Strickland's Huge Upset, Adesanya's Next Move, UFC 293 Recap w/ Guest Sayif Saud | UFC Unfiltered


In this episode of UFC Unfiltered, hosts Jim Norton and Matt Serra are joined by guest Sayif Saud to recap UFC 293 and discuss various topics in the world of MMA. They cover a range of fights, including Sean Strickland’s impressive win, Valentina Shevchenko’s upcoming rematch, and Kevin Holland’s potential at welterweight. The conversation also touches on the Maori tradition of the Haka, the cultural significance of the All Blacks rugby team, and the love for jiu-jitsu. Let’s dive into the highlights of this episode.

Sean Strickland’s Victory and Impressive Hands

Sayif Saud starts off the discussion by praising Sean Strickland’s performance in his fight. He mentions that Strickland has underrated hands and believes that he should be spoken about more in the MMA community. Strickland’s ability to manage a fight and his mental game make him a real problem for his opponents. Despite taking some good shots from Wonderboy Thompson, Strickland stayed in the fight and showed great durability. Saud also notes that Strickland fought with a broken hand, which further demonstrates his toughness and resilience.

Valentina Shevchenko vs. Alexa Grasso Rematch

The conversation then shifts to the upcoming rematch between Valentina Shevchenko and Alexa Grasso. Saud believes that Shevchenko will be ready for this fight and will come in with a ton of experience. He mentions that Shevchenko may have underestimated Grasso in their first fight, but he expects her to be better prepared this time. However, Saud also acknowledges that Grasso and her camp have been producing great moments and working hard. He sees the fight as a close one and believes that it could go either way.

Kevin Holland’s Potential at Welterweight

The hosts and guest then discuss Kevin Holland’s potential at welterweight. Matt Serra, who has known Holland for over 10 years, speaks highly of him and considers him a real problem for his opponents. Holland’s mental game, along with his length, cardio, and ground skills, make him a formidable fighter. Serra believes that Holland can contend at 170 pounds and urges people to recognize his talent.

The Love for Jiu-Jitsu

The conversation takes a turn towards the love for jiu-jitsu. Both Serra and Saud express their passion for the sport. Serra mentions that he trains every day and enjoys keeping the blades off. He believes that training in jiu-jitsu is a better way to stay in shape compared to other fitness activities. Saud agrees and mentions that jiu-jitsu is his original love, and he feels lucky to be able to train and work in the MMA world.

Closing Thoughts

As the episode comes to a close, the hosts and guest express their gratitude for the conversation. They appreciate the unpredictability of MMA and how it keeps fans on their toes.

I’ve never been happier people are a podcast
all right welcome to UFC unfiltered uh safe sairu joins us again I’m really happy you come on uh as often as you do
we love having you as as our uh third person especially after a great uh weekend like we just had you guys keep
going you guys keep talking I’m gonna explain what I’m doing in one second but you keep talking I say
did you watch did you watch all the fights or as many as you could yeah I did and uh you know obviously I
thought the the main event was um you know one to talk about I thought that that uh
the kid that fought one now okay uh dos Santos I thought that kid was really tough as well
um I thought he raised this stock quite a bit even though he lost to come in there and fight like that hey short
notice right very short notice yeah and you know no one wants to fight that kid and he’s tough yeah man while
he’s a he’s a tough kid and then you know the kid lost but I mean he was right there and he showed that he was you know if you can fight a guy that’s a
top 10 guy like that uh you know right out the gates I think that says a lot about your future in the UFC you know
now did you see I just give Matt credit to yes sir I don’t want to break I was
gonna give you credit you know what I did what this is what I was just doing right we have to let the audience know
what’s going on here all right I came into this this meeting this is
I came into the show I should say that makes more sense I’m usually it’s just me and you and I
expected unprofessional I expected uh safe Syed in here yeah I
did not expect the great coach safe Syed with a goddamn tank top on so I just did
some push-ups I’m not gonna lie to you I said look at that look at that because I
gotta show them the gun smash show them the gun safe Oh wrong safe
I don’t want to make any he’s been doing a lot of Jitsu he looks good he needs a tan but he he’s my my friend Jimmy he
does some Jiu Jitsu but it’s usually just it’s just me and Jimmy and you look so good I you know to Jimmy if you put
Jimmy in a tank top I guarantee I might look a little bit more veiny but you look very good what are you and I can’t
wait to talk about these fights that we’re talking about Strickland I want to talk about the the the the France kid
who’s yelling crazy in the microphone it was crazy night yep but what are you
doing to stay in shape unless you want to say something else no I mean I just had my birthday and you guys happy
birthday you know happy person you know when you’re when that birthday is around in the corner right you tell yourself
I’m gonna go hard here for a few weeks so that way when I make this turn right I can look in the mirror and go
all right I look pretty good so I’m I’m still riding that wave right now I’m gonna try to keep it going when I uh
when I opened the gym I was in really great shape and as the team continue to grow you know how it is Matt your truck
traveling all the time and then you know your time to work out gets compressed and then your diet and then you’re on
the plane and so trying to get back to the hip mix today for the first time
hitmets for the first time probably all year so I’m I’m honestly this is what I want to do is start to show up because
it’s really going to be fun Jimmy I want to play a little game it’s not a big game it’s a little okay
we don’t me and Jimmy knows each other’s ages so we’re not going to play say I want you to guess our ages and then
we’re gonna guess yours Jenny stop looking at the nodes I already said it I just said it oh did
you say it you probably missed it yeah how about this how old is Jimmy
I know the glasses made me look old I got I gotta take them off sorry now but
you know what Jimmy Jimmy’s looking a little bit more muscular in the neck he’s looking a little bit different his
he looks like he’s getting a little bit stronger so if he’s been training jits that makes sense but Jimmy you know on a
good day Jimmy’s in it I don’t know I would call him I’d say 47 to 49 I mean I think that’s about accurate right yeah
close uh 55 not bad yeah but right now because of that muscularity in the
training he looked 47 to 49 right so I I always tell that aging is is unique
because you can get chronologically older but biologically better and when I when I heard that and I learned that for
the first time it motivated me greatly so you could get older but physically be literally better yourselves your
physiological self so that’s what training does man so good for you you look yeah you look different a little
