Ian Garry: Israel Adesanya More ‘Afraid of Losing’ Than Wanting to Win at UFC 293 | The MMA Hour


In a recent interview with Ariel Helwani on The MMA Hour, rising MMA star Ian Garry discussed various topics, including his thoughts on upcoming fights, his friendship with Conor McGregor, his transition to a plant-based diet, and the state of Irish MMA. Garry, who is coming off an impressive win over Neil Magny, shared his insights and excitement for his future in the sport.

Leon Edwards vs. Colby Covington

Garry expressed his admiration for Leon Edwards, describing him as a well-rounded and talented fighter. He believes that Edwards’ skills in striking, grappling, and wrestling make him a formidable opponent. Garry also mentioned that he has had the opportunity to train with Edwards and praised his abilities. When it comes to a potential fight between Edwards and Colby Covington, Garry doesn’t see where Covington would have the advantage. He believes that Edwards’ kicks, movement, and jab will be key in shutting down Covington’s wrestling and securing a victory. Garry predicts that Edwards will dominate the fight and potentially finish Covington.

Friendship with Conor McGregor

Garry shared his surreal experience of meeting and training with Conor McGregor. He reached out to McGregor via DM and was thrilled when McGregor agreed to meet up. Garry described their connection as instant and compared McGregor to his best mate. He praised McGregor for his genuine and real personality, as well as his game-changing impact on the sport. Garry expressed his desire to train with McGregor leading up to his next fight, citing the energy and passion they share.

Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

Garry revealed that he has been following a plant-based diet for the past year, with a focus on being plant-based for the last two years. He made this dietary change to optimize his health, immune system, and overall performance as an MMA fighter. Garry believes that the power of plant-based nutrition is underrated and has personally experienced its benefits in his last three fights. He expressed excitement about his journey and the potential to become a champion while being plant-based.

The State of Irish MMA

When asked about the current state of Irish MMA, Garry emphasized the impact of having one standout fighter. He pointed to Conor McGregor as an example of how one person can fuel the energy and excitement behind a whole nation. Garry sees himself as representing Ireland and carrying the flag for Irish MMA. He encouraged other fighters to enjoy the process, have fun, and put on a show. Garry believes that having multiple fighters win is not necessary to produce a successful event in Dublin, as long as there is one standout fighter like himself.


Ian Garry’s interview with Ariel Helwani provided insights into his thoughts on upcoming fights, his friendship with Conor McGregor, his transition to a plant-based diet, and the state of Irish MMA. Garry’s admiration for Leon Edwards and his confidence in his abilities were evident. His friendship with McGregor was described as “very powerful and very special,” highlighting the impact McGregor has had on the sport. Garry’s transition to a plant-based diet was driven by his desire to optimize his health and performance as an MMA fighter. He believes in the power of plant-based nutrition and its ability to help him reach an elite level. When discussing the state of Irish MMA, Garry emphasized the importance of having one standout fighter to fuel the energy and excitement of the nation. He sees himself as representing Ireland and carrying the flag for Irish MMA.

Overall, Garry’s interview showcased his passion for the sport, his admiration for fellow fighters, and his commitment to his own journey as an athlete. With his recent win over Neil Magny and his positive mindset, Garry is poised for a successful future in MMA.

