If the UFC Paying Kevin Holland to Lose?


In this article, we will discuss the upcoming fight between Jack Della Madalena and Kevin Holland and explore whether the UFC wants Holland to lose. Both fighters have had interesting career paths, with Holland being known for his willingness to take on any opponent and Della Madalena being carefully matched up until now.

The Importance of a Win for Della Madalena

Della Madalena believes that a win over Kevin Holland will put him in a good position to fight one of the top contenders in his division. He is open to fighting in different weight classes, but currently, he is being given 170-pound fights. He just wants to get paid and is willing to take on any opponent the UFC gives him.

Is Kevin Holland the Right Matchup for Della Madalena?

The question arises whether Kevin Holland is the right matchup for Della Madalena at this stage of his career. Della Madalena has been carefully curated in his career, similar to how Sean O’Malley was handled, with a series of first-round finishes and performance bonuses. However, his last fight was a split decision, indicating that he may have faced a tougher challenge. On the other hand, Kevin Holland is known for his exciting fighting style and willingness to take on anyone. He has defeated several veterans in his division and has finished all of his opponents. This matchup will be a test for both fighters.

The UFC’s Expectations for Kevin Holland

Kevin Holland has gained attention for his outspoken personality and willingness to take on any opponent. He even accepted a fight with Khamzat Chimaev on short notice, despite ultimately losing. While Holland has been matched up against veterans in the past, this fight against Della Madalena is a step up in competition. If Holland can defeat Della Madalena, it will prove that he can compete with the best in the division. However, if he fails to do so, it may be seen as a disappointment for the UFC.

The Different Career Paths of Della Madalena and Holland

Della Madalena has been given carefully curated fights throughout his career, gradually building up his record and experience. He has been matched up against veterans and has been successful in defeating them. On the other hand, Holland has taken on a number of fights in a short period of time, gaining experience and making a name for himself. While Della Madalena has been given the right opponents to build his record, Holland has been matched up against veterans and has finished them all.

The UFC’s Approach to Building Stars

The UFC’s approach to building stars can vary. Some fighters are given carefully curated fights against veterans to build their record and experience, while others are thrown into tough matchups to test their skills and potential. In the case of Della Madalena and Holland, it is interesting to see how their careers have been handled. Della Madalena has been given the right opponents to build his record, while Holland has taken on any fight that comes his way. This matchup between the two fighters will determine which approach is more effective in building a successful career.

The Dana White Privilege

There has been speculation that Della Madalena’s rise in the UFC is due to what some call “Dana White Privilege.” This refers to the favoritism shown by UFC President Dana White towards fighters who come from the Contender Series. Della Madalena gained attention after his impressive performance on the show, and it is believed that this played a role in his quick rise to the main card of a pay-per-view event. However, it is important to note that Della Madalena has proven himself in his fights and has earned his spot in the UFC.

The Case of Christian Rodriguez

The case of Christian Rodriguez is another example of how the UFC’s matchmaking can be unpredictable. Rodriguez was brought in to fight Della Madalena, with many believing that he was being set up to lose. However, Rodriguez proved to be a tough challenge for Della Madalena and ultimately defeated him. This shows that the UFC’s matchmaking is not always about giving fighters the right opponents to build their record, but rather about creating exciting matchups and opportunities for fighters to prove themselves.

The Nate Diaz Effect

Kevin Holland has been compared to Nate Diaz in terms of his ability to maintain his popularity and fan support even in the face of losses. Diaz has become known for his exciting fighting style and his ability to bounce back from losses. Similarly, Holland’s willingness to take on any opponent and his entertaining personality have endeared him to fans, regardless of the outcome of his fights. This makes him a valuable asset to the UFC, as he can continue to draw in viewers and generate interest in his fights.


The upcoming fight between Jack Della Madalena and Kevin Holland will be an interesting matchup between two fighters with different career paths. Della Madalena has been carefully curated in his career, while Holland has taken on any opponent that comes his way. The UFC’s approach to building stars can vary, with some fighters being given carefully curated fights to build their record, while others are thrown into tough matchups to test their skills. The matchup between Della Madalena and Holland will determine which approach is more effective in building a successful career.

There has been speculation that Della Madalena’s rise in the UFC is due to “Dana White Privilege,” referring to the favoritism shown by UFC President Dana White towards fighters from the Contender Series. However, it is important to note that Della Madalena has proven himself in his fights and has earned his spot in the UFC.

The case of Christian Rodriguez is another example of the unpredictable nature of the UFC’s matchmaking. Rodriguez was brought in to fight Della Madalena, with many believing that he was being set up to lose. However, Rodriguez proved to be a tough challenge and defeated Della Madalena. This shows that the UFC’s matchmaking is not always about giving fighters the right opponents to build their record, but rather about creating exciting matchups and opportunities for fighters to prove themselves.

Kevin Holland has been compared to Nate Diaz in terms of his ability to maintain his popularity and fan support even in the face of losses. Holland’s willingness to take on any opponent and his entertaining personality have endeared him to fans, making him a valuable asset to the UFC.