bit different like it’s because I’m tired and I’m I I trained very uh my mic is very rough uh
and he’s really great and I do love it I understand why people love it so much but I’ve never done anything more exhausting I’ve never I’m more in all of
Fighters than I’ve ever been the fact that somebody does that while someone’s legitimately trying to kicked their ass is crazy to me
but you know what the once you start training jits and this let’s talk about Matt and his gym like there’s nothing
better I think honestly than people that roll just their whole lives until they get in their 60s and 70s and Matt I’m
sure he has some of these guys at his gym cardiovascular the muscular endurance that it takes uh the dynamic you know uh
format of Jiu Jitsu and if you get partners you trust like you know guys that are good that can push you like
that but not get you hurt I mean what’s better than that lifting weights isn’t that Dynamic cardio alone doesn’t have
that same kind of resistance so I think you know Jiu Jitsu I really believe that they man they should make it mandatory
in school they should they should really Propel Jiu Jitsu as part of the physical training I think for kids I mean in Judo
kind of how they used to a little bit back in the day I really think it would be good it’s amazing what it does for people and
I see Jimmy this year is just he’s just if he’s a bird he’s becoming a peacock
because he’s just I do I love it I do love it I see it hey guys first of all
everybody good Underdog Story man I mean I mean every I mean I’m not gonna say
we’re not going to get into the um you know who Purdue you know who predicted well I was actually going to
open the show with that map because but then you told me you’re doing push-ups you did you did uh Matt called it you
said I think it was a fourth round stoppage you you called for and I thought that Izzy would out Point him I
didn’t think uh Sean was gonna get knocked out but I thought out of time you would wind up staying because he has that great range and it’s such great
movement but I did not see Strickland just robotically walking him down for
four out of those five rounds I mean it literally was like watching a cyborg it was crazy how Izzy could just get
nothing started you know I I did the breakdown on it and I talked about Strickland in the Philly
shell and kind of how he locates that Jab from down here and he you know you saw
Izzy with the guard here but he was wrapping it around and then sticking that tube right down the middle and he’ll kind of flick that front kick and
just walk people down and he’s real good at look laterally cutting off the cage and
really what happened was Strickland got in his rhythm early and once he got it once he gets in a rhythm like that he
might lose around in the beginning but he kind of gets the the momentum going and he’s like a bull right like a train
coming down hill that’s kind of what he did he kind of got going he got that knocked down and then after he got the
knockdown he had to kind of watch it and that changed the fight as he could never really get started so I mean there’s Sean Strickland was who Sean Strickland
is which makes the win so much cooler because of kind of who he is in a sport right he did it his way he didn’t
wrestle he said that was the game plan and I said that I said I don’t know man he might I said he’s opportunistic about
wrestling he’s got a black belt but I said I think he wants to do the man dance and that’s exactly what he did I
mean he just he never won takedown attempt incredible
let me be honest here I did predict uh Sean Strickland the wind but in all
honestly honestly I did not predict him to win this way I thought he was going
to utilize his uh grappling anything I mean he did
not and more more power to him dude it’s even more impressive because like you
said he was
to put a stamp on it because we knew he won in that fifth round everybody kind
of knew what was happening to put a stamp on it comes down in a short time how many seconds left and he’s putting
he’s calling him let’s you know just put his hands down he’s cursing out on
me let’s go it just it really that just put the stamp that was that
was I mean and for him to do that and Izzy to have no response yeah absolutely
brutal it’s uh it’s almost worse than it you’re right getting caught you’re right I think the most
I think the most impressive thing Strickland did for me I mean the first round was great he knocked him down he
didn’t get tired and they really lost round two I think the most impressive thing he did was rebounding in round
three he didn’t allow the disappointment of not putting him away he didn’t allow the disappointment because everyone thinks all right otisanya settled in now
round two this is adasanya but for Strickland to come back and do it again
meticulously around three was the most impressive thing that he did uh was the fact not that he knocked him down but
that he didn’t allow round two to ruin that fight for him I think it’s a great Point Jim and you
know when you see it okay here comes out of Sonya 10-9 here we go that’s that’s what we see typically right we’ve seen
him lose before against Pereira we’ve seen him lose rounds so you’re right like he settled in he’s got his rhythm
but no for him to come back and dominate the last three into Matt’s point to be yelling and at him you know like
let’s I’m let’s go what’s up what are you gonna do in his hometown almost you know but here’s what I said I was
saying this to Jake before we got on man you know Izzy’s had a lot of fights you know and uh and that’s it you know I
mean he didn’t look like he had the spark that night I mean just to Matt’s point he was walking back like it whatever man I’m I’m checked out you
know I lost this fight the fight’s over he wasn’t trying to win or go for it in the fifth I mean and uh and he’s just
burned out you know that takes nothing away from Sean Sean executed his way and he hit it perfect it’s a 10 out of 10
for Sean and it you know it’s it’s a loss for Izzy and and it doesn’t diminish what it is he is or what he’s
done it really doesn’t and that I wish people understood fighting and Matt knows this like sometimes
rhyme slow sometimes you’re on quick you know or shot Evans used to say that before sometime sometimes you’re on
point sometimes you’re not sometimes you’re tired sometimes you’re over trained uh no matter what she Strickland won that fight is he you know had a good
camp uh you know is that coaches made no excuses he
wasn’t hurt you know but but why he wasn’t even trying to win in the fifth like why he was just backing up kind of
whatever he had a bad night right like who knows you know just a bad night yeah he had a bad night you want to say
a bad night or maybe but but maybe just maybe first of all that shot that he
landed was like 20 seconds left in the first round that’s right that’s right you know I’m and this is something you
might I’m not sure how many I’m not sure but how many how many beatings you had
because I’ll tell you right now this I had a couple you could be in shape and you could get
and it doesn’t matter the shape you’re in that shape that you’re in might have kept you in the fight your energy bar in a video game from
here to here and all sort of you that’s the same but you’re like why am I like I remember I took certain shots in a fight
and I’m like yo I it might be the lead up to the fight but I think this definitely didn’t help you know what I mean so he might have