let’s talk to Ian Machado Gary who’s coming off that big win over Neil magni there he is hello Ian how are you
how are you still it’s great to be back uh man what a crazy weekend great to be back as well and great to talk to you
after Boston I want to get to uh Boston in a moment but uh did you watch Saturday night and if so what did you
make of that result in the main event
probably more than Sean Smith won the fight wow okay this is different than our previous two guests please uh
elaborate I feel like
like afraid to lose more than he wanted to win and that that essentially meant that his
efficiency has our Shop collection was one as Elite as it normally is and again
Sean’s quickly the opportunity for his awkwardness to have success and his constant pressure to have success and
I feel like if you run that fight back there’s no way Shawn sleeping at his hand raised again
that’s my that’s my opinion
got his hand raised and I can never shoot a man for reaching his dream wow
so that is fascinating Insight so you think your takeaway is that was more about what Izzy didn’t do than what Sean
did the truth is Ariel when you watch the fight back what did Sean do that was a
leap but wasn’t it just like he stuck to the basics and he was just really good at what he did
he do this for most of the fight yeah do a job and through [ __ ] all kicks
so there was no restaurant involved there was no kicks involved there was a couple of punches every now and then I’m
just constant pressure I feel like if if isney had a had the output that he
usually does or the the efficiency that he usually built and I can and I can’t knock Sean for having a part of that
awkwardness and that lack of efficiency from Izzy obviously his awkwardness played into the into the the fight but
I just feel like Izzy wasn’t picking the the stuff he normally would and he
wasn’t operating on Falls business and I think if they run that back is he is he dominates and I feel like I know I would
I know for myself there’s no way on Earth that I wouldn’t have gone in there and picked him apart and I know as he’s
praying I see the way it works it’s it’s output it’s a 15 speed and it’s shot
selection and I just feel like whatever it was I think Izzy was afraid of losing
more than he was a will and I want to win as an elite fighter you watch that
you watch one of the the greatest champions in recent UFC history greatest Strikers just not show up how do you
react to that are you afraid that something like that can happen to you no because I’m a very
generation of spider I’ve told you this I’m a competitor more and I’m a fighter aerial I am someone who no matter who
it’s against I will find a way to win because that’s what I’d love to do more than anything I love to get my hand raised and challenges exciting for me so
when I step in that octagon if I for example if I want to go in there and be the best in the world I’ve got to do
whatever it takes to win that fight whether it’s El grapple the best rapper in the world or whether it’s every
strike the best striker in the world the will to want to win is the most important thing for me I don’t care how
it gets done if it’s a sloppy decision if it’s a dominant victory of the viral knockout as long as I get my hand raised
that’s all that matters to me and that’s all that will matter in the legs so you you got your hand raised once
again uh less than a month ago in Boston uh that weekend that week felt like like
a turning point in your career it felt like like this was different now this wasn’t d-rod was a big win the debut MSG
was but this felt different now you’re in a different Stratosphere do you agree absolutely and I’ve earned it I’ve
worked hard to get here I’ve been I look you’ve been on the bandwagon for a long time you understand how good I am and
you understand where I’m going you understand the trajectory I’ve done everything I’ve said I’m gonna do
I’m the second ever wealth away to go 6-9 UFC me and newsman
I’ve just come off a historic scorecard in the 30-24 the last time we’ve seen that was Habib versus Barboza
the levels the names that aren’t that you know you have to talk me in Brackets of it now is stuff that we haven’t seen
I am a new generation of the sport this stuff that I’m doing outside like I
am traveling the world soaking of knowledge I’m learning from the best but I possibly can I’ve hired my strength
and conditioning coach Brandon Gallagher to be full-time with me travel the world with me work only with me and focus on
me and my abilities to get me to be the best athlete I possibly can be and share it to him by the way he’s going for his
uh coach of the year at the MMA Awards and I’m very excited for I’m going to help you do as well and but I’m changing
the game I’m focusing on being the best athlete I possibly can be and all of the work that I have been
working towards is shown in every single flight I get better and better and better who have you seen dominate Neil
magni the way I dominated him 30 24. no I mean it was it was incredible it
was unbelievable it was very very one-sided short notice and it was done with ease that’s the
thing it was doing very little skill today it was just a couple of shots I’ve gone right this is a short notice flight
I’m going to use these shots and I’m going to dominate to find it it was a very smart play it was a very very smart
intelligence site and I absolutely walked them for the whole 15 minutes you know I saw what you did on the
Friday night um like the the the fan meet and greet open workout and it’s great and it’s great to get the people behind you and
