it kind of like a quick hit like he’s gonna throw that front kick and then he’ll whip the leg kick or he’ll shoot the long jab but he doesn’t really throw a lot of combinations so a guy like Sean Strickland who’s not afraid to get hit obviously we’ve seen that with the Predator fight he got cracked and still kept coming forward until eventually it was his demise you see a guy like Strickland who learned from that and now understanding his style even better it’s doing this 52 block Jail block defense where he’s checking checking pairing pairing blocking here blocking kicks and the way he does everything is very different than what we’re taught traditionally in boxing classes and Muay Thai classes and things like that but it works right he’s winning fights you can’t deny that that guy is getting these W’s and he’s the freaking UFC champion beating one of the most dominant probably arguably the greatest of all time middleweight just based on what he was able to do in this era of MMA obviously Anderson Silva had a ridiculous run as well during that era of MMA but modern day MMA I’m going to say Izzy’s up there as probably one of the goats right I mean let me know if I’m wrong in the comments but um what you just think is uh Anderson Silva all the way long and you gotta remember like the game definitely evolved so the competition is stiffer these these newer years from uh the olden ages so with that being said so Sean Strickland hands in front pairing blocking the the jab checking it blocking the the hooks coming here covering doing everything well leaving his body open but sometimes he’ll throw those front teeth with the lead leg as he’s walking you down he doesn’t cut guys off very well but he will keep the constant pressure on you and make you constantly have to move and adjust your feet and the moment you settle it allows him to step in with that long jab that he steps in with big determination where he’ll throw that one two which is the cross that put down Izzy in round one towards the end um so with Israel’s style I think there’s some deficiency there’s always a deficiency with a certain style if you can expose it right you break it down making adjustments in the middle of the competition and being able to fight a different way and not just once that way the entire time Izzy doesn’t throw a lot of combinations I don’t throw a lot of combinations there’s a lot of Fighters that fight like that where it’s just one-off but you there’s also a lot of guys who throw in big punches and punches and those guys tend to be a bit more dangerous but then you have the snipers obviously I’m going to give credit O’Malley he’s good at that when guys rush in myself um you have Izzy who’s caught a lot of guys like that catching Robert Whittaker catching a few other guys knocking them out uh catching Brunson a few other guys like that you have to I just feel the way Sean fought it was beautiful in the sense that he kept tracking him down and every time Izzy would faint he would just like just hold his ground he wouldn’t run into it he didn’t overly bite and react on the face he just kind of kept his hands here where if he if Izzy did throw he was able to kind of deflect it a little bit or where he would break the Rhythm and utilize that stiff jab there was a point where I think Izzy in the fourth round kind of like just exhaled and then there was like a big snot of blood that just came running out of his his nose it just it looked like a big chunk just fell out it was kind of kind of gross but I asked the other guys I was like did anybody else see that that was a lot of blood coming out his nose might be pretty busted right now but again going back to the Brilliance of Sean Strickland that pressure I’ve seen him do to the guys multiple times time and time again in the training room and he’s doing it against better and better guys and for him to do it on the biggest stage of his career and on short notice guys give this man his flowers because that was a beautiful shutout performance I mean obviously 49 48 um 46 but still that’s as close to a shutout as it gets in my opinion oh excuse me in my opinion thank you bless you thank you you did that wrong but but um other than that man it’s just been a great time here being able to hang out and uh explore the the city a little bit but one other thing before I get into that I I feel when you have these pressure Fighters please go back and just watch a bunch of Izzy’s fight the yoel Romero’s Prime Suspect number one Jared Canon there even the Robert Whitaker 2 fight when Whitaker doesn’t Rush In watch the way that Izzy fights there isn’t a lot of chances being taken to put himself at risk and obviously he’s a champ he doesn’t need to take those chances he he’s doing just enough to win and get by and show that he’s just a superior tactician and Striker while he’s in there nothing wrong with that at all guys at all but when you have a guy like Sean who’s willing to risk it and stay in your face the entire time that is a tough dude to fight if you’re not wrestling him good luck because this guy breaks guys he wilts them even guys that do take him down he eventually gets them or the next round these guys get tired from grappling him trying to hold him down if you don’t finish him just know that he’s going to be in your face for the rest of those sparring rounds and he ain’t gonna quit the guy spoils from what I feel like four or five times a week he’s just got all those those he’s got all those reps in so to speak so he understands his style he knows what he does well and it’s beautiful to see that he won nothing let me not say beautiful it’s fascinating to see that you could win a world title with a simple one two Jab cross cut the guy off well not me I’m not even gonna say cut the guy off like walk walk around the ring and follow the guy and keep putting that jab in his face and eventually you you’re gonna get him you know so I I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Monday morning a whole bunch of guys in the gym mimicking Sean Strickland trying to analyze and break his defense down his offensive attacks down and and realizing like what he does actually works and it could possibly work for a lot of other people it just depends if you’re willing to go in there and do the man dance and walk the guy down and be in a position where you can be hit as well the difference is Strickland has really really good defense eyes and awareness of what’s going on where his opponent is looking where his opponent is fainting which way he’s drifting off to how to I keep saying cut him off but he’s not cutting these guys off he’s just kind of chasing and following but no matter how much he chases to follow eventually these guys eventually stop because they’re just tired of constantly moving and circling that they have to do something offensive otherwise this guy’s just chasing around the wing and it’s gonna look silly just imagine if you don’t ever throw back or you try to throw back going backwards and this guy’s just walking you down and you’re circling and pivoting and you’re trying to punch it’s not like boxing where you could do the Ali where he’s shuffling his feet and go and rip off these Jabs you’re gonna get kicked you might get taken down the guy might throw a punch and throw a same sidekick behind it there’s a lot of nuances that are different with MMA than it is for a limited fighting style like boxing um with that being said congrats again to Sean Strickland everyone in extreme Couture everyone please stand up and be proud because this is a very big pivotal and defining moment I don’t even know what the USC is going to do how do they Market this guy I have no idea clearly Dana’s trying to do a rematch right away for whatever reason he doesn’t really do immediate rematches Izzy’s getting two in a row now the potato fight and now this one I’m not saying he’s not deserving of that but uh guys I I don’t know it’s a very unique situation to see like let’s see what show I’m I can’t wait to just follow his his tweets and things like that and just see what kind of crazy he’s gonna say in the UFC is kind of good they’re kind of gonna be like this is our current middleweight champion of the world running amok and there’s nothing we can do about it until someone removes him out of this chair and that’s the fight game and I love every second of this and I cannot wait to watch the Sean Strickland show um again uh extreme Couture everyone in Vegas stand up man be proud if Sean Strickland could do it you can too um I think he shows what the epitome of hard work is being dedicated to the game and even when you lose dusting yourself off and rebuilding yourself and getting back at it getting back on the horse and just having the perseverance and the determination to within the determination to succeed and the determination to eventually One Day become the best and uh Sean Strickland embodies that in every sense of the word so congrats to you guys um shout out Funk Harbor come into stores in October and by the way I’m competing against Nathaniel wood who was a former UFC bantamweight now fighting at UFC featherweight I think he’s three known the UFC division right now we’re going to be competing September 30th in Wales make sure you guys pull up it’s going to be for Polaris and on top of that it’s going to be on UFC Fight Pass so tune in and watch make sure we’re going to bring the action we’re competing at 160 pounds I told uh Nathaniel I ain’t cutting away dog even 160 that’s still cutting weight for me I got to cut about seven eight pounds maybe nine uh depending on how heavy I am that that last week coming in so I’m gonna be trying to be doing some training here and there this is more fun keep competition going and still in mind it’s still going with someone who’s notable has some really good skills and I look forward to the challenge probably gonna hang out a couple of days after maybe fly back home October 4th so I’ll be in either the Wales area or maybe hop over to Ireland not quite sure yet we’re going to see what we’re gonna do with the misses and I we’re on our world tour we’re on the funk tour can’t wait stay safe stay blessed chairs and get yourself in phone call but go to the where is it oh go to my link tree and my Ig and uh make sure you guys sign up to make sure you’re on the list so when it drops you guys will get the email notification right away and this way you guys could be one of the first ones to grab a bottle and uh get you some while it’s hot I’m telling you you will not be disappointed Dan hooker loved it John annik loved it I can’t wait to share this with the world peace and love guys see you later let’s go City we’re coming

Daniel Cormier REACTS to Sean Strickland defeating Israel Adesanya in HUGE upset at UFC 293!

Daniel Cormier REACTS to Sean Strickland defeating Israel Adesanya in HUGE upset at UFC 293!


We will discuss the incredible upset at UFC 293 where Sean Strickland defeated Israel Adesanya to become the new middleweight champion. Daniel Cormier, a former UFC champion himself, shares his thoughts on the fight and provides insights into Strickland’s journey and the impact of this victory. Additionally, Cormier suggests what might be next for both fighters. Let’s dive into the details!

Sean Strickland’s Unbelievable Journey

Daniel Cormier starts by reflecting on Sean Strickland’s remarkable journey. He mentions that he had the opportunity to speak with Strickland recently and gained a different perspective on who he is as a person. Cormier highlights that Strickland never experienced love until he found it in the gym. Despite facing hardships and making mistakes as a young kid, Strickland used those negatives to propel himself to become the UFC middleweight champion.

The Fight: Strickland vs. Adesanya

C ormier admits that he, like many others, didn’t believe Strickland had a chance against Adesanya. He expected Adesanya’s style and pressure to lead to Strickland falling into one of Adesanya’s traps. However, Strickland proved everyone wrong. He was on the gas the entire time, pressuring Adesanya and dropping him in round one. Despite losing round two, Strickland bounced back in round three and continued to pop Adesanya with jabs, visibly hurting him. Adesanya seemed confused and unable to execute his game plan, which Cormier attributes to Strickland’s relentless presence and refusal to let Adesanya dictate the fight.

The Impressive Victory

Cormier emphasizes that Strickland’s victory is one of the greatest upsets in UFC history. He commends Strickland for his resilience and determination, highlighting his previous losses and his ability to bounce back and seize this opportunity. Cormier also mentions the support Strickland received from the fans in Australia, despite some people not liking him. Overall, Cormier praises Strickland for fighting the perfect fight and achieving the seemingly impossible.

What’s Next for Adesanya and Strickland

Cormier suggests that Adesanya should take some time off and rest. He believes that constantly fighting at such a high level is too much and can affect performance. Adesanya has now lost two of his last three fights and needs a break to refresh and come back stronger. As for Strickland, Cormier believes he deserves a title shot. He mentions that Strickland was supposed to fight on this card but missed the opportunity. However, if Hamza Chamaev has an impressive performance and demands a title shot, that could change the situation. Cormier concludes by stating that the middleweight division starts anew with Strickland as the dangerous champion.


Daniel Cormier wraps up by expressing his gratitude for being able to witness and commentate on such incredible moments in the UFC. He acknowledges the passionate fans in Sydney and thanks them for their support. Cormier concludes by congratulating Sean Strickland on his victory and the achievement of something he never thought possible. He also acknowledges the importance of having a supportive team and a sense of family in achieving success.

Overall, UFC 293 was a memorable event with impressive performances. The upset victory by Sean Strickland over Israel Adesanya will go down in history as one of the greatest upsets in UFC. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for both fighters and how the middleweight division evolves with Strickland as the new champion.

what’s up guys I’m Daniel Cormier you are in my kitchen so you know I spent a lot of time here but the fall season is right around the corner so I know that you guys are looking for convenient wholesome meals to help on those busy busy days Factor America’s number one ready to eat meal kit can help you with that they will help you fuel up fast with Chef prepared dietitian approved meals that are ready in only two minutes and they come straight to your doorstep guys you’ll save time you’ll eat well and you’ll stay in line with that healthy lifestyle that you guys are trying to live especially as we head into the fall it starts to get a little chilly you want to eat some soup you want to feel good right fact it can help you don’t miss a beat you can choose from more than 35 Plus Chef prepared meals that are ready in only two minutes so you get to eat and you ain’t gotta wait for it so you kind of live in that DC lifestyle you know what I’m talking about so all you got to do hit the DCTV 50 to save 50 off of your order again slash DCTV 50 to save 50 off let’s get to the video guys guys we’re done with UFC 293 and we have a new middleweight champion it was unbelievable I uh I watched Sean Strickland pitcher shutout a guy that went into the octagon and did what most people didn’t think that he could you know this guy I spoke to him last week on the YouTube you guys should check that out because here in Sean Strickland talk about his life and hearing Sean Strickland talked about his journey um I really got gained a different perspective of who he was and I felt going into this like wow this is a guy that until he was an adult he never felt love he never been loved right the guy fell in love in a gym he found love in the gym and he found strength in the wrong people as a young kid and as most young kids will do they make mistakes but Sean Strickland took all those negatives all those things that really did dictate his life early on and he used those things uh to propel him into the UFC middleweight champion all those hardships allowed for Sean Strickland to do the unthinkable because people did not believe that he could win and I’m gonna be honest with you I didn’t I’m not allowed to pick the fight before but if you would have asked me if I thought John Strickland was going to win I thought there was no chance I thought that his style because he needs to pressure was ultimately going to lead to him falling into something one of the tribes that Edison said so masterfully and and Miles was dancing behind me as he breaks down the desk guys he never fell into a trap he was on the gas the entire time he was in Israel’s face he dropped them in round one Mark God had never even stepped in to think about stopping the fight and hats off to him because he could have stopped that fighting Edison was okay but even in that even after that Sean Strickland after round two he watched lost that round and the only reason he lost that round was because he didn’t do enough he didn’t do nothing so Edison won that one but from round three on Sean Strickland was right back in his face popping him with the jab and every time he landed it seemed like he was hurting Izzy I’ve never seen Izzy look so confused in one of his title fights he told Coach Eugene I can’t get to my jab and I think because he couldn’t get to his job it really did mess with his entire game he was drawn Strickland in and we have seen if he do that a number of times but we have never seen him have to do that the entirety of the fight Sean Strickland was unwilling to allow for Israel to sign you to dictate dictate to him at all over the course of this fight and I believe ultimately that is what led him to the victory he keep front of him it was the jab it was the right hand sometimes and it was really his presence his presence his ability to show Izzy I’m the man in here tonight and if I’m being completely honest I don’t feel like Edison look as much like himself as we’re used to and I believe that partly due to the intense schedule that he keeps I mean this guy is constantly fighting and while that is to be commended there comes a point where you can’t do that when you’re fighting the best guys in the world he did it time and time again and tonight he was in there with a guy that had nothing to lose heads up to Eric Nick he told me we have a game plan for this guy it’s gonna work and it’s gonna be effective and you always take what a coach says with a grain of soul but this dude when I walked into the Octagon said we did it we absolutely did it I told Dana Izzy better be hoping for a bad decision because there is no way that he wins this fight any other way and the judges got it right we are always on the judges for getting it wrong they got it right this time and I believe that Sean Strickland won four rounds to one uh over one of the greatest middleweights of all time before I get into what’s next for Israel out of Sonya and Sean Strickland we gotta pay some bills nice videos brought to you by the game time app the game time app is the worldwide leader in last minute ticket purchases so no matter what you’re doing the NFL season starting basketball football soccer comedy shows and concerts save money by using the game time app get those tickets last minute and save and if that ain’t enough use my promo code DCTV for 20 off of your first purchase download the game time app today and start to save money save more money by using my promo code DCTV for 20 off of your first purchase I mentioned Edison didn’t look as good I feel like he was tired I don’t think that Izzy should fight for the belt next I think Izzy should take some time he should rest let the division shake out a little bit and then come back because that constant desire to be up for these level of fights it’s too much and nobody can keep that you can’t fight the most dangerous best fighters in the world three times a year year after year after year he has now lost two of his last three fights granted their all title fights he had fought 11 of them in the row he needs to take a break from this thing Rest In The Spoils of his greatness and then come back when he’s refreshed because he looked a little bit behind the eight ball tonight and most of that was due to Sean Strickland just being an absolute dog tonight and there are a lot of people that don’t like Sean stricken but all week he receives some of the biggest Applause in all of the situations all week he was greeted With Love by all the fans in Australia I thought he looked a little nervous walking to the octagon I think that was just him being a man on a mission Sean Strickland just fought the perfect fight and I anticipated talking about other people from the fight card that wasn’t it was a great fight card but this video belongs to the new champion of the world this guy did The Impossible and this is one of the greatest upsets in UFC history because of not only the champion because of the person that did it Sean Strickland fought a Lex fajita as number four Ray guy when nobody else would do it he lost but he got right back on the horse then he fought Jared cannonir he lost but he never let it determ by a Marvel fights another guy finds himself in this opportunity with short time to prepare and gets the job done hey you all know who Sean Strickland is he doesn’t hide from his past but what you have to understand go back to the interview like I said earlier he’s much different today than he was before in terms of what’s next I think Drake is duplex C earns his title shot I think it deserves the opportunity to fight for the Bill he was supposed to be here tonight could you imagine Drake is right now kicking himself by not being here to fight Edison crazy I feel like he gets a title fight the only way he doesn’t get that title fight is if by some way Hamza chamaya just starches holocausted in the world he starts to go crazy begging for Paulo Costa are sorry for Hamza Jamaya to get an opportunity to fight for the belt this vision starts Anew every time one of these long reigning Champions loses their belt we get to start over that’s exactly what we get tonight and if you watch Sean Strickland fight you know that you have a very dangerous champion that middleweight now so to wrap things up Sean Strickland Drake is duplexy or comes out to my Android phone you take a step back rest and recover champ you have earned it but boy we have the greatest job in the world the UFC is an MMA it’s like nothing else in the world because every time you think you got it figured out something happens and then you’re sitting there with your jaw on the floor that’s why I’m so blessed to be able to come to you after these events to sit next to this octagon for these Great Moments unreal Sean Strickland his family is his team congratulations champ you earned it there are so many people right now that are celebrating your Victory and do you doing something that you never thought you could and nobody did the kid that was not expected to be he believed in himself and the people around him did also and tonight they achieve greatness guys UFC 293 was a great event there was a little bit of crazy going on with some of the the bad words these guys are used on the microphone I’m pulling microphones from them I’m telling dudes to chill I mean they’re putting me in a bad situation but outside of that we saw some tremendous performances across the board what a fun night from Sydney what a great fight Town wow people are crazy here about mixed martial arts I love each and every morning thank you for always supporting me until next time guys like subscribe and tell your friends tell one of their friends that DC’s got a YouTube channel see you next time peace Saturday’s coach how’d you do it uh I don’t know you guys just pulled off one of the greatest subsets of all time how’d you do it honestly DC it wasn’t really about X’s and O’s man it was about belief you know what I mean and he was a guy that if you know Sean over the years he didn’t have a team he didn’t have anybody around him and as well as you know at the highest competitor level sometimes you don’t believe in yourself and you need to have people around you that believe in you and help pick you up and I think just feed them the right information the right knowledge and just honestly God DC just give him a family man yeah because there’s a guy like I spoke to him on an interview the other day dude talk to me about his passing yeah it’s hard to feel loved in those situations yeah you fall in love with you guys man congratulations coach what a performance man great job my man great job




In this episode of WEIGHING IN, John McCarthy and Josh Thomson discuss various topics in the world of MMA. They start by talking about Ariel Helwani’s talent as a commentator and interviewer. John expresses his admiration for Ariel’s skills, especially when he covered basketball and other sports. He also mentions that doing backroom interviews can be challenging, but Ariel handled himself well in those situations.

The conversation then shifts to Dana White’s recent comments about Bellator and the PFL. Dana questioned why anyone would buy Bellator and mentioned that the UFC has always wanted to sign the top fighters from other organizations. John explains that when organizations like the UFC or PFL acquire another promotion, they are primarily interested in getting the top fighters in each weight class. They want to create matchups between their champions and the acquired promotion’s champions to establish themselves as the number one or number two organization in the world.

John believes that Bellator is currently the clear number two promotion, with the PFL closely behind. Bellator and the PFL: The Battle for Number Two

In this episode of WEIGHING IN, John McCarthy and Josh Thomson discuss the current landscape of MMA promotions, particularly focusing on Bellator and the PFL. They delve into the recent comments made by Dana White, the president of the UFC, regarding the potential purchase of Bellator by the PFL.

John McCarthy expresses his admiration for Ariel Helwani, a well-known MMA commentator and interviewer. He commends Ariel’s skills in covering various sports, including basketball, and mentions that conducting backroom interviews can be challenging. However, Ariel has always handled himself well in those situations.

The conversation then shifts to Dana White’s comments about Bellator and the PFL. Dana questions why anyone would buy Bellator and states that the UFC has always wanted to sign the top fighters from other organizations. John explains that when organizations like the UFC or PFL acquire another promotion, their primary goal is to secure the top fighters in each weight class. They aim to create matchups between their champions and the acquired promotion’s champions to establish themselves as the number one or number two organization in the world.