stole his soul in that first that shot was as clean of a shot you can get hit with 100 and I know he made it through I
would love to hear the I didn’t I have to hear the interaction I don’t know if he knew what he got hit with but you’re
right about that Matt I mean you’re so right and to your point you know a couple things of this one it’s a
physiological response right um yeah I took a lot of hard shots and and I only
had six fights uh total three three Pro fights but I took some hard shots even those fights and in practice Nate
Marquardt kicked me one time in the head I remember and I don’t even remember the rest of the you know that whole rest of that practice but I remember getting
tired immediately you know that was the beginning of practice so you know to
your point you know this your body is a response right everything alarms and you
get tired right it’s like almost like an adrenaline dump the opposite way right and then maybe he just didn’t have the
energy to move or or try to push but what I would say is that when you look at the video and I talked about this you
know Sean does did what he does he went Philly shell right here he walked him straight in against the fence and as he
did throws up against the fence and put his guard here right and you see Strickland wrap it around you know that
jab come and wrap it around and just kind of get his hands up and when Izzy came to counter to throw that hook like
he did against Whitaker stricken just threw it right behind him just caught him right on the chin you’re right
that’s the one he didn’t even see and the one you don’t see is what the
one that hurts the most so man you’re right Matt I mean no you know as Dana said nobody knows but but uh Izzy you
know was maybe maybe that did sap the life out of him I think you know when I but what I would say is look at the
Gaston fight he got rocked in that fight with the head kick I mean he was he was all up and he came
back in the fifth like a monster so yeah you know I don’t know and look at the second potato fight uh didn’t get rocked
at the end of the first in that in that in that second uh Alex potato fight he got hit really hard uh and was almost
out of it and he came back and he won uh that fight so yeah maybe that was a big part of it maybe that just drained him
or whatever or maybe he underestimated Strickland I don’t know how you would but when you’ve won that many I wondered
these guys like when you win so many and you’re so dominant for so long is it just natural that once you just you’re
just not gonna have it or you’re gonna Overlook somebody or you’re just not gonna be able to do what you normally do
yeah I mean matchups make everything right I mean Strickland Strickland didn’t you know he wasn’t hesitating you
know he got right in his game and once he got going he was coming down hill I mean he he had that lead hand going he
uses that you know front kick kind of like a jab kind of walk guys down and back him up he kept you know coming
inside to that range and jamming Izzy up so Izzy couldn’t really kick him right and when Izzy would kick sometimes he
would grab the leg she likes to do he just kept that four pressure going so Izzy could really ever
set up and then again uh you know as he gets against defense it’s the only time he gets hurt right because it kills his mobility and he can’t have that lateral
movement and we’ve seen that now a couple times and you know I’m sure that his coaches will be on him about not not
backing up towards the cage so just Well Done by Sean Strickland and uh you know
I feel like I feel like you know everybody’s acknowledging that I feel like Izzy’s team acknowledged that and
um there’s nothing to say you know hat’s off to him he’s the champion of the world he won that fight dominantly yes
and that’s it it says clear-cut as that yeah this didn’t he say something in the corner about I can’t get something with
his jab I was kind of in and out of the room in between rounds but I thought he said something about I can’t there’s something about the jack
couldn’t get his distance with with the jab he couldn’t get his timing Izzy likes to grab all the time and kind of get his range yes that 80 inch reach and
he likes to keep people at the end of that range and then he can kick and punch he knows the distance
but Strickland wouldn’t allow that he kept crashing into that range constantly and not allowing Izzy to get his reads
and right and that pressure is eventually what broke Izzy down and made him kind of just back up and he wasn’t
trying to win he was kind of just trying to manage the fight at that point it seemed right so what’s next for Sean Strickland first
of all it’s gonna be entertaining it’s gonna be about as entertaining as when Trump was
President I think him in front of a mic is yeah I’m telling you I’m thinking he’s
getting he’s really he’s a unique guy he’s not afraid to be himself
and you know he’s not gonna plea he’s not going to be playing to the camera a
certain he’s not going to portray himself you know anything different than what he is I I think it’s going to be uh I think
it’s gonna be very interesting to see him in in the media to come but who do who do you think he gets next I mean
what do you think they do do they run it back with I mean Izzy’s been such a dominant besides the and he came back in
the eventual thing with Alex Barrera he’s been such a dominant Champion you know I mean I think I think there’s a
couple ways to do it I think they could put duplicitous against Strickland right next let Izzy rest and then Izzy fights
the winner because he has the storyline with duplicities of duplicities wins and he has a storyline with Strickland if
Strickland wins there’s a storyline with both guys but now you get another fight with these two so and those three now
can fight each other because Strickland has a win over Izzy and duplicitous has you know that that incident that they
had where they were talking all that trash so I I think you’ll see those three and then hums out wherever he fits
in with with the Apollo Costa thing and middleweight just got real interesting um because you’ve got those three and
then you know if humza goes out there and takes Paula Costo down and chokes him out and like he did Kevin Holland I
mean I think that I I don’t know I mean he might just he might get projected all the way up there
because he he’s a guy that pulls numbers right and he’s a guy that people are gonna tune in to see so and that’s
really what it comes down to so I mean man middleweight’s up there I mean Israel Israel said Israel said that he
you know that Paul acosto is a very hard fight he said he made it look easy and if you
think about it Styles make sense fights I mean um I I think that the comms odd fight think
about if you think about Joel Romero even though they were throwing some some sledgehammers yo Romero versus um
uh Costa first Costa yeah sorry um you know he’s not an easy guy to take
down and just control uh he’s a powerful guy so yeah I think that first round is
going to be very telling in that one when is that again when is that fight uh I think it’s Abu Dhabi if I’m not
mistaken so the bottom line is October 24th I think October yes right but the the bottom
line is I think they wait for that fight and to see what happens in that fight and then they can kind of UFC can kind