emotionally invested in your journey you’re doing a lot of that with your social media as well but I couldn’t help
but think in the back of my mind I know you’re going to scoff at this I was like man if it doesn’t pan out the way he
want like everyone will go back to this and say look what he was doing on the Friday right like you know that right
every they’re always as big as you get there are people that are waiting for you to fall and so does that ever cross
your mind like hey we shouldn’t go too no it doesn’t even the thought doesn’t even cross your mind if an area listed something like I’m
gonna repeat something myself today to someone else if don’t equate my brain
what if it goes wrong what if this happens what if they don’t they don’t calculate an error what about whatever
happened to the attitude of what happens when you go out there and knock them out and you do that
what if everything in the world works out it feels as it should and goes the way I plan
there’s nothing that makes you question yourself you never have a moment where you have a little bit of self-doubt
not when you work as hard as I do not when you’ve got a team that surrounds you that give you open support and
genuinely keep you grounded not when you’ve got a wife who if you step foot
out of line or say the wrong thing they’ll put you right back in your box because she’s the best person for me to be around not when you’ve got teammates
and friends in the in in my little future family that if you’re saying something or doing something that isn’t
isn’t what you said you wanted to do the more you’re doing them I have a very clear goal in my family I want to be one
of the greatest fighters to ever live I also want to be a good father good husband and a good man and if I’m not on
that trajectory if my tongue if I spray our pipe I’ve got a team to pull me back
in and show me show me what I said all I wanted to do but there is never ever any doubt no
doubt my mind because when I operate with faith everything just happens it falls into place I’ve said this before I
say it again I am already blessed I am gifted to be on this Earth and I am just here to receive I have to show enjoy my
life have one because when I’m fighting with one there is no one of the world that could be me what was the reception like and and and
if you can answer this and not include the Conor McGregor uh training session yeah but like you go home after the
Turning Point you’re back home I saw you doing some media outside the three Arena what did it feel like to now come back
as a 6-0 UFC fighter on this run on pay-per-view like all that has now happened and now you come back home what
was that like it was very special to return home and
feel the power of being back on home soil to see friends family people like to
just see people that I’ve never met give me so much respect in the streets and I mean respect there’s enough coming
up and asking for the photos sometimes just literally knows me don’t like it’s an art that that’s it like that’s him
just the reception the the warm welcome the the respect if it makes me so happy and
so fulfilled to go forward and want to achieve more to go back there and give
my country more joy more success and I’m telling you now Ariel Dublin 2024 the UFC are going to return
when I go out and do the stuff that I said I’m going to do I am gonna bring so much joy back to
Irish MMA and so much excitement back into the fan base it’s going to be so
exciting when do you think that card happens I want to find December again this year
so December we why not do a Patty’s Day why not do
it on March you know what I mean do it in March do it on a Patty’s Day weekend go wilderness
2024 first quarter of the year though I reckon it happens okay if it doesn’t
because I want to keep this activity rolling I don’t want to stop I thought three times in five months and I don’t
have any plans on slowing down so for me ideally December let’s go
March again okay December is interesting I had not heard that is that is that a done deal
no and it’s not deal I’ve made it very clear and obvious to the USD and everyone everyone involved what I want I
want December 16th I want the UC pay-per-view in Las Vegas and I want to fight Stephen all the boys
I don’t want it over five rounds because I think about the fans in that situation could you imagine five rounds of Me
versus Wonder Boy to prove to the greatest striker in the world division is that’s a barn burner so I’ve heard you
talk about Wonder Boy that’s been uh over the last few weeks have have you or your management expressed this to the
UFC are they open to it is he open to it I have mentioned it to you so I said it
on them now to figure it out I’m game I’m getting ready I’m preparing for December now why they’re going to take
everything for me not to fight him because everything about that flight is so
exciting right when you look at Wonderboy and you look at his last two opponents he wants to fight Strikers he
wants to bite people that he can go in there and have a camp that he enjoys he doesn’t want to be going in there
against an Usman or Kobe and getting wrestles and putting his backside he doesn’t find that enjoyable and I understand that he wants to go to Kevin
Holland to put on the show he was willing to fight Michelle Pereira at number 15 in the world caught on the
show because you know it’s going to be striking but both of those guys were one ranked and 15 in the world I’m 11 in the
world undefeated and one of the biggest prospects of sport I’ve ever seen
to go in there and put on a show and the fans for over five rounds area are just
the most beautiful technical striking you’ve ever seen other than that I’ll finish one a boy on
