Dana White Post-Fight Press Conference | UFC 293


We will be discussing Dana White’s post-fight press conference for UFC 293. Dana White, the president of the UFC, addressed various topics including the main event, the performance of fighters, and future plans for the organization. Let’s dive into the highlights of the press conference.

Main Event Madness

The main event of UFC 293 featured a highly anticipated middleweight title fight between Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland. Dana White expressed his surprise at the outcome of the fight, stating, “You know, going into this, we didn’t know what was going to happen. This is the fight business, and anything can happen.” Adesanya, who was the dominant champion, lost the fight to Strickland, who came in as a 7 to 1 underdog. White commended Strickland for his performance, saying, “He came here, he beat the champion four rounds to one, and won the world title in impressive fashion.”

Bright Future for Manel Kape

One of the standout fights of the night was the flyweight matchup between Manel Kape and a newcomer, Matheus Nicolau. White praised Kape for his durability and toughness, stating, “I love kids like him, who come in with the opportunity to win and give it their all.” He also mentioned that Kape has a bright future ahead of him in the UFC.

Addressing Homophobic Remarks

During the event, Manel Kape made some homophobic remarks in his post-fight speech. White acknowledged the issue, stating, “I think these guys get a little excited and make bad mistakes.” He compared Kape’s situation to a similar incident involving another fighter, Radke, who also made offensive remarks. White emphasized that they did not force Kape to apologize, but he did so on his own accord backstage. He added, “It’s how you recover from a mistake that matters, and Kape came out and apologized sincerely.”

Rematch for Adesanya?

With Adesanya’s loss, the question of an immediate rematch arose. White expressed his belief that a rematch between Adesanya and Strickland should happen. He mentioned that Adesanya may have overlooked Strickland due to his previous fight against Paulo Costa. White is eager to hear Adesanya’s thoughts on the matter and looks forward to booking the rematch.

Injury Update on Jack Jenkins

Jack Jenkins suffered a gruesome injury during his fight, with his arm snapping in half. While White did not have specific medical updates, he mentioned that Jenkins’ elbow was dislocated. The severity of the injury was not specified.

Bonus Selection Process

White discussed the process of selecting bonuses for the night. He acknowledged the impressive performances of fighters like Alexander Volkov and Tyson Pedro, who both had notable finishes. White stated that Pedro deserved a bonus as well, and they would also be giving bonuses to other fighters who performed well. He mentioned that they consider various factors when selecting the bonuses, such as unique submissions or standout performances.

Suggestion for a Finish Bonus

During the press conference, a question was raised about the possibility of introducing a finish bonus for any fighter who gets a finish, rather than selecting two or three fighters for performance bonuses. White responded that the current system works well for them, but it’s an interesting suggestion to consider.

Fedor Emelianenko in the UFC Game

White was asked about the inclusion of Fedor Emelianenko in the upcoming UFC game. He confirmed that Fedor will be in the game and mentioned that they didn’t have to fly to an island to get his permission. While the details of the agreement were not disclosed, White jokingly stated that they paid him an obscene amount of money.

Impressive Performance by City Kickboxing

White praised the performance of City Kickboxing, the gym that produced fighters like Israel Adesanya and Alexander Volkanovski. He mentioned that it’s incredible what the team has achieved and highlighted their dedication and training. He also acknowledged the support and fan base they have built in the region.

Possible Locations for Rematches

When asked about the possibility of hosting rematches like Strickland vs. Adesanya in the same region or overseas, White stated that it depends on how fast the fighters want them to come back. He mentioned that they are already planning fights up until March of next year, so the location of future events will be determined based on various factors.

UFC 300 and Future Plans

White was asked about UFC 300 and whether it would take place in April. He stated that he didn’t have the details at the moment and they haven’t started planning for it yet. He mentioned that there are many things that will happen between now and then, so it’s too early to confirm anything.

Laura Sanko’s Pay Per-View Debut

White praised Laura Sanko for her debut as a commentator on the pay-per-view broadcast. He mentioned that the commentary team did an awesome job and that Sanko will definitely get more opportunities on pay-per-view in the future. He described her as a rock star and commended her skills in the role.

