Summary: BISPING interviews SUGAR SEAN O’MALLEY | “The CHITO VERA REMATCH excites me!”

In a recent interview with Michael Bisping, Sugar Sean O’Malley discussed his thoughts on his upcoming rematch with Chito Vera and his future plans in the bantamweight division. O’Malley expressed his lack of interest in a fight with Henry Cejudo and his desire to face other top contenders. He also mentioned the possibility of venturing into boxing and potentially fighting Floyd Mayweather or Gervonta Davis. O’Malley reflected on the joy of winning the belt and the support he received from his close circle. He addressed the haters and how their negativity fueled his motivation to succeed. Overall, O’Malley is excited about his future in the sport and looks forward to the challenges ahead.

Lack of Interest in Henry Cejudo

O’Malley made it clear that he has no interest in fighting Henry Cejudo. He believes that Ce ito is yesterday’s news and that there is not much interest in that fight. O’Malley mentioned that a poll showed people were more interested in seeing him fight other opponents, such as Barab. He stated that for Chito to keep asking for that fight makes him look dumb. O’Malley believes that unless Cejudo goes out and does something to make a name for himself, he is not on O’Malley’s radar.

Future Plans and Goals

O’Malley has a couple of fights planned out for his future. While he doesn’t want to plan too far ahead, he believes it’s important to have a path and some goals. He mentioned that he wants to knock out Chito and then call out Gervonta Davis. O’Malley acknowledged that some people may find that fight silly, but he believes that beating Chito will elevate his stardom and make the fight with Gervonta more appealing. He also mentioned that if Gervonta gets a fight and becomes a bigger star, that’s a fight he definitely wants to be a part of.

Venturing into Boxing

O’Malley expressed his love for boxing and mentioned that he had a pro boxing fight before Conor McGregor even fought Floyd Mayweather. He stated that he is very capable of boxing and it’s one of his favorite combat sports. O’Malley mentioned the possibility of fighting Floyd Mayweather or Gervonta Davis in boxing matches. He believes that boxing is a standout skill for him and that he has the power to succeed in the sport.

The Joy of Winning the Belt

O’Malley talked about the joy he felt when he won the belt. He mentioned that it was the highlight of his life and that seeing the expressions of his close circle, including his girlfriend and family, made it even more special. O’Malley finds it rewarding to inspire people, both those who need help getting started and those who are already successful. He mentioned the reaction videos he has seen from random fans on YouTube and how their excitement and support bring him joy. O’Malley also mentioned that winning the belt and getting an emphatic knockout like he did against Aljamain Sterling was the icing on the cake. He believes that winning by knockout is incomparable to a close decision and it solidifies his skills as a striker.

Addressing the Haters

O’Malley reflected on the haters and how their negativity has changed over the years. He mentioned that he used to have more haters in the past, but now he doesn’t feel like he has too many. He acknowledged that there were people who doubted him and thought he was just trying to copy Conor McGregor, but he proved them wrong with his performances in the Octagon. O’Malley mentioned that he doesn’t hold any resentment towards those who doubted him and that their skepticism fuels him to be better.

Confidence and Belief

O’Malley discussed the importance of confidence and belief in oneself. He mentioned that he has always been confident in his abilities and even declared on the contender series that he would be a superstar. He acknowledged that confident people often receive hate because others lack confidence themselves. O’Malley believes that his confidence and belief in himself have played a significant role in his success.

Rematch with Chito Vera

O’Malley expressed his excitement about his upcoming rematch with Chito Vera. He acknowledged that Chito is tough, skilled, and durable, but he believes that he will piece him up and finish him. O’Malley mentioned that if it wasn’t for the lucky kick that landed in their first fight, this rematch wouldn’t be happening. He is grateful for how his career has played out and is looking forward to the massive rematch with Chito.

Future in the Sport

O’Malley is aware that he has a long career ahead of him at just 28 years old. He mentioned that he is proud of his achievements and is excited about what the future holds. He reflected on how winning the belt at this stage of his career is just the beginning and that he has a lot more to accomplish. O’Malley mentioned that he wants to have massive fights and be a superstar in the sport. He acknowledged that there will always be new, young fighters who come in with confidence and big dreams, but he believes that if you firmly believe in yourself and do the work, there’s nothing wrong with aiming high.

In conclusion, Sugar Sean O’Malley is excited about his future in the bantamweight division. He has no interest in fighting Henry Cejudo and wants to face other top contenders. O’Malley is open to venturing into boxing and potentially fighting Floyd Mayweather or Gervonta Davis. He finds joy in inspiring others and winning the belt was a highlight of his life. O’Malley addresses the haters and uses their negativity as motivation to succeed. He is confident in his abilities and looks forward to his rematch with Chito Vera. With a long career ahead of him, O’Malley is ready to take on the challenges and continue making a name for himself in the sport.

I’m having a bit of a hair day
you’re always having a hard day you’re
looking good man you’re looking good oh
yeah this is a champion
nowadays that that’s what I was gonna
say the champ can do whatever he wants
and it looks cool man congratulations
Sean congratulations I mean what else to
say just just spectacular I appreciate
it thank you bizbing yeah it’s been uh
it’s been a hell of a few weeks
oh I bet it has what is the celebrations
been like I mean
the UFC I do touring around yet
um a little bit right after the fight we
didn’t party we gave it uh just because
the fight got over so late in Boston
um and there was really nothing to do so
we didn’t do anything that night didn’t
do anything that week and then we had a
proper celebration with the boys that
weekend in Scottsdale
um and then uh I was just in Vegas
Thursday Friday Saturday accidentally
went out every night and uh had a hell
of a time as you do and rightly so but
this is where his life’s going to get
interested for you now I mean you’ve
always been massively popular and we’ll
get to what’s next and all the rest of
it but you know I mean we just had
Brendan Allen on the podcast a minute
ago and he was talking about you know
self-affirmation self-confidence working
with sports psychologists and all the
rest of it you’re a guy that’s always
shown that mental strength right from
day one right you’ve always believed in
yourself but of course behind the scenes
working your ass off you know but you
you’ve it’s a it’s it’s kind of a
cliched turn these days manifested this
reality would you agree with that or
yeah what do you think yeah I definitely
I I think manifest yeah it is kind of a
Cheesy word or whatever but it is
literally like how my life I mean what’s
played out so far is literally what I
seen as a 16 17 year old kid
wanting to
you know be great want to do big things
and that’s just you know I’ve seen it
all in my head play out before it all
happened so now that it’s all here you
know it feels amazing but it’s just like
I I feel like I truly knew this was all
going to happen I had it at such a deep
belief that it was all going to happen
and I do think that played a huge role
you know in it happening obviously
having that that deep belief without
working hard doesn’t really equal that
so you know I’ve obviously put in the
work and uh but yeah I think there’s a
huge part that manifesting plays in in
all of it
and and when you were saying when you
were younger you wanted to always wanted
to be someone you know be someone famous
or whatever was it always in the fight
game or was there something else you
were thinking about
no the first dream I had was being in
the NFL that was like the first dream I
had in the first goal you know in fifth
sixth seventh grade eighth grade and
then you know he got into high school
and you realized all right I’m still
pretty small that ain’t realistic
I was waiting for my waiting to hit six
six never quite happening to those
growth Spirits yeah it never happened
which worked out good because I’d rather
fight these little 35ers and be a big
bastard and fight those big guys so
um yeah my first Dream First goals would
be in the NFL realized that was gonna
happen I was like man I didn’t and at
this time I was I didn’t I’ve never even
heard of fighting like I never watched
kickboxing never watched him I watched
UFC went and tried kickboxing I was 16 I
was like
this could be it I was naturally just
athletic and pretty much had a very
similar style as I do now I just you
know I’m mastering it and getting better
at the style that I had when I was 16 a
young buck and just getting more tools
and and tightening up everything that I
had then
well and as we know or as they say and
the rest is history because the sugar
Shawn era is here I mean right listen
I’ll domain Sterling that was a tough
fight on paper I mean it wasn’t for you
on the night you breezed it you made it
look easy and what a spectacular
knockout but when you look at algeme
you know the resume before last Saturday
or whenever it was two weeks ago the
greatest bantamount we’ve seen right
going on a crazy run stopping people uh
the competition that he’s beaten on
paper it looked like a really really
tough fight but you walked in there cool
as a cucumber and you made him and I
said I like algerman so I’m going to
choose my words carefully you made him
look kind of average and then that that
knockout shot that right hand that you
landed I mean just talk me through that
moment how it felt and yeah just just
yeah just just tell everyone how that
yeah going into all my fights I know I’m
capable of making whoever I fight look
bad whether they’re really good or not
I’m capable of making people look bad
and I think that comes from
my speed I’ve always I always attribute
my speed to my success I’ve
algeman Sterling was not expecting me to
be as fast as I was he literally and it
drives me crazy when people are like why
did he wrestle why did he try to wrestle
I’m standing about 42 feet away from you
and still being able to hit you and
these guys can’t can’t get in on me it’s
not as easy as just trying to grab my
um you know so people that were like why
do you try to wrestle more
he couldn’t that was a 100 percent of
his goal it was no secret with what our
game plans were I executed mine better
um and even when he did get me up
against the fence
I out wrestle them in a sense he was you
know he couldn’t take me down and I’ll
teach Henry whatever he wants to know
because he took Henry down four times
um there’s just levels to wrestling and
I’m above Henry statistically speaking
against algeman
you’re the gold medalist now
yeah I mean you got to go Bell but now
feel as well yeah he just it just that
little dude gets so fired up just the
fact that aljo couldn’t take me down I
know Henry watches it just gets so mad
but yeah the moment itself felt felt
like a movie a lot like a lot of the
ways my careers have played out like
even knocking out Alfred Snoop Dogg
going crazy that felt like a movie
um you know coming back after two year
layoff beating Jose Quinones that was a
powerful moment
um but yeah this one obviously with Dana
wrapping the belt around around my waist
and knocking out
algeman like it was I knocked out the
best dude in the division the best dude
that’s ever fought in that weight class
I put him to sleep in two rounds and uh
so there’s a I was very very confident
before this fight and my skills and my
but now it’s just like I need to be
humbled it’s getting out of hand Michael
Bisping no I’m just kidding
it’s never gonna change and don’t change
a goddamn thing I always say what a
great guy you are you’re very very
confident but rather goddamn self do you
know what was so impressive Sean because
yeah Al Jermaine we know about the
wrestling threat and he did out wrestle
sahudo and that’s why I thought you know
stylistically on paper this is going to
be really tough for you because and I’m
I speak about this all the time on
commentary but when you know someone’s
just trying to wrestle it causes one
your yourself to clam up and not let go
because as soon as I throw they’re gonna
shoot underneath me you know and that
that always riddled me with anxiety you
know what I mean but you didn’t feel
that at all
no I I knew and I remember I think it
was with John annik when you have the
fighter meetings before the fight not
interviews not on camera he said like
like what’s your game plan kind of going
into this fight what’s your plan I said
the first round will probably be boring
I’m going to frustrate him and he will
make a mistake first and that’s pretty
much what happened even though I did
make a mistake when I fell on my butt I
threw a teep just came off my came off
my foot a little I’m so fast that that
happens you know when a car spins out at
first that’s kind of what I threw a kick
fell he got me into up against the fence
I hit a beautiful you know little escape
and then uh he lunged and made the made
the mistake first and
but yeah I I knew going into the the
fight like if there’s a possibility it
could be I’m not gonna just go in there
and recklessly engage and try to knock
him out I’m gonna wait for my shot I’m
gonna pick my shot I’m gonna make that
that shot count and uh you know I didn’t
hit him too much but I hit him
enough to to change the fight well that
right hand I mean that was pretty
powerful if you ask me I mean it face
planted him right pretty much
face planted them this documentary crew
has been following me around even before
the fight it’s going to be a [ __ ]
crazy documentary I think it’s more so
with like Dana and Hunter and business
side of things but they’re following
around a few Fighters and I was one of
the fighters before the fight
um you know during fight week and then
after the fight a little bit but you
know that they showed me a slow-mo
upfront footage of me hammer fisting him
when he was on the ground and like you
could see him like go out and like come
um so I I don’t think anyone will ever
argue the stoppage again once this
footage comes out I know he’s saying he
was fine and stuff but he wasn’t saying
it that night you know he wasn’t really
arguing about it right after the fight I
think once a couple weeks go by it’s
easier to say like well I would but I
mean in reality it’s like what was you
gonna you know I mean it wasn’t gonna
stop punching him and let him up and let
him recover
um so I think once that footage comes
out which will probably be until next
year no one will really argue that
but yeah the the whole documentary’s
gonna be crazy because they were
following me before the fight all fight
week it’s gonna be a really cool uh
footage yeah listen he he never
contested the stop page and I don’t
think that’s a narrative that’s really
gaining any traction I mean you dropped
in fair and square you followed up with
about 15 vicious punches you know yeah
kudos to him for being a tough son of a
[ __ ] you know I mean he was still awake
he wasn’t unconscious but you know
listen he was getting the [ __ ] kicked
out of him let’s be honest
um you’ve always seemed to do
financially very very well have a look
at your bank balance but judging by the
fleet of cars that you own and the
lifestyle that you live now you’re the
champion of the goddamn world and you’re
a massive drawer Sean are you I gotta
say oh I gotta suspect you’re pretty
excited about the future
yeah I mean you’re not wrong about that
I I feel like and that’s what’s made
this transition from not being champ to
feel like nothing different really
because I was making a lot of money even
in the UFC but outside of the UFC before
being champ I’m pretty sure I had a
Lamborghini before I was even top 15 you
know that’s not her you know not a lot
of people could say that so uh yeah I I
still can’t say it how the [ __ ] are you
driving a Lamborghini bro I could buy
one if I wanted to of course of course
um but yeah no it’s it’s been good the
money you know everything pay-per-view
points next fight is is very exciting
and that has a lot of reason why I want
to fight Cheeto too it’s like you look
at you know if it’s just like all right
who’s the next guy in line by ranking
yeah it’s murab I’m the champ I want
let’s see what happens
um I had a meeting with Dana recently
and he said he’s going to announce
something very big in a few weeks and
I’ll leave it at that but I know what I
want and uh you know I want the biggest
fights and I want to make a lot of money
I want to do big pay-per-views and uh
so that’s that and that that kind of
carries on to what I want next
so you think cheetah is the biggest
fight I mean and obviously algerman’s
out there he said it needs to be me if
it’s not me then it’s going to be murab
I understand for you obviously cheetah
is the only guy and I know your contest
a lot and you said that you’re
undefeated but she does the only guy
he’s got the best storyline for a fight
but we’ll get to that in a minute I saw
this video today and I was laughing my
ass off cue the tape brother cue the
tape yeah
and you’re commentated did you really
not know that this was mirab
no I I knew it was marab I guess I just
didn’t I just assumed maybe when I was
making the video I don’t know why I
didn’t say that was marab in the video I
just I just I was like what the [ __ ]
this dude I do in rap but I’m like it
was just so funny he handed this guy’s
phone it wasn’t even someone he’s with I
feel like he’s asked someone hey will
you hold this and then he [ __ ] took
off his shirt and started Shadow Boxing
out in the rain I’m like this guy’s a
[ __ ] dork I like mirabdo I think he’s
a he’s a funny little dude he is a funny
little dude have you seen that video as
um by the way I’m not trying to [ __ ]
hate him around because he is a very
likable guy uh I think he’s like jumps
into like some snow or some ice and he
Dives in head first and the [ __ ] ice
is frozen or something and cuts all his
face yeah that it just shows his level
of intelligence um but again I like her
app I just you don’t jump into ice
thinking it’s water but some hey if
you’ve never seen ice before maybe you
don’t know the difference between solid
water and regular water I don’t know oh
God here it is well done Brian
holy his head’s also he’s [ __ ] cut
open and stuff oh yeah that video was
funny yeah it makes it more funny that
he didn’t know
yes no it does it does but he’s a tough
little bastard but he came
so what do you think I mean obviously uh
in your mind so Cheeto that’s the one
you want that’s that’s the fight you’re
going after
yeah let’s make uh let’s make sure
everyone knows like I’m not going out to
Cheeto because he’s the biggest name
because he doesn’t carry much of a draw
and no offense like he’s he might be a
bigger name than like marab or Corey but
Corey probably if you want to look at
someone how to not
emulate your career or sell a fight or
anything like follow Corey he’ll do a
great job at that but as a Cheeto fight
only the only reason the cheetah fight’s
such a big deal is just because of that
fight um so that that’s that’s why that
fight’s big and uh you know Chael did a
poll yesterday it was 50 000 people and
and you know 52 or whatever it was you
know on a Cheeto it’s like we gotta have
the people what they want
yeah no I saw that and did so who don’t
come in dead last
he did it’s so pathetic like the dude’s
coming off a loss over a guy I just
knocked out
it’s just and then he asking his friends
hey what should I tweet that’ll try to
be funny it’s just it’s not looking good
for him if I had any advice for him I’d
say hey just get off social media you
might have more followers
I think when every time he tweets he
gets less followers it’s like a stat I
is that a guy that you’re interested in
fire you know or do you think he’s had
his time and just you forget about him
and move on the division now is on fire
it’s the biggest Spotlight it’s ever had
obviously it’s got the the biggest star
and I’m not just saying that’s kiss your
ass because you are a big big deal Sean
and you’re going to bring a lot of
Spotlight to the bantamweight division
it’s like sohudo in your mind is he
yesterday’s news
he’s like three weeks ago news he’s just
I mean I have three weeks to be generous
he’s just yeah he’s just so he’s older
now he’s shorter he’s just it’s not
there’s not much interest in that fight
I mean you saw the poll he was dead last
like people want to see me fight barab
more than
um Henry it’s just it’s that’s
embarrassing so for Cheeto to
keep bagging for that fight I mean he
just looks dumb if he does want it you
know you go go out there maybe go out
there and beat RAB
um and that could be an option but yeah
I’ve got a I’ve got a couple of fights
planned out you know you don’t want to
plant too far ahead but also you want to
have a little path and some goals so I
got some goals
um and uh and Henry’s not really on that
unless he goes and does something makes
a name for himself
out there saying this and I I defended
the belt more times than anybody I
deserve a rematch
what are we saying Cheeto probably in
December at the T-Mobile Arena I mean I
don’t know if Conor McGregor is going to
be on that card but if he’s not they
need someone with your kind of star
power so I would assume that would be a
time where they’re going to highlight
say Cheeto out of there if that happens
then would you give aljo another shot
I ideally I go out there and I have to
knock out uh Cheeto I can’t go in a
decision I can’t submit him I can’t make
it I gotta go out there and knock out
Cheeto and then I’m gonna call out
jervante and I I know that fight sounds
silly to a lot of people but
I go out there and knock out Cheeto I
I double and stardom I am a massive star
but then again it’s like javonte’s still
not quite there so maybe he needs to go
I think he’s in jail though so I don’t
think anyone has told him that I want to
fight him yet
um but if they do you know if he gets a
fight maybe wins a fight and becomes a
bigger star that’s a fight I definitely
want to uh partake in
well that’s going down the Conor
McGregor route obviously he did that
with Mayweather made a [ __ ] ton of money
Davis is a big he’s a big name in boxing
as well do you think that is something
that is a reality I mean I’d love to see
it I think you do very very well the
boxings always stand out clearly you’ve
got power you’ve always shown that but
the way you knocked out aljo I mean only
only Echoes that sentiment but is that
have you have you even broached that
conversation with Dana or anybody
yeah I mean and Floyd’s not I and I I
hate to even bring that name but Floyd
is an option too it’s not just gervante
Floyd willing to go out there and fight
you know maybe exhibition the machi’s
Galore yeah I want to know I mean people
always talk like oh you’re trying to
copy Conor I had a I had a pro boxing
fight before Connor even fought Floyd I
[ __ ] love boxing I’ve that’s what I
started doing was boxing
um obviously I haven’t just focused on
boxing so I’m not as good as I would
have been if I’ve only boxed my whole
but I’m very capable of uh boxing it’s
my favorite you know if I yeah boxing’s
up there but
um what was the question sorry [ __ ] up
let’s just let’s just keep it on the
good stuff man I mean how good does it
feel right for all those people that are
close to you because for me when I won
the belt obviously it’s a personal thing
you know what I mean it’s great you’ve
achieved this incredible Milestone that
you forever can be proud of and you know
having the belt is someday it’ll never
go away but for those people that were
around me my wife my children my close
close teammates that close in a circle
that always supported me it was almost
for me just as much for for them do you
know what I mean because they’d support
me they knew I could do it you know I
mean I’m assuming it’s a similar kind of
thing for you just talk to me about that
kind of things please Sean yeah 100 I
mean even like
yeah brands in my streaming conditioning
coach after was like that literally was
probably the highlight of my life I
can’t tell me that Tim you know tearing
up a bit in the cage and and then Danny
my girl and my family and the Octagon
after just seeing their their
expressions like that yeah that makes it
that’s 100 the best part of it all
um that and then inspiring people
inspiring people that are you know need
help just to get going but also
inspiring people that are already
successful people that have already done
massive things they’ve already done big
things and inspiring them to to be like
damn I can be you know bigger I can be
better there’s more to do so I think
yeah seeing the the joy I brought to
other people the reaction videos I see
on YouTube from random fans at the bar
at their house it’s that those are more
fun for me to watch in the actual fight
seeing people just lose their mind when
I won and then yeah everyone that
supported me in my close Inner Circle
watching them
and just be like
amazed that something I did is really
really cool
oh dude yeah well it’s not really cool
it is inspirational it’ll go down in the
history box and how good did it feel
that listen winning the belt whichever
way you can win the belt is great but to
go out and get an emphatic knockout like
that come on the icing on the cake
yeah it wouldn’t I mean
imagine a close decision that could have
gone either way yeah not even comparable
to win that fight Man by knockout is
being uh knocking out a lot of people on
the way up and a lot of the guys I
knocked out weren’t you could consider
like ah they’re past their prime or
they’re not that good that’s just kind
of the narrative I mean I look at Thomas
Almeida as a really really good Striker
uh Eddie weinland was more tough than
um hollyo paiva is really good
um so knocking out those guys that are
decent but not the best
people could always say oh he’s good at
striking but he’s knocking out people
that are good to go out there and knock
out aljo
that narrative is just like not there
anymore it’s like okay you know and The
Narrative of me never fighting it when
tough was there for a long time just
look at my last two fights like I
thought Peter yawn and Alderman Sterling
and I dropped them both I technically
dropped Peter in the second round didn’t
get him out of there I dropped Peter in
the second round dropped and finished
aljo in the second round
um so so my resume is going to be
starting to build right now when I said
the sugar air started
it’s going to be a it’s going to be a
fun next few years yeah we’ll let you go
in just a second but to your point
you’re absolutely right and if
I think you navigated the waters
perfectly if I’m honest you know because
yeah of course okay you can jump in
there with a top Contender straight away
but take your time you know you still
how old are you now Sean
28. you’re still only 28 years old so
what was it five years ago six years ago
when you’re on the contender 22
2017. Yeah six years ago yeah so you
were 22 exactly so why the [ __ ] are you
gonna fight top guys learn learn your
craft learn about your mind learn about
the sport learn about how to train how
to recover and as you go gradually
gradually graduate and then you’re
absolutely right last time out Peoria
and one of the toughest men in the
division a tremendous Champion you beat
Environ Squad then you knock this guy
out no one can say anything now you know
do you still have have you had people
come I don’t know maybe new DMS and say
you know what Sean I was wrong my bad or
or you don’t really experience many
um no it’s funny I’ll read like comments
on I gotta watch your videos chills like
I’ll watch videos when they when my
name’s in the thumbs I I thought aljo
the rest of it too much yeah no no I did
I get it I did because
yeah and I no I didn’t just out
wrestling made him look bad
I respect you on a lot I like Sean a lot
I think you’re awesome and I’ve got so
much respect but I was like
stylistically wrestlers are
[ __ ] sorry go on no yeah you’re
100 right I definitely didn’t hold any
there was people that said oh I was just
gonna kill him like there’s not even
close and then there was people like God
I like Sean I just you know I think alge
was gonna be too much and you can tell
when someone really wants me to lose or
when they’re like I kind of want them to
win but I don’t think he’s gonna and I
don’t necessarily care either way like
if people think I’m gonna lose he
doesn’t really I don’t hate them or
anything I I get it
um but yeah I’ll read like comments on
people’s YouTube videos and they’re like
holy [ __ ] out you know I’m trying to
hate Sean but I just can’t I’m trying to
not like him but I can’t he’s just you
know he’s as good as he said as he is
you know and I think a lot of the haters
turn turned uh fans on Saturday but I I
don’t feel like I have too much haters
to be honest which is a change from
three four years ago because I’d say I
want to be his biggest Conor I want to
have massive fights and people are like
you shut the [ __ ] up like you’re stupid
you’re annoying that’s not gonna happen
and now you know I was confident enough
back then to say that on the contender
series I said I’m gonna be a [ __ ]
Superstar I’m going to be the man and I
got a lot of [ __ ] for that but a lot of
people they love the hate on confident
people because they’re just not
confident and I get it like I said I
don’t hold any resentment against people
that don’t want to see me win it’s just
it fuels me to go out there and just be
yeah yeah well well see
I gotta choose my words carefully but
like when I’m commentating when we do
the fighting meetings we’ll see new
people walking and they’re they’re young
dumb they’re full of come they’re like
yeah I’m here to be the Conor McGregor
I’m going to knock everyone [ __ ] out
and no one can touch me and then sadly
you know they get starched on on Friday
and all the rest of it but there’s
nothing wrong if you firmly believe it
and you do the work you know there’s
nothing it takes it’s one thing to be
young dumb ignorant full of [ __ ] and say
that but when you firmly believe that
you know you are that good it takes a
lot of confidence to actually say that
you know it’s a fair play to your man
you made it happen I mean we’ll leave it
there uh this when you fight Shiro Vera
if you’re fighting cheetah Vera how’s
that from one end what happens
Cheetos is very tough he is very skilled
he’s very durable
I piece them up I I finished him uh you
go back and watch that first fight
he wasn’t touching me I was piecing him
up and uh you know he landed the kick he
landed the lucky kick and it went the
way it went but
if that kick never got landed this fight
would be it wouldn’t be happening
Miiverse Cheeto if I went out there
finished and beat him boring fight
whatever happened other than what
happened Miiverse Cheeto 2 obviously
isn’t as big of a fight so
and the fact that it happened it was
almost a you know it was good I’m I’m
glad that happened it made my career
play out the way it did and I’m sitting
here at the champ right now with a
massive massive rematch
while getting pay-per-view points so for
the fact that that played out the way it
did I’m pumped and uh Miiverse Cheeto 2
will be huge if that’s what’s next if
not you know that fight will happen
eventually well Sean listen you’re in
for one hell of a ride man you’re 28
years old you’re the champion of the
world when I won the bell I was right at
the asset of my career with one [ __ ]
eye do you know what I mean I knew like
this was just a drop in the ocean but
brother you’ve got a long long career
ahead of you and you’re gonna have an
incredible time so enjoy every moment of
it I’m proud of you congratulations one
more time and thanks for your time today
yeah thank you bro peace talk soon yeah
indeed there he is he’s gone that’s it

 Israel Adesanya On Sean Strickland

Israel Adesanya On Sean Strickland: "I Think He's Gonna Wrestle, And I Got Something For His Ass"

Summary: Israel Adesanya On Sean Strickland: "I Think He's Gonna Wrestle, And I Got Something For His Ass"

Israel Adesanya, the reigning UFC Middleweight Champion, recently spoke about his mindset and the challenges he faces as a professional athlete. In a candid interview, Adesanya discussed his personal growth, the culture of tall poppy syndrome in New Zealand, his focus on fighting the best, and the business side of mixed martial arts. He also shared his thoughts on his upcoming fight with Sean Strickland and his plans for the future.

Personal Growth and Overcoming Challenges

Adesanya reflected on his personal growth and the importance of self-reflection. He acknowledged that he is not perfect and has had to confront his own flaws and emotions. Adesanya emphasized the need to identify and address these issues in order to move forward in life. He also acknowledged the dichotomy of being a human, with both positive and negative aspects. Adesanya expressed frustration with people who project their own insecurities onto him and expect him to react in the same way they would. He emphasized the importance of self-awareness and not allowing others to define who he is.

Culture of Tall Poppy Syndrome in New Zealand

Adesanya addressed the culture of tall poppy syndrome in New Zealand, which refers to the tendency to criticize and bring down successful individuals. He spoke about his speech at the Halberg Awards in 2020, where he called for support and celebration of New Zealand athletes. Adesanya expressed his belief that this attitude has not changed significantly since his speech, but he does receive a lot of support from the people on the streets of New Zealand. He emphasized the importance of supporting and uplifting others, rather than feeling threatened by their success.

Focus on Fighting the Best and Securing His Legacy

Adesanya discussed his focus on fighting the best and securing his legacy as a martial artist. He expressed his desire to be known as someone who fought anyone and everyone, and to be remembered as a champion who always sought out the toughest challenges. Adesanya acknowledged that the business side of mixed martial arts is growing, but he believes that the purity of the martial arts is not lost as long as fighters like him and his teammate Alex Volkanovski continue to prioritize respect and honor in their training and fights.

Upcoming Fight with Sean Strickland and Future Plans

Adesanya talked about his upcoming fight with Sean Strickland and the comparisons he draws between this fight and his previous fight with Paulo Costa. He mentioned the familiar energy and the theatrics that some fighters engage in before a fight. Adesanya expressed his confidence in his ability to finish Strickland, whether it be through a knockout or a submission. He also mentioned his plans to get his nails done, jokingly stating that he wants them to look pretty so they don’t cut Strickland’s face.

In conclusion, Israel Adesanya’s interview provides insight into his mindset as a professional athlete. He emphasizes personal growth, addresses the culture of tall poppy syndrome in New Zealand, and discusses his focus on fighting the best and securing his legacy. Adesanya also shares his thoughts on his upcoming fight with Sean Strickland and his plans for the future. Overall, Adesanya’s interview showcases his determination, self-awareness, and commitment to the martial arts. He is a champion who not only excels in the octagon but also strives to be a positive role model and advocate for support and respect within the sport.