of pivot multiple ways and and like we were talking about a second ago that if if Izzy needs a break and just needs to
recharge and kind of retool and you know take care of the little injuries that have
added up you know Matt over the years or whatever it is you know then they can do that and enter them and it’s an
Undisputed fight because Izzy’s not the champion and then they could you know parlay either one of those and and then
they could make the loser uh fight Hamza or whatever I mean there’s a middleweight has definitely changed a
lot because if Strickland with a law yes it’s just who okay now can Hamza beat his Eden
now he can’t no that’s it you know well you also have now you have the canadier uh he was a split decision over
Strickland uh so would they run that one back and again Costa Strickland is is a
a great fight like I love the idea of Paulo Costa against uh Sean Strickland and again he lost to adasanya so one
disadvantage to a champion who’s kind of run through the entire division is there’s not as many interesting matchups
but a guy like Strickland they may want to try to get him to fight one maybe two times while out of Sonya rest just to
make a couple of match-ups that otherwise wouldn’t mean anything if Strickland was a champion no I mean that’s a great point that
you’ve brought up Cannon here and I talked about him as well when I did a breakdown and Canon here to me in this
last fight against Marvel Tori looked like a killer I thought he looked so polished I watched that fight and I mean
I I remember just really being like man this guy has really come into his own you know I mean he looks so good I mean
his his footwork he’s so balanced he’s so strong so Chris his range management uh with his power and his Tempo I
thought he was incredible so he’s a hard fight for Strickland I mean he even though he beat him that fight was very
close I feel like he’s getting better and better obviously Strickland is too but Cannon here is is a dangerous guy
for sure yeah go ahead Jimmy no no go ahead bye-bye I was gonna switch subjects if
you have something on that I was gonna say no no no well I was going to say about vocal Alexander vocal yeah
two of us yeah and you gotta you have to light that naked Ezekiel choke
he did it’s reminiscent of uh of uh Olynyk right uh yeah right yeah
uh I wonder how tight it was compared to how tall you’d tired was right well you
you know it’s a hard choke from the top you know that obviously I mean it’s not an easy one to get and you kind of but
he’s got such long arms maybe because he’s so long his Leverage is maybe worse and feels like more death I would assume
probably what is the position can I ask you guys uh of the Ezekiel show because he was on top it was hard to see exactly
what is does that choke look like one the arms
when he’s hugging around your neck like this hey this arm’s underneath your neck Jimmy if I’m on top of you but not
behind you on top of you kind of you guys are amazing if I’m mounted on you right now chest the chest I’m hugging
around your neck like this okay so then my other arm is going to be she’s holding my bicep all right but when I
get my bicep this arm comes through and sometimes they got that like with a fist on your neck so if I’m here I’m hugging
around your neck is your neck my I’m going to go to my bicep when I go to the bicep this arm is the one that snakes on
the other carotid artery if that makes it’s kind of hard think of
it think of it like a front rear primary yeah exactly really resemble your naked
choke yes yeah okay but it’s on the front side yeah and it’s what and Matt but Matt knows this you always want to
turn into the hands right on a choke so when you’re flat on your back and Ezekiel if you can get off center you
can kind of get out of it that’s why it’s hard to finish and that’s why Matt’s kind of laughing if you can get
off center a little bit from the front you can take away that pressure uh from the Carotid artery and then you can kind
of push the half guard but when you’re flat like that and you just let
it come straight back straight down that compression so it’s not easy to get the Ezekiel choke really especially in MMA
yeah I mean that’s why sometimes I think guys like oh yeah that’s good
yeah but you know what sucks I started to see some half of an elbow Escape I go oh
he’s starting to show something and then he just you know you can’t go for one thing stop and go for the other
in other words if I offset your balance with an Oompa if that um trap and roll if that doesn’t work so that Link’s got
to widen at least a little bit for me to find the floor with my legs and get a legged half guard and bring the weight
forward and everything’s gonna kind of it can’t be mechanical so so if I see a guy maybe he learned it but it’s not exp
on a daily basis what I always what I always tell people and you know and Matt
you know this is I say you’ve got to scramble all the way through right you’re a step behind right now okay so if I’m on bottom and you’re on top I’m
already a step behind so I’ve got to scramble two three steps above scramble up I’ve got to scramble all the
way through and to your point you can’t scramble halfway and then stop and then scramble again and stop you’re already a
step behind so yeah I mean look that sucks to see Ty lose like that I thought that was a hard fight but you never know
I mean he you know he usually finds a way to kind of get it going so low cost tough man it’s exhausting with a guy
that big even they see slipping the shots in those elbows he’s so tall and when you’re a man and you’re not gaining
any real estate back where you could just slow it down a little bit it’s just all right enough already so you know
what I mean yeah so it’s like oh I’m almost counted boom boom some shots it’s like oh you see the shoreline right
yeah I just can’t get to it yeah I feel for him you know that’s that’s three
straight wins for vocals now yeah and uh I mean I think oh guys if
no no no I was just gonna say you know we’ll see what happens with Steve and John
and if John retires and then you know uh kind of what happens there at the top you know with uh aspinall and I mean
aspin all really looks like incredible the guys he’s like the new age right because he’s big
you know he’s like 250 or 260 but he’s so fast and athletic he looks like you
know almost like a like a linebacker in football I mean the way that he moves is just different um and so we’ll see what
happens with John and steepe too Tom you know yeah that’s why when
you think about like Cyril gone he looks so every oh look at his
movement and this and that you look great he looked great the other night if you put them with Jon Jones again I
think it’s going to be a replay the same thing all right yeah you know what I mean it’s hard to catch up on the floor man
that takes time that yeah living he should be living on the floor
his stand-up’s not going to get any worse look at him you know you’re running around like oh you’re right heavyweight Frank Yeager but he’s got a
he’s gotta he has to invest the time down there I liked with with his at least athleticism he fought off a single
leg and he showed it he could sprawl but the levels between the two of them is is
scary with the floor that’s why we’re thinking yeah and you’re right aspinel’s good enough too to get Cyril gone down
we saw him double leg andrelowski and just get right on that neck I remember when I saw him do that in the post fight