John believes that Bellator is currently the clear number two promotion, with the PFL closely behind. He acknowledges that personal preferences play a role in determining which promotion fans consider to be number two. Some fans may prefer the tournament-style format of the PFL, while others may enjoy the unique rules and exciting fighters of Bellator.

If the PFL were to acquire Bellator, John argues that it would solidify their position as the number two promotion and the top challenger to the UFC. This acquisition would provide the PFL with an opportunity to negotiate a TV deal with networks, potentially securing financial support for their product. Currently, Bellator does not pay for their TV time, as they are owned by the same company. However, if the PFL were to purchase Bellator, they would seek to negotiate deals with networks such as Fox and CBS to broadcast their events.

However, John acknowledges that there may be complications with the acquisition. Each fighter’s contract is different, and some fighters may choose not to sign with or restructure their deals with the new organization. This could potentially open up opportunities for the UFC to sign talented fighters from Bellator.

Despite the potential benefits of acquiring Bellator, John notes that Dana White and the UFC are currently facing a lawsuit that prevents them from pursuing such a purchase. Legally, it is not an option for them at the moment. However, John believes that if given the opportunity, Dana would be interested in acquiring Bellator to enhance the quality of fights and further solidify the UFC’s position as the top organization in the world.

Josh Thomson agrees with John’s assessment and praises Dana White for doing what is best for his company. He acknowledges that Dana’s job is to promote the UFC and ensure that they have the best fighters in the world. While Dana may criticize the PFL’s potential acquisition of Bellator, it is simply a strategic move to protect the UFC’s interests.

In conclusion, John and Josh discuss upcoming fights in Bellator, particularly the middleweight matchup between Johnny Eblen and Fabian Edwards. They express excitement for the fight and highlight the talent of both fighters. John even goes as far as to say that Johnny Eblen is currently the best middleweight in the world, despite some fans doubting his abilities.

The episode ends with a lighthearted discussion about Peyton Manning’s superstition of having a shot of Hennessy before every game. John and Josh find it amusing and appreciate the humor of the Manning brothers.

Overall, the episode provides insights into the MMA industry, including the motivations behind promotions acquiring other organizations, the challenges of backroom interviews, and the potential impact of the PFL acquiring Bellator. It also showcases the camaraderie and humor between John McCarthy and Josh Thomson, making for an entertaining and informative podcast.