well Israel welcome back um back to Sydney back to Australia
um and this time you didn’t come alone you actually it sounds like you brought Sean Strickland with you to Sydney because it sounds like without you this
fight would not be happening here is that correct you are 100 correct I got him his first passport I
um got him his first flight out of his country um I got him his big money fight so
I he should be really grateful after this he should be really grateful um for the opportunity I’ve been this
assistance here is she really because he’s talking all this [ __ ] and it’s whatever but like he should really be grateful because I’m changing his
life for the better he uh he was just in here talking to us um oh fill me in ah you can sort of
imagine it I did say thank you but uh oh you did yeah he said thanks oh that’s cool oh look at that you teach him nice
you teach him nice things I can’t guarantee he’s being sincere but he did say it I’ll take it um he’s obviously not really cutting a
very serious figure you know he’s not coming in here like I’m ready to get the job done he’s coming here he’s cracking jokes do you think that’s sort of an
example of how he’s really feeling about the fight or is that just how he’s trying to push the nerves off until the
end of the week I think that makes him really dangerous I think that’s uh
that’s that that’s what makes him dangerous he doesn’t care he he knows
I’m gonna beat him so he doesn’t care and he’s gonna try and do his best to beat me by any means
necessary um I’ve been there before even my last fight I knew I could beat this guy I was like
I can [ __ ] beat this guy I almost beat him every [ __ ] time and I beat him the first time but I know I could beat this guy and then you know he ended
up beating me but I was just like okay everyone’s counting me out I’m I’m the underdog so I was like right bet I’m
gonna use this and I don’t care I’m gonna give everything to this fight and that makes you a dangerous man a man
with nothing to lose and everything to gain is a dangerous man he uh he admits that before the prayer
fight he should have wrestled he should have gone in there and then he didn’t right he goes in there and he wants to prove a point he said the head of your
fight he’s I’ve been wrestling I’ve been wrestling but sometimes you go in there and it goes out of his head do you think he’ll have an ego about his own stand-up
that when this guy who’s supposedly Superior he’ll have to match you or will he shoot for the last I mean he did say
he’s a better Striker than me so I welcome him to try but um
I I think his team is too smart you know um you know he’s got he trains the extreme
control he’s got Eric um Ray seff on them on his team so he if
he listens to his coaches this is different this is not just a regular fight that his ego is going to take in place
he wants this I know he wants that he tries to push it away like you say just to like
I guess so I don’t know how do you do what do you call it like just like to relieve yourself of
the pressure if you will but um I think he’s gonna wrestle I think he’s gonna wrestle and I got something for his ass
because me and my buddy Craig Jones be hanging out a lot a lot so yeah we’ve been around the
world we’ve been training and um I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’m yet to you know
you choke him [ __ ] out so that’s that’s one thing that’s on my list and I hope he wrestles if not cool standing
bang do the man dance as you will he’s selling wolf tickets when he’s when he talks about that by the way it’s just I
don’t think he’s gonna man dance with me and if he does I’m a better dancer than him he talks like uh you know I want to
kill and and all this sort of hyper aggressive stuff but do you believe cap when you look at there you go when you
look at the other guys you thought is he this really tough guy that can get in there and have a war and see you through
to the end or is it just these are all words that just disappear when he steps in the cage he he looks good against guys who are
human punching bags roll back the tape UFC 253 I said the
same thing about Paul Acosta and this is not my ego talking this is just me speaking strictly facts I said Paula
looks good against guys who are human punching bags look at um [ __ ] desean’s last fight he fought the bus
and he was a [ __ ] human punching bag just stood there and got beat the [ __ ] up
and I told you guys Polo would not catch me I will catch him eventually and I told him I was knocking the [ __ ] out and
I did um again this is not my ego talking this is me speaking facts Sean fights guys and looks good against
them because they let him look good against them and they let him get in their head um but again I’ve I’ve done this how
many times this is deja vu this is deja vu to me like all the shits semi-fun but
what I really want to do is just fight I really want to fight and showcase and also watch my team showcase as well
before me and yeah all that’s cap you have one chance to make a first impression and he already failed that
when I tapped him on the ass you all saw the receipts right I wasn’t trying to be a dick I was just saying hello then he
gets on stage and starts talking [ __ ] I’m gonna come down there and never fight you could get my number you know
I’m like three minutes ago you were and then after that backstage
he just beelines away from me and I was just like all right cap
and anytime he tries to act tough not in front of people it just it doesn’t have the same thing at all because you know
you know when danger is real fear is in the mind like okay where did I hear that from I can’t remember what court I hear
that from but like it’s all it’s it’s in it’s in his his head he tries to act like a tough guy he’s a tough guy he’s a
good fighter he’s a good pressure fighter all that against human punching bags but there’s no danger with him last time I
saw him in Vegas I smacked him in a dick because I knew it wasn’t dangerous to me and then he tried to push me said don’t touch me bro I was like huh I just
jumped over my seat I just kept on watching my fights an awesome for me uh I think everyone sort of we spoke about
it you know oh the press conference is going to be great but the fight’s gonna be whatever so people are kind of assuming you’re walking in there and
going through this guy pretty easily does that add pressure to you or does that just make you think this is gonna be fun nah I don’t even think about it I
like to I don’t listen to those voices I hear people say the order this
and then put in my Polly on you bro [ __ ] your parlay I put my life on this [ __ ]
so yeah I don’t listen to those those voices I look at myself as the underdog
in this fight I don’t even know where my belt is at like I don’t like this is not even my belt I don’t give a [ __ ] I just want to
beat people up make lots of money people up in different styles Till I
Retire and then I’ll look back and be like [ __ ] I was a man well I’m the man but um yeah in the meantime Sean’s next
I focus on him and I don’t take him likely I don’t underestimate him but I
don’t overestimate him and he’s a dangerous guy but I have a habit of making dangerous guys look easy
I think Will Smith said that quote by the way oh is that movie with his son yeah that’s right yeah for Fears in the
mind Danger’s real yeah it’s just it’s he’s he’s a dangerous guy if you let him
be but I’m not stupid and I’m curious do you do you dislike
Sean at all because he’s bringing up like the Chinese flag questioning your manhood and everything he brings it up quite often Chinese thing I don’t give a
[ __ ] actually I’ve traveled around the world I’ve worked around the world fought
around the world I’ve acted around the world um I’ve never even addressed it because look if I if I gave a [ __ ] out of dress
it I’ll tell you why exactly that clip or what it was but I really don’t give a [ __ ] I’ve been working around the world
and making bags um only thing he said was One Clip someone sent to me and he’s questioning
my morals and like like saying something and I was like you’ve never even had a conversation with me and you’re
questioning so that one is one I’m I just I’m doing a Michael Jordan and I’m taking that one personally so I can use that against them but um everything else
I don’t care okay anime okay
all right okay [ __ ] like his insults are like he’s
that [ __ ] that’s that idiot in the back of the class just talks over you and talks aloud just to get his point across and
again last time he ambushed me because I wasn’t expecting that and I told him focus on your opponent because you’re
gonna get knocked the [ __ ] out and what happened he got knocked the [ __ ] out he also said that you envision a
spectacular finish in in this you want to kind of put the exclamation point on the city kickboxing lineup on this card
so when you say spectacular what is that is that a knockout is it your first submission in the UFC is it just is
there back and forth fight there’s a few options there’s oh like when you visualize these things there’s a few options if you
timelines this could just go but um yeah there’s a few of them but there’s three main ones that I really
I’m honing on but I can’t I can’t tell you guys just because they’re mine but I guarantee you I’ll finish this guy and
last one for me I know you’ve done a lot of Q and A’s about your documentary that just came out so what’s the reception then about for the movie it’s been dope
I think Sean should watch it he might learn something to be honest uh like I’ve even said when I did the Q a
um on Monday when people watch my doctor I said like look this the main thing that style been a documentary by the way
coming soon Australia New Zealand September 28th after that soon to streaming platforms
um a set of people I was like I don’t what I want people to get from that documentary is like I’m not saying be like me
I’m just saying be like you be authentically you and don’t give a [ __ ] what anyone else thinks whether like I’m
not saying look at me and you know dress the way I dress or paint your nails or fight
I’ll just saying look it man that guy Styles is just like unapologetically himself and it’s just
showing he’s just bearing his chest to the world showing his heart to the world it’s hard on the sleeve and doesn’t care
whether you like it or not he’s just happy so for me I’m really happy this so far
is the best year of my life yet because I’ve really just embraced me and not giving a [ __ ] what anyone else
says it always helps that I can kick ass because I’m just like what the [ __ ] are you gonna tell me [ __ ] like but yeah um
even without that I’m just saying like [ __ ] just be you bro so that what I want people to get from the documentary is just like
express yourself authentically and I will say this I respect that from Sean I respect the fact that he expresses
himself authentically and does not give a [ __ ] what anyone thinks I will I I respect that
he looks at me and yeah he gets away but again I don’t care that says more
about him than it does about me because I am expressing myself authentically and I’ll beat your ass Shawn I will beat
your ass uh Israel you posted uh some footage of Sean sparring and you seem
you know kind of disgusted by it I guess maybe for a lack of a better word what do you just make of like that etiquette
I call that gym Heroes when he spot Pereira do you spot like that didn’t look like it exactly because he knows
Pereira will [ __ ] knock him out um it’s called respect and um I have teammates and we can push but I don’t
try and hurt my teammates like he’s knocking people out in the gym accidentally I’ve probably knocked two
people out over the last how many years I’ve been fighting in the gym accidentally and you know
it’s not even knocked out like dropped them because it was light but like you know it’s just I don’t try and hurt
people I don’t know there’s many ways to skin a cat look whatever you works for you works for you but I just feel like
I’ve seen too many of those now where I’m just like whoa gym hero and then when he got his arm
think oh come on man oh come on man why’d you do that man when he got a taste of his own medicine oh come on man
come on don’t [ __ ] don’t touch me man like I do a real good impression of him I just realized [ __ ] hell but um yeah
he um I just don’t like gym Heroes man like like I said when he’s popular he
didn’t bring that energy because any Pereira would sleep the [ __ ] out of him um Dana White’s Contender series just
wrapped up a few minutes ago and Dana did a scrum after and he was asked about who could be next for this and he
basically said about drink history pluses you know I don’t like when guys turn down fights and was kind of like nonchalant about it
um neither do I yeah do you think he’ll be next I know Jared Cannon here is here in the backup position as well and
they’re being kind to people who do that solid for them so what do you think they’re gonna do I don’t know you have to ask Dana but um
yeah drinkers doesn’t know how to play the game look you can’t sit on your [ __ ]
is it ranking or whatever I think you got you got it locked in this is the UFC if you look back at the history of the
UFC [ __ ] happens you know um so he thought he was sitting pretty but he might have to fight two more
times before I get a shot at this but he doesn’t call the shots I do I need you to understand that I call the shots
you don’t call the shot [ __ ] you need to understand this you can sit pretty wherever you want
but if I decide to I might give it to whoever wins between Costa and kamza not you
but um Jared’s here back up I didn’t even know it was a backup till yesterday I saw him I was like what are you doing here
actually he told me it was the backup I was like oh [ __ ] shows how much I know I don’t
really follow Eminem news that much anymore but like yeah it’s you when I had the shock
Silva and gasoline I had other things planned you know I was hurt the gasoline
fight that’s why I didn’t finish that triangle because my ankle was [ __ ] so I had it locked on the ankle in the fifth round that triangle I had to lock
on the angle that was [ __ ] and I was like [ __ ] I can’t I can’t cinch it so I’m going to use the sweep him I used to sweep him and get him up but guess what
that camp I did that camp with a [ __ ] up Ankle uh there’s many times I could have pulled out but I’ve still never pulled
out of a fight even though my pullout game’s stronger I still have never pulled out of a fight ever and I stand
on that uh you are the cover athlete for the deluxe edition of the UFC game two times
now uh what does that kind of mean to you that’s awesome um I play the game it’s it’s better than the last one
um like the fluidity the buttons are changed a little bit I don’t give too much away but it’s uh it’s good it’s
it’s really good and there’s some some surprises some surprises you guys would really like in this game
um and yeah it’s cool I don’t know if anyone has done it twice has anyone done it twice Connor win
ah okay similar sweet so you’re like yeah um it’s cool to be on that same you know Echelon of a guy who’s done it
twice as well and yeah I it’s cool I look forward to playing the the proper
game not the uh beta or the preloaded version yeah and just last one for me um when we talked to you in Perth
you know earlier this year we asked you a little about Francis and ganu and kind of his upcoming prospects and you were
very you know confident that things were gonna pan out for him now he’s very close to having a fight with Tyson Fury
it’s around the corner uh what do you I just just how proud are you of you know your brother to pull all this off when I
got when I when I saw it on Instagram first thing I did was what’s happened I was like I’m gonna be there to witness history first thing I texted him was I’m
gonna be there to witness history I already booked my flight as soon it was mentioned that the fight was happening a text I was like we’re going
and a week later they already invited me the shakes in Saudi Arabia invited me to come through so I was like all right well I’m gonna be there so I told y’all
don’t believe the hype don’t listen to the the [ __ ] when people are trying to like you know oh we are withdrawn
from the bidding or whatever like because you guys only see what happens for you to see you don’t know what
happens behind the scenes behind the curtains and yeah I’m proud of him I’m proud of him he’s uh
he’s leading the charge put it that way and again rum wasn’t built in a day trust but he’s leading the charge and I
can’t wait to see him make history that’s gonna be that’s yeah and it’s a long shot from
people what they say this and that right around but this man feels nothing if you if you
listen to a story on what he’s been through like before the UFC he’s he’s he’s
fortified he’s up here he’s locked in he’s a guy that you can’t you can’t shake him you can’t break him look at
him just look at them man I’m [ __ ] proud of him man so yeah shout out to my big bro Francis and I can’t wait to
watch him make history again uh Israel just over here
congrats again on the movie Man uh you gave a lot of fascinating insights into your life and you spoke to Aaron
bronstad of TSN about like how sean reminds you of guys from your past right and I wonder like there’s probably times
in your life where people like that you weren’t able to do something about it in the moment right even though you wanted
to I wonder how like things how your mentality is now and how it changes versus the Younger You compared to now
when when you actually are able to do something about it do you still have that same desire yeah I mean I did it to
Costa I said the same thing I was like it reminds me of idiots I have to deal with growing up um but then now I’m capable and I’ve
said this I’m they’re not good or bad people people are just capable of great good or great
evil like people trying to act like they’re virtuous but they don’t really have elected stand on because they’re not dangerous I am now a dangerous man
and I can choose to be a dangerous man or I can choose to be soft-hearted and kind and I’m mostly in my life stuff
harder than kind until people start to [ __ ] with me then I’m like right I’m about to beat the [ __ ] out of you I’m about to bully you so I have to become
what I hate but I use my powers for good instead of evil and yeah I’m not saying
I’m [ __ ] a saint you guys already know I’ve told you guys since the jump I’m not your [ __ ] Saint I’m not your hero I’m not your Guru but
I’m just me and if you [ __ ] with it you [ __ ] with if you don’t you don’t guys like Sean yeah I’ve dealt with them all
my life but again there’s nothing new to me now I get the chance to beat the [ __ ] out of him that’s that’s the difference and
I’ll do it again Sunday afternoon has that helped you let go of some of those things from your childhood like the fact
that now you have the power to do something about that if you know what I mean yeah um it doesn’t I don’t hold on to those
things they they definitely shape you you know they definitely shape you like
growing up it’s all trauma you know it’s it’s all stuff that because some of the stuff I had to endure it’s all trauma
and even I’ve seen some stuff oh [ __ ] I found out yesterday count was a Neo-Nazi
or some [ __ ] yeah I had no idea I I didn’t look this shows you how much I look into it I had no [ __ ] idea
breaking news but like yeah well I’m not it’s not something I’m going to hop on about because
it’s stuff that he had to go through and the stuff that he hasn’t worked on that’s still in him things differences
I’ve done the work on myself to overcome those traumas and to learn how to use it to better myself if you will and
you know I’m a human being of course I’ve been insecure in certain times of my life so when you when you’ve done the work on yourself
over and over and over and over and over again when you see it in other people you’re like oh I know where that’s coming from
so that’s why when I say Sean’s insecure I can see it because I see what he’s like in front of the cameras and I see
what it’s like backstage and when it’s just me and him and I’m just like okay I know where this is from and I
know how to deal with this so I’ll take him through a session a nice therapy session for free
just on therapy like some of the most fascinating points in your movie is like you with the uh the possibility manager
just talking things out and this without giving away like she presents you with certain options at any point where you
conflicted by like okay I could go in this direction for like maybe inner peace or growth as a person but that
would conflict with say this direction where you know me as the Entertainer me for my career you know what I mean it’s
still happens still to this day and that’s why I haven’t been to the Jungle to do the the plant medicines because I
don’t wanna I’m it’ll come to me when it comes it comes when it when it calls me and it
happens it happens but right now I’ve just kind of like been a little bit hesitant because I just don’t wanna
I’ve used the example of Zuko as a Firebender when he realized he’s friends with anger and he can’t fire him anymore
trying to know about this so like yeah he couldn’t find me anymore and he’s just like what happened to my powers and
it’s because he became friends with Hank so he had no anger to bend from so yeah
uh who knows man who knows um right now nah I like the chips and
the dips on my shoulder it served me well and I’m using it in a different in a different manner I don’t I’m not
jaded I’m not like I’ve seen videos of this kind of traffic like arguing with people and filming it talking about I’ll
get my gun out like I can’t remember the last time I had road rage I used to back in the day when I was working the nine
to five trying to get to work because I’m late in this [ __ ] time but now do you want to cut in front of me cut in
front of me you probably knew this win more than me your life sucks because sometimes it just it’d be like that but
um yeah yeah uh me now I just I’m literally I guess I’m happy that’s that’s the main
thing I’m happy life isn’t always [ __ ] rainbows and gold and unicorns and roses and [ __ ] I go through [ __ ] as
well but I deal with a different that’s the difference I deal with it a lot different and I bet you he goes through [ __ ] as well but he doesn’t deal with it
the way I do he just bottles it down hold it in
and lets it build up and who knows what he does with it it’s not my business I focus on me
just lost one for me oh sir uh you spoke about how like you don’t need the belt so to speak it doesn’t Define who you
are which is a healthy attitude to have there’s this big things in life I just wonder when did you reach that
realization and do you feel like you needed to get the belt first before you could sort of come to that realization I
had a feeling because of things that maybe Rashad has said in the past Rashad Evans uh and some other people but I was
like yeah let me see so when I got it I was awesome um defended it UFC 243 it’s cool
um and I think shortly after that I kind of like maybe
the Romero cost the file I just didn’t really I was like like you’d never see me parade around with this thing unless
at the after party and I’m drunk and I’m just I’m the man so it’s whatever but like
I don’t I don’t care it looks good that’s what it looks good brings notoriety more money all that but like
even after I lost the belt I told you they were still calling me champ in the streets they still call me champ
and people were still trying to get at me because [ __ ] the belt I’m Israel like this Sonia that name holds more weight
than the bill that name holds more weight than the bill so yeah I got the
belt back I really I’m sure it usually knows where it is it’s probably at his house under
his bed or something both of them but like yeah it’s it is what it is and
I don’t it’s a healthy attitude to have but don’t get me wrong God looks good on black skin and I love rocking that gold
so it’s gonna stay with me for a while thanks man um after the Pereira fight John out and
it called you the greatest middle way of all time where do you think you rank in that discussion I don’t I don’t think
about it I like I said I don’t think about these things I don’t chase these numbers they chase me I just stay
present I stay focused I Stay Stay Ready that’s why I fight so often but um yeah I just
make sure I get my job done that’s the main thing and then like I said I look back and I’m like holy [ __ ] like I’ve
come so far oh my oh I promised my 11th title fight I had no idea in five years
excuse me all these numbers people tell me about and they said I knocked out four of the
six top guys in the rankings or whatever I’m like did I I can’t even tell you who but um yeah
I don’t it just happens I just I just keep doing me and in saying that so if you’re not
chasing to be the greatest whole time and as you said being a champion isn’t as important to you now what are you
chasing I was chasing that I was chasing the greatest of all time this and I still think I’m one of the greatest of
all time I put Alexander volkanovski as the greatest of all time in my eyes because I see the work he does and he’s
my buddy and I love the way he fights he’s one of my favorite fighters in history but I’ve never looked at like
you know when have I ever given a [ __ ] about the rankings you guys if you know your history and you know how I talk I
don’t give a [ __ ] but I know I’m the best I know I’m the best and I’m not done yet I’m still going so I know when
it’s all said and done I’ll be the best and this is Art this is like the whole Michael Jordan versus LeBron argument I
saw my boy shots of kazim he put an Instagram video I saw up today where he’s like enough with the debate like
when have you ever changed someone’s mind when you have that debate about LeBron versus Michael never
you know why cause it’s art and art is subjective
I don’t need you to think the way I think you can think [ __ ]
uh Kobe’s the greatest of all time you can think Magic Johnson’s the great of all time
you know and even with a rapper Biggie or Tupac who’s your top five people it’s like this [ __ ] they just
I don’t know big in Tupac on my my top five rappers to be honest but that’s art because I didn’t grow up in that I did
grow up in the era but I wasn’t really tapped into them till after they they left and I love their music don’t get me
wrong but they’re not even in my top five because I got I grew up in this era and I have other guys who are my top
five and that’s art it’s subjective you can think whatever you want you don’t have to think like the way everyone else
wants you to think and say what everyone else wants you to say just say what you want no one even thinks about what why
they think they things they do I question myself all the time if I have a feeling of like maybe even
jealousy or Envy or I’m angry or I’m sad about something like where’s that coming from this is the work I’ve done if you
watch the movie star Bender 20th September and also streaming platforms shortly after you’ll see like I’ve done the work on myself and I’m like where
did I where did that where’s that come from where does that emotion come from and then when I identify the monster then I kill it and then I made a move on
my life and then sometimes in my rare’s ugly head again and I’m like oh it’s about to come out squash because I can
sense it’s coming so yeah I’m not perfect bro I’m [ __ ] I’m human I’m a piece of [ __ ] sometimes
but also I’m the Man sometimes a lot of the times and that’s just the dichotomy
of being a human animal and people can’t express that people especially online you dumb [ __ ] can’t even understand
because you just project your own [ __ ] onto me and you think I will react the same way you’d react example the loss
when I had it in New York people were like oh he’s going to be [ __ ] under a rock crying and cutting himself but I
was like I’m outside and they did not like that they were like [ __ ] we thought this would destroy
him but nah what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger Israel just to your left over here
um February of 2020 you spoke at the halberg awards um after winning Sportsman of the Year during that speech
you mentioned that New Zealand has the culture of tall poppy syndrome towards its athletes um you said and I quote understand this
if you see one of us shining whether it be the netball team the black caps the sailors pump them up embrace them
because if they win we win if I win you win do you believe since that speech
three and a half years ago that that attitude has changed or shifted at all towards uh yourself and other New
Zealand Sports athletes no I’m not going to change the world look I
I never I’m not going to be the guy to change the world but what I will do is influence my immediate circle or
those who come into my Orbit and try and like spark a mind or a few Minds that will do
the same like a network of change and within a few Generations that culture might change but it hasn’t changed I
don’t think so oh well I don’t like majorly hasn’t changed but like I get a lot of support from the
streets in NZ bro like when I go get my beetroot in the morning I get people like you’re the man bro like they’re two
at me you know shout out to the NZ Warriors they’re about to whoop Sydney again or is it Sydney this weekend
the Panthers yeah about the woman this weekend saws not saws they’re my boys but um yeah they show me a lot of love
they invite me to their games to the facility and we you know they train with Kai and John vacay for their wrestling
and their positioning when it comes to like being in the scrum I know sports but like yeah
um it’s it’s not changed heavily it’s but again Rome wasn’t built in the day it’s not going to change overnight I
think it’s just ingrained in the culture where it’s like people like I said people will see someone doing well and think that’s
taken away from me yeah I’ve never been that kind of person in my life I’ve never been a hater like
you can see someone shining and be like [ __ ] that’s dope I can’t wait till it’s my turn that’s me when I see someone
shining I’m like man that’s [ __ ] awesome I take inspiration from that and I use
it to feel myself add to my fuel so I can Empower myself and Propel myself to where I want to be but most people don’t
they see that and think like um like it takes away from them and they
start to like hate and bombastic side eye you don’t want that you want to be you want to be a supporter like trust me
you’ll feel better you will feel better in your heart if you show love it it’s it’s it’s just
it’s nice to be nice and I’m a dick sometimes trust me but again I reflect whatever you give back to me and just
one last one um considering all goes well Sunday again Sean um you’re quite an active Champion you’ve been one of the most
active champions in the UFC um the UFC 300 is coming up um first quarter of next year is that
sort of an event that that you would like your name a part of most likely I love to headline that
um but we’ll see um definitely because I’ve watched UFC 100 that was Brock Lesnar
versus Frank Mir UFC 200 that was uh uh hold up [ __ ] it’s coming to me no the
mark hunt was on that one he fought Brock Lesnar as well did he yeah Amanda Nunes Misha tight who was
the headline [ __ ] it was a mission yeah that’s where it was
that’s right [ __ ] I I there’s a big fight I was like is it John yeah I fought DC that’s right [ __ ] oh
man so either way I’ve been a fan of the sport for a long time and UFC 300
I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna touch that because I know I’m not gonna hit USC 400 so I’m definitely going to hit UFC 300
that’s one I’m gonna be a part of and Alex volcanovski is what I feel should be a part of even our co-head line for
Alex volkanovsky like that’s my dog yeah but um yeah if he doesn’t fight then
I’ll headline it and I’m sure these other people as well Connor will probably try and jump in there because he’s a superstar he’ll just you know get
whatever he wants but um yeah we’ll see we’ll see I know we’re just moments away
of hours away from the open workout standing on a rock bottom what’s the ultimate move that you like I don’t I
might just even do a q a and like let the fans talk [ __ ] and I’ll just talk [ __ ] I’m not I just worked out before I
came here I’m kind of still perspiring um but yeah I’m not I’m not an open
workout for me right now I’ve done that in ages and yeah well not we’ll see we’ll see what
the crowd sometimes the crowd will just change my mind I get there and I just feel the vibe and I’m like ah [ __ ] it let’s go but right now I’m not really in
the mood to do anything too flashy or too crazy so I might just get Andre to hold the pads and just do some basic
[ __ ] and I’d rather just like show love to the fans give a few giveaways um
a few competitions who knows yeah we’ll see we’ll see well by the time you get there a couple of
them might be in stretches because uh Sean Strickland’s opened up his open workout to fans to potentially bring
some gloves and now it might not happen but uh I don’t think they try to do it last time but there was some insurance
stuff who tried to do it last time Jorge Mazda that’s right and they were like this is because we’re gonna get sued
we’re gonna get sued bad well I mean hey that’s that’s his thing so if he wants to go ahead uh me I’m just man I’ve
already worked out today if I do something I do something if I don’t man Israel just over here you’ve spoken in
the past about emulating that Son Goku Spirit at this point in your career with so many title defenses and accolades is
your focus now on just fighting the best and securing your legacy as a martial artist who fought anyone and everyone
yes yes that’s pretty much it
one last question for me as the business side of mixed martial arts grows do you think that the purity of the martial
arts is getting lost at all not with guys like me know not with guys
like Alex volkanovski no um yeah this is a business of course we want to make some money
um better our lives for our family and Future Families but you know some people
go overboard cross the lines and do all that kind of stuff but um
huh no no it just depends how you want to play the game you know
um I’m a guy who’s a martial artist I I show respect when I go to the gym me and my coaches I I show them the
highest respect you know when I’m in there I still bow before I leave the gym when I enter the gym I still bow
um you know I don’t think it’s a loss with me and also I’m I’m a guy you watch me fight
it’s it’s [ __ ] it’s art it’s beautiful if if that’s what you like if not you can just say it’s boring it’s
dumb and stupid and you can watch whoever else you want to watch yeah but for me martial arts is what I’m here for
and making money lots and lots and lots of money yeah is he
um in previous fights over here sorry uh in previous fights you’ve noticed you’ve had a bit of a mantra or a motto leading
in that seems to motivate you like in the last fight it was do less saying oh say let’s do more did you have one for
this fight that can help you like be that little flame that kept you going
hmm and a second that if you don’t does that
mean you take the fight a little less seriously no not not at all not at all um I definitely I was gonna write
something in my mirror and I was just waiting for it to come to me but it never came so I was like it’s okay but I just knew like I’ve said that one plus
one is two I’m Gonna Knock Out Sean Strickland um so I just I know I’m gonna I’m gonna
finish him I really want to just just I want to feel I I don’t want to knock him out if that
makes sense but like it’s just one plus one is two I’m gonna knock him out I
mean I’d rather submit him to be honest I want to submit him but like what we’ve worked on and what he does
and his ego and his brain is just a peanut so one plus one is two water is
wet Sean Strickland’s getting slept speaking of submissions is that you mentioned on flagrant that that’s what
you had planned for Rob if you had a Trilogy um is that something you’re now more actively chasing in the cage to keep it
fresh for you or try not to chase things um well Rob that was like a that was a
stipulation with myself to myself so I could um get up for that fight because to fight
him a third time I was like okay well he’s gonna shoot so I’m gonna have to find a way to sprawl take us
back choke him out yeah that was the plan sorry Rob we just gave it away God
damn it easy over here to your left uh you in this in this interview here
you’ve mentioned it and your teammate Shane Young uh in here mentioned it earlier comparing this fight to Polo the polo
Costa fight what is it about this fight that draws that comparison is it the energy what is it the energy and it’s
just like I said Deja Vu I said that in one of my posts this week it just feels it’s like again
I would make him cry like a baby you know I it’s a shameful Champion it’s a
shameful champ he uh he um I’m Gonna Hurt punch him really bad he speaks
better English now but like all that energy before the fight and then I saw him at the hotel and I checked him I
tested him I was like oh you’re solid and then all that energy was gone I was like ah it’s all for cameras and shows because I
was right there it’s just your manager no security I didn’t even have my guys with me back then it was me and my
manager if he wanted to give that energy he could have done it right there so all these guys is fugazi there’s certain people you don’t [ __ ] with because you
know like it’s on site so it just feels familiar and I’ve like before that before that fight before my
UFC debut I felt this energy before where guys trying to like be boisterous and uh hold me back bro me back bro you
know that kind of vibe so yeah they don’t really want to fight they just want to act like they want to fight and
I know that energy so it’s familiar to me and I love to fight and yeah we’re
gonna fight last one um this week you uh you’ve talked about you want to get your nails done do you know what you’re gonna
do with your nails yeah drip tips that’s my favorite drip tips
um because it’d be disrespectful to knock them out with these ugly things so yeah I’ll do my toes as well in case I kick him in the face which I will so I
don’t know if I’m gonna paint them but I’m just going to get them like pretty because if they’re not pretty they’re Claws and they’ll cut his face so nah
I’ll make them pretty maybe put some sparkles on them yeah put some sparkles on them and again it’s this is the last
time I did my thing was on um interview and it’s the same ones I’ve just kind of like taken the gel off and stuff like
this is not this does not define me this is I do this like once maybe twice a year but idiots want to like that’s
him he’s pushing the agenda he’s this he’s that but I’m like you horn on one
thing because you’re an idiot you have no capacity to actually broaden your mind and see things for what they are
because you’re an idiot and that’s why you’re a [ __ ] sheep and that’s why you get told what to do when you listen to whatever the [ __ ] they tell you
because you’re a [ __ ] sheep that’s why and yeah I’m not the kind of person that um you can put in a box people have
tried well I live like there’s no box and that’s why you belong in the [ __ ] box you sheep
thank you very much easy any other questions yeah banina [Music]
sorry Vicky uh one more one more from penina um
language and he’s wondering if any of the um the Tongan guys that you train with or that
you roll with have have taught you any words or phrases way before that I already knew all the bad Tongan words
and I will not say them here but um I’ll just sell far to all my tokos mwah
spread love that’s what a real mob do
thank you

 Jorge Masvidal returns to fight Justin Gaethje?

BMF vs BMF? Jorge Masvidal returns to fight Justin Gaethje?

Summary: BMF vs BMF? Jorge Masvidal returns to fight Justin Gaethje?


In this episode of “Tell the Tape,” I, your host Henry Cejudo, also known as Triple C, will be breaking down the upcoming fight between Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland. Many people are questioning whether Strickland has a chance against a fighter as skilled as Adesanya. In this article, I will analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and make my prediction for the fight. But before we dive into the details, I want to thank our sponsor, Cookie C, for their support. If you’re looking for delicious treats made with all-natural ingredients, be sure to check out Cookie C at Now, let’s get into the analysis.

Israel Adesanya: The Last Style Bender

Let’s start by discussing the strengths of Israel Adesanya, also known as “The Last Style Bender.” Adesanya’s greatest asset is his championship experience. He has become accustomed to training for five-round fights and performing under the pressure of being the best in the world. This experience gives him a certain drive and confidence that not many fighters possess. Adesanya’s striking is also a major strength. He is known for his ability to fake and feint, baiting his opponents into making mistakes. He is particularly skilled at using his legs to set traps and break his opponent’s foundation. Adesanya’s kicks are his biggest weapon, and he knows how to use them effectively whether he is in a right-handed or southpaw stance.

However, Adesanya does have weaknesses that can be exploited. His wrestling is a notable weakness, as we saw in his fight against Pereira. While he has shown the ability to get back up from takedowns, his wrestling skills are not on par with his striking abilities. Additionally, Adesanya tends to get kicked a lot, especially in fights where his opponents target his front leg. His wide stance leaves him vulnerable to leg kicks, and this is an area where Strickland could potentially capitalize.

Another weakness of Adesanya is his inability to mix everything up. While he is a skilled striker, he lacks the ability to seamlessly transition between different fighting styles. He relies heavily on his striking and does not have the versatility to mix in level changes, takedowns, or different submissions. This makes him somewhat predictable and easier to game plan against.

Sean Strickland: The Dangerous Underdog

Now let’s turn our attention to Sean Strickland, who is often underestimated by many. Strickland’s attitude and experience are his greatest strengths. He approaches every fight with a fearless mindset and gives his best effort, regardless of the odds. His experience includes fights against top middleweights like Kamaru Usman and Alex Pereira, which has helped him develop a durable and resilient fighting style.

Strickland’s boxing ability is another strength. He is confident in his boxing skills and believes that boxing is life. He has shown the ability to close distance quickly and land effective punches. His defense is also better than Adesanya’s, as he has demonstrated the ability to stuff takedowns and work off the cage.

However, Strickland does have weaknesses that Adesanya can exploit. His stance is a major issue, as he often stands too upright and lacks proper knee bend. This makes him vulnerable to strikes and limits his ability to defend against different fighting styles. Strickland relies too heavily on his striking and lacks the versatility to adapt to different opponents. He is one-dimensional in his approach, which can be a disadvantage against a well-rounded fighter like Adesanya.

Prediction: Adesanya’s Victory

In analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both fighters, it is clear that Adesanya has the advantage. His championship experience, striking skills, and ability to set traps give him the upper hand in this matchup. While Strickland’s attitude and durability make him a dangerous underdog, his one-dimensional approach and lack of versatility will likely be his downfall.

I predict that Adesanya will not only win this fight but also stop Strickland. Adesanya’s ability to target Strickland’s legs and then capitalize with his hands will likely lead to a knockout victory. Strickland’s stance and reliance on his striking will leave him vulnerable to Adesanya’s attacks.


The upcoming fight between Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland is sure to be an entertaining matchup. While Strickland has his strengths, including his attitude and boxing skills, Adesanya’s championship experience and striking abilities give him the edge. Strickland’s weaknesses, such as his stance and one-dimensional approach, make him susceptible to Adesanya’s attacks. Ultimately, I believe Adesanya will come out on top and secure a stoppage victory. Stay tuned for the press conference and the fight itself, as it promises to be an exciting event.

rolling with the Triple C imma make him
bend the knee rolling with the Triple C
don’t really count the Heat
so BMF versus BMF
and guys there is a huge interview right
now with uh George masford though is
George masvidal really done
I mean I think I think he’s at the point
where it’s a lot man do you imagine
trying to get close fighting for the
title for a couple times like losing and
then start losing like quite a bit
and then being in the sport and from
fighting in the streets of Miami back
backyard fighting you know back with
Kimbo Slice and doing all the above like
do you guys think that
George Mazda doll just like he he he’s
you know there comes a point where
things could still you wanna you wanna
do new things in your life because I’ve
been in that position I wasn’t fighting
freaking out in the backyards or things
like that but wrestling at a very young
age from from 11 all the way to
all the way until I literally retired it
was a year-round sport
um even even the first time I retired
from the UFC or from mixed martial arts
man you just want to go off and enjoy
other competitions kind of like I’m
doing now so I even enjoyed sharing my
knowledge and content with you guys but
if you’re able to entice
somebody who is willing to wake up and
have a violent fight like George
masvidol said the quote unquote this is
what he said he says man I would love to
fight Daisy actually that’s a fight that
I would love man I don’t got nothing uh
against him you know just that he beat
my boy D but I would love to fight Daisy
because of his style you know in other
words he’s opening the door he’s saying
yeah I’m done
but I’m not uh you know I’m the real BMF
I mean do you guys imagine how much that
fight would actually sell
I do believe that the BMF does carry
leverage now because at UFC did the
right thing after Mazda doll now they’re
giving it to Gucci gichi is one violent
dude you know who wouldn’t want to see a
matchup with George massadaw and Justin
so this beef guys goes even before the
BMF was even
I probably even considered because I I
want to say I believe at that time there
are calling George masford the street
Street Jesus and I think uh our street
Judas I forget which one it was and I
think you know knowing gaichi is very uh
he’s very Catholic like he loves the the
principal’s office he believes in God
but he was uh
you know he never really liked that
remembering him kind of mentioned it he
was like oh he’s just kind of rolling
with the flows like nah I don’t like it
so he went out there and actually set it
public like you know what I’m saying I
like to slap I don’t know what the hell
it was but what I’m trying to say here
guys is there’s a story line here you
know the fact that he said he had won
mazodar to put the to put the belt on if
he ended up doing it I mean that says a
lot you know he ended up knocking out
you know Georgia Mass adults you know
training partner one of his main
training Partners knocking them out cold
but there’s a story line I do believe
that there’s a big fight to be made
but I just don’t know if Justin gate she
is willing to wait
uh for that because I don’t just engages
one objective goal is and that’s to
become the absolute best in the world
he’s going to wait on Islam and uh
Charles Oliver what you got for me
Matthew so is there a scenario where you
think that Justin gaichi would want to
take the Payday the money fight and
fight mosveda defend the BMF belt before
he fights for the Undisputed lightweight
title or he’s just gonna wait and see
what happens in his next fight is for
the belt at 155 pounds
okay so they’re saying that the more
likely the fight’s going to take place
at that lightweight in the beginning of
the year now or the middle of the year I
imagine I’m talking about the
lightweight fight like the winner of
and Charles Oliveira is there an another
opponent did that maybe the UFC’s
looking at I think most likely gaichi
would be next unless Oliveira would win
and then there could be a Trilogy
between him and Islam or even
volkanovsky could fight Islam again if
he wins before gaichi gets a title shot
that’s right did you guys hear that
if Charles Boulevard does win there’s a
there’s a Trilogy ladies and gentlemen
so then what what happens there then
that can open up for Gay Street I know
Gage doesn’t want to wait because you’re
looking at me be potentially a year
until you actually fight
and I don’t think I don’t think just I
think just is blown away but I don’t
think he wants to wait
so I think for that reason I mean it’s
it’s different man when you think you
have something planned as a fighter or
in the UFC and things don’t happen
and that you just know that things are
just off so I like it though I say you
book it I say you get it going I would
like to see a BMF Justin gaichi versus
Jorge masito last question who do you
have winning that fight Justin gaichi or
Jorge who do I think was that fight
man I wanna I like them both bro I
really do I like them both but I just
think the viciousness of what Justin
gaichi brings
was just Second To None like he really
is man the the way Justin gaichi was
able to do physiev that said a lot like
I thought physio was going to do a lot
better than what he actually did but
Justin gichi has those leg kicks he has
that power but he has that tenacity and
I think that would be very problematic
for a guy like George Master though so
right now guys you know I got I gotta
leave with uh we just engage you to to
all due respect to George Mass adult but
either way guys I want to see it




In this episode of WEIGHING IN, Josh Thomson and John McCarthy discuss a variety of topics, including Quinton “Rampage” Jackson’s decision to continue fighting, the ongoing feud between Dylan Danis and Logan Paul, and the recent comments made by the PFL CEO about the UFC. Let’s dive into the details.

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson’s Boxing Match

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, a former MMA fighter, has been pursuing a boxing match with Shannon Briggs. While some question the motivation behind this decision, it seems that Jackson is trying to boost his involvement in the UFL (Unified Fight League), a promotion that includes fighters like Frank Mir and Tito Ortiz. At 45 years old, Jackson’s age raises concerns about his ability to perform at his best. However, his fans are still supportive and hopeful for his success.

In his last fight against Fedor Emelianenko in Japan, Jackson was not in the best shape and did not perform as expected. But if he is in shape for his upcoming fight, it will be interesting to see if he can still be the fighter everyone remembers him to be. Regardless, everyone wishes him good luck in his future endeavors.

The Feud Between Dylan Danis and Logan Paul

The ongoing feud between Dylan Danis and Logan Paul has escalated to the point where even political commentators are commenting on it. Candace Owens, a political commentator, tweeted about the situation, acknowledging how quickly it has escalated. Jake Paul, Logan’s brother, also chimed in, stating that Dylan is seeking attention and followers to sell the fight and make his brother wealthier.

Josh Thomson and John McCarthy discuss the impact of Dylan’s tactics in promoting the fight. While some may argue that Dylan has crossed the line with his comments and actions, there is no denying that he has successfully generated attention and interest in the fight. His ability to get under Logan’s skin has been effective, even though it may not be the most ethical approach.

Logan Paul’s response to Dylan’s tactics has been less successful. He has been decimated on social media and has struggled to effectively respond to Dylan’s provocations. It is clear that Dylan has the upper hand in the social media aspect of this feud.

PFL CEO’s Comments on the UFC

The PFL CEO recently made comments about the UFC, claiming that the PFL is a better promotion that pays its fighters more and takes better care of them. However, Josh and John point out that promotions like the PFL, Bellator, and others have to pay more to attract top talent because the UFC is the premier organization in the sport.

While the PFL may offer higher pay, fighters often prioritize exposure and recognition, which the UFC provides due to its extensive media coverage. The majority of MMA media coverage is focused on the UFC, making it the platform where fighters can gain the most visibility and build their brand. This is why fighters often choose to fight in the UFC, even if it means taking a pay cut compared to other promotions.

Josh and John also discuss the importance of money in the sport. They mention a quote from professional basketball player Arenus Williams, who talked about the choice between chasing championships or prioritizing money. Williams emphasized the importance of financial stability and the ability to take care of oneself and their family. While championships and legacies are important, money is what ultimately provides security and the ability to live a comfortable life.

In conclusion, the ongoing feud between Dylan Danis and Logan Paul continues to generate attention and interest in their upcoming fight. Dylan’s tactics have been effective in getting under Logan’s skin and promoting the fight, while Logan has struggled to effectively respond. The PFL CEO’s comments about the UFC highlight the challenge that other promotions face in attracting top talent. While they may offer higher pay, the UFC’s media coverage and exposure make it the preferred platform for many fighters. Ultimately, the decision between chasing championships and prioritizing money is a personal one, but financial stability is crucial in the long run.

Stay tuned for more updates on this feud and other MMA news.