they said uh you know why did you do that he goes it was just there so I just saw it I mean he drove that double took
him to the fence you remember that just took his back and I mean it was like I was like man I was that was impressed me
and I know Andre is up there but it impressed me how quick he changed levels and how he blast doubled them so you’re
right I mean it’s incredible the talent now in the UFC and just every week we we
we Marvel at how many tough athletes there are now from around the world it’s really incredible every single week the
matchups that these guys are putting on and the fight cards are are unreal
I would love to see him uh fight the winner of Jones uh a steepe you know I
mean if like you said unless Jones I don’t think Jones will retire right away I mean he he missed a lot of time he was
like Ted Williams he missed a lot of prime years for being out for this reason or that reason and those are all
giant paydays he missed I didn’t get a few big ones at heavyweight but but John is so such a smart athlete when
it comes to game planning you know uh he talks about his preparation knowing every single thing an athlete’s going to
do and uh and you know when I was with Jeff and we were getting ready to fight Chef cat uh he was in a pi with us and
he had he had these cards and Brandon Gibson’s my old teammate Greg Jackson my you know was my head coach and cornered
me and I spent you know a few years in Albuquerque and we were I was talking to him and uh
John was like all right I want to go through all these numbers and you know he was like all right this code that code that code and he knew he knew every
single detail and he was kind of leading the dance right he was getting all his partners and telling him you do this you
do this you do this he is meticulous similar to GSP uh with his fight prep
and I think he understands the dangers that these heavyweights pose just coming at him and throwing bombs you know he’s
got a evade every one of those and his legacy is so cemented I just think that
he wanted to get the heavyweight title he takes tipia who’s known as the greatest heavyweight really because he
had the most defenses and then he can say I was the best slight heavyweight and the best heavyweight and I I think that would actually be I think he’ll
tease it again for a while but I don’t I don’t know if he’ll fight any of those young guys not to say that he can’t do it but I just don’t know if you will
Craig Jackson been I feel like we haven’t seen him Greg is uh Greg is an enigma man he he
is he’s Greg is one of one and uh I learned so much from him but you know he doesn’t give a about social media
or what people think or or you know he’s out in New Mexico shooting guns and and just doing his thing and and uh
it was cool with him uh safe is when I talked to him at these uh at the fights I used to see him all the time
and he told me I don’t know how we got to this I don’t know how I found this out but I was asking about it he used to
go look for deserted towns in the desert yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I’m like what yeah I’m like what are you doing what is that about he’s it I would go I would go in his office and he’d
have I think he had a he had a General Grant uh portrait and uh and he had some
other and he would be sitting there reading you know like history and and he he’s a Greg Greg was
was a really awesome leader and a great coach and I think you know I think he gets forgotten about a little bit in the
talk of all-time greats I see a lot of people talking about all this guy’s all-time great that guy’s all-time great I mean you got to think John how many
title defenses was that with John you know uh I mean that right there kind of puts him somewhere and then they had
Holly and you know Carlos won the interim and there’s a lot of stuff that happened out of Jackson so I think that
MMA has got a recency bias you know and people are kind of starting to forget or maybe they haven’t been around as long
as we have to see a guy that was a plus 1300 when the bell the biggest upset ever versus GSP Matt Sarah no no
that’s the biggest subject no Jimmy you know I don’t like that gets brought up no I know plus 1300 plus 1300 Strickland
was I think a plus 800 so oh yeah people were really not giving him a shot huh
you know what I’m gonna double up on I really thought that I I I didn’t think this was out there
like with one of those like when they say when Holly Holmes and I think that’s a good thing I’m not thinking in a bad
way yeah I think when you’re the biggest person ever it’s not it’s I it might it’s probably not even a cobbler at the
end of the day it’s more everybody thought you’re getting your ass kicked I love it but my thing is so much shriveling is
Strickland is a dog man there’s not many fights right here you know he just got outclassed you know
what I mean he’s always been no I mean and and the thing is he didn’t do anything that that he has never not done
right he did exactly what he does he walked down hit hands up got that little
Philly shell flip the kick flip the punch one two down the middle cut off the cage I mean he didn’t
even grapple so yeah it’s funny about that because there’s a clip of like I
think after he got knocked out by Alex Pereira and you see Izzy like kind of mimicking him like like showing the
Philly shell yeah but you know because maybe he was
yeah listen I be it’d be foolish to say that the champion and I know he didn’t take Sean
Strickland lightly but maybe I mean how many guys are giving him that look with that Philly
show how many guys fight literally like that or even are able to stay right in
the thick of the fire because you really have to be willing without for that to work you have to stay in distance of
getting it to roll and come back with your own that’s what’s so cool about it 100 I love it I love it as a shorter guy
why that’s how I knocked down Cairo he went with the right I rolled and came back with the right but I’m not I mean
but to have that confidence to sit there and especially in MMA fight because unlike boxing you have other weapons
that could possess a problem well he he to your point he nullified the reach
right so Izzy with the 80 inches four inches Matt I mean four inches is a shitload Jimmy’s right he know like I’m
sorry sorry Jimmy’s not yet he notified he never he nullified his reach by doing
that by closing the distance lifting that leg up and getting in close and then he could flick the jab and and land
it so yeah man I mean you just got to give the guy credit you know and he said and his post fight was funny he’s like
yeah I’m just gonna yeah I don’t even know if this makes me happy he’s like whatever if he’s like I guess I’m going to the gym on Tuesday
this guy’s busy just doing what he loves and he’s smart I think I think there’s a little genius in that guy that no one
wants to recognize he has really gotten the most out of who he is athletically where his upbringing who what he comes
from look out he’s a champion of the world he’s a millionaire now he’s made money and I think he just kind of keeps
his head down that’s why he had his boots on and his post fight pick he keeps that blue collar mindset like
I’m just going to keep on working show up to work every day and now he’s the world champion champion and I think
there’s a genius there you saw the guy I mean you know he had his girlfriend with him and you know he he there’s another