And now, weighing in, out of the blue corner, Sean The Pong, Thompson, and on the other pike, he weighs in, from the red corner, big Sean McCartney. Oh, if we got a ton to talk about, it’s The Weighing In Podcast, and we are going to go over everything that happened at UFC 293, the huge upset by Sean Strickland taking out Izzy. That was a hell of a fight. We’ve got so many other things to talk about. There was the game bread, bare knuckle. How did the two prior UFC heavyweight champions do against each other a second time? We’ve got so much to talk about and you’re wearing a chief chief sat a the Detroit lions, baby. The D I’m now a fan. You are the saltiest son of a bitch. I think I’ve ever met. Oh my god. Oh my god. All of a sudden. It’s already there. Being a Tennessee Titans fan Vegas fan man. What fan of you or not? You’re one of those He’s a total bad you guys if you guys listen to this man. John is the Fan since I was five years you have I give that to you and you can After an embarrassing loss my team is to know it’s all I know. Oh, yeah What team is that? Volunteers. Oh, I thought you were gonna say like I thought you were gonna say you’re like Colorado Buffs football cuz now all of a sudden You like Colorado. No, but I thought hold on hard for your course, buddy. Hold on. Let’s be honest. Okay good I I want to say People can say whatever the hell they want You know you recall when Dion went to Colorado when he got that job and that little speech That he made to those young men and he said I’m coming and you better be ready Well, he’s got, I want to say, what is it? 73 new kids on that Ross. Yeah. 73. That’s amazing. Okay. But look at the two teams he played and he’s two and Oh yeah. People say whatever they want, man. I mean, he’s come Nebraska had him locked down that whole first half. I mean, his offense was sputtering and his defense came through and the week before his defense kind of it’s sputtered and his offense came through. Uh, whatever he’s saying between weeks and days and whatever it is it practices he’s getting a fire that are those young men those young men’s asses and it’s awesome man it’s it’s awesome to see because like this one I guess apparently was a little more personal personal because you know Matt Rhodes had some things about you know Deon and you know and this and that but what he did the program we did and for NCAA football and all this other stuff so he had some things to say but I I thought it was I thought it was a great performance When you’re struggling they still they still found a way to win and that first one against TCU Oh, I mean, it was a great game back and forth back and forth. I mean I Just it’s it’s it’s electric to see him and you got the two-way player Travis Hunter. He is Fantastic this young man. He’s probably the best quarterback or maybe the second best quarterback in the in college football And he might be the best receiver in college football right now I mean, I’ve you see that little movie he let he did on the Ross yesterday He cut across the center caught the ball stopped on a dime. Joop. Joop. Whoop. Whoop. It was a way I mean you talk about a repeat of a guy named Dion said yeah Pretty like this kid plays every snap Dion No, he would play receiver every once in a while, but he wouldn’t play receiver very often. It’s true He was but it’s also college, but he also ran back. Dion also ran back kicks So it’s uh, he did a little bit of sprinkles of everything and it’s very admirable what What the what these other teams are trying to do to him it mentally but it ain’t gonna get done Someone who’s mentally strong like Dion and understands he’s he’s resonating down to his younger men and just telling him like hey Look, man, I don’t lose. I don’t lose like if you’re gonna play on this team, you know, which you know what surprised me John on, was that the kids that were there at Colorado beforehand, they all transferred out. I know. I don’t scare. I know. But I didn’t get that. Like if you believed it all, if you believed it all in your talents, and maybe the other kid next to you was maybe tied a little bit higher than you or a little bit lower than you and you thought maybe he was going to favor his kid that came in from Jackson State, you stay. You stay and you learn you like you learn from someone who’s been there who is the best. I don’t get it man, but you just said it. Well, okay. Hold on. Let’s take a look at me I would have made my son. I would have made my son stay said no you have an okay I agree with you. I totally agree with you. It’s like let me prove to you Okay, everything in life is about competition Okay, I don’t care what it is and it’s your ability to work hard and prove exactly what you can do that establishes who you are in life and I look at it and I think all those kids talked to each other and all of a sudden they were putting this well you know he’s just gonna play the guys from Jackson State they come here he’s just gonna bring in new people he’s not even give us a chance and they all bought into the bullshit you what they needed to buy into was what he said I’m coming and you need to prove yourself okay I’ll prove myself but you know everyone’s got a choice. Everyone’s got a choice. The, the only one that I would have said probably that I would have been like would have been quarterback would have been tough. Yeah. That’s his son and the kid, the kid can play. Um, yeah. I mean, I was to be like, I was listening to I think the, uh, the herd show, the herd, whatever there’s a ESPN show called the herd show. Yeah. Colin herd. Yeah. And um, he, he, him and I had kind of the same assumption. I knew that his son was obviously going to be athletic. I knew he could probably rifle the ball into tight spots if he needed to. But I didn’t expect him to have the accuracy to drop it on a dime. This kid’s dropping, you know, 40 and 50 yard play. He can play. One thing I am very surprised about though, is that he doesn’t run the ball more. He stays in that drop back. He’s a drop back quarterback. Yeah, he tries to stay in that in that in that pocket and make it happen. He skirts out every once in a while on the outside, but he can drop a dime and in movement Which is a very impressive You know there was something else this weekend that was very impressive also young 19 year old Coco golf won the u.s. Open and I got I got to be honest man. I watched the whole damn match. I watched her I watched her semi-final match. I watched her quarterfinal match. She’s fucking good. She was ranked number six in the country number six in tennis, I should say and And she’s she’s you sat there. Well hell yeah, she is phenomenal man. She’s phenomenal and 19 years old John u.s. open champ impressive I mean there’s only been a couple other I want to say Monica solace was 16 saw there wasn’t a couple other Jennifer Capriotti Monica solace I don’t think out of all the Capriotti wanted though it young age what was Chris Everett Chris ever Chris ever was 15 yep but in terms of there was two other females I know Monica cells was one of them at 16 she just was never the same after the stabbing on the court. But look, you got it. I got it. I look at Cocoa Golf and man, she played lights out yesterday against Sabalenco, I think is her name. Fantastic, fantastic match, man. And I mean, Sabalenco’s not hard to look at either. So it was very nice to wonder you were watching, bro. But I’m intimidated by women that are six foot and she she’s beautiful and six foot. I’m like, ah, you’re a little bit too much. Man, I’m going to like trap you. No, but Cocoa Golf, man, she played fantastic lights out. She dropped the first set, I think, six, three, six, two, actually. And then she came back in one second set, six, three, one third set. I think six, six, two. So congratulations to her on U.S. Open Champion. And it was fun, man. It was fun to watch. I was like, man, this is you’re watching history at that moment. I know every finals and every game is history. But yeah, when you have a young 19 year old and also to I think it’s just the timing of Serena and Venus Leaving the sport and her just kind of coming right in and now probably gonna be ranked number two number three somewhere in there After winning the US Open she might be in you know that two three spot But I’ll congratulations to her man That was it was a fantastic match to watch very very like most 19 year olds would have Tucked tailed and run after the first set dropping it six six two. I think is what she dropped it six three You said six three You know, but she would have tucked out and most of them would have just tucked out man She she bit down on the mouthpiece and she fucking went after it was pretty impressive very impressive. So good for her Yeah, unfortunately, I do not watch You know what I don’t watch is that I’ll watch WMEA Okay. I’m sorry, man. Don’t watch that. Don’t watch that either. If they would lower the hoops, John. While this is someone else’s cup of tea. If they lowered the hoops. I agree. And the hips. If they lowered the hoops. Lower those hips. Oh, just like a phone book, phone booth, whatever. If they were to lower the hoops, it would make it a lot more fun. They’d see a little bit more banging down low underneath the basket, like those type of things. You don’t see it and it just kind of takes away from the sport. Okay, but would it cause Think about it. You’ve done something for so long with a normal ten-foot basket Would it not affect the shooting? I mean, are they good? Are they not? Yeah, they’re good. But I’m not I’m not saying I’m not saying they can’t handle it But it’s gonna affect the shooting for a while because you got you would have to get used to that different height No, but if they lowered it one foot, just one foot making a nine foot But it would be a completely different game because you’d have a lot of women that were able would be able to come in, you know, post up, slam dunk, all those things in an area where normally they’re, you know, shooting a layup or something like that. Well, we’re in the infant stages of the WNBA. Do it now while there’s the young talent and generations coming up. And because you know, you want to improve it in the future. Look, and the other thing too is I hate like I think even for fighting, I’ve been fighting for so long. I hate watching fighters that are friends. It’s cool to be friends. When you’re in there, stop with the hugging and the kissing and the touching the hands and all this shit. Man, I don’t mind if you just touch real quick and get ready to fight. But it just drives me nuts when someone gets hit with a clean shot and they look at each other and they start touching gloves. Man, we’re in there to fight. Go out there and fight. I think there’s moments where you have a great exchange, you’re both exhausted, you both smile at each other. Those are the moments that I like. This whole like, hey, let’s touch now. No, man, I’m trying to get you right now. I know you’re tired. Don’t break your ass. Well, in basketball that I feel like these females, they’re all friends. You know, maybe one or two don’t like each other, but they’re all friends. So like they’re, they don’t want to get in there and bang against each other. They don’t want to get in there and dunk over someone’s face. Hell no, man. That’s what’s going to make this sport more fun. There’s a little bit of that rivalry against each other. Like, no, this guy ain’t stopping this girl. Sorry. This female ain’t stopping me down low. Hell no. And then I want to see that. I want to see that, you know, dunking in the face. I want to see them jumping over these females and just slamming it I want to see that like give me an opportunity that I think that’ll make the sport a lot better. Just my two cents I mean look you take it for however you want. I don’t give a shit what you guys think I’m off. I’m off of women’s basketball and tennis now. Stop. Okay kill you killin You know Man, I love what we had an amazing. I love watching all sports We had an amazing Main event we had it actually a pretty goddamn good show overall for it for a show that everyone Basically was saying this was pretty frickin weak It turned out to be a really goddamn good well John before we even start on the main a very entertaining fight If you go, I gotta get more into some more women’s sports over here, okay, but Just kidding Before we break into the before we break into the main of that my you guys gotta hit that subscribe button though on this YouTube channel hit that subscribe button down low right there hit that little bell too for the notifications I want to thank you guys for always supporting us and John go ahead let’s talk about the main event you have Sean Strickland and is your out of sign yet go ahead John go ahead take it away buddy Corona California Sean Strickland you are the middleweight champion of the world congratulations you sick bastard you love it I thought dude I love you know what we were talking about before and I kept on wanting to say man I think he’s got a chance to win I really think he’s got a chance to win but then you looked at you go I don’t know man is he so goddamn good in the stand-up and Sean is a pressure fighter but you know we got to talk about your bets and I was like those are the ones I don’t like and I don’t like them because I think as the fight goes on I think Sean gets stronger and that’s not the area he did everything that he was supposed to do he was hard to hit he never he never really got hit with a clean shot and if he did it was one yeah and that’s the big difference is he’s got a hit with a combo and hitting in numbers which he normally does and does easily Sean Strickland looked just phenomenal and the amazing part of it to me is this we give Izzy so much credit as far as how good he is and he deserves it he’s fantastic he can do so many things he got beat by a guy Josh be honest when you watch the fight Sean Strickland boxed yeah now he threw a front teep kick and he threw that consistently and it was it was effective and that was the main kick he said he may be through three kicks to the legs throughout the fight okay he really didn’t attack the legs we threw that front teep kick and he sat there throwing a jab across and a hook yeah And that was it that was all he threw and he frickin with those three basics as basic as it gets He beat a guy that is that good in the stand-up that good of a fighter that good overall and that’s what just Being a guy that can pressure Utilize that pressure good cardio and just basics and believe in yourself yourself. Unbelievable fight by Sean Strickland. Yeah, it was absolutely unbelievable fight. I knew you were going to bring up my fucking bets. You jerk. I’m sorry. Look, look, I forgot my number one rule when someone that much of another dog always throw 25 down 50 down, whatever it is, just throw it down, like see what happens like it just I forgot my own damn rule and I didn’t do that. I thought for sure that is he was going to just walk away with this fight. I thought for sure he’d finish him before round four, only because Sean does walk in, he walks straight in. I didn’t take into account that I don’t even know what this was called again, the way he blades himself. Yeah, that felt really shoulder roll. Okay, I didn’t take into account that is he was going to have a hard time with someone that just walked him down walked forward and had just was always stayed right outside of that range. Now, John, I think this is something we completely I know we make fun of him, Sean Strickland, because he spars so much. But the simple fact of the matter is what is sparring for to get down the movement and to get down the range to understand how to deal with somebody in the speed in the range of where your range is at where you can be and not be hit. And that’s exactly what I saw last night. I saw somebody that was always just right side right outside of range and able to touch him when he needed to and also just kind of make sure that he stayed where he wanted him against with his back foot against the fence and was able to make make him move and he could land big shots off the movement or wait for him to stop and then throw straight down the pipe that one too right in the beginning of the of the fight in the in the first round that was because he threw it straight directly to the target and waited for it to stop that was his way of being fast he’s not as fast Is he he’s just not but if you throw your shots straight down the pipe they get there fast That’s what he did. I mean everything he did and you got to give it to is he going backwards? For five rounds, you know, that’s not easy. That is no three rounds. It’s just torture Do yours do yourself a favor and just walk backwards for fucking five minutes. See what it’s like Yeah, but that he had to he had to make the adjustment is he never made any adjustments He was almost like almost like he was okay with losing his title It was like he just conceded to the fat John. Oh, I know it’s I know it’s taking a little bit of a jab at him But I think somewhere in there that it was like he just conceded that man. It’s Sean’s night. It’s not my night You know what? I’m gonna get out of here without trying to get knocked out I don’t know it just every time it seemed like Sean through it looked like it kind of bothered Izzy And now that threw me off that threw me off But well, no, hold on and this is and this is where people don’t get it If you go back to that first round he got oh, yeah okay, he was hurt and then he gets back and and sometimes and I will say that there’s times when I Cannot tell you why and doctors cannot tell you why because I guarantee you they can’t because Never mind When I argue with him about this, you can get hit with a shot and it can absolutely make the neurons and everything separate and make you where you can’t control your body and everything. And you get hit with another shot right after it that actually puts you back. And you can hear Izzy when he says, you know, he comes back after the end of the first round, he doesn’t know what hit him. You know, he’s asking his quarter, hey, what hit me, you know, and they’re telling him it was a right hand. He says, okay. And then they go, how you feeling? He goes, I’m clear. And you go, you are until you get hit again. Yeah. And that’s, this is what happens in fighting is all it takes is now one more shot. Even though you’ve got all this time, you are now much easier for me to cause a problem for, and to make you have a disruption in that connection of your neurons. And that’s what happened. It seemed like throughout the fight, and it started to get worse and worse and worse as the fight went on. And that you know is he can’t do anything about that. It’s cuz he got hit with a shot that hurt date Dave pull that up for me what I just sent you Okay, I want to make sure that I want to make sure that We’re not shying away from the the the facts of this fight, and if you can pull that up first Yeah, okay. I’m getting there right there. There was something said by Dana white and And looking Dana, but maybe on his side was thinking that and and I was a kind of like man is he this is he that but I want to make sure that we’re not shying away from the whole point of this fight or not the whole point but what actually happened in this fight go ahead play it Israel look like he was in slow motion he looked like he couldn’t get off he looked like he was really stiff tonight he looked very slow do you think that could be you know you we always talk about his activity but maybe there’s something to be said that he might be over trained at this point and maybe need some time off would you think it’s just hey sometimes you have a bad night only Israel knows what’s going on I’m very curious to see what he says at this press conference tonight you know that’s good there are a million things that could go wrong I want to say all these things and in here is I’m not dissing on Dana at all I’m not dissing on anybody that I was sometimes leading myself into doing the same thing it had nothing to do with is having a bad night, had everything to do with Sean Strickland’s performance. He fought a fight that people just don’t normally fight against Israel Adesanya. And the one guy that kind of did fight that way was Alex Pahea. And look what happened. In both fights, he was on his way to winning those fights. The second one, he got clipped and just got careless a little bit in that situation. But the pressure that he put on him, the way that he stayed just right outside the range from all those sparring rounds sparring 20 rounds you know in a day or some shit whatever it is they’re saying he does some crazy amount of sparring we’ve made fun of him for doing that but it obviously is working for him whatever works for him is perfect and someone said i just saw someone too say he didn’t shoot a takedown there was one i think in the second round or no sorry the fourth round when after eric nicksick it was a half-ass shot but he got into the body lock and is zero did a good job of giving him the hip and the shoulder shrug a little over whizzer and was able to get out. Why waste all that energy when you’re judging the range so well and keeping that distance and making him move? Just remember, Strickland understands that when you’re moving, you can’t sit down on your punches and I’m keeping you pressured, your back foot against the fence, you’re stumbling with your back against the fence because you’re not used to this type of movement, this type of pressure. And every time I land, it gives you flashbacks So that first round when I clipped you and dropped you he fought a fantastic fight a almost perfect performance last night And I don’t want I don’t I still want to take it away I don’t want to take away that Israel didn’t come out and fight both. It was Sean Strickland who won that fight Dana could have his opinion and you know it you got to understand Israel is a moneymaker for the UFC’s of course Dana’s gonna You know, he’s gonna have a preference here in who his champion is because one makes big money and one Right now is not that guy. Maybe Sean will be that guy but to sit there and say he looked slow He did not look slow. He didn’t even at all. I thought he did not look slow at all He would and he showed he was faster than Sean Strickland he the guys that give Izzy problems Izzy is a fucking six foot four 185 pound fighter he’s got a very long reach but the guys that give him problems are guys that can match that as far as that he cannot basically big brother by putting his hand out which he does all the time and managing the range and deciding when the engagement is going to occur when he can do that he’s unbeatable because he’s so goddamn gifted he couldn’t do that against Alex Alex crushed that on him and gave him problems and Sean in this fight crushed that what he was unable to control that range Sean kept the pressure on he tried he was working to try to control the range and every time Sean just walked right through what was his his gauging meter of his arm and everything and just put shots on him that made him have to reset reset reset reset man you know It’s Sean Strickland. It had Izzy did not look over trained if he looked over trained He would have been much more tired because he took a ton of shots and he was moving backwards throughout He was the guy that was putting out way more energy in that fight So he was in shape. He was fast. He just got beat by a style and a guy That fought beautifully that night and then give it up for Sean Strickland Okay, so now let’s move on. Where does Izzy go from here? Because we’ve said this before countless times, once the blueprint has been laid out on how to beat you, a lot of these fighters will start picking it up. You are great when you’re imposing your will. You’re great when you’re standing at range and when you’re not being pressured. Now if I pressure you and put your back to the fence and you have to move so much, you don’t have the power to finish me. can get one through the speed all of those things possibly can get it through but if I just stayed defensive and I just walk you down and touch touch touch don’t throw anything hard a very Nick Diaz type style fight or Nate Diaz type type fight just walk you down touch touch touch and eventually one’s gonna get through and I’m gonna be able to try to finish you where it is where what happens to Izzy now because look that’s two losses in what three fights yeah I mean like I don’t see an automatic rematch happening oh I can’t I can’t see that. Dana said that, oh, Dana’s right away. Oh yeah, I think he deserves a rematch. It’s like, bullshit. I don’t, I don’t. Okay, that’s two losses in his last three fights. Okay, uh-uh. Yeah. This is time, and I thought, you know, Cormier said it. You know, I think he needs some time off. And I think Cormier is right, he does. You gotta, you know, you need to get away. Get away from it a little bit, get recharged. It’s tough when you are the guy that, you know, has that title, and we talk about it all the time, having that target on your back. But it is a matter of exactly what you said. I love how you put it, hey, guys have got a blueprint now. You know, look at Cro Cop. Cro Cop was a fantastic, he was a monster in pride. Until Phaidor showed this is how you beat him. Now it doesn’t mean that he didn’t go back and win a ton more fights. Because not everyone is able to take that blueprint and make it happen in the fight. But a lot of guys can, and everyone, everyone that fights Izzy from this point will always attempt to pressure him, put him on his back foot, make him fight with his back to the cage, and say, I’ve gotta walk through that range and length that he has to make him uncomfortable. You know, not that he’s not gonna get more wins, he will. But it’s gonna be tougher. Yeah, it’s gonna be tougher. And I look at, Alex Brehe came out last night and said, He’s like, well, I guess there goes my thoughts of going back down to 185, because they’ve trained together now, and then it’s like, why would I make the cut? I was only coming back for one man, and that was if he was to beat him. Well, and also, I’m surprised, I didn’t see the comments, but Alex is like, I told you guys that Shawn has a good chance. I was very pleased to see someone come out and say something very positive about Shawn Strickland. Not a lot of people do. I wanna say, there was Kaiba Howell, who is a damn good middleweight fighter on the ups in the UFC. I think, isn’t he in, is Bahao in the top 15? No, he’s not. I thought he would be. You know, he’s been really, you know, coming on. I wanna say, does he have one loss or something? But he was talking about the fight. I heard him and he was saying, he picked Strickland. He said, I think Strickland’s gonna win the fight. He goes, and I think he’s gonna, he goes, either TKO in the fourth round or he’ll win on points. I was like, wow, look at you. And it went exactly like he said. Very impressive. Yeah. Now where does Sean Strickland go from here? Cause you know Jared Cannoneer’s going, I’m right here. I’m right here. But you know that you can, I think it’s a great rematch because there was, you know, you look at it, Strickland and him, it was a close fight. It wasn’t a very great fight though, John. No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t, but I think it would be much better this time. I think so too. I think in a rematch, that’s going to actually be a good fight. I think do pluses has, uh, he has the right to say, I deserve that shot, you know, and I look at it, put, put, you know, it might be that I don’t know what they told cannoneer that, Hey, you, you become our backup. We’re going to give you the next shot. Could be, I’m not sure, but you know, it could be the cannoneer automatically knows, Hey, I’m going to get that next shot. Okay. Then do pluses, Either one of those guys put put those against Strickland, but with Izzy, you know, I Definitely wouldn’t give Izzy a rematch now and I would put Izzy against I think the comes out Chamea versus Paulo Costa Whoever wins that oh man, is he against that now? Well, you can well you can do you and you can do it one or two ways you can put them against the winner or you Can put them against the loser because you’re always looking the UFC likes to take two guys that