the fourth and fifth round I’m not going to do it early I’ll do it later but I will have so much fun
waking up every morning being excited for that camp being excited for Wonder Boy I get to play Wonder Boy in Vegas on
a pay-per-view that’s a dream for me that’s a point that I’m excited for and I believe it’s gonna happen and and by
the way like whatever your desire maybe I mean you just talked about it from like a technical standpoint is there any sort of personal issue between you and
Wonder Boy or is it strictly that you want to match yourself it’s quite the opposite area
with these friends with my wife he sends to my family he’s friends when he he knows so um my wife and him work
together on Karate combat but Madam I talked to him I’ve trained him he’s really really lovely he’s such a nice
guy it’s out of No Malice no beef it’s only out of respect
he is arguing When you mention the greatest Strikers the floor has ever seen
he has to be in that argument there’s no question about that and for me to want to be one of the
greatest Strikers I have to beat guys of that status for me to have that I need to be a
Wonder Boy to be one of the best one of the best drivers the OCS I’ve ever seen I have to go out and do that that’s what
excites me is the challenge of gonna then proven to work just how good I am because I already know
how to let them actually do it and that’s fun that’s exciting that’s me that will
they will wake me up in the morning area what if he says thanks but no thanks what if the UFC says we can’t make this
happen how will you know go in there it be a boring fight no listen it’s in
wonderboy’s best interest the flight made as well as it is my best interest to fight him and that’s the that’s God’s
honest truth because anyone else in the vision they’re going to Grapple and take him down and put my desires and it’s going to be a terrible fight to watch I
as a finalist Lord have no interest in watching him on his backside against Usman
do you no no this is a much more uh fan friendly man
if in if in the reality of this we’re in an entertainment
you want to put bombs in the seat to feedback pay-per-view you put me on
the way I’m okay that’s it that would be the best fight that I
could I could have right now and the most enjoyable fight I can have by now and the ones that the fans would enjoy
the most how many takedown attempts you think in that fight absolutely [ __ ] not
the only thing the only thing I put one of those
a couple of times like living with magnet there’s going to be no take down payments none that doesn’t mean wrong
did I mean my Christ trying to stop Flying my jump on something for the crack just to scare me a little bit
keeping a box but no take on attempts no whatsoever have you you don’t get you
don’t get this guy for being the best the test driver in the division by going out there and taking them down
who’s the opponent let’s say in March St Patty’s weekend Ireland who’s the dream opponent
Oracle uh I would love to Tonk them out of here
oh my God at home the only thing that annoys me about that is I I have more fun doing that in Miami
why in his background walk into Miami slap them out of him in front of all of
his fans I would have I and I have no problem playing the heel I have no problem going
out there I’m being the bad guy for a weekend because at the end of the day when I pointed unconscious I’m gonna have a smile on my face okay
so I feel like Dublin I even feel like March as possible I feel like that one is far-fetched if only because his next
fight is probably December or January I think it might be December I think it might be that December 16th card by the
way against Leon sure you know he’s not turning around
he’s not turning around three months later I mean the guy fights once every two years that is true that is true and
I look you asked me what my dream opponent was that would be the dream opponent in
Ireland to go in there and absolutely starch him that’d be unbelievable does he beat Leon
no no but I look I’ve obviously never trained with a Kobe I’ve only seen his
fights and the biggest thing that Kobe has ever done and I said this before and I’ll say it again he’s lost the Camaro
Usman twice that’s the biggest thing called becoming has ever done Leon’s gone out there and
knocked out and dominated a fight against Usman I also think that Usman is
a tougher Matthew when it comes to Leon and Kobe I think Leon is so well-rounded
so talented on the feet so talented his grappling and his
wrestling is so clean I’ve had the pleasure to find him and I will have the
pleasure training very very soon again he’s so good everywhere and he’s so so
good and I just don’t see where where Kobe beats him
uh by the way will you be training with him in Florida
uh and neon oh who are you talking about saying you’ll have the pleasure of uh
the only time I ever want to see Toby going there is when I walk into that octagon and I watched him and I’m like
yeah here we go let me do something I’ve been dreaming on for a couple of years slap them out of that mouthy little film
trust me I will crack that man so many times and I broke him and I will dominate him in
ways that we’ve not seen by the way I understand what you’re saying about like you know uh usan beaten twiceman but we
just saw on Saturday right you know Strickland beats Izzy Strickland loses to Pereira
Strickland loses the canonier cannonir loses to it doesn’t always work out that way right
so it never will fail all the time but it’s just like when we see well let me see
Colby coming in style Colby Covington doesn’t hit hard with the hand we’ve never seen him Blossom