and now weighing in out of the blue Corner Josh the Thompson 100% And on the
other mik he ways in from the Red Corner Big John
McCarthy that is Josh the punk Thompson also known as the pork look at him he’s
buffing out man but hello and welcome to the weighing in podcast we got some stuff to talk about got a pay-per-view
coming up all the way from Australia so you’ll be watching watch ing that sucker at a different time than you normally do
again everything’s at different times anymore what’s up my man how you feeling never forget John the old
man that is altered Mr altered no no no no you’re lying now you know you know
Miss mcarthy puts makeup on you before the show every show we know this a
little bronzer I see I see what I see the what is that what it is I see how great of a job H the best part is bellor
do when that when that interview was was being done at Rogan’s hell I didn’t have gray hair
then that’s great yeah that’s exactly what I’m going to look like so it’s all right love it foreshadowing of the
future forecasting I got another one too that uh a fan sent out to us because they did some artwork and then I threw
it up onto a t-shirt here but this is funny one of those you know pencil drawings or color drawings I love that
one yeah look at the jaw on me man I didn’t think you get any bigger yeah but
you know it’s a it’s a good jaw it but it’s definitely a hitable job it is very very hitable it is it is it’s a good one
though I thought lot a good work right there that’s good oh yeah nicely done gosh very nice oh yes oh yes oh yes ah
but hey guys before we get started make sure you guys go to our uh subscription down there and hit that subscribe button subscribe to our podcast subscribe on
YouTube if you guys are watching this hit that subscribe button hit the little bell there there we’re going to release some extra shows coming up here and have
some fun with it I’m going I’m going to start reaching out to some of these Fighters getting some guests on so hey don’t miss out on those we also have
some live shows coming this week we’re going to do a live show this week so make sure you guys are following us on onlyfans in in
we only do our live shows on only fans so make sure you guys follow us over there it is free no there’s no charge
for the subscription over there it wein and like I said go to our Clips
Channel go to our regular channel hit the Subscribe button on both hit the little bell get the notifications want to thank you guys look I’ve been hearing
John though that people have hit the little notifications on their phone and for some reason YouTube has kind of like
shadowbanned us a little bit and I was wondering cuz we went you know we went from like 112 113 to 118 pretty fast and
we’ve been stagnant there I don’t know maybe we said something maybe it’s cuz I think you know what it was right I think
it was the one hold it we we pissed somebody off no I think I I think it’s when I called you Joe Biden that one
time and I think that right there you got be kidding that automatically got a shadow band I think so
I I don’t even want to talk have you seen all these things all of a sudden all these you know all the it’s it’s all
crazy but all these indictments are all of a sudden falling apart now people are all complaining and people are happy and
it’s like I’m like cracking up it’s like and you expected all this stuff it’s so nuts no it’s crazy man it’s crazy crazy
you know what’s funny is um I saw a thing uh I think it was maybe it was Rogan somebody put it out I can’t
remember who and just I didn’t want to get into it never
mind I don’t want to get into it just I don’t even want to get into it it’s just where do we go for factchecking remember
when people used to say Google it oh yeah you can’t Google you can’t Google it anymore nothing Google
Google Google’s like the biggest is oh we’re going to give you our one Whatever side we want to push this way so bad man
oh it’s horrible gosh it’s so upsetting but hey it is what it is and uh you know you look do enough research and you’ll
find out the truth just got to you got to take your you got to listen to this person perspective listen to this person’s perspective just listen to
someone and buy the [ __ ] no matter who it is or what side listen to the right person listen to the left person
and the truth is in the middle that’s kind of where I’m at right now that’s exactly where I’m at
all right look uh look you know this is I’m kind of excited for this weekend’s fights but look there’s a couple fights on here that I’m ex I’m pumped about no
no no you want to talk about excitement I got excitement what do you got I finally won what you what life what you
I won on Bido what’s that you see this is the problem what I
come with all of this excitement thinking that my partner my man Josh
he’s a real man he’ll know what Bido is he knows what heavy equipment is Bid AO what’s Bido it’s it’s all big time
construction equipment okay okay tell me tell me more about and I know you’re big into this stuff I have got my ass
whooped on B multiple times because I’m a cheap bastard and I will not go past a
certain point but I I need a scissor lift you know what a scissor lift is a thing that kind of scissors things up in
the air oh Jesus yeah there you well you least your cloes that’s good all right okay battery operated got wheels goes up
you know depending upon what size we get 20 I know what this is I have very tall light bul uh I have a vaulted ceiling in
my new house and uh they’re like I think the ceiling’s uh 18t tall so I need to
get a scissor lift in here to change light bulbs apparently thank you yeah see so I’ve got you know my place that
we’re putting together that is just the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever been through and uh how tall are your 25 feet
at the yeah you’re you’re gonna need it all sounds good in theory when I bought the house I like it’s gonna be
great beautiful bolted ceilings great change of [ __ ] light bulb [ __ ] off so
like you know my garage has got you know to the side of the wall is 20 feet yeah
middle of it it’s 25 and you know and I I have to do things that I’m going to get you know I’m putting stuff up and so
I have to have a way to get it down it’s like I I can’t just pop up with the ladders because then I also have work I
have to do right so it’s either get the you know the scaffolding stuff put
the scaffolding up and do all that so I’ve been bidding on these scissor lifts and I keep on losing because again I’m
I’m being a cheap bastard I said I won’t go past this point and so I mean and I’m like the last second bidder I wait till
five seconds and I put in the bid you know you have been out bid mother son of them I lost again to day I won all
righty Boom Baby Boom can I ask you how much one of those things runs $2,800 oh that’s not too bad I was
I was expecting it’s an older one oh no if you get them new they’re like 26,000 I was gonna say I was expecting around
20K yeah I was like okay maybe maybe he’s been on something around 9 10,000 okay no no no no no dude I could get one
all day at that price okay I’m the cheap baster going for the ones that are decent still work but not enough people
are bidding so finally got it so I have to drive down to Atlanta to go pick it up you know here’s the thing you know
you’re talking about betting right now and right now we don’t we don’t have a de betting no no yeah you were basically
betting on you’re bidding which is betting you’re betting on hoping you’ll get it that’s betting that’s that’s I
don’t know what you’re talking about you’re hoping when you put your money there that you you get it that’s there’s
a good chance you’re going to lose it if you win you lose the money when you win that’s so gu you’re right yeah um but
look there there’s some fights that are kind of interesting me this this week in the betting areas only because look not
only is it a chance like for you an opportunity in terms of the what are they called um parlays man not just parlays but you
can also there’s a good chance that Izzy’s goingon to win this fight and there’s probably a good chance that Iz gonna get a finish so if I take some of
these prop bets on here that are going to be available I mean there’s a good chance you could you could come out ahead for for a small bet I mean I’m
going to say let’s just say I go on Izzy getting second round knockout the bet on that’s probably if I bet let’s say I bet
a 100 bucks probably the turnaround on it’s about 400 or maybe 600 somewhere in there I’m I’m just I’m I’m off the top
of my head I haven’t looked at any numbers we uh we used to work with the a gambling site for a long time for about
3 years we were with them um we we left them and then when we left them now we’re in search of another one so we’re going to actually get back into doing
some of our Weighing on the odds uh we’ve had a couple people that are interested in working with us in terms of our betting sites and I know that
um our fans have been asking us they’ve been saying hey how come you guys don’t wait do waiting on the odds anymore I loved them it was great gave me a little
bit more insight and as I’ve been coming around and kind of hitting more of the prop bets little more um you know
picking rounds picking submissions picking whatever it is you know more of that type of stuff when you can see that
something like this Alex pgea finished Sean Strickland in what was it round one no round two round one or round two he
finished him hit him with a nice shot can you look that up there uh Dave on Sean cir Alex I think it was round one
left hook no left hook round one yeah it was yeah round one I think it was round
one oh they had a couple quick they had one little quick exchange and uh then Alex hit him with a shot boom put him
out um look Izzy’s going to be a little bit more of a sharpshooter doesn’t have the power though that Alex P has and
when I look at what Alex what Izzy can do Izzy’s Got the speed he’s a little bit more accurate and he can throw two
and three punches in a faster combination than Alex can I look at how that is and how sha is he rolls with the
shoulder okay but the ability for Izzy to hit him with the hook like just how
Alex did hit him with the hook when he rolls he and and I he’s very accurate hit the combinations boom hit the right
hand to get him to roll right into the left hook and then come back with another right hand or double up on the left hook if it’s there those are the
opportunities that I think that I will have early in the first round Sean’s going to have to get off to a fast start
crushing that space and I’m not sure that sha Strickland has the style I know that he’s got the style inside the phone
book inside the phone book phone booth to to make it to make it a dirty fight to make it phone book that’s even
tighter spot that’s even tight that’s that’s some tight [ __ ] right there one foot in the phone book baby let’s go but
I look at Sean stricken and I say hey if you can get Izzy into that foone boo fo Bo now you got stay pH now say damn it
into the foone booth he can make it a good fight he can make it he has an opportunity in there but in that range
outside that range out in that punching range and kicking range it’s going to be all Izzy so I want it’s going to be very
Telltale on how how Sean Strickland starts his fight but I definitely start looking at some of those prop bets and
can is he finish in the second round can he finish in the third round those numbers going to be a lot higher and as
you get later in the fight those numbers may actually increase so it might be might yeah it might actually beho you to
go ahead and say hey I’m going to put down 50 you know in round one maybe put uh 75 in round two you know 100 in round
three cuz you’re going to get that money back when you hit I mean take a look what the numbers are but I mean I don’t know what they are right off the top of
my head but I’m saying right now if I look at that those are kind of the type of bets that I would start looking to
take those are prop bets yeah that’s exactly what you’re talking about yeah well you know I look at this and
it’s yes Izzy knocked out Alex but Alex
is very open he fights very open Shawn doesn’t fight open Shawn
fights very defensive and once Shan feels comfortable in the fight and gets on a roll his defense
actually gets even better because he knows that distance that he needs to cover or he needs to keep his opponent
from covering I think the real big difference the the length is going to give Strickland a little bit of problems
just like uh Alex’s gave him some problems you can only it’s hard to
shoulder roll in MMA now some guys you know can do it Bobby green absolutely
but it’s not easy you know Sean you know Strickland he does it and he he’s very proficient with it and look Strickland’s
a tough son of a [ __ ] he is a fighter you know and it’s one of those you look
at not everybody that fights is a fighter I know that’s a weird statement
but it’s just the truth you have some guys man that they they’ll get into a fight you know just because well you’re
giving me the opportunity let’s do it and there’s other ones it’s all about nope I fight for money I know you know
I’m never going to get in a fight outside of you know stepping into the cage or anything like that and that’s fine too but Sean Strickland is a
fighter If he if he wasn’t fighting in the UFC he’d be fighting other places he would he just loves fighting and so you
know he always has a chance here now it’s obvious that Israel Osan is gonna
be the big favorite and he should be he is a sniper and he is incredibly good
when you’re talking about people that he’s not worried about taking him down and if and if you’re going to look at
Shan if if Shawn has a weakness in MMA which Demetrius Johnson is talking about
everybody has have a weakness okay and he’s right to a point it is his
wrestling that’s his weakest point you know his standup is damn good his his
ground game is actually his submission game is pretty goddamn good but the weakest part of his game is going to
be it’s the wrestling and that’s where where Izzy has the ability to feel
pretty comfortable on his feet that makes he makes it a difficult fight for sea yeah even though Shawn has weak
wrestling I mean there is the opportunity for him to get the taked down if he sets it up properly he’s going to have to hit him off the either
catch and the kick excuse me or he’s going to have to hit him off the combination he’s got to get Izzy kind of
taking a a step backwards try to snatch the single maybe try to run it to a double but like those type of things
every time I’ve seen Shawn try to get these takedowns I think in that body lock position he may have an opportunity
to get the takedowns in the body lock position um the singles and doubles I just don’t think I think Izzy’s the
speed of him being for sea to be able to snatch a single he’s not he’s not fluid enough in the wrestling for the single
leg takedowns to really be that effective plus his athleticism I he his balance all those things he knows how to
defend takedowns he does it on a daily basis Fighters that have their whole game is to defend the fighter takedown
their whole career has been that guys like Paul Dy it’s only against the elite El top level wrestlers do they have a
hard time with and it just so happens that the 185 pound division doesn’t have those okay it has one guy his name is B
nickle that’s it okay the rest of the division does not know how to wrestle and they do know how to wrestle but they
don’t know how to wrestle they’re not enough he pretty good yeah we’ll see when he ever comes back no matter what
Bo Nichols says about his wrestling yeah we’ll see when he comes back though you know what I mean I look at I look at Jama I think he’s a fantastic fighter I
think he’s a great wrestler yeah it’s that type of wrestling I think is he’s fantastic at it but will will it will it
play out as well against someone like an Israel aagna when punches are coming at you knees are coming out you strike and
he doesn’t fear your wrestling Ian he struggled a little bit with Gilbert Burns in some of the wrestling as he got
tired in that third second and third round now is is a different story too in the Striking he will be there in the
second third round fourth round and fifth round in the in the conditioning cardio all those things so it makes for
an injurious fight but let’s talk about Shawn Shawn I think has the opport opportunity to get this Tak down uh he’s
got to do it in exchange he’s got to do it in um he’s got to do it in transition he’s got to get him while izy is
throwing and while he’s set in place he can’t get him while Izzy stepping out of an angle and trying to throw he’s going
to have to close that distance right away I think for the only way to him for him to get takedowns will be in the body
lock type position try to drag him down try to maybe jump like you know kind of jump to his back and get Hooks and drag
him down that way some those type of ways I think he’s gonna have to either lift and you know kind of like knee tap
him a little bit with his outside knee he’s going to have to do something along those lines to get Izzy down and then
can he hold him down especially those first two takedowns it’s going be hard to hold him down I think after the first
two if he’s able to get one or two it’ll be they’ll come a little bit easier but they’re still gonna be diff watch say
Dave pull up Izzy’s record real quick because this is here’s the point that you really got to think about when you look at his record and it’s not so much
the wins losses okay but when you see him against a
Striker look at the result it’s usually a TKO a KO he finishes the person
through strikes when the person he’s facing has got good grappling it tends
to be the decision he’ll get the win yel Romero great wrestling he didn’t try to wrestle but decision boring fight Paulo
Costa TKO Paulo’s what he’s a striker yeah the you know Marvin vitori decision
what was trying to do the whole time take him down right go to Robert Whitaker the second time he fights him
decision Whitaker trying to take him down a lot Jared caner that one Jared
really didn’t really try to take him down much he tried a couple of times and stuff but he really was working the stand up but it became a decision fights
another striker in paa he loses that then comes back and wins
that against Strikers he usually gets finishes that’s really the you know the
whole thing except for the one loss you know to uh Alex he gets finishes against
Strikers and and you got to look and say overall Sean Strickland is a striker
yeah I like I said I’m looking at more of the Brett the bets that you’re going
after money I’m going after money this this is one of those this is one of those a phone book yeah this is one of
those cars like if Sean strion wants to get the win he’s going to have to fight him in a phone book he’s going to have to make it a dog fight in phone book
phone book phone booth you got now I’m stuck man I’m stuck on it now killing me dude G
have to find him in a phone booth and um and he’s going to have to utilize that body lock and and try to
get those takedowns when they come don’t force them don’t hang on the legs too long don’t don’t be hunched over too
many to too much to let Izzy put his weight on you make you carry his weight as the fight goes on cuz man when guys
are that proficient in Striking they’re so relaxed on the the
feet but they know that that’s right they don’t get tired they don’t get as tired on the feet you know they can still but Shawn doesn’t get tired on his
feet I’m not saying he’s going to get tired I’m saying though that the defense becomes a little less effective when you
when you start to when you wrestle that much your arms get a little heavier your hands don’t get back to your face as much I he’s going to be more relaxed on
the feet he’s just all those years of striking all those years of top level kick do you honestly think that Shawn is
going to really work at getting takedowns the whole fight no that’s what I’m trying to say I’m trying to say he
shouldn’t I’m trying to say he needs to get him he needs to get him in transition he needs to get it when they come easy and when they don’t feel like
they’re coming easy abandon it and go back up to the body lock or go up to the clinch go up to go up and make maybe
just make space get you know make space and create just enough space to let the combinations exit with exit with
something that lands yeah exit with caution though too oh yeah needs to exit with caution exit like you said exit
with something that’s exit throwing out you don’t exit throwing out you’re going to end up you know getting caught with
something whether an elbow whether whatever it is you don’t you got to exit throwing out um you know this to me this going to
be it’s going to be a Telltale for Strickland man it seemed like he didn’t want the fight but he kind of got yeah
kind of got pushed into it a little bit I think he was 100% okay with just taking these guys that that Izzy keeps
knocking down he just keeps beating up to like whatever it is I think I think sea likes fighting in the Apex he lives
in Vegas and he’s like I just stay here my homet I like fighting in the Apex I
don’t need the crowd little bit of that Forest Griffin yeah I don’t want to leave I don’t want to go anywhere I like
to sleep in my own bed you know maybe get a hotel for one night just feel feel like I’m living in the lap of luxury and
then you know get up do my thing same normal oatmeal and [ __ ] that’s I I love fighting San Jose man it’s [ __ ]
a blast you get up like some guys are great at fighting some guys are great at fighting where they live and some guys
are not yeah but you know Sean has done very well in the Apex I bet he he’s like
Australia damn that’s a long ways okay but all right well let’s go next fight
co-main event co-main event for this one is Tai to yasa the shoy man against Alexander
volov 6 foot7 a ton of experience a guy who’s been Champion he was champion in
Bellator for uh I want to say he was the second second against uh after minov
right no no no he was after Cole Conrad
Cole Conrad the big wrestler from Minnesota yeah yeah yeah Cole Conrad yeah Cole Conrad just quit the sport
whatever happened to Cole Conrad I don’t know think about that he was good great wrestler he was
good but anyway so volov you know look he’s had a ton of success in the UFC but
it’s the guys that don’t back down from him and don’t give him space that tend to cause him problems and I don’t see
taiu evasa doing anything other than trying to crush space on him and just
brawl make it ugly get in tight with him bang him to the body come up to the head
use that weight that he has put try to put weight down onto him wov gotten
pretty good with his wrestling and stuff but I don’t think you’re going to see Wrestling coming out of tuasa he’s going to be sitting there trying to Wing big
shots he’s got power and he can he can definitely put volov away but volov is absolutely the more technical
fighter but tuasa is the funner fighter yeah I’m looking at tuasa potentially
getting this knockout and I’m looking back at the prop bets on what round he may do it now on top of that though prop
B like a mother I know but then I also look at too like at volov volov could get him out of there too cuz where two
ofasa is weak is to the body the push kicks to the body the tip those tip kicks to the body absolutely those
things will have an effect if he gets ear if he gets started early wov does with those push kicks they’ll have an
effect now his push kick is a little bit different than um serial gon than serial
gon serial gon serial gon is more of like a snap toe kick yeah and as much as
they look like they don’t look like they hurt they hurt uh one of the guys that I fought or not fought that I trained with
Was Kung Lee and Kung Lee when I sparred with him they were nasty man they were horrible and all the students he had too
they used to do them really well there was a young kid named Jose palasio who did it really well it was just like a little toe kick they used to they used
to tape their first two toes together and they would just toe kick you over and over and over again man try actually
extend those toes out into your body yep yeah like a big knuckle yeah they were
nasty man they and even though when they just grazed they still got you just enough to knock the wind out of you and make it a a hindrance for you to
actually get a deep breath and then that’s how they worked it and then Kung was one of the one of the best at doing it man um
wov is more of a push kick up the middle which still is very effective but you hit more not with the toes but you hit
with like the ball of your foot all the foot so it’s got to be accurate he’s got to catch him just right but I have
learned this over the years because I when I was sparring with with Paul bonello Paul Buell used to hate when I
would throw the push kick to the body because his belly stuck out a little extra and my toes got there a little
sooner and they just did they didn’t get to the they didn’t get the idea of parrying it away or whatever it was of
sweeping away or actually scooping and lifting so it didn’t have as much effect and just kind of sitting their hips back
a little bit but all of those things play a factor when I’m looking at this fight I mean I would definitely probably
at at the end of this thing I don’t think this fight’s going three rounds I think someone’s getting knocked out so if I’m looking at prop bets I mean it
depends on how you want to go with it but I’m going to say V I’m going to say two ofasa wins by knockout you’re in the
first or the second round and then I’m gonna say if it goes into the third I think volov may end up catching him I
don’t see this fight going to the ground I think Tu ofasa fights too wild fights really aggressive I think the crowd is
going to get on him and he’s going to really come out trying to prove a point so I’d be leaning more TI towards taiu
ofasa uh but I haven’t seen what the prop bets are on this in terms of the rounds though and how it would go I’m
looking at it right now you got taiu ofasa is the underdog at plus 210 you got volov is the minus 250 I’m probably
taking taiu ofasa he’s they’re in they’re in uh Australia man I’m taking
that back I’m taking definitely I would take the taiu evasa in that as a plus
210 especially look the guys that have given volov problems are guys that have
big Power and just brawl look at Derrick Lewis Derrick Lewis he was kicking
Derrick Lewis’s butt through a lot of it giving him problems and Derrick Lewis
one big shot takes him out right near the end of the fight and you look and you go taiu yasa is the kind of guy that
has given vov problems throughout his career you look at those 10 losses that he has a lot of them been not to the
guys that were technically more skilled they were either good wrestlers could put them on the back or they were
Brawlers that were just tough and would walk through what he was able to throw
so well if you look at the gone fight and the two ofasa fight that that fight together he had gone hurt in that fight
and then gone and then G came back and hurt him and put him away you know but like look at that Tai’s gotta fight him
that way bov’s not as fast as gone he’s not he’s he’s a good Striker he’s not
near as athletic so Tai though here’s the one thing that concerns me about well about Tai is that reach in that
range that vov has it can sometimes make Fighters fight on the outside it keeps him away too much Ty I think Ty’s good
at sticking his head in the middle of your chest and keeping you against the cage and if he does that I think he wins by knockout
I I agree I I do I look at this is yes volkov’s got more experience volov has
done more tuasa in Australia that’s a hard person to beat
when he’s there that the home crowd is gonna be going crazy and he thrives on that oh absolutely thrives on the energy
of the fans so oh he he loves he loves the fact that like people are out there doing shoes
he’s chewing he’s chewing them on while he’s fighting I he loves that type of stuff and I think this is this is more
motivation for him to get back on track try to get back to a title run potentially but I mean he he’s got all
the abilities to beat vov vov has been a little stagnant sure he’s like he just
there’s not there has been no buzz around him or about him as of lately but
why pull up his record here pull up his record I know I mean he’s been doing well be honest about
it take a look at you know you you sit there and you go hold that’s uh to V’s record there
Dave I got like 20 records open right now there you go I was like wait a
second he just fought what’s his name I was like I didn’t know he just fought Z good really so he’s got he he lost to Tom
Aspen by the straight arm bar but then he comes back and gets against Rosen stru he got a win against Tim TKO
punches and then he gets a win against Romanov which TKO punches he just there has been any talk
about him like he was at the top for a while the reach the range his his talent his abilities were giving him a giving
everyone a hard time he’s giving Derrick Lewis a hard time he beats marcine tabura then he loses to Tom he lost to
serial gone before that but he had a win over Walt Harris had a went over overing lost to Curtis blades like he’s winning
two losing one winning two losing one and it just can’t he can’t seem to get the ball rolling and I think he’s going
to have a hard time in Australia trying to get this win against the hometown boys boy and it’s going to it’s going to
be cuz the way that tuasa fights man the way he fights he just
comes forward puts like you said puts his head in the chest he’s gonna let those hands go and I think it’s gonna but he he cannot stay on the outside
like you’re that’s if he stays on the outside he’s gonna end up getting picked apart yep absolutely
absolutely all right let’s go on to the next one manell Cape against Philipe dos
Santos fly with division Manel Cape very fast very good same thing with dos
Santos dos Santos probably the better ground fighter overall but both guys
just outstanding as far as speed but dos Santos undefeated at this point and uh
but doesn’t have the experience especially the experience inside the Octagon that manell Cape is now
comfortable with because even when manell came over from ryzen he was having a little bit of you know octagon
fever as I would call it that he just wasn’t comfortable and wasn’t able to perform to his best now he’s there now
he’s understanding exactly what he needs to do and he’s been fighting really well what do you got on that on that bet
there Dave Manel Cape versus uh do Santos it’s got to be Cape it’s got to be the yeah favored yeah he’s favored
what do you have by a lot yeah I gotus 300 on mineus three minus 370 with a
plus 305 for do Santos seven and0 though all that that’s the experience I’m
talking about because dos Santos coming not as much not near the experience now and manell has been
really looking comfortable in his fights he is now fighting his style and he’s
fast man and speed kill he’s explosive very explosive uh he’s got good wrestling doesn’t tend to utilize it as
much as he should uh he’s got you know he’s got phenomenal wrestling he’s got he’s got fast hands fast flying knees
he’s great on the scrambles and transitions Manel Cape is and he just he just needs to go out there and believe
in himself did you say he’s got phenomenal wrestling it’s pretty good phenomenal wrestling I think it’s pretty
good his double leg into his transition off of his takedowns I think it’s fantastic the speed of his takedowns
John are good now well he’s just he’s just fast everywhere okay but I mean I’ll give him that getting in that deep
and finishing the way he can finish he’s super strong as well for the size for his size he’s strong the lift the take
down all of those things he just doesn’t utilize as much as he should I mean some of yeah some of these betting odds
they’ve got them atus 400 I seeus 385 395 399 minus 400 I see it all across
the board they’ve all got them favored pretty high yep so but look anytime
you’re dealing with someone who’s undefeated coming into something new that’s going to be a little dangerous for them but they have nothing to lose
look I’m I’m being brought in it was supposed to it wasn’t supposed to be uh dos Santos it was supposed to be Kai car
France yes and so this is K car France got a concussion
he was smart to pull out good for him smart I know a lot of guys that didn’t do that and uh ruin their careers never
were the same after that so look yeah I’m going to lean towards good coaching too by Mr Baran yeah I’m I’m I’ve
noticed uh not noce but I’m saying that um Manel is this is all going his way
I’m going to lean more towards him given that he’s had plenty of time to train knew the fight was coming up for a long time bringing in a new but I give I give
the USC coming in Dos Santos is quality opponent he’s got a good you know like I said undefeated record it’s hard to find
someone to take a fight yeah of that quality in that amount of time got it
next Justin tofa against Austin Lane ah this is one of those Justin TAA
he his Junior tofa just fought so don’t get confused we got Justin TAA and
Junior TAA yes but uh Justin TAA is a he’s a hammer this dude when he starts
throwing he throws big shots he’s got a good chin uh Austin Lane has really come
a long ways used to be a professional football player um just you know try
what happened in his last fight I think it was a no contest went out there a lan yes Austin
Lane’s last fight was a no contest I believe yeah yep yeah against Justin t
on the ipoke there we go so it’s G to be uh interesting to see how this one plays
out again you can go and look at you know what was happening there it went 30 seconds yeah and so it wasn’t enough for
you know either guy to feel like oh they were you know taking over so it’s it’s good that they just put the fight back
together and we’ll see what happens from there but this time they’re fighting in Justin Tas
yeah so I I look at it though is that you know they both they both have
some power is Austin Lane going to try to get this fight to the ground will TAA will TAA be able to suffa take Downs
After TAA hits his back on the ground will this fight stay there it will most likely probably stay there and that’s
the that’s the problem one or two takedowns he may not be able to get back up so if Austin Lane is smart threatens
the big shots the stand up closes the distance tackles them basically to the ground I don’t want to say double leg I
want to put too much credit behind it okay but get get the take down he can tackle people yeah get to the top
position so I mean I’m looking at it right now it says right here what is it that TAA is the favorite minus
220 and Austin Lane is plus what is it plus
180 so uh you know look it’s it’s one of those I look at it as kind of a 5050 I
would lean more towards uh towards tafa just giveing a little bit more a l I would not say a little bit more power on
the feet if he’s able to stuff one or two takedowns knowing that look everyone tries to take these guys down they know
they have power they know if I can press you against the fence start to slow you down by the second round you’re not the
same fighter and I can do that then I can stretch us in and drown you in deeper waters just got to avoid the big
shot in the early part of the fight that’s it yeah so next fight all right Tyson Tyson Pedro against Anton
tur tural Tyson Pedro he’s one of those guys
manage like he looks great at light heavyweight you know he was doing well at heavyweight went down light
heavyweight what was his last show me his last fight I can’t remember who it was but it was the
problem yep bukakas okay yeah and you
know that was a decision and stuff but he just slowly started to get tired in
that and things just didn’t go his way and he what he needs to do in this fight is just take over like he used to do all
the time just start putting pressure on the guy throw good shots you know be the
big man out there he’s the he’s going to be the bigger guy he’s huge for 205 yeah so yeah I think
this is his fight you know to to take anywhere he wants if he’s smart about the way he
does yeah he’s just got a he’s got a he’s got good kicks he’s got good power keep his back off the fence don’t let
the guy try to hang on you and don’t waste your energy trying to press them to the fence you’re you’re the you’re
the normal the better athlete normally the one with more power don’t let that person just drag you down like basically
put their weight on you make you feel heavy let your arms fill up with blood avoid those situations especially early
in the fight create the space make them feel your power leg kicks inside leg kick body shots head kicks all those
things okay let him go do it and do it with confidence I mean I think I think Tyson Pedro for sure should should be
able to win this fight Carlos olberg against da Wun Jong i love Carlos Alber
I think the guy is athletic as hell he comes from city boxing he has been looking very good he’s been getting more
and more confident um right now he’s that guy you’re looking at it’s just going to
take just a couple more fights just to get that confidence exactly where it needs to be because it’s building and he
is his kickboxing is outstanding his takedown defense has gotten really good uh daun Jun very good he’s got good
takedowns he’s got a good ground game it’s an interesting fight on the feet I go with olberg on the ground it’s hard
to go past Jung but I don’t know if he can get alberg to the ground yeah the athleticism mberg his abilities is to
keep his hips away and and utilize the knees and the clinch and all the other things that he does very well I think
he’s the better Striker I think he’s going to have more power I mean I basically look at him almost like another Tyson uh Pedro they’re very
similar in terms of like how good they are on the feet so yeah but he’s he’s better he’s better on the feet he’s
dynamic he is he is a better he a better and uh I guess more technical Striker than Tyson Pedro yeah I agree with you
uh John is there any other fights on this on these on this card that you wanted to chat about you know what I
I’ll bring up uh Jamie Malarkey against John mcdes uh MC desie has been around for a
long time you know he is the bull he’s tough he’s good comes out of TriStar
well he did come out of TriStar I’m not sure he’s still there but Malarkey is just a gamer man he fights his ass off
so I think that’s going to be a great fight both guys y don’t like to take a backward step and so I think those guys
are going to clash in the middle and someone’s getting knocked out I look at this the next fight also too is uh uh
nazat hasperat vers uh kones I think that should be a good fight as well the two of them should come out should be a
good fight I think hasat should win this fight I think hasperat should win that fight but I’m saying that it should be a
fun fight John no no it look at Landon is coming off of the ultimate fighters
uh with uh being on Conor McGregor’s team and stuff look he’s a he’s a young talented kid he’s got good standup
hasperat hits a lot harder than people realize he’s gonna he’s gonna feel that power and go oh [ __ ] yeah and he’s he’s
he’s kind of like he’s kind of barrel chested kind of seems like he’s got pretty good cardio seems like he gets in
people’s face he throws a lot of heavy heat though and so as you get to that later that the middle of the third round
or early in the third round he will tend to kind of sometimes what I’ve seen against some of the other guys he’s kind
of labored a little bit even though he seems like he’s pushing forward he seems like he’s letting it all go so we’ll see
I think I’m looking forward to that fight though all right guys that’s gonna wrap up our one more I gotta go with it
okay opening the entire show gotta go with big daddy kefir Crosby coming out
of SBG look in the standup kefir Crosby is good he’s got fast hands he’s got power
the ground game is definitely not his friend for the most part as far as you know I don’t know if Kevin jet is going
to try to take the fight there but it would be a good idea but if he gets into a standup battle with kefir Crosby that
will be a fun opening fight well Justin I’ve actually I actually looked him up a little bit today because I figured we’d be talking about kefir crvi as I tried
to just skip past him on accident um but he he does have he does have takedowns
but he doesn’t tend to shoot double legs he tends to just get to the body lock lift and take you down uh Crosby I think
he’s got the advantage on the feet and it’s not just because of the power but because of just the technique of it all
Crosby will stand in the pocket and throw Justin has to be more on the outside he’s got good knees Uh Kevin
jused or I don’t know how you say his last name he’s got good knees in the clinch where keir’s got to be cautious of those um but inside that boxing range
I would give the advantage to kefir because Justin’s kind of long he fight tries to fight long but he’s also very hitable he keeps his hands down kind of
chest level versus up that’s not a good plan he doesn’t move his head a whole lot offline that’s not a good plan
that’s not but either when he does get into the clinch he does get into those areas he does tend to get the takedowns and he puts people on his back that’s
what he wants to do that’s what he’s gonna need to do against kef for crossby absolutely all right all right well that’s going to wrap up our UFC talk and
uh let’s go ahead and make sure you guys hit that subscribe button you know where you’re going to hit it you’re going to hit it on our YouTube channel you’re
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support us and uh it’s been fun man we’ve been growing we’ve been doing this for what almost what five four years now
four years four years man geez I would have thought John would have been tired of you after year one so would
I oh man we’re gonna have some fun we’re going to have some fun but how could I get tired of you John cuz I just bring
the energy that’s why I got to keep the old man on on his toes that’s it I do
all right SL down let’s get into some game bread talk man we got game bread bare knuckle MMA we got it all oh going
back old style man going back to my days going back to the time when they didn’t
use gloves don’t need no gloves so we got do Santos versus verdom this is a
fight that did take place in the UFC long ago this was really it was this was Junior dos Santos coming out party man
this was the one that put him on the map when he knocked out fabrio veroom I
don’t I can’t even remember what year that was man it was a long time ago though it’s has to be about 12 13 years
go back let me see what this is and keep going keep going keep going see
you gotta keep going look at this boom fabrio verdom
2008 wow hit it on the head dude 15 years actually
boom that’s a long that’s a long time but that if you remember that was his
coming out party in the UFC and everyone was all of a sudden whoa who is this guy and he just exploded on the
scene this is going to be a little bit different in the fact that Junior’s not as fast Fabricio is
not that fast but Fabricio if he can get the fight to the ground is going to give Junior a lot of problems especially with
the fact that you don’t have that door stop on the end of your arm for someone to take and control the wrist it’s a lot
easier to move through things you’re more into a uh true grappling situation
it’s gonna work well for verdom if the fight gets to the ground so Junior needs to keep this on the
feet yeah I think what we got to see though is if you if you’ve noticed there’s been videos Flo around of the
two of them training see I wasn’t going to say it and they don’t look anything like they
look when they look they both look good they both look
goodn they they both don’t they don’t look like they did when they left uh and I think Junior even came out publicly
and said that there’s no usada I’m just going there you go right there look at him look at him that’s
proof right there yeah that’s called peptides everyone keeps talking about
these peptides things yeah peptides I’m I’ve heard of them but I I don’t know what they not steroids it’s peptides but
are they are they they’re illegal though right yes they okay I didn’t know like uh and then I saw one with verdom
also he was like there you go right there he Shadow Boxing by the pool boom boom boom verom is back yeah looking
good these guys jeez hey you know what I look at it it’s
good you know let’s be honest they’re both on
some type of supplementation okay so yeah it’s okay
as long as they’re both on I’m all right I mean I don’t know John like when your
body’s telling you it’s time without using it maybe it’s
time I’m just I’m being honest man like I look at I look at look who just who
just brought it up Paul Felder he just entered back into the usada pool I know
and I’m like Paul just you you have a great job sit in cage side for every fight watching
look John I was with you side by side sitting cage side watching these fights when Bellator has a fights and I’m thinking to myself there’s no way I want
to give this job up to get back in there and do that [ __ ] no these guys I mean
look I mean I don’t know maybe he’s maybe they maybe they’re interested in him coming back and you know he can make a lot of money I don’t know what his
contract is but I I think after one or two camps he’s going to be like yeah
this isn’t what I wanted it just I think the itch maybe maybe the scratch needs to be you know or the itch needs to be
scratched a little bit maybe it does I get it Misha Tate she’s doing it a little bit you know and uh other Fighters have done it you know Yan’s
talking about doing it right now Yan and J she’s talking about coming back that’s because now you’ve been away from it for
a little bit and you’ve had that opportunity to just take a look and you
go man I really loved it yeah and that’s great and if if you have that desire you
know let’s be honest Paul’s still not that old no okay but the the real question to ask
here and I say it all the time what’s the reason for you coming back yeah what is it is it to go for a
title because you gotta be honest is Paul Felder gonna get into that point of
being in title contention I don’t think so is it 45 55 70 what is it he gonna be
in 50 he’s got to be at 55 55 yeah he’s going to be in lightweights so he’s got
Islam makf he’s got Michael Chandler he’s got Dustin porier he’s got Justin
gaii come on I mean he’s there’s just killers in that damn division so you
look you go okay is it you just got to as you’re saying scratch that itch okay
I’m okay with it you know especially at his age because he can still fight there’s no doubt you know but you got to
really look and say what’s what is the reason that you’re doing it well what I like though what he said was
I guess can you Dave can you try to pull that up he basically said something along the lines of I entered back in for
a chance or for an opportunity just to say if I if I did want to scratch it that it was available to me and that
this it may never come okay something along those lines I mean like obviously whatever that [ __ ] is well no
he’s cost them money yeah you’re in you’re in it you know I have no idea if
I’m fighting Felder said I roll with Michael kassa honest to God I know it blew up on social media
but I’m back training I Joy MMA I mean basically he was trying to say that I don’t even know if I am going
to fight let me see for all the people that think I need to I I need both hips
replac I have bath hips there’s no secret about that yeah see that to me is like o but I am back in theol
testing yeah [ __ ] Jack and look I will tell you hey right here Josh
paragraph right here go ahead and read it there in English uh I did it just in case I’m getting old and there might be
some old dudes out there that may want to dust it up in 6 months other than that I have no idea I’m enjoying
training I want to help out Michael I really want to get back in the uh gym in Philly as well as start getting on the
mat with those guys I truly missed it I’m still doing Triathlon so don’t get it twisted yeah I mean if he’s in shape
like here’s the thing John I’m so far removed like like I said I haven’t really trained like hard intense at all
probably in over a year I mean I trained last the last two weeks at the small little Jitsu gym here in you know and
where I live now um and I I don’t have any desire to get back out and do it
that you know like that intense um had it been I there was moments I think
probably like four or five months after I I had retired I was like you know what I’m I could still train hard I’ve been
training hard with my students I feel it felt like my Jitsu got a lot better cuz I was I was rolling a lot more with my students I was teaching a lot more you
know you’re learning a lot more just by teaching and your students are asking questions you feel like you’re getting
better um I thought about D because I Gil Rand as I and I had talked about doing like a ji- Jitsu tournament or a
match in uh Cha’s show up in Oregon I can’t I can’t remember what it’s called sug submission underground yeah
submission underground yeah so we had talked about doing it there and uh you know but then it kind of faded away so I
think Co hit basically like right around that time we were like yeah n we’re good so uh after that it just kind of was I
lost it he’s still active he’s still like you said he kind of went back in started rolling and kind of doing a
little bit kind of visiting the gym once in a while there’s still that itch that needs to be scratched and if he’s doing
triathlons he’s still in phenomenal shape those are things that will keep you wanting to do it because you know
look I’m in shape I know I can run I know I know I can I can bike I know I can do all getting in shape is the
hardest part for a lot of these guys oh yeah for like for me right now that would be the hardest part for me getting my [ __ ] fat ass up off the couch be
like yeah man let’s go run five miles nah I’m good I can run a couple miles
I’ll run you know 2 three miles I’m good but that’s like twice a week if that yeah two three miles twice a week that’s
good this guy’s running he’s getting ready for Triathlon that’s that’s 10 miles one day that’s [ __ ] 25 miles
the next day on the bike that’s half mile mile in the pool you know swimming I tell people all the time Josh you know
why you run five miles the cops are chasing you cuz you parked your damn car
way too far away from the problem yes that’s the only way that’s the only reason why look I I’m all I’m all for
how old is Paul Felder 35 I want to no
well he might be 36 I want to say 38 38 oh he 38 okay I mean you know
like he said though he understands where he’s what he’s coming back for is there any old guys that want to dust it up I
get it you know I like to actually see him and maybe RDA do it run it back I
said I saw that yeah I mean but you saw it but what you did was you saw him fight on short notice and all he’d been
training for is triathlons at the time so I I would like to see him run it back maybe with RDA RDA is a little bit older
than him I believe and um you know you know here’s
the other guy like I I wouldn’t be opposed maybe to watching him fight I don’t
know I what what about what about a Stephen Thompson he’s 40 at 170 yeah I
mean yeah look at Fel felder’s got good enough yeah kickboxing that he could
definitely do that he would be at a disadvantage as far as length yeah the
the length of Thompson would be he’s Thompson is taller and longer than fer but he could definitely do it I’m not
saying he’s gonna come out on the you know top side of it yeah I I I don’t I don’t think that Thompson would take
that fight he’s looking for a title shot only he’s he’s really can he really wants that kimaro Usman fight after Usman called him
out I don’t know I don’t know look all right let’s get back to the game bread situation any other fights on here you want to talk about John yeah you got
Brandon Jenkins going up against Anthony in kuani a lot of people have forgotten
about Anthony and Anthony’s from Las Vegas his brother is Chey and anony is hell of a fighter very good in the
standup very tough to take down uh that fight him and Brandon Jenkins that that’s going to be a good tough battle
all right all right oh that’s going to I guess that’s going I look I would like to get into more of the other stuff uh
uh I don’t know them that’s the other thing I don’t know a lot of these guys
uh Irwin Rivera against Joshua Williams that that’ll be an interesting fight IR
Irwin uh very tough good wrestling uh Joshua Williams just a just a goddamn
crazy bastard that can fight well so that’s a good fight right there s too
all right all right hey guys what when is this uh Dave tell us when it is also
it’s on Friday Joel Bowman who used to wrestle at the University of Minnesota Joel Balman who uh the nc2a kind of put
a thing on because he was selling his rap music and uh they H they took away
his scholarship geez Joel Joel’s fighting a guy you know well in Maki poo
Ah that’s that’s another interesting fight so there’s some interesting fights on there
all right well I’m gonna have to tune in just because it’s on Friday night though tune in on Friday night all right well
hey that’s going to wrap up our game bread MMA talk you got verom
versus Doan I’m pretty sure mazal on Instagram said this was the first ever time that they’re doing MMA with no
gloves no what what I’m pretty sure on Instagram did you just say that who said
that George moau yeah maybe the promotion his promotion no he said like
first let me play let me play it hold on let me play it oh my God you know the sport was created with
no and I’m inviting you this Friday to be a part of history is only the second show in the history of Florida MMA with
no gloves okay second history of Florida Florida Florida my bad my bad got it my
bad got it yeah I I I don’t know those Minor Details make when you were a little kid
in Scotland mhm we were doing no no gloves it was
Bare knuckle I was doing a no glove backyard wrestling just for the record yeah no at
that time you were rolling around your mom’s tummy trying to get out of there he trying to fight his way out of there with no gloves all right what else you
got for us Dave you got some news for us buddy yeah so uh after we dropped the show this news came out the seran had go
his home broken into during his main event during when he was at the venue uh his apartment in Paris broken into and
his stole like 160,000 worth of uh good 150,000 worth of goods um pretty crazy
story well I mean it’s pretty obvious to know that no one’s going to be at his house during that time because he’s main
Eventing and so BR I I don’t want to sound like a Negative Nancy but you might start to expect more things like
this to happen I’m just being honest it’s been laid out like if I know you and your
whole family is pretty much not going to be home there’s no one looking at your house and odds are because you are who
you are your neighbors won’t be home either and if they are home they’re
they’re probably busy watching the fight they’re not going to be given two shits and they might even have friends over my
neighbors fighting d d they’re going to have people over there’s going to be too many people making noise making Ruckus
and people are just going to be able to walk right in now I don’t know where he lives you know um in in the uh in he
lives in Paris correct Liv inis yeah lives in Paris I mean that’s man it sus
sad that’s it’s [ __ ] it’s shitty situation totally is it’s a shitty thing
but now you gota say okay from now on if when I’m going to a fight I’m gonna have
someone house it because at least that way it can be an they they put robbery
here this is a burglary when you break into someone’s home and no one’s there it’s a burglary it’s not it’s just
different in their country okay you don’t know the rules there you don’t know their laws there [ __ ] goddamn people like you got
robbed no you didn’t get robbed you got burglarized but I really feel bad for him it sucks someone uh goes in and
takes your stuff and violates 150 EUR or 166,000 is what they said what exactly
did they take that would I know that’s what a lot of money I mean you that is a lot like TVs
aren’t worth [ __ ] these days I mean so they would have had to have stole a lot of memorabilia type stuff I don’t know
what he could have taken that was 150 yeah yeah jry watches things like that
including a Rolex watch so the Rolex itself depending 30 to what kind it is
yeah yep interesting did you never see the Netflix documentary about the kids that that did like the coordinated
robberies at the celebrities houses and they did the exact same thing they watched them on social media to see when they were gone and they would break into
their houses and uh steal their stuff in in Hollywood that was like it was group
of like three kids that were doing it for a while and then eventually got busted brilliant yeah brilliant until you’re
caught man brilliant like oh man that’s it’s that sucks though man that that
definitely sucks all right what else you got for us Dave yeah let’s look at Rampage coming out at retirement he’s
going to fight uh what’s the guy’s name again I always can never pronounce Daryl skover there you go Dar John knows this
guy well Daryl SC is not a uh he’s not a
Chum man the guy can fight now the the real thing is you say you know I say I
sit there and I say that and I and I mean it when I said look he can fight well I just don’t see the purpose
of why Rampage is fighting you know Quinton Quinton is a guy you take a look at man he was a superstar in Pride he
was a world champion with the UFC what are you
doing Daryl skoon over was a guy that was on your team in the when you were a
coach of the ultimate fighter and you made fun of him which wasn’t you know
you know everyone’s say oh it’s so mean okay you made fun of him you know what you call Boys called them titties
titties and and you could you know now guess who has titties you know it’s you know quinton’s
trying to get rid of him he’s trying to get in shape and God bless him for trying to get in shape and he’s doing well and I love Quint but I I just don’t
get it he’s been chasing that boxing match with uh Shannon say Shannon Briggs
yeah you know I don’t you does this lead in any direct any way towards that
happening what’s the reason for this I know he’s part of and I don’t know the
name of it um UFL it’s that League that Frank Mir Tito
oh yeah yeah and Quinton are kind of part of you know I guess he’s doing it to try to you know help bump up that so
that that could be the reason but you know it’s just there comes a
point you know Quinton is not young now what’s Quinton 45 jeez no he can’t be
he’s your age he is Quinn is he my age I believe he is
45 45 40 yeah 45 he is my age 45 years
AG you know and it’s
like I love Quinn I’d like to see him just walk away from fighting all all together and stuff his last fight that
he did was his fight in Japan against Fedor you that didn’t turn out you know
the way he wanted it to turn out and stuff but he wasn’t in in good shape for it and he wasn’t in he was not the guy
that everyone knew quitting to be at that point is he going to be that guy in
this now we’re gonna find out buta I mean I don’t know we will see we will see good luck
to him though exactly I mean everyone loves Quinn he’s one of those guys oh how do you not you can’t you can’t not
like him I mean we’ve I’ve done so many autograph signings with him and just been around for photo shoots he is a fan
favorite the guy everyone loves him he’s hilarious he’s so nice to everybody um I
don’t know man we’ve titties for titties man but if he’s in shape at all if he’s
in shape at all I don’t know how titties beats him though if if Quinn Jackson is in shape at all I don’t know how titties
beats him look I’m gonna I’m gonna say this right now you know chel sunnon beat
Quinton and he beat him H took him down took him down a couple of times but he beat him with speed yeah CH being faster
yeah because if there’s one thing that father time is taken from quinon because Quinton was fast at one time yeah quinon
had fast hands and he had power yeah still has power at 45 he still has power
but the fast hands not quite so much nothing like
this I don’t know what the hell that was pleas please never do that again I had to slow down you guys you guys that was
in slowmo I had Dave I had I Dave slow the tape down I had Dave slow the tape
down damn I think I threw my back out though I pinched the nerve ow yeah all
right I love it oh man what whatever whatever he wants to do he’s earned the
right to do whatever he wants to do but he has all right what else you got for us Dave all right let’s look at this uh
kind of crazy one I don’t know if you guys have been following the Dylan D Logan Paul situation but it’s gotten so
out of hand that you’ve got like political commentators that are actually commenting on it now Candace Owens who’s
a political commentator put out a tweet the other day saying this Logan Paul Dylan d thing has escalated real quick
uh from zero or something like that but Jake Paul came out I think like I think they’re just trying to kind of like
acknowledge the fact that Dylan’s out of hand right now but not give him a lot of uh praise because of it because Jake
Paul tweets out on September 4th remember my brother picked this guy for one reason only because he craves
attention and followers and will do his best to sell the fight making my brother even wealthier in the process hence why
danis has no backend % of the money made he’s a puppet what do you guys think and
what do you guys think overall well John if I if I’m reading that te if I’m reading that tweet from
Jake Paul I mean I would really just come back to the table and say okay look your brother just brought up a good point I’m over here promoting this fight
for you I’m making you I’m doing a hell of a job I’m doing a great job cuz I’m [ __ ] murdering you on Twitter I’m the
[ __ ] TT King uh bittering I mean
it’s we’re talking it’s like a guy bringing a freaking
popsicle stick to a gunfight Logan Paul has just been
decimated Yeah by Dylan danis like I’m the first one that say you I didn’t think Dylan danis would show up for this
fight so but I’ll tell you what he has done one hell of a job of getting under the
skin of Logan Paul of I’m not saying he hasn’t crossed the line I think he’s
crossed the line many times but he is selling that fight because there’s I
know people that are asking me about it now based upon what he’s done with some of the comments and some of the photos
about Logan’s fiance I mean it’s it’s a little it’s
look we’ve always said like hey stay away from Wise don’t cross the line yeah don’t cross the line he has he has no
line he just creates a new one every time he he do know he doesn’t even know where the line is no he doesn’t know where the line is and he chooses not to
even pay attention to it when he does when there is one there um but if I’m Dylan danis I’m like look I’m bringing
so much attention to this fight I think I need to get back to the bargaining table hence the backend percentage that
your brother said that I don’t have any of well we need to start talking about that and and look I know there’s a
little bit of a clause in there saying if he backs out I think he owes $100,000 well not if he back you know if
he pulls out based upon you had an injury or something like that but you could you could say you know hey you
know I need more money but that does I’m just being honest you look at that you
go okay so Logan Paul’s got that I don’t want to lose him as my opponent don’t
because if I lose him I have to fight Mike Perry screw that that ain’t gonna
go well for Logan Paul hello ain’t gonna go well at all yeah Lo Mike Perry is not the
guy yeah there’s that video of that old man yelling at some young kid or something like that I’m not that guy I’m
not that guy well Mike Perry is not that guy my friend that’s it he’s he’s not the one that you want to have in there I
just yeah I’m looking at it going man no not not not a good match up for youan so you think about it and if you are if
you’re Logan Paul and Dylan does what you say and says you know what your brother’s right I’m not getting any of
the backend and I I I deserve some of it because I’m the one selling this thing so you know you give me back in on this
thing or you know obviously we we’re not going to end up doing this now Logan can
sit there and you know try to pressure and say hey you’re going to owe me
$100,000 but then he’s gotta look and say I don’t want to lose him John I just
heard that last little and I just put it in P like what you just said you said yeah you got to give me that back
end I’m GNA put a little pressure on you and you’re going to have to give me that
$100,000 that whole little cut just sounded really
bad only available on only fans my friends there you go baby great no I was
this I was like wait this just doesn’t sound good this doesn’t sound good you little [ __ ] perve ah but let let’s go
ahead Let’s uh and then Dylan’s come off man Dylan’s been doing some great stuff he’s putting together some collages uh
some photoshop uh footage and photos of of uh Logan I don’t know some some of
them were photoshopped one the one with Dylan and girl that one’s photoshopped from what I understand but then uh you
know the other ones I think is with her and like some of her ex-boyfriends which are not photoshopped obviously that’s not photo but he’s come up with some
videos of her you know saying stuff and everything it’s like look I I know that they change words on videos and stuff
and everything you know but if if all I have to say is right now Logan
Paul needs to stay off of social media yeah just don’t don’t even listen just take the L buddy just take the L you’ve
lost already just take the L take the L in in the social media aspect and just go get into the ring and punch him in
the face yeah Logan even came out I think and said like yeah he’s pretty good at this Twitter thing I was like yeah cuz he’s mopping the floor with you
son yeah he definitely is um there was another thing what what was there was something else um that I sent you I
think today Dave was the let me see the pfl CEO thing that we said yeah let’s
let’s go ahead and skip over that yeah the da Davis he basically just yelled at the UFC telling them you know hey we’re a better promotion we uh we pay more we
take care of our Fighters better but I I think the breakdown is that every every promotion that’s not the UFC they have
to pay more otherwise you lose all the top talent to to the UFC well it’s your only way to get top is you’re going to
have to overpay or you know pay more way more than the UFC is going to pay him
because that’s how you you entice that fighter to come over to your promotion yeah coming like one companies like
Bellator companies like they they all have to pay more cuz why why would I not why would I want to
go there if I’m not going to get paid more money I’m gonna get paid the same money when I get paid the same money fighting over there and fight you know
guys that are that I know you know you could possibly be too and it’s all it’s as much as you know Josh you can take a
look at if you went on any of the MMA Media stuff on you know the you know
online right now 90 %
95% is coverage of the UFC so if you’re a fighter and you’re looking and you say
well I want you know eyes on me I want you know this kind of thing I’m I want to become
some the marketing for the UFC is already there you know and so you’ve got
to if you’re gonna fight for the pfl or you’re gonna fight for one or or Bellator you got to look and say that’s
not my priority I’m not worried about the med aspect and people recognize me
stuff I want to put checks in the bank and that’s why guys go and fight
there yeah yeah at the end of the day it’s about what um I was just watching
uh I think arenus Williams was doing something uh what was it I can’t
remember was anyways professional basketball player was talking about like
would I rather have the Rings or would I rather have the money and he’s
like he he’s he’s like look I I can go he’s I can actually it’s so funny he pulled it up right away he goes he’s
like you see that ring right there that ring Was Won by somebody that was on the on the team he’s like and now I can buy
that ring because I took the money he’s like cuz that guy doesn’t want that ring anymore he’s I could buy it for a fraction of what he what he got it for
he put in more time he did all these other things like yeah sure but he’s like that guy though only got paid 2.5
million for that year he’s like I made 38 million that year I’ll take the money
then I can buy my own ring I get it if you’re chasing legacies you’re doing all that I understand where you want to be
but for me it’s always been at the end of the day the kind of the Eddie Alvarez approach whatever is Chase whereever the
money is at the end of the day the money is the thing that’s going to buy you the property going to buy you the house is
going to buy you buy you the things that you need in life to take care of sometimes even buy your health you know
being able to afford your um your medical insurance those type of things are going to be important um he that was
one of his things like look there’s a lot of there’s a lot of NBA player NBA players a lot of other uh athletes out
there that are struggling to make um their insurance payments which is sad
which is truly sad but it it is you know but it’s true it’s true and they wish they would have probably taking the more
money instead of chasing that that extra title or whatever trying to get to a ring taking less money to be on a team
that maybe never got there who knows you have three rings those Rings don’t resell on the on the on the eBay market
for very much my friend NOP so they don’t alrighty alrighty well hey back to Dylan danis good job my man
good job my man good for you go to Way Wayne hit that
subscribe button you guys hit that subscribe button on the YouTube channel and on our Cliffs Channel want to thank
you guys so much at Wayne and merch got hoodies coming up the weather’s starting to make a slight change getting darker a little bit earlier you’re going to need
those hoodies so check them out on waynein thank you guys so much and John take us away yeah for everyone
out out there thank you for tuning in and we will see

 Adesanya vs Strickland Breakdown

Adesanya vs Strickland Breakdown | Meeting w/ Dana | TimboSugarShow | EP.251

Summary: Adesanya vs Strickland Breakdown | Meeting w/ Dana | TimboSugarShow | EP.251

In this episode of the TimboSugarShow, Sean O’Malley discusses his upcoming plans, including a trip to Montana and a photo shoot in Texas. He also reflects on his newfound fame as a UFC fighter and the changes it has brought to his life. Additionally, Sean talks about his plans to start a coffee cart business and shares his thoughts on boxing matchups. Let’s dive into the details of this episode.

Trip to Montana and Texas

Sean starts off by mentioning his plans for the upcoming weeks. He mentions that he will be visiting his brother in Montana and helping him build their house. Sean plans to fly into Missoula and stay in an Airbnb or a cabin on the lake. He expresses his desire to spend time with his family and acknowledges that he hasn’t been able to see them as often as he would like.

After his trip to Montana, Sean mentions that he has a photo shoot with Rise Energy in Texas. He hints at some exciting news but doesn’t reveal any details. Sean is looking forward to the photo shoot and mentions that it will take place in Dallas. However, he also mentions that he is trying to plan a trip to Austin to attend the Kill Tony show. Sean is considering whether to go to Dallas first for the photo shoot and then travel to Austin, or wait for Rise Energy to finalize their plans so he can avoid multiple trips to Texas.

Reflections on Fame

Sean reflects on his newfound fame as a UFC fighter. He mentions that he has gained a significant number of followers on social media, particularly on Snapchat and Instagram. Sean shares that he gained around 400,000 followers on Snapchat in August alone, and his Instagram following increased from 2.9 million to 3.7 million. He attributes this growth to his recent fight and being the main event, which brought him a lot of exposure.

Sean acknowledges that being recognized in public has become more common since becoming a champion. He mentions that people of all ages and genders now approach him, not just young boxing fans. Sean believes that his distinctive appearance, with face tattoos and crazy hair, contributes to his visibility. While he enjoys the perks of fame, such as receiving free items and being able to go places for free, he also acknowledges the downsides, such as constantly being recorded by people.

Changes as a Champion

Sean discusses the changes he has experienced as a champion. Besides the increase in recognition, he doesn’t feel like a different person. He mentions that he still enjoys going out and having a good time, but he has noticed that he needs to be more cautious and not go too crazy, especially when he is at the club. Sean wonders if this change is a result of growing up or if it is related to his status as a champion.

Sean also shares his perspective on being a champion. He mentions that he has always believed in himself and lived like a champion even before winning the title. He doesn’t feel overwhelmed by his success because he has always known that he would become a champion. Sean believes that many people don’t truly believe they will achieve their goals until it actually happens to them. He mentions that he doesn’t have a big ego and doesn’t expect people to bow down to him. Sean believes that staying humble and continuing to train hard is important to maintain his success.

Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle

Sean emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He mentions that there are different kinds of highs, some of which are self-destructive and others that are beneficial for one’s health. Sean believes that eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep contribute to feeling good and enjoying life. He mentions that living a healthy lifestyle makes going out and celebrating more enjoyable. On the other hand, if someone lives a unhealthy lifestyle and then goes out and parties, it can lead to a downward spiral.

Sean also mentions the importance of balance in life. He believes that finding a balance between indulging in fun activities and taking care of one’s health is key. Sean shares that he enjoys celebrating his accomplishments, but he also understands the importance of maintaining good habits. He believes that celebrating an earned accomplishment feels different and more satisfying than just celebrating for the sake of it.

Starting a Coffee Cart Business

Sean discusses his plans to start a coffee cart business. He mentions that he has purchased a coffee cart from South Dakota and is in the process of setting it up. Sean plans to start small by offering simple drinks like Liquid Aminos and magnesiums over ice, which can be consumed during training. Once he gets the hang of it, he plans to expand and offer coffee as well. Sean sees this as a stepping stone to eventually opening a brick-and-mortar coffee shop.

Sean acknowledges that starting a business involves making mistakes and learning from them. He believes that starting small with a coffee cart will give him valuable experience and knowledge for when he is ready to open a larger coffee shop. Sean mentions that he has enlisted the help of a coffee expert to guide him in this venture. He acknowledges that starting a business requires investment, but he sees it as an investment in himself and his future. Sean is excited about the possibilities and believes that starting small will eventually lead to bigger opportunities.

Thoughts on Boxing Matchups

Sean briefly discusses some upcoming boxing matchups. He mentions that Terence Crawford lost to Dimitri Bivol and wonders if Crawford is undefeated. He also mentions that Earl Spence is seeking a rematch with Crawford, as it was part of their contract. Sean expresses his interest in seeing how the weight difference will affect the rematch.

Sean also mentions a potential matchup between Gervonta Davis and Anthony Joshua. He jokes that people will call him stupid for his thoughts on the matchup. Sean believes that Davis is a talented fighter and thinks the matchup would generate a lot of interest.

Closing Remarks

Sean wraps up the episode by mentioning a few other topics. He briefly discusses the potential health risks of vaping, citing an example of a friend whose testicles were affected by vaping. Sean also mentions the upcoming Crawford-Spence rematch and expresses his excitement for the fight.

He briefly mentions his plans to recover from his recent fight and emphasizes the importance of taking time to rest and recover properly. Sean also mentions his plans to move some things to the farm and mentions that the weather will be cooling down soon.

Sean concludes the episode by mentioning some promotional codes for his sponsors, including Via Hemp and Phillips Law. He encourages listeners to check out their products and services. Sean also mentions his Snapchat and Patreon accounts, where he interacts with fans and shares exclusive content. He signs off with his catchphrase, “Peace, love, deuces.”

Suga had initially planned to leave Las Vegas on Saturday. However, his flight experienced multiple delays. After each delay, he began to interpret these interruptions as a sign, even jokingly mentioning it as a clear message from Jesus Christ, suggesting he should remain in Vegas. Given the vibrant atmosphere of the city and the allure of the ongoing events, Suga decided to stay and continue enjoying the festivities, rather than waiting for the repeatedly delayed flight.

Suga had several important meetings during his time in Las Vegas. Who were these meetings with, and what was their significance?