have lost and put them So we get a win for one of them either way. I look at what fight would bring me the most potential money and what fight might bring me the most action. I do agree with you that cannoneer and him, now that they’ve felt each other’s power, now they understand each other on the feet. They’ll they’ll be less of a filling out process and then they’ll get after it. It’ll be a better fight. I agree with that. Yeah. But I think that the fight that makes the most sense and the most action pack will probably be him and do blesses. Yeah. Cause do plus this takes bigger, takes bigger chances. He takes bigger shots. He’s also a mountain of a man for, uh, for that weight class. He’s a big, big dude. I was very surprised. I’m like, damn it. He’s just, and so it’s going to give Sean some problems. I think for the fan being a fan, I want to see that well, but do plus this is going to have find that Sean is a lot more difficult to take down And to be on the ground with then a lot of people think I think you keep it on the feet But I think it’ll be more help I think he’s gonna underestimate how elusive Sean Strickland is even though he just witnessed what he witnessed last night He’s gonna go out there thinking man if I touch this guy he’s going to sleep You’re gonna have a hard time touching them that little little snap kick bullshit that he was doing last night But it was effective and it works effective. It works. He’s do I mean basic Yeah, it’s sometimes you just gotta put it put it up there and just say hey You know what keep the range. This is your distance. Okay, I’m gonna keep you right here I raised by that jab It’s it’s his little snap kick and then his little to his jab and both of them were money for him last night that led Right into the right hand beautifully done great performance by him I can see if they because Dana came out publicly and said he doesn’t like people that turn down fights and that’s exactly what Happened with duplusses because they asked about the plus to be annexed and he’s like, you know I feel like guys turning down fights fucking hate that shit So I there might be a little bit of that going on so you may see cannoneer and Strickland next or there might well you there might be a wait to see if if Chumayev and Paul cost ends up being a great fight you take the winner of that fight Strickland Cannoneer’s got a fight either Izzy or do plus this has got a fight Izzy for a non-title fight That could be it that sucks No As data said don’t turn down the fight. Yeah true true true true You know, you got to figure there was money. There was money that was lost. Yeah, I know they my pocket I lost my money last night They brought is he in would do pluses had his victory stuff, you know, that’s all money and everything and it kind of was wasted and so I understand the the Being a little upset, but you can’t take the fight away from the guy. He deserves to be right there I mean, we’re not gonna take it away. I’m gonna give it to you now for a non title fight, though It’s still that’s felt that same fight is still there, buddy. Just no title. You wanted that fight Well, here it is. Now. Let’s see how hard you should have taken it when the title was on the line No, I get it. Um, but congratulations Sean Strickland the new yet away champ. Can it get? Oh I don’t want no. No, I don’t want to ruin it. I don’t want to ruin what we just did we did a great job. We’ll talk. I want to remind me though to bring back this conversation with uh, with the, with the middle weights. Remind me to bring it back towards the end of the show. Okay. All right. We know where I’m going with this. Do you know where I’m going with this? Okay. I just wanted to say, I don’t want to ruin the moment right now. Yeah. We had Alexander Volkoff taking on the Shoei King tie to a Vasa and you know, man, You take a look at this, you know, it’s one of those Taito Iwasa. He’s a tough dude. I love this guy. He is so fun to watch. He comes to fight He’s he’s a lot faster than people realize as far as he’s got fast hands But he’s a brawler And when you take a brawler and you can keep a brawler at length and make him have to take big chances To break into that range that he can be effective with you know it becomes difficult and it becomes now which one’s gonna catch who who’s gonna be that one and most of the time it’s gonna be the guy who is in control of the range that’s gonna be able to catch the guy trying to jump in Alexander Volkoff did a beautiful job in controlling range throughout that fight he did a beautiful job when when the fight finally was you know taking it to the ground that the one that ended it was a nice little right hand that hit Tuya Vasa. Yeah the foot was up so he’s off balance I’m not saying it but it was still a nice little right hand that actually hit him too and you can see that after the end of the first round Tuya Vasa was confused and a little bit you know not sure about Jesus Christ. Look at what’s happening. Came out he tried to do exactly what his corner said and when Volkov was able to land that with that right hand with the leg up in the air and puts him down, you know, Tuya Vasa, as soon as he got mounted and you saw, you know, you talk about all the time, the turtle on his back and this was, this wasn’t guard, it was mount. So you got a guy that’s six foot seven with long legs, great vining you and putting a lot of hip pressure on you. And he had no ability to get out of there. He took some big shots and, uh, Volkoff ends it with an Ezekiel choke, something you don’t see all the time, but Hey, it’s effective. They trust me when you’re using your body weight and you have that hand under and you’re pressing down with that in the throat It can absolutely take your breathing away and finally to evos ahead of time moments Right when that aziki ochoku is being put on I was like Laura Senko do not save DC from this go ahead Let’s hear what he calls it. Let me hear what DC I want to know what he calls it and Laura jumped right in cuz she knew exactly what it was I was like nah, man, you’re a better female. You’re a better person than I am better. Definitely better female to me, but It was just funny I was like man TC’s gonna say something he’s not gonna She jumped in he’s in it with the but that that position and that move and that technique with no ghee it works more effective with guys that have long limbs and It’s very hard to get if you don’t have you know If you got t-rex arms and you can’t get it in there all the way, so it’s a very difficult bullet great performance I was I was a little surprised by the cornering Until it actually started happening in the second round when he uh, two bosses corner said hey, you’re killing with the lake He’s I’m like, they don’t look like they’re having that much of effect No, but then in the second round he came out and landed two really good ones right off the bat and I was like Oh wait, he is having it. There is an effect there. And so it just he he wasn’t setting him up He wasn’t moving his head offline when he was throwing them boy. Not at all and so that’s what that that’s what led to him getting hit with a nice shot and then getting dropped and then What really does surprise me and I’ve said it heavyweights are normally turtles on their back, you know, it doesn’t matter really There’s a couple of standout guys. You know, I’m sure the the young kid Almeida. I’m sure he’s not a turtle on his back You got Tom Aspinal, you know, Curtis blades will not be a turtle on his back He’s trying to you know, he’s a wrestler. They’ll figure out a way to get up. Yeah, the other scramble They’ll give up position a lot of these guys just the basics of grappling and look I’ve trained with two of the best heavyweights in the world ever ever to fight in the sport You know in Cain Velasquez in DC both of those guys. They very rarely train jujitsu It’s it’s and DC’s made it very clear. He said a couple times came he trained jujitsu Quite a bit. He just didn’t have guys really that were that were good enough at a K at the time until like a couple guys guys came in, Buchecha came in a couple of times and train, but you can’t get a lot out of 10 days. You know, you come in and train for 10 days. And we’ve also learned that a lot of the top level Jitsu guys, they’ll train twice a day, but they don’t train at the intensity of which MMA guys do. And so when they’re, when they’re in there, have to get banged, they’re getting banged on by wrestlers, like real wrestlers, you know, and in the takedowns and like guys like Kane and DC, they’re just foot sweeping them, hip tossing them, you know, dumping them, sitting them down, just kind of toying with them in the wrestling. They’re not the same people. So getting guys to come in and train with Kane and DC wasn’t the easiest thing as well That’s why I tip my hat to guys like Bucceci who came in and worked with them for you know for a couple a couple times But it’s just hard like these guys the heavyweights don’t really care to train jiu-jitsu And then you see a little bit with the with the way that they act on their back No idea how to get out of mount no idea You know from half guard just allowing them to sweep legs wide open just go ahead cut through my guard like a hot knife Blue Butter, go right ahead. Just slide right through. You know, it just was one of those you could see. And I just was like, oh, man, you can make you can make it to the third round. You can make it a third round because if he had made it to the third round, I would have won more money. So I was like, oh, but it is what it is. And, you know, but two of also to me is always in the fight when he’s on his feet. Soon as the fight hits the ground, I’m like, man, this is not going to go well. It’s not going to end well. So But anything from Volkoff you could tell though John the and I text you this I said the size of Volkoff in terms of when his leg Hits two of also you could tell the two of us like it was throwing him off balance It was giving him it was making him uneasy to throw something because it was just knocking him off balance He couldn’t get power behind anything He did because of the tree trunk that was swinging at his body And I’ve been there a couple times and it’s felt that like you’re sparring with someone was a little bit heavier And they kick you you’re like and it moves you it’s like okay This is different than just being able to check and block and and can’t hurt a little bit. That’s different This was literally moving to a Vasa Yeah The side obviously he had he had a size differential that he had to work through It created problems for him throughout the fight and it was it was one of the big things that Volkoff used as far as controlling that fight because he controlled the range he basically you know he was a sniper of you know just picking him apart and every shot started to have an effect as the fight went on and yeah I don’t I don’t take anything from to your boss and he’s just tough as hell but Volkov was just the better fighter and that’s why he’s moving up in the rankings congratulations to you think he gets it you think it’s another title shot here soon no he’s number four Now, I think he’ll be no, I think he is number four rank number four. I think no he was number seven wasn’t he? He was but he was behind to your bossa Wow, I think he was higher than to a bossa Nope, no, it’s too behind. Gee behind see All right, so he’ll move, you know at least up to number six Yeah, but he’s not good. He’s not gonna make any movement past that. Yeah Yeah, well, I mean you got to figure Steve is gonna be out here out of here soon So after after the John Jones fight, he’ll be gone. So Steve A will be gone You have Tom asked when all Curtis blades and Cyril gone. I mean, I wouldn’t mind Have Cyril gone and Volkoff fought Yes, I believe so. Can you look that up? I don’t recall that fight Yeah, 2021 gone won by decision. Okay, got it, got it, five rounds. So it was a main event. Yeah. Interesting. Okay. I don’t recall that fight at all. Like none of it. So, all right, well, hey, next fight. Oh, I tell you what, this is a great fight. Just a grab. Just said look Santos. I’ve watched him fight. He’s good You know and I watched it when he fought he fought in the LFA when I watched him and I was like damn That kid is fine. He’s throwing crazy flying knees and stuff at times, but 125 pounds you look you go man. He’s he kind of does look like a small You know Charles Olivera as far as some of the crazy things he’ll do. He’s comfortable going up against Manel Cape Who we know is super fast very talented young fighter, you know came out of rising and And, uh, just to getting better with every fight, man, they, these guys put on a performance. This was a great fight. I thought Manel at times was just looking so slick. Some of the things he, he was doing and, and the counters that he was landing and then Santos would come back and he would throw big shots and land and hurt him. You know, and I was just, just absolutely entertained throughout. It was a fantastic fight that I thought Santos proved himself, you know, over. Yeah. He got the loss as far as, you know, he’s no longer undefeated. He went up so far with this fight, the UFC is going to now look at him and put him. He’s going to get ranked I think off of this damn fight and, uh, you’re going to expect big things and he’s even better than I thought, because I thought when I saw it, I said, look, he’s good. I’ve seen him fight, but my nails just too good overall. And he’s, he’s going to probably get rid of him. Yeah. About probably by the second round, just tough as nails, man. I give that kid every, everything I can, because you go in under that kind of circumstance, he was supposed to fight on the Dana white contender series thing, right? You’re you get this opportunity. You’ve got media, you got all these things that look, you never really had to do before. It’s a different type of media too, you know, yes He did things when he was fighting and you know some of small shows of the LFA but nothing compared and you’re on this stage That takes a ton To be able to handle that and not let it affect your performance He didn’t let it affect anything. He just went out there and he performed he fought his ass off against a guy That’s really good and he walked away. I think as a winner even though yeah, it’s a loss on his record Yeah, it might be a loss on his record He he fought his ass. I mean, what was the other guy’s name that came in short notice Lopez? Remember low they called him Lopes for his last name was like Diego. Yeah, Diego Lowe. Yeah, he came out fucking fantastic fought against Evelyn. Yes Fantastic fighter. No fantastic second fight man had a fantastic performance showing. Oh unbelievable And then now I’m looking at this young man. I’m like, yeah, you’re right. He does remind me a lot of Charles Olivera, you know, a little bit of the dyed tips, you know, and then the shoot box tattoo. I mean, like he has that box tattoo on the back of his neck. But everything he did was very, very Charles Olivera ask, I should say. Had a very good push kick, kind of stood a little bit upright. I was surprised he didn’t try to get more to the clinch every once in a while, but he was doing well. He was doing well with the flying knees, doing well with the push kick, doing well with his combinations, you can tell he sort of slow down a little bit towards the speed was the number one thing. He was having a hard time with the speed of Manel and Manel Kopp is just one of those guys that just has that. He gets in, gets out. He’s got that ultra fast, I mean, it’s that sickening. What makes it even more, what makes him even more feel like you’re fighting someone who’s more fast is that he’s able to hit the corners. So when he threw every time dos Santos are the dos Santos through, he would dip out to the side and throw a little combination off of that if he was able to make you miss. And that is one of the most frustrating things because it really is like that Chris Tucker like which one of y’all motherfuckers hit me, which one of you hit me? And just, it does feel like that in there and you feel like getting hit from three or four different people. But he fought his ass off. I got it. I admire what he did last night. It was very, very inspirational. Inspirational I gotta be honest man it was fun to watch and to me this was fight of the night This was definitely fight of the night and then to hear when I to hear um I Guess Manel had said something along the lines that like hey, you know like I’m better than him everywhere Yeah, you are, but there was moments in that fight where you you got in trouble And and in realizing I think in the being of the after the first round that well this kid’s not what I thought he was going to be. He’s better than I thought he was going to be. And I’m going to be a little more cautious, which I loved in that third round. They literally were just standing toe to toe and just banging it out for the last probably 40 seconds, 30 seconds. Great fight, great performance. I know that, like you said, he came up short, but nothing to be, nothing to be upset about. You know, this, this is one of, and this is just another, another viewing for people to see, you know, when we sit there and we talk about, look, There’s so many good fighters out there guys that can step right up and can fight with anybody, you know, and they’re all now You know it and you know, oh, he would get killed in the u.s. E please this is how good the fighters are out there and you get guys like this that you never fought in the UFC and Put on a beautiful performance. Yes, he lost but he lost on a judge’s decision and man it was not an easy fight now, this was a tough-ass fight and and just incredible action back and forth. And so, you know, people should just start taking note and saying, hey man, I can’t wait to see all the people out there that I don’t know about that are so good because they’re coming as Deion Sanders is, they’re coming. I’m excited to see him fight. That division needs a little shakeup, not shakeup, it needs a little spice in there. We need to sprinkle a little spice in there. We got some spice now in there. So good for him, good for this young man. Happy for him. Next fight. Justin Taffa taken on Austin Lane for a second time, you know based upon the I poke that happened and ended the the first one and Damn, it started off with an eye poke right away. I was like I was like, oh you gotta be kidding me Yeah, right, but you know Taffa just Okay, we’re good. And I’m not gonna let this go to you know, have it another chance you do put your hand out I’m just gonna punch you in the head until you fall down down. That’s what he did. And I mean, he just put him out big time knockout by Justin. What did I send you, John? I send you a little gift of the Russian for Rocky four. I was like, this is the ref. If he dies, he dies. You let him take like two or three hundred shots. Will he hit the ground from his back? Like he was on his back getting fucking obliterated by a guy just possess so much power. I’m like, come on, ref, get in there. What are you doing? Well, then there’s there’s this canvas and there’s there there was an open area where there was no None of the the sponsorship stuff. I’m just gonna leave him. Yeah, right better Geez, I’m there’s not much to say about the fight man He the I poke kind of was like everyone gave flashbacks like man. This is gonna happen again Came out fought and then it came down to just it wasn’t It wasn’t uh, it wasn’t that it wasn’t gonna happen the KO. It was just when it was gonna happen It was one of those things, either top was going to get knocked out or, uh, top was going to do the knocking out. And I think it was definitely the ladder where top was going to do the knocking out. And so not about that now. Yeah. And there’s no doubt. And, uh, just you could tell that Austin looked a little uncomfortable on the feet as he started feeling a little shots, land of the body, the shoulder, the back, whatever it was like, Oh man, this guy hits hard. He’s got crack. And so, It’s just a matter of time and the way that the way that Both Taffas fight they fight so patient, you know, they’re not like they’re not like two of awesome man two of awesome He’s walking you down. He’s Charlie of this guys are just slowly methodically just kind of okay Okay, and then I’m gonna lunch a lot like mark hunt Remember how mark I used to be yeah in there in the middle wait for you to kind of get close Okay now now I get you it’s funny Let me pick my time and once you get into my range where I feel comfortable now I’m gonna explain a funny story out aka trevor pranglings from South Africa and One of the guys had never had great cardio. I mean, you know, he was in phenomenal shape He could do well, he’d run hard do the bike workout. Sorry. He was in phenomenal shape Something about him and his body frame or whatever was his muscle fast twitch muscle Explosive right hit hard hit hard kicked hard all of those things There’s moments though where he would get so tired He would literally sit in the corner and in the in the ring against aka and aka against other guys He put his arms up on the on the on the top ropes and his guys got closer He would just like little shots like little kicks little shots and then he would wait to explode You know, like it was like when you got too close. It was like a lion protecting her cubs. I’m gonna be like a rattlesnake Yeah, it was so funny, man we just make fun of but it reminds me of something like that with with the top of thing and Like how mark hunt was they used to just take the center because they knew that I don’t have to get pushed back I’ll just take the center and when you come to me, I’m just go ahead strike strike I’m not gonna waste too much energy. I’m gonna let the fight develop in front of me with my back not on the fence and Great performance by him great knockout on to the next one, man Let’s go next one Tyson Pedro taking on Anton Turgac man. I’ll tell you what But Tyson Pedro looked good, he took his time, he was relaxed, go ahead. I thought that, how do you say this guy’s name? I thought Anton came out looking good. I thought he looked phenomenal man, he was hitting him with some big shots, Tyson was getting clipped, I was like oh man, this kid is way better than I thought he was, way better. And then, dink dink, it was over John. I just said dude he’s out standing up and what I mean that it doesn’t mean but he has no idea where he’s at no he was just he got hit with that first combination and he was so stunned by that it was like oh you are in such trouble yeah because because of the fact that you really don’t you’re fighting because you’re fighting because you’re well trained you’re in shape and your body’s you know responding but you’re not seeing things at the same speed now and you’re in deep trouble and that that was a big-time knockout at the end he definitely put him unconscious so big win for Tyson Pedro who I thought yeah yeah I thought what I really liked is he was relaxed and calm when the guy was throwing and landing shots and he didn’t there was no panic at all there’s just a matter of okay let me get my time let me get my time. And, uh, he’s trying to enact the training that he’s getting from city boxing. And in the end, you put those tools to work and that’s how he got the knockout. So big win. When you, you sent me a text in the middle of the fight right when he got rocked and he was out on his feet and I sent you back a gift of your John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. This is what it looked like. He was like, wait, Where am I at? He just got what happened? What happened? What’s going on? What’s going on? This is what we do during the fight. During the fight. This is what John I just the whole time. Oh, man, I’m over at a friend’s house and it’s like one of my friend’s birthday. And we got kids running around, everything like that. I’m watching the fights on my iPad on from the reading some babes chicken. Have you had babes chicken? Dave, you read babes chicken? No, you have to come. You got to have it here. It’s it’s pretty damn good. But it’s a fried chicken. I’m not into fried food. I don’t really eat a whole lot of fried food. Hardly ever. How can you not be in the right there? Think about this. Fried food is the best. Yeah, not the best for your heart or anything else. No, it’s not good for your heart. I say it has healthy. Yeah, that’s God damn. Hell, you could fry a dog turd and it probably is. You go and try that, John. Let me know. I guess. Yeah, there’s a there’s a there’s a little Fried chicken place here called Tupelo honey, which I think is a chain. I’ve only been I’ve only had it here, but it’s pretty damn good, too. They do a honey dusted fried chicken and it’s a thin fried chicken. So it’s not like all crusty on the top. It has a little layer, a thin layer of crust, but it’s got that sprinkled honey dust over the top with a little bit of honey. Yeah. With a little sriracha powder over the top. A little honey. Oh, man, it’s it’s fucking melt in your mouth, man. It’s so good. So good. And they’re fried pickles. Now, I don’t need a lot of that. I don’t need a lot of that. But I’ll get tempted every once in a while. But the babes chicken is a little bit different. It’s more like a Popeye’s chicken. The babes chicken is a little bit more like that Popeye’s chicken. But it was pretty good, man. They do it in all different types of styles. So we were over there having that. And John and I are Texas shout out to babes. Yeah, well, I like their shout out to babes. I like their their green beans, too. They have those bigger, bigger fatter green beans. Californians, we have the little skinny ones all the time. Are they fried green? No, they’re not fried green beans. Come on, bro. I gotta eat something healthy. They’re corns good, too Anyways, I mean I’m gonna keep talking about is it fried corn? Alright John what what other fights on here did you want to talk about? we gotta go look at let’s be honest the the preliminary preliminary main event was Carlos Olberg against Da Woon Jung and Great performance by Olberg beautiful job at the end He gets the submission nice job that they went back and looked at it because it was Eugene Barrowman was pointing out He tapped and he’s pointing it. He tapped he tapped You can’t expect in that situation herb is looking down at the fighter He’s down he’s on the opposite side of the the where the tap happens, which is right next to the fence and stuff You can’t you can’t expect her to see that it’s the understandable why he missed it But he did tap they went back on replay and this is what replay is meant for Don’t have so much of an ego that you say no and you don’t go to it Herb did exactly what he was supposed to let me go to the replay and find out I go to the replay Mark Goddard’s on the replay. He says yes, he did tap Good. We have a finish by submission at 449 of you know the third round way to go because look at Yeah, Ulberg was gonna win anyways But Ulbrich now has a submission win that’s nice to have on his record, it makes him feel good about it. He went after it. He got that finish. You always want to have the finish and stuff and it’s the right thing for what occurred in the fight. So I thought it was a good job by everybody. Well there was some things last night that were missed. Okay, Manel Cape grabs the fence. Oh, excuse me. Hold it. Are we going to talk about the fence? Yes, we’re going to talk. All right. You want to you want to you want to show that you want to show the text I gave you about your phobias? Yeah So the I you have a phobia about fence grabbing Kate Allah. Thank you Tony Ferguson for that phobia and Herb Dean, by the way Thank you But Herb Dean no, he could have been in a better position, right? Should you be in that position when it’s face down? Shouldn’t you be more a little more towards the head so you can see both hands if you can see his face in that you’re gonna look towards his face if you can’t it’s covered up by it you want to try to look at the whole body on it but like anybody can get pulled into that you’re trying to see because you know it’s it’s close and you want to make sure that the guy goes out you’re there for him and stuff but it can’t happen with