Tyson Fury vs. Jon Jones

White was asked about the potential fight between Tyson Fury and Jon Jones after Fury’s upcoming fight with Francis Ngannou. He stated that they will see how things play out and didn’t provide any further details. When asked about his thoughts on Francis Ngannou getting the fight with Fury, White simply said, “Good for him.”

Future Plans for Brisbane

White was asked about the possibility of the UFC returning to Brisbane, Australia. He mentioned that they plan to go everywhere once the world is back to normal and heading in the right direction. He expressed his hope that they will be able to travel to places they haven’t been since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Debut of Tom Nolan

A question was raised about the debut of Tom Nolan, who is from the same area as the person asking the question. White stated that he doesn’t have a timeline for Nolan’s debut on the Dana White’s Contender Series. He didn’t provide any further information on the matter.

Justin Tafa as a Backup Fighter

White was asked about Justin Tafa, who made weight as a backup fighter for the event. He didn’t provide any specific thoughts on Tafa but acknowledged his presence as a backup fighter.

Card Exceeding Expectations

White was asked if the card exceeded his expectations, considering the number of finishes and great fights. He responded that the card absolutely met his expectations. He mentioned that the main event didn’t go as expected, but overall, the card lived up to his expectations.

Tai Tuivasa as a Fan Favorite One of the questions raised during the press conference was about Tai Tuivasa and whether he falls into the category of fan favorite fighters whose stock never drops too much with a loss. White responded by saying that Tuivasa definitely fits into that category. He praised Tuivasa for his performance in the fight, stating that he fought a hell of a fight against a tough opponent. White also mentioned that the fight between Tuivasa and his opponent exceeded expectations, considering the size and power difference between the two fighters.

Gabriel Miranda’s Dominant Victory

White was asked about Gabriel Miranda’s dominant submission victory over Shane Young. He didn’t provide any specific thoughts on Miranda’s future or the ceiling for him. However, he emphasized the importance of taking advantage of opportunities and shining in the big show. White mentioned that when fighters come in and perform well, it’s a big deal and opens up more opportunities for them.

Rumors of an Auckland Card

There were rumors circulating about the possibility of an Auckland card, and White was asked about the truth behind them. He responded by saying that until they announce it, nothing is true. He mentioned that they often discuss possible matchups and locations during matchmaking sessions, but nothing is confirmed until they make an official announcement.

Sean Strickland’s Interaction with a Fan

During the open workouts, Sean Strickland brought a fan on stage and had a sparring session with him. When asked about his thoughts on the situation, White admitted that he didn’t know what to think. He described Strickland as a different guy and couldn’t provide a clear answer to the question.

Volkanovski’s Next Fight and Alex Pereira’s Future

White was asked about Alexander Volkanovski’s next fight and whether Alex Pereira could find his way back into the middleweight title picture if he doesn’t succeed at light heavyweight. White didn’t have any specific information on Volkanovski’s next fight or Pereira’s future. He mentioned that they haven’t confirmed anything regarding Volkanovski’s next fight and he believes Pereira will stay at light heavyweight. White expressed that cutting back down to middleweight would be a significant weight cut for Pereira, who is already a monster in size.

In conclusion, Dana White addressed various topics during the post-fight press conference. He discussed the possibility of introducing a finish bonus, confirmed Fedor Emelianenko’s inclusion in the upcoming UFC game, praised City Kickboxing’s performance, and talked about the future plans for rematches and UFC 300. He also mentioned the debut of Laura Sanko as a commentator, the potential fight between Tyson Fury and Jon Jones, and the UFC’s plans to travel to different locations, including Brisbane. White couldn’t provide specific information on Tom Nolan’s debut, Justin Tafa as a backup fighter, and Gabriel Miranda’s future. He acknowledged the card exceeding expectations and Tai Tuivasa’s status as a fan favorite fighter. Finally, he addressed the rumors of an Auckland card, Sean Strickland’s interaction with a fan, and the future of Alexander Volkanovski and Alex Pereira.