Dominick Cruz, a respected figure in the MMA community, commented that “Suga O’Malley is as good as everyone wants him to be.” This statement is a testament to Suga’s skills and potential in the sport. Coming from Cruz, it signifies recognition and endorsement of Suga’s talent, suggesting that he has lived up to the expectations and hype surrounding him.

Before the press conference, Israel Adesanya approached Sean Strickland and playfully slapped his ass. In response, Strickland humorously warned Adesanya not to treat him the way he treated Paulo, another fighter. During the presser, Adesanya referenced this interaction, further highlighting their playful banter and camaraderie.

Israel Adesanya revealed that he wishes to achieve a submission victory in his MMA career. This aspiration indicates Adesanya’s desire to showcase a well-rounded skill set, as he is primarily known for his striking. In the context of his upcoming fight, Adesanya anticipates that Sean Strickland will employ a wrestling strategy. Adesanya’s mention of wanting a submission suggests he might be prepared to counter Strickland’s wrestling with submission techniques.

we are live episode number 251 boys Tim
couldn’t make it no he’ll probably show up late as always jokes he’s not usually late I don’t know what he’s doing he
can’t hang with the best of us we went to Las Vegas Thursday Friday
we’re supposed to get on our flight Saturday at noonish whatever get the first text it’s delayed now or no big
deal get to the airport get there delayed another hour delayed again and I was like that is a sign from Jesus
Christ himself that is more clear of a message than I’ve ever gotten in my
life to stay in Vegas he said he might as well have emailed me and said Suga what are you doing it’s Saturday and you
leave in Vegas I was trying to be a good boy that’s why I even had the flights booked for Saturday I’m just gonna go Thursday
Friday I got a couple meetings with the UFC meetings with Resorts World it’s gonna strictly state of business party a
little bit and go home Saturday as we’re leaving the the hotel we’re seeing butt cheeks
walk by and it’s just insane and we laughed we went to the airport checked
in and sat down and waited that flight got delayed again another hour that’s when I said
let’s go back we went back to Resorts World and we stayed we went to a little pool party we went to the club that
night and I was in crazy it was it was insane we’ll probably run getting a little bit of more detail of that when Tim gets
here if he shows up had a great meeting with Dana had a great meeting with Sean Shelby um gambled with Steve and Amron
um it was just an incredible weekend man incredible weekend party Thursday Friday Saturday
so if I’m looking extra cute today that’s probably why my aura ring said I was in bed from 8 30 P.M to 8 58 a.m so
I uh got home and recovered quite nicely and it was just a hell of a weekend
um was there fights this weekend I don’t even oh yeah there was didn’t watch yeah didn’t watch anything couldn’t even
couldn’t recap that it was good to see Steve though you know I don’t really get to see Steve much he was supposed to be here last weekend when we partied uh in
Phoenix he didn’t show up and uh but he was he lives in Vegas we went to dinner with him and uh John Shahidi and emeron
and Uncle Dana pop by it was incredible I don’t want to say too much because uh Tim’s not here and I
don’t you know we’ll probably recap a lot of that but uh if he doesn’t show up then I guess I’ll have to recap it we’ll
just get right into uh what should we talk about first there’s so much we got well I’m sure everyone’s just dying to
know the [ __ ] meeting with Uncle Dana went and Sean Shelby it was incredible the sugar State athletic commission was
there and uh approved of the the plan so I don’t want to release it because Uncle Dana is going to and he told me don’t
say anything so I won’t but I want him um sounds like incredible plans the UFC
has and I’m excited for it I said sounds good you know what I mean so
Uncle Dana said I think he said he’s gonna release it in like two weeks or something um which will be cool
yeah the plan for me plan for or yeah the plan for my next fight sounds [ __ ] incredible and I would love to
just spill the beans right now but I can’t I can’t do it uh maybe I’ll text Uncle Larry I’ll let him do it joke joke
jokes um what else was I gonna say it was something fire and then I forgot uh
um Sean Strickland Israel I saw you this weekend I just don’t see God again Tim’s not here we’re gonna probably cover all this
stuff but uh we’ll just read this one Donna Cruz reaction about The Throne O’Malley is as good as everyone wants
him to be thank you I appreciate that and that’s very accurate
um why are you looking forward to beating up Cheeto again well I beat him up the first time and everyone’s like oh
you got knocked out or something I’m like how do you even where do you even how do you even see that I don’t even know how people I don’t know what people
think that um so it’d just be fun to piece him up again
um cheeto’s good he’s durable he finds a way to win he doesn’t really gas out
he did look like [ __ ] against Cheeto um but you know we’ll see if that’s the
next fight daily data shows Aiden Ross nuclear leak of Nina ahead of Logan Paul’s fight Shoals asked
yeah I watched the scholes Pod with Logan pretty good I liked it
um the Dylan danis I guess the video got leaked and now everyone’s saying it’s not her did you even see it Garrett what
was it I didn’t see the video basically there was a there was a picture supposedly that Dylan has but no I
thought it was I keep seeing it’s a video that got leaked people like drama alert a bunch of these twitters are saying click on the link I uh it’s
Schultz talking about it with Logan specifically and that that’s where I got mine oh okay was that podcast no this
was this was after the pod yeah people are tweeting that yeah there was a video that uh yeah there’s a video that
supposedly got leaked I still haven’t seen it everyone I keep seeing people saying they saw it but they couldn’t find it
um over oh over 150 000 worth of value was reportedly stolen from God’s home during fight
that’s why I got my house [ __ ] lit up with security now because I’m like God you just can’t trust [ __ ] bro
and they see you’re gone like you know you can’t trust [ __ ]
um Trevor Whitman not in Rose oh she wasn’t not anymore just Pat Berry was
but Trevor Whitman wasn’t wow did you see her hand after it Jesus
that is wild uh Gone vs aspin all next sounds like it
I just for me I cannot pay attention the division for some reason even though they’re so [ __ ] even though
Aspen was a huge athlete I just for some reason just doesn’t pull me in to watch it
Israel out of Sonia recalls his first impression of [ __ ] Sean Strickland five minutes ago backstage Izzy walked up to
him and slapped his ass before the presser and Sean said don’t do me like you did Paulo and then Izzy proceeded to
call him out in it for the presser you see it during the presser where he was like he just said like I made you my
[ __ ] five minutes ago yeah yeah okay that makes sense Israel said what do you
what do I want in my career a submission oh I definitely want a submission I might be the first I know Sean Strickland’s going to wrestle he’s dumb
not to so I know he’s going to try and mix it up he’s doing this whole thing man dance and man dance he’s going to
crotch sniff that’s what he’s going to do what a strong Strickland is such a huge Underdog even
a bigger underout augment I was against aljo God if he wins I’ll [ __ ] prey jump
off a cliff onto my [ __ ] head jokes I just I watched the countdown yesterday
and Sean Strickland definitely doesn’t suck he’s not bad he’s good
I wanna I wanna say somebody can’t
any tools when it comes to like a straight striking match
is he I mean fighting’s crazy dude obviously like it’s just it’s the most crazy sport but
and everybody was saying Al Joe was going to win alge was going to allowed to win so for me to say Izzy’s gonna win Sean has no chance
I sound just like those guys so I’m not even gonna say that but from a from a
technique standpoint like they’re both Strikers Izzy’s a cleaner Striker he’s a more
he’s just a better Striker he’s a little bit quicker they’re just two different styles Sean Strickland has this kind of like Pace he hits pretty hard but he has
this like constant Pace to where is he kind of Pop shots moves like kicks moves
if I had if I had to guess I would say is he is he is he chaos him is he
finishes him um but it’s so hard to say it’s crazy Sean Strickland is on this account of every
practice is just sparring sparring sparring sparring sparring knocked out a spawn partner with a head
kick yeah um for Sean Striker could be the UFC champ that would be [ __ ] crazy
I mean as you would probably get a rematch just because they well who else would who else well Sean Strickland knew
champ maybe they no they don’t want strictly this Camp come on in Australia what is it what
does it see like 50 60 000 something crazy like that
yeah that’s gonna be fun um damn Tim’s just straight up not
showing up for work today holy he’s fired 10 30 you guys so me and Tim talk
we’re gonna start at 11. I just realized that’s why he’s not here yet he didn’t tell me that yeah so well Tim will be
here in 12 minutes and we’ll pretty much talk about everything but then we can recap everything we talked about with him Ian Machado Gary vows
I wonder why he took his girl’s last name Machado
I wonder if she made it you know what I mean or if she or if he was like no that’ll be
like romantic as [ __ ] I I’m dead ass I’m just curious like why
taking her last name that’s crazy I know yeah I just said it a little wild uh if
I was out wrestle Kumar Usman and Colby Covington Route 203 title I’ll [ __ ] wrestle down Joe
um Jorge I like this one I like this one Whatever as well reaction oh wait no just oh title win at UFC 292 weighs in
on disgust your ante Clash I got a huge shout out to Sean O’Malley as well said I thought Al Jermaine was going to have
his number yeah that’s true or just or Jorge’s thoughts on uh Javonte I’m always going to be with my brothers and
sisters in MMA Richard Vante I don’t know I wish they could have fights between those two guys like that that’s
what he’s been doing since he was a kid it’s not going to be nice you know I’d pay a lot of money to see the fight
actually as a fan I would love to see it it’s getting picked up a little bit it’s exactly what I wanted you know I say it
I say I talk about it talk about it talk about it and it gets picked up a little bit here a little bit there a little bit there Javonte bringing it up though if
you’re gervante and you see me as a massive Superstar one of the biggest
Superstars the UC champ in the UFC calling you out and I’m an easy fight
I don’t get I just don’t understand why some people don’t take easy fights especially when I’m the champ one of the
biggest names in UFC if some boxer was saying like I’m gonna
come to UFC and I’ll whoop Sean I say oh yeah let’s get it let’s do it
but yeah but Javonte has said anything about it but it I don’t think you can tweet from jail can you
I think he’s in jail once he gets out he’ll know but once he gets out someone will tell
him and we’ll see what he says um former UFC lightweight flyweight I mean Champion Johnson took home gold
medal at ibgf Master world brown belt tournament this week good [ __ ] from Demetrius and Aggie that’s fire Connor
and Ian sparring I saw that Connor I mean Ian’s just a big bastard he’s a big [ __ ]
yeah yeah he’s he’s a big big [ __ ] dude even at the fights when backstage when I
saw him again he’s just like uh that’s 170 right 170 he’s like six two
or something I don’t know Logan Paul left this point after meeting scumbag Conor McGregor he’s kind of just
disappointed to me as a superstar just because his drug problem whoa nothing wrong with drugs jokes the way he
doesn’t commit to anything the way he doesn’t back up anything he says the way he’s all bark no bite these things
bother me I get wise roads are still Dennis bro they’re both bad people there’s scumbags
like Connor I mean it’s CR he’s definitely not all bike no bark just because of what he’s done in
the UFC beat Aldo beat Chad Mendes beat Eddie Alvarez beat Nate Diaz he’s beat
some very good guys and uh he’s backed up a lot of what he said but then we got more famous later on in his career it’s
like you can’t he’s like taking risky fights it’s like ah do you risk I mean [ __ ] Habib
so but I get what Logan’s doing he’s trying to [ __ ] poke the bear poke the bear poke the bear Conor will I yeah I
don’t and Conor will never fight Jake or Logan he’s just he’s not even big enough like he’s thick as [ __ ] right now but
he’s still five nine like Logan and Jake are big [ __ ] dudes they’re big boys they’re not
little [ __ ] uh Alex paida versus Yuri targeted in December per Dana interesting
cop versus Kelvin gaslim targeted per Dana interesting
I saw I went into the war room where they make all the fights and I saw some fights up there they said hey make sure
you don’t record but they said uh I saw some fights some very very interesting
fights in October it’s a very very interesting fights in December
so saw some very interesting fights that I cannot talk about uh volganovski
directly challenged McGregor highlighting that he’s the only 145 former 145 pound champion he’s yet to
defeat Volk versus Connor at 155 Connor could not make 45 no shot ever he’s too
[ __ ] massive but Conor versus Volk at 155.
God that’s literally like Conor has to get him out of there in two
and he very well could yeah mate that thing is a [ __ ] nuclear bomb
um yeah yeah what’s an extra volky well I I
asked UFC kind of some questions they’re like he’s [ __ ] Volk and Izzy are always asking to fight always wanting to
get in there as soon as possible I was like [ __ ] yeah that’s sweet that’s that’s what I want to do that’s the champ I want to be get in there and [ __ ]
dude my left side of my my left side of my hand from Hammer fisting [ __ ] aljo’s face over and over and over again
is just lingering this [ __ ] uh I don’t know if it’s tendons or what but it’s just [ __ ] hurts like squeeze a
bottle I’m just I mean that doesn’t hurt me worse than I heard him man but uh UFC documentary the crew that was
following me around before the fight after the fight and stuff they showed me in Vegas this super like you know that huge thing they carry around boom it’s
the for the slow-mo camera they showed me slow-mo zoomed up all the way boom
hitting that right hand that kind of missed the shot a little bit but they were zoomed in on his face while I was
[ __ ] Hammer fisting him and you could see him like go out and then come back go out and come back
I don’t and I don’t think it will be really a question of an early stoppage after they show that footage that
close-up of his eyes going booming me punching him back into consciousness
crazy yeah you can see one of the shots that
landed in this cut you go it’s pretty it’s [ __ ] sweet footage
they showed me so yeah I don’t want to say too much of what else they shot but it was [ __ ]
it was sweet it was sweet uh yeah yeah how did you laugh when I put
me we had a talk with the boys we let Henry suit off the roster I’m just eating up Henry and he tries so
hard to tweet funny stuff and it’s just like there’s some a little bit of he he to it but it’s just like so bad but what
do you expect from someone not sure you know what I mean he tries so hard and he’s just I could he’s just asking his
buddies hey what’s like do you have anything funny I could tweet and I’m just [ __ ] firing off tweets and just
roasting them up and he’s just nothing to do about it well I’m just a better wrestler than than Henry and
that’s just I mean I I proved that it’s just fat numbers don’t lie I am a better wrestler than Henry and it’s just it is
what it is um I do have to apologize though because he is a lot more popular than I thought
I chill tweeted out who should try to Molly fight next and he got
aljame got 14 Cheeto got 51 rap got 24 and uh Henry got 12 so it is a lot I I
thought he would have got two ish one or two-ish so the fact that he’s you know 10 times more popular than I thought he
was I do need to apologize for that because he’s a lot I I didn’t think he would at least get all the way up to 12
percent um so sorry for that Henry and if you want to work on it like wrestling
defense or anything with his kids let me know I’m always here for you West Side Peoria baby let’s get it we can just [ __ ] work on some [ __ ] I can show you
a few things um but yeah um what else we got [ __ ] Henry’s
little dork let me pull up these fights this weekend because I don’t know
who uh Fox fighting except for Sean Strickland versus Israel at a Sonia
um early prelims for this fight Kevin Jackson versus okay wow some of these
guys that just don’t know their names this guy’s three and two Mike Mather
Mike massesa wow that’s a beautiful [ __ ] name
three and two versus Charlie skip that one not very familiar John
mcdessie versus Jamie malarkey Jack Jenkins wow there’s only three fights on the prelims I mean they’re the
early prelims but the regular prelims one of the three move to the main card uh
Tyson Pedro versus Anton turkosh
Justin tafa heavyweight versus Austin Lane Manel Cape was supposed to fight
um um what’s that what’s [ __ ] 25 his
name that trains with Izzy kakara France that would have been a sweet fight but he uh kaikara got hurt so Felipe dosanos
dos Santos 7-0 is uh taking the taking the Toronto’s
fight tied to a loss of 15-5 oh dude we knocked out Greg Hardy that was crazy I
was in the back warming up I don’t remember who I was fighting but that was [ __ ] sweet tizing Legend Alexander
he’s fine Alexander volkov 36 and 10. it’s a lot of [ __ ] fights 46 Pro fights that’s wild
oops um oops uh Israel out of Sonya 24-2 versus
Sean Strickland 27-5 I want to pull up Sean Strickland sure dog real quick the dude’s been around forever he’s been
fighting for a minute let me find a sure dog real quick
one sure dog oh yeah whatever happened to Tarzan does
he still come out to Sean Tarzan Strickland oh he’s only 32 what the [ __ ] he looks like he’s 50.
he’s coming off a huge win over a bus music oh my god of and then he beaten us arm my mom off I
don’t even know what the [ __ ] question for you on that fight with the week in context today is he fight a bus guy was
kind of similar style to Izzy lanky Striker it’s like I don’t see how strong
does it but what do you think on that I they’re just ah Israel is a snip we got a very
similar style he’s a sniper he’s very patient he’s not gonna really make too many mistakes a fight to fight obviously
you can get caught I don’t think Sean hits as hard as uh Alex pajera does I
mean just doesn’t look like he does he’s more of a volume puncher is he’s not really there to be hit he’ll stick move
move stick move um Sean Strickland got knocked out by a hitter in 13 seconds in the first round
um you know so I just don’t think I just don’t see how Izzy doesn’t beat him
um it’s crazy he’d be two random guys I’ve never even heard of for title shot
at least I [ __ ] worked for my time uh 27-5 a lot of experience 11 Kos four
submissions 12 decision wins versus Izzy’s dude let’s okay let’s look at
Izzy’s [ __ ] shirt off real quick let me pull this [ __ ] up this [ __ ] been just a legend in
the game I want to emulate my title defense of this dude all right let’s see Israel
I’ll scroll down a bit let’s scroll down a little bit we’ll start off when you see Rob Wilkinson not very familiar but
he beat Marvel Tori 2018 I watched that fight I was there for that fight with a sweet fight I actually
was there for the Brad Tavares fight in Vegas um again beautiful fight decision decision Derek Brunson TKO knees
beautiful fight B Anderson Silva beat kill Kevin Gaston in a [ __ ] crazy fight knocked out Robert Whittaker beat
yoel Romero knocked out Paulo Costa went up to 205 lost to yamahovich
um in a decision though I mean we still went five fives with him then
he uh came back down to his division beat Marvin Victoria again beat Robert Whitaker again
um beat Jared Cannon there then loses to Alex paeda then comes back and beats Alex paheda crazy [ __ ]
careers dudes had um but yeah I just don’t see I hate I hate even saying that because then if
something happens it’s like just I know how crazy fighting is Anything Could Happen
just don’t see it happening and I don’t want to I would love to see as he [ __ ] snipe him
I just want to see him dance like did a little [ __ ] tickety tockety on him God I wish I wish we could find that video that just keeps getting that
people keep hey papa keeps getting uh talked about Tim’s here ladies gentlemen
Round of Applause foreign
yeah coming have you seen that video with Nina yet the one or no that keeps getting people keep saying
that’s not actually her I keep seeing it on Twitter but I can’t find the video
you can’t see it ladies and gentlemen Tim Welch is here rattle plus I’m a Snapchat what the [ __ ]
I’m a beetle I thought it was a [ __ ] rat I think it’s ugly as hell that’s like your daughter
and I love her probably as much as you love yours my dog definitely
that’s that’s how it did when you say that’s how it digs me no I’m gonna tell Elena that you think she’s ugly that’s
how it digs me when you say that yeah but we can all look everyone can agree that Beetle’s ugly literally Beetle’s not cute Beetle bites
the [ __ ] at my feet I will I will post a pic people will be like she’s cute there’s no one in this [ __ ] gym right
now I think Beatles came on my hair’s coming out my braids are coming out but I’ll tell you one thing this episode’s sponsored by via hemp and if you haven’t
tried those via hemp Edibles v-i-i-a-h-e-m-p code TMS they have uh
training ones where you can get a lift in you can do some rolling two and a half milligrams uh literally perfect
they have um all sorts of different Edibles here and they’re the most quality you don’t get hungover too bad
um well you don’t even get hungover at all if you don’t take too much the only reason you really get hung over from Edibles if they’re shittier you take way
too much these aren’t shitty and they’re just dosed right yeah they they really are and they have different things they
have different flower um it’ll ship right to your house wow ship right to your house no problem if we use Edibles we use the Via hemp
Edibles I don’t like doing any other Edibles they make you feel like crap I think they put a lot of garbage in most
edibles but give them a try and you’ll enjoy it thank you very much bye we had a little miscommunication this morning
because I thought it was 10 30 because you didn’t tell me 11. you told Garrett 11 and uh wasn’t in there so I’m telling Garrett like well let’s just [ __ ]
start to be here soon and then about 10 15 minutes he’s like oh [ __ ] Tim actually said 11. but no worries we’re
already you know we’re having a good pod it’s [ __ ] right here pot 11 and then 12 30 or one barbecue tomorrow you said
yeah I’d be down with that so what no problem though no problem oh so
there was a miscommunication there’s misreading on my part sorry about the [ __ ] when I say I swear I said 10 30. I
got here right at 10 30 ready to [ __ ] zippity-doo so that is my uh did you guys already talked about dinner with Dana and stuff uh not didn’t get into
any subject too much but uh let’s rip it out with Dana how [ __ ] crazy was that that we were sitting there well we
didn’t have he came to dinner late but yeah we didn’t talk too much about that how crazy was that just sitting there just bullshitting with us yeah having
some uh having some din with John John Shahidi and uh Steve will do it here hold on sorry sorry guys Tim’s dogs are
in here just hitting the cameras and [ __ ] around it’s no worries though that’s why we started I was trying to actually end the Pod
um before we got here right Tim said Elena’s ugly well and I
didn’t mean it I really didn’t mean it just came out because he said Beetle was ugly what the [ __ ] how did I read that 10 30.
that just shows how [ __ ] my brain is uh but but yeah we wish John Shahidi Steve will do it Uncle Imron uh having a
dinner and Steve pretty much ordered everything on the menu and we me and Steve and shook went outside smoke a
little joint and we shouldn’t have done that and we were eating bread we were eating mac and cheese we were eating mashed potatoes we were eating steak
cheeseburger even on top of all that you’re eating a Lotte had some bites of a cheeseburger and just went crazy and
then Steve at the end ordered some fried Oreos ice cream with the toffee butter cake
um with Brownie and ice cream oh yeah that was bad and it’s weird that
you could have full on just everything you could ask for for dinner and just be like about a puke and then dessert comes
and there’s just like a little spot that you can still stuff yup yup and then and
then Dana rolls up and just I mean he’s a celeb in Vegas obviously everyone’s getting pictures of him he’s always cool
about getting pictures with everyone and just gets the whole table hyped his whole energy it’s literally every time I’ve ever been
around Dana off there was no cameras he’s the same dude off and on camera just [ __ ] fired up and passionate
about whatever he’s talking about talking about stories and just telling just it does get you fired up huh gives
us good gave us some good advice because he’s been a celebr for a long time and just him and John Shahidi but yeah him
getting fired up but he looks like he’s like 30 years younger it’s crazy yeah whatever he’s doing yeah he definitely
looks healthy and you oh you can’t I think he said keto is what he’s doing eating keto fasted and doing keto and
stuff yeah he’s [ __ ] you don’t have that kind of energy if you’re not well actually I don’t know I feel there’s crackheads that have that kind of energy
he’s not a crackhead he’s just healthy he’s telling us about his morning routine
like red light pmf all the [ __ ] we do but he does it to an extreme like
because he he [ __ ] takes all the peptides and all that [ __ ] so does Steve I’m like Steve you’re 20 40 and you know
he said he could never live without it now yeah I think I think the peptides though I think they’re not like
not they’re not like steroids aren’t they so new like it’s CR it’s always scary with such new stuff you don’t know
the long term the long terms yeah but people like like Ben Greenfield this Dr Michael guy he talks about the peptides
and just how good they are it’s illegal for UFC fighters though what even are they uh like it there’s different ones
there’s different ones bp157 to heal injuries there’s this other one called ipamorolin and that makes you like
leaner it makes it just makes body already produces and you’re just getting more of it or is it [ __ ] that your body doesn’t produce and it just [ __ ] like
yeah I’m I mean God there’s just scientists that know but makes you sleep better makes your energy better I mean
if you’re having someone monitor your hormones and your blood work and they’ll get you dialed in the right way but yeah
that was fun having Dan Dan and then after din-din I’ve never played blackjack we go
there’s a private room and then there’s a private room in the private room and that’s where Dana Uncle Dana and Steve
were playing a little Blackjack we walked in and Dana was playing what thirty thousand dollar hands yep 100
000 in less than five minutes had to be less than five minutes yeah he rolled right in there just kind of dipped or he
walked around chit chatted with people and took some pictures and stuff a hundred thousand five minutes like it was nothing you can tell just how
experienced that gambling is because it’s like okay if you want to go big go big you’re going to end up losing if you keep trying to go big he rolls and gets
30 000 chips boom boom boom wins a couple’s hands 100K boom then stops but that was sweet that was freaking sweet
it was a good time yeah Steve says he pretty much hangs out with Dana every night they play that’s crazy yeah it’s I
could see Blackjack was fun it’s my first time playing Blackjack I would I mean we’re at the High Roller
tables and I was playing like 25 hands tried to go to the club after that and
just tried to sip a drink I just couldn’t I was too [ __ ] I mean I was too full Thursday night yeah we were like
let’s just go to the club we’re in Vegas [ __ ] it zuke’s lit Resorts World we’re [ __ ] at the hotel we go and I just
couldn’t even get a buzz yes so [ __ ] stuffed from that food
and I was burping like trying to talk to girls up oh yeah it was hard it was hard that Thursday night was fun we ended up
just going going to bed nothing too crazy Friday rolls around I don’t remember what happened yeah I
remember I got a lift I think Friday I got a lift I went to coach some of my students at the master worlds in Jiu
Jitsu con you wouldn’t have a meeting with the UFC how’d the meeting goes good Master did we talked a little bit about it but I mean I really can’t say too
much um I mean you heard Dana at dinner kind of running down kind of what the plan is and he was going to announce it and uh
he said he was he said he was working on something with you he said working on something massive yeah just with the well the with the
I don’t know if it’s the fight card or the location or the opponent he didn’t really give too many
details he seemed jacked about it he seemed [ __ ] fired up about it which makes me fired up and uh we went to the
mall we went to the mall we splashed we cert we uh used the Timbo sugar show card and got ourselves each a pair of
nice Versace matching glasses mine are white yours are black look fire those are sick [ __ ] glasses I look like I’m
from Star Wars which I like oh like a ghost is that a gay Star Wars character yeah that’s fire I gave Source here oh
that would no those are actually yeah those ones are sick I’m pissed that I didn’t take more videos of all the fans
it was another level of fans for you this this time at zoo I think it was
Saturday night when we went to the club we got um on the second floor we got to walk around
thousands of people in line and they’re just all yelling and Sean just raises you know I was thinking about I should
have ducked down let it go ahead and go and duck down [ __ ] I know we were I wish
we would have done that too and it was good about it because we could have hit out with security the whole time but you wanted to walk through and get pictures
with people and yeah I wouldn’t I mean [ __ ] if they’re real sugar fans and they just had that experience watching that
fight in Boston whether they were there live or watching it there on TV and they felt this crazy [ __ ] emotion for me
sleeping Al Joe and then they get to see me in person because a lot of people don’t think I’m real yeah I think I’m a
character they don’t even know I’m a real human and if you start the thing is if you start stopping then you’re gonna
be there for an hour hour and a half so if you see Sean you want to do it just like walking selfies yeah I’ve been
telling walking selfie walk because I can’t stop take a picture and someone’s shaking they can’t even open their phone
I’m just like walking self and walking selfie walking selfie that’s the way to do it but yeah though let’s get into the
it’s getting crazy we went to Drake Friday night [ __ ] and forgot about that Drake that was Friday Drake yeah Friday
night that’s right um was messaging Drake on IG because I mean we’re just tight like that he
messed me tell him with his lyrics yeah well I gave him a couple of bars that he spit but he messed him he said he almost died on his flight there
I said [ __ ] let’s celebrate you didn’t die but yeah we went to his concert Friday
that’s crazy like that place was pumping pumping for Drake him walking
out him walking I was probably my favorite part it was crazy um lots of sexy chicks lots of sexy
chicks darker chicks I like that a lot it was probably it seemed like it was 60
67 women yeah there’s a lot of chocolates a lot of a lot of females there like that
um but that was legendary you played a couple bangers I liked but we were
saying imagine if what if that was a we’re gonna get someone get so much [ __ ] hate for this what if that was a six nine concert in there just that
music does he do Arena’s like that six yeah I don’t know if he’s still canceled
or what huh but we went to the one in Miami the sign concert in Miami a long time ago
probably three four years ago whatever it was it was obviously that Drake’s when the fireworks would go off and then the whole crowd boom like everything was
just jacked Travis Scott was at the club Saturday night well Friday night after that we went ended up going to the club
a little bit had a good time they were playing EDM music which is kind of hard to Boogie to unless you roll and uh dice you know you
know if you’re rolling even then it’s like it was yeah it’s all right so Thursday night Friday I was like EDM
it’s good but I like it was I liked Saturday night that Dawn Toliver or something and uh the DJ was playing
more like Club r b hip hop that was fun
um oh at one point they played Superstar and I was able to walk around like a rapper because I’ve always wanted to be a rapper I don’t think well they they
put you on like there was the stage and then there was a desk in front of the stage you got up on the thing it was on
our Snapchats I’m glad they didn’t hand me a mic because I would have started trying to spit or to see I have some
combos like drinks yeah Drake a lot of the time uh a lot of the time he uh would just talk you know kind of with
some music in the background talk he’s just got like an iconic voice yeah so and I was but I was I was faded at uh at
the club I bet that was pretty crazy they had your off picture on all the big screens yeah and then Superstar coming
on this song just hit did way different now chicks were just flicking their beans [ __ ] shoving their hands up
their puss balls but uh yeah that was cool I was like God that was probably one of the highlights of my life because
I gotta feel like a rapper yeah but that was cool like a rapper I’ve always wanted to be able to spit bars you did a
good job on dancing and stuff I don’t know if I do the worm upstairs I just
feel like oh it kind of felt like I was in like that same feeling I get when I’m in the Octagon like I was just feeling I
wasn’t dancing but I was just kind of like feeling that [ __ ] it helped that I was on uh
alcohol I tell you what though I mean going to that Resorts World it’s the best [ __ ] ever literally the best you
don’t have to leave you don’t have to leave the club’s there phenomenal food is there
um the spa the weight room is so nice there it’s so pimp that is we’re so lucky to have that hook up yeah and
those [ __ ] sweets dude you just get in you open that door oh and you want to be the devil it is I
mean it’s Sin City man they make you feel like you want to be the devil oh God but when we’re working on our side
we were good well and whatever we did we apologize so we’re good now oh yeah forgiveness I already asked oh
so I’m good I didn’t even need to ask for forgiveness is the difference between me and you bud yeah well Jesus
sent us an email Friday I went I told the boys I told them we literally went or Saturday we went to the airport
checked in flight got delayed again that was more of a clear sign than I’ve
ever gotten in my life you know what I mean yep it’s like let’s just go back I
mean gosh we’re just so not conditioned for those late nights and those those little hoorahs but uh I mean I mean I
don’t feel too bad I got a good lift this morning got back good night’s sleep this morning lifted gotta run gotta
sweat you’re crazy I’m depressed again so yeah I’m definitely depressed as [ __ ]
I’m actually not too bad is the weird thing I didn’t drink so much I was drinking fiji’s the whole night staying
hydrated dude that’s such a game changer if you’re gonna be drinking you have to be drinking water too and on my way to
the room uh Saturday night I was housing some pizzas oh once I house those pizzas I was I mean I woke up feeling good I
was ready to go yeah the lack of sleep is probably the biggest thing I was just so [ __ ] just tired from the lack of
sleep but then I was like I’m Gucci man I’ll tell you one thing though Phillips law
over a billion dollars have been won for their clients um they came in some of the some of
their lawyers came in uh the other day and I gave them a little private in Jiu Jitsu and they came in pretty nervous they came in pretty nervous but they uh
they did it they did it and they had a good time that’s uh Phillips law for you ladies
and gentlemen and they have
recommended since 1993 so they’ve been around and over 1800 Google reviews official partners of the Arizona
Cardinals that’s Phillips law ladies and gentlemen back to the show um
um but we got a little BBQ it’s Memorial Day happy Memorial Day you know what I mean right Memorial Day or Labor Day
Labor Day that’s going to be later today the [ __ ] it’s Labor Day it’s Monday I keep thinking today is
Sunday we’re did we’re doing uh I think we’re gonna do a little bit of Smash Smash Burgers smash plus Smash Burgers
moving into the farm today I think I don’t know man are you gonna start staying there and stuff huh yeah I need
to I need to [ __ ] bring my cold plunger once I get my cold plunge wherever my cold plunge is I’ll start feeling like home even if I don’t use it
I’ll just as long as it’s there man the only thing that’s really hurting me right now is the side of my hand
uh I was telling the boys about the [ __ ] oh you didn’t get to see the slow-mo videos yeah no [ __ ] I wish they would send it over oh I’m
gonna ask him around if they’ll ask them to send it over I didn’t tell him it was up close dude it is
slow-mo in the most it’s 47k basically you know what I mean yeah what would you
[ __ ] taxed I’m uh looking up these fights for the weekend I didn’t even get to see him so cereal gone the dko Sergio
okay how did he get it was a body was it body kicks didn’t see it we missed it so that was a
real yeah I didn’t [ __ ] even yeah I didn’t see those either but real quick I didn’t get
to I didn’t get to watch the countdown yet I’m excited to watch it um they make it they make it look like
okay Strickland and you you see all I mean name one
countdown whether they didn’t make it like that yeah they did a good job they did a good job did you see Rose Nami in
his hand though no the picture oh yeah her finger was [ __ ] Jesus yeah I don’t really see much of uh to
recap on these fights tied to avasa it’s going to be interesting seeing him like he’s fighting volkov who’s six six yeah
that’s a scary dude and you got a left hook and you got a right hook and you got to figure out how to get in there
and get to that left hook or that right hook that’s great cray no I wouldn’t like that I mean [ __ ]
you’ve been having some nice bickers with uh Henry oh yeah we went over that I apologize he was a lot more popular
than I thought he got 12 of the votes on sales post I thought he’s gonna get two so I did apologize for that and told him
if everyone’s working on wrestling like some defense or wrestling Up Against the Cage I told him where we’re at yeah you know what I mean
yeah well I mean everyone it’s crazy everyone voted for Cheeto everyone wants to see that rematch yeah I mean it makes
sense like [ __ ] I mean we’ll see what the UFC says but um it does make sense well that’s what I
want if you ask me what do you want next I want you know I mean it’s a big one and it’s a tough one I mean it’s one of
the most durable Mexicans out there Ecuadorian oh yeah it’s okay Cheeto I got your back bro
fbff for Life G Ecuadorian what’s up with his eye did he get has it always
been like that it’s a Wandering is it someone said he’s been training on mushrooms and stuff been doing that I I
I should keep doing that Cheeto because it’s helping with the performances but I tell you one thing the kid is freaking
tough he’s durable as [ __ ] he has hard chins yeah so it’s not an easy fight I mean
and no one in the [ __ ] top 10 top dude not even the top ten top 15. you could even say top 40 Cody garbrandt
he’s I mean they’re you saw oh you saw morab outside huh yeah do you have any run-ins with him
some rap chain and he just came up to me and said much respect you should have locked up with him a little over under
let him feel a little it’s a trip or something the thing about you know I actually legitimately felt bad for
marhab I passed it he was in the cafeteria it wasn’t even at cafeteria hours it was
like 2 p.m like cafeteria is closed he wasn’t even eating he was sitting in the cafeteria at the ufcpi and I walked past
him he was just sitting there by himself went to did some physical therapy for an hour and then came back he was sitting
in the same spot algae was gone so and I felt bad for him like dude this is like
someone that needs a [ __ ] buddy yeah I didn’t say anything but I did I felt
bad he came up to me at one point I said much respect brother it’s like how could you not much respect it knocked out everybody yeah he’s I mean
he sees he seems cool Schmidt he’s always talking [ __ ] on him on the Instagram but then rap and they said
sorry love you and then rap says something nice back that’s so funny he seems like funny rap message is Schmitty
back and talk [ __ ] together I know it’s awesome you listen to Alger on Brad’s pod that [ __ ] was
funny bro and Brad said I mean Loki was kind of [ __ ] up but when Brad said uh
this part That’s so exciting other than me running forward if I didn’t run forward how does
that fight end yeah but you ran forward no I I know bang I know that was exciting bro I was so hyped I’m not
gonna lie I was so excited like I was at home bro that’s [ __ ] funny and well you got to
give props to uh um Bradley because a lot of people have
pods and they have they’ll talk to you like if you’re the boy and then that someone like that’ll come on and then they’ll
start but Bradley like backed you up 260. he is 260. no Brad did back up and he
didn’t push it too far and aljo handed it well too um but yeah that [ __ ] was funny Brad definitely had my back and I get his
point because I was like yeah but and he’s like yeah but he did beat you so it was like it was a good back and forth it
was actually a really good podcast and I was just like I don’t understand why people gravitate towards him he wears
chains and no well suit without his Kumar Usman it sucks because it’s like okay if you want to make bread actual
bread like life-changing bread and fighting you obviously you gotta work hard that’s number one but you gotta
become some Court of sort of character yeah NHL people so maybe people try to become
that character too late or it’s so fake because the internet’s so good at picking out when people are faking it or not they just are yeah and it has to be
genuine I feel like I’m genuinely a little [ __ ] weird but what if it’s not genuine and and people know oh he’s
acting his character and that character is like Colby that’s not how he actually is he’s just successful [ __ ] act in
that character yeah he is I wonder yeah would you but but if you were given
advice to someone coming up and I I genuinely think it’s the humor aspect of it because I can make funny
sometimes they’re a little cringy but there’s funny sometimes I make posts where I laugh like haha that’s a good
one yeah it’s the humor I think that makes people like me The Knockouts obviously the performances like aljo
never has knocked anyone out in his career I don’t think he’s ever dropped anyone in the UFC yeah but look I mean
look at Colby he’s not The Knockout guy either he’s the grinding but he’s also pushing the limit pushing the background
he’s saying [ __ ] up [ __ ] that aljo wouldn’t say if we’re just talking about
like alja wouldn’t say a morally I’m not saying that Colby’s is wrong for doing it but aljo as a person wouldn’t say
like he’d say that stuff and Izzy well Izzy’s performance is obviously people out and he’s also saying some crazy [ __ ]
which is kind of hard too and uh yeah I don’t know why it’s just like some people just gravitate towards other
people but I I do think a lot of My Success is from it’s funny like you watch our one of our
Vlogs or something it’s you’re probably gonna get a giggle out of it follow my Snapchat you’re gonna get a giggle out of it yeah IG post
uh yeah speaking of that you finally talked me into doing a Snapchat I wish I would have gone on there way way long ago but that is a perfect app to just
let some humor go it’s so fun it’s my favorite app by far because I can just snap 50 times a day most of them are
just kind of funny and then you can answer the questions from people stop my favorite app by far right now yeah I’m
enjoying it too check it out check it out Tim Welch Mt um does it show how many followers you
have now yet or not yet it was like 12 500. damn yeah you emailed that lady
yeah to help the admin stuff and yeah it’s weird because on the Snapchat when you do the public profile you don’t have
all the things right away the next day you’ll it’ll add something that you did it’ll start adding stuff and it’s still
hitting at the admin thing but I’m enjoying it yeah that’ll be good once you can have other people snapping for you off their phones that’s nice I knew
it was a I knew it was another app though that I was like I just wish I would have started six months ago but
I’m sorry you did and then in six months you can say I’m glad I started six months ago it’s crazy like the amount of
bread that you’re making on there is how much a lot of people make in a year I know
it’s [ __ ] I’m like oh that’s correct it doesn’t make sense my life doesn’t even make sense sometimes dude I don’t
get it you know what I do want to do though and maybe someone on here can help me look at my hair first of all is it fire it’s tightened up oh
I wanna I need to do because I went to Pi I got PT for an hour I’m like God I’m missing out on that physical I need
someone that can just come to my [ __ ] house I don’t want to go somewhere just come to my house three four times a week
and work on me someone that’s just milk and table or I do I wouldn’t mind
that being a sexy chick with a milking table at the end see but then you go you go into the sexy chicks like yeah I’d
rather it be like a kind of cute chick that’s not my type or what about older
lady older lady with some like a nice natural titty oh I’m just joking that’s [ __ ]
up I just want a respectable [ __ ] human being that’s good at their job to work on me if I’m being honest
that’s hot tell you one thing though that jet X whatever it is jsx that place
is nice bro it’s basically flying private yeah on the flight there
there was probably 20 people on it on the flight I mean even on the one back there was just one seat one seat
yeah it’s it’s [ __ ] game changer it’s and it’s not that expensive it’s really
not that expensive to fly basically private no security did you hear that no
security well I mean they have a security obviously but it’s not like you wait in line it’s so nice the game
changer the only thing is they don’t fly everywhere which kind of sucks yeah um
so that’s that but if we’re going to Vegas or I think even California is quick um always good to hang out with uncle
and Ron too he’s like perfect when he’s with us I can’t imagine going on a trip without
Uncle Imron because we’re always talking business we always get it’s nice because we talk business every day over the phone anyway we’re talking we had it me
and him had [ __ ] over an hour long conversation just me and him talking to business and then we had John Shahidi
come in and talk more business um and it was fun talking like deep business really learning about Equity
really learning about Investments like just being so lucky to be around those
guys that have like that much experience and just the advice they give it’s so [ __ ] good I feel so thankful every
time well I used to want I used to say I want to make 100 million dollars and Emerald’s like
you need you need a new goal really cool and I said I want to be a bit I want to
be a billionaire and he said that’s one that’s more like it and it’s funny I say that I even said it today and he’s like
good like and it wasn’t like haha or like
right now obviously it’s [ __ ] not even close not even like close at all to
that but make the Right Moves and that’s realistic and it’s just about
it’s about knowing people and uh being smart with your money and making the right moves but it’s oh sorry
I met this uh this brother this black dude at the at the club at the day party actually and he was saying his dad or
someone works for Showtime and he was like they they’re they’re actually been
conversation just brought up nothing serious at all but there’s been conversation at the top levels about
I don’t know who I don’t know how true but that was what I was told
dude uh I mean just being in that in that arena with Drake I’m like just
picturing that being walking out because the stage was kind of like his stage was kind of like a square like that’s what
the boxing would be like how many people would just bawl their eyes out if you dropped him
hey you want to find out I want to find out a lot of people would not be happy
yeah I told I told someone whoever when he gets out of jail to let him know though without gonna ask yeah and he
doesn’t even need to train you’re an MMA guy who doesn’t know how to punch yeah why would he train he doesn’t need to
um I’m undefeated in boxing yeah I remember I broke that dude [ __ ] jaw supposedly
um so that’s happening 2025 [ __ ] maybe even 2024 out of 2024
probably have that schedule that that was crazy being on the stage with those with those two guys Kurt and that
other Asian guy and just like I guess they do that every weekend yeah yeah we were at the club and this these two guys
the security was telling us they are there every single weekend
usually Thursday Friday Saturday yeah and they wouldn’t let any other
guys in I mean they let us in but there’s probably 10 girls yeah like the
sexiest girls too and I wonder if they just put a pounding on all of them I don’t know what I don’t know what
happened but it was funny because of the chick walked in they didn’t give a [ __ ] okay her out
meanly too and I was like that’s fine that’s fine yeah but I mean if you’re
paying for the table you’re paying for the bottles and you don’t want uh we gotta go out with uh Ron and his
family to the the it’s fuhu it’s called this restaurant in Resorts World and it’s so they ordered tomahawks Sushi
whole nine yards dude that shrimp that shrimp that we got in the first what is that called tiger shrimp I think dude I
could eat that every night yeah that is Incredible’s incredible restaurant it was uh it was good just it
felt like it was a little break didn’t do a vlog I mean it we’re working yep
but still it felt like a little break from the routine but now I’m pumped to get back on the routine that’s the thing too about balance is such a real thing I
I would say 90 of my life I’m just disciplined as [ __ ] in Camp I literally
was in Camp for about 15 weeks against al Joe like eating healthy training hard [ __ ] [ __ ] dialed six weeks out though
we did go to zuke for uh I had an appearance and there was the what else were there fights it was fight
yeah I don’t remember I don’t [ __ ] remember either but we did go out actually since six weeks out before the
fight which is rare I’ve never we’ve never done that and I got faded
and uh that’ll be up yeah but then it was right back literally the next [ __ ] boom right back to work
um but balance is such a real thing and people are like oh I don’t want you to go party don’t go party I’m celebrating
I understand the balance that it takes you can’t just [ __ ] party you can’t
just not do anything just be as disciplined as I am that balance I feel like helps me
become more disciplined because then I’m like okay I got that out the way now I’m not really craving it I’m not really
like I just want to go party with the boys it’s out of the way I’m good to go party with it without the boys until next
weekend yeah I don’t I truly don’t want to party right now ask me tomorrow well we’ll see but yeah I’m a little bit
burnt I’m a little bit burnt but I had a good time good time not a worry in the world balance baby it was freaking it
was good yep back to work Elena she [ __ ] missed her daddy last it was so cute she gave me a big old hug you see
how you see my snap of her this morning so I woke up [ __ ] just feet on top my
face she just kid like Danny went slept in the other room I don’t even know when she left but she wanted to [ __ ] sleep
in the other room by herself for the night because Elena was just on her all day for every day for three days Atlanta woke up see mommy didn’t see her and
then she’s like saw me came and just like hugged me and just slap on me oh my God it was the best feeling ever
I bet glad to be back to my poodles my house my big ass tree there was a big Monsoon it ripped my huge tree down not
the branch right or not the roots just like a couple of the branches huge huge Branch so I gotta get someone to come by
and I can come by and [ __ ] what we’re gonna do is saw it up I’m gonna call bibo or what yeah that’s
a good idea obviously your little cutest dog every little princess I actually so pumped to see my ass
that’s what I’m saying my babies they really really are and they miss their dad those poodles are the most loving
dogs in the world uh I think this weekend not traveling which would be good
um I got a planner oh go ahead I ordered this uh it’s called a coffee cart I didn’t order all the coffee stuff with
it but it’s a cart that’s going to come in I’m still building out room two painted the roof black got new floors
um painted the walls the mats are on the way so building that out this week and then the 6th 16th I think we’re gonna go
to the Montana Thursday to Sunday visit my brother get a little Airbnb help him build their house for a couple days damn
the witch day 16th Thursday to Sunday I’m thinking so the 14th to the 17th uh
yeah damn that’s fine are you flying into Great Falls I think I’m gonna fly into Missoula
and we’re probably just grab like uh maybe a little cabin on the lake maybe really have my brother come and stay
whatever or my dad come and stay I need to go see them I [ __ ] pissed me off how much I don’t see them I know it
sucks I don’t really come down here but well right now he’s building a house yeah the thick of the mountains that’s
crazy how many miles from like this do you know from like three but it’s this
back road like it’s not far but it’s far that’s fire and then other that travel
and we’re going to Texas um I still trying to figure out I have a photo shoot with rise energy because
we’re gonna do uh I can’t spill any any beans but I gotta I gotta do a photo video shoot with them in Texas that’s in
Dallas I believe but we’re trying to plan an Austin trip so we go and kill Tony
and so we can go and kill you God I’ll just wear my shades and sit but
I’m not say [ __ ] not laugh at [ __ ] literally not say or laugh at anything just
smoke a cigarette no I’m trying to figure that out I keep telling Tony that I’m gonna figure out I’m trying to but
I’m kind of waiting on Rise so I don’t have to fly to Texas back and then fly to Texas again I’m trying to boom boom
um Are You Gonna Wanna Go to Dallas with us and do that and then Danny yeah let’s let it rip let’s Let It ripe up Snapchat
trip dude Snapchat grows I I got like 400 000 followers in August
oh are you serious fight [ __ ] I got went from 2.9 to 3.7 million followers on IG
holy yeah that’s crazy this this fighting for the title it’s just like
and being the main event everyone sees it like all new eyes it’s crazy well
especially when they’ve released it right after like that’s just on her literally unheard of like that doesn’t [ __ ] happen well and everyone’s like
what has changed what has changed with being the champ uh what do you think what has anything really changed besides
socials blowing up that’s it um I’m way more recognized at stores
like from different jet people like it’s not just like the young box or the 20 year olds it’s like older
male and female everyone saw that fight it’s [ __ ] insane
um I definitely feel like I can’t go anywhere and it doesn’t help that I have [ __ ] face tattoos and crazy hair like
that doesn’t I mean probably plays a role in why I’m getting noticed but yeah other than that life’s I don’t I don’t
really know what would change I guess I don’t feel like a different person like the good things about having that status
is okay obviously get it in everywhere for free get all this free stuff but then the bad things would be as people
are videoing you all the time whatever you do yeah I definitely felt like at the club I had to be [ __ ] just like
not as crazy as usual yeah I also don’t know if that’s part of just like all right
grow up a little bit I don’t know I just sometimes get faded but uh yeah I I don’t know
I don’t feel like I’m like I’m the [ __ ] man like
bow down to me I don’t feel like that yeah I think that I think when that happens
I mean you just got to come and come to the room come into a comp training Let’s do let’s do let’s do six in a row with
some good guys feel how big the man y’all yeah no I [ __ ] I definitely don’t feel uh
I don’t feel like I have like this crazy ego but a lot of people
um there I I swear a lot of people don’t ever really believe or really truly think they’re going to be the champ and
then it’s like when it happens they’re like what the [ __ ] like I just I’ve known I was gonna be the champ I’ve been
living like the champ [ __ ] so I just it doesn’t feel that crazy and yeah I’m you go in the gym you
get [ __ ] get your ass beat a couple times you’re like all right I’m not [ __ ] um getting back to training though it’s
gonna feel so good dude there’s those different kind of highs those highs that are uh like um they’re self-destructing
your body and they’re but they’re still highs and they’re fun and they’re [ __ ] sweet but they’re self-destructing your health and then
there’s those highs that are improving your health whether it’s a [ __ ] plunge whether it’s hard
training whether it’s hanging out with your dogs your girl or there’s those kind of highs too that are actually
better for your health but like you said the balance is [ __ ] key yeah eating good feeling good sleeping good it’s
crazy how good and actually that [ __ ] feels yeah doing all that makes being
able to go out and party way more fun yeah if you just live this kind of shitty lifestyle you know and then you go out and just get [ __ ] up then
you’re even more [ __ ] up you come back you still don’t really have good habits it’s just like a downhill spiral but to
live healthy live clean do everything right and then go and celebrate it’s just different celebrating a
[ __ ] dub I mean you can always Celebrate life if you’re [ __ ] alive you have a reason to celebrate but but
celebrating an accomplishment an earned celebration they definitely hit different yeah earn celebration
definitely [ __ ] hits different and that’s what we [ __ ] did we are in that [ __ ] baby so let’s go out this
weekend and [ __ ] celebrate no the pool party that’s the thing I’d
like about when I wasn’t as famous but when I was still a little bit famous like at the pool party I was able to kind of [ __ ]
just get that Smash and jump in the pool and just be a [ __ ] freak and just like but now it’s just like I can’t even
go I can’t even move anywhere it which is cool I like it I’m not gonna say I don’t I like taking pictures with the
fans and people like what like I like that it’s cool but yeah you can’t [ __ ] do anything it takes three
people to get you to the bathroom uh Jake Paul said historic week incoming
I wonder what he’s gonna announce I must be I wonder what it could be like what’s the biggest fight he’s good at that he
it could be he could be like announcing he signed another fighter he’d be like Miranda Amanda Serrano versus you know
what I mean he’s got yeah that’s just him now true research shows vaping can shrink your
testicles and cause sperm counts to plummet dude I believe that you look at
warlike’s testicles I thought he was a [ __ ] girl yeah he showed us he said look how small my nuts are they were
just sucked in like a badge I was like I was like what the [ __ ] that’s crazy and it must be from vaping
there’s a lot of vapors this weekend um uh Crawford Spence I guess Spence is wanting that rematch
Earl Spence is wanting the rematch first Terence Crawford I guess that was in the in the contract and he’s saying that he wants it back that’ll be interesting I
wonder if the weight will be different he versus gervante made of Anthony co-main oh God that’s gonna get clipped
people will be like you’re so [ __ ] stupid dude yeah I am [ __ ] stupid
with a coffee cart you’re having are you like making a little mini coffee shop oh yeah that is yeah it’s a it’s a coffee
cart and and like you order it you it’s from South Dakota and you it can come with a sink it’ll come with a sink you
can add espresso machine all this stuff but you can bring it to a farmer’s market so I’m gonna train Smitty the best I can to run this thing and it’s
gonna be sweet I’m not starting I’m not starting straight off with the coffee though I’m starting straight up with the
um I mean Liquid Aminos magnesiums over ice so you can get it during training make a little and creatine and stuff
just simple powders once you get the flow of that going then we can possibly start with the
coffee I think it’s starting small like that and then when we’re ready we can start an actual brick and mortar coffee shop and I’ll have a good idea on just
what to do but I was researching I’m gonna have this coffee expert come and help he’s like that’s like the perfect thing to start those coffee carts are
still expensive though like without any of the stuff it’s six grand with all the stuff it’d be it’ll be another like six
grand totally I mean that is expensive but it’s not no for like an investing in yourself investing in like a business to
get going like that’s fairly cheap and we’ve been talking about coffee shops for so [ __ ] long so if I get this
idea and when we’re ready to go big we can go big and I’ll be like boom boom boom boom boom we’ll know a lot of [ __ ] yeah that’s that’s a good idea it’s so
much of [ __ ] starting out a business is just [ __ ] up making mistakes obviously you don’t want to but those
mistakes [ __ ] help in getting things going further and further and further
um even busting Mariah still or not too much I I do here and there I do in here there I don’t really save my my busts so
I don’t even know if they’re even worth the [ __ ] when I do yeah well I think you got to save them for a good amount of
days I don’t know how I mean I don’t know bro I feel like that’s not true in college when I when I went to donate they said
you have you can’t bust 24 or 48 hours before you donate and if you do then it
won’t pass interesting on my nut sack sweating boys I’m excited to get back to work uh I
need before I can even I got a [ __ ] straight up recover for your few days because that’s how injuries happen is
when you go out party and then you don’t sleep then you try to get back to work too fast but I’m gonna try to move a lot of [ __ ] this week
to the farm should be getting cool down here in a couple weeks thank the load Above All Right For Real uh Terence
Crawford so he lost to Dimitri Bibble also really I don’t know if a Crawford’s
undefeated Earl Spence okay okay yeah yeah I think I’m looking at canelo’s yeah canelo’s the only one because
Canelo says he respects Bud which I think he’s talking about Terence Crawford if you see his record he just beat one good fighter in Earl Spence
other than that I don’t think he’s been other great Fighters like Spence I mean
some of the guys canelo’s fighting it’s like that’d be a way bigger fight wouldn’t it is he way bigger than Canelo
or we should probably learn about boxing yeah no Canal is way bigger than Spence well Weight Wise but Spence I mean
canelo’s shorter but Spence is taller but smaller frame so going up would be
I know I know I know I do a sick mug shot too one of these days I’m gonna get a legendary mug shot I just gotta figure
out how to go to jail without it being too bad it’s just a quick little uh
no that’s [ __ ] up I was just trying to be funny God it’s gonna be clear say Shawn O’Malley wants to go to jail for
domestic abuse uh yeah tag Timbo sugar show you [ __ ]
[ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] it’s not uh the steiny Paw did good people like that yeah that one was funny Steiny’s a
[ __ ] character bro I love when he’s just trying to raise up the girls and those girls that really didn’t know us
so it was funny that it was like they’re like oh really I know it’s crazy those girl I mean it’s a lot
girls look for guys that have money it’s it’s [ __ ] up I mean is it I don’t know
I mean can you blame them really or no I mean you don’t want to [ __ ] it but it’s also like find someone that’s on
the come up and maybe like it I bet every girl is different I bet a lot of girls want to be self-sufficient but all
that a lot of girls would wouldn’t mind being a housewife security doing the laundry taking really taking care of the
house yeah and the guy pays for everything I mean definitely a balance everyone’s
different you know what I mean um what else you got going on the agenda we got the barbecue with the boys at one
um got some strippers coming over it too uh that’s about it man it’s Tuesday
helped Monday fight week jokes uh you got anything else to say about other than via hemp and [ __ ] Philip’s law
why him and Phillips law ladies and gentlemen I’ll tell you that much and in Phillips law you can call this number if
you want some free advice for our people 602-388-1669 they have an attorney
available exclusively for our audience family and friends for any legal advice they may need free of charge and Via use code TMS they’ll send you a little free bag of stuff and a good little discount they’ll ship it right to
your house so grandma doesn’t need to know where does she
um check us out Snapchat Tim Welch Mt just made it I’m gonna try to get Goofy on there and let it rip
Redhawk Academy always stuff going up there always that’s who I I mean where I respond to most people and
base love Deuces 150 251 I think 151. all right peace love
you bye