side to him I think that he you know that’s his own private side that that really though is a lot more calculated
Than People realize because he’s rooted in his work and he doesn’t let any of that change him I don’t you’ll
never see that guy with a ego you know rocking a Rolex okay before I forget I wanted to ask you
guys both because I forgot this the way Strickland lifts his leg doesn’t he lift that doesn’t seem like a very common
thing uh with guys being worried about takedowns isn’t that one something that’s kind of unique to him being every
single time lifting his leg that high we uh if you watch Carlos Diego Ferreira
we did that against Anthony Pettis and we just walked in and lifted the leg the whole time and it was actually Diego came to me and you know was like hey
what do you think and I said I said I think it can work and he and what it did was it nullified that Target so there’s
no target to hit as you walk in right if I keep bouncing my freaking leg up and down and you’re going and trying to
catch the Rhythm to hit my calf well and you can’t do it and then all of a sudden right I throw a kick you lift your leg
and now you’re putting pause on me and you saw Strickland does a lot of grabbing as well right he’ll kind of grab and Paul so it’s just his way of
taking away that Target and kind of advancing forward and I thought it worked really well and then also when you lift High it can kind of block body
kicks too and then the hands are up you know it’s a lot of protection so that defense it just worked out really well
for him but it was like Matt said the courage right no it’s the courage to walk through the fire and uh he walked
through the fire and he cut him off with Alex he was following Alex as Alex circled so he
he was Alex with circle and he would follow Alex with circle he would follow and then Alex set him up with that trap
and when Alex threw the hook you saw Strickland react with his hands out and then he snuck it right around so this
time I think he learned Strickland learned and he you know he kind of he said he didn’t listen to the game plan
so I don’t know where that came from but we’ve just got to give him credit I mean it came from his from his mindset and
his experience because he’s the one that executed it and yeah he’s got great endurance too man because a lot of times
he does trying to put somebody away like that and he did that and again he might have lost that second round but he
wasn’t in there with his hands on his knees he was by the next round he already recovered he’s got phenomenal
endurance I think you know he’s spars so much
that uh I just think it’s just the cardio effect that specific
task that he’s just so used to it that I think he could fight all day long I think all day long
he’s built himself from the gym right I mean I said this too on the show he he everyone there was some talk about him
and how he used to sparring partners and this and that but I think that’s just who he is I think he built himself in
the gym by doing that I mean it’s not complex I mean you know there’s nothing crazy about it he’s not spinning or are
moving crazy he’s kind of walking straight down he’s very efficient so I think to your point Matt that he’s
you know he does he fights every week that’s what he does and and when you when you want to get good at something
what do you do it’s just like jits I mean you don’t get tired you roll for an hour I mean Jimmy knows that don’t you
Jimmy oh I definitely get tuckered out uh in an hour I have to keep stopping
I’m fatter Jimmy look with old you get if you first of all once you get
your blue belt that’s a big deal no it doesn’t matter yeah you are Matt
knows and my Blue Bell on the subject my wife just got her blue belt she’ll shout out ah very nice oh my gosh she got a
blue belt a couple months ago she’s doing great but go ahead blue belt is blue belts of Milestone I mean it’s like
it’s it’s big right I mean then you know if you get a black belt from mad your
partner in crime and the hence the Gracie black belt and a UFC champion that would be badass and it doesn’t
matter how long it takes but you got to make that commitment you know first you say I’m going to Bluebell and once you
make the blue belt you’re already in a solid belt so then you just gotta keep going I’ll be happy just to get a stripe
on my white belt that eventually I’ll get that someday maybe but I mean I never think
of that just because all I want to do is not get my ass kicked in the mall if I
can avoid it like that’s that’s what I’m trying to do you just don’t want to get you know by some obnoxious douchebag I
want to at least be able to make a good showing um you want to at least be able to survive it and I’m better now than I
would have been uh four months ago 100 absolutely that’s that’s right that’s great that’s a great attitude it’s the
truth and having said that Jimmy don’t go out looking for trouble okay no no I don’t I mean I’m more comfortable than I
would have been for say four months ago but not blindly so I mean I’m not idiots you’re not going to be looking to smack
anybody around for their lunch money we talked briefly was that on air or off here when we were talking about manual
Cape versus yes uh that great fight against Los Angeles how much uh short
notice did that kid take that on I mean that was really last minute I think I think two weeks wow but that kid you can
understand he’s he’s 22 years old so we’re gonna see I mean he’s and he doesn’t he didn’t know the meaning of of
losing yeah that was his first time his debut yeah I think it was his debut yeah yeah that
kid yeah he didn’t give a I mean yeah he was not there wow he wasn’t he wasn’t yeah he wasn’t
there to lose man I was impressed by that kid so impressed so I mean and I like the uh
how do you pronounce this first thing I said Manel cop no no he’s got he’s a little he’s a spicy one huh yeah
something he was uh well I mean Jimmy yeah I know you didn’t like his comments
I don’t care guys saying it’s one of those things where it’s what it’s dumb
because of your where you are him and uh I think there’s another fighter too but I’m not I I don’t I think people should
be offended by it it’s just it’s just a dumb tactical move because of where you are but he’s got he’s at the press
conference him and kayak hi cat French yeah hey that ten times
anyway uh and he they were having some back and forth and then when Izzy stood
up he’s even talking Izzy now I don’t know how this guy’s my height is Manuel yeah
it’s harder than you are man is he shorter than me let’s look up how tall he is if he’s not sure to me I’m very
I’m gonna guess if that should be 411. Jimmy I think I think what are you five seven
five eight he’s I think he’s like five six five eights five six five six and five six I’m
ashamed to say I’m five six I’m not ashamed no why would you be you’re a squat little man
I’m also five six wide anyway yeah he’s a he’s a 25er so I mean look oh yeah now
it’s really weird Hey listen here’s what here’s what I think I think that
when I saw that clip and and I mean I don’t know how you feel about it Matt I just like that’s guy’s a fighter you
know like this is why these guys are here Matt’s got it in him I got it in me Jim Jimmy sounds like he’s got
it in him at the mall too he’s gonna knock out the reality is that that like
okay and I hope not but you know Matt he’s by himself he’s not bothering anybody and someone comes up and says