anybody and to miss that tap that you know little tiny things you know because the guy’s not yeah not making that movement totally understandable but Again, I thought it was handled the right way. That’s the reason that you have the replay official That’s the reason you have instant replay use it. Damn it. Don’t have such an ego that oh you can’t you can miss something got it next fight Oh I thought that the Mariscal versus jack jenkins is a good fight It is a nasty as far as the elbow injury and you don’t want to see it but shit happens, man You know, we’ve seen it too many times if you go and you know, you’re going down and you decide to you know take that you know and Put out that post and you’ve got that arm straight. There’s a good chance if the energy is going the right way It’s gonna dislocate that elbow and we’ve seen it too many times and that’s what happened in this one But you know, Jack Jenkins, obviously he’s a good good young fighter tough, dude You know, he’s got heavy heavy power for that weight class, but nice win by Mariscal. He’s gonna be out for a while Oh, yeah, that’s nasty. That is a nasty net like I’ve had friends that dislocated their elbow they actually wish it would just like broke or had fractured or something because the Dislocation takes longer to heal for energy and it never feels the same really after that. So Healthy recovery for him. Hopefully the best out this next fight though little controversial on my end. Maybe you agree. Maybe you don’t But I had Meg Desi win in the fight. I thought it was a good fight I thought it was a great fight. Actually, it’s probably number two. I thought it was the number two fight on there I thought the man elf cop fight versus Was a better fight. This was a great fight though to back and forth, but I had I had a Mcdesi win in this fight. I Had Mcdesi winning it too, but it was close. And so I have no problem. I have no problem at all. Yeah, it’s all right. I Looked at it. I thought Mcdesi landed the heavier shots overall in in the phone and I thought that Mcdesi controlled when those engagements for the most part Jamie kept you know lunging in and and landing and at times you know he’s defective but Mcdesi hurt him in the fight and put him down I thought overall he was the better fighter but it was a close fight I’m not gonna sit there and cry over it I thought that the the fight you know before that Hasbrat against Kenyonis I’ll give landing Kenyonis what you put on a way better performance than I expected from you I thought Hasbrat Spratt was going to basically kind of run through him and I was wrong. He put on a great fight. Yeah. He didn’t get the win and he got tired. And this is where, you know, Josh, you have all people know, man, when you get tired, fighting becomes a very, very ugly situation to be in, man. It’s, it’s, it’s not good, but if you just take and now do the things like you used to do to get to that point where, yeah, you’re going to get tired, but you recover from it and you can push through it. That’s what Landon Kenyonis needs to learn from this fight is, hey, I just need to push one more step forward and get my cardio to point where it becomes a weapon and I don’t get tired and then I’m going to get the win. You could have the best cardio in the game, but if you don’t know how to utilize it in terms of learning when to take a step back and get your breath and then coming back in after you’ve recovered, then you’re not you’re not any better than the guy who had didn’t do any cardio. Like we’ve seen it several times where guys they’re in phenomenal shape But they just they basically run that Ferrari right into the wall the whole time. They’re just I’m gonna continue to use this guy’s an example because he’s a classic case of it is Michael Chandler. He’s in phenomenal phenomenal shape There’s no way no way you can fight the way he fights and not be in phenomenal shape But he just walks forward and just fights at a pace It doesn’t matter who you are doesn’t matter how great your condition is you can’t fight at that pace and Not not for the not for the whole fight and he sometimes will do it and in this situation Kenyon is realizing he was in great shape It’s just he just kept pushing and kept pushing and the hard part about that John is knowing you’re in good shape And your opponent you see them take a step back and then you want to go and then your opponent sees that you’re tired now And then they want to go. That’s what makes fighting so Fucking amazing right is it it has to do and who can push on whose will the most Who can make someone take that step back? I can see you’re tired now I’m gonna step forward Benson Henderson brought broke it down pretty damn well when he was talking about Michael Chandler He said every time Michael Chandler takes a step back and hops up and down. He’s tired. He’s trying to recover he’s like I gotta make sure he doesn’t do that and That’s exactly what a lot of these fighters you do for his Griffin used to do it a lot Is it every once in a while he’d take a step back or he’d wait for the opponent to take a step back And he go huh, and he’s like he’d like basically push the air out of his lungs. He would he would do this Yeah, exactly. That’s exactly what he did and he would do it several times I remember I remember watching cage side watching him fight I remember being at a K watching him spar and that’s what he did It’s blowing up He’s blowing out all the dead air in the bottom of his lungs as much as he can so he can get a good fresh breath Exactly, and so I saw with Kenyon as he looked great the first round round and I’d say even round and a half But going to that third round he looked tired and at the end like the last minute of the second round the end of the third round he looked exhausted and you just you started seeing Hasbro run away with it, you know And just then what happens though during that situation John is the confidence grows for Hasbro. Oh, he’s tired Oh, he’s now he’s more like a target practice and then I just start picking up the pace. It’s so weird. You could be exhausted But if you drop somebody, all of a sudden you get this burst of energy. It’s like you’re fresh again and when you see someone’s not performing at the abilities that you know they can because they are tired, that gives you even more energy. That gives you that burst of, I can hit you, I can touch you, I can move left and right. Now I’m just messing with you and toying with you. I don’t know why or how it works that way in our brains and our bodies, but it does. And that’s when you’re talking about utilizing your cardio as a weapon. Yeah. All right. We had Charlie Ratke going up against Mike Mathia, who is blood diamond, is what he’s known by. But I think that I’m going to go off. It was a good fight. Too much crap off of the last part. was funny because DC had two times and DC is he’s in there to interview and it’s like okay I’m done based upon slurs that were said like it’s called heat of the moment people and you know people make mistakes and stuff and it doesn’t mean that they’re you know homophobic or something like that Rocky you look you go hey he’s he’s looking at all you guys that were cheering against him and he’s basically saying screw you you know you you wanted this guy to win well he didn’t win too bad it happens you know I love I do like the fact that Dana you know he sticks with the we don’t tell people what to say you know if you don’t like what he says then okay that’ll be the way it is but I’m not gonna sit here and I’m not gonna penalize him for it which I don’t think they should I’m yeah I don’t think they should only they should either I’m And like in this day and not in that situation just in this day and age freedom of speech and home all these things John just Look, let’s be so sensitive about everything. Well, let Let let what happened happens, that’s the thing if he’s gonna say it whatever the results are you gotta deal with them That’s it. Like hey, he said it. I mean he already put out around an apology came out right after I mean I saw it on social media everywhere. So good for him. What more can you do? Yeah that more can you do and but I do love you got to give it to DC it was like what okay I’m out you get put in a situation like that you don’t know what to do you know that was good he’s okay and into this interview goodbye yeah right but Gabriel Miranda looked fantastic against Shane Young came out man beautiful rear naked choke you know Shane Young’s fast explosive it got a lot of power from city kickboxing but Miranda just quickly gets the take down Gets the back figure fours the man I’ll tell you what there was a squeeze on that thing because you can see he started off with his at his face crank And he’s squeezing that and then kind of you know crushing the jaw and then it slips underneath and it was like it’s all yeah Our boy Kiefer probably man came up short You know what he started off on fire, but you got to give it to just set man. He was very calm He controlled range and everything But it’s this is the same thing that we’ve seen with Kiefer before and I love Kiefer and he can be super explosive, but Josh it was like 27 seconds left in that fight when that thing hit the ground and He looked like a grappling dummy And I mean it was like you didn’t move Every it’s it’s like chess. I can’t allow someone to take two moves To my one I fall way too far behind then I allowed him to take three moves to my one That’s basically what we saw here with this fight with Kiefer when that when he hit the ground and he’s on all fours he just stayed on all fours and you know in a basically a wrestling parterre position and You’re looking at you going. What are you doing? And it was like the brain just shut off. I Don’t know. Yeah, you know what else I noticed that he’s he’s a He’s a small welterweight. He’s not he always has. Yeah, he shouldn’t be a welterweight fighter should be a lightweight fighter. He just doesn’t. He just can’t make the he’s made the weight at 55 big legs. Yeah, he’s got big legs. He’s got, you know, the thicker up with eyes. He just you got to find a way man. You got to find a way to get to 55. I also think though, too, as he gets older, it’s just not getting me getting it further and further stressed about swatched apart. I saw him standing there next to uh, uh, fricking dude, just set was like, you looked at him. I went, yeah, he’s a big guy. He’s a big guy. Remember I was telling you, I was watching that fight. Kiefer needed to fight him in a phone booth, but without getting hit with the knees and, uh, that’s what I saw from just set when I, when I watched some of his past fights, cause I knew we were going to talk about that fight coming up. And I was like, he stays long with a good jab. He’s got a good jab. He’s got a good, he’s got a good Clint. When you get in tight, he will use the utilize take down. He’s got really good takedowns. And so I figured that Kiefer had to fight him in a phone book, in a phone book, in a phone booth, had to fight him in a phone booth. But without getting knee in the face. So I knew it was gonna be a tough fight for Kiefer, but I thought the power might be able to get through and land and take him out. But I didn’t realize how big Juset was until you see them face to face. It was huge compared to Kiefer. All right, well, hey, that’s gonna wrap up our UFC talk. ahead to go to only fans dot com slash Wayne in only fans dot com slash Wayne in you know following us over there is not I know it’s a seems like everyone talks about a little bit more of an inconvenience but everything that’s going on I think with a lot of these other paid platforms you know this is a good way to kind of have a backup in terms of a program or a page for you guys to get extra content from us and you never know these days I mean I’ve I’ve had some friends that have had their YouTube channels basically turned off. They’ve had their channels given strikes and then basically shadow banned and people can’t find us. And I’ve had people, I don’t know what it is and how we’ve been shadow banned a couple times. People sending me screenshots or whatever it is of us, of them not being able to find us. And they’re like, we’re subscribed to you and we have our notifications on. So we don’t understand why we’re not getting this stuff. And so I just, I think for a lot of people, for a lot of people that have podcasts these days, what you’re finding is that they’re distributing themselves a lot more other platforms. For us, OnlyFans is a platform that has the most people across the world on it right now in terms of, I mean, there is so many people and the number one site that spends the most money is OnlyFans, more than Amazon. More credit card swipes are done through OnlyFans than through Amazon. That’s crazy. Because I know a lot of people have wives. John’s has a wife. I’ve got one. They are. They end up spending a lot of money on there. John’s like, hold it on only fans. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Amazon. And so it’s yeah, it’s one of those things. We just this is another as we’re starting to get more into this. I’m looking at only fans is it is a good way a second tier platform for us to be on outside of our YouTube outside of our audio listens on SoundCloud, Google Play, Spotify, iTunes, all of those things. So you can find us on all those locations. Also make sure you guys subscribe to us because I know we don’t talk about enough on our audio platforms. We’re available everywhere so you can listen to us in the car. We appreciate that. We want to thank you guys so much for continuing to support us. Our subscription over to OnlyFans is free. So don’t worry about any other stuff. Just then we’ll always be. Yeah, we’ll always be free. I believe, I believe there might be a couple of little videos in there that we might put out for, for, um, donation, I think is what they call it. But, um, but yeah, it really just comes down to, uh, all the content we put on there will be for free. Just try to set up a second platform, only slash Wayne in, subscribe to us over there. All right, Dave, what else you got for us? Game bread MMA. Oh, that’s right. Yeah, we did have game bread MMA coming to you from Jacksonville, Florida Junior dos Santos taking on Fabricio over doom for a second time and Now we know exactly why Bare-knuckle boxing is Tough well guess what bare-knuckle MMA is just yes and Fabricio’s face kind of showed the Results of that both guys came in there. I thought Do said Don’t Santos did exactly what he was supposed to do stay on his feet and just pick him apart in the stand-up That was what he did. It may not have been the most exciting fight But if you were well, I’ll tell you what again if but it but if you’re junior dos Santos that fight went exactly Except for you know a second knockout of him in the first round like he got in the first fight That fight went exactly like you would you would want it to I just did my thing I took my time. I was patient. I let the fight come to me at times and I when he got within range I popped it and that’s what happened throughout it. You know, I mean he wins a really nice I don’t know who in the world the judge was that gave a round to for doom because we’re doomed. No, he won one round I’m sorry. Yeah was a Nice 3027 across the board for jr. Dos Santos. Yeah, and that like to think that there was some Verdoom had some chances on the ground too. There was one time where I believe Verdoom got dropped, I think it was in the first round. He got dropped, Junior jumped on top of him, started trying to land the big shots, couldn’t get round ended. I believe the round ended, I mean it was. Good fight. Like in terms of, exactly like what you said, he fought the fight that he needed to fight to get the win. Absolutely. I’ve already got a knockout over this guy. I don’t need to do anything else. Just keep the pace, keep in range. Every time he gets close, try to land a big shot. And Verdun is not the same as he was when they fought the first time or even before that when he was tapping everyone on the ground. It’s hard to move your body, doesn’t matter. Look, and heavyweights have never been great at jiu-jitsu. He’s one of them that has been, though. But it’s still, it’s very difficult. As I get older training jiu-jitsu, it’s hard to put my feet and my legs in positions That I just in my arms. I mean he’s don’t bend the same way I was I was just drilling a move with the guy the other day and my shoulder going above my head It’s just not the same anymore. It hurts sometimes like Like you’ll get that little like like it moved you get more than one. Yeah, sometimes especially on my back man Like I was like they’ll get they’ll get side control on me and I’ll go to roll and you’ll hear your back go You’re like, oh, what the hell was that? But like I said, the fight wasn’t the most action packed, but it wasn’t exactly the way that Junior needed to go to get the win. And he, and I gotta be, this is what I believe, this bare knuckle stuff is catching fire. I like it. I like it a lot. I don’t know what it is, John. Now I know it’s not cut wise and all these things. It’s not great for the fighters, which just brings more scar tissue, more fight down, fights down the line probably ending by cuts because of the scar tissue all of those things an accumulation later on down the line it may not be as popular because fighters gonna their careers will be short cut short because of the the damage to their face and all the cuts on their face all of those things but for the time being fuck it’s fun okay let me let me let me just reverse that for you though because i think you’re right scar tissue wise lacerations are a problem when it comes to bare-knuckle boxing, bare-knuckle MMA. But MMA allows elbows, we allow knees, shins, all these things that are hard structures that are harder than the damn hand as far as and the power that can come from them. We allow those things. The one thing that I hear from a lot of people all the time is, well, you know, you got cuts. Well, you do, but you don’t get hit as much. And what’s more important? The, if you’re Josh Thompson and you wanna look good, yeah, the lacerations are not good because they start to affect you a little bit. But what we’re talking about, a difference between lacerations or brain trauma, you’re gonna get trauma no matter what in fighting, but you’re gonna get less the less you get hit. and you’re gonna get hit less in bare-knuckle MMA or bare-knuckle boxing based upon, first off, it hurts my hand if I don’t hit it completely right, okay? So I don’t use it quite as much. And fights do get stopped a little bit quicker. They get stopped based upon cuts and things like that. So maybe it’s, you know, I’ve said it forever. I, and I, you know, when I used to go to court, you know, all this is ancient history. But, you know, I was always in court in the early days of the UFC. And I was always, you know, being put on there trying to explain the difference between boxing and MMA and why a ungloved hand was less dangerous than a gloved hand, because you’re trying to explain to people that, you know, all they know is what they see and you sit there and you say, look, and I would tell, I would, there were always, there was always an expert on the, you know, prosecution side that was trying to shut us down. And I said, you know, you’re, you’re a boxing expert there. I said, you know, I said, he’s got a boxing glove. I said, I want him to take that boxing glove and, and hit that table as hard as he can. Right. And this happened twice, you know, the other times that they didn’t put it off, but this, you know, they put a boom. When I said, now take the glove off, hit the table just as hard. Now with your bare hand, you know, they want, I’m not going to do that. Why aren’t you going to do that? They said because see the glove is not to protect someone’s face. It’s to protect someone’s hand That’s why he doesn’t want to hit you know And so it was a good point to me, but it’s the truth and it carries because it’s it’s true a Glove never it was meant to protect someone’s face. It’s meant to protect someone’s hands so they can hit more. Yeah, that’s all it is. Oh Yeah, yeah, I mean like I can’t even imagine all the court dates you had to sit in the listen these fucking idiots talk The best thing that I have going for me is all the guys that are still working, the Mark Goddard’s and the Herb Deans and a lot of them come to me and say, man, I’m so sorry. I see you with all the bullshit that you had to put up with and the things that people are coming at me with now and stuff and I say, oh really, congratulations, it’s all yours. John, when I was filing the petition for the Petriki situation with the headbutton, that type of thing, trying to get an overturned into a no contest, whatever it was, it was painful to sit in there and listen to the two things or three things that were brought up before mine and listen to these idiots talk that are on the commission board or whatever it is. I wanted to fucking jump over the desk like you dummies. You guys are so stupid. I mean, like and look, and I love Andy Foster because he wasn’t one of them. And he’s a very smart man. He’s a very smart man. He’s very reasonable. He understood like he understands what’s going on in this sport. I think he’s probably the best commissioner in the game. I haven’t met every commissioner, though. OK, I’ve met every often. But he is a good he’s a fantastic commissioner. I like him a lot. He’s easy to talk to. You can have a conversation with him about the sport, not just about the sport, but about about the rule sets and how things can be changed, how things should be for the better. I love what he’s doing right now with the license plate thing. You know, I told you, I talked to Andy all the time. Yeah. And he calls me. I’m well, you know, sometimes I call it but we’re always talking and I told him I said hey I said when you get your license plate thing, I said do me a favor get me one Yeah, I said I’m gonna I’ll put it up behind me so people can see that the hey you can you can get one of these And have this, you know, especially I’ll buy one just to buy one like oh, yeah I mean just you know, it doesn’t be active. You can just buy it, but it’s uh, oh no That’s the whole point. You know is you buy it and and a percentage of that believe goes to the it’s a great idea Yeah, it’s for fighters the fighters of retirement. So if you guys haven’t heard about that It’s a great thing that Andy Foster is setting up or set up For the fighters retirement fund in California You have to have a certain amount of fights before you get put on that and then on top of that, too They have to have been in California certain amount of fights certain amount of rounds. Yeah, everything Yeah, you know, but I might actually qualify for that I will not because it was you know, you know, yeah, we can’t go in the back Josh trying to grandfather himself into her into retirement. I like that. Hey, whatever Dave what else you got for us buddy? Oh, there was more fights on that card you watch I didn’t watch anything else but the main event just to Joe Joe Joe Bowman against Maki Patola Joe Bob and look look at Joel Belmont has become a really good fighter. He’s got great wrestling and his stand-up has become super explosive He moves all over the place. He had a beautiful TKO win over Maki and Maki’s tough, you know You’ve seen my fight forever. This is a guy man. Just a stone-cold Hawaiian brawler tough, dude And he just got picked apart He just got beat down by a better fighter in the end And so big win by him and a big win by I gave it to up for Joshua Weems put on a really good performance against Erwin Rivera. Erwin Rivera had his moments close fight as far as Each round was close, but Weems just ended up, you know Nudging him by and as the fight went on we’ve just got a little bit better and better and good fight But overall, you know, congratulations to Masvidal for putting on a really good show. I love what he’s doing, man I just hope he’s not using any of his own money. Yes. Thank you very much. All right, what else got first Dave? All right, we have a from a fantasy standpoint Bobby green has a main event fight in October on October 7th versus a grant Dawson So he’s right back into it with another fight. He’s an animal man. I agree man. Hey, yeah fighters don’t get paid unless they fight That’s right. I just doesn’t I don’t get Bobby green’s got mouths to feed Yeah, you know and so it’s it look 30 and 15 and one is Bobby green 21 and one is grant Dawson grand Dawson look fantastic his last fight very dominant very oh he did he’s really good man ever since telling you that guy has really turned a corner he is good long you know I want to say long ago a very short time ago I would have said Bobby Green’s gonna be too much for grandos yeah mm-hmm not too sure now grant Dawson is frickin good but we but we say this every single time Bobby Green Looks like he’s the easiest guy to beat and then looks like and then you get out there. He’s fast. He’s accurate with his strikes He’s hard to take down. He’s got good wrestling people. They don’t they don’t they forget really good as he stands so much they forget he’s got good wrestling and He’s good at keeping his hips away. He’s he’s good at you know getting takedowns if he wants to needs to he’s fast He’s accurate with his striking You know he does is hard to hit he’s the best person I’ve seen in MMA do the Philly roll shoulder roll. Uh he’s he’s fantastic at it man. So um I’m gonna lean towards Bobby just over the overall experience of being in there and making it a dog fight but I think that first round is gonna be hard for Bobby. That first round is gonna be difficult cuz Grant Dawson still young, still coming. He just doesn’t know what it’s like. Okay. I look at it differently. I think the first round is Bobby Greens but if he doesn’t do enough damage and he doesn’t, you know, make make Grant Dawson go, holy shit. Grant Dawson’s gonna, the train’s gonna keep rolling and it’s gonna start getting faster. And so, but it, I don’t know, it’s a great matchup. I think, I love the fight, so can’t wait to see that one. Yeah, we’re gonna see, I guess that’s what it comes down to. It’s gonna be a good fight, though. Main event, where it’s gonna be? October 7th, oh, so that’s coming up real quick. Yeah. Oh yeah. One month. Yeah, one month away. Damn. Bobby always comes in shape, man. good fight and who did Grant Dawson fight last time he had a good fight he had a great performance so he did he had a first round submission I believe right first round submission really yeah is mcgula no no it wasn’t a decision it’s just Josh Thompson is mcgula off that’s right yeah he got the right I think I think that way I think that was This is my second loss in a row. Yeah. Got it, got it. It was, it was. All right, hey, win over Mark Manson. What else you got for us there? We have Conor McGregor calling out. Conor’s calling, hold on, stop. Conor’s calling out someone, you gotta be kidding me. No way. Conor’s taking on the entire roster. I love him. Conor says about Volkonovsky, um ask my ask my bollocks that little sausage Volkanovsky is no way pound for pound number one silly that’s quick work for me 100% accuracy work readable hittable hurtable I like he has this little this title who well it’s hard to read corners three I like he has this title though I like he has this title though we should fight at some stage so So the featherweight goats will have all faced off and let there be no debate. Volk says let’s do it UFC 300. Hold on, did he say featherweight goats? Josh, I want to ask a question. Can you be the featherweight goat if you won the title but never defended it ever? No. Okay. To be the goat you have to beat the goat and he did beat the goat. Here comes Mr. interim title holder. yes yeah this is dave’s way of thinking um i’ll tell you what you could definitely say that vulcanovsky is right there as one of the featherweight goats obviously jose aldo but you know just to sit there and to say oh because connor beat aldo well everyone’s gonna lose eventually yeah you know anderson silva he lost to chris weidman if you’re gonna look and say who is the better fighter Overall throughout their career. It’s gonna be Anderson Silva, even though