 UFC 293 Pregame Preview

UFC 293 Pregame Preview: Adesanya vs. Strickland | Tuivasa vs. Volkov | Morning Kombat

the UFC is back at it in Sydney Australia UFC 293 the pay-per-view
you’ve been waiting for pregame preview well you you have a big
stop nightmare blunt rotation we’re back where we belong doing a pre-game preview we can’t get up on the roof today so
what I wanted was a little remix to the set some mood lighting maybe stand us up
spin it around because at the end of the day men will talk real talk like men do
you think that’s Reggie Jackson Define my life I just want those mental just look a little different be a little
more comfortable maybe be a little bit edgy back something’s gone and I’m a little bit angry it’s a bummer
you’re not feeling good you know I can tell though it looks I can see it in your eyes yeah but you are either High
yeah sick sleep deprived that’s right or guzzling Pepto-Bismol these are the
forms some of those yes the Pepto has like played no role in my life because
these days so that part I’ve fixed foreign
on Saturday September 9th in maybe you can call it September 10th if you live down under the UFC is back at it in
Sydney Australia well that’s a knife right UFC 293 the pay-per-view you’ve
been waiting for and the return of middleweight champion Israel adesanya I felt as co-host of the award-winning
morning combat in this great vehicle we do call pregame preview that I should acquire the three greatest Minds in
mixed martial arts Luke Thomas Chuck Mendenhall back at it UFC 293 with the
only caveat Luke the only one that you would dig deep within yourself look in the mirror and speak with real
talk yeah like men do nightmare blunt rotation look at this look at look at I mean you know what the Brits use the
word geezers they just I don’t exactly know the way they mean it but I have a feeling it’s this dude three
[ __ ] geezers I mean look not a thing cool about it this guy includes
himself on one of the the greatest Minds in MMA yeah and then you call me a geezer I haven’t
had a chance to talk yet sorry what’s up guys what’s up guys what’s going on yeah yeah thanks for having me back by way of
Colorado yes
wait there’s two Connecticut guys over here I mean and obviously if you’re looking nobody else it is nobody likes
this material and I wanna I want you all to know I understand that and I don’t care well here’s the deal you can’t even
offend those people the Connecticut normally we would fill the space Chuck as you already know with great fight
talk great banter great breakdown and predictions but one of the enduring themes about UFC 293 we can’t lie during
this tumultuous 2023 calendar year this card ain’t deep brother it ain’t
deep at all it is top heavy to the tits yeah Chuck can you give me an opening grade on 293.
D Plus C minus something like that I mean some of the fights may end up being okay like
you look at them and you see the potential but in terms of name values right hype things like that it’s not too
good where are you on the idea about how the UFC kind of managed this car where they didn’t have a headliner till they
wanted obviously to be trickest with Whitaker and I actually did an interview with the submission radio guys and they
brought up a point it’s like should the UFC have done the Whitaker DDP fight in 293 it would have diminished one card
but dude this card could have used that shirt I could have used that fight I mean a lot more sense we’ve been extra
critical for a lot of things UFC this year but we always perk back up when the fights deliver International fight week
delivered UFC 291 in Salt Lake City had some big moments we’re just coming off a big pay-per-view could this card
overachieve yeah they all could they all could even all those in between fight nights that have been crappy this year
but on paper this one I know you got UFC Noche two weeks later on paper this thing or maybe one week later on paper
this just ain’t great Chuck it’s not and I’m not sure that Strickland is the guy
you want in there I think he’s been in what five different five round fights and four of them have won the full five
rounds so you you can see a you can see the path and remember is Israel before he had
this uh Alex badetta series was starting to get accused of being a little boring too like yeah you know but by one bald
member of the media Chuck so we’ll see you know we’ll see it is about aristana it is about his return He
was going to ask though like what is it the main reason this fight under under the fight or the card the main event or
the card in it under delivers on what grounds to you specifically what about it
I could see a scenario although I think that Strickland is a forward guy like he’s a pressure guy he’s going to bring
the fight if it turns into one of those things where Izzy is waiting to counter the whole time or something like that
where it’s just being reluctant to engage kind of like the cannon ear thing or you know those type of fights I could see it kind of
changko in the Carmouche rematch where she was just well if you’re gonna fight that way I’m just willing to go 25
minutes with the intake home the w we don’t want that one played out like if you were throwing punches in there yeah and right about here we certainly don’t
want that so we can we can blame DDP for this fight with Strickland right now happening although I don’t hate the
fight style wise like it’s going to be somewhat interesting from Strickland’s obnoxious you know usually Rapport and
the build to a fight toward fight night but should we also blame another man for this fight happening right now not a
plane a train or an automobile a bus a bus he didn’t necessarily
in that fight but it was a little shocking that he got railroading the way he did and that catapulted with good
timing Strickland to the top to the title here we are I think all of this plays don’t you think I mean when you look at all the potentials that could
have happened you end up kind of getting a constellation I feel like in this situation you already mentioned DDP like
that might have been the fight that people that was the one that was in the imagination first I think Sean Strickland it feels a little bit like
he’s a mandatory in a weird way because he’s just he’s there and he’s the guy and I think that the lack of competitive
nature I think a lot of people kind of see it like Vegas does which is that Sean Strickland probably won’t put up
much of a fight you know what I mean so I think when you factor all that in something some of the luster comes off of it from even from the pay-per-view
like General Buzz that you get from them I think for me BC the way I look at it is uh there are some good parts about it
uh but the biggest thing that I think undercuts it is like these two were never on a collision course they they
clashed at press conferences but they were up to this point categorically like pretty different parts of the division
Izzy as the champion or you know obviously only in title fights and Sean like on his way up but you know having setbacks that were noteworthy as well
but he stays active he like does UFC solids he fights at the Apex he’s reliable to like short notice and he is
a technically proficient fighter I think for the most part it’s a very he’s a good fighter he’s he’s a fighter
certainly worthy of a lot of respect but I think like when I just like look at
this fight it’s like I just I literally am not even sure like what path he could take to win I
genuinely you know put up a fight yes but win I honestly don’t know what that was off the top he got here by the fact that
Izzy has already cleaned out this division like kind of multiple times he so there’s a lack of fresh opponents he
also got here because they gave him somewhat of a soft tune-up get well fight against a Boost Mobile off into Strickland’s Advantage yeah he
railroaded him he took him out of there he absolutely broke him and finished him but do you feel like because Izzy came
out publicly and said well for this fight to actually happen Strickland had to agree with the UFC not to embarrass
the brand one thing that we know that we’ll typically get well if Strickland eventually faces out astania at least
we’ll get a crazy build if we don’t get a crazy build this entire thing of failure oh
I think I don’t know if it will be a failure like that well first of all didn’t the fight sell out did it not sell out before they even knew who the
headliner was I mean UFC just no matter what seems to have strong ticket demand wherever it is so it’s in a strange way
I’m like it depends on what we want to consider a fail will it be a dud it could be
um but I think it would be more based on on the on the way the fight plays out than the lead up I don’t know what what
are you expecting from this type of build up like what everyone I know is like can’t wait for the press conference yeah everyone everyone I know what do
people want to see that because if we’re we we’ll criticize Strickland for almost being over over the line over the threshold of taboos over the lines okay
Jesus people people hate that I uh argue this line but tell me it’s tell me it’s wrong in this particular case at
a bare minimum people want to see Sean Strickland for reasons I don’t fully just whatever but they exist but they
want to see them sling arrows at Izzy they want to see him verbally get taken down a peg or two but I think most
people realize skill for skill you know it’s this is a tough challenge well
Strickland’s got to play his role and I mean and I know that’s a cloudy statement to make because this is not pro wrestling you are though required to
sell a fight even if Strickland has limitations Big Dot based on like UFC saying if we’re gonna put you in the Marquee and you ever want to have a
chance to you know if I to be a star here don’t do this and this and and to hopefully he won’t but he needs to say
all that stuff question Izzy’s toughness question his resume question all this [ __ ] get try to get in his head so that
if he does get splattered which is the better his expectations that’s sort of the full cycle of a fight right you pay
to see the villain get taken in some way are you I I want to ask you guys this
because you’ve seen you seem to both agree that Strickland’s in over his head here do you give him any show like basically
I think that his thing is to break you we just mentioned that last fight yeah you don’t think he can break a guy like
this mentally strong as is he and then style wise you get into the styles of the fight like you don’t think that he brings anything to the table dude and
also just I mean dude there’s a big gap in
um footwork ability between the two yeah like a big gap a big big gap and what did we just come off of UFC 292 or
algeman we talked to Matt frivola today like whenever people will see it’s no big deal but yeah so we just should just be honest on certain levels even if you
want to respect Sean Strickland’s a fighting abilities we’re not asking you to care about anything else just as actual fighting abilities they’re strong
but even then the things he relies on dude I mean just think about it there’s basically two gears he can play right
people killed him for the Pereira angle because he was driving it on a guy and using his hands for defense he has this
kind of style what is he this way so he has this one hand up and he kind of holds this one around here and you’ll see him bring his hands up and like try
to catch with a lean and whatnot get almost a shoulder roll almost a little bit there’s a little bit going on but the point I’m trying to make is uh he he
transfers defense a lot like the movement is all part of it and poeton got him to do it like what makes you
think is he could not do exactly the same but take advantage of the same kind of that’s exactly what he specializes in
traps tricks is it the outside for another fight though say that didn’t exist and they were going into this fight would you feel different about
string I feel like that’s the one fight that we serve because most of us why taking a split decision was very good because he hasn’t redeemed that yet he’s
not a bad fight he’s a good fighter he’s a good fighter but but to be honest he hasn’t redeemed what the loss to poeton
meant which is means you’re stepping up to the to the fight before the title fight to that level look Strickland got
this fight by timing GDP not being available not being not you know and then the
timing of just getting the call but if you believe that Strickland doesn’t
have much of a chance here and he almost has to just play the crazy villain to give to give this card white
guess because this is as is this as weak as a paper view card could be top to bottom I know it’s in a lot of ways
playing to the oceanic region there’s a lot of local fighters on there Carlos alberg’s great looks are going to get showcased together he’s putting together
he’s on a nice run that’s one of the rare sort of like I gotta watch that that’s kind of bury him he’s at least on
the main card right I believe I’ll double check but I believe that’s for forever well they haven’t identified that he wasn’t even part of the Showcase
you know but I do I do think the UFC views him as a priority I think they’re just a little bit cautious okay we need
Strickland then to do his role and and help selling the fight is there any access though or not access
is there any chance is really what I’m saying that because the DDP upset of Robert Whittaker opened this door to the
likelihood that GDP and Izzy would happen and then suddenly it’s the who’s the real African Champion all this hype
is this a trap fight is there any elements I feel that a little bit but it’s really
because Izzy just got through going through a series against a guy who I think put a
lot of Doubt on his name took his belt he had to go get it back obviously he did that in spectacular fashion but that
you always wonder about that because you have now uh the hype escalation and everything else he’s going home uh
there’s a lot of things going on his life he hasn’t struck me as the kind of guy who loses Focus but at the same time they’re always kind of trap fights when
there’s a guy that you’re watching for in the future and you just got through something really big in the past
Carlos oldberg is on the prelims oh man oh well here’s how I explain that it’s like a true professional a champion
somebody like Izzy who has all these defenses and he’s decorated should they’re almost like
responsible enough to never have an off night or if they have an off night they can repair it and not let it turn to disaster but the reality is I just don’t
believe no matter how dedicated you are that preparing to fight Robert Whittaker or preparing to fight whomever compared
to somebody like Strickland who’s not quite there but dangerous enough but not quite that threat it has it’s just like
anytime there’s an opponent change it has to change the level of intensity that you were once preparing for that you’re used to so that opens the doors
for trap fights or big upsets to happen but does anything in Strickland’s makeup the kind of upset that Juliana Pena had
against Amanda I guess in theory could happen to anybody Amanda didn’t have a great training camp she got overwhelmed by the offense she got worn down she got
exhausted she got to submit it happened okay short of a disaster for Izzy does Strickland actually have the game that
that if this was the Trap night remember Joel Romero at least had the threat of the strike but Izzy was you have to
almost beaten him up and it was closer than it should have been maybe is there any elements I feel like the best
would almost be like uh Amanda Nunes versus Giuliana Payne in the first fight where basically
whatever reason Izzy is just not there like you’re saying he’s just not there fully gets heavy work early and somehow
it starts going downhill and he can’t recover and suddenly he’s just in deep water that’s the only way I can see it where somehow he’s getting hit with
stuff and he just doesn’t have it you know but I don’t foresee it we haven’t seen evidence that he will do that kind
of fight you know he’s the kind of guy who walks you down he literally just walks you down cross stepping the whole way he does other kinds of things with his footwork but where does he do his
Ko’s like all of his yeah you know he he makes people like work a lot and then it’s along along the fence line that’s
where he finishes guys off he’s a fence line guy dude like that’s hard to trap Izzy in places like that it’s not
[ __ ] easy what would be your equivalent like obviously like in the middleweight division the history of the middleweight division you’ve had another
champion Anderson Silva where would you put like what would be the equivalent of this challenge Dave you know what I mean
Dave Monet um so so the Patrick the Patrick rotate one okay but the difference was Patrick
would take Petro take a bang he had good power okay is this very uh it’s the is the answer tell us lightest or or the
submission guy who missed weight uh he’s a coach oh god oh Travis well Travis Luther actually is a I mean he’s not the
Michael Jordan of grappling but he is a very good I’m not saying that you get to a title level you’re legit in some form yeah but really we’re not giving him a
chance right we’re not giving him a chance I think I think I think it’s the way I look at it is if Izzy is not on his A-game I think anything’s possible
but if he is on his a game I just don’t see what the how there could be a deciding factor for him I don’t know
what that would we get a drink update I was doing coffee to start because I’m old and I wanted to but now I’ve got the
IPA in there from from uh that you’re drinking the same thing on the water and Delta nines
well I haven’t been able to tell I’d say that much does that show the evolution of our bodies as now we can barely even
stomach the alcohol that used to be the foundation of this segment and this this is supposed to be a tailgate what
happened what happened to us is probably about the bigger question what happened we’re
pathetic [ __ ] sex lips you know it’s that trt thing what are we doing I’m just waiting just sit on the needle yeah
seriously dude Drop The Vape and pick up the needle I’ll tell you what when I was on vacation dude it was so [ __ ] humid
that I never had to use nasal spray the entire time I was there wow it was like the dude it was I was like four days in
I was like dude I don’t really I haven’t even [ __ ] used it man remember you told me three years ago you
were so addicted to The Vape that you would have one in the mouth and one in the nose when you’re like I did not tell you that these are alive
you know Ryan Campbell can be reliably counted on to steer the conversation to buttholes specifically specifically the
penetration yeah um Kevin Bacon type thing is this if this is what it is on paper
which is a stay busy for Izzy in fact they kind of rushed this thing it feels like it feels like and they forced it
well then remember they were waiting for his immigration structure because immigration status to be resolved just through the powers of government because
there’s an application process with a Visa that he needs we’re all just kind of like waiting on the paperwork to get
done so you know the way you know when you’re waiting on the mail I don’t know how like you know spine tingling that is
as action so it kind of had a and they’re here kind of accidentally well my setup was to say this would be an unexpected final hurdle to get to what
has suddenly become a big fight which would be the drisk is drinkist do plus C fight are those the only two
middleweights left that Izzy should face will face yes
yes this fight DDP and he should move I think so too I think so too by the time
he moves up though could potom be holding the title no no right you know I don’t know how you guys
are seeing it but there’s a little bit of a like so you start to make the comparisons because
they’re still running parallel to each other you’re talking about Pereira he goes up he beats yawn right like he
beats obviously Izzy was not successful in that now he’s going against Strickland who
Pereira already beat in the first round and you take these comparisons right they they feel like they’re still kind
of playing off each other uh if he’s not able to kind of do something similar if he’s not able to make it look as easy
you know what I’m saying it starts to it starts to reflect a little bit more on Ferreira what are you saying Luke is
that this rivalry ain’t close to being over with no I don’t think so the Pereira and yeah I think there’s life in
it still I think I mean I mean also like you know this is a huge moment for Izzy we’ve had this debate here a million
times how popular is it how popular it is I really believe we have to say out loud again my biases well known here you
love the guy well he turned a corner with that win over Alex like this is the highest his popularity has 100 ever been
I feel like he leveled up with that we’re not saying he’s showing him alley I don’t know that you I’m not saying that but I am saying it felt to me Chuck
as a skeptic or something a little bit like he leveled up yeah he did I think the whole thing boosted him there was so
much and I think that this is necessary at some point it’s kind of like the Anderson Silva with Chael Sonnen coming around you have to have a guy who’s
gonna drag it out of you right like it’s going to be there has to be a guy that adds doubt to the scenario and he got
the guy and it actually played out perfectly for him takes the belt they have to do it again everything being written about what you doing over here
everything being written about that’s how I use the bathroom
remember I had to pay one Lira for one piece of the phone book to go take it to go take a dump but everything being
written about it was basically like this guy has his number and it could end up being the Alex padetta story and then
because if he wins that last fight all of a sudden you’re like no this is just his trajectory watching and he’s the one running off with it he freaking wins it
knocks him out and then it’s like here we are you know what I mean so I think his stock went way up it’s just a it’s a human interest and also BC lestick on
this Sean Strickland you could say what you want about the necessity of the mega Madoff fight or you know whether that
was the right one to make dude I’m not saying that Mega made up is a pushover that’s not my argument but for a guy
like Strickland that was not super difficult work in general you had to be careful but it was not it was it was as close as you’re going to get to a
tune-up fight you know and he’s taken that right into this fight I do believe he’s going to be very ready for this
highly motivated and as much as I’ve been dismissive of it you know there’s been times where like you just don’t
imagine this is the guy that’s going to beat the the the the man in this division like you just you know you just couldn’t believe it
um it happens when you least expect it so is it a nightmare scenario if Sean Strickland goes into the to Australia
wins that belt and suddenly you have this awkward champion who couldn’t and then do they like insults the country he
better I mean seriously if he wins it he better not consider a baby face turn and
could he have like a Colby Covington Brazil moment which was controversial and to a lot of people gross but
nevertheless it put him on the map on um Savages that’s what it is they say no
like no you don’t ever notice that no I don’t know why they do that it’s like
n-a-u-r it would be one of the more unpredictable outcomes but we should
season ourselves we should to the idea that this is happening more often than not the big upset Pena over newness
listening to Leon and I’m losing a second time by the way maybe it’s not I don’t know is that a monster upset well
yeah the method that Leon did at fifth round head kick yes uh poeton just walking in and off the streets suddenly
and becoming the champion and knocking out astani it does happen I fear that it would deliver a blow to
Izzy’s whatever this thing is the sheen of it’s not invincibility because we’ve seen him lose but there’s the sheen of
cool that he carries like it would somehow that would that would be a rough one to lose this one in Australia and also you
just got a rematch with the other guy you know and you’re able to get through him I don’t know how they would play that but it’s just it derails so many
plans it would be yeah I mean I think that Izzy’s time of 185 provided he keeps winning is is super limited I
think he wants that opportunity at 205 again and prefer to go differently he’s been bulking up slowly over the years
since I’ve seen him over the years he’s getting a little bit bigger a little bit bigger um you know and I think he learned he learns valuable lessons from the fight
with blohovich I think the one that the blowjovich that potato fight fought was good but not quite the same for hovich
um in any case I do think it’d be devastating but in either way I feel like 205 is calling
um if you were to lose you could almost consider that to be like the the decision just just go do something fresh
because we’re gonna say he can’t rebound from difficulty like we know for a fact he can absolutely go to that place yeah
34 years old is Izzy this would be shooting for his fourth title defense obviously the First Defense of his
second Reign for Strickland it wasn’t just straight from poeton to a boost to
hero in between he lost a split decision to Cannon near in between he came back want a decision over imavov so look
short of the disaster and the catastrophe and the early cut or is he you know has a Weidman leg cracker just
you know whatever I mean he’s in a fish I think he can I don’t think he can game plan to victory that would shock us
that might surprise us not in ganu wrestling gone that no one saw coming
is that for you yeah I did see that one Woodley till was also a big hit in my house you know
remember that time I put 20 bucks on the draw of Golovkin Canelo won because I knew it you know what I mean yeah I
remember yes it was a good time so is is let’s carve a path
I think honestly that it would have to happen the way I just said where he kind of hurts him in some kind of exchange he does put a lot of volume he’s a high
he’s a high volume guy in your face guy and I think if he’s able to effectively do that the thing is the guy he’s going
against punishes aggression so well that I’m like I don’t see him doing this but for whatever reason if he goes charge in
there and lands something and hurts him overwhelms him I could see a scenario there where he just hurts him and maybe
all right what is he’s not the same at that point what if it’s the type of dedicate dedicated defecation defecating
what if it’s the type of I am drinking now so it’s a excuse what is that what it what could happen what if he targets
the legs of honestly and sometimes even among Elites dude who has he put out with leg kicks oh here’s what I’m saying
though it’s not about putting out it’s about it’s about leveling leveling putting out I thought this was talking about like you’re talking about Izzy
like who’s like one of the most proficient and effective leg kickers in the [ __ ] yeah I know who he is this is about leveling the playing field ways
that Strickland could be in this fight in non-overly dramatic ways
I think he can survive a plan I don’t think he can be a guy who can just survive and win yeah right I don’t think
that he has to take a risk he has to really crowd him really kind of go for it and yeah four times all the way
through five rounds I mean that is there’s something to be said that he’s had the experience yeah of the deeper
rounds and he’s able to he’s I think he went through and the only way he lost was the split decision so and he out struck him by like 30 strikes in that
fights yeah he’s certainly shown that he can hang around but it’s a certain kind of guy he just walks down that is true
he’s just able to uh he just rolls with punches he catches him he’s not gonna catch Izzy with 180 strikes like he did
Uriah Hall or he’s not going to be able to do that remember the leg kicks the poeton landed on Strickland and like he
went the jab to the jab to the bodies what set everything up the hook like he was the leg kicks to proton landing on Sonya which did play a role in Catching
him in there absolutely absolutely but it’s like your poeton is a devastating leg kicker Sean Strickland is a
threatening one but he would have to do a lot of work right it has to be accumulator what superpowers is he going
to lean on cardio yes fantastic cardio his daring nature to the extent to the
extent it’s relevant uh he has outstanding defensive wrestling uh it’s not going to the ground good strike
defense very good strike for the most part because he has a good system that he works that is for the most part very
effective um he is well coached he has an experienced uh excellent corner I think that matters in close contests I don’t
know that this will be one but it can be certainly be a Difference Maker in the moment um and you know listen he has a [ __ ] ton
of experience he has a [ __ ] ton of experience so this is his 20th UFC fight
this is what I mean sixth in two years I guess since 2022. this is not a bum like don’t you know I know I don’t love his
World Views but not a lot of people do but if you’re just evaluating him as a fighter he He commands respect he’s good
look will you allow his altar ego DeSean Strickland who wears that black do-rag
and shows up sometimes during interviews is that like see Thomas Howell playing the lead role of black people he’s carrying him
you expect a stoppage if AutoZone is the heavy favorite he is and he is he’s got many reasons for you to put your money
in that side is it going to go the distance I think if he’s on his game he stops him inside three yeah yeah I think so too
because it’s easy to imagine a scenario kind of like what padetta did with uh with Strickland where he just
he gets Goofy for one minute that’s all it takes is one Split Second it reacts he goes in there and does something he
gets punished and he’s down I could see this happening you know in this fight early so and I also think it does matter
it Izzy on some level to perform you know I don’t think he really loved that three fights you know those three fights
with Canon Airways you know he’s getting the decisions I don’t think he really he was labeled by by the knee jerkers as as
boring as safe right that’s all that you know that’s what the potato thing has revitalized like this whole like excitement level commanding stoppage um
so getting to listen there’s a way he shines here as potential but again Sean Strickland it’s hard to see what the
path is but MMA is [ __ ] unpredictable and if he’s not really you know focused
it would be Madness are you expecting an aggressive call out DDP get your [ __ ]
together are you expecting what do you do yeah I think you I think if he gets a big ass KO Chuck yeah he’s going to say
DDP and then 205 I think he’s gonna say both I think so too oh [ __ ] I mean the DDP
One’s Gonna they in the end if he gets through Strickland does it emphatically has this homecraft uses the mic it ends up being a big hype
machine for that fight doesn’t it like it just kind of adds to that whole thing yeah so I thought you were doing the in
the end it doesn’t really matter one thing I don’t know why it doesn’t really
matter how hard you try hey maybe the car leads the two you know how it is wow where’s a home invasion shooting when
you need one wow wow all right hey let’s go to the co-main event maybe maybe the
only other story we’re talking about on this 293 card it is an interesting storyline of heavyweight shoe drink and
bar buzzling big Power knocking
hey Julie it’s Hardy right yeah let’s bang brother so I like this this is a
tough fight Alexander volkoff in his crosshairs tough fight in the situation for tuivasa which is two straight losses
brutal one against God oh my God but then you package that by coming back so
soon rolling the dice was a pavlovitch that cleaned it up right we’re already coming back so soon not really thinking
that decision through in my eyes although that’s who tied to ivassa is or you know as Matt frivolas Instagram says
all gas no breaks that’s who he is but there’s only so many times you can get knocked out and spectacularly
against guys that are better than just worrisome are we expecting some level of reinvention because if Ty if Ty comes
out and knocks out volkov that’s a reinvention man but stylistically his demeanor may be put in a shoe condiment
or something before drinking out of somebody else’s like Soul what
still tonight what are you talking about um um 17 first round finishes combined
with these guys Jesus so if he’s real this is probably the wrong fight for him to completely reinvent them not a good
fight action bad fight for him it’s a bad it’s
it’s a tough one it’s I know what you’re saying it’s a tough rebound fight and this is a volkov man being who he is but
I think it’s because it’s in Australia he wants to fight in Australia he performed there out of the gate really
well this is the shoes and all that but the last couple times he’s been there didn’t go with his way and I’m like then you
factor in kind of I don’t know I I feel like it could be a little bit of a setup for him and uh but I feel like
somebody’s gonna get I don’t feel like he’s gonna reinvent himself for this fight I feel like he’s gonna go in there and try to to win the way he wins all
right Luke I want to ask you this in some ways you have full-blown AIDS is mirroring
a almost like a new version of Derek Lewis and what’s the biggest hit or miss
on Derrick Lewis it’s like if he’s in shape and not in his back doesn’t hurt and he tried then we know he can still
pull in deep even in his late 30s he can still pull deep land the big knockout he’s still so athletic powerful all that
does Ty two is Ty toivosta’s top tier game dangerous enough that we can go
into each toy of Austin fight saying well hey if this is the night that he put it together like Derek Lewis anything can happen or does he need that
reinvention I’m teasing Luke I mean when you look at the game technically is there a whole a major hole he can he
can work on closing up that really could lift him to True content if he doesn’t level up which is possible right I do
think he is talented we know he’s very young he’s obviously suffering some setbacks but I I do think he has shown
maturation skill development and so if he levels up I think it’s an interesting contest if he doesn’t like if he is who
we think he is he is technically outmatched he is dangerous because he can leap into position obviously we know
he’s got tremendous KO power like this is this is a thing but he’s quite hittable for people who have great time
and great accuracy good use of range which volkov has really kind of turned into at this point this is maybe the
best one we’ve ever seen give or take right he’s uh he relies a little too heavily on the you know the spirit and
the heart you know like he’s like I’m gonna show everybody that I can you know even take those punches and go through like it’s not this is not a Modelo
commercial this is real life right it is man but I think that that’s been to his detriment you know it’s just it’s aging
him very quickly to go in there and fight that game I mean I don’t know listen again I’m not in any way being disparaging I hope I don’t know what his
financial situation is I don’t know what to what were the other factors that have nothing to do with like smart decision
making about what fights you take and when that could have gone into it but he did take the fight so that is a fact and
it was in terms of managing his career uh a really unforced error it didn’t
need to happen again not knowing with the broader circumstances no doubt about it on the flip side volkov here’s what’s
interesting because I thought when he walked into that loss against aspin all that it might actually be time for volkov and what I mean by time is he
showed some great flashes we know there’s some limitations to his game but like one of these days he’s still young
enough he’s only 34 I thought he’s going to put it together and really look like a heavyweight title Contender and maybe even end up getting to that level then
he got wiped by aspinal but what he’s done in that same year and a half time off is a stoppage win over Rosen strike
and then that stoppage win over Romanov has he done enough to repair the the
times he has put his head above water at the elite level and come up short because I don’t look at him as a gatekeeper in ways I look at a lot of
This heavyweight division which there are there is a lot of average parity in there I think he’s above that but has he
shown you enough because this fight may not actually show that to us right because if he carries it from the outside and looks I mean but has he
shown you enough on this comeback isn’t it crazy that division though is so crazy you can be like look at allowsky
how many times he’s kind of down and out and then he just kind of all of a sudden he’s right back in the the conversation I think the victory would put him back
into the conversation but I think you have some tear structure right now you know with the aspinalls uh and the guys
if so Jon Jones and the guys that are kind of pavlovich those guys I’m not sure he enters that conversation but
maybe he’s in that four or five range where he’s he’s right back there so maybe he’s a fight or two away from like
I mean he wins this he’s he’s a phone call away if they need it right I would say that’s probably true I mean three in
a row in this division especially when you when UK guy when you knock guys out like that you know you get the finishes I think
that that bodes well for your chances if they need you you know look if his takedown defense can can be a consistent
Factor can he win the UFC heavyweight championship or do I just think because he kind of looks like me that there’s this weird doppelganger thing going on
um to me I would say that the win that aspinal has over volkov
is I you know disqualifying of his chances of getting a belt I think might be a little strong but it’s not a great
look if you’re asking about title potential because it’s not any kind of shame to lose to Aspen no but aspin all
just you know got the submission from half guard on top got to take down with relative ease like volkov has really
improved a lot of his uh physical abilities and his technical abilities I think is the biggest development but
he’s big and kind of plotting and relatively speaking a little bit slowly think about how fast and explosive a guy
like aspinall is and he’s technical like that’s always going to be going to be a
sliding doors guy I have a feeling at some point he’ll look at and say like you remember the Derrick Lewis fight he’s winning the fight and then he just
at the very end he’s man the guy could have already been
there and then he slide you know I feel like he get he’s one of those guys you know gets the penultimate spot and then somehow doesn’t get there and then he’s
right back blades his role just so that’s well dude he pushed Curtis blades to the absolute limits and
um you know was overmatched wrestling but like kind of proved to he is dangerous like he certainly is worthy of
respect you’re asking just against the very best athletes I do think his size limits him a little bit all right what
would two of us have to do to really surprise us uh I don’t think surprise is the word
right but I would just it’s more than it would be nice to see him do you know a
real um thoughtful approach a more thoughtful approach is sort of what I would like to
see I do think that it is always a time to kind of bite down on the mouthpiece and he’s good for that but we already know that what I’m saying is can he go
back to what we had seen a little bit before where you thought okay now he’s starting to put it together I I don’t I hope that that is not lost I want to see
that more than anything else the surprising thing for me is it just doesn’t take damage and getting it done right because I feel like for him to get
it done he gets beat up you know dude that gunfight was a bit yeah I mean to
be to be fair he had him hurt you know it’s like he has him heard and he could have finished that fight it’s such a
roulette type of game you know and if he can engage you in it he’s always got a 50 50 shot but the guys who are a little
more skilled and know how to to fight to combat that generally win that sort of also gone by the way against tuivasa
remember he’s gonna have fast feet as well and he’s gonna be able to like use footwork I don’t I don’t think if you can expect volkov to do in terms of the
nimbleness athletically what a guy like gone can do yeah burning them get quick and Nimble all right oh here we go yeah
you only know the white rappers laughs give me some Eminem all right well you
know Tui vosta is going to be fun to see you know who else is on this card I mean you know I do Manel cops on this card in
a flywheel with Felipe dos Santos unfortunately it was supposed to be Kai car France obviously yeah yeah so that’s that syndrome this is where that they
got some bad luck you know they got some bad luck that’s bad luck um if rising Rising Stars
um we’re talking about Carlos Solberg yeah yeah and we’re talking about a very good looking man but we’re also talking
about this one three in a row including what I want to know and this is not that’s not like uh what’s it what’s the kid’s name that was put on the uh uh the
prelims in England the 21 year old kid uh you know what I’m talking about I don’t it is it’s an illiteration
he uh it’s it’s not like he’s him but somehow they have kind of a similar trajectory they keep getting stuck
regionally in these cars not that he’s es I know that olberg has fought elsewhere but he’s always kind of buried
on this card so this would have been a nice one for him to kind of be boosted and he actually has four wins in a row three by knockout and overall he’s eight
in one we’ve only seen him fall to that knockout loss to Kennedy and jekwu I have the recall memory of a lobotomized
chimp he’ll be taking on um yeah should I mean put your put your
stock in kind of I mean I’m a little bit this is a showcase then right well I’m a little bit more interested in the post
fight DMS that he’ll receive than than the bonus or you know I mean you could there’s different kinds of bonuses Luke
you know the company does there’s certain guys that there’s just like little volleys you know I feel like this is one of those fights you know where they’re just like all right go this
we’re going to slide the stake under the door go get it you know all right let’s pause for a second we just had Matt frivola in here spoiler alert as we
mentioned earlier on the on the room server’s Diaries and he’s hitting this point you know Chuck where he’s he’s walking in just like the chance at Big
Fame and money and if he gets Patty pill but holy [ __ ] and you know Carlos Goldberg if he can continues the win streak he’s going to be considered even
at 32 as a lightweight heavyweight Prospect but if we stumbled into a UFC
round if you were just some Average Joe in your daily life and then suddenly you’re Matt frivola and you get hot and
you go on a run Chuck you just got to be laying pipe all over the country right I get just just
[ __ ] just I mean you gotta just you’re gonna have a window to be in that shape to be that cool stuff you know
Johnny Walker in Scotland Goldberg’s probably got that whole island on lockdown but if plumber if Chuck
stumbled into a UFC career I mean I felt like uh you’re right Faber back in the early days when when he came over the
UFC and all that was just walking around basically like Hugh Hefner out with the pajama robe and remember when Strike Force had shows at the Playboy Mansion
oh that’s right remember whenever Urijah Faber told us he never had an issue with getting ladies so it never mattered yes
yeah he was like yeah it didn’t really change [ __ ] I still just get asked constantly I was like oh like you think if you could have been like a Backstreet
Boy for like an hour you could have really made that 60 Minutes made the most of that 60 Minutes that was you
know those good halftime play that right you can get a nice house in Florida yeah well you can live all right oh yeah well
speaking of other fights on this card worth watching how come I just yeah yeah yeah
or am I just addicted to you yeah yeah that’s where it is uh what else do you want to say about UFC 293 or Australia
or Sydney in general ever binge I’ve never been to Sydney um but I I know her
no there’s not really much else to say about the card all right I mean I think you’ve got to be real at the end of the
day Luke okay listen uh I’m amazed you know MMA has real volatility I mean never see it coming and uh it’s such a
cheap thing to be like but it could turn out to be a good card it’s true I know it doesn’t matter it’s
always in Prospect right it’s always like you’re always looking at a card when it goes in does it compel you to watch I don’t know that there’s a lot on
that besides that talk you got a Justin tafa Austin rematch that’s a rematch someone yeah that’s that’s going to be
reported someone’s gonna get laid out for sure um you know Jamie Malarkey and John mcdessi here uh that’s a fun story
that’s a respectable scrap yep uh Blood Diamond against uh Charlie ragoff
one other note one other note that the Aussies put me on to uh if you’re just doing the math on this is that if you
look at the workload of the corner of Izzy uh obviously Eugene bearman he is
cornering six Fighters wow this car six Fighters years and my under including the main event obviously it’s a good
payday yeah that’s a lot of work but that’s a lot of work and also they’re doing the like inside of New Zealand or
maybe Australia the day before they have a another kickboxing event which he’s also cornering a slew of Fighters that’s
what he’s doing that and then doing that the next night now if anybody can do that it’s Eugene bearman make no mistake
about it but I I I my only wonder is BC uh is that too much of a workload no
matter how gifted a coach you are I don’t know I don’t know the under him and that gym does he have a lot of generals that can carry sure yeah so I
mean it seems like from what I can tell a well-run operation there’s no way to check this I don’t know how you do but that’s got to be
nearing a wreck I remember when Jackson would be like making four three or four and we were making a big deal but six
that’s what Jedi Goodman’s Twitter for them okay that guy’s got all the stats if not Jedi get it for us wait yeah yeah
uh Luke you were able to stay awake for this whole show so I’m happy you did it you smelt the microphone a few times
what’d you pick up uh meth amphetamine I was ready to catch you man that’s not right uh nose beers a lot of no
you know just seeing my life flash before my eyes 44 has been great it’s been great you’ve had a great run uh we
did say Luke as a tribute to Owen Hart that if you did perish during this we would finish the show the show would go
on but I understand I understand yes but um I guess that’ll do it for UFC 293 in
this incredible breakdown of men acting like man I do want to go to Australia I hear it’s wonderful got to
get over there now that’s that flight though [ __ ] that flight that flight is the biggest what would you do that could
you do that you couldn’t do that I mean how do you do that sober that seems like a horrible idea you’d have to get drunk
twice though it’s like 15 hours from L.A um I would I would bring a lot of Edibles yeah there you go yeah Chuck
you’re from Colorado yes they say so you should know a lot about Edibles Edibles yes uh we’re fluent in Edibles out there
yeah your old Grandpa Charlie Mendenhall the first dude I want you to pick out the old gummy bear yeah in 2014 I I did
a glory show as a sideline reporter and it was my first time in Denver where weed was legal and I was like oh my God I’m gonna go wait when was it I remember
2014. it was the first Bakery it was the first time I was like oh my
God I’m gonna go see this it’s gonna be great and I went in there and I bought just a chocolate bar that’s it and I was like how much do I take he’s like just
one block and I tasted I’m like well this guy doesn’t know what the [ __ ] he’s talking about no one of these so I had though I had like I don’t think I had
the whole thing I have most of it and then I went to bed and I woke up like 12 hours later and I called my wife and I was still high as [ __ ] dude high as [ __ ]
wait is this was that a Broomfield like uh yes I remember First Bank Arena First
Bank Arena is that is he on that or was it the next one he was on he actually fought there he was not if he was he was
not one of the main attractions um yeah I think he might have been do you guys want to close with like uh
impromptu doo-wop karaoke type like we’ll play different parts [Music]
of the the lead guitarist of Cannibal Corpse reached out come on yeah this is this is true story because I told her on
MK the long story short is I kind of made a joke on the the live stream for Spence Crawford and that one of the the
dude the lead guitarist Eric Raton was watching and then shot me an email yeah and then I showed him all the times I’ve
like been to concerts and [ __ ] he invited me backstage when they come back on my ground you guys are great Rock Connections how great is this you have
great connections you got any favorite bands Chuck just shout them out okay start with start with Ringo okay maybe
we’ll get him on there I’m singing I’m seeing in a couple of weeks I’m pretty excited about that or what’s left of them Luke yeah there’s only two that are
actually part of it that’s not a joke that’s accurate yeah no they the drummer got murdered uh and on stage and so did
the guitars that brown was there for at least oh wait the guitar’s got some dark matter all right we’ll see if this makes
the the final uh cut but uh 15 minutes until then for that was Luke Thomas on
the far end that was sleepy right yeah it’s just bashful over here Chuck Min and all yeah
be your boy BC Chuck we can find your work all over the place the ringer yes Ariel helwani’s um you’re new you’re no
working partner over there yeah yeah um yes we do the ringer show after every pay-per-view and every Thursday
basically now it’s kind of it’s Wednesdays or Thursdays but we do a preview show does that see on your head stand for Connecticut or coming back
it’s uh interpretable Ron but uh all right uh Chuck will be at uh the Laugh
Factory he’s got a lot of kids he’s got a harder fight because McGregor at the weigh-in you know what I mean yeah okay
Trump Connecticut sucks this is probably where we’re going to end it right here maybe even the relationship of those
standing at the moment but you know we had a good ride like you’re doing them all right dude finishing off love and
hate and get it wrong just cut me right back down the size yeah
I really don’t want to come back down from this Cloud but we’re out of here okay I mean just take it