what’s up gang
all right the gate tonight was 10
million 753 uh 52 296.
it’s the highest gate for an indoor
arena in the history of the continent
tenants was 18
168 total sellout bonuses the night
fight of the night went to uh cap and
and Dos Santos uh uh performance of the
night went to taffa and Strickland and
one thing that I really want to point
out and somebody that I really want to
thank is uh the premier who uh who got
us back down here and uh
it’s good to be back in Sydney thanks to
him for all his hard work and uh
of the sport how crazy is this
game how crazy is this game it’s one of
those ones where you just sit here for
like the next week going what the
happened there you know
23 years when I’m looking at the
internet and reading all the
and all these people that think they
know about fighting and I’m not
sitting here acting like this is what I
thought was going to happen here tonight
but what do I always say never judge a
fight until it happens you never know
what the hell is going to happen in this
batshit nutty sport would you say this
is one of the biggest upsets yeah I mean
if you think about Australia the two
biggest upsets ever in the men’s and
women’s division has happened in
Australia Israel looked like he was in
slow motion he looked like he couldn’t
get off he looked like he was really
stiff tonight
um he looked very slow
do you think that could be you know we
always talk about his activity but maybe
there’s something to be said that he may
be over trained at this point and maybe
need some time off or do you think it’s
just hey sometimes you have a bad night
only Israel knows what’s going on I’m
very curious to see what he says at this
press conference tonight
you know there are a million things that
could go wrong uh some days you wake up
and it’s just not there man you just
don’t it’s it’s not there he looked bone
dry when he came out tonight standing up
really tall
um looked very slow
looked like you couldn’t get off at all
um even in the fifth round when when
everybody knew he needed a knockout to
win the fight there was no sense of
urgency to try to finish the fight so I
don’t know if he’s hurt if he’s uh or
he’s just you know tonight’s that night
yeah did you speak to him in the cage at
all what’s that did you speak yeah I
said you okay he said I’ll talk to you
then go to Sean Strickland you know he
did what he’s had to do right he came
here he beat the champion four rounds to
one came into hostile territory the
whole world talking about him the
whole world saying he couldn’t do it a
seven to one Underdog came in almost
finished him in the first round
and won the championship won the world
title man so
everything that we’re talking about
right now about how crazy this sport is
when opportunities arise you jump on
them and you take them and uh you know
you should never turn down fights when
you get the call especially if it’s for
a world title yeah
Sean’s an interesting character right to
have it yeah I think yeah uh you know
I’m sure it’s gonna get crazy in here uh
in a little while yeah just you know
just this week we had the thing with the
fan and I know that he was kind of
exaggerating as he does but do you need
to say like look if you’re going to be
our promotions Champion can you cut some
of that out or do you just think well
let’s just see what happens you know the
answer to this question listen we put
this guy in this in the spot and uh
you know there was no
holy we didn’t know this was going
to happen going into this you know who
the hell knows what’s going to happen in
here in 15 20 30 minutes whenever he
gets in here so
it is what it is
this is the fight business boys and
girls yeah and he is one of the nuttiest
in the sport yeah uh outside of that the
Manel cap fight
um against the newcomer who looks
amazing too into Santos you know you
gave it five for the night but what did
you think of that great flyweight flowy
matchup yeah fight of the night and uh
you know wow how durable and tough that
kid is
I love kids again a kid that got an
opportunity and he came in he didn’t
come here to just show up and get paid
he came here to win tonight uh I I think
that that kid has a really bright future
uh I know what the answer is usually to
this but uh manila’s Place fight speech
he’s a homophobic words yeah I was
flying around a little bit tonight I
think these guys get uh
you know
get a little excited
and you know you make bad mistakes uh
Radke did the same thing you know and
you know me we didn’t run over to him
and say you better apologize and you
better he did that on his own you know
when he got back stage he was
embarrassed and you know got caught up
in the moment and
uh did you guys talk to him tonight no
so he felt like he was treated like
and you know all that stuff and you know
got emotional and and uh whatever reason
we make mistakes
um I am not holier than thou either so
we’ve all been in positions where we’ve
made mistakes and uh like I always say