Chris Wyman beat him And that’s not trying to put Chris Wyman down in any way I love Chris Wyman tough, dude great fighter had his moment as the champ that he was unbelievable, but Just because you beat someone doesn’t mean that you’re the better fighter than them. Yeah for a career You’re the better fighter that night. No doubt well, I Mean they’re gonna have How the hell is Conor McGregor gonna make 45 never he’s not you got the key would get the cut off his leg So we have a one we have a one-legged man in an ass-kicking content Well, then like the only reasonable way for this to fight to happen to be at 55 So then you really wouldn’t be considered a 45. He’s not even gonna make 55. I’m saying then how could you consider yourself? Let’s see who the 45 pound goats are when neither one of you guys made wait for 45 because we know vocal fight at 55 He’ll do it and he’ll look good there I’m cotton make 55 anymore. That’s the next question and then on top of that like there’s no way he’s making 45 There’s just no way not no no chance, but he you gotta give it to him. This is the Dylan Danis I think Dylan might is that I might have actually have given some some insight Connor continues to tweet or Instagram something or do something on social media that gains attention every time and it keeps his name out there and that’s yeah still hasn’t fought you know I am supposedly he’s gonna fight if I had it my way I would choose not to give this attention but podcast Dave is enamored with with Connor McGregor it’s like his idol and so this is why Connor McGregor is on the show so much over over things like this but anyways okay let’s move on next one all right before we move on I’m gonna ask you a question who wins that fight. Oh Bulk Okay. Yeah, I think bulk if it was at 45 55 a bulk for sure at 55. Okay for sure at 55. It was a 45. Yeah Caught up in the hole if it was at 45, are we talking is that the old Connor? or the one that you Do you remember what Connor looked like on weigh-in days? Yeah back then it was when he was making 145. He looked like He was coming out of a you know, he was star looked like he was on a mountaintop with no food forever I mean he looked horrible He never gonna make 45 Impossible. No, he’ll never make it again. Um Yeah, he looked but I wasn’t sure if you were trying to say like which Connor if Connor the one that fought Jose Aldo That one are the one that and the one that fought Eddie Alvarez at 55 that one or the one that’s now Neither one neither one of those guys are are there anymore Is Connor the same fighter that he was when he beat Aldo or no I thought you were asking me in comparison if that guy if it was that guy versus no no no no not that guy now Okay, right now right now right now. No, I got both He’s a he’s a shadow of himself Conor McGregor. Yeah, not the same player So good. They’re gonna obviously fight for the the vacant 205 title Possibly All right. We next one here. We have a O’Malley saying he wants a boxing fight with Giovanna Davis Well, it says Marlon Vera reacts. Oh, yeah Yeah, Sean O’Malley said he wants a boxing match with Gervonta Davis. Yeah, that’s the biggest mistake he can make. If you want to see Sean O’Malley in a boxing match against Gervonta Davis, and because you think he can win, stop, please, stop. Gervonta Davis would annihilate Sean O’Malley in a boxing match. It would be facedown ass up and I love Sean O’Malley. Please don’t. This is not because I Sean O’Malley is a phenomenal MMA fighter. He’s not a guy that is specialized in the sport of boxing, which Javante Davis is the dumbest thing that could ever happen for sugar. No, just it’s a money grab. I mean, we’ll leave it at that. Okay. A lot of these, but a lot of these MMA guys are reaching out for the money grabs. I mean, I would have thought he would have picked somebody different though. Jesus Christ, please. Yeah. I mean, if you want to say, if, if, if you would have said, um, Ryan Garcia, okay. All right. You know, still, still he’s not going to win that. I get it. But I’m saying though, like this guy, Gervonta Davis, he’s just going to walk you down and he’s going to land his big shot and he’s going to slap you. Like he’s just going to slap rock. Yeah. Just going to be, you mean you’re going to face down as a become the sheep in a boxing ring. Now I’m not saying the same thing wouldn’t happen with Ryan Garcia, but I also think with Ryan Garcia that there’s the speed, the reach, the, you know, the, all those, I get it. I get it. But the power of Ryan Garcia still has power, but not Gervonta Davis power. Yeah. You know, just different, just different. All right. Next. That’s as much as I’m going to spend on you guys enjoying these fantasy bookings right now. You guys enjoying this? We’re gonna keep, we’re gonna keep rolling. Fadar was announced for UFC 5 the video game and Daniel Cormier obviously reposts it and then talks about it. He thinks Fadar would have beaten him in a fight. Well I mean he just says I think he would have got me so. He might have got me. Yeah. I think he’s a bit first off, first off he’s being he’s being humble which is very rare for DC exactly it’s nice to see out of DC you know he’s he’s being the bigger man say I look you know he might have gotten but he would have in their primes Fedor would have beaten him yeah he was just a much more well-rounded fighter wrestlers did not do well against Fedor big-time wrestlers you know let’s just be honest that was he was great with big time wrestlers and stuff. So I honestly believe in that, in their primes, I would have gone with fader, but you can never take it away. DC was fricking phenomenal. No, he was, he was, um, I, I, you know, it’s hard. It’s hard for me to say John and not because there’s no, no, no, not because they’re my friends. No, the thing is, is that Like, even though Kane had D.C.’s number and D.C.’s come out publicly and said that, but D.C. just was a style matchup, a difficult style matchup, I think, for a little bit more difficult than Kane would have been for Fedor. Kane, the submission game, like I said, in the beginning we didn’t have guys that had any submission for Kane to train with. And so D.C. came along and that gave him the ability to work more on his wrestling, which made Kane better, which made D.C. better. But you got to remember who who came Velasquez was training with in the beginning of his career was Mike Kyle. All stand up. No grappling. Paul Bonatello. All stand up. No grappling. Levar Johnson. All stand up. Levar had power. He had power. But I mean, the thing is like he had no one that would threaten takedowns against him. Nobody. You know, I mean, he had to use Trevor Prangley and, you know, some other top level wrestlers, you know, guys that came in that were wrestlers on our to try and take him down and just wasn’t just different levels, levels of that wrestling ability. Plus the size just didn’t help. So DC coming in and made it and made it more fun to watch their sparring and getting back with each, you know, and them going back and forth. But Kane with the pressure came with the combinations came with the kicks came with the just the intensity. A lot of how you saw Sean Strickland fight last night is how Kane approached. He just walked you down, head movement, body shot, head shot, kick, inside kick, take downs, drop you, let you get back up, push on your head. It was the most frustrating when I would when I would grapple with Cain Velasquez. And he was like, he would just float on top of you like or he would let you get up and he would just foot sweep you or he’d hold your he was literally just holding my head down. I couldn’t get up off the mat. It was so frustrating. But he did it in a very friendly way. But it was more of a you know, like, Hey, I got you buddy. Like, but he made you work. He made you feel that that pressure of that you didn’t want to think you didn’t ever want to feel that again. So what do I got to do? I’ve got to get in better shape. I’ve got to work on this. I got to work on those are things. These two made each other better. I just think that submission wise DC was like a little butterball or is like a little butterball. And for some reason, like it was a lot harder to get ahold of his neck. It was a lot harder to get ahold of his arms you know his legs he was real good at positioning himself to keep his hips away and his feet away from leg locks and when grappling with the two of them DC was better at that and I think that would have given him a little bit more of an advantage against Fedor than Kane. Kane though I just it’s hard for me to row to get root against him because of the the pressure the cardio the conditioning the the aggressiveness all those things could have been a factor that that hurt him fighting someone like fador. But who knows? I don’t know. It’s hard for me to say because they both bring different things against fador. And it’s been so long the gap from the old fador to the what I’ve seen at the end of his career. Just so much too much of a gap for me. I can’t I can’t I can’t just gonna let it go. Yeah. I’m gonna I’m gonna one thing one thing I’ll bring into here. I love the fact that Fedor is in the UFC five video game. That’s great. Ali, Tyson, Fedor, you can get them on a special thing. I don’t play video games, but whatever. But pretty good for a guy that Dana White says, I never thought he was that good. Well, you know, they they they paid him. They paid him to be in the course they pay. That’s good. Good for him, though. It’s awesome. Yeah. And good. No good for the UFC to say hey, you know, we want to put you in this game or EA sports. I’m not I’m I said it was really EA Sports, but they had to get the UFC’s approval to do it, too. So well, for them, they did like, look, Dana White will say outlandish, whatever to promote, to promote his promotion. That’s right. And that’s his job. That’s his job. Like he’s going to say whatever it is because he knows that he’s going to resonate with all the fans out there, the hardcore fans, the casual fans, all of them. Some he’s going to piss off, but that’s what he does best, you know, and some he’s going to just feed right into their fuel. And he does a great job of that and whatever it is that he needs to do to keep building his brand and putting fator in The game it just makes sense. I’m surprised though that he hasn’t maybe he has maybe I’m wrong has reached out to Frank Shamrock about putting him in the video game now. I know he reached out to him about the Hall of Fame Yeah, you know I’m putting him in the Hall of Fame, but that to me like when you put someone in the Hall of Fame It’s like look. I’m just you’re just trying to validate more of your Hall of Fame, but if you put me in the video game I don’t know, it’s more of like a, I don’t know, I can’t, I don’t know how to put it. We want you in our product kind of thing versus exposure, yeah, I guess, yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s hard. I look at them being different. Like one is to fit in. They are different, but I don’t know that being in the video game is more or more prestigious than being in the video game. It’s not but I’m saying one it seems like like the Hall of Fame seems like you’re doing it We’re putting in the Hall of Fame to let everyone know that our Hall of Fame is legit But if we put you in the video game, it’s like to still let you know that we admire what you you are legit You’re in the game. You’re this, you know, you’re and we’ll know how legit we think you That would think of you because your stats will say it this guy was he’s got a 89, you know Or 91 punch thing or take down it was it was funny because you know, you bring it up Frank Shamrock I was listening Joe Rogan was talking about Nick Diaz and he was talking about look he’s and he and I think he was right to a point where he was saying look when Nick Diaz was flight fighting he says especially in strike force he goes I think that he was one of the best fighters in the world at that time and I agree with him and he said he goes and Nick Diaz was the first guy to bring in cardio and I’m like no Joe Joe what are you What are you talking about? What happened to Frank Shamrock? Because Frank Shamrock was the guy that brought cardio in at a level that was just incredible. And he did that, especially UFC 22 against Tito Ortiz, where he just out cardio that made him work hard and just broke him. And you’re looking, you go, Joe. Yeah, yeah, you’re getting old, Joe. Fifty six years old, you’re forgetting these guys. It’s all right, though. Yeah, that was that was he was the very He’s the one that helped me, uh, along with Javier Mendez and, uh, they got their routine, um, all worked out with Marie Smith. We’re Smith, Kosaka, those guys. I mean, they had, they all had phenomenal cardio, but Frank took it to that next level of learning how to weaponize it, putting the print, putting the pressure hanging on on people, like making them, you know, giving you the take down, getting back up, never settling on bottom. His whole mentality was I never feel tired until I stopped moving. So if I don’t stop moving, I don’t have to worry about it. And there was some truth behind that man. And look, Frank and I, we’ve had a very rocky, rocky, rocky friendship relationship, training partner relationship, all this stuff. You know, and the last time I saw him and it sucks because I try to tell him like, hey, man, like all of our bullshit aside, all this other stuff I want to just let you know. like I thank you. Thank you for the beginning. I appreciate you. Thank you for the beginning stages of my career. I said, look, when I stay with AK, I stay with AK because I had a relationship with Hobb and this and that. And I stayed loyal to the gym and not just to not to you per se, but it was more to Bob and to Javier because they were my main coaches at the time when you had left and you were chasing Hollywood. And he was, he was, but I got a little bit of that kind of weird vibe like response from him and I’ll keep it to myself. But it just it let me know it let me know that. Yeah it’s not it’s not it’s not a friendship that can be mended. It’s it’s it’s you know it’s a hey it is what it is. I tried but at the end of the day when I get as I get older I start looking back at people that I just don’t buy. I didn’t vibe with when I was younger. I just I just had a rocky relationship with or whatever. And I’ll kind of, you know, kind of reach out and be like, Hey, man, I see you’re doing big things. I want to just congratulate you on that, whatever it is, and hope you’re doing well, family’s doing well, kids doing well, all those things, just to kind of because carrying those things with you, it can there’s no reason there’s no reason to and it is it is it is excess baggage. That’s just heavy for no reason. It takes a lot of energy. Yeah, takes a lot of energy. But people say, Who do you hate? I don’t hate it. Yeah, I don’t hate anyone. It’s funny, because when we were going through the aerial Hawaii thing, I was already kind of in my path of this whole thing. And I just and I had nothing that I didn’t want to say anything negative. I would just say what I had to say through, you know, photos of me on the beach, just enjoying myself relaxing. And I’m just not bothered. You know, I don’t I don’t let I can’t you pull it. You can’t let things like that bother you anymore. Speaking of Ariel, did you see his return with his MMA hour as far as the he did a rapper basically a song it was it was like the fact that he did it my props to him that he had the balls to actually sing into a microphone. The wording was actually I don’t know who wrote it. They did a good job. Good. They did a good job with the whole thing. I think he’s multi talented man the guy can do do let me just be honest doing in cage interviews to me is is I I don’t like it, but I’ll I can I can do them and I think I’m okay at them Doing the backroom interviews when it’s dead quiet It drives me crazy. Like I makes me cringe and I know look and it’s a process You got to really get better at him as you go, you know that But Ariel when he was doing basketball when he first got signed to the SPA and started doing basketball and some other stuff I was very very impressed with his talent in terms of how he handled himself You know, I know he’s done in the back with the with the fighters It’s different when you’re out there on the center court in the cage or it on the cage But in the side of the side of the court and you’ve got this guy who’s you know, six ten and you’re you’re doing this I Thought I thought he handled himself really well. I thought he did a great job You know, I was actually a fan. I was I’m still a fan. I was a fan of his when You know when he was doing the the UFC stuff and was family when he went over to ESPN You know the the hill wanted thing kind of got me a little bit and I thought I thought I always thought he’s done a Great job, and I look and I know here I think I just said I was a fan And I know that he had that thing was shop that he put out this video You said you were a fan and I think that’s what’s kind of started a lot of people going late like people are trying to Be courteous to you, and you know the hill wanted. Are you a fan? now Yeah, yeah, I don’t I don’t I don’t know haven’t heard really any of his recent stuff I don’t I don’t get outside my box now. My box is our show our box my box is my life and my family and and that I don’t get outside my box and Yeah, you don’t watch the fights like you do and I stay with I stay in my lane man Like this is what I do So there’s there I’m not trying to ruffle anyone else feathers and stuff But I haven’t seen any of his recent stuff outside of the hill wonny thing when we got on the little spat stuff But it’s just back and forth. I don’t I don’t have anything against him if it’s not that you know I mean I like I said, I’m trying to I’m trying to ease my way You know I’m trying to find I gotta just fine. Just find your way, buddy, Dave There’s something else that I put up there for you. Yeah, it’s speaking of ruffling feathers Let me get you guys out here all right roughly and heated and mad Dana way made comments this past week say I’m talking about the Bellator I was asked about the PFL by Bellator 500 million blah blah Dana says why I’m God’s green earth earth. Why ain’t God’s green? Why on God’s green? You’re getting a hard time reading it there. Yes I am. Well my screen’s like at least three feet away from me. Yeah and it’s smaller too. I swapped laptops. It’s why on God’s green fucking earth. Come on get it right Dave. Would anyone buy Bellator? Yeah. Look the same thing happened when he bought Pride. Same thing happened when he bought Strikeforce. And the same thing’s happening. The same thing’s happening though. The WFA or the WEC. The same thing’s happening when PFL’s buying Bellator is that if they are which we don’t know nobody knows by the way but the same thing look all they want they want the top three or four fighters in each weight class that’s it you know and and that every time that there’s something like that has happened they really just want to come in and they want to say hey I want their champions to come over and challenge our champions and I also want their top two or three guys and maybe a couple standouts that in the top 15 that, you know, will spark some interest in some fire. I mean, that’s kind of what these, that’s what these buyouts are. That’s what it comes down to is I want to take the top, top level fighters and mesh them together and try to really say that, Hey, we are the clear cut, you know, number two or number one challenger to the UFC. Because right now, when you’re talking about any of this stuff, right now you have what you’ve got UFC and I look at at Bell and maybe I’m biased, maybe I’m not, man, whatever it is. I look at Bell towards the clear cut number two. I think one and I think PFL are number two and number three. They can fight over it. I think they’re close with them amongst each other. Depends on what your platform and how you like it. Okay. Do you like to watch more of the tournament style? Do you like to see more, like I said, tournament styles and understanding when the fights are going to happen, who for sure they’re going to fight next, or do you like the one with the different rules and fighters that you’ve never seen before, but they’re super exciting, the elbows, the knees, the rules, all those things. What do you like? What’s your preference for the number three spot? But what this does, if PFL does buy Bellator, it puts them in that number two spot guaranteed and the number one challenger to the UFC. exactly what it does. Now, in this industry, John, what does that mean? That means that, look, right now, one is buying their time slots on Amazon and PFL is buying their time slots on ESPN, which I believe is coming to a close because I believe their timeframe to renegotiate with the ESPN has come to a close. What this does is now it gives them an opportunity to run to a network and say, hey, we have our promotion and this promotion that we just bought. We took all the the best fighters. We are the clear cut number two. Now can we talk about not all our money? Yeah, I want money. I want to get paid to be on your platform. And that right there is what I think the number one key to any of these organizations, if they’re trying to buy Bellator, that’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to make sure that they’re the clear cut number two and the number one challenger of the UFC and to put there and then get a TV deal. Because right now the other ones outside of strike Bellator is not paying for it. I said strike force Bell Tour is not paying for their TV time. Now they’re because they own the company. So if one of them comes in and buys it, now they’re going to go to and they’re going to try to negotiate whether it’s with Fox, whether it’s with I don’t know whatever company and whether one’s a Fox or even maybe even CBS. Maybe they turn around and say, hey, can we negotiate with you to put this on CBS or put this on whatever? It’s an opportunity to try to get money from these networks to host their plot, to put their product on their platform. That’s the way that I’m looking at it so I look at it though also that Dana’s looking at certain fighters on this on the roster and There will be there will be John, you know There will be some problems after this that happen with pride some fighters like fador said I’m not going And what do you do? Because everyone’s contract is different. Yep. Yep. And so but here’s the thing, you know He can’t He’s gonna sit there and say that’s true. Why was one God’s greener? He would based upon Dana wants all the best fighters in the world and he wants to be able to put on great fights And that’s why people like Dana Wyden why I enjoy what you know, the product that he puts out because he puts on great fights Could he put on better fights having the Bellator roster? Will say the top four people in every weight class yeah you could and so that right there would make Dana White do it but he can’t because he’s got a lawsuit yeah it’s not even this is not even something that he can you know even think about it’s like we’re not even interested in that we can’t do that because they have a lawsuit and there’s a monopoly you know that has already been you know put about that oh there they are the big monopoly and stuff they can’t do it like they did when they jumped in with strike force which at a time they people were thinking ah they better not do that they did it because they wanted the talent they wanted the talent off of the strike force roster they could get that talent plus yeah by buying bellator but it’s at a bigger price and so you know that might you know, to keep them from doing it. But yeah, he would if he could, but he can’t because legally it’s not an option for him. And so Dana is going to sit there and put anything down in that. Again, that’s his job to promote his company as why would anyone do this? Right. They’re stupid. What he’s basically doing is saying that the PFL is stupid. stupid. He’s attacking them without a car. Well, look, good job. Yeah. And like we’ve always like we to start off this conversation. What did I say? I said he he does what’s best for his company. He says what’s best for his company. That’s what he’s supposed to do. You got to tip is your hat to him because this is exactly what he’s supposed to do. Like you said, he can’t the company can’t buy them like that with the class action lawsuit and what’s going on with all that stuff. You got to just steer clear of all that. Now some of those fighters that don’t try to sign with or restructure their deal. You could have some fighters in Bellator that have a contract that does not just transfer over that the UFC would have a chance of possibly signing him and that would be a good thing that he would definitely do. Well, I guess we’re going to see how it all plays out. We’re going to see how it all plays out. But Dave, there was one more thing that I wanted you to pull up. You know how it’s going to play out, Josh? Bellator’s got a fight in Dublin coming up. Yes. September 23rd. I’m looking forward to a lot of fights. God, you’re going to be talking about. Well, let’s talk about that real quick. You got no, no, let’s not. You got Johnny Evelyn and Fabian Edwards. Oh yeah. To see who the best middleweight middleweight to you wanted me to bring up the middleweight stuff. Guess what I just did telling you, I was trying. I’m telling you, I don’t sleep on Johnny Evelyn, you guys. And don’t sleep on Fabian Edwards. These two guys are to me, I believe the two of the best, if not the best Johnny Evelyn right now to me is the best middleweight in the world. Um guys can knock me all you want. I’m sorry but what I saw, what I saw from Izzy last night and what I’ve seen. Would you not like to see Johnny Ebelin against either Strickland, Izzy. Well they’ve trained together. They’ve trained together and Johnny Ebelin and Strickland have trained together. I know. We. Yes. Yes. This I mean you guys should be hitting them up and asking them how far I went. You guys go ahead. No. It’s No, I pulled up pull up one more thing. There’s one last thing. Oh No, we have another one. No, it’s the last thing. We’re going long. No, we’re finishing on our star lunch thing I need to finish on that what we need to finish the NFL. We need to talk about the Kansas City Facing off against I’m gonna You gonna smack me come on, come on have you ever yeah, you ever kicked in the pussy hit an old man Every kicked in the pussy All right, let’s go go ahead. What says my superstition was that I need my superstition. That’s awesome He said my superstition was that I needed to have maybe a shot a shot and a half before every game The best part Peyton Manning goes a shot of what a Hennessy, of course. It’s so good Dave, can you scroll the can you play the video? Oh He looked at Peyton like, maybe a shot of Hennessy, what’s wrong with you, man? Peyton, you could just tell he was feeding into it going like, of what? He knew. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Let me see. Listen to this. What were yours? What was your? My superstition was that I needed to have maybe a shot, a shot and a half before every game of Hennessy. I was thinking Man I love the Manning brothers. They’re both they’re great together. They’re hilarious together Their commercials are great there. They do a Monday night football Because they can laugh they’re they can laugh at themselves. They’re great, man So but that was hilarious when I saw this it’s so funny. I had to make sure we ended the show on this So hey guys, I want to thank you guys so much Make sure you guys go to only fans dot-com slash Wayne and hit the subscribe button over there Go to Wayne in merch pick up some of our gear there and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel here on YouTube We also have a clips channel with the link down below click that link subscribe to us over there hit the little bell Got some notifications coming because we got some new content coming out for you guys Specifically for you guys. Thank you guys John. Thank you so much Big things coming just like Sean Strickland being the middleweight world champion and we are done. We will see you