 UFC Paris LIVE Post Show

UFC Paris LIVE Post Show | Reaction To Ciryl Gane's Dominance, Rose Namajunas Dropping Debut At 125

thank you yes the victory horns are back
and they’re sounding for some Hometown Heroes zero gone man
and pure Benoit Santini closing the show with big
victories to cap off the UFC’s return to Paris and it is official ladies and
gentlemen the best crowd of 2023 is what we just saw today the akker
arena in Paris absolutely on fire from moment one all the way through serial
guns one-way destruction of Sergey Spivak in the main event crowd was
absolutely on fire we’re here to talk all about it welcome to the UFC Paris post fight show we’re live in the MMA
fighting YouTube channel I am Mike Heck being joined by two of my favorites first Mr Jose Young’s getting ready to
travel internationally to Sydney Australia for UFC 293 how are we doing Jose are we
all packed you’re ready to go 12 hours from now I will be 30 000 feet in the air on a Sunday and I will land in
Sydney Australia on a Tuesday not fun but looking forward to uh some fist
fighting action Down Under yes and also joining us Mr hot take Mr no gray area I’m sure he’s got thoughts
opinions takes as he always does Mr Jed Mishu hello Jed how are you
I mean on the one hand I would love to go to Australia that sounds really fun on the other hand I don’t want to go to
Australia for this card so on those mixed emotions for you because I don’t
know how to feel for you uh but this card this card we just watched was fine
but that crowd was electric Mike best crown of the Year by far absolutely and it made the event better
than it actually was so Jose uh let’s begin with you Cyril gone bounces back gets Sergey Spivak and
a lot of people look to this this is a classic strike Striker versus Grappler matchup this is
the definition of it Sergey Spivak shot for a takedown in the first round after getting kind of battered up a little bit
by sterilegon who’s just moving around just out athleticing Sergey Spivak and
then Sergey went for a takedown and Cyril gone just sprawled and laid on top
of him and stood right up and the look on Sergey spivak’s face I typed literally into our private slack Channel
Sergey Spivak is screwed after that whole situation it turns out both five minutes later fight was over Cyril gone
bounces back Big Win bounces back from the loss to Jon Jones what did you make of Cyril gone’s performance in front of
his home crowd I mean he essentially pitched a perfect game uh like you said he showed off
enough aspects of his game that showed improvements like I said in the preview
show that this fight could go any sort of Direction Just because obviously I think Cyril gone’s the better fighter
than Sergey spivec but spivex strengths are Cyril gone’s weaknesses and that’s
obviously the grappling and wrestling Department obviously when Sarah gone fought France
and Gano I can’t imagine he thought Francis would rely on such a wrestling heavy attack so don’t know how much
wrestling he did in Camp and then good luck anyone in the world beating Jon Jones because he’s just the greatest
fighter of all time so I would imagine Cyril gone spent a lot of time wrestling like he said he was going to do after he
lost to Jon Jones because he never really did much of that in Camp when you know he was fighting jirezino and volkov
and Derek Lewis and Junior dos Santos like these guys that probably aren’t shooting for double legs or single legs
too often so uh clearly when the first when Sergey shot for that first takedown
grabbed a leg and sorogon basically jumped out of it like just jumped out of
it and landed on Sergey spit back I was like well this fight is pretty much over at this point because that was sergey’s
Best Shot they were still dry he was against the fence and Cyril gone just I mean who would have thought being a
freak athlete would be the best base for MMA in the heavyweight division uh yeah it was a wrap it was a perfect game
great crowd great reception great performance this is exactly what Sarah gone needed I said it was like similar
to like when Derek Lewis’s last performance he just needed a perfect performance that got people talking that’s exactly what Sarah gone did in
Paris today Chad listening to no bets barred when you and GC were talking about this fight
you guys said probably within like the first three minutes we we would know exactly how this fight was gonna play
out and I think that’s kind of what happened here but at the same token because of how this all played out Jed
what did you take away the motionless like did you learn anything truly new about Cyril gone in this one because
it was kind of it wasn’t a great shot from Sergey Spivak he didn’t come out with uh I’m just gonna tackle you right
away I’m gonna try to stand with you maybe try to throw you off your game a little bit and Cyril’s like okay I’ll do
this so like what did you take away the most from this performance I learned that my priors were correct
about Sergey Spivak I learned nothing about serial God this was the outcome that I felt was by far the most likely
but I had like some trepidation just because statistically Cyril God is really bad at
defending takedowns he has that number will improve from this outing depending on how many spivack gets credited with
but it was like 40 takedown defense coming into this fight and like look
stats are have a lot of issues with them in general particularly given his sample size but still basically the only two
dudes who ever tried to take him down did so well and so I had some concern that like maybe this dude truly just
does not understand wrestling and Spivak is good enough and has been a
very effective like clinch takedown artist that if done something happens I can’t be shocked but I thought that this
was the most likely outcome because uh there are two cheat codes in in MMA the
biggest one is athleticism and at heavyweight it’s the one that matters by far the most and they they were playing
in different sports like show that to someone who knows nothing about fighting they’re like yeah those two those two
dudes are not the same like I don’t need to see that one of them’s hitting the other one the way that he is simply
moving around as if Sergey Spivak is stuck buried in mud is clearly he is
going to win a fight here so uh yeah I learned nothing about gone I suspect that we will learn more about
him when he does fight Tom aspinall but I am I thought that there was a world
where maybe maybe we’re all underestimating Sergey spivex been on a good little run here granted he hasn’t
beaten anybody good but like still 28 maybe maybe he’s gonna be something nope
nope it’s just two years and there’s nothing wrong with that you know top 12 heavyweight in the world but that’s
that’s my biggest takeaway so Jose Jed mentioned it Tom aspinall
did what he said he was going to do after his recent win over marching Tabor I’m gonna fly to Paris I’m gonna sit in
the crowd and watch Shiro gun Sergey speak fight and I’m gonna fight the winner now asper dollar has already kind
of run over sir gates to be back so I don’t know if the appetite would have really been there for that one but I
think this is the result that Tom was kind of hoping for that he could fight a guy who has won an interim title and is
fought for the heavyweight title on two different occasions Jose so Sergey pavlovich is there we got gelton
get ready to fight Curtis blades I think this Jon Jones getting ready to fight stupid there’s a lot going on here at heavyweight
are we doing in your opinion Cyril gone Tommy aspinall is that the fight to make or do we gotta wait a little bit and
just see how this all plays out over the next few months I mean it’s that’s probably going to happen especially if
they want to do another big fight night in Europe um I mean Mr Mr London Main Event versus
Mr Paris Main Event would just make sense to do it in Europe and all Europe uh big heavyweight tilt would be awesome
to witness so obviously the UFC will probably put it somewhere like Minneapolis for whatever reason
um but I don’t if it’s uh if you’re asking me what I would do um I’m also working under the assumption
that the winner of like especially if Jon Jones wins wins which I think he will um
in Jon Jones either vacates the belt or retire and STP retires and there’s a vacant belt I would personally like see
pavlovich versus Tom aspinal and I would do Cyril gone versus the winner of jail tonight versus Curtis blades
um just because Cyril’s Owen two in big you know Undisputed heavyweight title fights and pavlovich and uh Tom aspenol
have not had the opportunity to fight for that yet pavlovich is weighing in again as a backup so I’m going to assume
he’s one half of the main event of any vacant heavyweight title fight and I just would like a fresh face up there so
I would say Thomas malpavich main event cereal gone versus the winner of Jonathan I made a Curtis blade so that’s
just what I would do anyway but I’m not going to try to pretend I know anything about the UFC matchmaking
because we asked for all kinds of things and they never work out
Chad what do you think happens here because it’s by look Michael people feel about
Michael Bisping as a commentator in his post-fight interviewer but yeah he was not great tonight but he has
not been here at least in like two years but in this case he’s in the cage talking to Cyril gone who’s coming off
this big win and he does exactly what he should do hey see that guy right there
that’s Tom aspinall he called you out he came here to watch you fight
any interest in fighting him Sierra gone completely no sells him and
it’s just basically the answer is listen I just want to get back to the belt and whatever I need to do to get to the belt
that’s what I’m gonna do so I immediately heard that and was like huh that’s kind of interesting I’m
surprised he just completely no sold this idea what did you think of that just no selling Tom Aspen all together
was that smart in your opinion uh no I would also I’d one of my issues
was with Bisping I think he is better at post fights is than doing his live commentary one of my issues is he just
like he is doing exactly that he’s feeding narratives and I know that like
the UFC probably wants that but that’s not really what should be happening like
let the fighters create the narratives that they want to create don’t you don’t have to insist on them uh because I mean
sure we think it makes sense and Tom Aspen all wants this and I guess UFC wants it but like
until God doesn’t seem to give a about it so we don’t really need to be like hey this this is undeniable we have
to there are plenty of other dudes Tom aspinall could fight so he just doesn’t seem to care about it
um I suspect he doesn’t care because he’s gonna get tuned up if he does take that fight but uh I’m not entirely
surprised because his whole demeanor heading into fight week was dude I don’t
need to have a Face-Off with Tom Aspen in the cage after UFC Paris like he’s he
is not he’s concerned about doing him and not giving any ancillary shot anywhere else and maybe that’s good
maybe that’s bad for him promotionally I’m honestly not sure uh but I am not
shocked that he didn’t take the low-hanging fruit because it he could easily be like actually I’d really love
to face jailton Almeida next like you guys say I can’t defensively grapple if he beats Curtis blades let me fight that
dude and I’ll show you that so not shocked uh and I don’t care enough
fair enough uh to busy week’s defense he’s got the earpiece they’re telling him essentially like what to say and
what to ask so yeah it’s kind of I get I get through there doing it but that part just rubs me the
wrong way like that’s the Fighter’s time to do something not your time to be like hey here’s
here’s what you’re supposed to say say it like if you guys want them to do that talk to them backstage and it put them
through media classes and be like hey here’s where we want you to go with your career if you win here’s what you should do not we’re gonna ham-fistedly have
Michael Bisping try to real time put words in your mouth because it doesn’t come off smoothly
uh well one thing UFC told Cyril gone after the victory was you got yourself
fifty thousand dollars because he got himself a bonus uh Morgan Sharia got a
Bonus one day I’m gonna pronounce that correctly uh fight of the night no surprise Benoit Anthony versus Thiago
Moises uh those are your bonuses for UFC Paris who will talk about Benoit Anthony would he accomplished
tonight in a moment but uh let’s talk about the co-main event General we’ll begin with you man and fioro versus Rose
Nami Eunice I believe you had a bet on Rose Nami Eunice I picked Rose to win Casey picked Rose to win it just was a
value pick more than anything and I think kind of you and I were in the same line of thinking here that if Rose is
going to move up to 125 she’s gonna take the time to do it and accept this fight she is going to be ready to go she’s
going to be focused chip on her shoulder and everything and even if she had that tonight Jed it just didn’t seem like it
was enough man it kind of pushed around a little bit she was just bigger she was stronger and Rose didn’t really she
didn’t really she she had some moments in the fight I thought if you’re gonna give her a round it’s the third and the
two judges who scored it for Rose uh who scored a 29-20 fioro gave Rose a third round but
what was your biggest takeaway from fiora’s win over Rose Nami yunus was it more on the man inside or on the
roadside well first of all the most important thing is that Brock Bowers just scored the first touchdown of UGA football
season so let’s go baby go dogs second uh my biggest Takeaway on this fight
that we’re supposed to be talking about not QJ football game that’s going on right now is uh remember earlier when I
said there’s like two cheat codes in May and one was athleticism and it’s the biggest one particularly heavyweight I
think I haven’t done I haven’t crunched numbers but I’m starting to believe that the biggest cheat code particularly in
the lightest weight classes is less less athleticism though that is very important and just being a horse if you
are just a sturdy immovable human being at lighter weight classes uh that is
very very strong weapon to employ that’s what we saw like uh this doesn’t
need to be that everybody dunk on Jamal Hill for his bad takes contest because Jamal had a really bad take being like
roast beast roast peace Furrow up and he got dunked on by it basically everybody on Twitter as a result of it
he’s like almost right he’s not right she didn’t she did not like tune up furo
in any way and she didn’t win the fight but you could see that she’s better at
fighting like she is better at the composite pieces of fighting she cut more angles she had much more diversity
to her attacks she was slipping her defense was much had much more layers in
depth as opposed to engage or disengage like she is better at the pieces of it
but she there was too big a gap between them physically for her to generate the
kind of offense that that was meaningful like she would land shots and Furrow would eat them fine uh there was really
no issue there Fiero never hurt her either but the damage accumulation like at the end of the first round they
landed pretty even amount of shots and Rose’s face is jacked up because she’s getting hit by somebody who has 10
pounds of muscle on her and is a horse and so it just is sort of how that fight
immediately in that fight I thought man Rose might be able to win like she’s she has a an edge and skill here maybe she
can parlay that into a victory and in the third round she came out well I still scored that round for furo but I
was doing live vlogging so like I’m not married to that decision but she just she couldn’t hurt pharaoh
and when she got hit it it showed it it moved her body physically more she has
no future at this weight class unless she really puts on like a lot of actual
muscle to to compete here at the at the upper end of it and so that and uh also I did not realize that Trevor Whitman
wasn’t going to be coaching her had I known this and had I known that this was the Pat Berry show I probably wouldn’t
have felt as confident in my rose named Eunice pick coming into this fight hand up I I missed that one
I think most people missed that one because that’s probably been the biggest question I’ve been getting is where the hell was Trevor Whitman on this fight
and who knows at this point Trevor’s not a guy that does a lot of media maybe he’ll comment about it on social media
but glaring hole in the corner I know for Roses fight with Carla Trevor was
there but he wasn’t saying anything he was just kind of there while Pat Berry was shouting out
the instructions and we know how that fight went and tonight no Trevor Whitman whatsoever what was you what did you think of the
fight Jose I know like you didn’t get to watch it all but what did you think of mana’s performance and because I I feel like this is going
to be more about Rose losing than man and winning I think Rose losing is going to get more of the headline so
what did this performance do for Manon because she called for the title shot Aaron blanchfield beat Tyler Santos last
week seems to be a two-horse race between these two ladies at this point we got the rematch for the title between
Grasso and chiffchenko coming up in two weeks who’s ahead now after this win
well in terms of how the fight played out um none of you guys are on the preview show with AK and Casey and I and this
went exactly as I said Rose is without question the better martial artist all around like Cuts better angles has
better striking has better grappling everything she’s just fighting a bigger woman and that’s that was going to be
the deciding factor there’s a reason when Fighters move up in weight they tend to start lower on the totem pole
and work their way up every now and then you get something like Jessica Andre who just eats count kagan’s liver in their
first fight and gets thrust into a title fight but like you saw what does in Poirier and any a lot of other guys that
move up and wait they start outside the top 15 or on the out like right at the 15 Rank and then work the way up so by
the time they get to the top five of the division their body is used to it Rose just looks like a straw weight that just
stops cutting weight she didn’t look like a flyweight like man and mannon was very clearly bigger in terms of who’s
ahead between her and Aaron blanchfield I would say it depends on who wins between Valentina and Alexa Grosso and
it depends on where the UFC is going to go with these fights geographically if Valentina wins uh obviously a man in
Valentine Valentina fight somewhere in Europe would probably be really popular idea because they both have ties to
those regions and then if Alexa wins if they want to do another May card a Cinco de Mayo card
um in Newark or the New York area that’s where Aaron blanchfield is from I would imagine that’s what they would do so I
just think if who’s ahead I think Aaron blanchfield is ahead I think she has more I think
she I think Aaron blanchfield is ahead but I have no confidence in saying that neither woman blew the doors off or had
like the super impressive uh performance Aaron blanchfield beat Tyler Santos someone that almost beat Valentina and
man and Pharrell beat a straw weight that was unranked at flyweight neither was an overly impressive performance so
I buy this thing Aaron’s ahead maybe a step ahead and it’s just gonna depend on who wins and
where they go geographically because that seems to be how the UFC makes decisions these days
Chad where does Rose Nami Eunice go from here it’s tough to go back to 115 with the
way things are playing out right now 125 is Crazy Town but what happens
I don’t know uh on what Jose said I agree in large part I will say I think if Valentina wins uh they’re at this
point they will just run the trilogy now I I was skeptical of that but I think if she wins now they’re just gonna do that
as a three match and we’ll get Aaron versus Fiero for a number one contenders fight you know sometime in the similar
time frame there so that’s my guess as far as Rose that’s why I didn’t like this fight I thought this fight like was
fine um but the downside of it’s really bad for Rose because I what is her career at
this point um probably does just go back to 115 I don’t it didn’t look to me like she like
really put on weight to move up like like Jose said look like she was a strawberry who didn’t cut so she can go
back but and you know if it’s hey I just wanted to try and see and now I’m gonna go back okay but that
moving weight classes is a desperate move and I said this before it’s like it’s a thing you do when you’re out of
options and you don’t know how else to get back to the title Etc that’s not where Rose was Rose lost the fight in
like the belt in an awful fight but she had two wins over the current champion and we just needed like a win at
strawberry it would be right back in contention so I don’t know what like
what this was about because it wasn’t about winning because she was never going to beat the top of the if she
can’t beat men off hero she can’t beat the other people in this weight class so I don’t know I guess she goes back to
115 or she should do the things she should have done it first and just go back to the farm you are happy on the
farm continue to do that America needs plenty of farmers out there and that’s
that’s a good life too and you don’t have to do this yeah it’s gonna be real interesting to
see what she does because she stays at 125 who’s she gonna fight Natty Ice like is
that kind of her Futures fighting somebody like that at this point uh no I mean maybe you just give her I’d
watch I’d watch the hell of that fight I think you’d give her the like what’s her true kegian you know like you do the
older hands at the weight class and see if she can succeed against somebody like that
or or no
Barbara just had surgery she’s out oh did she okay yeah we I don’t care what happens in November
can we just do the trilogy can we just do the rose Jessica and Josh Trilogy we could do it at 125 we could
do a 115 for the love of God or we just do that isn’t just gonna draw matched up
already right but yeah she’s fighting Mackenzie Dern but let’s have her fight the loser of that
her management for continuing to roll her into fight like she’s trying to get six fights in this year and she keeps
getting her ass beat what are we doing so dumb so dumb
it’s gonna be real interesting at 125 it’s gonna be real interesting to see what Rose I’m used is gonna go and boy
is it gonna be real interesting to see where Benoit santinigos man what a first
round between him and Thiago Moises he just laid the wood on Thiago boys’s until like the last 50 seconds of the
first round and Moises started Landing some big shots and things are getting real fun and then round two happens and
BSD just mowing down Thiago boys this just looks so much more physical just
looks so much bigger in there like Thiago looked like a bantamweight compared to Benoit Anthony it was crazy
but now since moving back to his natural weight class at 1 55 that was Anthony is
4-0 four finishes and now he takes on a perennial top 20 guy and just mows them
down impressive performance I think he opened up a lot of eyes Jose what did you make a Benoit Santini today
that was some performance was it not that dude just secretes violence
um if it just felt like anything he wanted to do and props to Tiago Moises
like he was in there fighting back as long as he could until his body just gave out on him I thought he was hooked
at the end of that round and then he had that flurry that I don’t want to say it rocked uh Benoit saying to me but like
he was very clear like oh he’s still throwing so maybe I shouldn’t just rush in um smart move too
um that dude is he is now appointment his next fight
will be appointment viewing everyone in the MMA landscape that knew about him like this was one of those fights they
circled now it doesn’t matter where or who he fights next people are going to tune in to watch that dude get covered
in blood either his own or someone else’s blood yeah he secretes violence and he’s going to be a lot of fun to
watch moving forward especially if he stays a lightweight how excited are you because Chad you you
and I are on the same page lightweight is the best division in the sport bantamweight is very good oh my god I’ve
been hammering that yeah that’s it you’ve been that way as well you’ve been that way as well we’ve we’ve argued with
people in Boston about this as well uh but Chad I mean lightweight now we have
this guy we have this guy now added to the mix and he may not even he might be one of the 15 best lightweights in the
world he’s probably he may not have that number next to his name after this performance although
he’s probably gonna end up in my rankings on the MMA fighting Global rankings after what he did today how
excited are you to see this guy start taking on dudes with numbers next to their names because there’s some fun
fights for that guy dude he’s super fun I’m pulling on my rankings now to see yeah he’s probably
gonna make it into mine um he’s probably gonna slide into the 15 spot after this uh again being a Haas
Mike he’s just he’s just a gigantic human being in there against Jaco boy says
who’s been a you know top 25 top 30 lightweight for a long time just hanging
around being real good and BSD was just like sup bro uh Wicked kicks just just a
violent violent dude he’s awesome uh I don’t know if this makes sense like you know promotionally or where they’re
going that’s for you to decide Mike you have a great program on this this very website this very podcast network uh but
what I think we should do is we should call up Matt frivola and we should just let the chaos ensue just let these two
dudes hit each other and see what happens because it will be violent and awesome so Madison Square Garden UFC 295
that is that’s exactly the fight to make spoilers this guy rules like yeah this
guy’s really fun and like that’s that’s the thing there’s some other parties you could talk about on the fight card and
like I know that this is pedantic and kind of disrespectful in some ways and that’s
just who I am like you choose who you want to be as a fighter and you can choose to be Taylor
lapolis you know or or you could choose to be Benoit Anthony like you this is a
choice you can make um what was or I’m sorry William go me was like the bad one it’s like
yeah sorry I was the too many Frenchmen and I
it was hard uh don’t be William gummy like just be a dude Who’s Gonna Come and
Get rugged with it and like it’s just way cooler because you’re probably not going to make it to the
belt because no one reasonably is ever going to make it to a title it’s impossible to win a bell but at least be
fun as hell while you’re in there to get down and that’s BSD is every time it’s always a good time uh and yeah like Jose
said dude’s going dude’s gonna become real popular if he keeps us up yeah what a performance him and frivol
is gonna be fun beard like two good beards just going after it two crazy fun Fighters getting after it do it at MSG
provolo would love that he’s been calling for MSG and fight wanting him to fight somebody on that card for so long
uh I love that match if he’s willing to turn around that quick let’s freaking do it uh Vulcan owes to me are getting a
submission people just ripping up their betting tickets all over the place Vulcan gets his first submission what a
dirt back what an absolute Dirtbag move the second sub ever
was this was this the fight that GC was like I might uh take a little shot at that sub prop and you’re like well don’t
do it because it’s gonna lose I don’t think this is it no it couldn’t be it because no he answered his first
submission was like the his second fight or whatever is the only submission he had in his career because I was on the
TKO prop because I was like Bogdan isn’t very good I watched him fight he’s not good I don’t know what Bisping was
talking about like this guy has the look of a guy who can come in here and do like no he actually looks awful and
vulcan’s gonna win and then he Taps him and it ruined my betting ticket Mike is very upset
uh Morgan charrier kicked off the main card nasty body kicks gets the TKO win
at three minutes 51 seconds sent the crowd into a frenzy that none of us
Casey was there okay bring in Casey Casey I don’t know where you are Casey was at Paris no you were there you were
there on the preview show he was there for the preview show all right what how
you were there and I paused the preview show to basically just talk about that
fight and I was like I am more excited for this fight than any other fight outside the top two fights Casey was
like you sold me on it Casey did it deliver oh yeah yes yeah dude sure he is yeah
yeah that was the fight I like circled and I was like if you’re watching one fight
outside of the top two watch Morgan charree fight that dude is super fun is
super popular he has a massive audience and I think the UFC is going to have has I’m not
calling him like a Sean O’Malley Superstar but if they go anywhere in Europe stick him on that card and he’s
gonna have fans flock to him that was such an awesome performance like when he kicked Manolo like his body left the
ground like he was like punching a football that was an unbelievable performance and man I was nervous
because I when I tell people to watch one fight it oftentimes doesn’t work out sometimes
it works out because like I said there are three fights that I have ever prayed to like the fight God’s for in my entire
life there are three they were MVP and Paul Daly didn’t work out they were
Brian Ortega and the Korean zombie didn’t work out and it was Nick Diaz Robbie Lawler too very sad
so when I was like Morgan charade is the guy to watch I was a little nervous and he delivered with flying colors
yeah nasty performance it was a really good matchup for him too which is the second body kick is chef’s
kiss like the first one that crumples him up and he’s falling and gets up and then just just like goes right back to
it like a punch oh that’s that’s the good stuff baby
both feet were up both of manolo’s feet was off the ground like he was in the
air like getting punted it was unbelievable it was yeah that’s some good stuff man and you know it’s wild
the most boring fight on the main card uh ended up delivering the more
memorable kick just
Jose what did you think of this because if you guys didn’t see it William go me has added to this list that we’ve had
over the last few weeks of shots to the ding ding that are like on the border
on the borderline of like is it or is it not and the referee is just like
okay do you want to go do you want to go and like no one said anything and he’s just like all right I’m stopping the
fight and it was rule to TKO like what this is so no idea what was happening and so people
like who are rewinding and watching it really closely were telling me so this was just so bizarre wasn’t it
it was very bizarre and I’m very ha like I’m not happy it happens but I’m thankful that it happened in of all the
main card fights this one probably had the lowest stakes in terms of like hype and title contention and name value so
if there was going to be one one mess if I was I’m glad it was on
this car but it was bizarre because even Giannis was like he seemed very confused about what was happening and then I
can’t imagine what was happening to the fans in attendance because like us is when we were watching through the
television the commentators did their best to try and figure out what was going on if I’m in attendance and will
and gomi does that and they call the fight and everyone seems confused I’m pissed uh luckily you know everyone was
still high on that Morgan charade uh fight and this was probably felt like a bathroom break fight I honestly good
placement honestly before the chaos of the top three fights top four fights started yeah confusing all around don’t
know I don’t know I don’t know because I can’t say I agree or disagree because it just felt like such a bizarre turn of events I have
yeah it was bizarre is the word I would say yeah from gamori’s Team I am appealing
this it may not go anywhere but you absolutely have to appeal it uh what did you think of this shed right call I mean
was it low was it not like and then just how the referee handled it how do you grade it
it’s just it’s weird like I knew it was happening the whole time um and I get it uh if
this feels like a situation that just is going to occur at some points and we can’t just like be too upset because the
ultimate end result is there’s going to be an appeal process so get overturned to a no contest and sometimes you’re
going to have things like this in a perfect world The Ref like at a very
Baseline the referee in real time who is the Arbiter of things that are illegal or Fair believed that that kick was was
a fair kick and so not once but twice implored both fighters to continue and
the one dude turned around and walked away and so that by definition is hey
he’s not willing to fight I have told them though the fight is legal continue he turned around walk that’s that’s him
quitting the fight has stopped pretty reasonable and un like it is very
obvious that neither dude really registered what he was saying and so the
best the best answer would have been like hey stop I said the fight is on can
fight each other and then if they continue to not then you can call it but you know that’s not what happened and we
end up with this result uh I think the attitude is correct if the even if the
outcome was poor like the idea of that that a lot of fans and seems to
sort of be a a thing here is oh well it was pretty clearly a low kick and so you should stop the fight
he didn’t think it was and if he’s the referee and did not believe that that kick was illegal that’s correct like the
way he handled it should be how it goes it shouldn’t be well I’m gonna stop and defer and we’ve seen Herb Dean and a lot
of people oh he’s acting like he got poked in the eye blah blah blah there is no way to make up for this that way like
if the dudes just came in the system so I think his heart was probably in the right place the execution was really poor uh but ultimately we’re gonna get
this will get overturned to a no contest and it’s unfortunate but it’s not the
end of the world and sometimes weird things are going to happen when people are fist fighting that’s just the name
of the game uh Taylor lapless gets the winner for Colin loughran shout out to Kyle Locker
in for I mean putting the spotlight on these prelims I mean that dude should get a bonus just for making it
interesting and the walkout to no music was incredible even if it was a mistake
because there happened to be musing of the walkout so I don’t know if like he planned it that way but geez
Louise was that fun more people need to do that if you’re trying to be the villain
do that that was that was very very well done it’s a shame that you lost because
that was great yeah he walked on just like stared each fan in the eyes like had his back to the
it was great it was great uh angelusa Reese McKee crazy fight uh
angelusa gets the win this was kind of like on the surge of really bizarre scorecards because yeah apparently a
judge thought Reese McKee didn’t win that third round which is yeah weird
super weird uh Reese Wiki remains windless in the inside the Octagon crazy
and just mailed it in before the round was over like yeah Steve Arena we’re
good this is Steve Rita from Massachusetts just putting out scorecards even though there’s a finish in the round come on now uh the other
fight Nora can uh Cornell versus Jocelyn Edwards when I heard when I heard Jose 30 27 30
27 29 20 I’m like all right Jocelyn Edwards clearly won this fight and here’s here’s what I put on Twitter
like 29 28 but 30 27 wouldn’t surprise me I’m not saying that Nora winning is like
egregious I’m not saying that because it was a close fight but to say that Jocelyn Edwards did not
win a single round in that fight that is egregious 30-27 is awful Jose isn’t it
that’s a terrible card that’s real bad that’s about as bad as you can get
um again thank God it wasn’t in a super high stakes fight near the top of the card I’m not am I crazy in the fact in the
sense that like I scored at 30 27 for Jocelyn like I thought she won all I think there is a very real world that
she won all three rounds so the fact that two of the judges thought she lost all three rounds was when they I’m with
you when they announced 30 27 30 27 I was like oh Jocelyn won and then when they announced Nora’s name I was like I
don’t know about that fight don’t really care to watch that fight over again to see if I was wrong but in
the moment I was pretty confident Jocelyn had won what do you think Chad weird one
yeah 30 27 uh is bad it’s it’s it’s just if you wanted
to do 30s 27 Edwards that is much better than 3027. I had a 29 28 I didn’t think
I I gave the second round of canola but uh I think that that there’s a much better argument that Edwards won the
second round then there is Chrono won the third round if nothing else so uh sure
super weird really really bad scorecard um odd that all of them were in
agreement you know just just some home cooking that’s that’s that’s why you hold the vents in in a country get a
little home cooking going your way so uh like Jose said not to be super boring uh
I’m not gonna watch this back to see if I care to change my mind and thank goodness it happened in a fight that no
one’s really all that upset about and as Jose didn’t say the most important
thing here is the universe evens itself out because Jocelyn Edwards took a stone
cold robbery officer and so now she loses a probable robbery here and that’s
the way the world balances itself out over time so when am I gonna when am I
gonna get my four BTL wins back from Jed
when do I get my win back from BC he literally didn’t give an answer
it’s really true that’s that’s like those degrees that’s like a fighter saying I’m just
not gonna fight the last round and then getting the 30-27. there is just chaos outside of my house
right now we have we’re getting like the all the roofs are getting replaced and then they chose like right now seven
o’clock on a Saturday uh let’s just turn the radio up full blast Let’s uh let’s
clean up the driveway let’s blast the leaf blower even though I it’s just it’s
I’m just glad I’m just glad that someone is actually working on your house because my parents have been trying to
redo their roof and as you guys know how contractors are they’ll go about three weeks without showing up so Prosper you
for finding anyone that will show up so I live in a like an attached
townhouse and we’re forced to get it done even though our roof is in like decent shape like they’re just coming to
do the roofs and you can’t park your new driveway you can’t even park near the house for the next two weeks uh and
we’re just like okay oh yeah and by the way you gotta pay all this money for it on top of it so you’re welcome
but yeah does this work pre or post hurricane oh it started before the hurricane and
then they took two days off because of the hurricane that didn’t hit us never does
it never comes through I mean this better be the cleanest driveway I’ve ever seen with all this
noise going on we did find like a dozen Nails in the driveway the other day which is super fun
um so maybe this is a good sound for all of us uh Jacqueline kavikant to get to win and freed basharat speaking of fun
Fighters with Bright Futures just Clayton Rodriguez had nothing for this man The Bachelorette Bros they are a
problem at 135. uh Casey Come On In
that is a very very brutal t-shirt or a sleeveless shirt I should say
wow wow holy too soon
a little bit I mean I love it but it’s it’s a state Cliff was Cliff was
sleeping in Kirk’s bed that day too so if anything it would have been Kirk if you know Cliff wasn’t asleep
all right what uh what what wow so people just listening Casey’s wearing a shirt that said it should have been Lars
which is insane I mean it’s a statement if you had an
option I mean I don’t want any of them to die no no one says that but you know if you
had to choose you know just uh maybe we can choose some questions
and change or something
okay you’re wearing it uh Chad I’ll start with you did God’s
wrestling Defense level up or Sergey that bad I don’t I mean maybe it leveled up we
just don’t have any idea uh yeah Sergey didn’t do anything to give us any
sense of what happened he didn’t ever get close to anything like if if God had
really like hey look at him he sprawled and turned the corner and got like no he had like one sprawl the whole time and
it was from a shot that was not like a deep power trouble it was basically
circuit just bent over at the waist and ran at him like no we have no idea maybe
it leveled up we just have no clue
I think it leveled up from zero to one no I know I just maybe that’s just me
being a curmudgeon yeah sterile I mean like I said I can’t imagine serial did that much wrestling before the France’s
fight and if you look at everyone else he beat they’re not big wrestlers so I just think he had a game plan for Sergey
and it was a bunch of defensive wrestling and they were still dry and so the fact that he literally jumped out of
a takedown was very impressive I would have been curious to see if the fight lasts longer if Sergey ever got a hold of him but he didn’t sorry and I also
and I also think that Cyril’s defensive grappling in his defensive wrestling
the lack of it was kind of overblown because of the Jon fight and people just don’t understand people don’t for they
just forget how good John is that he’s the arguably the greatest fighter to ever fight and Jon is a very
good Grappler and a very athletic dude and he could do that to pretty much anybody he wants to so to compare
Sergey Spivak to Jon Jones is like it’s it’s ridiculous it’s a ridiculous
comparison yeah so you have you only have to have gone facing spebec you know you have to worry about certain things
when you face Jon Jones you have to worry about everything including you know it’s freaking Jon Jones and it’s a
title fight and it’s it’s a giant deal and surugan he the bed that night
he did not sit the bed tonight you know I’m not saying Jon Jones wins every time he has gone that easily but
you know everything went perfect for John the night everything went horrible for gone that night and um I just think
we I think you know God’s trying to write the ship a little bit and um yeah it’s a great
performance yeah has gone it has gotten eliminated that kind of
did he have a boring fighter label on him or is that gone is that is that gone
he’s gone a couple things he had a he he was like I think there
were two fights in a row in the I mean it was like a combination thing it was two main events in the Apex that went 25
minutes against gyrosino and volkov and he just out struck them like they were 50 45s so they were dominant and he
wasn’t like crushing though it was just
fight like 18 minutes of that fight was like against the fence yeah yeah with zero just put pushing him against the
fence and like Landing knees to the legs and just it was just an inside clinch battle with
like it wasn’t all that thrilling Dane is the one that cut it yeah yeah and Dana Dana like hammered home the
the kind of boring label to those fights because he wasn’t very kind I felt
Bisping was trying to give God that boring label in the first round if you listen to commentary but by the time the
fight ended bisbing was all like what a great performance but in the first round he was like I don’t know if God’s looking urgent in there I was like what
are you talking about dude it’s like he’s beating the guy here he also basically like the just the way he views
Reese McKee is a competitor he was made he basically crowned angelosa like the next welterweight champion because he
beat Reese McKee tonight like it was wild it was insane all right I mean Al also he he survived
the last round against Reese McKee as well make sure you point that out
and Reese McKee survived the second round just oh just uh splattering from angelosa
that was crazy Jose to your point you made uh sometime earlier this week I
don’t remember what time we were talking about it when you just get the name you know the Irish zombie or whatever yeah
that’s how you know Korean zombies dope yeah when people are labeling giving you
a zombie and your race love it love it all right uh
co-main event question for the crew uh Jose will begin with you would Rose benefit from trying
one Camp elsewhere to freshen things up it really seems she needs a new look and approach to get her to fire again what
does she have to lose Jose um
I think she would need another head like a different head coach maybe or just try
one because like if if she’s not with Trevor Whitman anymore maybe you should just like
like everyone has their specific coaches for specific things but then you have the guy like the head coach that kind of
puts everything together and that’s like Greg Jackson did that at Winkle like Jackson Winkle were like you had Winkle
John do a lot of the Striking and you had other guys doing Jiu Jitsu and you had guys like Izzy Martinez is down
there doing a lot of wrestling stuff and then Greg Jackson was just like The Mastermind maybe she just needs something like that Trevor Whitman seems
to be very good at that but like you brought up in the when she fought in Phoenix against Wei Lee I mean not
Whaley Carla it just seems like Pat Berry was the one steering the ship and maybe that’s maybe
that’s not what she needs maybe she needs an unbiased person that
can put it all together Pat Barry’s very good Striker I wouldn’t rely on Pat Berry at all to tell me what to do in
the rest on your grappling department so if she thinks she needs Pat Berry to be her striking coach then that’s great he
was like bad Barry’s a very good kickboxer but I think she just needs a masterminds that is the one driving the
ship when she sits down on that stool and there’s someone that sneels in front of her telling what to do maybe she just
needs a different voice that can like like Tony Ferguson when he fought Justin cage he didn’t really seem to have a
head coach he had a bunch of Specialists and then when they threw Eddie Bravo in the as the guy to go in there in the
final round he’s like you should do an eminary role I’m like probably not against Justin Casey that’s a very bad
idea maybe she just needs a mastermind that’s like running the I don’t
know I don’t like being the guy to tell Fighters what to do with their career it’s just from the outside looking in
don’t maybe don’t get rid of Pat bear if you’re feeling comfortable as him as a coach but just get a different voice is the one
putting the game plan together yeah I mean I’m sure you agree with the shed like
going around and training with different people and getting different looks sure it doesn’t hurt right
yeah um look it’s it’s always very hard to say what it
what any fighter needs because all fighters are different uh I largely think that most Fighters would benefit
from changing up their coaching structure every couple of years like just just because you don’t want to
stagnate and this game moves so quickly and things move so rapidly even if you’re with somebody like ATT or
whatever you’re just you’re going to fall into routines you get a lot of similar looks and the same stuff and
there are Fighters like Max Holloway who can stick with one one team the whole career and it can be incredibly
successful for them but uh I have always thought that you should make more use of
that and just get different eyeballs uh because I think Trevor Whitman’s a terrific coach I know that he may not
now I don’t know what to what extent he’s now involved with her but I think Trevor Whitman’s as good a coach as
there is in this sport I think even if Rose was still working with Trevor Whitman every day given her last two
performances have gone a change of pace go you know go go met
see what half El Cordero can teach you because Trevor Whitman’s teaching you a different way to fight and maybe Cordero molds you a little more in his own image
maybe you become much more of a pressure fighter Rose has always been really good at kicking like maybe Cordero Can can
get her to be a little bit more proactive with that like go I mean ATT I
always think everyone should go to ATT it’s the best gym in the world with the best coaching staff and the best everything uh but I mean any of it you
know Henry hoofton and Company whatever they’re calling themselves Now kill Cliff they got I think every fighter
should change it up every couple of years particularly if they’ve fallen on a hard streak like just all right it’s no it’s
nothing bad about my previous coach but let’s see if something new works for me because
that’s just how life works you stick at a job for 10 years and you want to change you want something different
something to reinvigorate you Rose seems to have gone about that by saying yeah I
want a new challenge I want to go up to 125. that’s way freaking harder it would be like what if I just challenge myself
by working with new people and seeing how this goes so I would say yes but you
really have no idea until until she does it and they’ll see if it works yeah for
sure I mean look at John Wayne Lee goes to Henry sahudo’s Camp much different fighter uh it just continues to get
better she was at Syndicate she had like John Wood in her corner for the I’m at a Lemos fight and maybe the best
performance of her career so obviously and she’s going back and forth to all different places to Thailand and
such she’s just it works for some people it doesn’t work for everybody so but yeah but I mean if she wants to do that
and just wants to expand her Horizons no one’s saying like leave Colorado forever
you know what I mean but like if you want to go get some looks here and there go ahead if there’s something you want to work on go find the best in the world
and spend a couple weeks there and then go back home and do what you normally do we’re talking a lot about Rose
um what did we learn from Pharrell what did you what was your takeaway from Manning’s performance tonight did you
learn anything new or because I thought that that was kind of like and since it’s a bit of a trap fight for a minute
for fro even though it’s a big name if she wins we’re kind of like well Rose wasn’t good rose wasn’t good at 25
rather than saying Whoa man it looked amazing so I thought man is takedown D
was a big difference in the fight the way she stuffed Rose three or four times pretty like pretty hard sprawls and just
made Rose kind of pay for those takedowns I thought that really changed the dynamic of the fight and with rose
not having interview or wrestling maybe her hand was really limiting her grappling uh I thought that was a I
thought to me that kind of um hurt the comments hurt the confidence of Rose a lot in the fight so um what did y’all
think we’ve managed tonight I gained a little bit of respect for
um the takedown defense was less Salient to me just because Rose isn’t like a
great wrestler she’s a functional one she took wayley down a bunch and like can do it but uh the first one I saw was
enough to be like oh that’s never going to work for Rose uh she simply does not have the physicality or to to do this
with the technique barriers that exist within her at this point so uh I didn’t take a lot from that but
um I guess when you took that away when Rose knew that wasn’t there now I thought she oh she’s she’s kind of
cooked I mean I wonder how like yeah I I have no idea the things that uh I
will say impressed me or that I certainly gained a little bit of appreciation uh
Furrow has I mean for most of her career she’s largely styled on people
um not like styled on them but like jukigian she just simply knew true
Keegan couldn’t hurt her and just threw a lot more than shakigian did and like that’s just how that fight went
um roshi couldn’t really track Rose down that much Rose was very out whenever
whenever funeral would throw anything Rose just immediately disengaged and so
it didn’t let Pharaoh really keep like a super high work rate but it was really steady and I thought she was doing some
pretty good things in there I was like uh particularly with a right hook like whenever Rose would commit to stepping
in manal was really getting her right hook in uh she was countering leg kicks
she didn’t check a lot of them which is an interesting thing but as Rose started to go to Kix more you started to see
Manon register that was coming and here comes the left hand or a hook uh to to
keep pace so she was doing some things tactically showing a little bit more to her game uh than she has previously or
at least from what I’ve seen so that was good but it wasn’t like a oh she is
she’s leveling up it’s like yeah she’s she’s getting better she’s steadily improving and that’s good I still think
she will really struggle with certainly the top two women in this weight class and uh probably with Alexa Grosso as
well though that fight could be a lot more competitive what’d you think Jose what did you take
away most from from Manon I’ll help me with myself
um pretty much everything Jed said also the ability to you know she had that massive gash on the side of her face and
she kept fighting forward because I don’t think any of you were on it because I think Casey was
I you might have been at a pro wrestling thing and then Mike you were on vacation and Jed actually Jed you were on it when
we talked about um can’t remember who was me you and Eric on a post show when I was producing and
I brought up the point that Rose throws a lot of cheeky head butts a lot oh yeah
and no one ever that’s veteran right there yeah like respect that’s
some Henry sahudo game she throws a lot of them so once there was a clash of
heads I was like well I saw that coming about a mile away and the fact that that thing was leaking bad so I like I said
with zombie the ability to fight through to to maintain your composure in the middle of pain and blood is a big deal
so in terms of her skill set didn’t I learn a whole lot just because Rose just seems like the smaller fighter but the
ability to fight through damage like because Jed said kind of styled on a lot of her opponents um that was the biggest
thing I liked you know to have this big leaking thing on your forehead and still be able to fight an incredibly high level
to me man and fioro is just like she’s like she’s like Paul
Molitor out there like Old School Baseball fans can understand this I mean
she’s just she’s just so solid man like she is just fine hitting singles and
doubles and she’s very good at it she’ll just hit singles and doubles all day long and just boost that batting average
up she might flirt with 400. if you need to hit a home run once in a while she’ll come through if you really need her to
but she’s happy hitting singles and doubles she’s a she listens and when she’s effective with what she’s doing
she doesn’t Veer from it at all like would she know she’s onto something she
just sticks with it and she did it here she felt Rose didn’t
feel like rose could hurt her she wasn’t afraid of dealing with her on the feet she wasn’t afraid of Rose taking her down I was actually kind of surprised
that man didn’t shoot more takedowns and then I think as the fight went on man it was like I don’t even need to try to
take her down because I’m just winning all these striking exchanges like rose is moving around well but she just couldn’t even get
to to man in real really in this fight like the third round she had a little more success and she had moments
sprinkled throughout but I felt very clear very confident it was 2-0 heading
into the third and if you scored a 30-27 man and at the end like it wouldn’t have shocked me it was a clear man and win
and then Rose just had a little more success in the third but yeah singles and doubles man very effective in the in
this fight I Casey to your point I think the thing I’m going to take away from this fight
and that I would love to see if like she registered I was also surprised Mike that men didn’t take like go for more
takedowns but I think that she just recognized that she didn’t really need to and grappling with throws maybe
brought in a different level of danger that was not like something she needed to uh I would have loved to see her
spend more time in the clinch because she beat the hell out of Rose when they were clinched up like every time they
engaged in a clinch when I was was beating her up like she landed a couple of really nice knees inside and they
didn’t clinch for very long but I thought she could have gone to that a lot more and maybe that’s an area that
she can be like really good in because she is so physical and she had a lot of success you know tonight with that
the knees of the body were nasty in the clinch really really mean like real
mean stuff from her in the clinch yep yeah um what I learned I guess I mean I was
actually I wasn’t too high I mean I knew man it was a top 10 fighter at 25 but I
I wasn’t like I was still in the kind of Defense but I I was impressed tonight by a performance and Rose just I hope she
goes I hope she goes back to 15. that’s all I don’t care who she fights if she wants to work her way up be a a French
I don’t I don’t know if she’s okay if not being the best or working I don’t know I just hope she goes make 15. I
just don’t think 25 just 25 doesn’t look right for her just felt off wasn’t I’ll
tell you I’ll tell you what my other takeaway was Chad and I’m curious to get your take on this and was what if the
UFC reversed things what if they had done Manon vs Tyler Santos and they did Aaron blanchfield versus rostam Eunice
like how much differently would be would be looking at things right now like Jen like if they did Aaron like if Aaron
blanchfield fought Rose daviudice tonight how would that have gone uh ambulation would have killed there I
said that coming like before this fight happened I was like yeah if she fights Rose she would just kill her
um and again I think Rose number units might be the single most talented woman competing in mixed martial arts today is
not me hating on Rose this is me having a very clear understanding of the role physicality plays in combat and uh
exactly how that fight would go would be pretty bad um because Rose is not like the best
defensive wrestler and Aaron Blanchard would just Crush her uh conversely sign
me up to just watch Tyler Santos and monofiero B haases at each other and see
what just two Rock Solid people who are just there like I don’t I don’t know
what that fight looks like and it’s probably not the most fun fight ever but it’s intriguing to me if nothing else so
that would have been a great switch up uh instead we got what we got and now there’s
a bit of I don’t I don’t know what’s gonna happen my you know I’m gonna guess
that Aaron blanchfield gets the next title fight over Manon offices but uh
Maybe not maybe even on now gets to fight for a title because she beat Rose who’s very small
it’s do we I hope the UFC does not book blancheville versus
I only think they booked that if they do uh uh
you can’t go wins and they book a Trilogy I think we are for sure getting that fight and I’m okay with that um
even though I still think it’s a little dumb okay yeah I just because I think banjo is going to have that title
eventually and then if she beats Pharaoh on the way to that title then which does have the title like all the contenders
she’s already kind of beat on the way up there so just uh just think about our future so last comment since I think we
got we got an hour uh where is it
the hair on this foursome could not be any different that’s very true what hair baby what
yeah we should we should reverse it we should have put you in the second slot Casey Jose in the third and then Jed in
the fourth Pokemon evolution yeah from length from length but Jose Jose’s got
the thickness Factor so we gotta figure that part out maybe he goes forth but it’s my uh brown pride baby we got
good hair well done all right I think we’re good early day MMA 7 21 PM I feel like I feel
like you undersold Palmer I think Paul Molitor was a much better baseball player than Madam for Rose an MMA
fighter I it’s just a comparison 10 guesses I
can’t tell you who Paul Molitor Paul Molitor how to spell that man’s name
Marty or Lefty I can’t tell all monitor is one of I want to say four or five
people in the history of baseball which is more than a century old to have I
think 3 000 hits a 300 career average and 500 stolen bases
do I think do I think man and fioro is going to pay like 27 Seasons how many dingers how
many dingers did Paul 300 I think 300. well but over like 37 Seasons yeah
[Music] he had ten he stole home he stole home
like a dozen times in his career
when she fought Victoria Leonardo so it’s not like she’s never had the chance all I’m saying is Paul Molitor is very
good at baseball and manafro is good at MMA love y’all neither let you down good
night everybody