hey sit down hey hey you sit down hey he’s gonna say who the are you you you you sit down you know and I just
think the fighter in him came out just the fighter in him came out I don’t even think he thought about
those are Izzy or anybody he was just like you so I I thought it was organic I thought it was natural and
he’s a fighter man so what do you expect this is what I think now Jimmy because we’ve all seen the Christmas story right
she had a Christmas story yeah pushed down the slide and then he
doesn’t want Legos no he doesn’t want those Legos he wants the Red Rider Red Rider BB gun so this is gonna
be Jimmy but he’s Ralphie now what
yeah so like Jimmy this now he knows Jujitsu they’re going to go to it’s gonna be like that scene but a locker no
he’s gonna put his legs and feet out anyway my point is this Jimmy yes day by
day you’re getting more dangerous yes but with I I mean with vanilla capital I wanted to say this because there was
that thing where he went after yeah kind of Izzy but also Ferguson if you remember had that thing with uh Fabricio
ver Doom during like a press day where they snapped at each other um you know and I think these guys
especially in those moments they also know it’s probably not going to go any further than that and I’m not
questioning his heart but I mean you you know you’re not gonna have to fight the former middleweight champion at the press conference yeah yeah they’re just
two guys drawing at each other I I do think it was organic yeah yeah yeah organic I don’t I don’t think he’s
trying to get like you know a lot of these guys do because they know it’s going to go viral and you can
kind of tell they’re all like that dude he wasn’t doing that because of that I agree he really legitimately he
legitimately didn’t give a and he’s gotten so many fights canceled and you know like I mean
that guy he’s gotten I don’t know four or five fights canceled and I just think he’s just pissed off yeah man and that and you know who doesn’t give a
also is the uh kaikau of France I like what he does that New Zealand thing when he’s like
they have weird yeah they they like dude it sounds like something like out
of the Ewoks and stuff but it’s but then it’s some violence right Jimmy yeah yeah it’s very it’s very
intimidating they call it the hawk the Haka I want Jimmy but it’s tradition hi
Jimmy could you put Jimmy I would pay money to see Jimmy do the haka
that’s a Maori it’s a Maori kind of like a war fight and the new zealanders are
maoris and if you know about the maoris and how great their their history is as Warriors and how tough they are
how how strong they are and and uh and like that goes into the All Blacks team kind of talking about rugby and all the
other stuff so yeah I mean it’s cultural for them and I don’t know I mean look
I’m thinking of Jimmy doing that and then I wonder if anybody ever got booed where they try to do that to intimidate
somebody and Jimmy goes to do it yeah well I’m not a Mallory
you ever see once more Warriors safe that’s a great movie about New Zealand about Mary did you ever see that I have
not I’ll check great film I have not seen it that would Russell Crowe no no I know Tim where Morrison and uh I think
her name was Rayna something I don’t remember her last name I might have been Owens I don’t remember no they’re all
New Zealand actors but it was a an incredible film anyway that hockey that’s scary so those guys I hope they
who got it done was Justin taffa what about it yes I doubt it you get to keep
that back lower back tattoo after that probably don’t piss him off Jimmy he’s a beast yeah
Austin Lane he didn’t know what the he was like touchdown he didn’t know what happened
yeah he’s like put me in coach they’re like no no it’s over listen he didn’t
know what the happened to him and he said Hey Okay that was a big ass left hand though right I think it was a big
ass left hand and I mean you know what’s funny that’s a big dude man that’s a big dude but it is kind of
funny when you see you see guys with their shirt off and they can’t help them they got the little you know they
got tattoos you can’t hide the little like the chunk aren’t fat and this Austin Lane looks like he could have a
rose in his mouth abs and and then you see the big fat it looks like taffa taffa looks like Mark hunt you know yeah
that has that Mark hunt yeah it’s kind of built like that also Augusto Sakai is
built like that a little bit like the guy’s like it almost like fatal is always like that like these guys that are giant uh in incredible shape
heavyweights but they have that extra layer on them it’s just maybe it protects him because it certainly doesn’t seem to affect their ability
no they’re fast they don’t need to go for 25 minutes usually you know the fights are shorter than that so that’s a
different kind of power but it also had a great night was uh Tyson Pedro and I like to have to fight thing with the
whole Samurai thing yeah yeah yeah yeah that looked cool that was legit he hit he hit that he hit that celebration 10
out of 10. I mean the way that he did the theatrics of that the way that he
put the sword away and he bowed and then he went we walked away that made the win not even that much cooler I’m sure all
he was missing was a like a big baggy kimono he looked awesome in that thing yeah you know Jimmy yeah he did that was
that was something else man I wonder how many times he practiced that you know it’s his arrows that was up there with
him that was a great celebration yeah I tend to not like that stuff perfect he
didn’t hit it perfectly I agree I agree with you on that because it’s like okay you beat a guy it was his debut or he’s
like his second fight in UFC like you didn’t win the title anthy’s was beating his rival winning the Undisputed
belt this is a you know but he did hit it perfect Jimmy he did it was pretty
good I mean the the the coordination in that whole thing and then he walked
right away sometimes he’s got to give a guy credit for hitting all I’m weird though I like
I’m sorry Barry Sanders I I like those guys that I
like those guys that walk out kind of simple like I like a Mike Tyson walked out no Fanfare I like those guys that
walk out simple like I never enjoyed jockery doing this like I just it’s just not what I like even Izzy’s walkouts I
don’t care about I love watching him fight but I never like that stuff basically safe my good friend
um Jimmy although he’s a comedian doesn’t like to have fun sometimes that’s very true I am a very unfun
person you don’t like the mixture of your you like to have fun when you have fun but when you have fights it’s such a
serious business idea I just tend to like that more I tend to like it simple like it doesn’t have to be tough like I
have the tough looks don’t mean anything it’s funny when you use like when you first start watching UFC you’ll see a guy you go he looks tough and the
other guy is just completely unintimidated by him and winds up knocking him out like that doesn’t mean anything dude simply get tough
simple yeah tough that’s me I’m simple
that’s why it was two minutes late is I taught just one Healy would show the pressure from cross-eyed getting out
bringing the energy up reclaiming guard and then a little Deep dive on the basic arm lock that’s it first one it’s a gift
how to get to it then when it’s not a gift how to get it and then when he’s giving you a hard time getting it how it