UFC Noche Pregame Preview: Grasso vs. Shevchenko 2

UFC Noche Pregame Preview: Grasso vs. Shevchenko 2 | Holland-Della Maddalena | Morning Kombat


We will be discussing the upcoming UFC Noche event, featuring the highly anticipated rematch between Alexa Grasso and Antonina Shevchenko. We will also be analyzing other key fights on the card and their potential impact on their respective divisions. So let’s dive right in!

Grasso vs. Shevchenko 2: The Rematch

The main event of UFC Noche will see Alexa Grasso and Antonina Shevchenko face off in a rematch. The first fight between these two fighters ended in a unanimous decision victory for Shevchenko. However, Grasso has been on a tear lately, winning her last four fights, and she will be looking to avenge her previous loss.

The Importance of a Win for Grasso

For Grasso, a win in this rematch is crucial. Another loss, especially if it is a one-sided affair, could be detrimental to her career. It would give the impression that she is not able to compete at the highest level and could potentially hinder her chances of moving up in the rankings. On the other hand, a win would not only avenge her previous loss but also solidify her position as a top contender in the flyweight division.

The Need for a Disciplined Win

Grasso’s coach emphasizes the importance of a disciplined win for her. It’s not just about going out there and trying to finish her opponent. It’s about having a well-thought-out strategy, considering factors like resources, positions, and sequences. This approach will not only help her secure a victory in this fight but also set her up for success in future fights.

The Risks of Pushing Young Talent

One concern that arises when it comes to Grasso is her age. She is still young and relatively inexperienced compared to some of her opponents. While it’s not uncommon for fighters to enter the UFC at a young age, there is a risk of pushing them too quickly. The UFC prefers to have fighters who are willing to go through the ranks and prove themselves before getting a shot at the top. This is not to say that Grasso is not ready for this fight, but it’s something to consider in terms of her development as a fighter.

The Potential of Shevchenko

Antonina Shevchenko, the older sister of current flyweight champion Valentina Shevchenko, has shown great potential in her career. She has been on a 10-fight win streak, including a 4-0 record in the UFC. Her recent breakout performance has garnered attention and put her in the spotlight. This rematch against Grasso is an opportunity for her to further establish herself as a rising star in the division.

The Future of the Women’s 125-Pound Division

The fight between Tracy Cortez and Jasmine Jasudavicius is another important matchup on the card. Both fighters have been on a rise in the women’s 125-pound division and a win for either of them could potentially lead to a big fight in the division. Cortez, who is on a 10-fight win streak, has been perfect in her recent performances. On the other hand, Jasudavicius has shown great improvement and had a breakout performance in her last fight. This fight will give us a better understanding of where these fighters stand in the division and their potential to become future contenders.

The Rise of the Women’s 125-Pound Division

The women’s 125-pound division has been gaining momentum and has become one of the most exciting divisions in the UFC. With fighters like Valentina Shevchenko dominating the division, there is a lot of talent and potential for exciting matchups. The division has taken over the reigns from the 115-pound division as the money women’s division. The rise of fighters like Cortez and Jasudavicius only adds to the excitement and competitiveness of the division.


The upcoming UFC Noche event promises to be an exciting night of fights, with the rematch between Grasso and Shevchenko taking center stage. Both fighters have a lot on the line and will be looking to make a statement in their respective divisions. Additionally, the fight between Cortez and Jasudavicius will provide insight into the future of the women’s 125-pound division. Overall, this event is a must-watch for MMA fans and will surely deliver some thrilling moments.