well hello and welcome to the wig in podcast we got a ton to talk about because we had fights from Paris we got
other things to talk about like my man Josh the punk Thompson and his new Offspring the poor Josh the pork
Thompson what’s up baby how you doing uh John was having fun with me on the internet this whole weekend
no okay hold on you know it’s funny because a lot of people said oh man I can’t believe you dissed your your
partner I go I didn’t diss my partner you guys don’t get it that pig
Josh we call him John Mr Joshua then I said well it’s Josh the four Thompson right and so that pig is brought to the farm
and all he’ll do he’s never gonna be eating he’s never gonna all he’s gonna do is be a sexy beast he’s gonna sleep
eat crap and on all the female pigs so
he is the stud of the farm for the pigs oh man so he’s just gotta grow into it
that’s all but that’s an honor man I’m talking about what a sexy beast you are I am a sexy beast we all know this okay
there you go we’re gonna have to have MCW do us a thing where it says where we enter the show Josh the pork Thompson so
you never you’re never gonna eat him no no never no not even when it gets really old you’re like okay look it’s
kind of oh God no because it’s bad well male pigs when you allow because
about at his age right here is you you’ve taken and you’ve gelled it and you’ve taken his nuts off and that way
because the meat doesn’t get screwed up because the the testosterone that runs through their system it makes the meat
not real good so once you decide no no he’s living his full life
he’s going to live his best life baby got it he he’s gonna have his Harem and
all he’s going to do is decide when and where he’s going to decide yeah it’s time got it huh I mean he is my sexy son
of a [ __ ] and I saw the dad the dad’s like what a thousand pounds yeah jeez yeah Dave that’s Frank the
Tank you have a picture of the dad can you pull it it’s on Johnson yeah yeah he is the the guy that owns it is laying
laying next to him I mean he looks like a child he’s every bit as big as me yeah he
looks like a child though compared to that pig look at that thing the dude and that and trust me
I think Frank’s actually gotten bigger than that now he’s just cute he is a
monster and he just does but he’s you know it’s funny because people will sit there that’s a bore and you’re gonna
have people tell you man you know you got to be careful with poor stuff Nick there that that that that thousand
pound bore is like a puppy dog yeah he’ll tell him sit the pig sits lay down the pig lays down he does everything
that’s awesome well they mix it up he knows where the food comes from comes from that guy he does yes
what it’s all about gotta keep up that lavish body that pig has so he’s like hey buddy
room in that hair man so the pig’s name is uh Mr Joshua pigs
he’s just running around in the uh rummaging around in the water there did you just dig a hole with your Backhoe or
something and then just pour water in it yeah nice yeah I I need it I knew you didn’t use a shovel you know you don’t like hell no
you’re like manual labor you don’t like manual labor
all right here I’ll give you I’ll give you a little story our neighbors on the back side of my
farm I have a one acre parcel that runs to an the back side of
my farm runs to the back the street that’s like if I went to drive it it would be like three miles away
right because I got to go out and around the highway and then back to it and they’re really nice people and they
they call them unfortunately their their old dog died they had a big old
boxer mix and he died and the guy says they said hey do you have anything that
can dig a big hole Yeah you know so I come there with an excavator right because they want it deep because around
here you get a lot of you know wild animals and coyotes and things that they’ll dig things up
right so I go there and I dig a five foot hole you know and when you dig a five foot hole that’s
a lot of dirt yeah right and it’s sitting there in a mound next to the hole right and you know they’re they’re
gonna wait for their kids to come back because they’re gonna do this little thing with the kids and stuff so I said and I had to put you know the excavator
I have to get in the trailer put the excavator up on the trailer Drive the thing you know get the excavator off it’s not like it’s oh it’s simple
so then it’s like hey that’s a lot of dirt for you to move back with a shovel you’re going to
figure out that after you after you’re you’re shoveling for about 30 minutes you’re gonna go this pilot hasn’t gotten
any smaller I go just just give me a call and I’ll bring another thing over you know so let’s skid steer up on the
trailer bring this against you put it down but sure makes a difference dude a whole lot better than putting a shovel
in your hands when I was a kid my grandparents here in Santa or not here in San Jose but in San Jose they used to have in
their backyard was like a lot of trees they had um avocado trees pomegranate trees cactuses
you know oranges all this other stuff so every year my grandfather used to make us dig a huge hole in the back in the
far far back and with all the stuff that fell we’d gather it all up and he’d put it all in there and mulch it all up and
then he used it as soil later on compost yeah but we would we’d have to dig the hole deep enough to fit all that [ __ ]
it was first we had a miserable shovel it all into a wheelbarrow put it into
the hole and then we’d sit in there with shovels and chop it all up and chop it all up and then he’d throw some dirt over the top and chop it up more and
then we use that as you use it as compost whatever it was throughout the throughout the year throughout the couple weeks he would do
it yeah how you doing out of work man slave labor that’s why I don’t do any hard labor anymore
slave labor I worked in the fields when I was a kid no one’s picking apricots prunes climbing trees snakes everywhere
rattlesnakes we’re up in the mountains and it’s like sit there forever just cut apricots pick an apricots
putting them dry them all this [ __ ] and then get to the point where you hate apricots yeah you know yeah I didn’t want to eat them for a long time yeah
yeah but uh it was good times man it was like me and my cousins we’d all be out there every year for about three weeks
you know either picking prunes or apricots or or something man
blackberries one year like anyways all right well hey blackberries hurt there’s a lot of thorns oh yeah
yeah there’s a lot of snakes around that area too so you’d be sitting there on a bench you
know just pulling from the tree or from the bushes and or from the trees and then all of a sudden the snake would come rattlesnake come rolling through
ah all right well hey let’s uh let’s go ahead and get jumped on this and see what’s what uh what you want to Pottery
on to Perry yeah okay yeah Cyril gone taking on Sergey Spivak we
you know we actually you know talked about it we thought Spivak actually had you know a good chance this was not like
a walk through for still gone it was a walk through for sure and Josh it was all about one thing
Cyril God attacking the body all the body shots no matter what and
you take a look there was a point I want to say it was somewhere around the three 330 Mark 335 so
and that’s the point where you’ll see Sarah God throws the knee and this is after the first round where he ate the
body up he throws the need it hits the body then he throws a right hand to the body and then a hook to the left side of
pivot doesn’t look like anything but you’ll see as Civic turns all of a
sudden he’s got this knot and it’s a swelling on his rib cage and you can see it and it just keeps on growing and
you’re going oh he’s done because you start to get that type of trauma to your body
it just takes everything out of you you got no gas you can’t extend everything is just not working and shortly
thereafter the fight was over and it wasn’t because spivik wasn’t tough he was tough as hell he took some big time
shots he took a lot of abuse he could not stop the body attack and
that is what destroyed him in the end yeah you said the specific last on the
on the build up last week you said he’s like a big walrus and that’s kind of what he’s
that’s kind of what he was he just didn’t have the speed he was just sitting there and he couldn’t command
respect because he couldn’t get in fast enough he couldn’t get it on the takedown they couldn’t get in they couldn’t throw his jab and his
combination combinations fast enough to land you know everything that God did was he was in he was out he had it
seemed like he’s athletic yeah he seemed like he had more power he was act more accurate with his shots
um everything he did he was just a better better athlete that night and he did everything better the jab was on
point the kicks and mixing it up you know from the thigh kick to the body shots to you know throwing the
combinations with the hands did a great job stayed on his bike circled stayed out of the way of the big shots from
Civic it just I thought it was I thought it was a masterful performance but the I
I’m gonna keep going to with gone as long as Jon Jones is there I don’t I
don’t see really any of these guys beating him his ability I mean John’s a fine IQ and his talent everything he
brings to the table I just don’t see anyone beating him yeah you know like I said we got into the who is it I mean like it would be maybe
like a Tom Aspen all maybe the young kid Almeida I don’t know how he’s what is he like still 30 I think is how old he is
but you know These Guys these guys young and up and coming they’ve got to have more of a body and a
and athleticism that God has but God doesn’t have the wrestling to stop it and we saw that already but uh outside
of aspinall and Almeida there was one other person in the heavyweight division that I was thinking of that I think
would probably give him a good go who was it oh up there uh pavlovich you know
but we’ll see a lot of these guys which is hard it hits hard you know he’s got decent wrestling decent like he’s got
decent [ __ ] it’s not not bad um but I just think like he wasn’t he
wasn’t able and this was back in the day he wasn’t able to stop Kane’s takedowns or DC’s and so I’m thinking Jon Jones
has got he’s got wrestling man he’s got the ability to snatch the leg and he’s got the ability to lift and
you know and dump so I don’t know he’s he’s uh he’s he’s gonna be tough for a lot of these guys to to fight so outside
of I just don’t know what Ghana does as long as Jon Jones is around because he I don’t think he has the ability to stop
those takedowns well he proved in the first time the first match he wasn’t able to and it’s
going to take no matter what it’s going to take time for him to be able to get a shot back at that you know
fight the rematch with John it’s going to take at least another couple of fights for him to get to that point so
that’s a year year and a half down the road uh you look and you go Cyril gone he’s trouble for a ton of
people but aspinall call them out you know if you recall when esperan won his fight he says I
want the winner of gone Civic and then I want Jon Jones so basically
the work’s been done for the matchmakers as far as gone did his job he looked great
asparall did his job he looked great he’s already called out gone and it’s a it’s an actual
the right fight if you’re looking at you know the whole thing ask it all sitting
there you know just a couple below gone you it’s the right one to match up I mean
the guy who’s sitting there in in nowhere land right now is pounded he
doesn’t have an opponent and you know in November you got Stipe versus John you know
that’s going to take you know time afterwards for Papa [ __ ] to get a shot so he’s just kind of sitting there in
nowhere land the question is what do you do with him he let him sit unless he wants to fight
you know someone like gone or aspin all that’s what you do you let him sit you wait for your title shot I think he
probably prefers that just sitting around waiting for his title chart try to get better I feel like the heavyweight division is where boxing
heavyweight divisions was when it was uh the Klitschko brothers it just is it’s going to be stale right
now you have the guy at the top or he’s the most athletic he’s probably the best fighter and then those
that when Klitschko one Klitschko was the champ they just didn’t they didn’t fight very often and John doesn’t need to fight
very often because he makes so much money you know what I mean so it’s like he can pick and choose when he wants to
fight like there’s nothing really on the horizon right now for the heavyweights one is when is their fight supposed to happen November
yeah so I look I’m like you know that’s going to take you know you have what two more months till then and then you have then
after that fight he’s gonna take some time off they’re gonna get the next thing going and then he was talking about that he may even retire after he
beats Stipe I I can’t I can’t imagine him retired I’m like you go to the heavyweight division because it can
prolong your career because you’re better than all of them yeah you know um I don’t know you have to worry about
them being faster than you and more athletic than you because you’re you’re faster and more athletic and then you’re
the same size as all them like you know I don’t know I look at it he could be there for a while into his 40s
he could and do his support we’ll see but it but again there’s a
balance because there’s got to be that fire you know and you’ve got to have that motivation and and there was no doubt
when John was looking to be a heavyweight there was
motivation because I want to prove that I can be the heavyweight champion that’s motivation that’s great
now he’s got motor he actually has motivation because he looks at steep a as all right here’s a guy who held the
belt longer than anyone defended it longer than anyone he’s one of the OG’s you know that I have a chance to you
know go against I want Stipe okay I understand it once depaze you know and uh
let’s be honest Depot is the underdog in the fight if he gets past Depot
where’s your motivation because now you’re sitting exactly where you are at when you were at the light heavyweights
is you’re the target you have everyone wanting to shoot at you and how much motivation do you have to get ready for
that I don’t think he’s exactly where he was at the 205s because the 205s he had went through the whole crew and there was like a whole other batch that came
along it’s hard to stay motivated after you’ve beaten all the Legends you know and it’s like and I get Stipe is a
legend in this sport in the heavyweight division but he still has plenty of guys that should be able to get him motivated
their new blood in the light heavyweight division he was having to go back through go back through and fight the
same guys I mean he fought DC three times correct I mean that’s yeah but see but DC’s of that ilk that you look and
you go that’ll get you motivated they had they had heat they didn’t like each other you know
there was the fact that DC was you know a guy that had won you know titles he
was the guy that you know had that’s a guy that can motivate you it’s tough when
you know you’re looking and you go hey you know is Tai tuyavasa a tough fighter
yeah he’s a tough fighter man that’s a tough dude but other than being a tough
dude and a brawler what does he bring as far as he brings fans as far as the Shoei and stuff
but for you as Jon Jones how do you get motivated for that fight
well you’re picking somebody that’s never going to get up to the to fight for the title John that’s yeah I like
tied to the top I know he is I get it but we’re talking about you know as well as I know it’s gonna
probably be Almeida it’s gonna probably be Curtis blades may make it back up there it’s gonna be Tom aspinall answer
all gone and papovich those will be the four that I see him getting motivated for I don’t think anybody I think those
guys will wipe out the division and then that’s it that’ll be their athleticism their ability and I
can’t I haven’t even seen enough yet of Almeida to say that he’s gonna be able to get past somebody like a Tom aspinal
or something or pass maybe like someone like a Curtis blades I mean we haven’t seen enough of them yet but he’s talented he’s good he’s he you
know he’s he’s built like he should be able to handle all this stuff his great Jiu Jitsu he’s got these guys getting better on the feet he’s got to get
better on the feet if he’s gonna fight someone like Jon Jones or Tom aspinall or pavlovich he’s gonna have to get past
he’s gonna have to get better all the way around but um he’s still young and he’s ranked number nine I look at those
guys those are the ones that I could see Jon Jones having to fight and those are the ones that I see him getting motivated for but once you get past that
I agree with you I look at guys like tattoo of Austin I love tattoo of awesome I love him he’s awesome Derek
going to watch look you guys like Derek Lewis you gotta respect it because he can knock you out in any moment but
athleticism wise I mean he’s sure he’s athletic for for a big monster of a man but Jon Jones is just
he’s just a better fighter it’s just a just a level those are the guys that he I think that Jon Jones would have a hard
time getting motivated for like a volkov he’d have a hard time getting motivated for that spivik from what I saw last
night he’d have a hard time getting motivated for that you know but the guys like an aspin all who are already chirping they were already had a little
bit of back and forth on Twitter I think it was and uh it’s perfect I think it sets it all up I mean those are I think
the way to get Jon Jones motivated is to do this a little bit in the mic is you know if you want you want to
fight the best challenge bring up his name and say you can be yep oh yeah yeah he doesn’t like that
overall though I I wasn’t I wasn’t with the fight itself
it just wasn’t he never specific never got going and when you never got you
know he showed him too much bad he could he just couldn’t get in there and it was all of a sudden now he was on his back foot
you know you got to give credit where credits too God created all of that yeah he had good good movement his footwork
was clean he bladed his body well and he was smart with his I would you know I
don’t know what the punch stats were but combined as far as kicking and punching I would say it was 50 to the
body 50 to the head he went to the body at an incredible rate and it did exactly
what it was supposed to do it made spivik become just oh there you go look
at that look at look at podcasting it’s got zeros
I love it it’s not your fault that it has zeros Dave I can’t believe it that’s
awesome well it’s a 110th strikes 70 percent
he he landed at 70 percent Josh come on well like he said he speak was like a
big walrus that just sat there and just got hit well he couldn’t figure it out you know
and he he was it was damaging him enough that he didn’t want to come into it every time he did come into him
he took a shot and was unsuccessful in getting to where he wanted so it was
like and that just you know it starts to snowball on you and you don’t want to come in and and you saw that as the
fight went on because you know Cyril gone was he was moving he was lateral movement circling he would go back
specific was kind of chasing him a little bit and you saw how it turned and then all of a sudden spivik’s back was
on the cage and why was Civics back on the cage because he had no answers he was getting hurt
so but uh-huh go up with that real quick hold on let’s see I saw landed by Target
Target go down there you go look at that
oh to the Head 35 44 head 35 to the body
very close yeah yeah he’s good with a little thigh kick
and what I like is he uses his foot inside out too so he’ll kick to the outside but then he’ll just stay in that bladed stance and just kick to the body
like a little almost like a little snap kick to the body which is what it’s like
and if you look if you look at this and when it says landed by Target you combine the body and leg that’s now at
55 percent so more to the body and leg than he did to the head that’s what I was talking
about he was fantastic at going downstairs to the body to the legs and
just eating him up and it was a great great performance by God I you cannot in
any way take anything away because we we know specific’s a good fighter he’s a tough dude and he does have a
certain skill set that man he can be very successful gone took that all the way
all right next fight ah we had my nofa roll against Rose Nama
Eunice what did you think of this fight I’m Gonna Let You Go first go ahead
I thought Pharaoh was just the bigger fighter and all of her shots had a lot more impact on Rose and I think
but somebody this I don’t know if it’s just me maybe it’s not maybe somebody on the
outside thinks this as well I feel like rose Nami Eunice is like sabotaging her career
like what are you doing like she is so talented and you are considered to be
one of the best in the 115 pound division why are you going up maybe okay you want for one for one fight I hope
you go back down because you could be the champ again I mean if you want to if you want to get
motivated you want to stay motivated whatever it is I just feel like she’s Sabbath she sabotaging herself like she doesn’t know
she doesn’t know how to handle the success or she just doesn’t want to have the success around her I don’t know that’s yeah what you just said right
there I’m not too sure and look there’s there are people out there like this and there’s nothing wrong I’m not going to
say there’s something wrong with it success to them is more of uh a hindrance it becomes a
problem it’s they don’t like everything that comes with it so because it just overloads who they are
and it may be that you know she’s just not comfortable with that she let you know
I don’t I look at look at she fought her ass off I give her credit because she was tough in some areas
where you I saw her get hurt I saw that you know some of what throw it hit her
with it hurt her but she kept marching forward she had a broken finger in the beginning you could see you know her
fingers sticking out and she wasn’t using the head and then she started using it and it’s like you know I was it
was it was kind of funny the pat berries you know yes you know she comes and she’s you know I broke I
broke my finger and he goes you don’t need your finger to fight okay no he’s right but you got to take a
look at it because maybe it’s just sitting and displaced as far as a dislocation you can put that back pretty
easy and make it to where you know the hand is much more usable than when it’s sticking in an odd position
but he really didn’t even look at I was kind of surprised by that during the break and stuff but I don’t I I agree with you there’s
something there first off Rose is just a phenomenal fighter and she’s got a phenomenal skill
set she’s quick she’s got beautiful footwork The Way She Moves laterally the
way she comes into her opponent it’s there I don’t know mentally if she wants to be
yeah yeah that’s where I’m at to with her I think a lot of his
I don’t know maybe maybe going up was a challenge but I think when she got in there she realized it was a mistake
just I saw the two of them at the weigh-ins and I’m like man Rose you’re look you look tiny you look tiny and
then when I saw him in the cage I’m like okay I thought maybe you would maybe she just sucked down a little bit or maybe she let herself get a lot of shape no
physically she’s just a smaller person there’s nothing you can do about that and then the shots that she took
she took some big shots yes you did yeah excuse me oh no and she took some big
shots and it was um and you could see the look on her face with a little bit of that concern like [ __ ] what I get myself into
and the broken finger dislocated finger I can relate man the Benson fight happened
in the first round it’s like you’re just thinking [ __ ] really this is happening to me right now
come on you know and um it sucks and I know she was thinking to herself man I
don’t want to throw it it hurts then I forget I understand that feeling it does but she she’s talented her footwork she
makes up her combination you could tell she has some power because Pearl had to respect her a little bit in some of
those exchanges so bro took some steps back at times going like damn you know
and with rose at 115 I could see her being the champ she’s beating the champ already twice twice I don’t understand
why I don’t get it I can’t do they just don’t I don’t know I’m wondering if there was some sort of Fallout with the
UFC after the the Carla Esparza fight because Dana came out publicly after that fight so that was [ __ ] trash
like it was gar he called him both of them out you know but well if you recall you know her Corner came to her defense
and saying you know look we you know that she fought the exact fight that we planned out and it was like okay
then on you you got to figure out that wasn’t a great plan you can’t have a
fighter just be defensive you can’t have a fighter just dodging a certain area of the fight especially when she’s got
talent there you know yeah so it could be that you know she had you know I
don’t know but mentally and Rose has always looked in that way at times it’s like
she doesn’t seem super confident because you know she doesn’t do any of the braggadocious stuff she doesn’t you know
she stands there for a Face-Off doesn’t say a word you know shakes her opponent’s hand walks off
but this time especially she just looked like she didn’t want to be there
no I agree I could be wrong in reading it too though I was thinking the same thing John I was thinking the same thing
I felt like she just just didn’t seem like she was I felt like it was a sabotage for herself in her career just
like yeah let me just go up I’ll see what happens and like almost like no interest I don’t know yeah next fight
oh we had Benoist and Denise against Thiago Moises this is a great fight
I’ll tell you what again you know I I had someone say he didn’t
give Saint Denise enough credit it’s like the hell I didn’t give him credit I said he’s tough because I thought Moises
probably was the more skilled fighter and I did you know overall I know I knew how tough
Saint Denise was I didn’t think he would be able to just walk through a lot of what was happening but he took you know
and look at let’s be honest he took some chances there oh yeah he was open and he got hit and
you need to close that up a little bit I love the output I love you know the the
ability to say yeah I’m just going to bite down and go after it puts you it only takes one and you’ve got to be
careful with it but Saint Denise is proving and I thought they said it right look he’s the real deal he had the one fight
in Abu Dhabi you know he he got beat
but other than that man he has been on fire and he looks good his stand-up
looks it looked good a little bit too much brawling too much brawler-esque you know as far as just opening up but I was
impressed that he had the confidence to take Moises down you know he was not worried about the
Jiu Jitsu and when when he opened up man and he went after him look he was putting shots and I’ll give Thiago
Moises a lot of credit man he took some big shots and he kept fighting back but the pressure of Symphonies and the
way that he went about that fight you know how many more you’re gonna see if he gets a couple more big wins there
he will be in that title contention and he’s talking about getting the belt and we’ll see but he’s mentally that dude is
strong yeah say Denise man I owe you an apology last week last week I was talking about
how Moises was the better fighter he was had more experience against top level competition yeah he’s got the wrestling
to take you down control you from the top and I thought you know on the feet I thought something he’s had the advantage
but I also thought that Moises was good enough on the feet to get him into the takedown positions get to the top he
just didn’t fight smart and I’m not taking anything away from Saint Denise but he just dominated from beginning to end he came out imposed his
will right off the bat he didn’t take a step backwards he didn’t think any steps back he pushed and made Moises fight off
your back foot that fight right there let me know that no matter how good Thiago is he’s good when he’s the hammer
he’s not good when he’s the nail you know there was that and then on top of it he’s not good he can’t fight
backing up he can’t go back he doesn’t know how to fight going back in I mean
that might have been satani’s you know Camp they looked and said hey this guy does not do well when he’s taking steps
backwards I want you to put pressure on him and make him move back great game plan if that’s what it was because he
look he dominated the fight he looked great and he performed beautifully and
he’s got a gas tank the guy does a lot of output wasn’t tired yeah you know no
he uh I thought it was a great fight thought a great performance by Saint Denise I thought Moises just showed a
lot of a lot of holes in his games and I didn’t really I wasn’t aware of um I didn’t I didn’t realize that he
didn’t want to fight backwards so he didn’t fight he didn’t know how to fight going backwards and when he did his back hit the fence he didn’t know how to get
out of there he no he didn’t know how to change he squared up with his back against the fence and try to throw shots
from there like that’s not what you’re supposed to do like you want to stay bladed a little bit more you wanna get
off of that stuff offline and Tuck behind push the elbow by whatever it is uh he just wasn’t hot he just he got
lost when it was there I think he thought he was going to come out and dominate the positions in terms of the rest and I think it also threw him off
when he got taken down he’s like wait what the hell I’m the one getting taken down this is what the hell so but I thought it was a great
performance by Saint Denise great job yep Volcan owes Demir took on bog down
gustkoff look oh it’s the mirror man you know he’s he’s the mystery guy you just never
know which guy’s gonna show up and how he’s going to fight and we knew that Gustav has power he could he can SWAT uh
he’s got a lot of Knockouts too but it says submission rear naked choke and
it was he got this he got the back took the choke but it was the hands that set
everything up he was hurting Bogdan with his power put him down hurt him on the
ground then got the back but you know it was really nice to see that ozamir went
for a takedown man do you see his takedown Josh he got a takedown hey that was great I mean he’s getting better
he’s he’s getting himself he’s making himself more well-rounded you know all the guys that he’s fought before the
guys they were able to beat him or the ones that were able to get him down yeah put him on his back and so
there’s something there you know he looks like he’s got heavy hips like sewing the thick thighs the the trunk
legs you know he just he looks thick yeah everywhere yep he’s a big dude I
bet that when like he’s on someone he has that top position for ground a pound I bet you he’s he’s not easy to sweep or
easy to get off you because he’s just got a thick trunk man his his thighs and his ass and his he’s got kind of like a
thicker waistline I think he I feel like he’s just somebody that when he’s on top it’s going to be hard to get underneath
him and sweep or you know or elevator get him up off you so good on him to try to elevate his game but uh Bogue Don
just had just too much pressure the shots were Landing clean yeah
I don’t want to say he had a couple he landed a couple but just not enough to stop what ozamir was doing and then
Rosemary’s got power everyone there’s one thing we all know and we’ve seen his past like if he puts a good shot on you
know he’s got power he can hurt you and he showed it in that fight next fight
all right we had William Gomez against Giannis gamori
it wasn’t a book but um yeah this was this one ended in a weird
way I know a lot of people were up here they’re so stupid okay so what was your opinion of it
look look for two rounds let’s be honest I’ll give you honest credit and I told you I’ve seen him fight he’s tough he
doesn’t stop he keeps on coming forward he keeps on you know looking for ways to get you know past whatever’s occurring
and I’ve seen him do it but Gomez we thought was a better athlete cleaner striking gonna be tough for him to get
to longer for two rounds Gomez you know he he won
he won the two rounds easy goes into the third round and then we had the kick
this is why yeah I put a tweet out I’m like this is why promotions bring some
of the top level referees because in these local areas or in different you
know wherever your countries yeah countries they just haven’t had enough experience especially in France where
the sports just become legal and it’s there’s people have no concept
of the pressure you know look if there’s pressure to go in there and fight but
you’re responsible for you when the the pressure that’s on that
referee people you know is there’s no ability for you to to put someone in that place and make them understand but
I used to tell athletic commissions all the time you know and stuff it was look I’m not telling you not to
use that person based upon you know whatever he’s done for you in the past all I’m telling you is you put him in
that fight right there that you want him to be in when he steps into that cage and is just
standing there waiting for the fight to start his heart rate’s going to be at about 145 to 150 beats per minute I go that
means that he’s not not able to make good decisions especially right there at
the start now he may settle down but at the beginning of that fight his heart rate is going to be super high
because everything is about don’t screw this up oh my God everyone’s seeing I’m the I’m
here I’m in charge I go he’s overwhelmed and it’s all self-induced every bit of
it all self-induced but it definitely has an effect on their ability to make quality decisions and you see guys screw
up all the time because of it but I’m not saying that’s what happened with that guy was so far in the fight he should have been just fine but
the the question was did the K I’m so tired Josh what’s the
rule for is it a low blow yeah no it’s not
for what there is no [ __ ] foul in MMA for a low blood why are you cursing at
me um what do you mean what do you mean
I listened to damn you know the commentators and it’s like you know if you guys would do me a favor and just
please learn the damn rules well okay no no explain it to me what do you mean there’s no file for a low blow
is there’s no foul in MMA for a low blow when you say oh that’s below the belt
that’s another comment they make okay can I hit you below the belt yeah
yes yeah all over the place what I can’t hit is the groin it says no groin strikes no
groin attacks okay okay because the groin itself
is the Target that we say you can’t touch but everything around it in the hip area below the belt line all that
stuff it’s all good all of that is good is does the weapon
hit the groin now that you can hit the groin off of a
straight shot we see it all the time or we hit it off of I hit
a legal area and the foot sweeps into the groin
again it’s a groin strike it’s a groin you can’t hit it this in this instance right here was the
first part of the kick legal yes it did hit towards the hip but what
happened with the foot what did it drag into you can see it it moves the cup what hits the guy’s nuts the cup
you know I’m not saying and and you know this is where Fighters need to be smart because you can take a look he he does
the whole oh and everyone’s going to get a reaction you know how ready are you to
fight 10 seconds 10 seconds from the moment he was hit
until the moment he’s acting like I’m you know he’s fine but
man you you got to be and don’t try to get something that you you sit there and play the game or anything like that if
you’re hurt you’re hurt take your time but in this instance that referee looked
and said nope it was a legal blow unfortunately the referee was not of the ilk to go look you have a a replay
official who’s right there if you’re not sure call timeout look I’ve been in
these situations where I’ve called things and and I knew that the groin wasn’t hit
but overall I understand why the fighter is feeling the way they’re feeling
so you gotta look and say you have that replay official go to the replay was did
that move the cut did it touch the cup the replay official sees that it moves the cup he’s gonna say yes okay we’ve
got time five minutes go ahead take your time get yourself recorded let’s put them back into the fight
I’m not saying that uh Giannis was going to win the fight I don’t think he was
but it shouldn’t have stopped the way it stopped it shouldn’t have stopped on a
call that the referee made that’s his it’s his uh it’s within his power it’s
his right to make it but when you have situations in that he
looked and said you know what he told him fight and that was one of the things you know Bisping was sitting there saying you know oh you know you just
tell him to fight he did he did he was telling him hey white and
gold misses were kind of walking off and Giannis is kind of walking off in a different direction and that’s when he
decided to make the call on that all he should have done is gone to time replay official tell me did that touch the cup
that would have put him in a better position to know exactly did he have the right call I’m going to end this fight or does he have the wrong call and he
needs to give the guy time makes sense no it does it does make
sense but I mean when people get need in the head when people get kicked in the groin I want to
point out like you did was it was within seconds he felt a lot better
yeah you know and so a lot of Fighters have this tendency to milk a situation
so much and sometimes win championships that way um but it just it ends up being
and it lets you know that like fighter we almost all of us were still cups
you’re not feeling [ __ ] through that sometimes there’s a little pinch on the edge you know but you’re not or it could
it can move up yeah if it’s a tie cup it shouldn’t move them yeah it’s pulled
between your ass cheeks and tied tied nice and tight which is which is why a lot of guys don’t like to wear it yeah
let’s just be honest I can’t imagine my career without one geez it was something I always looked
and said why wouldn’t you have the ability to make it to where it can never be an issue for you do you not
make it that way I mean [ __ ] uh yeah I bought I bought the extra large
one just just so it could hold my package but Tony Carter had one hammered out do you remember shooting Carter it
was huge dude he had a solid Bowl that’s awesome maybe maybe he had enough salad to fill
it but maybe he had salad and tomatoes I don’t know but I’ll tell you what he had a big one that guy’s great man
um no it was uh who somebody else that I knew trained with one like that and anytime you got your back [ __ ] it hurt
oh yeah and hurt oh yeah you see guys Joni used to use it
he would use it as a damn weapon because he would put pressure you know and just ride into you and it’s like oh that’s
just that’s not good that north south position just humped the head
yeah nasty that’s funny all right um
any other fights on here you want to talk about yeah I thought Morgan shutter you looked fantastic against uh
hello Morgan Street if you if you’ve watched his career he’s just gotten better and
better A lot of his losses were in the beginning he has come into he would get taken down and uh kind of you know
stifled into the fights he is now able to stop the takedowns his stand-up is clean that was a beautiful I see I love
body attacks and I love when a guy hits the body and then doesn’t go right to
the head he goes right back to that body because Josh you know and you get hit to
the body the last thing the last go ahead and punch me in the head I don’t want to get hit to the body again and
man he went right back almost to the same spot you look and you go oh dude beautifully done just a beautiful
knockout because it’s a knockout through body blows unbelievable just as far as
the technique that he used how you know his accuracy I love that fight and I
love the way that he handled that yeah he the finishing there he kicked to the body and as the guy was getting up he
kicked him again to the body instead of aiming towards the head or doing what you’re saying like his hand was still on
the ground he kicked him again to the body and I was I was shocked because most Fighters won’t take that chance of
throwing a body kick while the guy’s getting up because if they turn the wrong way and you kick him in the head
you’re in a lot of trouble so you get yourself a loss when you’re gonna have a win yeah
so I thought it was very well played he hit him with a nice body kick in the beginning and then he went back to it
and kicked over the elbow very nicely done and even those ones still hurt when your body when you get kicked to the
body or hits of the body anything that grazes that area again it hurts and it
makes it even worse just push it pushing your arm into it sucks yeah and then I thought also
basharat looked good I thought he looked phenomenal um he did you know I have high expectations for him he’s uh he’s
gonna be good he’s gonna be good all right well hey that’s gonna wrap up our UFC talk and John go ahead and give
us this read buddy well you know we’d like to talk about that we are the first podcast that went
with only fans but only fans is something that we are partnered with in trying to get more people into looking
at only fans because they’re big into Combat Sports they’re big into boxing big into MMA they got a lot of Fighters
that they support a lot of Fighters that they sponsor people that you can go online with and
you can actually talk to them about techniques you know all these little things that you can get a personal
one-on-one possibly with that fighter that you appreciate their skill set we’re talking about people like Chris
cyborg Michael Venom page oh my God the mercenary AJ McKee all
kinds of phenomenal Fighters Charles Olivera they’re there for you and they are
available so a lot of people look at only fans as oh that’s where you know you can look at girls yes you can but
there’s a lot of other things there too and that’s what we’re here for is to bring other people to only fans to
understand that they are one of the leaders when it comes to Combat Sports that’s where they want to be known for
yeah they do a lot of great things for like their oftv they’ll do features on the on the fighters Michael Venom page has one now Chris cyborg has one out I
know that they’re talking about doing another one on another Fighter coming up which I can’t talk about um but it’s not just that they’re
sponsoring formula one they’re sponsoring uh different types of leagues and basketball they’re done they’re
working with all different types of athletes when they originally had started they were they were meant to be almost like a like a patreon where
somebody came come on the platform that had material that they wanted to sell whether it was techniques in Jiu Jitsu
whether it was kickboxing whether it was showing you how to set up you know your your Formula One car or your Nascar or
whatever it is you know working through stuff that people wanted they wanted to Market and sell their their knowledge
and that’s what it was originally going to be and then covered hit and what you saw was a lot of people within the porn
industry went there and they they basically took it over uh and they did very well but they did very well but uh
there’s like I said there’s a lot of other athletes on here and it’s a place for for female athletes to go after
they’re done or fighting or while they’re fighting to make extra money and it’s not all smut like that’s the other
thing it’s not all smart you’ve got a lot of uh top level athletes there that uh that that are whatever just
interacting more with their fans on however however they want they have the control to interact with them however
they want so head over to weighing in weighing in John and I will post randomly on there
we’re uh we do live chats on there as well so you can check it out uh but it’s only available there it’s subscription
based but we’re not we don’t charge for our subscription um and just head on over there we want to appreciate we appreciate you guys
supporting us head on over there we got extra content on that platform that is not available anywhere else only on
and we might even put some pictures of Josh the pork Thompson yes I love it all right well what else you
got for us Dave yeah so I wanted to get uh your reaction to a couple of things in this that all
encompasses this uh Jake Paul pfl thing that’s going on and then um the the
purchase a Bellator supposedly and then um a couple other things so here’s here’s what I wanted to get your
reaction to so sporty cool puts out uh an X I guess you call it now shares of
WWE and UFC parent Endeavor grip fell on Thursday heavy volume and apparent
reaction to saudi’s investing a million 100 million into MMA upstart League pfl
Jake Paul responds to that tweet and says it’s not sustainable to pay Fighters less than 20 of Revenue and
fully control their services like they are employees fighters of the IP pay them or free them they put their lives
on the line for you to make money oh and there is a class action lawsuit big business so that kind of happens right
um stocks down for endeavor Jake Paul responds about uh fighter pay uh and
then there’s an additional report that pfl is actually looking to buy Bellator for as much as 500 million when I think
before they were talking about 100 million so a couple of things there let’s get your thoughts on all of it as
you please do I go first go first
let me open My Big Mouth first all right for let’s let’s go down a list of what Dave brought out here because there’s a
there’s a couple things first off um the whole thing with the shares you know
uh dropping for the UFC and WWE and stuff like that shares are going to go
up and down yeah okay let’s Josh do you know what the latest uh
value of the UFC was put out I don’t I thought it was like nine I thought it was like
nine billion eight billion nine billion for the WW okay I don’t know and 12
billion no for the US no way okay that’s what I got I thought I would have thought that that
the WWE would be worth more I would have thought so too I’m being honest I would have thought but I’m being honest that’s
the numbers that I saw interesting nine point I want to say it was 9.3 billion for the WWE and 12 for the UFC so let’s
just say the UFC is not uh losing anything right there when you sit there
and you say it’s not sustainable for uh to pay Fighters 20 no Jake yeah that’s
how you stay sustainable because the less you pay the fires the more that
goes to the company and that’s how they’re making money and they are making
money and that’s you know their their business model
works for a company to be successful I’m not saying it’s the fairest all the time
but it works for the company to be successful so just sit there and say oh you pay them more and you know you’ll be
better off that doesn’t it’s not true I would like to see them get more I want
to see the fighters get paid more but what they’re doing is you know very sustainable
class action lawsuit that’s that is out there it will be there for a lot for men
for more years too so no big deal when you look at
you know because Saudi money comes into the pfl does that affect anything with the UFC no oh sorry it doesn’t affect
them at all you know I think it’s great the pfl uh got an investment through
some Saudi investor and stuff like that good for them you know the whole thing when it comes to the Bellator thing yes
they’re trying to buy Bellator are they going to do it we still don’t know we work for Bellator we still what do we
know we don’t know well anyone that tells us would like to sit there and be able to tell people but no I don’t know yeah well anybody that tells you they
know they don’t know
um I agree with you the 20 and you’re not paying them you know the revenue of 20 that’s that’s how they that’s how
they’ve been able to stay in business yeah that’s how they’re now they’re making a profit um
that has nothing to do with how much and has nothing to do with how much they pay
their fighters in terms of them whether their market shares dropped or not that has nothing to do with it Jake’s just
poking the bear just putting something yeah just you know that’s okay and it’s okay
in terms of the Saudi money coming in great I I think that they are making a
push in sports period whether it’s golf whether it’s NASCAR you have to you have to
appreciate not only the Saudi uh businessmen that are trying to make that push you got I appreciate that the pfl is
making moves to to better themselves yeah you got to
appreciate a business that’s trying to grow and trying to you know yeah they’re going you’re going in debt because
you know in some ways that that money’s got to be paid back or are you giving a percentage of your company but you gotta
appreciate someone’s willing to do those things to grow yeah I don’t know there’s a lot to there’s a lot to talk about but the thing is
it’s not verified by anybody that’s the thing there’s so many things that we’ve heard from the the Bellator and pfl and
the Saudi money coming in we’ve heard it all and until the actual deal is signed
it could fall apart I’m going to be using an example there was a there was an article that I read because uh bet
there was a company coming in trying to buy bet from Viacom it was pretty much always supposed to be done done deal
done that was uh that was uh what’s his name um Tyler uh Perry okay well the deal
fell apart Tyler Perry yeah and they they were in intense negotiations for a
long time nothing’s done until the until the sign on the dotted line so until then business as usual that’s the way
this works around here all right next what else you got for us all right well let’s look at some as
speculative Fates here and nothing is confirmed by any means but uh the San Jose is calling for a fight with Dustin
Poirier uh any I would imagine it 178 but he doesn’t he doesn’t qualify
um if I’m Dustin I don’t think there’s any reason for me to fight him you know why would I go to 70 and fight
you I might as well just stay at 55. your one please Dustin’s one flight away
from a title shot and he’s I think he’s gonna kind of always be that way I won’t find a way for a towel shot already in the title
shot if he goes up to 70 I mean you’re you’re number one number two
on the list you know at 155 you might as well go up and fight somebody in the number one number two spot there can you
pull up the rankings for one for 170. I don’t see I’d like to see
I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t know like
you look at those guys I don’t I think below would end up mauling him just he’s physically
strong physically big and strong Gilbert Burns also called Dustin out yeah saying
that that’s a fight he would really want to have that’s the fight I want because I want Dustin yeah I would think that when you’re
looking at RDA calling them out it’s at 170. you know it could be 155 but I don’t think RDA wants to go back to 155
so yeah you know what about Ian Machado Ian Gary
him and him and him that’d be a fun fight against soup I guess yeah that’d be a
fun fight I mean he’s just not ranked high enough but I mean he’s got a mouth on him he’s become the villain these days you know and Dustin’s a very
soft-spoken and goes up there and gets it down with his fist I mean it’d be a fun fight
physical size though might go to go to Ian Gary he seems tall he’s got a big body frame for the weight but got a big
body you know at least if you’re fighting dos anjos you know you’re fighting a guy that’s closer to your size yeah you know
the guy that fought at 155 for a long time yeah I get it but nah
I mean Gilbert Burns would be a fun fight too stuff to take Downs try to keep it on the feet
Gilbert’s fast he’s got uh he’s got good hands you know um that’d be kind of a
fun fight give her a bite down on his mouth I don’t see him fighting Colby Covington uh him fighting Kamara Usman I don’t see
that happening Josh you don’t see a potential between party and Kobe no
you don’t think with the bad blood there that that fight is like more like I don’t see it happening anytime soon
Kobe’s gonna fight for the title next and then by the time that fight gets done it’ll be another year I don’t see
it happening that makes it way more enticing for party to go up though right if Kobe wins the title yeah of course
yes of course of course well first off if Kobe wins the title Dustin’s not going to get that shot he’s coming off
they’re not going to take a guy who’s ranked third in in the lightweights and not ranked at all in the 170s and put them into a title yeah
so that’s not happening I don’t know we’ve seen what we’ve seen stranger things happen though John you know that
that’s not him yeah call that one out all right next all right it’s a
desperate of uh dream face or potential face or calling people out Maz Vidal
says he would like or no should defend the BMF title against uh against so
Maxwell saying defend that defend that bmfl against me uh and I think he’s half
serious and and the quote he says um I think he should defend against me at 7A
and that is what should happen if it if I was to come back to the sport that’s a big if that’s something in the future I
never knock coming off uh coming back to fight him because I love fighting so I kind of you know I think how serious
they are hmm I would be a fun fight I just don’t there’s no reason gate
she’s one one step away from another title shot okay she’s sitting at number two okay
he’s got Charles Oliveira in front of him and then the champ why would he why would he take someone
on at 170. he’s never fought at one second that’s not his weight class he fights at
155 he’s comfortable and just in case he’s not a small no he’s not he’s a big 55. so he could
definitely do it you know he could go up to 170 but
I think wasn’t there wasn’t the point of the whole thing with you know Justin against Dustin it was the
mazaro was handing off the BMF title now and it’s gone yeah it’s like it’s gone
stop you retired there’s no reason I I you’re always going to have that itch to come back and
I love mosman all but I just don’t see this happening I mean
if I’m if I’m Justin what I’m doing is I’m waiting for him after I get my next
title shot I would probably do one last fight with for the BMF to uh
against against Moz at all that’d be a money fight say my eyes say my goodbyes like my
retirement fight would be to fight it and then that gives Mars at all time to get even more fat you know and be out of the sport yeah
the sport a little bit longer while Justin’s been training for title shots you know so
fights fights for the title if he comes up short you know then what he does is then he calls out Mozilla says okay
let’s go ahead let’s do this BMF bite put you right back into the mix talk Buzz around your name again and
then say farewell you know after that fight got two money fights back to back you got the title shot then you get the
uh then you got what if you win the title no then there’s no reason to fight him yes more and more money a lot more money
I wonder if they’re giving them an upgrade on the BMF belt like you would in the in the regular title not as much
probably but there’s got to be something is or is it just for that fight I’m just gonna I’m gonna
go buy myself a BMF belt throw it up right behind me all right
guys uh what else you got for us Dave um look at this one right here Paige
VanZant reveals that her first day and only fans was more profitable than an
entire MMA career yeah and she was you know she was asked about the only finest thing and she said it’s hard to walk
away when you’re when it’s that kind of money um so I figured in the spirit of only fans weighing in and Paige vanzant’s
comments I get your reaction to this I no I I know I know what she signed for
when she came over from what’s the name of Mikey Ice’s uh uh company
ah I don’t it’s it’s very it’s pretty much exactly what only fans is
um and she had left that company and came over to only fans they signed her to a lucrative deal a very lucrative
deal just a sign and then on top of that within and uh within her first 48 hours
she gave her she 48 30 was it at 48 Hours she gave away her page for free
well what happens is when you do that 400 000 people went onto her page
in the first in the first 24 hours 400 000 people when you enter in you have to enter in your email
she then took that and she had a clothing line and then she went and she
sent out um discounts for her clothing line to all those four
hundred thousand emails and a handful of them bought stuff more than a handful of bought stuff
and that made her a lot of money too so not only did she get the sign she got she signed she made it the signing bonus
money for signing with only fans then she just sold all her merchandise
which is marketing her and she hasn’t put down one one picture or anything
on her only fans just yet like she you know like she hasn’t done anything for for anyone only thing she hasn’t she
hasn’t done in the first 48 Hours she killed it she killed it I mean I know the numbers are at least
I’ve been told what the numbers are and uh she crushed it she crushed it it’s insane good for her look there’s life
after fighting you just got to figure out what your Niche is you know and uh and get out there and do it and I like that she does a little bit
of stuff too with her husband Austin vanderford they do like a little cooking show in their aprons with no with nothing on it’s kind of funny
um you know but it’s and then they’re they’re talking about starting a podcast that’s only available on their only fans they’re finding ways they’re finding
ways to make money and they don’t have to rely on fighting they don’t gotta they don’t have to be sucked into
the way the sport is you know so good for them good for them I think it’s good
John I think it’s good I look you got it it’s
a matter of what’s important to you you know there’s a lot of guys you know if you’re
Austin bannerford a lot of guys can’t couldn’t handle it you know he can handle it she can handle
it well if as long as as long as they’re okay with it I’m okay with it this is the reason why I feel like they can
handle it they’re two peas in a pod they’re [ __ ] nerves like when you when you get around them they’re like
nerds they’re so fun to be around like um I’ve been out gambling with uh with Austin and her and um you know even
though like they they do well you know he does well with Bellator his fights and she does well with only fans and her
when she was fighting bare knuckle she got paid a lot she did really well but even though we were out there gambling
it was like they consider themselves like on a budget like hey no no we’re just gonna spend this much if we lose it we lose it I mean luckily we won we won
close to a thousand dollars both of us um it was but it was a good it was a good night of gambling but we had fun
that’s why you didn’t have to go on only fans we just we had it we had a good time we
had a good time um you know gambling having a good time and they just they’re good people you know they I think that they they stay
attached to the hip he’s playing video games and she’s you know either sitting side by side with him you know just
texting away or give them a hard time or [ __ ] with them so they’re fun they’re hilarious they like to they like to bust
each other’s balls it’s a fun little thing so um they’ve got something good and it’s good to see it’s nice to see
because in a day and age when these dumbass Fighters are chasing [ __ ] porn stars and supermodels or
whatever it is that you know that you know is not going to probably end well uh this guy he’s he’s been able to lock
down someone who is uh you know who brings in the revenue and uh is very marketable and knows what she’s doing
good for her good for her yeah so all right next all right hold on you I’m
gonna say this then because I was looking I gotta you really Gotta Give it up because Dave brought up last time Ronda
Rousey possibly coming back to the UFC shop came out saying look it she was
offered more money than God you know and turned it down and stuff but I don’t know if you’ve you ever if you
fall since I have a farm I follow browsy Acres with Travis
and Travis has turned himself into a farmer he’s at the farmers market
selling his he’s got wagyu beef and all the stuff and uh he’s he’s doing good
and this is what what I’m trying to compare is they’re doing it in different ways but ex-fighters fighting is
something that you know what they’re passionate about and I love what Rhonda and Travis are doing so I just want to
say congratulations to your success with browsier you guys are doing great good stuff all right what else first Dave
all right I think since we have a little bit of time I just want to throw this one off you just make fall flat but I’m kind of just uh winging it here
um but I I was on I was on X the other day and and anik had posted a poll I
think it was last night and he could posted a pole John anik and he was asking about
um and Ghana had realized sorry gone had realized his dream as uh becoming the
interim Champion but who would be the first French born Undisputed champion
and um and you know just the whole thing around the interim title why are we not
just calling these people a champion I know Undisputed and interim have different meanings and I do understand
all of that but when it’s when they win the title are we not just calling them
the champion like aren’t we at a point where we’re just calling that you were a world champion no and why are we not and
why are we not if that’s the case the truth is they’re not unfortunately there’s somebody else that is sitting
there in that space that they did not beat now
you when you sit there and you talk about the belt and we and the UFC does it all the time you know Bellator has
done it you know they didn’t do it very often and then all of a sudden they start doing a little bit this interim
title is because you’ll have a fighter who is the champion they get hurt and they’re
not going to be there for a while so you know what we don’t want to have the division stall out you have like you
know when Josh is talking about hey you know Pablo should just sit there don’t don’t take another fight right now uh
all of that is based upon well you you only get so many chances and
you’re taking a chance of losing which will take you out of that title picture
okay and so it’s understandable why Josh you know says you know just sit there
so a lot of guys are going to sit instead of fight so the USC will bring in all right we’re gonna do an interim
title so that way they can bring two good Fighters together it’s for a title but it’s really not the
title it’s a title it’s kind of like the BMF thing when you’re looking at the interim title that person is not the
champ you can sit there and say whatever you want when they put interim champion in front
of it it means nothing so when you sit there and you say you know oh we have a
title fight between the Undisputed Champion you know whoever you want to pick we’ll say Jon Jones
right Jon Jones is an Undisputed heavyweight champion of the UFC and
we’ll say that Cyril gone has won a interim belt between gun and spivik So
Gone has now got the interim belt when God walks into that cage
he’s not the interim champion there is no interim Champion that’s that [ __ ] goes away it’s not like John can
win the interim Champion the only one that can win a title is
gone John is defending his title but God can win the Undisputed title it’s not like
Jon Jones can win the interim title it’s not there it means nothing it’s we we’ve given it too much life
when honestly it’s a promotional tool to try to keep a division going
so what it is like you have you have someone who’s obviously the champion normally is when you bring an interim
it’s because the other person’s sitting out so that guy’s he’s the real champ he or she then the person that comes in
that wins the interim title it’s a placeholder it’s a placeholder to guarantee that that person is next in
line for a title shot it makes it easier for when that champ is not gonna fight
or he’s injured or he does he wants to hold out for more money whatever it is is it gives it gives whoever is going to
be fighting like hey I’m the interim champ which means I’m guaranteed my title shot as long as I keep the interim title that lets him know because
otherwise you’re just floating around and then the fighters down below are like look at the [ __ ] real titles not gonna happen
damn what the [ __ ] am I fighting for they start getting frustrated you finally got to the top and this shit’s happening so then they put the interim
title there to keep those Fighters as a placeholder also too to keep them motivated look I’m defending this belt
I’m the champ you know like it makes them feel like they’re the champ but it keeps them motivated to defend that that
scrap metal you know it makes them feel it makes them feel motivated and I think that’s that’s a it’s a good
point simple as it gets do you remember when Justin gaichi fought Tony Ferguson right and Justin beats Tony and they
give him the belt what did he do with it he laid it on the ground why
oh because Habib was the champ because Habib nurmagomedov is the champ this isn’t the championship belt he’s got the
championship belt and that’s who I want to fight next because I want to beat the champion
and so that’s the way it is so then don’t you look at that whole thing and you say like you think like well this is
really dumb then it’s kind of dumb because it really has it’s it really is just a way for me as the promoter to say
buy my paperwork yeah yes yes it is but it but it just a harsh equality and the
value behind the Casual fan at home doesn’t realize that though Dave like you you didn’t know what it was
no no no I I know what I want to be clear I know what interim no I get it I just no we understand we understand that
but the significance behind it is when you when you first started saying this you were saying shouldn’t they be
recognized no you’re not the [ __ ] Champ you didn’t Beat the Champ yeah the only time that
you don’t have to beat the champ to become The champ is when the champ walks
away and retires yeah it’s vacant now two guys fight for the Undisputed okay you’re the champ yeah you didn’t win it
from the champ but he walked away this is in these situations the champ isn’t walking away he’s there I get I’m
I’m getting in there like semantics and right and I mean I know I am but I’m just trying to like play Devil’s
Advocates you are I was gonna say right Tony Ferguson was
interim lightweight champion Tony fraction had the title right when you take Undisputed because you you don’t
when you look at the when you look on the UFC’s website it doesn’t say undisputed lightweight champion it says
lightweight champion right Tony Ferguson had the title of lightweight champion right he just happened to have interim
in front of it because that’s what the UFC decided to put there okay but hold on if you look when you see Tony’s name
and if if Tony was still the interim Champion he’s below who the champ
he’s below the champ he’s not next to he’s not right with
he’s below it’ll say I see interim champion because he’s not the champ yeah
he’s like the number just like what Josh was talking about you’re the number one you’ve got the next title shot in line
as long as you don’t lose if we’re going to fight you again because the the real champ is out that long okay but you’re
not the champion Dave it really is there’s two there’s two reasons to do it one is to keep the fighters below
motivated and two is to sell pay-per-views is to have a title on the line I mean they did the BMF belt
because some of the guys weren’t fighting consistently they had the Championships you got to fill in those pay-per-views I gotta have something
there that’s marketable to do it that’s what you have so um for the
promotion is to make money and for the fighters to keep them motivated like hey I’m going for this until this whole
title [ __ ] gets figured out whether the fighters Holding Out for money or whether he’s injured or whatever you
know just can’t do it doesn’t doesn’t matter just like it keeps that keeps those Fighters below motivated like okay
look the the weight class is still moving on I have something to work for
that’s the title that I’m looking for right now once I get theater on title I’m guaranteed my title shot when they get their [ __ ] worked out
you know because if even when you win the interim title you’re still getting paid I believe at least I know that some
someone has they get paid that title money I am the interim champ anytime you put Champion
around my name in in my in my contract I get paid pay-per-view points I get paid bonuses I get paid all certain stuff for
fighting for the title that’s the interim title it’s not because the I’m ready to fight for the real one
you’re not you’re the promotion’s not ready to let me fight for the real one or the Fighter’s not ready for me to fight for the real one but I’ll fight
for this one I can still get the money you get that money that’s in your contract so it keeps those Fighters motivated and pushing towards their goal
and it doesn’t hold up the division and it makes it easier for the promotion to just use that as an interim title to
make money to sell pay-per-views to get keep the fans interested that good enough yeah
it’s funny I mean it’s fine I knew going in that was going to be the position you held I kind of knew that
was going to be the position he held but like when I you know I just think that for the for the fighter that is not
there’s no it’s more it’s more damaging than it is good because can you retire on having
hailed an interim championship and and feel that you accomplished everything you set out to do and you know become a
world champion I think some people can some Fighters can yeah well they no I think so I think
some Fighters can some Fighters can take that title home and go look during the time that I was the champion the champ
like the champ uh
all I could do was fight everyone they put in front of me and I did that yeah okay yeah I look at like Sarah gone
right he was the interim champ and telling Gano get his thing you know until he got his thing figured out what he was gonna do
but I look at it he was once again walked away he’s not in the sport he’s not in that
sport he’s not in that organization anymore so technically I looked at him as being the champ I mean I would I
wouldn’t be mad look that guy’s not even in my promotion anymore so if I was so gone like look I fought for their own
title I won the interim title I’m the I’m the interim champ I’m the champ I look at it because in Ghana walked away
he’s not even available for me to fight anymore now when he fought John I know it was an interim title but I would
still hang my head and be like you know what the champ wasn’t available for me to fight I fought for the NM title I beat
the best guy they put in front of me at the time well hola hola zero gone won the interim title yeah
then he lost to the Undisputed champion in Francis oh
that’s right I thought they I thought he was the interim Champion he fought uh Jon Jones no okay that’s where I was
wrong okay then that when when he fought Jon Jones we had a vacant title because the UFC
stripped when the guy walked away from it and uh so you had Jon Jones against cereal God
for the Undisputed heavyweight title based upon it being vacant on it
I mean there’s times where I feel like you can be you could hold your head up high and be like okay
I you know I was the champion depending on the circumstances with
Habib like he was still coming back to fight so I can see why Justin did that you know but if the fighter ends up
walking away as the champ or doing whatever you know um it’s tough It’s like there’s no the guy wasn’t available
for me to fight so what am I going to do who knows all right guys wait that’s gonna wrap up go ahead do you have
something else no I was just gonna say I I think I have an argument there I would love to hear the fans in the comments uh
their take on it because I think that I think you’ll find people say to me no on
this I think you’re gonna think people will say the movie on it what are they siding with you on I I think the the the
late being called the lightweight champ an interim lightweight champion or an Undisputed lightweight champion you are
the same you are in the same position God no you’re not in the same position I think you’re in the same position you’ve
lost your [ __ ] death that’s because that’s because the only people that will agree with you that are like WWE noobs
do you remember when they had remember do you remember when they had the it was the you were the the ultimate there you
were the heavyweight champion right for the WWF and WWE but then they had the Intercontinental Champion or whatever it
was for the smaller guys like Macho Man Randy Savage like it was the smaller guys they could never be the world they
can never be the heavyweight champ because they were smaller ones that’s really weird yeah but that was to do that was to do with like your cut the
coverage of like you’re the Intercontinental so like you’re the uh you’re not the world champion but like
you’re the champion of like uh what’s InterContinental yeah I know I know I’ll give you another made up another made-up
title like the the interim I know I know he’s right there Dave Dave’s going I know shut up shut up
all right guys well hey make sure you guys hit that subscribe button down below hit the little bell get notifications we drop our shows randomly
here and there and uh every once in a while throw out a Punk’s opinion every once in a while Big John will do
something a little story time a little something we gotta do something with John here soon hey and then I also go to
Wayne Weighing in and pick up some of our apparel it is going to be sweater season real soon we
got the hoodies up hoodies are up my man and I’m looking forward to wrapping one around my
my big fat body I’m getting fat John I’m getting four you’re called the poor porker the pork Thompson all right John
take us away hey for everyone out there hope you enjoyed we will see you soon later

