Sean O'Malley vs Petr Yan | FREE FIGHT | UFC 292

Round 1

I think our fan base can relate to the anxiousness and the nerves that we all feel as sports fans right now; it almost feels like even when you don’t have a horse in the race, your team is fighting for the Super Bowl. The tension is palpable, big spot for O’Malley here, boys. O’Malley is in green, Fiorian in red, there’s Per Young going out to the legs early. Being heard from early as expected, Jan’s gonna keep walking him down, but as he walks you down, Purity is building, Reed’s trying to figure out what he’s going to do, how he’s going to approach the fight. He’s got O’Malley circling off to his left, that can lead him into the outside leg kick, the Fiorion.

Opening Moves

Looks like Pierre Young’s willing to switch stances as Sean does. I was wondering how Pyoto would deal with the height, how he would manage the distance in the space and closing it without putting himself in danger. Movement though so far from O’Malley, nice. O’Malley is a master of movement; he does a good job of creating just slight angles, nothing too big. You enter in the range where he doesn’t feel comfortable; it’s like pivot and turn, nice body kick from Pyotree on both of these Fighters will switch stances. John felt like in terms of his preparation he was ready for the unorthodox attacks of Sean O’Malley.

Early Struggles and Maneuvers

The popes going on here, both guys with some outstretched fingers, though they both got to be careful; there’s a right hand that gets through, Phil O’Malley’s front kick appeared to land partially as well. Honey kick finds the home for young. Loads up on the left hand O’Malley evades; a great right hand by O’Malley again, he’s so long and he’s so sharp with his strikes O’Malley doesn’t waste anything, and the one thing that is sometimes lost is how fast he is and so quick with his hands. That’s a piston right through that raised guard upon, now Jan shoots a lot of fans were expecting we’d see some of this; you wondered if Fiorian would use his wrestling, you know he has that ability and we got the answer very early, got the takedown, now he’s on his back. O’Malley’s got to turn back towards him, there he’s got to try to find a way to get that right arm back through to get to an underhook and he did man nice work; O’Malley’s got a lot of grappling heavy camps.

Back on Their Feet

Augusto tankinio Mendez starting to open up a little bit here’s O’Malley throwing some power shots looking for that right hook. Yawn a little bit more measured with his offense but has landed 58 of his significant strike attempts; it’s always been the Fiorian game, he doesn’t overextend. O’Malley’s doing a good job of throwing faints at him; notice how he faints to try to slow y’all down, drops down to a double again gets his hands locked under the butt, puts him down, beautiful job level changing by Pierre Young. You see the corner of O’Malley telling him to go off to the left. Jan does a great job of sucking the hips back away from the side of the octagon and gaining full control on top, big takedown for Kilda young here late in round one we’ll see what he can do with it, he’s attacking some triangle armbar attempts there but nothing, nothing doing there yawn all over it and you know Sean O’Malley in camp worked on this, anticipating that Jan would try to take him down.

Round 2

Back up to his feet, great job by Sean O’Malley getting back up to his feet, now he knows he’s got to put some pressure on Jan after giving up that takedown, money in the bank money in the bank with these leg kicks though for purion absolute approach. [Music] Jan always has his hands up real high but O’Malley’s being very active, body kick from Jan a shot from O’Malley. A shot that was a nice change level change, and the way he got to the angle was real good, right here you see Sean O’Malley pop the jab, get to his range and land the beautiful right hand on Peorion, then right here you see yawn get to the legs lock under the butt put him down, and get some top control; what a competitive round one.

Mid-Fight Action

If he doubles you again on the fence go towards his head and stuff right away don’t wait wrestle hard, you look great you look great, he’s steer too fast for him, he starts crowding too much the Machida’s there hey, you look great buddy, you’re in great shape, this is gassed already, grab your stuff let’s go guys oh no, hey this no more of this okay here here don’t do this.

Round 3

Second round, party ready, we’re ready, fight clearly a speed Advantage seen by Tim Welch in the corner of Sean O’Malley, John opens round two with the body kick and an effective one at that. The knife. He got him hurt, Sean’s got him heard back, the crowd going wild. Oh. My goodness. Can’t hear a thing at the yeti, oh my goodness, what a start to round two both of these guys with massive moments. Oh. Guys. Beyond working inside the now closed guard of O’Malley, and both of these guys now are trying to recover. That’s a pretty good Brown strike there with the right from yawn, yeah, that got through big time.

Late Efforts

You saw Jan land that punch off of The Stance switch and throw the jab switch dances in bands pulled through crushed him. Beyond still maintains the position, looked like a small window for O’Malley, now he gets back to his feet, and he is greeted with the need of the body by Yan, yeah I mean largely they can be cosmetic O’Malley’s had a lot of foot issues though. The way he’s stomping it’s not going to feel nice, yeah another takedown attempt by John, O’Malley’s got to keep those legs split he’s got to lift the right underhook if he wants to get yawn off of him there it is, you got that on the hook. Tremendous recoverability by both guys, but particularly pure Yan after a huge Land by O’Malley to then get it back so to speak.

Final Moments

That’s big that’s big for pilgrion Fiorian has got some very timely takedowns on Sean O’Malley in this fight from round one to round three that may be what saves him what a fight Sean O’Malley peor yon Go the Distance in front of an appreciative crowd here in Abu Dhabi and back in Nevada Sean Shelby certainly cracking a wry smile after putting this fight together Sean O’Malley certainly ready for Prime Time against the credential number one Contender and former Champion we’ll see who leaves Abu Dhabi the number one Contender champ.

Decision Time

The official decision here’s Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision. Pizza palulo scores it 29-28 John David lethalby has it 29-28 O’Malley and Ben cartler scores the contest 29-28 for the winner by Split Decision.