In conclusion, the upcoming fight between Della Madalena and Holland will be an intriguing matchup between two fighters with different career paths. It will be interesting to see how their styles and approaches to fighting clash in the Octagon. Regardless of the outcome, both fighters have proven themselves to be exciting and talented competitors in the UFC.

I think so I think a good win over Kevin
Owen will get me into a nice spot to
fight one of the top contenders whatever
they give me to be honest with you if
they gave me 85 fights you know I’d be
fighting 85 but it seems like uh I’m
getting 170 pound fights right now so
I’ll take whatever they give me I just
want to get paid
the UFC have given him Kevin Holland is
this a good matchup for Jack Della
madalena is this where he should be in
his career because when you get a
superstar potential Champion you want to
caress them along nicely don’t you like
Sean O’Malley he got that treatment
worked out perfectly with Jack as well
he got three first round finishes in the
UFO four first round finishes and UFC
three performance of the night bonuses
but his last fight was a split decision
and yeah I’m not saying he struggled but
it was a split decision Sean Brady may
have been a tougher fight we don’t know
we haven’t seen the Kevin Holland fight
it’s going to be a different challenge
right but they did try and push him Sean
Brad is a top 10 guy what does this mean
for Kevin Holland though it’s kind of
perpetually now in welterweight his
whole thing is about like showing up and
showing off isn’t it he’s the big mouth
he took the fight with Hamza on a day’s
notice because he was like yeah [ __ ] it
I’ll change opponents even though he
lost it was quite exciting for the
minute and a half that it lasted Kevin’s
really interesting because he’s kind of
been always put against these veterans
and like he took out jackery Alex
Oliveira veteran Tim Means veteran
ponzanibio he’s just had veteran veteran
veteran veteran and he’s finished them
all now with Kevin we’re like Okay Kevin
so if we’re going to keep moving you
upwards towards the title picture like
this is a really good test for Kevin
Holland I think this is entirely down to
JDM I think this is his moment to prove
that he can compete with some of the
best in the division and if he can’t get
past Kevin then I think that that is a
disappointing result for the UFC because
I feel like Kevin is one of those
Fighters that through wins or losses the
fans generally will support him because
of the personality that he has there are
just these guys that really don’t lose
in losses anyways so even if Kevin loses
against ADM I don’t think it’s
particularly like the worst thing for
him he’s that guy that shows up and
fights people just because he wants to
put on a good show Kevin has only fought
the veterans they haven’t even given
Jack veterans Jack’s just now like
fighting the top contents and the young
guys like if you’re building up a star
typically you do give him the veterans
don’t you I feel like Kevin Holland in
fights in she number of fights he is he
should be classed as a veteran because
he’s been in the USC for a long time now
and he’s fought tons of people that
happened in his last fight right where
he said I’m supposed to be the new kid
but he’s had more fights than here yeah
which is great and kiessa was in seven
years in the UFC tough 16 15. yeah okay
so Kevin Hunter has has had a ton of
fights but he’s kind of a prospect in
the welterweight because he’s come down
what in the past two years but he’s
already had a ton of fights there like
five fights like he’s already fought
twice this year before in April and July
but yeah it’s interesting having two
really active guys both in in the same
division in a place where you think you
would kind of separately promote them so
they can each have their own title runs
rather than putting them together so
it’s that oh that classic case of like
do the best fight the best or is it like
should they be more tricky about who
they get matched up again and that’s why
it’s interesting as well because
typically you do make your way through
the veterans there’s a lot of veterans
in that division for guys to take on
shav cat Jeff Newman before that Neil
Maggie again so just making his way
through these veterans the good thing
about this fight as well is we’re going
to kind of see Kevin Holland is a guy
who took any fight he could get wins
losses whatever and then you also got
Jack Della madalena who’s kind of not
getting those curated fights but as up
until this point been given the right
opponents let’s say so with Raul roses
Jr on the card who they tried to sort of
set up accordingly because he is a
really young guy and also then failed at
like the second test ever it’s going to
be interesting to see like what will
benefit Raul more continuously being fed
the right opponents to build his record
or going for a bit of adversity and
losing to somebody that perhaps he
should have won but he did lose compare
that to Kevin and Jack Kevin has taken
that road of fight anybody wins and
losses and Jack’s getting the right
opponents who comes out what a better
career path is what I’m trying to say
how does that happen though where a 17
18 year old gets a lot of height coming
from the contender series against Tom
petitioned that yeah he was a lot better
than but how does he go into a main card
pay-per-view against a guy who’s had
probably two or three years more
experience than him and for that guy to
be the underdog it’s because of the Dana
White Privilege because he goes on about
all the time how much he loves Tuesday
night Contender series and it’s his
favorite thing ever and Rosa Studio came
off there looked really good in his
fight which is only up to the Roses
Junior he’s the only one that can put on