with a knockout no it’s it’s outwards consistency
and then another paper and then pressure and the tape them Usman has that one
punch power he has that weird methodical approach where you’ve got to respect it he does that faint for the legs that you
have to give respect to because if you don’t he’s going to grab a hold of him and he will take you down and he will stick to you
I feel like Leon’s kicks Leon’s movement and his jab is gonna be down
it’s going to shoot him down and it’s just going to make it an awkward night for Kobe and I think Kobe’s wrestling is
very training that’s going to be and the way he fights the hands is it it shuts down and I think Leon
will just separate go back to the seat and just bash cover me for the whole 25 25 minutes if you need instance how did
the link up with Conor McGregor come about uh at the end I sent him a DM I send him
a DM and all the magic happened after and you know what it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life
you say you DM you say like you want to go Spar or do you just want to meet like how does how do you go from DM to
sparring I don’t need I’m not gonna sit here and talk about all the things you talk about
priority but I I said we should let go and he ended
up saying I’ll see you at the gym I was like all right cool let’s go that’s how it’s important and that was how it came about and
honestly it was it was one of the most career experiences because obviously being a fan and being
emotionally invested in everything that man did and then getting to have the ability to
stand train with the guy talk to the guy go have dinner with the guy afterwards
and do it like in a way where it’s like honestly we met up three times and I feel like
he’s my best mate now I’ve never met someone so like me in my life honestly it’s not the biggest takeaway for me and
Connor is the fact that I have a friendship now that I believe is very powerful and very special for someone
who I can look up to and learn from someone who’s done it all in the sport
someone who’s had all the highs all the knows all the the biggest things in the sport all I have his names attached to
him and he’s he’s the one who’s changed the game more than anybody so to be able to have that friendship and
it’s so powerful it’s so special and I’m so great uh will you train with him for your next fight
Ariel I joked about him with the team if I
trained with Connor leading up to my next fight the amount the [ __ ] that I
would say I press conference because the energy that me and him had the Bulls that we had together honestly it was
like we’ve been friends for 20 years it was just infant instant book and
friendship instant connection a good laugh and he’s just the most genuine real person I’ve seen in a long
time who like he just said it as it is doing what he does what he wants and doesn’t give a [ __ ] and that’s exactly
how I am and I love it and he’s doing everything in the sport and he still maintained that attitude I love her
um and I would love to train him for this Camp I would love to have that energy leading up to a fight because if
one it’s a passion it’s an excitement and it was a conversation that we had if you are not enjoying what you were doing
if you’re not enjoying the training every single day if you’re not excited to get up out of bed and look forward to the challenges that life has thrown at
you and why the [ __ ] are you doing this go do something else because there’s a lot of other things we can do in life
well Batman the energy that he brings to me he did I bring to him the fun that we could have leading up to a fight
in a heartbeat I would travel the world to spend a week but I might need them to avoid was was that like the most amount
of time and I know like the the famous picture at the um what’s the name of the shoot sub the shirt yeah yeah uh I know
that I know you guys like met back but like was that the most amount of time you spent together
for five minutes in the future if I talked
to Pink I talked about it I talked about getting a photo a chat about a new tattoo and I chat to him about how I’d
love to get into anime one day that was a five-minute conversation nine years ago right
I got this get down and have dinner with the guy
that he shared photos of we then met up the next day he did mma’s phone I was there today he got his black belt so I
mean I got to meet up with the guy in three separate occasions answered them have a meal that they’re going afterwards
honestly it was just such an amazing experience such an
amazing energy and I’ve spoken look I love the guys 10 times more like than I already did because there was energy and
everything that he brings and he’s a smart man we had dinner on the black Forge did you have the steak on the stone did
you have the steak on the stone uh
it looked good they enjoyed it and that’s what matters but I tell you what after was that place the black
foreigners the boys and to be able to be there with the man himself and and the whole family like we brought a little
baby Leo Baby Leo fell asleep on the bean bag we all chatting about like business about [ __ ] pleasure work
everything we talked about so much and it was just an amazing experience and I’m very very grateful to be able to be
in that position by the way have you always been a vegan
a year now a year oh wow and and I made that move towards being
plant-based about two years ago I made it I didn’t want to do it straight away and put my body through a lot of stuff so yeah for the last two years I’ve been
focusing on being plant-based um and the reasons the reason
Health immune immune system to give my body the absolute best chance of being