it’s how you recover from it and how you
uh carry yourself after you make the
mistake and he came out and apologized
on his own free will we didn’t tell him
to do anything and uh
the fact that he did that means he means
it you know I don’t make anybody
apologize for anything you do what you
want you’re grown men and women uh
uh you know you’re you’re able to say
whatever you want he did it he came back
he was embarrassed and he apologized so
I’m sure some people who accept this
apology and some people won’t
uh lost one for me just going back to
The Madness of the main event you know
traditionally we see dominant Champions
get an immediate rematch right but
Israel just had one of those with the
Pereira fights so do you kind of I know
this is a Tuesday question but do you
sort of think well let’s just book it
again because Israel looks so off or do
you just sort of see how the division
plays out and leave Israel on the side
for a moment no I think you do the
rematch absolutely I mean the rematch is
is interesting um that could be the
thing too you know when you think about
you’re going into the Pereira fight such
a big fight you know and you’ve been in
there with this guy so many times and
then you overlook Strickland and and
you come in and and you know I don’t
know I don’t know the answers to these
questions but uh
Israel does and I’m looking forward to
hearing it thank you
James there’s a any medical update on
Jack Jenkins he’s on that arms his arms
snapped in half in there oh yeah I know
uh yeah I I think I don’t have any uh
updates here medically but uh I think
his elbow got dislocated
oh it just says right elbow here but it
doesn’t say uh
I think it was just a dislocation and
I’m just curious how do you come up with
a list for bonuses tonight because like
obviously volkov became the third
fighter ever to get a Ezekiel choke
Tyson Pedro had a big performance uh to
kick off this main card so how do you
narrow down just two three names yeah I
mean Pedro deserves something too
there’s guys that these these guys we
felt won the 50 000 and other guys that
did really well tonight will get kick
some money too and so this just kind of
going off this is just me being curious
have you ever thought of just doing a uh
like a stoppage bonus rather than a
performance bonus like a finish bonus
for just anyone who gets a finish rather
than selecting two or three yeah this
kind of works
uh the last one for me you guys
announced the UFC game uh fedor’s in it
uh did you have to fly to an island to
get his permission
we did not no yeah he’s in the game
how’d you pull that one off
I don’t know I guess he wants to be in
the game
we paid in a much obscene amount of
money I don’t know one or the other
hey Diana just a quick quote on Sydney I
mean uh it was pretty remarkable with
cckb with six fights and one card what’s
your reaction to sort of what the Gym’s
been able to do in the region and just
the card overall
yeah it’s incredible it’s incredible
what that team has done and uh you know
if you saw some of the footage leading
up to the fight you know how many people
are in that Gym training at one time and
they treat Izzy just like they treat
everybody else and
um and Vulcan it’s it’s impressive it’s
impressive what they built here
for rematch like uh Strickland and
Addison if that it does happen do you do
this in this region yet again because
the fan base because of the support
potentially maybe even New Zealand or is
that something that you think happens
overseas now I don’t even know it you
know when you start looking at uh the
rest of the year and laying out the card
uh and then getting it we’re already
into like uh we’re into like March of
next year so as far as fights go so we I
don’t know I don’t know how that’ll play
out but it depends on how fast uh these
guys want us to come back here
thank you yep
Dana you mentioned uh fights booked up
to March is UFC 300 going to be in April
is that what it’s looking like I don’t
know off the top of my head yeah have
you started thinking about that one at
all no because we had like volcanovsky
back here he said if him and Islam both
win their next fights he would love to
headline as you said earlier in the week
he wants to be on that card people
haven’t started coming to you yet
there’s a lot of stuff that’s going to
happen between uh now and then yeah
um Laura sanco joined the commentary
booth for pay-per-view debut tonight uh
did he get to listen to much and what
did you think yeah yeah the commentary
team tonight was awesome they killed it
yeah I do think she’ll get more
opportunities on pay-per-view for sure
yeah she’s listening she’s a rock star
man she’s very good at what she does
yeah and uh earlier this week uh Tyson
Fury and Francis inganu did a press
conference ahead of their fight and
Tyson was saying after this one he wants
to revisit the Jon Jones fight
potentially that you guys were working
on is that something that would appeal