that performance but then Dana loves
that and he’s a prodigy and he’s going
to be the next Jon Jones and go in there
and beat everyone and that’s the reason
he’s getting pushed on Main car because
he wants that kind of like crazy
youngest ever Champion story it’s kind
of like an Aaron Pico situation isn’t it
and he also lost but he came out much
better fighter after Christian Rodriguez
was so horrendously disrespected going
into that fight because if the career
was great it wasn’t bad at all only had
one loss and they were like oh we’ll
feed him to Rose’s Junior so maybe that
isn’t a case of what I said where it’s
like with Rose’s Junior let’s give him
the right opponents maybe they did give
him a tough challenge I just think
everyone was just living in that bubble
of this kid cannot go wrong he’s the
future he’s going to be this massive
star we sort of like dazzled by this kid
being 17 and being so good that we
didn’t actually look at the reality of
what was being handed to him and what
was being handed to him was a [ __ ]
difficult that he drastically failed he
was in Bellator he was in LFA for two
look at look at where this man has been
and what he’s done yeah but that but
you’re not a UFC Matchmaker and they
might have thought hey you know what
Christian Christian Rodriguez you know
he’s fought in his other promotions he
was also in the contender series it’s a
win-win situation if you ask me I think
that they’ve got a lot of belief in uh
in Christian Rodriguez especially now
looking at the fact that they gave him
Raul roses Jr if you’re a matchmaker’s
mind it could go either way you always
want a good scenario they did no
promotion for him no at all well that
might be true but now they’re giving him
Cameron Simon who again if you’ve just
beaten raurosis Jr and taken out a star
if they didn’t want that to happen
they’re not gonna be like let’s give him
another one of our up-and-coming stars
because he might take that guy out as
well but if he does that’s good I
wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that as a
Matchmaker unless I was actually had
some belief Rosas Jr was shoved down our
throats for the whole [ __ ] week but
then why would you put him up against
they want him out there they want him
out there because they want Simon to
[ __ ] can knock him out like he knocks
everyone out it’s almost like they’re
punishing poor Rodriguez as well they’re
like right we’re gonna keep putting you
against these guys until you [ __ ]
lose because you ruined the races Junior
High I mean maybe maybe that’s one way
he crashed that party hard yeah or he
comes out of the side of it having
beaten two of the top prospects in that
division there are so many fights there
are so many matches that are made where
it’s so clear as they that the UFC want
a particular outcome not only Rose’s
Junior was was was supposed to be a loss
for him but this next fight is supposed
to be a loss for him as well but if he
can pull out the bag surely the UFC kind
of have to look at him now as something
that they should promote why were Bo
nickel and Rosa’s Junior put in the game
because they were meant to be the
[ __ ] the next guy the new Star it is
supposed to be this next big thing which
he still very May will be because the
UFC is where the best fighters are so I
don’t blame him for losing but that guy
was bought in to lose and now he’s
fighting another guy who he’s meant to
lose to he will only get respected once
he beats Cameron Simon speaking of of
guys are meant to be beaten is it biased
or is it personal preference to say
Kevin Holland is supposed to be the guy
that’s supposed to be beaten in this
matchup this is jdm’s opportunity to
progress up the rankings because he’s
exciting and clearly a fan favor not to
say Kevin isn’t but he’s already lost
he’s already lost and nobody cares that
means he’s unbeatable even when he does
interesting he doesn’t lose any stock by
losing to JDM that’s in Kevin in the
position where like yeah he can’t lose
but also but again if you’re a
Matchmaker you you don’t always want to
put it’s kind of stupid to always put
your eggs in one basket but if Kevin
does win I don’t think this UFC will be
like oh we didn’t want that to happen
it’ll be like well holy [ __ ] Kevin
you’re moving up now like definitely
you’re gonna get like maybe a top five
guy or something because if they wanted
to give some jack someone that he could
be they wouldn’t have given him Kevin
Holland because Kevin Hart’s a tough
fight they’ve given given him a guy that
can lose but doesn’t lose any stock
that’s literally the best place to be as
a fighter it’s kind of like that Nate
Diaz effect isn’t it it’s just like you
can lose but you don’t really lose news
I mean Kevin Holland could be booked
with the top 10 again in his next fight
even if he does lose that’s it it’s a
it’s actually like even though they’re
kind of two fan favorites for different
reasons Jack’s at the point where he was
supposed to fight Sean Brady didn’t
seemingly struggled a little bit more
than we might have thought he would have
and then so now he’s come back down in
the rankings of who he’s fighting
because now he’s fighting the guy one
above him rather than you know halfway
up the board so it’s actually a way more
traditional step for Jack to take so
yeah I think in this one it kind of
feels if there was chips stacked in
someone’s corner it would be Jacks
rather than rather than Kevin’s I feel
like that’s the story line that we’ve
sort of uncovered so we have uh Chef
shenko versus Grassley coming up this
weekend and something great to do with
the fights to have a little drink
alongside and what’s better than the
official response of the UFC Heller head
there isn’t anything there nothing
exactly so if you want to get your own
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