leads to the back I love Jujitsu yeah anyway hey that’s
what I worked on today too Matt this is the great thing about Jim look at this he’s still sweating and
he’s happy as he gets to go to work every day do what he absolutely loves yes MMA and all that shit’s extra yeah
for guys like Matt who love jits and ghee that’s like you’re the luckiest guy
in the world even luckier than the pure MMA guy because the pure MMA guy he falls apart and then that’s it yeah for
a guy like you you’re in love every day your your original love is still there it’s like you’re very it’s true these
days I’ve gone back to it every day it’s again yeah like that’s what you do too bro you wouldn’t live in a very similar
life yeah I just don’t train as much as you because I don’t I mean I even in the ghee I get up man I get hurt all
the time I’m I’m working my way back in two nuts with the with the rolling besides my family literally my wife and
my my daughter uh oh by the way I put I’m posting something today with my daughter she shot something for this Jiu
Jitsu world league of her teaching a move and this and that it’s very nice it’ll be she’s four so it’s pretty cool
I’m gonna I’m gonna put that on my Instagram very cool it just popped into my head but I I train you know I have
certain I don’t just train with the 300 pound guys anymore I kind of I you know I make sure I get proper roles in you
know I just like to keep the blades off because she never you know it’s the way I like to stay in shape I tell people
look you could be at Planet Fitness getting yelled out for dropping weights or you could be here getting more dangerous and getting a workout I agree
you know what I mean Jimmy yeah Jimmy that Prime Fitness they get yelled at
with any kind of yelling you can’t do anything without making a grunt
I was practicing today rolling uh out of turtle like just kind of shoulder
rolling and like uh you know getting out of the way of someone is pulling me he’s really good he’s uh yeah he’s
he’s kind of like it’s not for competition like he’ll tell me hey this will be great for BJJ competition but this is what what like if somebody is
trying to you know is literally punching you in the street this is it’s beautiful man like I’m so happy
you’re training me too thanks Mike’s flying what else do you want to talk about we talked about the main card
what a great fight uh he looked unbelievable great hands that guy has
um so I was happy for him over uh quijones that was a great great fight and he just has really really underrated
hands and you don’t hear him spoken about as much as I think you should no he he had a good run uh he had a
really good run and then I don’t know if he got hurt you know we haven’t seen him but yeah he’s he’s a guy that’s you know
been around for a while and um and a guy that I think you know could be a top 15 guy if he can stay healthy
I was gonna say Jimmy I’m sure you were about to say too that the garage ocean rematches coming up this Saturday
um real let’s end with this thoughts on that fight
I I think that I think that Valentina lives and dies with this with martial
arts I think she’s going to be really ready for this fight I think she’s got a ton of experience I think she got
surprised and a little under you know underestimated Grosso a bit in the first fight I think we’re gonna see the best
version of her uh what I will say is that Grosso that whole camp
I think Diego Lopez comes from that camp um Irene aldana like they’re a small
camp but they’ve really produced some really great moments and I think that they’re working really hard in Grasso is
doing this yes you know so I do think Valentina is a little bit of a favorite in this fight
because of her she will find a way to manage a fight possibly a little bit better but I would not be surprised if
Grasso retains it’s going to be a very close fight to me it’s closer to a pick and fight than it is Valentina being a
big favorite but I can see Valentina still being a favorite from her body of work and what did Greg co-main too Kevin
Holland against Jack Della madalena that’s a great co-main event uh what are
your thoughts on that man Tevin is is I’ve known Kevin for I
don’t know over 10 years because I’ve watched him come up in this circuit here um in Dallas Fort Worth and uh you know
he fought Jeff um in the title fight many years ago and Kevin is is a really really a problem
and I don’t think people understand it because Kevin has got his mindset right when it comes to fighting he’s he knows
how to stay relaxed he’s always in shape he doesn’t gain a bunch of weight you know I mean he can make 70 he can make
85. but he has so much experience in the Octagon he knows how to you know how to really recover and you see him he’s very
hard to hurt I mean Wonder Boy hit him with so many good shots and Kevin just stayed in there and he had a broken hand
the whole time too so I think Kevin’s mental game uh now along with the length
that he has and the cardio and he is also good on the ground um he’s not a wrestler but he can handle
his own on the floor but his stand-up and his mental game is going to be a real problem for Jack and and if Jack
can hit all you know Jack’s going to start fast obviously his last fight wasn’t great he fought a guy on short notice who did awesome but but Kevin is
a real is the real deal I think if he can really contend at 170 pounds and people need to recognize that I think
they do too people love Kevin they know how down he is you know I mean he’s a guy that’s down to throw he’s similar to
Strickland he is who he is yeah say thank you so much always great uh the great safe side he would always always
great to have you on we love talking he could talk to you all day um and I’m sure we’ll talk to you again soon but we always appreciate you taking
the time out of your schedule and coming to hang with us well it’s great to talk to you guys I’m glad we got to talk about the card and
that’s MMA you know you never know what the hell is going to happen and I guess we all got reminded again on Saturday
night yep thank you buddy very much we’ll talk to you again soon thanks
and Matt I guess I will uh is there anything you want to promote I’m just gonna say for myself this Wednesday I’ll
be the Fat Black Pussycat and also uh September 28th I’m coming up to Toronto
Sarah BJJ that’s it dude I’m at my school every day I don’t really get nothing to promote you know besides you
know Peace Love in Jiu Jitsu all right I love it okay okay wait listen one day
change up your day only if you do it on the days we have a podcast I can’t visit one day we don’t want a Friday say can
we switch my lesson to a Friday we train we shower 100 we could definitely do on Friday because
um I I wind up doing I do Monday and Wednesday I do Jiu Jitsu and then Tuesday Thursday Muay Thai so I would
love to do uh a Friday Jiu Jitsu I’d love to well Friday I can come in there
and just and you could just have a session with me I’m not gonna steal you away from Mikey that’ll be great I would
love that I can’t do it this Friday but I would love because I think I’m traveling wait well maybe I can this Friday I might be able to do this Friday
why don’t you let me know I would love to we’ll talk about it maybe we’ll set that up I’ll have my buddy Andrew meet us in here David Chung yeah it’d be
great awesome Jimmy so much fun today uh I’ll see you in a couple days thanks pal talk to you soon goodbye everyone