 Rose Namajunas on Carla Esparza fight: “That was one of the most boring fights ever”

Rose Namajunas on Carla Esparza fight: "That was one of the most boring fights ever"

okay how are you I’m good how are you
I’m doing good thank you some people
were surprised to see you make the move
up to flyweight is this something you’ve
been thinking about for a while or was
it a spur in the moment no I’ve been
thinking about it for a while honestly
like when I originally
made a bunch of goals for my career
early on when I was younger uh being a
two division champ was kind of like
on the end of the list but it was there
um and so yeah here we are and you know
I’m kind of I think I’m known for
surprising people so you know it’s just
kind of my style
and uh you haven’t competed since May of
2022 so what has the physical
transformation been like to fly away
yeah I think uh just progressively uh
I’ve like early on in my career I was
maybe a smaller strawweight you would
say and then
um over time as I’ve matured and I’ve my
body changed uh each fight the cut would
get bigger and bigger and um this last
I think I the or the the fight with
Carla I think that weight cut I finally
had like the sunken in eyes and you know
what I mean like the thing that most
Fighters kind of deal with and I didn’t
like that I never really enjoyed cutting
away anyways like um or I never really
liked when people did like those huge
cuts a little bit’s okay you know but um
and I think I started to see myself kind
of going down that path and um yeah and
it was sort of in the back of my mind
anyways I still I still didn’t really
have too much like trouble making weight
I guess like it was it was tough but I
wasn’t and I don’t think in comparison
was it as bad as like most Fighters deal
with but
um I still never liked that I feel like
um you know taking punches when you’re
you’re it takes a while I think it takes
more than 24 hours to rehydrate your
brain after after cutting out much water
so to take punches like that and then
your kidneys and everything so
um yeah I’ve heard the question was but
um I guess oh so I guess the process of
me like putting on more like I I just
started getting bigger and then and like
naturally and then on top of that once I
decided to to take you know to move up I
lifted more weights I ate a little bit
more I actually started eating breakfast
again stop fasting so much like I would
fast once a week
um when I was at straw weight so
um I still fasted a couple times during
this camp but
um I just kind of just ate a little more
and lift their weights more and
um I naturally put on like a couple
pounds of muscle and maybe a little bit
of a little bit of some juice you know a
little bit of fat but not and uh I think
and then naturally as I gotten uh you
know closer to this fight uh
like the the weight started just kind of
coming off naturally
and with that all being said is flight
weight you’re a permanent home now yeah
uh fly weights I I can’t see myself
going back down again you know like um
uh that
I don’t know like now I’m I’m kind of
naturally just walking around at like
so they’re waking up at 1 35 so
to to uh yeah go all the way down to 115
would be tough
and you’re fighting Manoa who’s top
Contender some people felt like she
probably would have gotten a title shot
if she didn’t get injured you said she’s
a challenge that excites you what is it
about man all that excites you yeah I
think um just her like traditional
martial arts background
um her coming from Karate I come from
Taekwondo you know just her movement her
uh her
uh length and like her High I you know
everybody kind of says like oh you know
flyways are bigger and this and that but
like I feel like finding some of the
shorter Fighters at strawway was kind of
more of a challenge for me sometimes
um this is going to be a totally
different Challenge and of course like
you know I’m gonna respect the power
that she brings and and maybe her
strength and stuff like that but I also
feel a lot stronger and a lot like
quicker and and um just overall
and because she’s a talk Contender is it
safe to say you expect a title shot with
one no expectations you know I just I
just hope and pray that um that God uses
me in a way that I can you know glorify
him and and hopefully like that I put on
a good performance and that can inspire
people and and hopefully um you know
everything else just kind of takes care
of itself but yeah that would definitely
be a dream come true you know to be like
I said that was that wasn’t my goals but
um I’m not you know looking too far
ahead I’m just kind of in the moment
and I know you just said you’re not
looking too far ahead but Valentine is
going to rematch Alexa grass so uh first
of all how do you see that fight playing
out and I know you’ve trained with
Valentina before so would it be art
potentially fighting her
yeah um like that would I I really look
up to her and like I uh you know she’s
definitely like I’ve always uh as of
recently she had been like my favorite
fighter like kind of before becoming the
champ like she kind of gave me that
confidence uh training with her to to
feel like I could really do that and um
so yeah I’m forever grateful for that
and and it would be awesome to see her
to get that belt again
um I think approaching this fight with
with Alexa I think as long as she makes
more adjustments than just like okay let
me make sure I don’t make that one
mistake that I made in the fight as long
as she makes sure she’s getting better
um I I have full confidence that she’s
been able to get it back
um but if if she approaches it like oh I
just I just slipped up and that’s it
like she just took my back like no like
I think you have to respect the full
performance of Alexa Grosso and um in
order to be her you know um because I I
think she she was the better fighter
that night and as long as you have the
right attitude like you know I think she
ultimately Valentina I believe is the
better fighter and would it be hard to
potentially fight her
would it be hard yeah of course yeah I
mean hard because you used to try oh
because well I mean well the way she
trains I mean it felt like it was a
freaking fight the whole time so uh so I
don’t know like of course that would be
difficult yeah like because I um I have
so much respect for her but
um I know that you know the martial
martial artist that she is like she will
fully understand as well
um and I think she would be excited for
that as well
um I don’t I don’t know exactly how she
feels about it but
um you know like yeah I guess there’s no
point in really like
now because I gotta I gotta do what I
gotta do Saturday you know yeah and one
last one for me does it bother you that
people judge you off of that last
performance when you’ve given us so many
amazing Knockouts and fights and
highlights uh it did at first but like I
kind of deserved it you know what I mean
like uh I was a little bitter
um but yeah like uh I just had to kind
of get out of my feelings a little bit
and um uh realize that
yeah like I might have I might have
things and challenges that I deal with
but it’s you know it doesn’t there’s not
anybody else’s business right so
um they’re just here to to to be
inspired to be entertained or to to
learn something and that’s my job as as
a martial artist is to to go out there
and and and do my job and I did my job
but you know like I definitely could
have did a better job so
um so yeah it was a process and but um
well there’s just one more on that
um did you watch the fight back and when
you did what did you think of the
commentary because I remember listening
to it that night thinking they were
pretty harsh on the both of you guys
they were kind of on it
basically I’m wondering if you had any
thoughts on that no that was definitely
like one of the most boring fights ever
so but you know uh like
yeah I mean
I don’t know I guess being being the
fighter like it feels a little different
you know
um when when somebody’s like because
it’s not just a sport for me it’s like
it’s an art and so you know when
somebody critiques your art you get a
little emotional about it but ultimately
like you know that’s fair to say what
they had to say because it was really it
was really nothing really happened
I just uh you know I was I was kind of
in my feelings about it because I felt
like okay it’s it’s you know that
there’s always this like unspoken thing
of like the challengers gotta take it in
order to get it right but yeah whatever
you know it’s my fault you said that one
of your long-term goals was to win the
belt in two divisions when you imagined
that did you think you would still have
the title in the other Division and do
the double champ thing or did you always
know when you moved up you were going to
have to move up wholeheartedly and leave
the other Division behind you
um no I wasn’t thinking about any of
um I just
you know I guess back then I was maybe
thinking about uh like winning that
fight and then maybe having one more
show away or just moving up like after
that so
um but I don’t know like all the
logistics that like you know what I mean
I wasn’t in that position before so I
didn’t really think about that you
mentioned that you’re feeling uh
stronger and faster was that do you
think able to do that because often we
hear these guys people move up they lose
their speed in return for power right
but do you think because you took a
while to slowly transition up you’ve
managed to keep both
um say that one more time do you feel
like because you took a while to slowly
move up and wait you feel like you’ve
been able to sort of not lose the speed
that you once had yeah
um I definitely I also think like
um healthier too but also like um I’m
more mature and like experienced and I
feel like my timing’s gone a lot better
like I I’m I’m doing the things that I
would do on accident when I was younger
and but I’m actually understanding why
I’m doing what I’m doing so it’s like
it’s kind of a little bit of everything
being healthier but also like being more
Rose over here
uh it’s your first time fighting in
Europe I wonder how when did you get to
Paris and how have you adjusted to the
time difference
uh I got to Paris like
we flew out Thursday got here Friday
night and
um had the weekend to just like sleep a
lot I’ve been sleeping a lot so
um I feel like I’m I’m on a schedule now
and I feel very
um adjusted but
um yeah I’ve I’ve
I’ve traveled like in other countries to
fight before and
um having this extra time definitely was
like the right move
and earlier this year you visited
Lithuania I wonder what was that
experience like for you man that was
magical that was
um it kind of
I uh as a as a champion like during
during my last Title reign and even
before that the the first one
always like put a lot of like um
like pressure on myself to try to like
you know do good things for the
community or try to like help other
people because like what we do sometimes
feels very selfish and
um and so I never really felt like I had
that like what fruit am I really
producing like okay I’m winning fights
some maybe like maybe some you know
people excited or you know providing
something but like I wanted to see the
actual fruit like that I was bearing and
so that having sitting next to my like
my other grandma on my dad’s side uh
sitting next to her the at the
documentary premiere of my own
documentary like in the theater with
like hundreds of lithuanians there that
were like so happy to see me and like um
what what I kind of did for them and
um just representing that country and
everything that that country’s been
through and acknowledging that history
and stuff I uh that was like and then I
watched myself talking about like
uh having the belt you know and then
being like I want to you know produce
fruit with the seed that I’ve been given
like when I saw that and then sitting
next to my grandma watching her see that
it was like this is it you know and so
it finally like and I realized that
bearing fruit kind of takes time it’s
like daily water in the plants and not
just like instant insane it doesn’t
happen instantly it has the daily acts
of faith produce fruit over time
and did the Lithuania trip in your
Lithuania would make it easier for you
to accept this fight in Paris
actually yeah because
um I don’t know if it made it easier but
uh it made it more attractive for sure
like just being in Europe uh I even you
know uh had a relative that wanted to
come here it didn’t end up working out
um you know I I do have a lot of
Lithuanian fans in London as well so
it’s just like
um yes uh
yeah it definitely even like the city
kind of reminds me a little bit of like
the capital and Lithuania so
um it’s cool
that’s one for me it’s rare that people
kind of rule against you because you’re
such a fan favorite but now you’re going
into enemy territory but fighting a
French fighter in France wonder what
kind of reception do you expect from the
Paris crowd no expectations you know
like I I’m just going out there to be
myself and uh whatever whatever the
crowd presents if they want to cheer boo
whatever you know
um I’m here to do my job and and um yeah
I understand like uh I’m not gonna be
mad if they want to root for their their
person you know
uh hey Rose welcome to Paris uh I have a
question from the French ideas because
we are live on Twitch right now uh they
just want to know what do you consider
as the biggest threat from manufuro game
style fighting style yeah um
I guess I would say like her
um the center line you know that she she
kind of she’s very linear you know
um and like her kicks and her strikes
you know I’d say uh are
she’s really good at keeping her
distance in range and so basically it
comes down to like footwork and timing
and and range and distance and angles
and and so yeah I’m fully prepared for
that and that’s why I really was excited
for this matchup because of like what
she brings to the table her like her
karate background all right and
considering the fact that you are pretty
balanced in your style you can strike
you can wrestle you can go on the ground
how do you prepare yourself do you see
that fight like going into the wrestle
when you can have an advantage or how do
you yeah I mean and that’s the thing is
uh I see myself uh using all of my mixed
martial arts skills you know I’m not
just a striker I’m not just a Grappler
like I use it also I I expect there to
be to be a little bit everything in this
um even herself she’s pretty
well-rounded as well she
um she likes to maybe secure take down
you know a few times in a row uh or if
it’s a close round she kind of like does
that so as far as what we’ve seen but
I’m also like ready for the unexpected
too like you know I’m not I’m not gonna
say like this is what we’ve seen from
her so this is all she’s gonna do so
um but I expect myself to be you know
all of mixed martial arts all right and
last one for me and um with uh one year
without fighting how do you avoid the
ring rust and everything and considering
the fact that you’re moving up uh to
another way division yeah um I never
really believed in ring rust I I always
felt like
um because I’m always training and I’m
always a martial artist like if that was
just like an athlete or something like
okay but um
I’m always in the mindset of like a
fight can happen at any moment so uh to
me it’s like yeah I um and and and
sometimes those long breaks are good to
like actually get better because when
you’re constantly like in a fight Camp
you’re a lot of the times just focus on
like just
um you’re focus on very specific things
rather than just kind of getting better
as a whole
bye thank you
I was
you you take a fight despite you have a
lot to lose a lot to win um you need
this kind of pressure is this a new
challenge for you and uh was it your
choice or something someone told you to
no this is me
um effort I think even when I first
brought up the idea of moving up to
strong or to flyweight uh it wasn’t like
instantly like
uh like from my team it wasn’t like uh
yeah let’s do it like I mean not to say
they were against it but it just like I
think over time
um as I’ve like naturally kind of put on
some size and then like
um just feeling a little healthier like
it it’s it’s slowly become like a um an
accepted thing that oh yeah like what
were we even thinking like yeah this is
definitely the right move but um
but yeah this is this is kind of my idea
can we say that this fight is a tech
yeah man
that goes all the time
thank you yeah thank you
thank you guys

 Ciryl Gane: “I don’t need a Tom Aspinall in-cage face off after I win

Ciryl Gane: "I don't need a Tom Aspinall in-cage face off after I win"

far how are you I’m fine in you I’m
doing good how’s your fight week been so
far I know you always have so much media
responsibilities and stuff when you
fight here yeah of course but but uh but
but I canist I’m okay with this I’m okay
and your whole career has been go go
goes since you came into UFC you came in
only at 3 and 0 do you look at this as a
time to kind of step back a little
rebuild or are you still kind of on the
train so yes uh all of my career I was
in the rush uh since I started uh there
it was in I started the MMA in
2018 and already I did my first fight uh
just after six months and uh in this
fight I was already already in the
Russia until here until today so
so yes I want to take my time now
but I want to take my time at the gym
but I’m going to I’m going to find some
time without all of the thing you have
around the training and uh and the gym
you see so I don’t need to take my time
just like okay dur uh between two fight
I need I need more time no it’s not
about that you need to my my my my
schedule you see without all of the
thing you have around the fight you see
and like that we’re going to have time
and uh this is exactly what we manage
now we was in the rush uh like is is
it’s it’s yeah when you have a lot of
opportunity like me because I was
already shining on on the light uh
really quickly uh it was really normal
to open the door everywhere to
to to to build my my my brand you see
but now everybody know who is here again
so now I’m going to take maybe more time
just for the training just that said and
the family and I know you were
disappointed from your last fight was it
tough seeing kind of the fans being
disappointed as well like you’ve
achieved so much in your career you’ve
done it so fast so was it hard to see
fans get disappointed because at the
same time it’s because the expectations
are high when it comes to you right of
course uh me first I was really
disappointed I’m a competitor so of
course I was really disappointed and and
the people on the social media but not
only in the real life also was
everybody a lot of people was behind me
for this fight against Jones and
everybody know is is not exactly the
result uh we expected because everybody
know I can I can put some more
difficulty more difficult for the
against JN Jones for John Jones you see
so everybody was really disappointing
that some people
uh explain himself on the social media
and stuff like that but um yeah at first
me I was really disappointed and uh and
that’s why we we we went back to the gym
really quickly have you changed anything
in terms of uh training structure
bringing in new guys and stuff like that
what has this training camp looked like
for you uh everything you need uh to
change we did it and
and we changed a lot of Realm like I
said just
before I think in uh me uh to be more
focused on me just me and not around me
you see and this is exactly uh we did
and uh yes
and to Preparing this fight during the
camp uh for JN Jones this is this is had
a lot of experience uh uh uh for me even
if I I lost my fight it was a big
experience for me as as a fighter but
also as a as a human as a person and and
today yeah every every experience really
painful build you stronger you see
so this is who I am now and uh you’re
fighting uh speac he’s been booked for
five rounds before but he’s never gone
25 minutes you have so how much do you
feel like that’s going to play to your
advantage this is this is a big news for
me you see uh I was really sure he did
already five rounds this is but no
better I just I just want to be uh the
best version of myself uh we did a lot
during the camp uh we had a guy a big
guy s Mar a champion uh in the world cup
but also in the in the Olympic game in
Judo and everybody know um
Spivak have a big background in the Judo
and Ed very well during this fight and
um so that’s why we did a big focus on
it like every time we think we are maybe
better on the Striking game so for sure
you’re going to go on this way to try to
to to push me and to have a clinch and
to go down and one more for me Tom as
fin all supposed to be coming here you
responded to him on Twitter he said he
wants the winner of this fight do you
see that as a kind of a logical next
step for you if you can beat speack
uh the better way for me no not this not
this way the better way for me the
better sha for me is to do exactly what
we did the last years
um to put to put a big message on on
this Saturday uh and The Message is I’m
still here I want to go back to the Belt
this is my better way uh to go the short
way to go to the Belt Mercy s with the
Jon Jones fight when you look back and
reflect on that do you feel that your
performance was based on how good John
is or that the fact that you just had a
very bad night at work
it’s John Jon is a really really great
Fighters and he did very well and we
know we knew already uh he would like to
go on the grand game and at this moment
I did a mistake you see so this is my
fault also uh but he did it very well so
this is his
photos so yeah so both in a way is that
loss unique right because obviously okay
you lost to Francis but to lose to
someone like Jon Jones big guy it’s it’s
Unique the reaction you get from
everyone else is so much more negative
and so much more you know they’re
passionate about their negative right do
you think that after that it’s almost
you’ve experienced something that no one
else in this sport will ever really
understand and it’s very unique to you
and you can take that to learn from and
use in the future of course this has had
me a lot of experience even if the fight
did just three
minute this is this had a lot of
experience for Mar Cara a lot so yeah
I’m going to use everything I I I can to
be a better version for the future so
for my next fight also of course
obviously I’m sure it was a very painful
loss but how long did it take for this
pain to become motivation to get back in
the gym were you at work right away did
it take a while what was it like it was
really quick it was really quick we went
back to the gym uh just one week after
this fight because we want to fix it
this really quickly it was not like a
punition but like
uh okay now no question no choice I I
give me no choice like uh we don’t give
about all around the fight the gym and
the family now he just there obviously
now everyone’s going to say oh well to
beat seral you just wrestle him and then
that’s how you win the fight um I’m sure
Sergey speack probably feels this might
be helpful to him too do you sort of
anticipate that on fight night this
weekend you’ll be able to prove that
that’s not just the way you beat serial
G that you have to really come and be
very special to beat you uh yes of
course the people
uh maybe think yeah it’s really easy to
to win again uh again again seril it
just you just need to to wrestling a
little bit but trust me we work a lot of
at the gym and you see um for me the gym
when you do some spiring this is look
like a a little fight and that’s why
it’s really important to do a lot of
sparing intelligent sparing uh between
uh two
fights uh and and and that’s why I’m
always confident before the fight
because we do some spiring with with
some wrestler everything uh uh uh you
want I manage this very well so that’s
why before fight I’m really not uh
stress out about that really not really
not this might sound a bit negative but
Francis you lost to him and then he left
so you could never get that rematch John
sounds like he’s going to fight Stipe
and then retire so you might never get
that rematch is that something that you
think about and think man it’s going to
suck for me personally that I’ll never
be able to prove or you just have to say
Sal what it is salav salavi and I’m not
this kind of guy like
uh I don’t have any nightm like ah no no
that’s okay okay he won’t on I don’t
have my revenge but that’s okay that’s
okay I’m going to have my revenge
against another guy I just want to prove
to myself I can be a a better version of
myself uh step by step if you fight Tom
aspal do you fight him in London or
Paris uh this is a great
question uh maybe you you need you need
to to two to fight maybe like I said
you’re going to have one first in London
or Paris and the revenge in London or
Paris and then the trilogy in Las Vegas
yeah I think it’s going to be Las Vegas
you over here yeah it’s your seventh
straight main event since you fought
Junior dos Santos in 2020 do you enjoy
being in the spotlight and being the
poster boy can you repeat please sorry
it’s your seventh straight main event
since you fought against Junior dos
Santos do you enjoy being in the
um we
this is uh this is bril something of
course uh and I’m proud of that at first
uh at the beginning you are really happy
I’m this kind of person and uh every
people are different at the beginning
you are really happy to have
everything like that all the camera and
you and you can explain everything uh of
the camera the light outside on you but
now no I did I’m done with this I’m
really done with this I just want to win
every fight and to go uh on the top uh
how far I can do and uh and now now now
my time like I say I just want to be
focused on myself and no par it no par
it not
uh uh nothing but just the training the
gym the family and that’s it this I’m
I’m like that when when you started your
career yes you like that a little bit
you enjoy it a little bit but no I’m
done with this now and a former opponent
in your in Derek Lewis he won recently
with a flying knee took off his shorts
and danced I wonder what did you think
of that fight it was beautiful I’m so
happy for him I love this guy I’m so
happy for him for real
and last one for me uh who do you think
wins Jon Jones or stti
um I said that uh yesterday for the for
for the for the storytelling uh still
inde defeated I’m going to say Jon Jones
and if it’s possible to have my revenge
after this fight if I did very well if
if if I do really well and yeah I’m
going to say John John thank
you um P from nosense I beginning
English I will translate for the French
people I talk with Thomas pinol after
his win in London and he told me he
wants to step in the cage if he wins uh
is something that um give you extra
motivation to build a rivality with this
man uh England friends rivality too it’s
something I’m I’m you know already the
answer I’m sure but I’m not this kind of
guy and I don’t need uh like we did uh
the last years with st chaza to TR I can
be my friend for will but we did a big
like don’t need to
be to be a bad person or to do something
like um wrong or something like uh no I
don’t need that I don’t need that to do
a war and IAL with so bufa a French
boxer who will compete in the Olympian
and he told me that today you different
guy what’s happened with the French
people after the last fight um change
something in you and uh he told me he
not the bong anymore what you have to
tell about that told us about
that this is my friend this is my
brother yeah no I’m still the bong man
I’m still the same person but uh yeah we
fixing some stuff also in the gym the
the the the the the way how we going to
train during the sping and what we’re
looking for and uh yes maybe talking
about he talking now we try to finish
also the sparing sport now you see so
this is the little different than before
and um and yeah but I still the same
person for for be exact he told me you
are Spider-Man and today you’re like
more Venom so it was his word but we
will see that on Saturday and the last
question can we expect a game plan like
um the game plan shal use against aling
or do you want to show something in the
GR in your gr
game uh
I don’t want to prove anything uh I just
want to win my fight at first and uh so
if I can stay on my feet it will be
better of course like H Al did we did
very well uh we had a lot of example
like that but
yeah to to impose my uh my style yeah
this is my job thank you very much and