I’m Chuck Mendenhall and I’m here to record another one of these pre-game previews this one
on Mexican Independence Day Grasso versus Chef tanko 2. what’s sure I’d be back in the studio here it’s been a long
time since I’ve had an invitation uh to join the crew I’ve seen Rashad Evans uh
Aaron bronstetter just to name a couple of guys who’ve been floating through pretty sure they lost my number but I’m
back here you know what I mean I’m resilient all right they finally found your number to call you back exactly nightmare blunt rotation one more time I
think generally we get together for these things for pay-per-views or big shows like that this one’s just a fight
night so you know it’s big if they’re calling in the big dog for that one both men have grown a little bit in their
waist um we’ll hire chuck oh sorry
but it is good to be back it’s always fun to visit Jersey City and uh it has been too long I think it’s been a couple
of months for me so this would be good all right here’s the thing Saturday September 16th Mexican Independence
weekend in Las Vegas no canelo’s not fighting no you got pushed out the UFC
is fighting yeah T-Mobile Arena UFC Fight Night UFC Noche and we are not racist trying
to be no morning Combat coming at you with the pregame preview Brian can’t we are white co-host Luke Thomas in the
middle of a family member in these parts they finally found your number to call you yeah exactly the Iron Man or the
Iceman or you know the ice hole Chuck Minden yeah I like that icehole truckers
nightmare blunt rotation one more time look at this so this is a this is not too long removed from UFC 293 where in
this kind of weird year for the UFC where sometimes we get bad matchmaking this is really good matchmaking and then
for my money really good product placement and brand awareness for the for their customer for the UFC which is
trying to cut into that traditional Combat Sports the two big Mexican holidays you know Cinco de
Mexican Combat Sports holidays Cinco de Mayo the Las Vegas trip for Independence Day in September they’re going that on
that day no Canelo he’s September 30th in Las Vegas and they’re bringing a free TV card
with the championship on the line at 125 pounds in the women’s flyweight Division and new mexican-born Champion Alexa
Grosso in a rematch with Valentina shevchenko first and foremost Luke is is
it USC no change does that make any sense UFC Knight what are we doing here yeah UFC Knights I guess it doesn’t make
sense to do uh pelear or pelea uh yeah it’s a little too much so I guess they
just call it UFC Noche listen I’ll tell you what uh I don’t necessarily I am a big fan of what they’re doing I
think that this is a great thing that they’re undertaking uh it makes sense in Las Vegas it’s a new way to promote I
tell you that if you see it when you go to Canelo far you obviously see it but BC it was an eye-opener for me because
all the times I’ve seen big Mexican Fighters they were on like a big Canelo card so you know even great names
sometimes don’t stand out or it’s like other Latinos but like when David Benavides fought a Kayla plant you got
to see yeah and I I was like you know you don’t expect him to have the Canelo following dude it wasn’t far behind like
I was blown away at how much they rally for him these are Rock ribbed fight fans
the UFC has made massive inroads into this Market they have a great opportunity for a great fight putting it
on basically I think it’s still an ESPN plus but certainly not on pay-per-view um you know I’m gonna call it a home run
they’re gonna fumble some stuff which is the one I was making but in general in general this is great well not only is it great the card’s not a pay-per-view
but it feels like a special event given the fact that it’s in almost a pay-per-view slot on a normal
pay-per-view weekend for for boxing on the highest level but Chuck given that to the people there’s something to that
it’s a strategy this card’s actually deeper than the pay-per-view card just a couple weeks before UFC 2. like considerably deeper
but like it’s a better rate event can this gamble work is grosto the right fighter at the right time in this
Mexican takeover Revolution with Brandon Moreno and we’ve seen you know all these new Yaya Rodriguez got to the title level aldana yeah can this work can this
really work I think so but I mean they’re almost a little late and I know you can’t change the date of September 16th but at the same time you know there
was a moment when this might have been a huge event if you heard Rodriguez had come through in his situation if aldana
had come through in her situation um who knows I don’t know what they would have done with this card but I
think that you have enough man we used to kind of place Kane Velasquez and be like okay let’s see and then we’ve kind
of talked about Henry cejudo too these are guys that weren’t Mexico born they weren’t going to do but they were they
were moving shows down to Mexico City they were doing that sort of thing and it it felt like they’re making the animals this feels like the actual
inroads this feels like the moment and if you look at some of the the fights that were scotched off of this card uh
you know it was going to be even better it’s going to be a huge event and I still think it’s a very good as long as that main event is intact I think we’re
in good shape but I mean they were trying to kind of Stack this card it would have been five really good fights
if it had come through the way it was supposed to so I think your answer to it could this work I think it could maybe they got lucky that there’s no big major
boxing event here but the continued education of the Mexican fight fan to put UFC on that same level well you need
the Homegrown stars and they’ve proven that they can do that and you know Luke Kane it didn’t work as an experiment but
Kane was always the shoot first wrestler to be fair uh he was supposed to be the big promising guy he certainly wasn’t he beat Brock for the local second
generation or third generation Latino Market but going to Mexico you know my wife one time made a point about Kane and uh when he fought for Doom because
they did a bunch of media and she watched it she was like I don’t know if you know this but for Doom Spanish is better than Kane’s like like
substantially you know but now but now you’ve got a is somebody who can actually inform you on yeah she heard it
she was like she was like I think it’s it’s improved substantially sensitive but especially pronounce Bruce Lee
but the point being I’m trying to make here is you know they didn’t quite have the local turn and the way they needed
and you know there has been some faltering in 2023 but the first fight between Grosso and shivchenko I
rewatched it for obviously for today what a fantastic fight this was what an interesting rivalry one of the cases of
an immediate rematch I do think makes sense and a very interesting tactical battle there’s a lot to like about this
and it comes at the perfect time where this division is I want to say resetting but really launching for the first it is
it is it is resetting but but basically what I want to mean is this division’s identity you know it hasn’t been then
the Nico Montano era it had this division’s identity has been Valentina and she’s been incredible and she’s been
all time great in that run but all great runs come to an end so Chuck when we look back we’ve been blessed with some
crazy upsets in the past 18 months of MMA right from Leon Edwards poeton all the way through Juliana Pena so many big
moments what should we have seen coming about the chefchenko upset lost with
Alexa Grosso in March and are those answers more about chefchenko or more about Grosso in terms of what we missed
we get into these tidal wave moments where we’re like who’s the goat who’s the goat we were talking about these terms almost uncertain terms in these
moments I I feel like she had kind of assumed that especially with Amanda news having lost a pain yet at one point fairly recently and
you’re basically building her up but we saw a very competitive to the point where you’re like the scorecards go go
either way in her previous fight with Tela Santos and I think that that was maybe a red flag but I think the bigger
red flag honestly man you I think you might have pointed this out at some point 35 is kind of a magic number where
people fall off unless you yeah there’s a stat unless you are a uh the heavyweight division right I feel like there’s you
was it you I think it was you who’s talking about this it was 229 for a 35 year old anyone under 35 excuse me
anyone over 35 final fights and that’s basically it’s like 50 50. welterweight and
underway to 125. we’re talking about chefchenko who’s had a competitive over three different kinds of Combat Sports
going back 20 years she’s 35 years old you wonder it’s not a Max Holloway
situation like where you know he like you mentioned he has an odometer that’s running but he’s still showing up and he’s still doing it but you do Wonder
with chefchenko has she lost that thing because I I thought she looked great for
them you know you just watched the fight I thought she looked good through especially as the fight was going on and then she gets beat in the fourth round
but she wasn’t a little bit trouble early in that fight so a couple times she was in trouble so she was in trouble there was a crucifix that shipchenko got
in the second round I believe now eventually the great part about what Grosso did was she like relentlessly
worked out of it but she certainly lost that round she had her back taken in the third round as well but again you know did well to fight it off but the story
that fight as far as I can tell is two things one it turned shift Jaco into a wrestler she was matter of factly just
losing on the feet had her moments but losing on the feet and the thing that really stood out to me when watching it again man I got it I really believe this
is true it happens for all Champs they they have a bunch of advantages that the rest of
the division doesn’t have and that’s how they Excel so fast and beat all their rifles but you can only get so good and
you’re you’re you can’t really improve and then when you fight the best over time a lot of tape develops on you the
Grosso team they knew not just what the right ideas were but the actual tactical
choices they made about working around her lead hook and all the her defensive Tendencies they had a brilliant game
plan and she was they’re all of the tape on her is now starting to work against her because well-schooled Fighters can
really begin to dissect her and now the division’s catching up you’re right and Valentina was as busy and decorated as
anyone we’d seen it did feel like if there were some things we should have saw coming then maybe it was the Valentina
you know facing real competition against Jennifer Maya for the first time where she had to make some adjustments and then certainly Tyler Santos fight was a
a stopping point on asking a question if things had caught up to Valentina or is there parts of her game that isn’t
completely well-rounded I think the best thing I can say about the way the title changed hands there is it wasn’t necessarily like Nunes Pena one that
even though Pena had this incredible moment that was caused by her heart and will you could not have watched that
fight including the comments afterwards and putting the pieces together not realize that wasn’t the best of Amanda Nunes that that felt like an apparition
it did the rematch seemed to confirm that right it just melt the rematch doesn’t always confirm it but it really
did right there grassro didn’t win this by accident even if you’re focusing on the big chefchenko mistake which led to
the Finish she finished even the back take was even Nunes getting finished by Pena we always said well look she didn’t
actually test she kind of just fell apart and like was like a dead body and they just weighed the I know she tapped but it was more out of just exhaustion
this was fight the champ at her best no excuses no injuries and submit her yeah
so should we look at Alexa Grosso who by the way is the betting Underdog in the rematch which I understand as somebody
who’s trying to protect their stake like Leon Edwards was against Usman and improve it’s not a one-hit wonder or is
she someone that like could have legit staying there is another stat they don’t know the compounds almost with the uh
you know being 35 but the person who loses the belt generally in these rematches you know doesn’t do
well like they come back and I think that there there’s that’s where Amanda news kind of booked a trend to be honest and I remember pointing this out back
then but there’s something psychological that happens too and you mentioned this I’m like okay so grosser comes in well
prepared what are the adjustments that Chef shank is going to make and then what how does Grasso counter but at the same time I think the psychological Edge
now goes to Grasso he’s the younger fighter you’re doubting now like Vegas
is doubting I think some people I’ve talked to certain people who think that the first fight was fluky but you’re like now you’re doubting somebody and
putting an extra chip on her shoulder to do it again you know what I mean and I feel like you look at it this kind of in the those
abstract kind of uh intangibles and I kind of want you you like grass also they’re booking her in a kind of
emotional moment September 16th into you know Mexico they’re they’re kind of counting on her showing they’re making
her the face of the flag that’s a big moment so Luke is it is there any elements to it that’s fluky like it was
a chefchenko mistake that set it up but boy did Grosso slide into the moment and make a finish happen that we wouldn’t
have we wouldn’t expect it that would it so the there’s a there’s a competing narrative if you want to believe it the
reality was Grosso won the fight on defeat to the extent that it was on the feet certainly the first round but then
rounds two and three were chefchenko rounds kind of in a boring way but through wrestling there is at least an
argument to make that you could see chefchenko physically picking it up in the fourth and maybe Grosso starting to
fade when she made that error that Grosso legitimately took advantage of because of her good preparation like
there there’s nothing fluky about that the rematch to me the biggest question is the physicality and the takedown
defense and the ability to cause separation between Grosso and chefchenko if she can manage that there’s no doubt
in my mind she can win there’s a different fight from distance and that represents where the odds are like again we go back to his footwork being a part
of takedown defense all of it being related because again shipshaco couldn’t do a whole lot to her except we had good
positions so Grosso can survive but that’s not enough to beat her if this fight’s gonna be there you gotta shut
that [ __ ] down quickly can’t you do that shivchenko even at 35 still a physical Powerhouse all right crosstow in that
fight showed us that she was better than we thought but it’s really about this larger reinvention to this new weight class he was she she you know weighed
out of the former weight class at 115 which had the deeper pool and that 125 suddenly infused with everybody
including Rosemont I mean it’s wild how deep this division got she’s the queen of this division is it was it more about
just finding the right weight class than allowing her skills to because I didn’t feel like there was anything actually fluky about the way she won it she was
at the right moment the right time and she delivered the right performance so how how good good is she compared to
this growing division around her I mean give me the answers Here Charlie I’m feeling black thought she’s definitely
become better and better there was a time between 2017 and 2019 I believe where she went two and three she loses
to like Felice herrigs like this and you’re sort of like damn Chuck but I
mean lost a police [ __ ] no I’m just saying like you you wouldn’t think that that would be on her
resume but there was a point in time because she had a lot of hype before that I felt like she kind of had some
hype but that took it away and I have to I mean I’d be lying if I said I I foresaw that
she was going to come back and become a champion and like kind of turn it on as she has but she’s been a very bright fighter she’s kind of was it her the the
Lobo gym what is a yeah yeah I mean I feel like they’re yeah they’re really well coached which means wolf yeah and
they’re they’re well coached and I feel like she has shown that and I think just her showing up in that fight the first
round you could tell that there wasn’t a lot of intimidation there you imagine that like there was this is somebody who
we’d put up almost on a mythological level in that in that women’s flyweight like we were talking about chefchenko in
terms of well you know the goat and all these things and sometimes people just aren’t buying
into that they use it as fuel but you could just tell that she was not going to be intimidated look how well they scouted her they scouted her dude they
knew all the different parts of her Tendencies of her of her shot choices again they were overmatched physically
when it came to it but at distance remember how many times she was able to cover distance and then get Valentina
leaning back and then drill her you couldn’t believe you’re like oh my God she keeps doing it they knew if they can scout that well before what’s to say
they couldn’t do that again like this is a very well like the the Strategic abilities of the coaches over there is
high level like they’re in this fight make no mistake about it I believe that Valentino is 35 now the first fight in
March before she she turned in good shape sure for her birthday on Instagram there’s been a lot of creeps probably you know commenting she’s probably
firing a lot of guns she has the grossest audience her fans
100 are into autoerotic asphyxiation which is you know if that’s your bag
the whole album about that topic probably probably and more than that you know that’s a fair point but I’m just gonna say like her fans
I mean you need to go to horny jail you know so how big of a you’re talking to one of them please you said Amanda Nunes
Buck the trend of winning back the title especially at an advanced age [ __ ] without telling me you do no [ __ ]
some ways arastania did the same thing although he’s we we consider him closer to the to the peak of the Prime in a lot of ways but he went back in there after
losing the title how big would this win be for chefchenko is this win merely to put the to put a giant wad of gum on the
hole in the side of the dam of her eventual rise to all-time greatness which she’ll still get to she she’s
proved that she’s earned that but how big a win from a GSP correcting the Matt Sarah you know hole on his resume and
doing it organically I think it would be big in the sense that from this you know from the people in
the boat I don’t feel like it was a fluke so if she goes in there and makes it seem like a fluke suddenly she goes
in there and blows right through Alexa grass you’re like well I mean now we’re this is crazy like she’s you know be
able to restore but we just haven’t seen that but I I think if she’s able to if she’s able to regain to recapture that
title we were already talking about her in the stratosphere of like the women’s all-time Fighters I mean to me that
would be a big deal because I just I feel like these this is when it starts to go stack against your age you have
somebody who like you were saying not not intimidated I think you’ve worn the target long enough now where you know
just stay hungry at that level and to be that Target for so long to overcome that is very difficult you motivate somebody
that talented and dangerous to be at their absolute no question best like she’s gonna have to be here you’re going
to get some dangerous version even at 35 of Jeff jenko look you know that I don’t think there’s any question she’s
strategic as well she’s technical when is she not technical I mean even when you make a mistake or over commit to a
certain kind of technique whatever you whatever you want to attribute the loss to Grosso to lack of focus you know no one can have performances all the time
dude she’s a [ __ ] dude she’s an institution and she is the institution of this division but you know I mean
that’s who she is but again I go back to it man I think like uh I really think people are sleeping like they always
talk about like the hunger of Mexican Fighters like the willing to go to war but she got outplayed in on the feet in
the first fight she got outplayed that’s where she took the back the back happened standing on the feet she got out played on the feet fair and [ __ ]
square no no two ways about it it’s crazy too because if you look at the stats and I mean you just watch it but I
just kind of glance at the stats she was getting outstruck but of course a lot of that’s inside right like it’s a lot of
um inside stuff but I just think that having done it once you know and then still being doubted
works for grass so if you just kind of look at a psychology the way that she’s uh her the way she talks and things I
think it benefits her in the end it’d be really interesting I mean I love this type of fight because
you could see the path easily for chefchenko in that first fight like what it was going to be do you just ratchet
it to a 10 and just say like all right I don’t care if we spoil you know Mexican Independence Day and everybody Boos me
but I’m gonna win the way I need to win you know what I mean when we saw chefchenko at her greatest which was the
Run initially she had as as FlyAway Champion she could win any single way and she certainly can even if we felt
she had holes in wrestling against Santos you know she worked as hard as crazy to build up to the Grasso fight to
try to repair that hole she can do everything do we need to see her though be more offensive in trying to prove
this point and come back and win this because when we have seen her out of necessity you think of like the second half rallies against Amanda Nunes I mean
chefchenko is awesome she’s known more as the counter Striker and maybe that’s where she’s at her best but if she goes
attacking grosto here and becomes the impressive when did she do that do the same Jessica eyebrow she had to do it
against Holly Holmen I mean I know see the thing is Grosso started out as not necessarily a slam dunk Prospect an
interesting Prospect a good Prospect but it wasn’t like she was like Bo nickel or something right holy [ __ ] [ __ ] from
Mexico that’s right I think all of us were like can Mexico at the top obviously but this is the best it’s ever been in Spanish-speaking MMA so like you
know seven eight years ago you had a question of like how far they could go dude they’re they’re ready like they’re
here like they are on par with it and uh that last fight was was fascinating to see I I really think that the limits
where she couldn’t do that in the wrestling game and I think you’re gonna have to to win this one we’ll [ __ ] see yeah damn this is a great fight in
the midst of a great Division and a crazy month for this division you think whoever died you guys get though you get
the sense like chefchenko her identity is fighting right like she’s just such a yeah so I feel like
there’s certain people like she travels almost nomadically from Camp to Camp she’s been doing it for so long
and I think that she looks at herself as like I think she looks at it like what
happened that night is not it yeah this is what’s about to happen is that it’s just that weird like she’s got
something to her that just always keeps it alive like she is if she shows up and does it it’d be because that’s her mindset too like she just okay but she
is that person and that’s where she belongs you know but Chuck even if she wins here I do think heard like already
she lost the title recapturing what that is her days are numbered uh 100 whether
whether she beats Grosso or not yeah I don’t like my point like the rest of the 125ers are coming before like if that’s
a second win over chefchenko it says a lot about the further forward trajectory of how we should look at her and what
she has accomplished and for shishenko to regain it it’s a another massive you know Jewel on the crown
but is there any scenario in which this might demand a third fight I’m not really sure because the people knocking
on the door next from Aaron blanchfield to the winner of Rose Nami Eunice and Minon Farrow to like a solid group you
got the Old Guard the same guard that already fought Valentina and lost that are still in that top ten but the ones
coming behind them yeah also are very and we are recording this before before Rose yes Macy Barber from Miranda
Maverick King Casey O’Neill I mean you’re starting something and accumulate names I mean I feel like you get to that
point in in all these divisions because you could you start to make you can start to make cases for lots of rematches but
there’s points when you’ve got a lot of exciting possibilities in your contenders you got to keep it rolling
right we would only get a Trilogy if this was a fight of the year and chefchenko won correct or people thought
um she got away with like a horrible robbery it’s not like something like that which would be unfortunate yeah
which obviously would no one no one no one wants not trying to jinx it without you what do we settle as the true meaning of this fight to chefchenko’s
resume you can argue that she’s on the Mount Rushmore of women’s MMA right now you can certainly make that argument
okay she if she wins this and regains her title and adds more title defenses against these other big names so they
arose as a potential huge one if she gets out of that early fight we have no idea um if she doesn’t win though and this is
the end of her title Ron who knows who she could fight on the way out or how long she would want to stay fighting but
how important is this fight getting a win in cementing what we feel like she’s already accomplished what do you think
one of the most consistent and decorated and accomplished champions in history what does she need this to retain all
that does she need this win to sort of she’s kind of solidified herself win or lose I don’t know you tell me but I feel
like want to lose like where she’s at what she was able to do with this Division and uh I forget well how many
was it like nine nine in a row like something like that yeah it’s ridiculous so I feel like
it really comes down to for the longest time it was kind of like Mana Nunez Valentina I I still at this point would
probably have Amanda now number one yes and then I would have chefchenko I don’t know if it would matter to me if she’s not working there too she is cyborg is
there the only difference and I I this is always the hardest thing to Grapple with this all the time is like Cyborg’s level of competition over the years it’s
just it’s not her she has good wins she does have good wins that’s why I post this and her longevity is insane because that that’s 100 that’s why I posed this
question because the one negative against what chefchenko has done now she already established herself at 35 even with losing twice to newness and and
both were very close she already established that she’s a all you know she’s a great threat in that division what she’s done at 25 has been amazing
but now that the division has caught up to her she had a close fight with Maya had a real close fight with Tyler Santos
loses to Grosso if she loses again how much would we look at what she accomplished and say oh you’re saying
well that division stopped it was Jessica I it was 2kg and it was Lauren Murphy well sometimes the larger the
larger picture does have to sort of unfold that way doesn’t it so that’s what I mean is they’re more at stake in what she needs to do here to prove she
can beat the new generation yeah I mean listen the reality is the best way to leave a division is when you have to
hand back the belt to everyone because they couldn’t take it from you what GSP did again people said he got lucky in
the Hendricks fight whatever he still won it’s what Jon Jones did I mean you’re talking about the people who just you know you you literally cannot get
this off of my hands so I’m just gonna have to like let me give it [ __ ] Chumps that’s that’s what you want if
she was able to beat this if she was able to beat Grosso I mean there’s still a question of other ones but to do it at 35. yeah I think would be I wouldn’t say
necessarily her most important win but in the catalog of important wins that one would hold a special place yes I do believe wins back the title and if Rose
can advance quickly in this Division I think that’s a big fight that they would make and I’d be all in for that but win
or lose win or lose for chefchenko does she get offered a vacant bantamweight
title shot is that what the promotion seems to be waiting for in advancing what has happened post Amanda Nunes
retirement we don’t know what’s going to happen to 145 it feels like Dan is going to fold it 135 you can argue they should
keep it alive need some help please don’t need some Renovations lost the best thing that could happen for women’s bantamweight and the promotion or a win
and just moving up right away but moving up I think that would be the better scenario when she wins it moves up I
think that’s the better scenario so you wouldn’t need her to say hold on hang around and fight blanchfield first hold on hang around and fight you know she’s
smart she’s mistakes upstairs clear blanchfield and goes yeah if I’m if I’m if I’m chefchenko I mean everyone wants
to pretend Elite Fighters don’t pick and choose who they fight a [ __ ] course they do not all the time but sometimes
it when it matters especially when they’re moving weight classes I wouldn’t [ __ ] blame her her resume is again in
this scenario well that’s already amazing but in the scenario you’re positing it’d be even better he couldn’t criticize why are you smirk because you
use positing I’ve never actually heard it used that way I’m gonna start saying is that it you know Greek derivative of
all right well that’s your main event for UFC Noche yes not a pay-per-view card close enough which is why cocoa
the pregame preview treatment where it goes without saying so I didn’t say it off the top but you know what you’re
getting thanks to the magic of this Modelo that Chuck’s drinking in this ipa’s last name you’re still getting the
magic of real talk yeah let’s hear it particularly like men do no one wants to hear this
but in this era of suffrage Luke suffrage it’s like ellipses not plural for suffering uh not necessarily I don’t
know um but I was going to say it was but I’m not gonna say my wife’s last name but let’s just imagine it sounds like Gutierrez right yeah when my wife used
we used to go to bars she would say her last name with her accent and the [ __ ] bartender every time be like
what what [ __ ] name he’d be like lady I can’t understand you and I would literally go over there and just like
this I’d be like yeah go tierres and he’d be like why didn’t you say so [ __ ] yes and he’s going to find it right away
you know every situation needs a gringo to clarify yeah yeah yeah I was like I was like step aside let me handle this
I’m doing the hump yeah okay so our co-main event and I think this is I
noticed I’m starting to get gray hairs in my mustache it’s over for me bro the gray has taken the drapes match the carpet oh yeah dude that means he’s got
a yeah a-hole yeah wow what is yours amazing
So speaking of [ __ ] no uh let’s go on this card if this ends up being the co-main event I’m certainly into it okay
this is not a pay-per-view it’s a glorified Fight Night card now I like this card a lot but Kevin Holland is coming the hell on right at welterweight
got nothing to do with MMA but it’s great and that submission win over Michael keyesa the second straight win
seemed to elevate in my opinion Holland away from being Donald cowboy Cerrone
2.0 I’ll fight anybody at any time and that’s my rhythm and I’m gonna win and lose some and talk [ __ ] in the cage now
I think he actually is a Walter away Contender only he’s fighting the guy who
could have next in this entire division Jack Della madalena unbeaten in the UFC
15-2 overall but Madeline is coming off a split decision against a guy you never heard of in a fight that he was very
good who was unheralded turned out to be quite good all I’m saying is this is a tough fight for both of them it’s an
important fight for the welterweight division Chuck what excites you the most about this one I think honestly in his
last fight madalina like the situation being what it was like what he moved off a card he goes back a week he takes on
this is the third opponent he was supposed to be facing within that amount of time right the fact that he was able
to win it at all should speak some Vibes it’s funny that we focus on we should have put him away but we’re used to him smoking guys in the first round he has
like three was it four in a row like he had four in a row in the first round he was put in a very difficult situation
I think you’re closer to the truth on this but that the the duties face then just happened to be a little better than people understood he was a champion out
of a good Jersey promotion it’s one of those type of things so the fact that he got through it to me is like all right he’s got some metal
now you know we’re supposed to get him against Sean Brady and which always was like oh this could be uh you know come
to Earth moment for this guy but for both guys yeah exactly yeah the guy’s name basil heph has yeah was the
gentleman who pushed yeah he was good he was good good
um or is it Bastille I don’t know I don’t know this to me is kind of going back now to almost like the Sean Brady
thing where like you you’re casting a lot of Doubt right onto the situation if we’re trying to escalate uh and trying
to put this guy in a situation where he can be in contention soon this is a tough test I mean this is
Madeline is not going to wrestle I mean I don’t think right he’s not going to try to put him is he going to try to do
anything like this like wrestle him put him on his back like what we saw like the Kryptonite for Holland uh earlier
like what a couple years ago when guys were doing that but I feel like it plays out mostly on the
feet and so like it could go that way I mean it could go either way also Holland kind of gets tuned up a little bit early as well and then rebounds on the feet
too so it’s an interesting one I feel like there’s a people who are real high on Jack Dylan medellina for a lot of good
reasons he was entering Beau nickel hype territory for a short season for a short season and then you know the last fight was I think he performed quite ably I
think short notice fights really skew perspective about what’s happening but there are no situations there are people
who are concerned I’m going women Rick’s story beat Nate Marquardt he’s thrown into that yeah derailed all this time
it’s crazy it’s like it’s hard to just change opponents like who made Rick story bleed from the ears
there are some people who even the people who are high on him they’re a little concerned he takes big punches
takes some risk and against some of the better guys which I think Holland certainly is at this point a dangerous guy I think we would all agree there are
people are wondering uh does he come back to earth with this one they’re a little bit concerned they don’t know I don’t know you’ve always been a hashtag
bodyguy Does della madalaina enter Joaquin Buckley biggie of WWE chest Fame
as arguably having the best pecs in the game Buckley
I think is a strong Contender yeah yeah for uh you know he’s got great cans yeah
yeah it really does we’re seeing them all please Brock Lesnar for a heavyweight certainly had an interesting well he had that
sword though even Cheeto said he was cool with it you know you got to take that for what it’s
worth oh you asked you know about Brock Lesnar yeah we did it looks like a girl I think he’s a you know it’s kind of ugly but it works for him you see that’s
also showing respect to a man that is so large and that even in his 60s would would still kill us all dude I look like
a used car salesman in the 70s haircut and beard combo I’ve just look at this
[ __ ] looks pretty good who looks at this and goes this is a great combo this is a great combo that’s a good combo
apparently your wife and your employer yeah they can for now for now yeah for now for now Chuck
Della madalena looked like the brighter the Bro the guy with the brighter future just you know one fight ago maybe Luke
saying he’s just Mitch McConnell on air maybe we’re just saying what did I say maybe uh but Kevin Holland just showed
with this two fight win streak that he seems like he’s ready to be a fact there’s a quick turnaround at always for Kevin Holland who is most likely with a
win though usually after going to another weight class too it’s like and then he’s like right back but who is most likely to literally leap into legit
title contention with a woman made Elena would because I think that this type of win especially I I just think that he’s
you know he’s carrying that tension wire into it like is he a guy like this or not I think this is a guy to give him over that home but if he goes in there
and does what he’s been doing to the previous four guys not the last couple the previous Four Guys where he just gets it done explosive kind of uh it
comes out of like it comes out the Victor quick fight like that I feel like it’s him man I feel like he
he’s that guy that’s what they I mean I feel like they’re that’s what they’re kind of grooming them for right like they want him to be the guy but
um this this would be the one to me that would show he’s always looking for the next big guy in a big Market to be the
face is he you know his time is limited grooming is big in him and made to be fair though husband coaches you know what I mean
just I know people like how come you want to enroll your daughter in Jiu Jitsu I’m like well yeah pretty good reason actually
pending dude Celine Dion remember she had that manager slash 50 year old guys they got married I mean it had elephant
you know Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis also dipped a little low you know we don’t hold that against them
alone did as well wow oh Carl Malone yeah yeah it turns out Karl Malone’s a
real bad guy yeah he could have been defensive coordinator of Penn State you know what I mean you
know I mean it turns out that way it’s like we’ve got a 15-minute show again everything’s getting cut up look the Kevin Holland welterweight
transformation has there been changes to the game or is this just a better weight loss no it makes much better decisions better footwork uh I think better take
down defense uh more well-rounded just more thoughtful just more thoughtful really a guy making much more considered
decisions rather than just kind of going out there with feel and like the other part too is he still talks [ __ ] a little
bit yeah but he’s even dialed that back a little bit not as a personality not when there’s a microphone but like in
the cage he’ll still do it a little bit but you can see a much more like in the moment present fighting versus in the
moment on the camera and it has I think in general I mean the Hamza fight was you know didn’t go his way but he’s not
fighting homs on here and I think he’s a you know a tough test they will fight anyway and he does he can’t he rescue though because I feel like at one point
kind of Holland was the guy that’s almost done madelina’s spot like he was the guy that were watching he was a
pandemic Superstar he was and then like you know he gets taken the ground back to back one’s live on ABC I felt like at
that point it was it’s just plummets even though he’s had good moments since then the right way class he got more screen
time than Fouche it’s true but like if say he wins this is a weird one too because sometimes you go take out the
prospect that everybody’s a little excited about people kind of hold it against you a little bit Yeah so like I
don’t know how he is CM Punk the same thing happened you know well kind of it’s kind of true remember
that do you remember the Highlight Reel they made of like somewhere in practice CM Punk taking some sporting Partners back and everyone was like guys he
figured it out then they showed his suplex from WWE figured it out he figured out Jiu Jitsu he did it he did
it and then he goes in there and just gets I mean worked like I want to remind you that job and do those kind of fights
in the UFC Notions you know what I mean is he a bad
guy or a good guy Phil bro Phil Brooks team the character I mean normally a good guy who fights
against evil though almost like a Diaz guy kind of yeah he’s a he’s a he’s a Counter Culture hero okay that’s the best way to say it but he rails against
establishment yeah I’m saying like even though he’s like deeply entrenched in the firmament of it yes yeah it’s kind of like the role we play in MMA media
fair enough fair enough we’re nothing if not Hypocrites now with John Morgan I feel like it does
all right uh yeah he might be pretty good I don’t know first question I’m just gonna hold this award to remind yeah Always Something There to Remind me
um all right that’s what I got on whole Holland hold that like it’s your cat look at this guy Bob dobelina
um when I make references like that most people don’t get it you know I’m into early 90s rap you know what I mean yeah I just you know Public Service you only
know the white rappers can I get my close-up cam just to remind people it is uh
wow I got that I got that in Cartagena I was like this is perfect for Uncle Gringo by the way this is true what
Violetta said the other day I texted I texted BC about this and uh I had like
pictures I was looking at on Google photos on my browser on my on my on my thing and there was like a bunch of different people I forget exactly what I
was looking for and she was like where’s your brother and I thought she was talking about um my brother Matt Uncle
Matt and I was like who she goes Uncle Gringo holy [ __ ] I was like I was like
hopefully dead baby girl shirts see the thing that I can always you know that prevents me from ever truly like cutting
Luke off from the rest of my life is took he’s like one of the better humans of all one of the better Creations she’s
an angel don’t you forget it Aisha Aisha yeah so glad to meet you hey let’s continue on down this card because
there’s a bantam Wing I had to buy wipes when I was on Colombia can you imagine being 44 and going to the pharmacy and be like I need butt wipes you need a
camera crew phone do they not have TP there they do but it was dude it was um have like rocks in it I had to like but
I had to find a way to do it I needed some softer treatment you know I needed I needed some help they do have harsh
yeah put some aloe vera uh there’s gonna be a bantamweight fight and Terence Mitchell’s in it
but that’s not the story so what’s there story Terence Mitchell Terence Mitchell so what’s the story
Morning Glory why don’t you run down for five five or ten minutes just Terence Mitchell’s resume for us I don’t think I
can Don’t Look Back in Anger I don’t I heard you say um Raul Rosas Jr looked as
if he could really be you know a Dana White Contender series graduate the youngest I feel like you’ve got thoughts on this I mean like I feel like I’ve
been right about this he could have been the first Teenage UFC champion for all we know Luke but then he had a close-up
fight a step-up fight do you remember the gentleman’s name who sent him to a decision defeat oh uh I’d have to look
it up Rodriguez Christian Rodriguez should I make that up um what could the guys in the back tell
us I mean I do have I do have the internet right here I can I know but I’m lazy all right so Chuck Raul who’s the last guy
yes I’d nailed that yes good very good job yeah dude like everyone is like oh my
God he’s so great I’m like yes for 18. he is very very talented for 18. there
can be simply no denying that he is a skilled Fighter for his age but putting him in the UFC now is at best
questionable did we not learn from Freddie Adu
hey DC United Legend DC United is that a song yeah the the Screaming
Eagles Redskins shots in the Screaming Eagles but uh but everyone was like oh my God
he’s so great and I’m like guys you haven’t grown into your man strength you haven’t had that much training time you just haven’t it hasn’t been enough time
and so like the fact that he is good at finding the back to you know and staying on there but there’s just uh he is green
he is green as [ __ ] so like could he turn out to be good yes but you are
risking this [ __ ] guy’s development by just throwing him even with a soft treatment in the UFC throwing him into
the UFC against like grown men like 25 years old um we’re gonna see what happens dehydrated [ __ ] after a flight home from
Colombia right you know because he tries to keep those liquids in wipes Chuck
how do you bounce back from that I mean he didn’t lose with one punch KO I mean but he got solved he got
exposed exposed he did not have a deep game on your side because you know who’s the guy’s name Terence um
Mitchell Mitchell you know he beats Terence Mitchell it just keeps setting up I’m not sure you’re going to have
like what you do with him it has to be one of the slowest if they’re doing it without being negligent you know you you
probably want the slowest kind of build right like to put him right what if you put him in there against TJ dillashaw’s other arm just to
draw we draw that’s a stupid joke I want you to know I think that’s a stupid joke
on the record but if he loses and I this is where you’re like man he’s 18 years
old if he was feeling Invincible you’ve just beat that out of him before he even had a chance to really get annoying so
you hate to see that honestly as precocious as he might seem you don’t want to put him in situations where you
kind of break them at 18 years old or where you put them in situations like that look what lost him that fight was
it was it just an experience was it lack of cardio was it the big moment got to him what is it I mean probably a few
things I think you know when you’re 18 and you’re beating up everyone in your gym you think oh I can just do that I’ll
just I’ll just do that at the UFC and then you realize that [ __ ] doesn’t work the same way I guess another Pro fighter who’s got some decent experience who has
like you know more or less earned this position and he didn’t have anywhere else to go and so once he faded he
didn’t you know it was a big Learning lesson for him so the question is this like you know I’m being sober about where
he’s at and I think what he’s risking but you’re asking like what you know what can you do here let’s see how he
takes not just losses but like what lessons he learns from that his cardio wasn’t where it needed to be and his
strategy wasn’t where it needed to be and like you need to see some adjustment around that just thinking you’re going to get on the guys back right away and
choke him out right away there’s a boxer who was on maybe the J one of the Jake Paul fights who’s 18.
H2O right the the where would you compare like so that like compare that
for me like you’ve gotten solve is maybe better yeah yeah right but still tomorrow would not be no well he didn’t
then again he would not be ready for the operation by a killer Christian Rodriguez did what he has a good fight right he’s a talent so that’s not a you
know I was gonna say if it was boxing you wouldn’t he wouldn’t be in there with with a tough opponent but would he be in there with a Christian Rodriguez
level um no no that’s what I’m saying no I feel like if you want to do it what’s
fair I mean and we’re just that’s the whole point you’re not supposed to be that’s why he is looking better that’s why he has more composure sorry Chuck
but I mean if you want to be fair which the UFC traditionally doesn’t do either you belong in the UC you don’t right they don’t they don’t try to do the box
and they but you’d almost have to follow that for it to feel right I mean yeah because one more loss especially if it
kind of goes down where it’s just over matched and you can tell that he like you see the green as clearly as you did
in the last fight it’s just I don’t know it feels he he just feels all wrong he’s not he’s just here too early he’s just
here too early stage Northcutt endured that a few other people have it happened the [ __ ] out of him I mean look you’re
asking a lot of a teenager which is why you’ve been sort of cautious from the beginning in this role so Luke does it
does it is it just survive in advance and will rebuild the hype or does he need a hype win no I don’t think he’s
anywhere close to fighting good guys so well I’m not saying that but does he need a spectacular win no he needs he
needs he needs a uh disciplined one that’s what he needs he needs a he needs
a one that is a considered um how I’m gonna attack this round then the strategy for the next round based on
that approach we take the following frame if it goes that long what resources what positions what particular sequences everything that’s what you
have to that’s what I want to see like just going out there and be like I want to take this guy’s back and you have to play Speed chats what’s the mission I
mean in UFC too just the way it has been set up it doesn’t matter in which way you’re incompetent right you could be
too young like you can be too young you’ll be CM Punk who just you know they throw in for whatever appeal you could be James
Tony’s trying to cross over it doesn’t matter if a guy is in over his head it’s a huge it’s a horrible look yeah because
they’re not used to having that they don’t want guys in there who are just like an average Joe trying to get in a
fight and I’m not saying that Rojas is like that but he’s he is so young that you just don’t want to have that look it
doesn’t fit they prefer to have guys that are in there that are willing to accept 12 and 12 and go through the dwc
that’s true though and also listen he speaks fluent Spanish and if you’re the UFC you know do you want someone so you
could say is like an 18 because in boxing the Canelo was you know like a really I think he went pro at 16 15.
yeah 15. I mean you know they’re having a teenage young Mexican sensation would be great for them that would be but I’m
telling you they pushed them out too quickly what will happen I guess we’ll see but they are risking it big time no Che means UFC Knight what would be UFC
morning um would you could say maniano the next day or you could say well this evening would be breakfast I’m not sure
nothing great I have the cognitive recall of a
lobotomized chimp at this point yes call me angel on the morning
I hope your beauty pairs I hope your pubic hairs turn to fishing hooks there’s only one other fight that I
believe really matters truly matters on this card and it’s certainly in my house it matters a lot we can talk so much and
we have about the renewed strength the Resurgence of the women’s 125 pound division the new stable of titles
risers baby who is rising more in the game of MMA on
a 10-fight win streak including 4-0 in the UFC
then Tracy Cortez Yup she’s on this card who’s taking on another 125 pound riser
in Jasmine Jasmine card right who’s this we don’t know yet we don’t know the full layer I believe that fight is on the
main card it should be so look Jasmine just had a breakout performance to to show us exactly who she is after massive
Improvement she had some stumbles on the way up Cortez though has been perfect for 10 straight fights well this is so
should I explain that how good is this fight in terms of like the future of this division Luke outside of the the
exit of the Brian Ortega relationship and the things that we that we also care about so remember
you had the win over gato but I think it wasn’t necessarily the most inspiring performance obviously before that
beating Kish and Edgar and then Vanessa mellow she hasn’t really been tested against someone else has been a rising sensation in a real way in this division
here it comes finally we’re gonna get a good look what was she what we have seen has been very interesting and promising a lot of ways not perfect but a work in
progress and there’s nothing wrong with that but now we’re going to bring that picture I think a little bit more into Focus yeah uh it’s a great fight I
actually love this fight yeah great different different like uh Dimensions like one tall and ranging another one a
little more short and stout but still all pretty technical it’s good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m with you I had a job
description we’re just gonna put that right in and
walk out of the bank is Jasmine Jazz divisius now
a future threat to this title in this division so maybe I didn’t see that last it was a Miranda right though I did not
see that fight going down the way it ended up going neither so I would say the eyes are on her now
right like and that that’s half of it is just having people pay attention I think this is a night it’s a big card for her to be on this is a good spot
um Canadian but the UC would lost some Canadian talent to stand up yes and I if
she’s able to do that in this fight against Cortez I think that I think she enters that space I mean people are
paying attention I felt like she blew up on that last fight on social media I was like this was pretty crazy if you you
can sometimes see it in that sort of thing people were paying attention to her you know yeah I feel like the winner of this fight could be a riser could
make some noise could get a big fight in this division either way it’s a big win for the for the other person like
beating Chris Cortez and something and being just vicious to being something yeah this is good matchmaking you got a solution in that regard and this
division’s been on fire I mean chuck would you agree that 125 has taken over the Reigns for 115 as the money women’s
think so now I mean it’s crazy because we’re filming this before we get the uh
the rose named Eunice fight sure but given her you know given some of the things that are happening like rose entering the picture and where people
are at where the stage like people coming up the people are in there I do think that it’s uh it kind of reminds me of what men’s bantamweight was last year
like where all these guys eight guys you could match make any win it would be pretty funny yeah yeah I prefer the
baron era at bantamweight yeah hand and Barrel Palm for pound King you know he just pulled out of a fight that he never
agreed to you see that what he just got pulled from a game bread card and then he was like I never actually agreed to
that because he was going to fight bare knuckle ever man yeah that’s that’s a bad idea right I mean he’s probably still only 29 but he’s been on a rough
side or just all the CTE huh he was on top of the world at one point yeah his brain got rattled his brain got DJ all
right well we have broken it down not a pay-per-view but it’s got big fight feels UFC Noche going on in Las Vegas
and uh we gave you the real talk because by the way there’s a bunch of different Mexicans on this card and by the way
they’re all from different gyms like entering Jim is on this one Lobo Jim is on this one but real quick I just want to shout out the Mexican Farmers make
sure we name them because that’s why they’re there uh let’s see by the way there’s also like Roman Coppola on
taking on Josh friend which is like so he’s still on the fine but you know like why the [ __ ] is this here uh Edgar
chaidez is on this card I can’t read this [ __ ] Daniel Zell Uber I guess is on
this card um who else is uh Fernando padillas on this card and Lupita godinez who I
didn’t realize this she he trains out of Nova Scotia now really that’s that’s uh that’s dancing
territory if I’m correct maybe British Columbia I’m not sure which Titan is do you think she’s been to Mountain Nike
uh if I’m right about Nova Scotia and it’s not British Columbia because I’m the opposite side of the country uh yes
I would say yes that’s the maritimes have you been up there Chuck never been all right I hear it’s nice During certain times of the year probably
[ __ ] cold bro yeah probably in Atlantic time over there have you been you’ve been to Canada you’ve been
I’ve been to Canada but never up in that area no I mean dude Canada’s Great yeah I like it I do love Canada I’ve been
from Flint lawn to cam loops uh you know going over to the whale watching I went whale all over the place in Quebec yeah
how about that that was pretty wait wait that’s well Lawrence right yeah Tofino that’s why I won the uh in British
Columbia the Vancouver Island man talk about like you’re talking about whales whale’s breaching on it’s like Utopia
out there I love the chicks my people are from Quebec where where you know so
like you know people in the US are always like you know I back the blue I backed the blue of Quebec if they want to leave Canada I’m willing to go with
them they almost did when we were kids I’m willing to go with them I just remember that vote in the 90s they almost [ __ ] did that no that would
put me on opposite sides to that Ontarian um Aaron bronstetter and I’m you know
I’m willing if I have to take arms in that I’m going to stand with with history and stand with my people stand
with the quebecois do you think Ariel would turn Co over to Ontario or do you think he’d stand with us and fight for
the big for the for the um for the fleur-de-lis for the for the big one that’s a great question because you know what he’s a little bit he did
jump to the Knicks from the next to the Raptors thing yeah yeah I wish I didn’t know yo that’s your quarterback you’re
going to defend him he’s also Nottingham isn’t he like I don’t even know at this point he’s no he’s definitely a Knicks guy he’s a forest fan whatever he said
no he’s a Knicks guy he’s a Nicholas Guy like he he would die for nodding him but you know it’s a that’s a loser franchise
I mean let’s just be honest I mean the Wizards are too if we could go on an aerial Hawaii like streak of
podcast Awards that’d be pretty incredible that guy is his I haven’t seen the inside of his house but his shelves must be filled with Hardware
yeah um yes probably yes yeah all right sure well um Chuck couple
messages also pictures of his family I would imagine yeah beautiful family that
guy’s God he does he does he really does so that was getting stupid
no Trey Thomas over here I could have predicted a a surly ending from one Luke
Thomas but he made it to the Finish Line he’s just trying to finish he’s a marathon man I hope he gets to sleep
tonight he deserves but put some color promise of morning combat our special guest Chuck Mendenhall of the ringer yes
oh Spotify yes sir of I wear your hat all the time it’s my favorite
midlife crisis happy besides the Bob the Bob Marley One Love hat or yeah baby all right pick one up at do you
want a shot oh can you grab the Cannibal Corpse also we have the Brendan shop tiger thick do you want a shot of tiger thick
oh boy actually you know what I’ll tell you this much the tiger thick is better than the Cannibal Corpse whiskey for sure you know the thing about shop is my
ride this yeah he snuck in a tasty whiskey yeah he did he did actually it’s pretty good I don’t drink anything’s
shop touch is pretty much as gold well would you say the Mountaintop moment for him was oh [ __ ] this is number one was
Crow cop it was an expensive bottle right there was jobs Mountaintop Crow is that the New Jersey fight like the crow
cop one was good that was a really good ass knockout yeah yeah that’s like yeah uh did he beat Gabriel Gonzaga too
probably not I can’t remember he had a good one in Jersey I forget no I get them all mixed up but
uh well that’s some good moments yeah who called his second fight I did yeah he had one in caught in the uwc in the
Patriots The Ultimate Warrior challenge or the only fights back then I did yeah I wasn’t I was your Memoir is going to
be fast you should know that uh my career has not progressed as a commentator because I was quite terrible at it very bad very much you can find
Luke’s further broadcasting work on Showtime thank you very much for the great staff here that have stayed up you
know a long time to put us over here and for Chuck making the trip it’s been great
this is to the night to the night time because it’s the right time
get [ __ ] You Wanna you’re trying to find more to say
these are the longest yeah here we go let’s go [ __ ] up I touch myself
I want you to love me I forgive myself I want you to remind me