to you at all depending on how that goes
I don’t know we’ll see how it plays out
what do you think of Francis that he was
able to get that fight we haven’t heard
you really speak on that no good for him
thank you yeah Dana just over here yep
um the last time the UFC came back to
Brisbane um was 2016 and I know you have
the deal with Sydney for the next couple
years but does the UFC have any plans to
come back to Brisbane at all
plans to go back to where Brisbane
yeah yeah yeah
yes listen we’re gonna go everywhere now
that uh hopefully the world is back and
heading in the right direction again uh
hope that stays that way and yeah we’re
going to be traveling everywhere again
still so many places that we haven’t
been since covid uh the beginning of
covet so still a lot of traveling to do
um and just another one Tom Nolan is um
just up the road from me so I thought
I’d ask a question of do you have any
timeline of when we can see him debut
Tom Nolan the Dan Owens Contender series
what about him if you have any timeline
of when he’ll be debuting no
um and then just lastly the Eternal
featherweight Champion Justin van heden
made weight on Saturday as a backup I’m
just just curious if you happen to know
him at all and if so what are your
hey Dana just over here I was wondering
did this card surpass your expectations
because we had a ton of finishes a ton
of great fights and then obviously you
know an absolutely amazing title fight
in the middleweight division how did
this card match up to your expectations
no uh I I I I uh
this card absolutely met my expectations
obviously I expected a completely
different uh you know Main Event
um whether whether Izzy won or
Strickland one I expected that I didn’t
you know nobody saw that coming that
that Izzy would come in flat and slow
and you know whatever’s going on with
um I don’t think anybody expected to see
that but no the card
lived up to my expectations and I was
speaking on Thai to avasa obviously a
tough loss tonight but I think Tai
really falls into that category of fan
favorite Fighters whose stock never
drops too much with a loss do you kind
of see Thai fitting into that category
as well as a fan favorite fighter that
we’re always going to tune in to see
yeah and to be honest with you when you
talk about it exceeding expectations
that fight did I mean when you look at
the monster he’s fighting the reach
Advantage the power that guy has that
you know the size difference everything
Thai fought a hell of a fight tonight
and last one for me uh Gabriel Miranda
had a very very dominant submission
victory over Shane Young tonight I was
just wondering where you sort of see the
ceiling for him and what’s next for
Shane Young listen when you get these
opportunities to come in and and take
these fights and and uh you know it’s
like when we talk about the contender
series on Tuesday nights when you get
these these opportunities you come in
and you shine like you did in the Big
Show yeah it’s it’s a big deal it’s it’s
a it’s a very very good thing
hey Dana uh there’s been a lot of
questions this week to the fighters
about if they’d be interested in
fighting on an Auckland card and Dan
hooker admitted this week that the
rumors were made up by him are there any
truths to the rumors are you potentially
coming back to Auckland in the next six
months well I don’t know we’ll see I
mean I was just at a press conference on
Tuesday and they were talking about you
know oh we heard you’re doing a fight in
Minnesota and all nothing is done until
we announce it there’s lots of uh you
know when we get together on Tuesdays
for matchmaking you know we kick a lot
of ideas around possible matchups
possible places but until we announce it
it’s never true
yeah the other day uh Sean Strickland
during the open workouts uh Sean
Strickland during the open workouts
brought a fan on stage and had a had a
bit of a box in sparring session with
that fan um what goes through your mind
when a situation like that happens and
we noticed that fan was sitting with the
Fighters next to Justin gaichi tonight
funny enough so just wondering what your
thoughts around that
I don’t know what I think of that
you know he’s he’s definitely different
he’s very different and uh
yeah I don’t know he’s a different guy
he got me on that one I don’t even know
how to answer that question
you guys good yes sir
um Dan hooker said at a q a on Friday
night that volkanovsky’s next fight was
planned to be around February next year
can you confirm that
until we confirm it fair enough and uh
just final question do you see uh Alex
paheda potentially finding his way back
into this middleweight title picture if
he doesn’t succeed at light heavyweight
I don’t think so I think he’ll stay at
light heavyweight you know
um it’ll be I don’t know but I don’t
think so I don’t I don’t see him cutting
back down again it’s a lot of weight to
cut the guy’s a monster
thank you thank you
have a great night you guys thank you