the best competitor that I possibly can be to give my buddy the best chance to of dealing with stress during white cuts
to deal them with what everything that the flight game brings and I have proven
in the last three fights that it’s working and I’m excited to become a champion I’m based I’m excited to become
a double tap like you said it is I’m excited for it and it’s it’s a move
that I’m very very blessed to have the knowledge about because the thing is it’s growing up I didn’t know the knowledge
behind being plant-based being vegan I didn’t have this I didn’t have this understanding I grew up on chicken and
chips and I grew up on steak and potatoes that was it a pizza in the oven now I’ve had the ability to travel the
world and understand different countries different cultures different foods taste and understand the way the world works
and my palette has definitely changed my understanding for
what food can do for your body and how it can help you reach an elite level is
massively underrated in the world so I’m excited to take on my own Journey improve the world just how powerful plant-based is before I let you go I’m
just curious um it’s been it’s been like a mixed bag as far as Irish MMA is concerned because on the one hand there’s an influx of new
Talent right but on the other hand there’s only one person winning and unfortunately because again this week
this weekend uh Kiefer Crosby lost in his debut and uh the weekend before we
had two losses and you know a lot of these are tough matchups some of them are short notice but but in the end
they’re not producing wins what is your take on the current state of Irish MMA and in particular in the UFC
I said this a while ago and I’ll say it again as long as Irish MMA has made
Irish anime is Boom it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing in the world there was only one comment
and look what he did look at the book and Chaos that he calls it only takes one person
to fuel the energy behind a whole nation to get that excitement we don’t need 12.
we don’t need 20. we just need one an aerial you said it yourself I think it
was um do you want to repeat it yourself Ian Gary is the
as long as I’m representing Ireland as long as I step in that hospital we’ve got someone flying the tricolor
and we’ve got someone doing it for is most I am carrying that flag
and I am doing the happy listening all I need and all over all they ask are the guys that are coming behind me is just
go out there and enjoy the process all they do all the heavy lifting I’ll get them back to Dublin I’ll break into the
top ten or become a world champion just put on a film have fun and do what you’re doing because this is a very
special life that we get to live
but you need a couple of them to win as well in order to produce that uh that
Dublin card no no we don’t need any movements we have in the area and I mean that I mean if
you put me in Colby Covington as a main event in Dublin Ireland you set it out
on that flight alone you don’t need any other co-main prelims earning prelims you don’t need anything else that would
sell it out alone having other garbage guys to be active in that and show the
skills that about yourself hey great cool that’s a benefit but the end of the day we only need one person playing the
flag for it to work and we’ve got we’ve seen that in the history uh look at coming
that’s all that matters by the way we need a uh we need an Ian Gary and uh Evan Ferguson link up do you
know Evan Ferguson I don’t know who’s having first Evan Ferguson is an incredible footballer he
is 18 years old he just had a hat trick two weekends ago he plays for Brighton he is the next big thing they’re saying
he’s the 100 million dollar man he is unbelievable do you know what you’re talking about yeah I do I know here I
don’t know him enough but I’ve seen him he’s on he is the next great Irish football and he’s 18. I believe one of
the youngest in premier league history to have a hat-trick in one game obviously and so I feel like you guys are the uh you know the the next great
Irish uh athletes anybody who’s having success in any
sport I would always always find interest in meeting up and talking about mindset about everything because it’s so
important and football of all things like to the Americans that are watching
soccer is huge to an extent that people do not understand it is the biggest
world and it is just the amount of publicity and attention that comes with that as an 18 year old get a hat trick
in the Premier League my God I wish that kid got more best but I know I do not hear talking about yes I’ve not watched
them enough but I wish them all the success in the world dare I say a hat trick in the Premier League sort of like a 30 to 24 against someone like Neil
let me get ready I’m over in there and I’m promising you now market now with
Ariel as history the first time I started on camera to anyone trip away world champion
Jesus all right we’ll see next up yeah yeah that that’s right that’s for
my guy PT Carroll he taught me all the lingo uh much love to you Ian uh well done congrats on the win uh last month
looking forward to seeing you hopefully in December against Wonderboy and then of course uh first quarter of next year
in Dublin appreciate the time as always my friend thank you so much as always and as always you are the best at this cheers
thank you for that Ian there he is Ian Machado Gary coming off that incredible win over one uh Neil magni thanks for
watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get
many more of these videos on the channel so please do that we would love you
forever if you did so